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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kropp av spöken : A Body of Ghosts

Verseau, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Based on a series of attempts to capture, focus and preserve memories and what has been lost, A Body of Ghosts evokes what moves in the destructive, towards oblivion or forgetfulness. Before I forget, I want to tell you about the loss of a close friend and about a time that changed us fundamentally. I want you to see the struggles that take place on the periphery of society. I want to talk about the transition, both physical and invisible, from boy to woman. This work is a construction containing our stories, Meril’s and mine, wherein memories and collected objects meet and reconfigure, the everyday and the suggestive intertwine. I find myself in the gap between dream and reality, a process that has led me to an obscure place where a distortion occurs; a place where time uncovers fragments from then and now. Emotions, situations and events have been loaded into these objects: an H&M jacket I wore when I got dumped at the age of 24, and after which I never felt the same kind of youthful, burning love. Casts of a vaginal dilator, at 5, 6, 7, 8, inches, to be used after gender reassignment surgery and forever more.  Thus objects undergo transitions into sculptures. Sculptures become symbols of crucial memories, repetitions and imitations of the original. Time has been left in the material, something non-physical placed in the physical.  My life mirrors Meril, but something remains out of reach. Screens of latex and metal shield my ambivalence towards this revelation of self. The camera inhibiting the act of remembering, keeping me from a long-lost friend. Photosensitive, only to be kept in the dark. Here, the works are partially concealed; the visitor must enter behind architectural partitions or into a hidden room in order to receive the whole story. The visitor is a voyeur outside the work but once inside it, becomes the observed. Behind each layer is a new fragment of the whole and thus the story unfolds. A Body of Ghosts in the void.

Organizational Change: Evaluating the Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Readiness to Change

Grimolizzi-Jensen, Conrado Joaquin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Failure accompanies most organizational change efforts. Change agents' efforts focus on employee resistance or readiness to change without considering employee ambivalence. Motivational interviewing (MI) may reduce ambivalence and improve the success rate of organizational change initiatives. The purpose of this experimental research was to evaluate the effectiveness of MI to increase readiness to organizational change, to assess the influence of MI on change-related beliefs, and to investigate the relationship between beliefs and readiness to change. The theoretical framework was the transtheoretical model of change, the theory of planned behavior, and social cognitive theory. Through random assignment, 56 employees of a company undergoing change and located in the Midwest region of the United States populated the experimental and control groups. Members of the experimental group participated in 3 motivational interviewing sessions over a 30-day period. Participants indicated their readiness and underlying change-related beliefs by completing the Job Change Ladder and the Organizational Change Recipients' Belief Scale. Within and between group differences from a mixed ANOVA revealed that MI significantly increased readiness to change. There was not a significant difference between the beliefs of both groups as indicated by the results of the MANOVA test. Participants' beliefs explained readiness to change as evidenced by the results from the use of multiple regression. The findings indicate that leaders of organizational and societal change initiatives could incorporate MI to prepare individuals and groups to embrace the change process, thereby improving the chances that the change initiative will be successful.

Privacy Suspension with Sustainability and Trust in Consumer Adoption of Smart Technology

