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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parenté fluide : la quête des origines au Brésil et au Québec : dialogue entre parenté, droit et science

Allebrandt, Débora 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la question des origines biogénétiques au Brésil et au Québec. Elle vise à mettre en lumière les raisons, conséquences et contraintes de la recherche des origines entreprise par les personnes conçues grâce à un don de gamètes ou adoptées. La question des origines est ici analysée à partir de trois points de vue: la parenté, le droit et la science. Le cadre proposé combine les trois approches suivantes : 1) le recours à la parenté permet dřanalyser, de par son caractère hybride, social et biologique, les tensions entre nature et culture; 2) le droit balise les comportements permis et transforme les notions associées à ce qui est correct et juste en des principes d'action; 3) la science construit, sous lřangle de la vérité, la manière dont les liens entre génétique, transmission et hérédité sous-tendent les comportements sociaux. Les représentations de lřorigine mises de lřavant dans ces trois domaines influencent la décision personnelle dřentreprendre ou non la quête de ses origines et celle, éventuelle, d'introduire un « étranger » dans la famille. Ces différents angles permettront de saisir le rôle de chacun des personnages impliqués et de décrire les conditions associées à la quête identitaire et à la filiation. La construction de la thèse sřappuie sur l'histoire des pratiques d'adoption et de procréation médicalement assistée (PMA), au Brésil et au Québec et sur les études qui sřy rapportent. La comparaison entre ces deux pays ne se limite pas à identifier leurs seules différences en termes socio- économiques ; elle prend aussi en compte leur spécificité culturelle et juridique à travers le concept dř « épistémologies civiques ». La parenté, le droit et la science fournissent le contexte permettant de comprendre les raisons mises en jeu dans la recherche des origines. De fait, la valorisation des liens de parenté sociale dialogue, entre autres, avec la curiosité pour les données génétiques. De plus, la loi sřinscrit comme une médiation entre parenté et science. Lřétude des ressemblances et différences dans la pratique de l'adoption et de la PMA au Brésil et au Québec permet de suivre les étapes de la quête des adoptés et issus d'un don de gamètes, de la découverte des conditions de leur filiation jusqu'aux « retrouvailles ». La thèse aborde également le débat entre les versants personnel et collectif de lřidentité à travers l'analyse des pratiques et des discours des associations de personnes adoptées, des couples infertiles et des familles homoparentales, autour de la thématique des origines. Le but de cette thèse est de souligner l'importance de mettre en perspective ces échanges entre la parenté, le droit et la science pour comprendre les réalités complexes que nous vivons aujourd'hui. iii L'origine et sa quête sont les véhicules utilisés ici pour mettre en évidence des formes familiales plurielles qui permettent d'analyser la manière dont nous négocions de nouvelles formes de filiation et de construction des familles. / The subject of this thesis is the biogenetic origins in Brazil and Quebec. It aims to highlight the reasons, consequences and constraints of the search for origins undertaken by persons conceived by gamete donation and adopted persons. The question of origins is here analyzed from three perspectives: kinship, law and science. The proposed framework combines the following approaches: 1) kinship, through its hybrid nature, can analyze social and biological tensions between nature and culture, 2) law, associated with notions of what is right and just are taken as principles of action, 3) science, constructed in terms of truth and how links between genetics and transmission may underlying social behaviours. Different representations of origins are put forward in this thesis where certain areas can influence the personal decision whether to undertake the search for its origins and possible decision to introduce a "foreigner" in the family. These prospects will help us to understand the role of each of the characters involved and describe the conditions associated with the search for biological identity and parenthood. The construction of the thesis is based on the literature and the history of adoption and assisted reproduction (AR) in Brazil and Quebec. The comparison between these two countries cannot be confined to identify their differences in socio-economic terms, it has to take into account the cultural and legal particularities in both countries only through the concept "civic epistemologies". Kinship, law and science provide the context for understanding the reasons brought into play in the search for origins. In a sense, the valorization of social aspects of kinship dialogue, among other things, with the curiosity for genetic information, likewise the law comes as a mediation between kinship and science. The study of similarities and differences in the practice of adoption and AR in Brazil and Quebec allows, in this thesis devoted to the question of the origin of adopted children and donor offspring, to follow the steps going through the discover of the conditions of their affiliation, their search for the biological origins and the eventual "reunion". The thesis also examines the debate between the slopes of personal and collective identity through the analysis of the discourses and practices of associations of people adopted, infertile couples and LGBT families around the theme of origins. The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the importance to dialogue kinship

