Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alexandre"" "subject:"allexandre""
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Cobiçando o Amazonas: erudição histórica e diplomacia na questão de limites entre Brasil e França no Segundo Reinado (1858-1863) / Coveting the Amazon: historical scholarship and diplomacy on the question of boundaries between Brazil and France in the Second Empire (1858-1863)Santos, Pedro Afonso Cristovão dos 24 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a disputa entre Brasil e França sobre a exata delimitação da fronteira entre o Império brasileiro e a Guiana Francesa no Segundo Reinado. Esta querela, só resolvida na República, transformou-se a partir da década de 1840 numa questão de erudição histórico-geográfica, a partir da concordância entre as partes de que a definição da fronteira dependia da correta interpretação do tratado diplomático que a havia estipulado, o Tratado de Utrecht de 1713. O fim de uma rodada de negociações entre os governos, em 1856, transferiu a questão para a esfera pública, tornando-a objeto de publicações em periódicos, obras de história, e debates em sociedades letradas. No Brasil, no final da década de 1850, início da de 1860, duas respostas à questão foram tentadas, as de Joaquim Caetano da Silva (1810-1873) e Alexandre José de Melo Morais (1816-1882): enquanto o primeiro teve seu trabalho considerado modelo de erudição, o segundo foi visto apenas como um compilador, e sua obra entendida como fonte para outros estudiosos. Esta questão, enquanto debate erudito, revela muito sobre os procedimentos metodológicos que a historiografia oitocentista brasileira conhecia, e as diferenças entre as respostas dos dois autores citados iluminam a variedade de possibilidades de escrita da história naquele contexto / This work studies the dispute between Brazil and France regarding the delimitation of the exact frontier of the Brazilian empire with the French Guiana during the reign of D. Pedro II. This contend, only solved in Brazil\'s Republican period, became in the beginning of the 1840\'s a question of historical and geographical erudition, since both parties agreed that the definition of the frontier depended upon the correct interpretation of the diplomatic treaty that had stipulated the limits, the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713. The end of a round of negotiations between both countries, in 1856, transferred the dispute to the public sphere, making it an object of publications in periodicals, historical works, and of debates in literary societies. In Brazil, at the end of the 1850\'s, beginning of the 1860\'s, two answers to the problem were proposed, one by Joaquim Caetano da Silva (1810-1873), the other by Alexandre José de Melo Morais (1816-1882): while the work of the former was regarded as a model of erudition, the latter was seen as a compiler, and his work as only a source for others. This question, as an erudite debate, shows a lot about the methodological procedures known by the Brazilian historiography of the 1800\'s, and the differences between the two authors mentioned illuminate the variety of possibilities of historical writing in that context
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O nacional e o popular na música de Alexandre Levy: bases de um projeto de modernidade / O nacional e o popular na música de Alexandre Levy: bases de um projeto de modernidadeTuma, Said 28 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho procura oferecer uma nova narrativa biográfica para o compositor de São Paulo e crítico musical do Correio Paulistano Alexandre Levy (1864-1892). Procurou-se assim atenuar a imagem construída para o compositor pelas obras tradicionais da historiografia musical brasileira, que são marcadas fortemente por uma perspectiva nacionalista. Assumiuse como pressuposto do trabalho uma clara explicitação metodológica e axiológica. Enquanto método, recorreu-se à interdisciplinaridade como recurso importante para a solução dos impasses e ambigüidades que se apresentaram. Essa tarefa foi alcançada através da aproximação concreta com a história cultural através de seus temas e reflexões. Utilizou-se como fontes primárias um conjunto de 17 artigos de Levy, assinados sob pseudônimo de Figarote. Entre as outras fontes, destacam-se ainda obras da historiografia da cultura e musicológicas. Este trabalho apresenta como resultado uma imagem de certo modo nova para Alexandre Levy. Constatou-se a modernidade do compositor, não reconhecível em trabalhos anteriores. Pode-se verificar a proximidade de Levy com os demais intelectuais da belle époque brasileira, período de engajamento intelectual, de preocupações modernizadoras, de interesse pelo instrumental cientificista, e também de perspectiva naturalista. / The purpose of this dissertation is to offer a new biographical narrative for the São Paulo composer and musical critic of Correio Paulistano Alexandre Levy (1864-1892). Therefore, one attempted to attenuate the image created for the composer by the traditional works of the Brazilian musical historiography, which are strongly noticeable by a nationalist perspective. It was assumed as a premise of the paper a clear methodological and axiological explicitness. In terms of method, one resorted to interdisciplinarity as an important resource for the solution of the deadlocks and ambiguities presented. This task was reached through the concrete approximation with cultural history through its subjects and reflections. One used as primary sources an ensemble of 17 articles by Levy, signed under the pseudonym of Figarote. In addition, works of the historiography of culture and musicology were employed as sources. This paper is presented as the result of an image, in a certain way, new to Alexandre Levy. It corroborates the modernity of the composer, not identifiable in previous papers. One may conclude on Levys proximity with the other intellectuals of the Brazilian belle époque, a period of intellectual involvement, modernizing concerns, interest for the scientific instrumental and also naturalist perspective.