Choi, Daeeun 09 June 2022 (has links)
Smart technology, such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and big data, provides consumers with a new level of convenience through various smart-connected products (SCPs). Although many experts have increasingly warned about the privacy vulnerability issues of various SCPs, consumers often underestimate privacy risks when adopting smart technology. Accordingly, this dissertation presents a literature review and three empirical studies that examine the privacy problems and suggest new concepts and models for a deeper understanding of the privacy suspension phenomenon. The first chapter reviews the literature related to the privacy suspension phenomenon by integrating the antecedents of consumers' privacy concerns. New concepts of privacy concerns, such as active and inactive privacy concerns, are suggested along with multiple propositions for the proposed privacy suspension theory, which extends the dimension of ambivalence toward trust and distrust regarding smart technology. The second chapter presents the proposed privacy–common good trade-off model and three assumptions related to privacy trade- offs, privacy reduction, and anchoring effects in the sustainable smart-connected car context. This study also discusses the relationships between governments, companies, and consumers regarding the effects of the common good of sustainability and government subsidies. The third chapter evaluates the mediation effects between sustainability, trust, privacy concerns, disclosure intentions, and purchase intentions when purchasing sustainable smart-connected cars based on the proposed sustainability–trust–behavior model. Finally, the fourth chapter provides a practical solution to resolve privacy suspension issues using the design science research approach. This study proposes privacy information type characteristics to evaluate SCPs' tailored data collection capabilities, visualizing them through a spider diagram design method with nudges. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation discusses the consumer privacy suspension phenomenon when adopting smart technology. The first chapter summarizes existing studies regarding privacy concerns, trust, distrust, and ambivalence in adopting technology. It also proposes new concepts of privacy concerns and outlines the unique relationship between consumer privacy concerns and ambivalence toward trust and distrust in smart-connected products, thus helping readers understand why consumers reduce privacy concerns when adopting smart technology. The second chapter presents an empirical study that examines how consumers trade their privacy for the common good of sustainability based on the proposed privacy–common good trade-off model and outlines three key assumptions in the sustainable smart-connected car context. The third chapter discusses the roles of sustainability and trust when consumers decide to disclose their personal information and purchase sustainable smart-connected cars based on the proposed sustainability–trust–behavior model. Last, the fourth chapter provides a practical solution to improve the current inefficient privacy notification systems that cannot apply to different smart-connected products due to various smart sensors collecting different types of personal information. Thus, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of the consumer privacy suspension phenomenon and how sustainability benefits can mitigate the conflicting interests between governments, companies, and consumers when adopting smart technology. In addition, the suggested practical solution using the design science research approach can help consumers make better privacy decisions when purchasing smart-connected products.

Respondent and Test Delivery Characteristics that Induce Item Unfolding

Lake, Christopher J. 13 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Marital biography and well-being in later life: the role of remarriage, disruption pathways, and duration on health, parent-child contact, and ambivalence toward children

Hammersmith, Anna Marie 23 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The nature of value conflict and its consequences for public opinion

Mulligan, Kenneth 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

La causalité imaginaire chez Spinoza / The Imaginary Causality in Spinoza

Kim, Eunju 04 July 2012 (has links)
La notion de cause est l’alpha et l’oméga de l’Éthique. Mais elle apparaît principalement de manière oblique : à travers « l’idée d’une cause extérieure » qui accompagne les passions dérivées. La cause, imaginée de façon assignable, n’est en fait plus assignable. L’individu étant complexe, il est difficile de démêler ce qui lui arrive de l’extérieur, de ce qui est produit par l’intérieur. Dans la passion, on se modifie à son insu pour devenir un sujet de ce qui lui arrive, et comprend la cause de ce changement sous la forme d’un récit. Cette dynamique imaginaire, nous l’appelons « causalité imaginaire » et nous l’expliquons en termes mécaniques. Nous dégageons d’abord l’essentiel de la mécanique spinoziste : la positivité ontologique de chaque idée (nature agissante) ; la multiplicité des référentiels qui se croisent en une seule et même nature (enveloppement) ; et le concept d’individu originairement composé (emboîtement des individus). La coexistence de ces référentiels autour d’un seul, voilà ce qui constitue la structure de la causalité imaginaire, et la variation de leur proportion, son contenu effectif. Conformément à cette structure, nous appliquons le « conatus », principe d’autoconservation, en premier aux idées ou affects, pour montrer que le désir, essence actuelle de l’homme, est un complexe d’affects qui, individus eux-mêmes, médiatisent l’influence des autres. Il en résulte que la causalité imaginaire est la causalité mécanique elle-même, relative aux individus complexes. Enfin, tout en nous référant à la causalité psychique freudienne, nous tentons d’esquisser un nouveau concept d’Inconscient, comme rapport sans sujet ou structure sans centre. / The notion of cause is the alpha and omega of Ethics. But it appears mostly in an oblique way: through "the idea of ​​an external cause" that accompanies the derived passions. The cause, imagined assignable, is actually no more assignable. As the individual is complex, it is difficult to disentangle what is happening in it from the exterior, from what is produced by the interior. In passion, one is modified unwittingly to become a subject of what happens to him, and understand the cause of this change under the form of a story. This imaginary dynamics, I call it "imaginary causality" and explain it in mechanical terms. I establish first the key features of Spinoza’s mechanics: the ontological positivity of each idea (acting nature); the multiplicity of referential frames that intersect at a single nature (envelopment); and the concept of the individual as originally composed (nesting individuals). The coexistence of these referential frames around only one of them, this is precisely what constitutes the structure of imaginary causality, and the variation of their proportion, its actual content. In accordance with this structure, I apply "conatus", self-preservation principle, to ideas or affects at first, to show that desire, actual essence of a man, is a complex of affects which, as individuals themselves, mediate the influence of others. It turns out that imaginary causality is the very mechanical causality, concerning the complex individuals. Finally, while I refer to Freudian psychic causality, I attempt to outline a new concept of the unconscious: as relation without a subject or structure without a center.