Vulnérabilité, observance et adhésion thérapeutique : quels risques? : la prévention de la tuberculose chez les enfants immigrants à Montréal

Carle, Marie-Ève 09 1900 (has links)
Si le nombre de nouveaux cas de tuberculose au Québec a considérablement baissé au cours des dernières décennies, l’épidémiologie mondiale rappelle toutefois que cette maladie est responsable de plus de deux millions de morts par an. Au Canada, certains groupes seraient plus vulnérables, notamment les immigrants provenant de pays où la tuberculose est endémique. La Clinique de tuberculose du Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine est un outil de lutte active contre cette maladie, entre autres grâce à son programme de dépistage scolaire auprès des enfants immigrants. Ce dépistage vise à identifier les porteurs de la tuberculose latente, c’est-à-dire la forme non contagieuse de la maladie. Un traitement préventif de neuf mois est offert aux enfants qui présentent un résultat positif afin de prévenir le développement de la tuberculose maladie (forme active). Dans 28 % des cas, ce traitement n’est pas adéquatement complété et dans 11 % des cas, il est refusé. La présente étude porte à la fois sur la question de l’observance thérapeutique et sur les conditions de vie post-migratoires. L’observation de consultations à la Clinique de tuberculose et les entrevues auprès des soignants et des familles ont engendré une réflexion sur la prévention de la tuberculose en contexte migratoire de même que sur le caractère multifactoriel de la non-observance thérapeutique. L’analyse des données fait ressortir l’impact du vécu migratoire et des conditions de vie (le logement, l’emploi, la maîtrise de la langue, etc.) sur la prise irrégulière du médicament, permettant une meilleure compréhension de ce comportement (chapitre 4). Il a également été possible de documenter une distinction entre les conduites (l’observance) et les attitudes (l’adhésion) nuançant la compréhension des diverses trajectoires thérapeutiques à l’aide de rationalités plurielles et diversifiées (chapitres 5 et 6). Il s’en dégage une réflexion sur le caractère normatif de la catégorisation de « groupe » et de « comportement » à risque laissant place aux différents univers référentiels et, plus globalement, aux conditions de vie des familles (chapitre 7). / While the number of new tuberculosis cases in Quebec has dropped considerably in recent decades, global epidemiology nonetheless shows that this disease is responsible for more than two million deaths every year. In Canada, some groups are more vulnerable than others; for example, immigrants from countries where tuberculosis is endemic. The Clinique de tuberculose du Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine constitutes an active tool in the fight against this disease, notably through its school screening program for immigrant children. This screening identifies carriers of latent tuberculosis, i.e. non-contagious form of the disease. A nine-month preventive course of treatment is provided to children with a positive result so as to forestall the development of tuberculosis disease (active form). In 28 % of cases, this treatment is not completed properly and in 11 % of cases, it is declined. This study focuses on both the issue of medical compliance and post-migration life conditions. Observations of consultations at the Tuberculosis Clinic and interviews with caregivers and families have led to a reflection on the prevention of tuberculosis in the context of migration, as well as the multifactorial nature of non-compliance. Data analysis reveals the impact of migration and living conditions (e.g. housing, employment and language proficiency, etc.) on the irregular intake of medication, allowing for a better understanding of this behaviour (Chapter 4). It was also possible to document a distinction between behaviour (compliance) and attitudes (adherence), nuancing the understanding of various therapeutic trajectories using multiple and diverse rationalities (Chapters 5 and 6). All this allows for reflection on the normative nature of categories such as "risk groups" and "risk behaviour", while leaving room for different referential universes and the impact of the overall living conditions of families (Chapter 7).

