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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viabilização do uso de Bt para o manejo do HLB dos citros via redução da população de Diaphorina citri / Feasibility of the Bt use for reduction of Diaphorina citri population and improved citrus HLB management

Tatiane da Cunha 03 April 2018 (has links)
A citricultura se destaca como uma das mais importantes atividades do agronegócio brasileiro, sendo o estado de São Paulo o principal produtor mundial de laranja e o maior exportador de suco concentrado e congelado. O psilídeo dos citros (Diaphorina citri) tornou-se nos últimos anos um dos mais importantes vetores na cultura, devido à transmissão de \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' e \'Ca. L. americanus\', bactérias associadas ao huanglongbing (HLB), principal doença da citricultura atual. Uma vez que não há variedades comerciais de citros resistentes ao HLB, seu manejo é baseado no uso de mudas sadias, erradicação de plantas infectadas e pelo controle químico do vetor. No entanto, o custo elevado e os significativos danos ambientais causados pelos inseticidas químicos, associados à possibilidade da seleção de populações de psilídeos resistentes a esses produtos, têm levado à busca por estratégias alternativas de manejo do vetor do HLB que sejam mais adequadas e sustentáveis. Nosso grupo tem tentado contribuir nesse sentido, com a prospecção e caracterização de estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) patogênicos ao psilídeo. Sendo assim, os objetivos deste estudo foram: (a) Confirmar a capacidade endofítica e a patogenicidade de estirpes de Bt em seedlings e mudas de citros com diferentes combinações de copa/porta-enxerto; (b) Determinar a concentração letal (CL50) necessária para ocasionar mortalidade em populações de D. citri; (c) Estudar a interação entre toxinas Cry e receptores de membrana do intestino de ninfas e (d) Avaliar a compatibilidade das estirpes selecionadas com agrotóxicos comumente utilizados na citricultura. Os bioensaios realizados com seedlings e mudas de citros demonstraram que as estirpes de Bt (Cyt1A, Cry2Aa, Cry4A, Cry10, Cry11, S1302, S1450 e S1989) translocaram endofiticamente nas plantas, mantendo sua viabilidade e, em sua maioria, o potencial patogênico para ninfas de D. citri. Para seedlings, os valores de mortalidade passaram de 80% para as estirpes S1302 e S1450. Foram observados esporos e células vegetativas de B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki expressando green fluorescent protein (Btk::GFP), visualizados por microscopia de fluorescência, aderidos principalmente aos elementos de vasos e no xilema, obtidas de amostras seccionadas transversal e longitudinalmente, de caule e raiz de seedlings e mudas de laranjeira Pera. A CL50 e CL80 para a estirpe S1302 foi de 4,92 × 104 esporos/mL e 6,63 × 107 esporos/mL, respectivamente. Já para a estirpe S1450, 50% de mortalidade das ninfas testadas foi estimada em 2,19 × 104 esporos/mL, e a CL80 foi de 6,18 × 108 esporos/mL, quando utilizadas suspensões de esporos da bactéria diretamente no substrato de seedlings de laranjeira Pera. Os ensaios de ligação demonstraram que todas as toxinas Cry presentes nas estirpes S1302, S1450 e S1989 (Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab2, Cry1B e Cry11) interagiram com os receptores de membrana intestinal, brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV\'s), obtidos de ninfas de D. citri. Ensaios in vivo evidenciaram que as estirpes S1302 e S1450 mostraram-se compatíveis com todos os agrotóxicos comumente utilizados na citricultura, ainda que os produtos à base de cobre e o inseticida Dimetoato tenham sido deletérios em aplicações diretas na bactéria in vitro. Esses dados evidenciam a possibildade do uso de Bt como bioinseticida no manejo integrado do HLB. / Citriculture is one the most important activities of Brazilian agribusiness, and the State of São Paulo being the world\'s leading orange producer and the largest juice exporter. Asian citrus psyllid - ACP (Diaphorina citri) has become one of the most important vectors in the citriculture in recent years, due to the transmission of \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' and \'Ca. L. americanus\', bacteria associated with huanglongbing (HLB), the main citrus disease worldwide. Nowadays there are no commercial citrus varieties resistant to HLB, and its management is based on the use of healthy nursery citrus trees, eradication of symptomatic planst from the orchards, and vector chemical control. However, excessive cost and environmental damage due to application of chemical insecticides associated with the possibility of selection of ACP resistant populations, have led researchers to persue alternative strategies for the management of HLB. Our group has contributed with the screening of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains with potential against ACP. Therefore, our objectives were: (a) to confirm Bt endophytic translocation in citrus seedlings and nursery trees with different scion-rootstock combinations and to evaluate their pathogenicity against D. citri; (b) to estimate the lethal concentration (LC50 and LC80) to D. citri nymphs; (c) to study the interaction between Cry toxins and brush border membrane vesicle (BBMV) of the midgut D. citri nymphs, and (d) to evaluate the compatibility of pesticides with the selected Bt strains. The bioassays with citrus seedlings and nursery trees demonstrated that the Bt strains (Cyt1A, Cry2Aa, Cry4A, Cry10, Cry11, S1302, S1450 and S1989) translocated from roots to young leaves, maintaining their viability and pathogenicity against D. citri nymphs. For the seedlings, we found mortality values up to 80% for strains S1302 and S1450. Btk::GFP spores and vegetative cells were visualized by fluorescence microscopy in citrus seedlings and nursery trees adhered mainly to vessels and xylem, from roots to stems, in cross-section analyses. LC50 and LC80 for strain S1302 were 4.92 × 104 spores/mL and 6.63 × 107 spores/mL, respectively. For strain S1450, 50% mortality of nymphs tested was estimated at 2.19 × 104 spores/mL, and LC80 was 6.18 × 108 spores/mL, when bacterial spore suspensions were applied to citrus seedlings. Binding assays demonstrated that all Cry toxins present in strains S1302, S1450 and S1989 (Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab2, Cry1B and Cry11) interacted with the BBMV obtained from D. citri nymphs. In vivo assays showed that strains S1302 and S1450 were compatible with all pesticides commonly used in citrus orchards, althoug copper-based pesticides and dimethoate insecticide were incompatible in vitro with Bt strains. Our results demonstrate the potential of using Bt as systemic bioinsecticide in the future in HLB management.

