Spelling suggestions: "subject:"allergy."" "subject:"ellergy.""
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Feeding Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei strain F19 to infants during weaning : effects on adaptive immunity and gut microbial functionWest, Christina January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Gut microbial composition has been associated with immune-mediated diseases. Breastfeeding yields a microbiota rich in bifidobacteria and promotes colonization by lactobacilli. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are considered health-promoting and are used as probiotics, i.e. live microbial food supplements which when ingested in adequate amounts confer a beneficial effect on the host. During weaning the developing gut immune system is exposed to an increasing variety of antigens from both foods and gut microbiota. Aims: We aimed to determine if daily feeding of 1x108 colony-forming units (CFU) of the probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei strain F19 (LF19) to healthy term infants from 4 to 13 months of age could maintain some of the beneficial effects conferred by breastfeeding on gut microbial composition, with possible effects on gut microbial function, T cell function, Th1/Th2 immune balance and eczema incidence. Study design: Infants were randomized to daily intake of cereals with (n=89) or without LF19 (n=90) from 4-13 months of age. Clinical outcome measures were monitored by diaries and a questionnaire. Stool and blood samples were obtained at 4, 6½, 9, 13 and 5½, 6½, 12 and 13 months of age, respectively. Stool samples were analyzed for lactobacilli counts by conventional culture methods and the presence of LF19 was verified by randomly amplified polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Fecal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) pattern, a proxy for gut microbial function, was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. After polyclonal or specific activation of T cells, the cytokine mRNA expression levels [interleukin 2 (IL2), IFN-, IL4 and IL10] were determined on isolated mRNA by quantitative real time reverse transcriptase-PCR. Serum concentrations of total and specific IgE antibodies, Haemophilus influenzae type b, diphtheria and tetanus toxoid specific IgG antibodies were analyzed by enzyme immunoassay. Results: Feeding LF19 maintained high fecal lactobacilli counts during weaning. Persistent colonization with LF19 induced differences in the fecal SCFA pattern. The cumulative incidence of eczema was lower in the probiotic group, in conjunction with a higher IFN-γ/IL4 mRNA ratio in polyclonally activated T cells. Even though there was an effect by LF19 on Th1/Th2 immune balance, there was no effect on IgE sensitization. Infants in both groups increased their capacity to express both Th1 and Th2 cytokines during the second half of infancy but the expression was still lower than that of adults. Infants in the probiotic group had lower IL2 levels after polyclonal T cell activation at 13 months of age compared with infants in the placebo group. Infants fed LF19 did not have fewer infections, but had fewer days with antibiotic prescription compared with infants fed placebo. In addition, compared to placebo, persistent colonization by LF19 enhanced specific vaccine responses to protein antigens during the course of vaccination. Conclusions: We conclude that feeding LF19 was safe, based on no observed adverse effects in our study. Infants in both groups demonstrated maturation of adaptive immune responses during weaning. Adding probiotics in complementary foods during weaning reduced the risk of eczema by 50%, with a concomitant shift towards an enhanced Th1/Th2 ratio. The reduction of eczema might be explained by probiotic effects on both T cell-mediated immune responses and reinforced gut microbial function.