La dimension subjective dans l'expérience de guérison de pratiquants du yoga Sivananda

Petropavlovsky, Marie-Noëlle 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore le parcours de guérison de pratiquants du Yoga Sivananda dans un contexte de réenchantement du monde. Les répondants ont été recrutés à l'ashram Sivananda de Val-Morin (Québec) qui a été défini comme un territoire transnational et cosmopolite favorisant l'hybridité religieuse et l'accès à des ressources symboliques et thérapeutiques multiples. À travers une approche phénoménologique qui privilégie la subjectivité de l'individu, nous proposons d'identifier les facteurs-clés de guérison propres à chacun des répondants et d'observer comment ils composent avec les univers de sens et les diverses représentations du corps, de la maladie et de la guérison qui circulent dans la société. Nous définirons la place qu'occupe la ressource spirituelle à l'intérieur de ce parcours et comment la ressource biomédicale s'ancre à l'intérieur de la ressource spirituelle. Nous verrons comment les personnes bricolent leur propre système de représentations et s'arrangent pour donner un sens à la maladie et la réinscrire dans une dimension holiste, tout en profitant pour la plupart de la technologie du système biomédical, ceci pour multiplier les chances de guérison. Il a été présumé que le déclenchement des mécanismes de guérison dépend de la subjectivité de la personne et que celle-ci contient – au moins en partie – les clés de sa guérison. Ces clés sont propres à chacun et la recherche démontre que chaque parcours est unique. Aussi, en faisant référence à cette subjectivité, la question principale de ce mémoire est-elle de savoir à quoi les répondant attribuent leur guérison. / This dissertation explores the healing journey of Sivananda yoga practioners in the context of the re-enchantment of the world. All respondents have been recruited at Sivananda Ashram in Val-Morin (Quebec) which has been defined as a transnational cosmopolitan territory that stimulates religious hybridity and promotes access to multiple symbolic and therapeutic resources. Through a phenomenological approach that emphasises the subjectivity of the individual, we propose to identify the key factors of healing proper to each interviewee are identified and to observe how they deal with worlds of meanings and various representations of the body, illness and healing circulating throughout society. We will define the position of the spiritual resource within this journey and observe how the biomedical resource is embedded in this spiritual resource. We are interested in how individuals are building up their own system of representations and manage to find a meaning to their illness and enlarge the scope of it beyond a holistic dimension while taking at the same time advantage of the biomedical technology in order to multiply their chances of healing. In my approach, I assume that the triggering of self-healing mechanisms depends upon the subjectivity of the individuals and that this subjectivity contains the keys of their healing. These keys are proper to each person and the research shows that each journey is unique. So, regarding this subjectivity, the main question of this thesis is to what participants attribute their healing.

Corps, pouvoir et douleur chronique : récits de vie de danseurs et de danseuses professionnels