Métodos de avaliação e mecanismos envolvidos no reparo apical e periapical após tratamento endodôntico em dentes com lesão induzida experimentalmente / Methods of evaluation and mechanisms involved in apical and periapical repair following root canal treatment in teeth with experimentally-induced apical periodontitis

Francisco Wanderley Garcia de Paula e Silva 13 October 2009 (has links)
Considerando-se a localização intra-óssea das lesões periapicais, o diagnostico clinico e dificultado e a avaliação radiográfica não fornece informações suficientes para o diagnostico de um periodonto apical sadio pós-tratamento. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os achados radiográficos e por tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico com a avaliação microscópica após tratamento de canais radiculares em dentes de cães e avaliar a participação das metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) na lesão periapical e nos tecidos em processo de reparação, assim como em cistos e granulomas periapicais obtidos de humanos. A seguir, os mecanismos envolvidos na cementogênese apical foram investigados utilizando células do ligamento periodontal de humanos. Foram induzidas lesões periapicais em dentes de cães e o tratamento endodôntico foi realizado em sessão única ou apos utilização de um curativo de demora a base de hidróxido de cálcio [Ca(OH)2]. Avaliações radiográficas e tomográficas foram realizadas previamente, após a indução das lesões periapicais e 180 dias apos o tratamento endodôntico. Os tecidos periapicais foram avaliados por meio de microscopia de luz, imunofluorescência, imunoistoquímica e RT-PCR em tempo real. In vitro, células do ligamento periodontal foram utilizadas para avaliar os efeitos da estimulação com Ca(OH)2 nos processos de migração, proliferação, diferenciação celular e mineralização. As vias de sinalização envolvidas na diferenciação cementoblastica foram investigadas por meio de inibidores bioquímicos da via das proteínas quinases ativadoras de mitose (MAPK), bloqueadores de canais de cálcio e silenciadores de RNA para proteínas quinases reguladas por sinal extracelular (ERK-1 / ERK-2). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a tomografia computadorizada permitiu a detecção de lesões periapicais com maior sensibilidade e acuracia que a radiografia periapical convencional, utilizando-se a avaliação microscópica como padrão-ouro. Histologicamente, as lesões periapicais experimentalmente induzidas apresentaram bactérias distribuídas pelo sistema de canais radiculares e lacunas de reabsorção do cemento e estavam associadas a desorganização das fibras colágenas e alta expressão de MMPs. A presença das MMPs em processos inflamatórios periapicais de humanos (cistos e granulomas) foi confirmada. Nos dentes com lesão periapical submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico em sessão única o desfecho do tratamento endodôntico foi caracterizado pela manutenção ou progressão da lesão periapical e alta expressão de MMPs. Por outro lado, nos dentes submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico utilizando o Ca(OH)2 como curativo de demora, maior numero de espécimes apresentaram regressão da lesão periapical e houve modulação da expressão de MMPs pelo tratamento. Neste grupo foi evidenciada neoformação de cemento no forame apical. Células do ligamento periodontal estimuladas com Ca(OH)2 expressaram proteínas especificas de cementoblastos (CEMP-1, CAP) e foram capazes de sintetizar nódulos de mineralização, mediados via ERK MAPK. A ação do Ca(OH)2 ocorreu via canais de cálcio, uma vez que o bloqueio destes canais inibiu a fosforização de ERK-1 e ERK-2 e, portanto, a expressão de CEMP-1 e CAP. CEMP-1 estimulou a migração, proliferação e mineralização mediada por células, exercendo um papel central na cementogenese, uma vez que o bloqueio de CEMP-1 inibiu a migração celular e mineralização. Juntos, estes resultados permitem concluir que a tomografia computadorizada e superior a radiografia periapical convencional para detecção de lesões periapicais refratarias ao tratamento de canais radiculares. Ainda, o tratamento endodôntico realizado utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio como curativo de demora propiciou um reparo apical e periapical mais favorável do que o tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, possivelmente devido a capacidade do Ca(OH)2 induzir a diferenciação de células do ligamento em células com um fenótipo cementoblastico e posterior mineralização. / Clinical diagnosis of apical periodontitis is difficult due to the intraosseous nature of the disease and radiographic evaluation does not provide sufficient information to determine a healthy apical periodontium following root canal therapy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the radiographic and cone beam computed tomographic findings with microscopic evaluation following root canal treatment in dogs teeth. Then, the presence of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in apical periodontitis and during the healing phase following treatment was evaluated and compared to the expression of MMPs in periapical cysts and granulomas obtained from human. Finally, the mechanisms involved in apical cementogenesis were investigated using human periodontal ligament cells. Apical periodontitis was induced in dogs teeth and then root canal treatment was performed in a single visit or using calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] as the root canal dressing. Tomographic and radiographic evaluations were performed prior to and following induction of apical periodontitis, and 180 days following root canal therapy. Periapical tissues were evaluated by conventional light microscopy, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and real time RT-PCR. In vitro, periodontal ligament cells were used to evaluate the effects of Ca(OH)2 treatment on cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization. The signaling pathways triggered by treatment with Ca(OH)2 were investigated using mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) biochemical inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and extracellular regulated protein kinase (ERK-1 / ERK-2) silencing RNAs. Based on the results obtained, apical periodontitis was detected with higher sensitivity and accuracy by means of cone beam computed tomography compared to conventional periapical radiographs, using microscopic evaluation as the gold standard. Histological evaluation revealed that teeth with apical periodontitis presented microorganisms throughout the root canal system and in areas with resorption of cementum. Apical periodontitis was characterized by collagen fiber disorganization and high expression of MMPs. The presence and activity of MMPs was confirmed in periapical inflammatory diseases (cysts and granulomas) obtained from humans. Root canal treatment outcome was characterized by maintenance or progression of apical periodontitis and high expression of MMPs in teeth submitted to root canal treatment in a single visit, whereas root canal treatment outcome in teeth submitted to root canal treatment using Ca(OH)2 as the root canal dressing, higher number of teeth presented reduced apical periodontitis and lower expression of MMPs. In this group, cementum neogenesis was evident in the apical foramina. Periodontal ligament cells stimulated with Ca(OH)2 expressed cementoblastic specific proteins (CEMP-1, CAP) and were able to synthesize mineralized nodules via ERK MAPK. The effects of Ca(OH)2 occurred via calcium channels, since their blockade prevented ERK-1 and ERK-2 phosphorylation and therefore expression of CEMP-1 and CAP. CEMP-1 stimulated cell migration, proliferation, and mineralization and it was central to cementogenesis because blockade of activity of CEMP-1 prevented cell migration and mineralization. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that cone beam computed tomography is superior to conventional periapical radiography for detection of refractory apical periodontitis. Furthermore, the root canal treatment using Ca(OH)2 as the root canal dressing permitted a more favorable outcome than the root canal treatment performed in a single visit, probably due to the ability of Ca(OH)2 induce cementoblastic differentiation of periodontal ligament cells and mineralization.