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Louis de Broglie et la diffusion de la mécanique quantique en France (1925-1960) / Louis de Broglie and the diffusion of quantum mechanics in France (1925-1960)Vila-Valls, Adrien 14 November 2012 (has links)
Unique français parmi les fondateurs de la mécanique quantique, Louis de Broglie est une figuremajeure de l’histoire de la physique française du XXème siècle. Il devient grâce à son prix Nobel dephysique en 1929 le personnage central de la physique théorique française. Dans les récits usuelsportant sur la physique française du XXème siècle, la mécanique quantique est décrite comme s’étanttrès lentement diffusée en France, et il est souvent admis que peu de physiciens de ce pays l’utilisèrentavant la fin de la seconde guerre. De Broglie est souvent désigné comme le grand responsable de cetétat de fait et est dépeint comme un représentant type d’une pratique de physique théorique obsolète.De plus, son rôle institutionnel et sa responsabilité dans l’isolationnisme français sont dénoncés.Le but de ce travail est, premièrement, d’éclairer les modalités de la diffusion de la mécaniquequantique en France et le rôle de Louis de Broglie dans ce processus. Ce faisant, mon propos apporterade fortes nuances aux habituels récits portant sur cet aspect de l’histoire de la physique française duXXème siècle. Deuxièmement, je montrerai que l’essor de domaines tels que la physique des particules,la physique du solide et la physique nucléaire après la seconde guerre mondiale introduit unchangement dans les pratiques des jeunes théoriciens par rapport aux pratiques qui régnaient autour deLouis de Broglie. Je serai alors en mesure d’expliquer pourquoi l’héritage de Louis de Broglie au seinde la physique française de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle est si peu revendiqué, tout en évitant detomber dans le piège des jugements rétrospectifs et péjoratifs. / As the only Frenchman among the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, Louis de Broglie has agreat importance in the XXth French physics. With the prestige from the Nobel Prize in 1929, deBroglie became the main characters of the French theoretical physics community since the 30’s andgreat responsibilities on its evolution were entrusted to him. In the usually story of the XXth Frenchphysics, quantum mechanics, which is the core of theoretical physics since 1925, is said to have spreadslowly in France and French theorists who really used it were few before WWII. This story goes on,saying that de Broglie was the principal guilty of this state of fact. In this story, the discoverer ofwave-particle duality of matters becomes a representative of old-fashioned theorists who practice anaive kind of picture-based physics. Furthermore, his institutional action and his responsibility in theisolation of French physics are stigmatized.The aim of this work is, firstly, to throw light on the modality of the diffusion of quantummechanics in France and the role of de Broglie in this process, both on the intellectual and theinstitutional side. Secondly, it will be shown that progress in the area of particle physics, solid statephysics and nuclear physics after WWII introduce a shift in the practice of many young theoristsrelative to the way of practice theoretical physical inside de Broglie’s group. We will thus be able tounderstand why the legacy of Louis de Broglie is not claimed in contemporary French theoreticalphysics without falling into the trap of a retrospective and pejorative assessment of the career of themost famous French theorist of the XXth century.