Bloch, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
La porte d’entrée méthodologique de cette recherche repose sur l’observation participante d’une patiente atteinte de «douleur chronique» adressée pour accompagnement thérapeutique par le Qi Gong. L’énoncé fréquent de situations de conflit avec la famille, avec l’employeur ou avec les médecins, m’a amenée à y considérer la similitude entre les symptômes énoncés, les usages du corps et les attitudes mentales en lien avec une représentation mécaniste et duelle du corps. Marcel Mauss a été le premier à désigner ce rapport entre les usages du corps et les paradigmes sociétaux et culturels, à l’œuvre. Dans une ère fortement marquée par la robotisation des entreprises et des services, la dématérialisation des documents et la tyrannie des nouvelles technologies, la «douleur chronique» vient donc questionner les usages du corps contemporain dans un monde du travail axé sur la performance et la productivité. Cette recherche a pour but d’interroger en quoi la «douleur chronique» serait un symptôme des apories contemporaines, dépassant ainsi largement le champ de la médecine et en quoi elle serait comme l’arme du faible, the weapon of the weak, en contexte d’oppression (Scott, 1985). Ultimement, elle questionne l’affirmation de Michel Foucault selon laquelle «nous avons tous du pouvoir dans le corps» (1987: 27). Le recueil de récits de vie auprès de professionnels de la danse, pressentis pour leur habileté à décrire leur ressenti, y déjoue une tendance à reléguer dans le domaine de la psyché ce qui ne fait pas la preuve de son évidence. La forte crédibilité de leur parole permet en outre de mieux documenter un phénomène complexe, entâché de beaucoup d’à priori et de révéler les dynamiques de pouvoir à l’œuvre au sein d’une profession confrontée aux limites corporelles, plus que tout autre, dans l’exercice de son art. Une approche généalogique de ces histoires de douleur et leur mise côte à côte permet d’identifier les «plis» que sont l’endurance et le rejet de toute médication face à la douleur et comment ils infléchissent son évolution. Une analyse plus approfondie des six d’entre elles qui s’en sont sorties y démontre que si le pouvoir s’exerce sur un corps perçu comme docile, il peut aussi s’inverser pour contribuer à la guérison, au prix d’une insurrection de savoirs enfouis, universels, mais «assujettis», et d’un changement de paradigme. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension de la «douleur chronique» laisse entrevoir une possible réversibilité du phénomène et une réinsertion sociale, avec ou sans réorientation de carrière, à condition de repenser nos modes de représentation, de production, de relation au travail et aux usages du corps, le rapport à l’Autre et à soi. / The methodological starting point of this research was participant observation of a patient with «chronic pain» who was being seen for therapy through qigong. The patient’s frequent statements regarding situations of conflict with the family, the employer or doctors led me to consider the similarity between the symptoms described, the uses of the body and mental attitudes related to a mechanistic, dualistic representation of the body. Marcel Mauss was the first to address this relationship between the uses of the body and societal and cultural paradigms. At a time deeply marked by the automation of businesses and services, the dematerialization of documents and the tyranny of new technologies, «chronic pain» calls into question the uses of the contemporary body in a working world based on performance and productivity. The aim of this research is to examine how «chronic pain» may be a symptom of contemporary aporias that go far beyond the sphere of medicine and how it may be «the weapon of the weak» in a context of oppression (Scott, 1985). Ultimately, this research examines Michel Foucault’s statement that «we all have power in our bodies» (1987: 27). The collected life narratives of professional dancers, who were approached because of their ability to describe their feelings, avoid the tendency to relegate to the realm of the psyche whatever cannot be demonstrably proven. The strong credibility of the acccounts makes it possible to better document a complex phenomenon marred by a great many a priori and reveal the dynamics of power at work in a profession that, more than any other, confronts the limits of the body in the exercise of its art. A genealogical approach to these stories of pain and their examination side-by-side allowed me to identify the habits of endurance and rejection of medication and how they influenced the evolution of the pain. A more detailed analysis of the six healed one’s narratives shows that while power is exercised on a body perceived as docile, it may also be reversed to support a recovery at the cost of an insurrection of buried knowledge that is universal but «subjugated» and a change of paradigm. Thus, a better understanding of «chronic pain» makes it possible to envisage its reversibility and a social reintegration, with or without a career change, on the condition that we rethink our modes of representation, production and relation to work and to the uses of the body, and our relationship to the Other and the self.

Biomédecine et médecines alternatives : alliance possible ou scission inévitable? : le cas des acupuncteurs à Montréal

Duvivier, Jessica 06 1900 (has links)
Si l’alternative est de nos jours et dans nos sociétés occidentales un concept de plus en plus en vogue, son caractère lui, en demeure pas moins ambigu. En effet, et alors même que nombre de pratiques dites alternatives émergent de part et d’autre de la société, en faire allusion dans certains domaines équivaut à s’affliger soi-même d’une étiquette sur laquelle serait inscrite « New-Age » en caractère gras. Pourtant, son caractère loin d’évoquer cette seule dimension, semble par ailleurs être conséquente d un déséquilibre de plus en plus prégnant au sein même des prérogatives de l’État. Ce mémoire tente donc de rendre compte de ce phénomène tout en investiguant les répercussions de cette asymétrie sur l’intégration de pratiques médicales alternatives au Québec. Ceci dans l’intention non seulement d’explorer davantage la nature de la relation entre médecine alternative et biomédecine, mais aussi afin de poser un nouveau regard sur son expansion. Un regard, lequel permettrait potentiellement de poser les jalons nécessaires à un espace de conciliation entre les médecines, lequel découlerait alors d’un nouvel équilibre au cœur des prérogatives mêmes de l’État. / If the alternative is to our days and in our western societies a concept more and more in vogue, its character remains ambiguous. In effect, and even that number of practices called “alternatives” emerge on both sides of the society, in referring to in some areas is equivalent to plague itself-even a label on which would be marked “New-Age” in bold. Yet, its character far from referring to this single dimension, seems also be consistent to a more and more significant unbalance within the prerogatives of the State. This dissertation therefore attempts to account for this phenomenon while inquiry into the repercussions of this asymmetry on the integration of alternative medical practices in Quebec. This with the intention not only to further explore the nature of the relationship between alternative medicine and biomedicine, but also in order to install a new look on its expansion. A look, which would potentially lay the groundwork necessary to a space of conciliation between the medicines and which would lead to a new balance in the heart of the prerogatives of the State.