Конструкција идентитета у књижевном делу Растка Петровића / Konstrukcija identiteta u književnom delu Rastka Petrovića / The Identity Construction in Rastko Petrović’sLiterary Work

Stevanović Kristina 25 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања у овом раду представља одређивање чворишних тачака<br />око којих се образује идентитет у поетици Растка Петровића. Циљ је доказивања тезе<br />да његово стваралаштво антиципира савремено схватање и разумевање идентитета<br />као конструкције, која се одвија унутар дискурса моћи, а он настоји да регулише<br />идентификацијске процесе унутар субјекта. Дело Растка Петровића указује на<br />чињеницу да идентитет представља сложену и динамичну мрежу сачињену од<br />идентитетских конституената који се непрекидно укрштају, те се на местима укрштаја<br />образују амбивалентне субјекатске позиције из којих аутор исповеда своју онтолошку<br />стрепњу и свест о конститутивној амбиваленцији. Укључивањем методолошких<br />премиса из области студија културе (маргинализација, трансгресија, лиминалност) у<br />проучавање аутентичних авангардних поетичких стратегија Растка Петровића, указали<br />смо на чињеницу да је аутор трагајући за собом остваривао своје поетско биће. На тај<br />начин образовао се хибридни и лиминални идентитет у динамичком пољу<br />антагонистичких дискурса, који се непрекидно међусобно пресецају.<br />Реч је, дакле, о томе да поетичко-естетско-филозофско исходиште<br />стваралаштва Растка Петровића чини идеја да се биће (оно што јесте), као и<br />конституенти његовог идентитета (пол, род, раса, нација, класна, верска и<br />професионална припадност...) разумевају као процесуалне категорије које су<br />непрекидно изложене променама. Петровић, заправо, отвара пут савременом<br />антиесенцијалном тумачењу бића као флукса (оно што је ток и што се мења) унутар<br />симболичких мрежа, односно дискурзивних пракси. На тај начин, ствара се могућност<br />да се појам, односно концепт идентитета тумачи као стратегијски и позицијски, те је у<br />Петровићевом делу идентитет увек релационо конструисан и изратито обележен не-<br />припадањем. Истовремено, идентитет сугерише истост и подржава неки облик<br />заједништва који варљиво испуњава онтолошку празнину.<br />Овај рад своје методолошко утемељење проналази у претпоставци да је<br />плуралитет у теоријским приступима и критичким праксама нужан, управо због<br />2<br />сложености и амбивалентности појма идентитет, који је интердисциплинаран по своме<br />досегу. Истовремено, овај рад се бави различитим аспектима идентитета са циљем да<br />се сачува и истакне свест о интеракцији између конституената идентитета и теоријско-<br />критичких пракси које се њима баве. У фокусу нашег истраживања налази се културни,<br />родни и наративни идентитет, тачније, модуси њихових конструкција. У том смислу,<br />ова студија доказује да поетика, али и живот Растка Петровића представљају<br />парадигму културолошке и родне лиминалности. Сходно томе, путујући модел<br />егзистенције показује се као пресудан у творби идентитета који се формира као<br />хибридни, услед седиментације различитих култура.<br />Исцрпна анлиза родног идентитета, односно маскулинитета, истиче<br />субверзивни потенцијал Петровићевог дела у односу на патријархалну<br />фалогоцентричну бинарну културолошку матрицу. Растко Петровић несумњиво<br />исказује свест о идеолошком карактеру родне улоге која му је намењена, те је процес<br />&bdquo;постајања&ldquo; мушкарцем изузетно сложен, обележен противуречностима и стрепњом.<br />Посебан комплекс питања која се нужно намећу када је у питању ауторефлексија<br />представља језик, јер је писац принуђен да доказ властитог постојања тражи у језику, у<br />појмовима који су такође производ дискурса који не одобрава алтернативну мушкост.<br />Тумачење наративног иденитета као ипсеитета које смо користили у раду,<br />дакле, упознавање и конституисање себе као метакатегоријалног Другог, маркирало је<br />значај културног дијалога коме је Растко Петровић несумњиво стремио. У питању је<br />дијалог у коме припадници мањинских/маргиналних култура и субкултура постају<br />равноправни саговорници. Истовремено, размена културних дарова обезбеђивала би<br />потенцијал за, из данашње перспективе посматрано, повлашћен статус агенса у<br />стварању сопствене културе, као и активно учешће у мапирању културе у свету.