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Alexandre Ribot et la République modérée : formation et ascension d'un homme politique libéral (1858-1895) / Alexandre Ribot and the moderate Republic : the development and ascent of a liberal politician (1858-1895)Badier, Walter 12 December 2015 (has links)
En dépit d’un très impressionnant curriculum vitae (parlementaire pendant plus de quarante-quatre ans, onze fois ministre et cinq fois président du Conseil), force est de reconnaître qu’Alexandre Ribot (1842-1923) a peu retenu l’attention des historiens et quasiment disparu de la mémoire collective. Ce constat interroge d’autant plus que les sources le concernant sont particulièrement abondantes, avec notamment un très riche ensemble d’archives privées. Si notre investigation n’embrasse qu’une tranche de la longue carrière d’Alexandre Ribot (1858-1895), elle ambitionne en revanche de dépasser le strict cadre biographique pour aborder les structures politiques des débuts de la Troisième République et d’en dégager les dynamiques, inscrites dans différentes temporalités.En se structurant autour de la formation et de l’ascension politique d’Alexandre Ribot, notre recherche vise à analyser sa trajectoire en l’inscrivant dans le contexte de l’ancrage du modèle républicain français, apportant ainsi une contribution à différents chantiers historiographiques en cours concernant le « monde de la Troisième République » (G. et S. Berstein) tels que le fonctionnement du « parlementarisme absolu » (Carré de Malberg), la professionnalisation du personnel politique, ou encore l’influence du libéralisme et des libéraux dans l’installation du régime. / Despite a very impressive curriculum vitae (a parliamentarian for more than forty-four years, eleven times a minister and five times the president of the Council), one cannot but recognize that Alexandre Ribot (1842-1923) has received little attention from historians and has almost disappeared from collective memory. This raises questions, especially given the fact that the sources related to him, including a very rich set of private records, are quite abundant. Though our inquiry only covers a certain phase of Alexandre Ribot’s long career (1858-1895), it however aims at going beyond the strict biographical framework to tackle the political structures of the early Third Republic so as to identify their dynamics, embedded within different timeframes.By focusing on Alexandre Ribot’s building up as a politician and on his rise to power, this research aims at analysing his career-path while integrating it within the context of the establishment of the French Republican model. It thus makes a contribution to different ongoing historiographical initiatives regarding the “world of the Third Republic” (G. and S. Berstein), such as the working of “absolute parliamentarianism” (Carré de Malberg), the professionalization of political staff or the influence of liberalism and of the Liberals in the setting up of the regime.
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Le peintre brésilien Rodolpho Amoêdo (1857-1941) et l'expérience de la peinture française : académisme ou innovation ? / Brazilian painter Rodolpho Amoêdo (1857-1941) and his experience with French painting : academism or innovation ?Braz-Botelho, Marilia 28 March 2015 (has links)
Analyse du parcours et de la production du peintre brésilien Rodolpho Amoêdo (1857-1941), pensionnaire de l’Académie Impériale (brésilienne) des Beaux-Arts à Paris, entre les années 1879 et 1887. Au contact avec l’art français contemporain, mais aussi celui du XVIIIème siècle, Amoêdo va d’abord subir l’influence de certains peintres français, comme Gustave Boulanger et Alexandre Cabanel, ses premiers maîtres. Mais vers la fin de son séjour parisien, il passe à s’intéresser à l’art de Puvis de Chavannes. Ses toiles deviennent alors plus claires et se rapprochent maintes fois d’un style pré-symboliste. De retour au Brésil en 1888, il s’intéresse à la littérature de son temps et il participe à divers cercles formés par de célèbres hommes de lettres à Rio de Janeiro. Sa peinture toujours académique dans la facture et romantique dans son contexte va évoluer vers un style réaliste plus intimiste et psychologique. Souvent la femme actuelle prenait une œuvre place importante dans ses représentations. Dans ce sens, il devient très à l’écoute de l’art de James Tissot. Toutefois, ses œuvres imprégnées de théâtralité font preuve d’originalité : tant au niveau de la composition comme de la mise-en-scène des personnages. Sa science des techniques de peinture et les idées positivistes ont aussi joué un rôle dans sa conception de l’art. Commentaires et critiques sur les œuvres présentées par l’artiste lors des Salons parisiens, des expositions brésiliennes et internationales. Comme enseignant dévoué à l’école des Beaux-Arts de Rio de Janeiro, il a collaboré directement au développement de l’art au Brésil, en particulier dans la période de transition entre l’art académique du XIXème et l’art moderne du XXème siècle. / Analysis of Brazilian painter Rodolpho Amoêdo’s (1857-1941) career path and works who earned a grant from Brazilian Imperial Academy of Fine Arts to stay in Paris between 1879 and 1887. Exposure to French contemporary art but also to that of the XVIIIth century, at the beginning, Amoêdo is influenced by French painters like Gustave Boulanger and Alexandre Cabanel, his first professors. At the end of his Paris stay, he gets closer to Puvis de Chavannes. His paintings become lighter, in a pre-symbolist style. Back to Brazil, in 1888, he is fond of literature and takes part to several societies founded by famous writers in Rio de Janeiro. His paintings, academic in their style but romantic in their environment, become more realistic and include greater personal and psychological dimensions. Occurrences of modern ladies in his works are more frequent : his works are closer to James Tissot’s ones. However, they encompass theatrical aspects which make them unique at the general organization level as well as at the direction of characters. His views about art were also founded on his deep knowledge of painting techniques and on positivism. Comments and critical analysis of works presented by the artist at exhibitions in Paris or at local or international exhibitions in Brazil. As a devoted professor at Rio de Janeiro School of Fine Arts, he worked directly for developing art in Brazil, especially during the transition period between XIXth century academic art and XXth century modern art.