Le dispositif institutionnel et la relation thérapeutique en salle d'accouchement : entre le risque, le savoir hégémonique et les rapports de pouvoir

Fréchette, Marie-Josée 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Por um parto respeitoso: uma etnografia em grupos do movimento de humanização do parto e nascimento / For a respectful labor: an ethnography in groups from the humanization of labor and birth movement.

Lidiane Mello de Castro 06 October 2017 (has links)
A assistência ao parto e ao nascimento no Brasil passou por amplas reformulações nas últimas décadas baseadas na necessidade de melhorar a qualidade e a satisfação das mulheres, crianças e suas famílias. Em busca das redefinições das práticas, estabeleceu-se, no país, o movimento de humanização do parto e nascimento (MHPN). Neste estudo, buscou-se compreender os significados e as práticas construídos a partir do conceito de parto presentes no campo da humanização do parto e do nascimento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que utilizou a metodologia qualitativa com abordagem etnográfica, realizada em dois grupos participantes do MHPN que tinham como objetivo comum a melhoria da humanização do parto e do nascimento no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde. O trabalho de campo ocorreu entre os anos de 2014 e o segundo semestre de 2016. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e de observação participante nas atividades dos grupos e em eventos do MHPN, em que foram efetuadas 10 interlocuções com os militantes do movimento. Os dados foram analisados mediante a técnica de análise de conteúdo, organizados em três eixos principais: a militância e os contextos de cuidado, parto e nascimento em suas trajetórias e significados e práticas ao redor do parto e do nascimento. Permitiu-se compreender que esses militantes almejam um parto que chamamos de parto respeitoso, baseados em um cuidado individualizado, em evidências científicas e na garantia de direitos. / Labor and birth care in Brazil have undergone broad reformulations in the last decades based on the need to improve the quality and satisfaction of women, children and their families. In searching for the redefinition of the practices it was established in the country the humanization of labor and birth movement (MHPN). In this study, we sought to understand the meanings and the practices, built from the concept of labor, existent in the field of humanization of labor and birth. It is a research that used the qualitative methodology with ethnographic approach, made in two MHPN participant groups, that had as a common objective the improvement of humanization of labor and birth in the scope of the Unified Health System. Field work took place between the year of 2014 and the second semester of 2016. Data collection was made by means of semi-structured interviews and participant observation in the activities of MHPN groups and events, in which 10 interlocutions with the movement militants were carried out. Data were analyzed using the technique of content analysis, organized in three main branches: militance and care contexts, labor and birth in their trajectories and meanings, and practices surrounding labor and birth. It was possible to understand that such militants desire what we call a respectful labor, based on individualized care, scientific evidence and guarantee of rights.

Aspectos conceituais teóricos e subjetivos da sobrevivência ao câncer: contribuições para a enfermagem oncológica / Theoretical conceptual and subjective aspects of cancer survivorship: contributions to cancer nursing