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja određivanje čvorišnih tačaka<br />oko kojih se obrazuje identitet u poetici Rastka Petrovića. Cilj je dokazivanja teze<br />da njegovo stvaralaštvo anticipira savremeno shvatanje i razumevanje identiteta<br />kao konstrukcije, koja se odvija unutar diskursa moći, a on nastoji da reguliše<br />identifikacijske procese unutar subjekta. Delo Rastka Petrovića ukazuje na<br />činjenicu da identitet predstavlja složenu i dinamičnu mrežu sačinjenu od<br />identitetskih konstituenata koji se neprekidno ukrštaju, te se na mestima ukrštaja<br />obrazuju ambivalentne subjekatske pozicije iz kojih autor ispoveda svoju ontološku<br />strepnju i svest o konstitutivnoj ambivalenciji. Uključivanjem metodoloških<br />premisa iz oblasti studija kulture (marginalizacija, transgresija, liminalnost) u<br />proučavanje autentičnih avangardnih poetičkih strategija Rastka Petrovića, ukazali<br />smo na činjenicu da je autor tragajući za sobom ostvarivao svoje poetsko biće. Na taj<br />način obrazovao se hibridni i liminalni identitet u dinamičkom polju<br />antagonističkih diskursa, koji se neprekidno međusobno presecaju.<br />Reč je, dakle, o tome da poetičko-estetsko-filozofsko ishodište<br />stvaralaštva Rastka Petrovića čini ideja da se biće (ono što jeste), kao i<br />konstituenti njegovog identiteta (pol, rod, rasa, nacija, klasna, verska i<br />profesionalna pripadnost...) razumevaju kao procesualne kategorije koje su<br />neprekidno izložene promenama. Petrović, zapravo, otvara put savremenom<br />antiesencijalnom tumačenju bića kao fluksa (ono što je tok i što se menja) unutar<br />simboličkih mreža, odnosno diskurzivnih praksi. Na taj način, stvara se mogućnost<br />da se pojam, odnosno koncept identiteta tumači kao strategijski i pozicijski, te je u<br />Petrovićevom delu identitet uvek relaciono konstruisan i izratito obeležen ne-<br />pripadanjem. Istovremeno, identitet sugeriše istost i podržava neki oblik<br />zajedništva koji varljivo ispunjava ontološku prazninu.<br />Ovaj rad svoje metodološko utemeljenje pronalazi u pretpostavci da je<br />pluralitet u teorijskim pristupima i kritičkim praksama nužan, upravo zbog<br />2<br />složenosti i ambivalentnosti pojma identitet, koji je interdisciplinaran po svome<br />dosegu. Istovremeno, ovaj rad se bavi različitim aspektima identiteta sa ciljem da<br />se sačuva i istakne svest o interakciji između konstituenata identiteta i teorijsko-<br />kritičkih praksi koje se njima bave. U fokusu našeg istraživanja nalazi se kulturni,<br />rodni i narativni identitet, tačnije, modusi njihovih konstrukcija. U tom smislu,<br />ova studija dokazuje da poetika, ali i život Rastka Petrovića predstavljaju<br />paradigmu kulturološke i rodne liminalnosti. Shodno tome, putujući model<br />egzistencije pokazuje se kao presudan u tvorbi identiteta koji se formira kao<br />hibridni, usled sedimentacije različitih kultura.<br />Iscrpna anliza rodnog identiteta, odnosno maskuliniteta, ističe<br />subverzivni potencijal Petrovićevog dela u odnosu na patrijarhalnu<br />falogocentričnu binarnu kulturološku matricu. Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo<br />iskazuje svest o ideološkom karakteru rodne uloge koja mu je namenjena, te je proces<br />&bdquo;postajanja&ldquo; muškarcem izuzetno složen, obeležen protivurečnostima i strepnjom.<br />Poseban kompleks pitanja koja se nužno nameću kada je u pitanju autorefleksija<br />predstavlja jezik, jer je pisac prinuđen da dokaz vlastitog postojanja traži u jeziku, u<br />pojmovima koji su takođe proizvod diskursa koji ne odobrava alternativnu muškost.<br />Tumačenje narativnog ideniteta kao ipseiteta koje smo koristili u radu,<br />dakle, upoznavanje i konstituisanje sebe kao metakategorijalnog Drugog, markiralo je<br />značaj kulturnog dijaloga kome je Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo stremio. U pitanju je<br />dijalog u kome pripadnici manjinskih/marginalnih kultura i subkultura postaju<br />ravnopravni sagovornici. Istovremeno, razmena kulturnih darova obezbeđivala bi<br />potencijal za, iz današnje perspektive posmatrano, povlašćen status agensa u<br />stvaranju sopstvene kulture, kao i aktivno učešće u mapiranju kulture u svetu.