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Educados nas letras e guardados nos bons costumes: os pueris na prédica do Padre Alexandre de Gusmão S.J. (séculos XVII e XVIII).Souza, Lais Viena de January 2008 (has links)
210f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-22T17:26:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / No ano de 1685 foi publicado o tratado Arte de crear bem os filhos na idade da Puericia de autoria do padre Alexandre de Gusmão (1629 † 1724), membro da Companhia de Jesus na Província do Brasil. Em 1686, por iniciativa do jesuíta, foi principiada a fundação do Seminário de Belém no Recôncavo da Capitania da Bahia, dedicado à educação de meninos nas “letras e bons costumes”. Este estudo tem por tema central o que subjaz a estas “obras” – as prescrições quanto às práticas educativas para as infâncias. A partir da prédica do padre sobre a importância da educação, e das recomendações para o “bem criar”, assim como do projeto pedagógico encerrado no Seminário de Belém, buscamos compor capítulos de uma História das Infâncias no mundo luso-brasileiro de fins do século XVII e princípios do século XVIII. / Salvador
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Educação jesuítica; século XVII: Alexandre de Gusmão e o Seminário de Belém da CachoeiraOliveira, Fábio Falcão 16 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-16 / The present PHD thesis is intended to understand the formal aspects of colonial society. In this sense, Alexandre of Gusmão appears in this survey as a man whose ability to pedagogical application manifested in the founding of the Seminary of the Belém of Cachoeira. But for he found the Seminar there was an influence, an inspiration that led to this project. Starting from the Council of Trent and understanding as Alexandre of Gusmão sought the Founder of the Society of Jesus (Ignasio of Loyola) and jesuit intellectual enthusiasm for the project, unveils a tangle of strands, which enables the analysis not only of Alexandre of Gusmão, but of all the colonial context. Thus, we understand that Alexandre of Gusmão is a product of the educational constitution that has occurred in Brazilian lands; history of pedagogy that firm by the numbers of colleges founded by the jesuits relation with the metropolis. As the jesuits cultivated Luso-European Culture, by way of rationalizing the world, how come a pedagogical possibilities of application in the documents guided the Society of Jesus. Anyway, not only the intellectuals of the Society of Jesus, but the documents, the Ratio Studiorum and the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, inspired Alexandre of Gusmão which adopts and creates, along with Manuel Correia As Regras do Seminário de Belém da Cachoeira forming the basis of a statute that would be applied by Alexandre of Gusmão to educate boys in Brasílica Colony. His whole way of seeing the school world, the rules for students, teacher, functionary, hours of visits, vacations and recreation, religious ritual, masses, reflection, etc, lead to practice good manners. / A presente tese tem por finalidade compreender os aspectos formais da sociedade colonial. Nesse sentido, Alexandre de Gusmão aparece nesta pesquisa como um homem cuja possibilidade de aplicação pedagógica se manifestou na fundação do Seminário de Belém da Cachoeira. Mas, para ele fundar o Seminário, existiu uma influência, uma inspiração que o levou a esse projeto. Partindo do Concílio de Trento e entendendo como Alexandre de Gusmão buscou do Fundador da Companhia de Jesus (Inácio de Loyola) e dos intelectuais jesuítas entusiasmo para o projeto, desvelou-se um emaranhado de vertentes que possibilitam a análise não apenas de Alexandre de Gusmão, mas de todo o contexto colonial. Assim, entendemos que Alexandre de Gusmão é um produto da constituição educativa que ocorreu nas terras brasílicas; história da pedagogia que se firma pelos números de colégios fundados, pela relação dos jesuítas com a metrópole. A pesquisa apresenta como os jesuítas cultivavam a cultura luso-europeia, pela forma de racionalizar o mundo, de que maneira aparecem possibilidades de uma aplicação pedagógica pautada nos documentos da Companhia de Jesus. Não só os intelectuais da Companhia de Jesus, mas os documentos, o Ratio Studiorum e as Constituições da Companhia de Jesus, inspiraram Alexandre de Gusmão a adotar e criar, com Manuel Correia, As Regras do Seminário de Belém da Cachoeira. Estas foram a base de um estatuto aplicado por Alexandre de Gusmão para educar meninos na colônia brasílica. Toda sua forma de ver o mundo escolar, as regras para os alunos, professores, funcionários, as horas de visitas, férias e recreio, o ritual religioso, as missas, a reflexão e outros conduzem para a prática dos bons costumes.