Využití moderních metod echokardiografie a magnetické rezonance v diagnostice srdeční amyloidózy. / Novel echocardiographic and magnetic resonance methods in diagnostics of cardiac amyloidosis.

Fikrle, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Amyloidosis is a term used for a whole group of diseases caused by deposition of a substance called amyloid into different tissues. Amyloid may be produced by a range of pathologic processes. Heart affliction is typical for only several types of amyloidoses. Heart involvement is then the patient`s prognosis major limiting factor. Diagnosis of heart amyloidosis is difficult especially for nonspecific symptoms and nonspecific findings obtained during common diagnostic procedures. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate usefulness of novel diagnostic methods, namely cardiac magnetic resonance with gadolinium enhancement and a simplified echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular longitudinal strain, in diagnosing amyloid cardiomyopathy. In our first study we examined 22 patients with light chain amyloidosis by echocardiography and also with cardiac magnetic resonance with late gadolinium enhancement. We compared morphologic and functional parameters acquired by magnetic resonance examination, which is considered a gold standard for morphologic and functional measurements, with values obtained by echocardiographic measurement. Afterwards we evaluated the presence and eventually pattern of late gadolinium enhancement during cardiac magnetic resonance exam. From acquired data we conclude that the...

Immunhistokemisk (IHC) analys av låggradigt inflammerade biopsier med apikal parodontit -en pilotstudie / Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of biopsies with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation – a pilot study