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Untersuchungen zur Bindung kontaktallergener Substanzen an nukleophile Aminosäureseitenketten / Studies on the mechanism of allergic contact dermatitis: The reaction with nucleophilic amino acid side chains.Pickert, Janko 07 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In der heutigen Zeit sind ca. 4000 Verbindungen bekannt, denen die Fähigkeit nachgesagt wird, eine Kontaktallergie auslösen zu können. Die Entscheidung, ob ein Stoff hautsensibilisierende Eigenschaften besitzt, wird dabei meist auf der Grundlage von Beobachtungen am Menschen und/oder von tierexperimentellen Befunden getroffen. Bedingt durch den vermehrten Einsatz exotischer Pflanzen und neu entwickelter synthetischer Substanzen im Bereich der Kosmetikindustrie besteht der Bedarf an einer einfachen Methode zur Vorhersage des kontaktallergenen Potentials einer Verbindung. Als zentraler Schritt bei der Manifestierung einer Kontaktallergie wird die Bildung eines Hapten-Carrier-Komplexes aus dem niedermolekularen Kontaktallergen (Hapten) und Hautproteinen (Carrier) angesehen. Zur Abschätzung der Sensibilisierungsfähigkeit kann daher auch die Reaktivität der Substanz oder ihrer Metaboliten gegenüber Proteinen herangezogen werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden neben dem bedeutenden Phytoekzematogen Tulipalin A die bisher wenig untersuchten kontaktallergenen Duftstoffe Geraniol, 7-Hydroxycitronellal, Benzaldehyd, Salicylaldehyd, Vanillin, Zimtaldehyd, a-Amyl-zimtaldehyd und Benzylcinnamat hinsichtlich ihrer Reaktivität gegenüber peptidgebundenen Aminosäuren untersucht. Verwendet werden für diese Modellversuche Hippuryl-Derivate und Acetyl-Derivate der Aminosäuren Lysin, Histidin, Arginin bzw. Cystein sowie zusätzlich Glutathion. Die dabei gewählten Bedingungen sollen eine Adaption an physiologische Gegebenheiten erlauben. Ziel ist es, zu klären, ob die mit diesen Modellversuchen zu gewinnenden Ergebnisse mit dem bekannten kontaktallergenen Potential der eingesetzten Haptene korrelieren und somit geeignet sind, die Sensibilisierungsfähigkeit einer Substanz vorherzusagen. Über Konjugationsprodukte von Kontaktallergenen mit Peptiden oder Proteinen ist in der Literatur sehr wenig bekannt. Daher ist es ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit, individuelle Produkte der Reaktionen der kontaktallergenen Substanzen mit den nukleophilen Aminosäureseitenketten zu isolieren und zu charakterisieren, um so definierte Hapten-Carrier-Konjugate, die unter physiologisch relevanten Bedingungen entstehen können, zu beschreiben. Aufbauend auf den gefundenen Strukturen sollte es auch möglich sein, Hinweise auf eventuelle Reaktionsmechanismen zu erhalten.
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Nickel allergy and hand eczema : epidemiological aspectsJosefson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Nickel allergy is the most prevalent contact allergy and has been discussed as a possible riskfactor for hand eczema. However, hand eczema is one of the most frequently occurring skindiseases and has multifactorial origin. The aim of this thesis was to study the association between nickel allergy and hand eczema in the general population. There are only a fewpopulation-based studies previously published, that include patch testing. In addition, this thesis aimed to evaluate methods to follow the prevalence of nickel allergy.The study cohort consisted of 908 women who had been patch tested for the occurrence of nickel allergy as schoolgirls. Twenty years later, they were invited to participate in a follow-up questionnaire study. The response rate was 81%. In total, 17.6% of respondents reported handeczema after the age of 15 years and there was no statistically significant difference in the occurrence of hand eczema between those who were nickel-positive and those who were nickel negativeas schoolgirls. To further investigate possible links, another study was performed,which included a second questionnaire, a clinical investigation and patch testing. All schoolgirls from the baseline study who were still living in the area as adults were invited to participate and the participation rate was 77%. Patch test showed 30.1% nickel-positive individuals.When all participants were included in the analysis, there was no statistically significant difference between nickel-positive and nickel-negative women regarding occurrence of hand eczema. The most important risk factor for hand eczema was childhood eczema. Adjusted prevalence proportion ratio (PPR) for hand eczema after age 15 in relation to nickel patch testresults was 1.03 (95% CI 0.71--1.50) and in relation to childhood eczema 3.68 (95% CI 2.45--5.54). When women with and without history of childhood eczema were analyzed separately, the hand eczema risk was doubled in nickel-positive women without history of childhood eczema. In conclusion, the risk of hand eczema in nickel-positive women may previously havebeen overestimated. Next, the validity of self-reported nickel allergy was investigated. In the established cohort; two questions regarding