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Cobiçando o Amazonas: erudição histórica e diplomacia na questão de limites entre Brasil e França no Segundo Reinado (1858-1863) / Coveting the Amazon: historical scholarship and diplomacy on the question of boundaries between Brazil and France in the Second Empire (1858-1863)Pedro Afonso Cristovão dos Santos 24 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a disputa entre Brasil e França sobre a exata delimitação da fronteira entre o Império brasileiro e a Guiana Francesa no Segundo Reinado. Esta querela, só resolvida na República, transformou-se a partir da década de 1840 numa questão de erudição histórico-geográfica, a partir da concordância entre as partes de que a definição da fronteira dependia da correta interpretação do tratado diplomático que a havia estipulado, o Tratado de Utrecht de 1713. O fim de uma rodada de negociações entre os governos, em 1856, transferiu a questão para a esfera pública, tornando-a objeto de publicações em periódicos, obras de história, e debates em sociedades letradas. No Brasil, no final da década de 1850, início da de 1860, duas respostas à questão foram tentadas, as de Joaquim Caetano da Silva (1810-1873) e Alexandre José de Melo Morais (1816-1882): enquanto o primeiro teve seu trabalho considerado modelo de erudição, o segundo foi visto apenas como um compilador, e sua obra entendida como fonte para outros estudiosos. Esta questão, enquanto debate erudito, revela muito sobre os procedimentos metodológicos que a historiografia oitocentista brasileira conhecia, e as diferenças entre as respostas dos dois autores citados iluminam a variedade de possibilidades de escrita da história naquele contexto / This work studies the dispute between Brazil and France regarding the delimitation of the exact frontier of the Brazilian empire with the French Guiana during the reign of D. Pedro II. This contend, only solved in Brazil\'s Republican period, became in the beginning of the 1840\'s a question of historical and geographical erudition, since both parties agreed that the definition of the frontier depended upon the correct interpretation of the diplomatic treaty that had stipulated the limits, the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713. The end of a round of negotiations between both countries, in 1856, transferred the dispute to the public sphere, making it an object of publications in periodicals, historical works, and of debates in literary societies. In Brazil, at the end of the 1850\'s, beginning of the 1860\'s, two answers to the problem were proposed, one by Joaquim Caetano da Silva (1810-1873), the other by Alexandre José de Melo Morais (1816-1882): while the work of the former was regarded as a model of erudition, the latter was seen as a compiler, and his work as only a source for others. This question, as an erudite debate, shows a lot about the methodological procedures known by the Brazilian historiography of the 1800\'s, and the differences between the two authors mentioned illuminate the variety of possibilities of historical writing in that context
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O nacional e o popular na música de Alexandre Levy: bases de um projeto de modernidade / O nacional e o popular na música de Alexandre Levy: bases de um projeto de modernidadeSaid Tuma 28 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho procura oferecer uma nova narrativa biográfica para o compositor de São Paulo e crítico musical do Correio Paulistano Alexandre Levy (1864-1892). Procurou-se assim atenuar a imagem construída para o compositor pelas obras tradicionais da historiografia musical brasileira, que são marcadas fortemente por uma perspectiva nacionalista. Assumiuse como pressuposto do trabalho uma clara explicitação metodológica e axiológica. Enquanto método, recorreu-se à interdisciplinaridade como recurso importante para a solução dos impasses e ambigüidades que se apresentaram. Essa tarefa foi alcançada através da aproximação concreta com a história cultural através de seus temas e reflexões. Utilizou-se como fontes primárias um conjunto de 17 artigos de Levy, assinados sob pseudônimo de Figarote. Entre as outras fontes, destacam-se ainda obras da historiografia da cultura e musicológicas. Este trabalho apresenta como resultado uma imagem de certo modo nova para Alexandre Levy. Constatou-se a modernidade do compositor, não reconhecível em trabalhos anteriores. Pode-se verificar a proximidade de Levy com os demais intelectuais da belle époque brasileira, período de engajamento intelectual, de preocupações modernizadoras, de interesse pelo instrumental cientificista, e também de perspectiva naturalista. / The purpose of this dissertation is to offer a new biographical narrative for the São Paulo composer and musical