Rafaela Azevedo Abrantes de Oliveira 22 September 2017 (has links)
O progresso no diagnóstico precoce do câncer e terapias, bem como longevidade e o crescimento populacional, remete no aumento do número de indivíduos sobreviventes do câncer em todos os países, e com ele surge uma nova nomenclatura, a da sobrevivência ao câncer (SC). Este estudo teve como objetivo geral, analisar o conceito da SC na literatura de saúde e entre adoecidos adultos e/ou idosos diagnosticados com a doença. Para alcançar este propósito elaboramos mais quatro objetivos específicos que nos fez organizar a tese em três grandes etapas. A primeira etapa tem como objetivo analisar o conceito da SC apresentado na literatura de saúde, segundo o modelo evolucionário de análise conceitual de Rodgers. Este modelo está disposto em seis etapas, preconizando a análise dos estudos levantados pela análise temática indutiva e interpretados segundo o referencial teórico do conceito de cultura. Como resultado obtivemos os componentes do conceito, que nos auxilia na compreensão do mesmo, são eles: antecedente - ser diagnosticado com câncer; consequente - qualidade de vida dos sobreviventes do câncer (StC) e crescimento pessoal; atributos - processo de liminaridade e cuidado culturalmente congruente; termos substitutos - StC, sobrevivência em longo prazo e aquele que está vivendo após o diagnóstico do câncer, e por último os termos relacionados - sobrevida e reabilitação do câncer. Para a segunda etapa dessa pesquisa o propósito foi apreender os sentidos atribuídos a ser StC entre adoecidos, assim como, descrever os sentidos atribuídos ao conceito da SC entre adoecidos adultos e idosos por meio de sínteses narrativas. Desse modo, construímos um estudo qualitativo, com método narrativo e com referencial da antropologia médica. Realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 14 participantes diagnosticados com os diferentes tipos de câncer urológico de ambos os sexos, adultos e idosos, com no mínimo três meses pós-tratamento. Após transcrição dos dados, os mesmos foram analisados segundo a análise temática indutiva e duas sínteses narrativas foram elaboradas, a primeira delas é as dualidades da vida após o tratamento: da perda do autocontrole, da incerteza da recorrência da doença ao otimismo e esperança. Nessa síntese, discutimos acerca da experiência do sobrevivente com a doença, a perda de controle que a doença desencadeia e o consequente crescimento pessoal e aquisição do otimismo apesar das circunstâncias vividas. A segunda síntese é intitulada, o que eu sou? Sou um sobrevivente do câncer? Autorreflexão da identidade após o tratamento primário do câncer. Nela apreendemos a reflexão dos participantes sobre como se enxergam e veem a si mesmo e atribuem sentidos a ser ou estar doente, curado, vítima e principalmente StC. Com essas duas sínteses narrativas conseguimos descrever e nos aproximar dos sentidos atribuídos a SC. A terceira etapa foi desenvolvida em três tópicos, o primeiro consiste na comparação dos resultados da etapa um com a etapa dois, complementando com a importância da enfermagem oncológica no cuidado aos StC e uma reflexão sobre as políticas de saúde públicas atuais. Essa tese atualiza o conceito da SC e traz novas perspectivas sobre ele, contribuindo para a enfermagem oncológica / The progress in the early diagnosis of cancer and therapies, as well as the longevity and population growth remit to an increased number of cancer survivors around the world, giving rise to a new term, that of cancer survivorship (CS). The general objective in this study was to analyze the concept of CS in the health literature and among adult and/or elderly patients diagnosed with the disease. To achieve this objective, we elaborated four specific objectives, which made us organize the dissertation in three main phases. The objective of the first phase is to analyze the concept of CS presented in the health literature, according to Rodgers\' evolutionary model of concept analysis. This model is arranged in six steps, recommending the analysis of the studies surveyed by means of inductive thematic analysis and their interpretation according to the theoretical framework of the culture concept. As a result, we obtained the components of the concept, which help us understand it. These are: antecedent - being diagnosed with cancer; consequent - quality of life of cancer survivors (StC) and personal growth; attributes - liminality process and culturally congruent care; substitute terms - StC, long-term survival and individuals living after the cancer diagnosis, and finally the related terms - cancer survival and rehabilitation. For the second phase, the purpose was to apprehend the meanings attributed to being StC among the patients, as well as to describe the meanings adult and elderly patients attribute to the CS concept through narrative syntheses. Thus, we built a qualitative study, using the narrative method and the reference framework of medical anthropology. We held semistructured interviews with 14 participants diagnosed with different types of urological cancer, male and female, adult and elderly, with at least three months post-treatment. After transcribing the data, they were analyzed according to inductive thematic analysis and two narrative syntheses were elaborated, the first being the dualities of life after the treatment; from loss of self-control, the uncertainty of the disease relapse to optimism and hope. In this synthesis, we discuss the survivor\'s experience with the disease, the loss of control the disease triggers and the consequent personal growth and gaining of optimism despite the circumstances experienced. The second synthesis is entitled: Who am I? Am I a cancer survivor? Self-reflection on the identity after the primary cancer treatment. In this synthesis, we apprehend the participants\' reflection on how they see themselves and attribute meanings to being ill, cured, victim and mainly StC. These two narrative syntheses allowed us to describe and get closer to the meanings attributed to CS. The third phase was developed in three topics, the first being the comparison between the results of phase one and phase two, complemented with the importance of oncology nursing in care for StC and a reflection on the current public health policies. This dissertation updates the concept of CS and offers new perspectives, contributing to oncology nursing