nickel allergy were compared with patch test results. The validity of self-reported nickel allergy was low, and the questions regarding nickel allergy overestimated the true prevalence of nickel allergy. The positive predictive values were 59% and 60%. Another method for estimating the prevalence of nickel allergy, namely self-patch testing, was validated in the last study. In total, 191 patients from three different dermatology departments participated. The validity of self-testing for nickel allergy was adequate, with sensitivity 72%and proportion of agreement 86%. / Nickelallergi är vanligt förekommande. Prevalensen i Skandinavien är 15--25% hos kvinnor och cirka 3% hos män. Sambandet mellan nickelallergi och uppkomst av handeksem har tidigare diskuterats och i vissa studier anges att 30--45% av alla individer med nickelallergi får handeksem. Det finns dock endast ett fåtal publicerade studier där personer ur normalbefolkningen har lapptestats för nickel. Handeksem ärvanligt och har ofta flera olika kombinerade orsaker. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att studera nickelallergins betydelse för uppkomst av handeksem. Detfinns ett intresse av att följa förekomsten av nickelallergi över tid, speciellt sedan det i början av 2000-talet infördes ett EU-direktiv som begränsar nickelinnehåll i klockor,smycken, metallknappar etc. Ytterligare ett syfte med avhandlingen var att utvärderaepidemiologiska metoder för att följa förekomsten av nickelallergi.Den första studien var en uppföljningsstudie av 908 flickor ur normalbefolkningen,vilka i skolåldern lapptestats med nickel. Tjugo år senare skickades en enkät till dessa kvinnor, svarsfrekvensen var hög (81%). Förekomsten av självrapporterat handeksemefter 15 års ålder var 17.6%. Det förelåg ingen signifikant skillnad i förekomst avhandeksem mellan de kvinnor som var nickelallergiska som barn jämfört med dem som inte var nickelallergiska. År 2006 utfördes ytterligare en studie, som inkluderade de kvinnor som fortfarande bodde i Örebro län. Studien omfattade en klinisk undersökning av händerna samt ett lapptest. 30% av kvinnorna var positiva för nickel.Det förelåg ingen signifikant skillnad i förekomst av handeksem mellan de som var positiva för nickel och de som var negativa. Vid separat analys av de kvinnor som angav tidigare barneksem jämfört med dem som aldrig hade haft barneksem visade det sig att risken för handeksem var dubbelt så stor hos nickelallergiker i den gruppen som aldrig hade haft barneksem. Båda studierna visade att barneksem var den största riskfaktorn för att få handeksem som vuxen, med en 3-4 gånger ökad risk. Den tredje studien var en validering av självrapporterad nickelallergi. Överensstämmelsen var låg mellan enkätfrågor gällande nickelallergi och lapptestverifierad nickelallergi. Av dem som själva bedömde sig vara nickelallergiska var endast 59% positiva enligt lapptest. För att följa förekomsten av nickelallergi i befolkningen behövs därför andra metoder. I den fjärde studien utvärderades ett självtest för nickelallergi. 191 patienter från tre olika hudkliniker i Sverige deltog i studien. Validiteten för metoden självtest var tillfredsställande, sensitiviteten var 72%och graden av överensstämmelse var 86%.
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Impact of an Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Drug Allergy Overrides in a Large Southeastern HMO SettingVarghese, Renny 26 July 2007 (has links)
Renny Varghese Impact of an Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Drug Allergy Overrides in a Large Southeastern HMO Setting (Under the direction of Russell Toal, Associate Professor) Electronic medical records (EMRs) have become recognized as an important tool for improving patient safety and quality of care. Decision support tools such as alerting functions for patient medication allergies are a key part of reducing the frequency of serious medication problems. Kaiser Permanente Georgia (KPGA) implemented its EMR system in the primary care departments at Kaiser's twelve facilities in the greater metro Atlanta area over a six month period beginning in June 2005 and ending December 2005. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the EMR implementation on the number of drug allergy overrides within this large HMO outpatient setting. Research was conducted by comparing the rate of drug allergy overrides during pre and post EMR implementation. The timeline will be six months pre and post implementation. Observing the impact of the incidence rate of drug allergy alerts after the implementation provided insight into the effectiveness of EMRs in reducing contraindicated drug allergies. Results show that the incidence rate of drug allergy overrides per 1,000 filled prescriptions rose by a statistically significant 5.9% (ñ > 0.0002; 95% CI [-1.531, -0.767]) following the implementation. Although results were unexpected, several factors are discussed as to the reason for the increase. Further research is recommended to explore trends in provider behavior, KPGA specific facilities and departments, and in other KP regions and non-KP healthcare settings. INDEX WORDS: electronic medical records, drug allergy overrides, patient safety, medication errors, decision support tools, outpatient setting, primary care, computerized provider order entry