Pesonen, Izabell, Ismail, Midia January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Att ta reda på hur relationen ser ut för B- respektive T-lymfocyter i biopsier av rotfyllda tänder med apikal parodontit med bedömd låggradig inflammation. Denna studie kommer även att analysera hur den inflammatoriska bilden ser ut i förhållande till beskrivna symtom i dessa biopsier. Material & metod: En pilotstudie utfördes på 10 biopsier från rotfyllda tänder med apikal parodontit med bedömd låggradig inflammation enligt Danesh et al 2019 klassificeringssystem. Biopsierna hämtades från Malmö universitets biobank. Immunhistokemisk infärgning av antigenerna CD20+ och CD3+ utfördes samt analyserades med hjälp av digitalmikroskop. Jämförelsen av symtomen från remisserna skedde efter att de histologiska resultaten sammanställts. Resultat: Det fanns fler T-lymfocyter än B-lymfocyter i 6 stycken av biopsierna. I de resterande 4 biopsierna var de lika många. I remisserna hade symtombilden inte angetts föralla biopsier. Slutsats: Enligt vår pilotstudie ser vi tendenser till att T-lymfocyter är fler än B-lymfocyter eller att de är lika många. Inga slutsatser kunde dras gällande symtombilden. Ett större material från olika remittenter krävs för definitiva slutsatser. En vidare infärgning av CD4+ samt CD8+ skulle vara intressant. / Aim: To investigate the relation between B- and T- lymphocytes in biopsies of root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation. This study will also analyse what the inflammation looks like in relation to the symptoms described in these biopsies.  Study design: A pilot study was performed on 10 biopsies of root-filled teeth with apical periodontitis with assessed low-grade inflammation according to the classification system of Danesh et al 2019. The biopsies were collected from Malmö University's biobank. An immunohistochemical staining of antigens CD20+ and CD3+ were performed and analysed by a digital microscope. A comparison of the symptoms from the referrals were performed once the histological results were compiled. Results: There were more T-lymphocytes than B-lymphocytes in 6 of the biopsies. In the remaining 4 biopsies there were an equal amount of B- and T-lymphocytes. The symptoms were not stated for all biopsies in the referrals.  Conclusion: According to our pilot study, we see tendencies that T lymphocytes are more than B lymphocytes or that they are equal. No conclusions could be drawn regarding the symptom picture. Larger material from different referrers is required for definitive conclusions. A further staining of CD4 + and CD8 + would be interesting.

Cytokinesis in the mouse preimplantation embryo : mechanism and consequence of failure