</p> / <p>This thesis aims to determine the crucial points of identity formation in Rastko<br />Petrović&rsquo;s poetics with the intention to verify the idea that Rastko Petrović&rsquo;s work<br />anticipates the modern understanding of identity as a construct which emerges from the<br />discourse of power with its identificational processes within the subject. Rastko Petrović&rsquo;s<br />oeuvre is an excellent example of the fact that identity represents a complex and dynamic<br />network of identity constituents that constantly intertwine, and, in the places where the<br />contacts happen, they form ambivalent subject positions from which the author narrates his<br />ontological fear and the awareness of the constitutive ambivalence. By including some of<br />the methodological premises from the field of cultural studies (such as marginalization,<br />transgression, liminality) into the research of Petrović&rsquo;s authentic avant-garde poetic<br />strategies, the thesis shows that, while searching for his inner self, Petrović was epitomizing<br />his poetical self, thus forming a hybrid and liminal identity in the dynamic field of<br />antagonistic discourses that constantly intersect.<br />Therefore, we can say that the poetic, philosophical and aesthetic sources of<br />Petrović&rsquo;s work are found in the idea that self (what is), as well as the constituents of his<br />identity (sex, gender, race, nation, class, religious beliefs, professional orientation&hellip;) are<br />understood as processing cathegories constantly exposed to changes. What is more, it can<br />be said that Rastko Petrović clears the path for the modern, antiessetialist interpretations of<br />self as flux (that which is a flow, which changes constantly) within the symbolic network, i.e.<br />discoursive practices. In this way, arises the possiblity of interpretation of the notion, or the<br />idea of identity, as strategic, or positional, meaning that in Petrović&rsquo;s works identity is<br />always relationally constructed and strongly marked by non-belonging. At the same time,<br />identity means sameness and supports at least some kind of unity feebly fulfilling the<br />onthological void.<br />Methodological foundation of this thesis is found in the assumption that the plurality<br />in critical and theoretical approaches is necessary, precisely because of the complexity and<br />ambivalence of identity, the term whose scope and range are interdisciplinary positioned. At<br />the same time, the thesis examines various aspects of identity with the objective to<br />preserve and enhance the awareness about the interaction between the constituents of<br />4<br />identity and theoretical and critical practices that deal with it. Cultural, gender and narrative<br />identities or, more precisely, the modes of their constructions, form the central part of the<br />thesis. In this sense, this thesis shows that the poetics, but also the life of Rastko Petrović,<br />represent a paradigm of cultural and gender liminality, while the life on the constant move<br />proves to be crucial in the creation of identity which is formed as a hybrid one because of<br />many layers coming from various cultures. A detailed analysis of gender identity or, more<br />precisely, masculinity, stresses the subversive potential of Petrović&rsquo;s work when juxtaposed<br />to patriarchal, logocentric, binary cultural matrix. Rastko Petrović expresses an awareness of<br />the ideological character of the gender role he was assigned with; therefore, the process of<br />&ldquo;becoming&rdquo; a man is a highly complex one, marked with contradictions and fear. A separate<br />cluster of questions that inevitably appear with introspection is found in language, since<br />writer is compelled to search for the proofs of his existence in the language and in the<br />notions which are also a product of discourse that does not approve of the alternative<br />masculinity.<br />The interpretation of narrative identity as ipseity, used in this work, as well as the<br />introduction and constitution of self as a meta-categorical Other, marked the importance of<br />cultural dialog which Rastko Petrović undoubtedly strived for. It is a dialog where the<br />members of minority cultures and subcultures are equal participants. At the same time, the<br />exchange of cultural gifts provides the potential for a privileged status of agens in creation<br />of one&rsquo;s own culture, and also in active mapping of the world culture.</p>