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Individual and environmental risk factors for hand eczema in hospital workersNilsson, Eskil January 1986 (has links)
Individual and environmental risk factors in hand eczema have been investigated in a prospective cohort study of 2452 newly employed hospital workers with a follow-up time of 20 months. Current hand eczema was analyzed in 142 wet hospital workers from this cohort with respect to the etiologic importance of irritants, allergens and contact urticants. The density of the microflora and the effect on the microflora of topical treatment with a potent corticosteroid were studied in 20 patients with hand eczema. ’Wet’ hospital work was found to increase the odds of developing hand eczema only twice compared to 'dry' office work. Nursing children under four years old and the lack of a dish-washing machine significantly increased the risk of contracting hand eczema. Unfavourable combinations of these domestic factors increased the risk as much as wet work. A history of atopic dermatitis approximately tripled the odds both in wet as well as in dry work. Histories of earlier hand eczema (HHE), metal dermatitis (HMD) and of atopy were analyzed as risk factors for hand eczema in 1857 women in wet work. HHE increased the odds by a factor of 12.9 and created a subdivision of the population into high risk individuals and normal risk individuals. HHE was found in half of the subjects with atopic dermatitis, in one quarter of the subjects with atopic mucosal symptoms and in one fifth of the non-atopics. A HMD increased the odds by a factor of 1.8. This increase was seen as a high risk level in subjects with HHE and as a normal risk level in subjects with no HHE. A history of atopic disease as a complement to information about HHE and HMD increased the odds by another 1.3 times. The predicted probability of developing hand eczema ranged from 91 % in subjects with a combination of HHE, HMD and atopy to 24% in subjects with none of these risk factors. Subjects with AD were found to suffer a more severe form of hand eczema with significantly higher figures for medical consultation, sick- leave, termination due to hand eczema, early debut, permanent symtoms and vesicular lesions. Amongst the patients investigated for current hand eczema high risk individuals were overrepresented. It was claimed in 92.3% of the cases that trivial irritant factors had elicited the current episodes of hand eczema. In 35% of the cases the exposure to the irritant took place largely at home. Although contact sensitivity and contact urticaria were fairly common, they mostly seemed to be of minor importance in the etiology of the current hand eczema. Staphylococcus aureus colonized eczematous lesions of the hands in 18/20 patients. The density exceeded 105 colony forming units/cm2 in 15/20 patients. Only three of these patients showed signs of clinical infection. Successful topical treatment with a potent corticosteroid significantly reduced the colonization of S. aureus. / <p>Härtill 4 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Cortisol Responses to Stress in Allergic Children: Interaction with the Immune ResponseBuske-Kirschbaum, Angelika 03 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Allergic manifestations are increasingly common in infants and children. Accumulating evidence suggests that the ‘epidemic’ increase of childhood allergy may be associated with environmental factors such as stress. Although the impact of stress on the manifestation and exacerbation of allergy has been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms of stress-induced exacerbation are still obscure. A growing number of studies have suggested an altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function to stress in allergic children. It is speculated that a dysfunctional HPA axis in response to stress may facilitate and/or consolidate immunological aberrations and thus, may increase the risk for allergic sensitization and exacerbation especially under stressful conditions. In the present review the potential impact of a hyporesponsive as well as a hyperresponsive HPA axis on the onset and chronification of childhood allergy is summarized. Moreover, potential factors that may contribute to the development of an aberrant HPA axis responsiveness in allergy are discussed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Comorbidity, distress, coping and social support in asthma and allergy / Komorbiditet, lidande, hantering och socialt stöd i astma och allergiLind, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Asthma and allergies are some of the most common illnesses worldwide that almost everybody will come in contact with. This thesis studied persons with allergic asthma, non-allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in a population-based sample. At an early