Beyond the social skin : healing arts and sacred clays among the Mun (Mursi) of Southwest Ethiopia

Fayers-Kerr, Kate Nialla January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse critique de la présence des contraceptifs longue durée réversibles en Haïti

Cormier-Beaugrand, Aube 06 1900 (has links)
Ce projet aborde la dimension institutionnelle du choix en contraception et questionne la présence et la prévalence, en Haïti, de deux contraceptifs hormonaux longue durée réversibles (LARC) : les injections de Depo-Provera et les implants sous-cutanés. L’approche théorique adoptée est celle de l’anthropologie critique de l’humanitaire et fait usage du concept de dispositif mis de l'avant par Michel Foucault (1975-76) afin d’analyser les différents éléments qui s’articulent au sein du dispositif de santé mondiale tel qu’il se déploie en Haïti. Une analyse de la documentation disponible a permis d’identifier trois paradigmes explicatifs pour les contraceptifs LARC en Haïti : les discours biomédicaux, la structure administrative et le modèle de financement du dispositif de contraception mondiale. L’analyse des discours biomédicaux permet d’entrevoir les différents consensus entourant l’usage des contraceptifs LARC dans les pays en développement, tout en révélant l’impact de l’OMS en tant qu’instance normative dans le contexte des différentes controverses entourant les effets secondaires associés aux technologies contraceptives à progestérone et à longue durée. La structure administrative qui encadre la livraison des contraceptifs aux femmes vivant en Haïti permet de comprendre que les contraceptifs LARC vont de pair avec une approche démédicalisée de la contraception. Enfin le modèle de financement des programmes permet de saisir l’impact des dons en contraceptifs sur l’approvisionnement des programmes de contraception en Haïti, ainsi que la prédominance des organisations philanthropes sur l’orientation biomédicale des programmes de santé mondiale. En discussion le mémoire présente des réflexions anthropologiques critiques et questionne l'adéquation des contraceptifs LARC en Haïti, en raison des impacts de ces médicaments sur la santé, des préoccupations des Haïtiens et de la nécessité de remettre en cause le modèle biomédical en planification familiale. / This project addresses the institutional dimension of contraceptive choice and questions the presence and prevalence in Haiti of two long-acting reversible hormonal contraceptives (LARCs): Depo-Provera injections and subcutaneous implants. The theoretical approach adopted is that of critical humanitarian anthropology and makes use of the concept of "dispositif" in French (translated in "apparatus" by Dreyfus Rabinow in 1984) put forward by Michel Foucault (1975-76) in order to analyze the different elements that are articulated within the Global health system as it unfolds in Haiti. An analysis of the available literature identified three explanatory paradigms for LARC contraceptives in Haiti : biomedical discourse, administrative structure and funding model of the global contraceptive system. The analysis of biomedical discourse provides insight into the different consensuses surrounding the use of LARC contraceptives in developing countries, while revealing the impact of WHO as a normative body in the context of the various controversies surrounding side effects associated with progesterone and long-term contraceptive technologies. The administrative structure that governs the delivery of contraceptives to women living in Haiti makes it possible to understand that LARC contraceptives go hand in hand with a demedicalized approach to contraception. Finally, the program funding model captures the impact of contraceptive donations on the supply of contraceptive programs in Haiti, as well as the predominance of philanthropic organizations on the biomedical orientation of global health programs. In discussion, the paper presents critical anthropological reflections and questions the adequacy of LARC contraceptives in Haiti because of the health impacts of these drugs, the concerns of Haitians and the need to challenge the biomedical model in family planning.

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