Gomes Paim, Lia Mara 01 1900 (has links)
Essentiel au maintien d’un organisme sain, la division cellulaire est un processus biologique composée de deux phases : la mitose et la cytokinèse. Au cours de la mitose, un fuseau mitotique bipolaire est assemblé et les chromosomes s’alignent au niveau de la plaque métaphasique par l’attachement des kinétochores aux microtubules du fuseau. Une fois les chromosomes alignés, les chromatides soeurs sont séparées par les microtubules pendant l'anaphase et sont ségréguées entre les cellules filles. La cytokinèse est initiée peu après le début de l'anaphase, marquant ainsi la fin de la division cellulaire en séparant le cytoplasme en deux nouvelles cellules filles. Une exécution précise de la mitose et de la cytokinèse est essentielle pour le maintien de l'intégrité du génome. L'échec de l'un de ces processus affecte la fidélité génétique. Les erreurs de ségrégation des chromosomes durant la mitose peuvent entraîner un gain ou une perte de chromosomes entiers, appelé aneuploïdie. Tandis que l'échec de la cytokinèse conduit à la formation d'une cellule binucléée avec un génome entièrement dupliqué, appelé tétraploïdie. Dans les cellules somatiques, la tétraploïdie peut conduire à l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire, à la mort cellulaire, ou provoquer une instabilité chromosomique (CIN), favorisant ainsi la prolifération de cellules avec un potentiel tumorigène. Par conséquent, il est essentiel de bien comprendre la régulation et les causes potentielles de l’échec de la cytokinèse en particulier dans le contexte des systèmes multicellulaires comme l’embryon. En effet, dans ces systèmes, la réduction progressives de la taille des cellules coïncident avec les principaux évènements du développement. De plus, la binucléation est fréquemment observée dans les cliniques de fertilité chez les embryons humains. Cependant, l’impact de la binucléation sur les divisions préimplantatoires demeure inexpliqué à ce jour. Afin de déterminer les conséquences de la tétraploïdie, nous avons utilisé l'embryon de souris pour modèle et réalisé des expériences d'immunofluorescence à haute résolution et une imagerie sur cellules vivantes. Nous avons découvert que la tétraploïdie chez les embryons de souris provoque une CIN et l'aneuploïdie par un mécanisme différent de celui des cellules somatiques. Dans les cellules somatiques, la formation des fuseaux multipolaires causée par des centrosomes surnuméraires est le principal mécanisme conduisant à la tétraploïdie et ainsi, à une CIN. En revanche, chez les embryons de souris, qui ne possèdent pas de centrosomes, la tétraploïdie ne conduit pas à la formation des fuseaux multipolaires. Les embryons tétraploïdes de souris développent une CIN en raison d’une réduction du renouvellement des microtubules et d’une altération de l’activité de correction d’erreurs dans l’attachement des kinétochores aux microtubules. Ainsi, une mauvaise correction de l’attachement des kinétochores aux microtubules entraîne des niveaux élevés d'erreurs de ségrégation chromosomique. Dans le cadre d'une étude de suivi, nous avons ensuite utilisé des différentes expériences d'imageries sur des cellules vivantes et d'immunofluorescences. Celles-ci furent couplées à des micromanipulations de la taille des cellules, des techniques modifiant l'adhésion cellulaire et des approches de knock-down des protéines pour étudier les mécanismes de régulation de la cytokinèse. Les expériences d'imageries sur cellules vivantes et les micromanipulations du volume cytoplasmique ont démontré que la taille des cellules détermine la vitesse de constriction de l'anneau contractile, c'est-à-dire que la vitesse de constriction devient progressivement plus lente à mesure que la taille des cellules diminue. Cependant, ce phénomène n'a lieu que lorsque les embryons atteignent le stade de 16 cellules ce qui suggère qu'une limite supérieure de vitesse de constriction peut exister pour restreindre l’augmentation de cette vitesse quand les cellules sont trop grandes. La taille des cellules étant un déterminant de la progression de la cytokinèse, nos expériences de knock-down des protéines ont, de plus, démontré que la formation de la polarité cellulaire a un impact négatif sur l'assemblage et la constriction de l'anneau contractile dans les cellules externes au stade de morula. Plus précisément, nous avons constaté que la polarité limite le recrutement des composants de la cytokinèse spécifiquement d'un côté de l'anneau contractile, provoquant ainsi un déséquilibre de l’ingression du sillon de clivage et réduisant la vitesse de constriction dans les cellules externes. Nous spéculons que la polarité cellulaire agit comme un obstacle à la progression de la cytokinèse, rendant ainsi les cellules externes plus sensibles à un échec de la cytokinèse. Ces études ont démontré un nouveau mécanisme par lequel la tétraploïdie conduit à l’instabilité chromosomique et à l’aneuploïdie chez les embryons. Ainsi un défaut de la dynamique de correction de l’attachement des kinétochores aux microtubules entraîne une mauvaise ségrégation des chromosomes indépendamment à la formation des fuseaux multipolaires. Ce travail a mis en évidence un rôle inhibiteur de la polarité apicale inattendu sur la machinerie cytokinétique. Cette inhibition pourrait fournir une explication mécanistique de l’incidence élevée de la binucléation dans le trophectoderme. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension du contrôle spatio-temporel de la cytokinèse au cours du développement embryonnaire et fournissent de nouvelles informations mécanistiques sur les origines et les conséquences biologiques de la tétraploïdie chez les embryons préimplantatoires. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont des implications cliniques importantes, puisqu’ils fournissent des preuves définitives que la tétraploïdie générée par un échec de la cytokinèse est délétère pour le développement embryonnaire. Ces travaux mettent ainsi en lumière que la binucléation est un critère de sélection embryonnaire important à considérer lors des traitements de fertilité. / Cell division is comprised of mitosis and cytokinesis and is an essential biological process for the maintenance of healthy organisms. During mitosis, a bipolar spindle is assembled, and the chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate via the attachment of kinetochores to spindle microtubules. Once chromosome alignment is achieved, the sister chromatids are pulled apart by the microtubules during anaphase and segregated into the nascent daughter cells. Cytokinesis is initiated after anaphase onset and marks the completion of cell division by partitioning the cytoplasm of the dividing cell into two new daughter cells. Successful and timely completion of both mitosis and cytokinesis is key for the maintenance of genome integrity, and failure in either one of these processes affects genetic fidelity. Whereas chromosome segregation errors in mitosis can lead to whole chromosome gains or losses, termed aneuploidy, cytokinesis failure leads to the formation of a binucleated cell with an entirely duplicated genome, termed tetraploidy. In somatic cells, tetraploidy can either lead to cell cycle arrest and death or cause chromosomal instability (CIN), thereby promoting the proliferation of cells with high tumorigenic potential. Therefore, understanding cytokinesis regulation and the potential causes of cytokinesis failure is key, especially in the context of multicellular embryonic systems, wherein progressive cell size reductions coincide with developmental transitions. Moreover, binucleation is frequently observed in human embryos in fertility clinics, and whether binucleation impacts early divisions remains elusive. To elucidate the consequences of tetraploidy, we used the mouse embryo as a model and employed high-resolution immunofluorescence and live-cell imaging experiments. We found that tetraploidy in mouse embryos causes CIN and aneuploidy by a mechanism distinct from that of somatic cells. Whereas in somatic cells multipolar spindle formation caused by supernumerary centrosomes is the major mechanism by which tetraploidy leads to CIN, in mouse embryos - which are acentriolar – tetraploidy does not lead to multipolar spindle formation. Instead, mouse tetraploid embryos develop CIN due to reduced microtubule turnover and impaired error correction activity, which prevents the timely resolution of kinetochore-microtubule mis-attachments, thereby leading to high levels of chromosome segregation errors. As a follow-up study, we next employed live imaging and immunofluorescence experiments, coupled with micromanipulations of cell size, cell adhesion and protein knockdown approaches to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of cytokinesis. Live imaging experiments and micromanipulations of cytoplasmic volume demonstrated that cell size determines the speed of contractile ring constriction i.e., constriction speed becomes progressively slower as the cells decrease in size. However, this phenomenon takes place only when embryos reach the 16-cell stage, suggesting that an upper limit of constriction speed may exist to restrict the scalability of ring constriction to cell size. In addition to cell size being a powerful determinant of cytokinesis progression, our loss-of-function experiments revealed that the emergence of cell polarity negatively impacts contractile ring assembly and constriction in outer cells at the morula stage. More specifically, we found that polarity limits the recruitment of cytokinesis components specifically to one side of the contractile ring, thereby causing unbalanced furrow ingression and reducing constriction speed in outer cells. We speculate that cell polarity may act as an obstacle for cytokinesis progression and render outer cells to be more susceptible to cytokinesis failure. These studies have revealed a novel mechanism by which tetraploidy leads to chromosomal instability and aneuploidy in embryos, wherein defective kinetochore-microtubule dynamics cause chromosome mis-segregation in a manner independent of multipolar spindle formation. In addition, this work unravelled an unexpected inhibitory role of apical polarity on the cytokinetic machinery that might provide a mechanistic explanation for the high incidences of binucleation in the outer layer of blastocysts. Altogether, these findings contribute to our understanding of the spatiotemporal control of cytokinesis during embryonic development and provide new mechanistic insights into the origins and biological consequences of tetraploidy in preimplantation embryos. The results presented in this thesis have substantial clinical implications, as they provide definitive evidence that tetraploidy generated by cytokinesis failure is deleterious to embryonic development, therefore underlining binucleation as an important embryo selection criterion to be considered during fertility treatments.