stage, these illnesses were regarded as psychosomatic. Over time, as knowledge about asthma/allergy has increased more of a biomedical perspective was taken by the research field. In considering early documentations well as contemporary research, a psychobiosocial perspective was taken in this thesis when conducting the three studies. Thus, as psychological factors may affect the illness and be a result of the illness, it is important to incorporate these factors to better understand asthma and allergy. Study I examined the co- and multimorbidity in asthma/allergy with the environmental intolerances in the form of chemical and building-related intolerance. Study II investigated psychological distress in the four forms of asthma and allergy. Psychological distress was in this study defined as stress, burnout, anxiety, depression and environmental health worries. Study III examined usage of problem and emotion focused coping strategies and perceived social support from the surrounding in high and low asthma/allergy severity. All studies were performed using data from the Västerbotten Environmental Health Study, a questionnaire-based survey with focus on various environmental hypersensitivities and asthma and allergy. The result showed that the co- and multimorbidity with the environmental intolerances in asthma/allergy was larger than what was statistically excepted. Those with allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis experienced more stress, burnout and anxiety than those with non-allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and non-asthma/allergy. Moreover, the most common way of coping with asthma and allergy was found to be strategies such as avoiding environments that are believed to affect health, and trying to accept the situation, independent of asthma/allergy severity. Finally, in general, those with asthma and allergy reported receiving most support from their partner, other family members and health care, and least support was perceived by those with low asthma/allergy severity.The findings suggest that co- and multimorbidity with environmental intolerances is relatively common in asthma and allergy, and should therefore be included in the clinical anamnesis for this patient group. The elevated level of distress in allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis evokes the question of use of therapies such as mindfulness maybe beneficial in certain afflicted persons. The results on coping and social support provide a foundation for further research regarding informing the asthma/allergy patient and family members about effective coping strategies and the importance of adequate social support. A metaperspective is taken in which interrelations between important variables in the thesis are discussed.
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Hälsopåverkan av åtgärder i fuktiga byggnader /Ekstrand-Tobin, Annika, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2004.
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Papel regulatório da proteína anexina-1 e de seu derivado Ac2-26 no modelo experimental de asma alérgica em camundongos / The regulatory role of annexin-1 and derived Ac2-26 on experimental model of allergic asthma in miceDaniele Matheus de Souza 10 April 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada por hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, acúmulo de eosinófilos, secreção de muco e remodelamento. No decorrer do estabelecimento do processo inflamatório, há liberação de mediadores endógenos que atuam limitando a evolução do quadro patológico e garantindo a manutenção da homeostasia (COHN, ELIAS e CHUPP, 2004). Dentre estes recebem destaque os hormônios glicocorticóides, reconhecidos por sua atividade anti-inflamatória, dependente, em parte, da geração de fatores intermediários como a proteína anexina-1 (AnxA1) (KAMAL, FLOWER e PERRETTI, 2005; PERRETTI, 2003). Neste estudo investigou-se o papel regulatório da AnxA1 e do peptídeo derivado Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g/animal) no modelo experimental de asma alérgica murina. Camundongos BALB/c (AnxA1+/+) e depletados do gene codificante para AnxA1 (AnxA1-/-) foram sensibilizados com ovoalbumina (OVA 50 g) e hidróxido de alumínio (5 mg), por via subcutânea. Após 14 dias, foi feito reforço com OVA (25 g), por via intraperitoneal, e nos dias 19, 20 e 21 foram desafiados com OVA (25 g), por via intranasal. O tratamento consistiu na administração intranasal do peptídeo Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g), 1 h antes de cada desafio. As análises foram feitas 24 h após o último desafio e incluíram: i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina (3 27 mg/ml) através de pletismografia invasiva; ii) alterações morfológicas através de histologia clássica; iii) quantificação de colágeno e iv) quantificação de mediadores inflamatórios através de ELISA. Verificou-se que camundongos AnxA1-/-, quando ativamente sensibilizados e desafiados com OVA apresentaram exacerbação do quadro de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, assim como do número de