Wang xiaobo, un « génie en dehors du système » : des jeux d'écriture au « phénomène wang xiaobo » / Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), a "Genius outside the system" : from writing games to "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon" / “文坛外高手”王小波 :追溯“王小波现象”,深究其小说艺术

Mercier, Mei 20 October 2016 (has links)
Le point de départ de notre recherche a été la compréhension du phénomène Wang Xiaobo, de sa genèse, de son amplification et de ses échos dans l’histoire de la littérature chinoise. La thèse rappelle le contexte de la société chinoise et du monde littéraire des années 1990, indispensable pour saisir ce phénomène. Sa naissance est en effet étroitement liée à l’essor de la mouvance libérale chinoise et au développement rapide du pouvoir des médias et notamment d’Internet. Plusieurs personnages ont contribué à sa genèse, parmi lesquels on trouve notamment des chercheurs en sciences sociales tels que Li Yinhe, Qin Hui et Xu Jilin. Ce phénomène a été par la suite amplifié par les médias, qui ont étiqueté l’auteur comme « martyr sur l’autel de la littérature », « intellectuel libéral », « intellectuel public », etc. Ironie du sort, c’est l’appellation octroyée par Le Quotidien du peuple, « génie en dehors du système », qui résume le mieux l’identité controversée de l’auteur. L’étude des discours souvent impressifs sur le phénomène Wang Xiaobo nous a conduite d’abord à mener des analyses textuelles afin de sonder de manière approfondie l’art romanesque de l’auteur, insuffisamment exploré malgré sa notoriété posthume durable. Son art est caractérisé par des jeux à la fois subversifs et ludiques ; il démontre aussi comment le sujet pensant qui transforme les mots se voit lui-même métamorphosé par la société et la vie. Le corpus des textes étudiés couvre les trois périodes de l’auteur : avant 1984 (« l’âge fabuleux »), entre 1984 et 1992 (« l’âge de la maturité et l’âge d’or ») et enfin après 1992 (« réécriture et renouvellement »). Ensuite, à travers l’analyse comparée des textes de l’auteur et de ceux de ses successeurs, nous avons abouti à la thèse suivante : les jeux d’écriture de Wang Xiaobo affichent les caractéristiques de l’art de la postmodernité, et ce avant même que celui-ci s’installe progressivement en Chine ; ils illustrent comment l’esprit chevaleresque des lettrés chinois s’est progressivement transformé en un esprit de « voyous », terme évolutif, polysémique mais symptomatique de notre temps. / The starting point of our research was to understand the "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon". The paper describes the context of Chinese society and the literary world of the 1990s; some scholars’ liberal speeches and the growing power of media namely the Internet are parts of the reasons accounting for this phenomenon. The media put on the disappeared author new labels such as "martyr on the altar of literature", "liberal intellectual", "public intellectual". Ironically the name of "Genius outside the system", granted by the People's Daily to Wang Xiaobo, has stuck as the best way to encompass the author’s questionable identity. The impressive talks about the "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon" pushes us first to conduct deeper textual analysis to probe thoroughly the novellas’ art of the author, insufficiently explored despite his lasting posthumous fame. His art is characterized by subversive and playful language games; it also demonstrates how thinking subject who transforms words sees himself transformed by society and life. The corpus of the studied texts covers three periods of the author: before 1984, between 1984 and 1992, and finally after 1992. Then, through the comparative analysis of the author’s texts and those of his successors, we came up with the following thesis: The writing games of Wang Xiaobo display the characteristics of postmodern art, and even before it develops gradually in China; they illustrate how the chivalrous spirit of the Chinese intellectuals has evolved into a spirit of roguery, which in itself should be interpreted as an evolutionary term, both polysemic and symptomatic of our time.