critic of Correio Paulistano Alexandre Levy (1864-1892). Therefore, one attempted to attenuate the image created for the composer by the traditional works of the Brazilian musical historiography, which are strongly noticeable by a nationalist perspective. It was assumed as a premise of the paper a clear methodological and axiological explicitness. In terms of method, one resorted to interdisciplinarity as an important resource for the solution of the deadlocks and ambiguities presented. This task was reached through the concrete approximation with cultural history through its subjects and reflections. One used as primary sources an ensemble of 17 articles by Levy, signed under the pseudonym of Figarote. In addition, works of the historiography of culture and musicology were employed as sources. This paper is presented as the result of an image, in a certain way, new to Alexandre Levy. It corroborates the modernity of the composer, not identifiable in previous papers. One may conclude on Levys proximity with the other intellectuals of the Brazilian belle époque, a period of intellectual involvement, modernizing concerns, interest for the scientific instrumental and also naturalist perspective.
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Alexandre O'Neill : du surréalisme tardif à la poétique du réel / Alexandre O'Neill : from late surrealism to a poetics of realityFerreira Adão, Ana 02 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’analyse de la poésie d’Alexandre O’Neill, poète portugais de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. O’Neill débute sa carrière en fondant le Mouvement Surréaliste de Lisbonne en 1947,mouvement artistique et littéraire bien postérieur à l’école française, et créé en contestation au régime salazariste. En 1951, avec la publication de Tempo de Fantasmas, son premier recueil de poèmes, le poète se détache radicalement du mouvement pour s’orienter vers une poésie originale. Pourtant, il restera longtemps considéré par les critiques comme un poète surréaliste. Son projet de transformation du réel se caractérise, dès le salazarisme, par une approche singulière du quotidien. Transformation du réel à travers l’éclatement du langage, transgressions du discours officiel dans le but d’attaquer le système politique en vigueur et les mœurs de la société portugaise, attaques humoristiques contre les canons de la littérature de ce pays : O’Neill utilise les ressorts de l’écriture surréaliste, mais les oriente vers une transgression spécifique. Son refus du langage lorsque celui-ci est circonscrit dans son usage ordinaire, son exploitation de la vie quotidienne, de l’observation du peuple et de ses questions identitaires et sociales forgent un matériau poétique singulier, dont l’horizon est émancipateur : il faut accéder poétiquement aux possibilités de construction d’une autre réalité.Libérateur et ferment de pensée, il démontre, par sa poétique, que d’autres manières d’utiliser le langage sont possibles, et que ce langage parviendra à recréer le monde : en remettant en question le système normatif de la représentation du réel, il crée une poétique de l’humain. / This research focuses on the analysis of the poetry of Alexandre O’Neill, a Portuguese poet from the second half of the twentieth century. O’Neill began his career as founder of the Surrealist Movement of Lisbonin 1947, an artistic and literary movement created thirty years after the French school, in opposition to theSalazar dictatorship. In 1951, with the publication of Tempo de Fantasmas, his first collection of poems,O’Neill radically detaches himself from the movement and creates an original form of poetry. Yet the criticswill, for a long time, consider him a surrealist poet. His project to transform reality is characterised by a singular approach to daily life. The transformation of reality through bursts of language, the transgression ofofficial discourse as an attack towards the political system and the morals of Portuguese society, the humorous attack against his country’s entire literature canon: O’Neill uses elements of surrealist writing and directs it towards a specific transgression. He refuses to limit language to an ordinary usage; his exploitation of everydayness, along with his observation of people, of their identity and of social matters, forge a singular poetical material with an emancipatory horizon: it is necessary to reach possibilities of building a different reality through poetry. As a liberator and a catalyst of thought, he shows, through his poetry, other ways in which the use of language is possible. This language is capable of transforming the world: by challenging the normative system of the normative system of representing reality, O’Neill creates the poetics of humans.
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