eosinófilos no lavado broncoalveolar e no infiltrado peribrônquico, deposição de colágeno e nos níveis de IL-13 em comparação aos controles AnxA1+/+. Em paralelo, observou-se que o peptídeo Ac2-26 levou a uma redução da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas frente à estimulação com metacolina nos animais AnxA1+/+. O peptídeo Ac2-26 reduziu o infiltrado inflamatório no parênquima pulmonar e o número de eosinófilos peribronquiolares, além da produção de muco no tecido pulmonar e da geração IL-4, IL-13, eotaxina-1 e -2. Em conjunto, nossos achados mostram que os camundongos AnxA1-/- mostraram-se mais responsivos à estimulação antigênica, o que foi indicativo de que a AnxA1 parece exercer um papel regulatório importante sobre a resposta inflamatória alérgica murina. Além disso, o efeito inibitório do peptídeo Ac2-26 sobre a resposta alérgica pulmonar foi indicativo de que este se coloca como um composto anti-inflamatório e anti-alérgico promissor para utilização na terapia da asma. / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by airways hyperreactivity, eosinophil accumulation, mucus secretion as well as remodeling. During the establishment of the inflammatory process, endogenous mediators are released in order limit the progression of the pathological process (COHN, ELIAS e CHUPP, 2004). Glucocorticoid hormones are considered as critical based on their potent anti-inflammatory activity, which is at least partially dependent on the release of intermediate factors such as the protein annexin-1 (KAMAL, FLOWER e PERRETTI, 2005; PERRETTI, 2003). In this study, we investigated the role of annexin-1 (AnxA1) and its derived peptide Ac2-26 (50 200 g/animal) on the experimental model of allergic asthma in mice. BALB/c (AnxA1+/+) and AnxA1 knockout mice (AnxA1-/-) were sensitized with subcutaneous injection of ovalbumin (OVA 50 g) plus aluminum hydroxide (5 mg). On day 14, animals were boosted intraperitoneally with OVA (25 g) and on days 19, 20 and 21 post-sensitization, mice were challenged intranasally with OVA (25 g). Treatment was performed by intranasal administration of Ac2-26 peptide (50 - 200 g), 1 h before each challenge. The analyses were made 24 h after the last provocation and included: i) lung function (resistance and elastance) and airways hyperreactivity to methacholine (3-27 mg/ml) by invasive plethysmography, ii) morphology by classical histological techniques; iii) collagen quantification and iv) cytokine generation evaluated by ELISA. It was noted that AnxA1-/- mice, when sensitized and challenged with OVA showed exacerbation of airways hyperreactivity, eosinophils present in the bronchoalveolar lavage and peribronchial tissue, collagen deposition and increased levels of IL-13 as compared to AnxA1+/+. In parallel, it was showed that treatment of AnxA1+/+ mice with the Ac2-26 peptide markedly inhibited airways hyperreactivity, peribronchial eosinophil accumulation, mucus production and the generation of IL-13 and eotaxin-1 and -2. Taken together our results show that AnxA1-/- mice were more responsive to antigen stimulation, which is an indicative that AnxA1 plays an important regulatory role in the murine allergic inflammatory response. In addition, the inhibitory effect of the Ac2-26 peptide on the allergic lung inflammation clearly indicated that it seems to be a promising anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent to be used in the asthma therapy.
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Sensibilização e alergia ao látex em crianças e adolescentes com mielomeningocele / Sensitization and latex allergy in children and adolescents with myelomeningoceleSá, Adriano Bueno de [UNIFESP] 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-30 / Introdução: A alergia ao látex é responsável por inúmeras reações alérgicas em indivíduos sensibilizados. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência de sensibilização e alergia ao látex e a alimentos em crianças e adolescentes com mielomeningocele e identificar os possíveis fatores de risco a eles associados. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 55 crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico prévio de mielomeningocele atendidos no ambulatório de Neurocirurgia do Hospital São Paulo, UNIFESP-EPM. Os pacientes foram avaliados através de questionário padrão, testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata para aeroalérgenos, látex total e alimentos e determinação de IgE sérica total e específica ao látex total e suas frações recombinates. Resultados: Encontramos taxas de 45% e 20% para sensibilização e alergia ao látex respectivamente, com 14,5% de sensibilização a alimentos, sem casos de alergia alimentar. Vinte e quatro (43,6%) eram atópicos e a média de idade do primeiro episódio de reação ao látex foi 44,5 meses, sendo reação cutânea a mais freqüente relatada (72,7%). A sensibilização alimentar ocorreu para os seguintes alimentos: batata, mamão, mandioca, jaca, manga, abacaxi, pêra, tomate, castanha portuguesa e abacate. Níveis séricos de IgE total superiores a 200 KU/l foram mais