Investigating the Role of Shroom3 in Collagen Regulation and Development of the Corneal Stroma

Lappin, Cory James 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Latifpour, Nasrin January 2018 (has links)
Abstrakt: Vänster förmaksstorlek har prognostisk betydelse inom kardiologi. Det finns generellt enighet om att vänster förmaksvolymmätning (VFV) är det bästa mätmåttet av vänster förmaksstorlek. För närvarande används S5-1 som är en phased array givare, som första val, för att avbilda 2-dimensionella två- och fyrkammarvyer. Matrix array givaren X5-1 är ett praktiskt kliniskt alternativ för insamling av samma 2D projektioner men den har inte utvärderats på ett adekvat sätt mot S5-1 givare avseende VFV. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det föreligger någon statistisk signifikant skillnad vid bestämning av VFV i apikal tvåkammarvy beroende på val av givare. Studien omfattade 50 patienter som var remitterade för en ekokardografisk undersökning på avdelningen för klinisk fysiologi och nuklearmedicin på Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Malmö. Ekokardiografiska bilder, insamlades med båda givarna, från både patienter med normal och abnormal vänster förmaksstorlek som hade sinusrytm. VFV mättes med Simpsons biplanmetod efter gällande amerikanska och europeiska riktlinjer. Det fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan medelvärdet av VFV, mätta på bilder som erhållits med de två olika insamlingsmetoderna (r =0,98, P 0,0001). Den utförda Bland-Altmananalysen visade också en statistiskt signifikant överensstämmelse i VFV mätning mellan de två insamlingsmetoderna. Studien visade att X5-1 givaren kan vara ett praktiskt alternativ för att erhålla 2D tvåkammarprojektion på ett mer tidseffektivt sätt jämfört med S5-1 givaren. / Abstract: Left atrial size has a prognostic significance in cardiology.There is ecumenical agreement that measurement of left atrial volume (LAV) is the best way to evaluate the left atrial size. Currently, S5-1, a phased array transducer, is used as the first choice to depict the 2-dimensional (2D) two- and four apical chamber views. X5-1, a matrix array transducer, is a practical clinical option for collecting the same 2D projections, but it has not been adequately assessed against the S5-1 transducer with LAV in consideration. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether there is any statistically significant difference in the determination of LAV in apical two chamber views depending on the choice of transducer. The study included 50 patients who were referred for an echocardiographic examination at the Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö. Echocardiographic images collected with both transducers, from patients with both normal and abnormal left atrial sizes and with sinus rhythm. LAV was measured using Simpson's biplane method according to the current American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) guidelines. There was a significant correlation between the mean of LAV, measured in images obtained by the two different transducers (r = 0.98, P 0.0001). The Bland-Altman analysis showed a statistically significant agreement in LAV measurement between the two methods. The X5-1 transducer is possibly a practical alternative to obtain 2D apical two-chamber projection in a more time efficient manner compared to the S5-1 transducer.

Befundung jungsteinzeitlicher Zahn- und Kieferfunde aus dem Megalithgrab II von Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest) und deren Einordnung in ein Konzept von Ernährung, Mundhygiene und Krankheiten des Craniomandibulärsystems / Neolithic tooth and jaw findings from the megalithic tomb II of Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest) and their integration into a concept of nutrition, oral hygiene and diseases of the craniomandibular system

Gottstein, Maximilian 21 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an prähistorischen Zähnen und Kieferfragmenten – ein Beitrag zur zahnmedizinisch-epidemiologischen Rekonstruktion einer neolithischen Population aus Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, Galeriegrab I) / Palaeopathological investigations of prehistoric teeth and jaw fragments - a contribution to the dental-epidemiological reconstruction of a neolithic population from Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, gallery grave I)

Gernhardt, Johannes 19 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ätiologie und Epidemiologie pathologischer Veränderungen an den Skeletfunden der neolithischen Populationen aus Calden, Rheine und Großenrode / Etiology and epidemiology of pathological changes on the skeletal remains of the Neolithic populations from Calden, Rheine and Großenrode

Cyris, Jan Christian 17 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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