Wang xiaobo, un « génie en dehors du système » : des jeux d'écriture au « phénomène wang xiaobo » / Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), a "Genius outside the system" : from writing games to "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon" / “文坛外高手”王小波 :追溯“王小波现象”,深究其小说艺术

Mercier, Mei 20 October 2016 (has links)
Le point de départ de notre recherche a été la compréhension du phénomène Wang Xiaobo, de sa genèse, de son amplification et de ses échos dans l’histoire de la littérature chinoise. La thèse rappelle le contexte de la société chinoise et du monde littéraire des années 1990, indispensable pour saisir ce phénomène. Sa naissance est en effet étroitement liée à l’essor de la mouvance libérale chinoise et au développement rapide du pouvoir des médias et notamment d’Internet. Plusieurs personnages ont contribué à sa genèse, parmi lesquels on trouve notamment des chercheurs en sciences sociales tels que Li Yinhe, Qin Hui et Xu Jilin. Ce phénomène a été par la suite amplifié par les médias, qui ont étiqueté l’auteur comme « martyr sur l’autel de la littérature », « intellectuel libéral », « intellectuel public », etc. Ironie du sort, c’est l’appellation octroyée par Le Quotidien du peuple, « génie en dehors du système », qui résume le mieux l’identité controversée de l’auteur. L’étude des discours souvent impressifs sur le phénomène Wang Xiaobo nous a conduite d’abord à mener des analyses textuelles afin de sonder de manière approfondie l’art romanesque de l’auteur, insuffisamment exploré malgré sa notoriété posthume durable. Son art est caractérisé par des jeux à la fois subversifs et ludiques ; il démontre aussi comment le sujet pensant qui transforme les mots se voit lui-même métamorphosé par la société et la vie. Le corpus des textes étudiés couvre les trois périodes de l’auteur : avant 1984 (« l’âge fabuleux »), entre 1984 et 1992 (« l’âge de la maturité et l’âge d’or ») et enfin après 1992 (« réécriture et renouvellement »). Ensuite, à travers l’analyse comparée des textes de l’auteur et de ceux de ses successeurs, nous avons abouti à la thèse suivante : les jeux d’écriture de Wang Xiaobo affichent les caractéristiques de l’art de la postmodernité, et ce avant même que celui-ci s’installe progressivement en Chine ; ils illustrent comment l’esprit chevaleresque des lettrés chinois s’est progressivement transformé en un esprit de « voyous », terme évolutif, polysémique mais symptomatique de notre temps. / The starting point of our research was to understand the "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon". The paper describes the context of Chinese society and the literary world of the 1990s; some scholars’ liberal speeches and the growing power of media namely the Internet are parts of the reasons accounting for this phenomenon. The media put on the disappeared author new labels such as "martyr on the altar of literature", "liberal intellectual", "public intellectual". Ironically the name of "Genius outside the system", granted by the People's Daily to Wang Xiaobo, has stuck as the best way to encompass the author’s questionable identity. The impressive talks about the "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon" pushes us first to conduct deeper textual analysis to probe thoroughly the novellas’ art of the author, insufficiently explored despite his lasting posthumous fame. His art is characterized by subversive and playful language games; it also demonstrates how thinking subject who transforms words sees himself transformed by society and life. The corpus of the studied texts covers three periods of the author: before 1984, between 1984 and 1992, and finally after 1992. Then, through the comparative analysis of the author’s texts and those of his successors, we came up with the following thesis: The writing games of Wang Xiaobo display the characteristics of postmodern art, and even before it develops gradually in China; they illustrate how the chivalrous spirit of the Chinese intellectuals has evolved into a spirit of roguery, which in itself should be interpreted as an evolutionary term, both polysemic and symptomatic of our time.

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