freqüentes no grupo de pacientes alérgicos e no de sensibilizados. A concordância pelo teste de kappa entre teste cutâneo para látex e IgE sérica específica para látex total foi forte e entre teste cutâneo para látex ou IgE sérica específica para látex total e as frações rHev b1, 3, 5, 6.01 e 6.02 foram moderada ou boa. As frações IgE séricas específica para látex detectada em mais de 50% dos pacientes alérgicos ao látex foram rHev b1, 3, 5, 6.01 e 6.02. Estatisticamente houve diferença entre o grupo de alérgicos e sensibilizados quando comparado ao de não sensibilizados para as seguintes variáveis: atopia, rinite atual, angioedema, número médio de cirurgias, pacientes com quatro ou mais cirurgias, uso de DVP, presença de pelo menos um teste cutâneo positivo para aeroalérgeno, presença de pelo menos um teste cutâneo para alimentos e IgE total maior que 200 KU/l. A análise multivariada revelou como significante: asma atual, angioedema, atopia e número de cirurgias submetidas. Conclusões: Nosso estudo documentou serem elevadas as prevalências de sensibilização e alergia ao látex. Apesar de freqüente a presença de anticorpos IgE específicos a alimentos, não se confirmou a presença da síndrome látex-fruta. O teste cutâneo com extrato de látex total padronizado se mostrou seguro e confiável para o diagnóstico de alergia ao látex. A análise comparativa entre os testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata e a determinação de IgE sérica específica ao látex total revelou concordância total entre eles. IgE sérica específica às frações rHev b1, 3, 5, 6.01 e 6.02 foram detectadas em mais de 50% das crianças e adolescentes com mielomeningocele alérgicos ao látex. O número de cirugias a que os pacientes foram submetidos determinou níveis mais elevados de IgE sérica específica, sobretudo de rHev b5 e 6.01. A história de asma atual, angioedema prévio, atopia e ter sido submetido a quatro ou mais cirurgias foram fatores independentes identificados para alergia ao látex. / Background: Latex allergy is responsible for numerous allergic reactions in sensitized individuals. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of sensitization and latex allergy and food in children and adolescents with myelomeningocele and to identify possible risk factors associated with them. Methods: The study included 55 children and adolescents previously diagnosed with myelomeningocele treated in the neurosurgery clinic of the Hospital São Paulo, UNIFESP-EPM. Patients were assessed using standard questionnaire, skin prick tests for aeroallergens, total latex, and food and determination of serum total and specific IgE to total latex and its recombinant fractions. Results: We found rates of 45% and 20% for sensitization and latex allergy, respectively, with 14.5% of sensitization to food, with no cases of food allergy. Twenty-four (43.6%) were atopic and the average age of first episode of reaction to latex was 44.5 months, with skin reaction the most frequent reported (72.7%). The food sensitization occurred for the following foods: potatoes, papaya, manioc, jackfruit, mango, pineapple, pear, tomato, avocado and chestnut. Serum total IgE greater than 200 KU/l were more frequent in patients allergic and sensitized. The agreement using the kappa test between latex skin test and specific IgE to total latex was strong and between skin test to latex or total latex specific IgE and fractions rHev b1, 3, 5, 6:01 and 6:02 were moderate or good. The fraction of specific IgE to latex detected in more than 50% of patients were rHev b1 (16/25 - 64%) followed by rHev b6.02 (14/25 - 56%). Statistically significant difference was found between the group of allergic and sensitive when compared to non-sensitized to the following variables: atopy, current rhinitis, angioedema, average number of surgeries, patients with four or more surgeries, use of valvule, presence of at least one test positive aeroallergen skin, presence of at least one skin test for food and total IgE greater than 200 KU/l. Multivariate analysis showed as significant: current asthma, angioedema, atopy and number of surgeries undergone. Conclusions: Our study documented high leves of sensitization and latex allergy. Despite the frequent presence of specific IgE antibodies to food, the presence of latex-fruit syndrome was not confirmed. The skin test with a standardized latex extract was safe and reliable for the diagnosis of latex allergy. The comparative analysis between the skin prick tests and determination of specific IgE to total latex showed total agreement between them. Specific IgE to fractions rHev b1, 3, 5, 6:01 and 6:02 were detected in more than 50% of children and adolescents with myelomeningocele allergic to latex. The number of surgeries for which patients underwent determined higher levels of specific IgE, especially rHev b5 and 6.01. The history of current asthma, prior angioedema, atopy and having undergone four or more surgeries were independent factors identified for latex allergy. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
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