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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teleologia e vontade em Schopenhauer / Teleology and will in Schopenhauer

Soares, Vinicius de Castro 12 August 2014 (has links)
A presente Dissertação analisa o problema da teleologia na obra de Schopenhauer. Em nosso trabalho, buscamos compreensão sobre a modulação existente do \"como se\" kantiano, ao mostrar como o jogo entre vontade e representação modifica o sentido do juízo teleológico da Crítica do Juízo. Nessa chave de leitura, procuramos construir uma argumentação que permita pensar a existência de um horizonte regulativo aliado à intuição primordial da vontade. Como consequência, encontramos, nessa modulação, uma expansão do problema do organismo para uma questão sobre a essência da natureza. Como resultado, o deslocamento da teoria do juízo de reflexão kantiana transforma essa leitura sobre o mundo natural em uma questão da teleologia na metafísica da vontade, transformando o problema da finalidade na natureza em problema a respeito da finalidade no campo da ética. É nela que se apresenta o paradoxo da individualidade, na crise entre a afirmação do indivíduo e a destinação do mundo / This dissertation examines the problem of teleology in Schopenhauer\'s work. In our work, we seek an understanding of the existing modulation of the Kantian\'s \"as if\", to show how the interplay between will and Representation modifies the sense of teleological judgment of the Critique of Judgment. In this reading key, we seek to set up an argument to suggest the existence of a regulative horizon coupled with the primordial intuition of will. As a consequence, we find, in this modulation, an expansion of the problem of organism onto a question about the essence of nature. As a result, the displacement of the Kantian\'s theory of judgment reflection transforms this reading about the natural world in a question of teleology in the metaphysics of will, and transforming the problem of purpose in nature in issue as to the purpose in the field of ethics. Is it that presents the paradox of individuality: the crisis between the assertion of the individual and the destination of the world

Teleologia e vontade em Schopenhauer / Teleology and will in Schopenhauer

Vinicius de Castro Soares 12 August 2014 (has links)
A presente Dissertação analisa o problema da teleologia na obra de Schopenhauer. Em nosso trabalho, buscamos compreensão sobre a modulação existente do \"como se\" kantiano, ao mostrar como o jogo entre vontade e representação modifica o sentido do juízo teleológico da Crítica do Juízo. Nessa chave de leitura, procuramos construir uma argumentação que permita pensar a existência de um horizonte regulativo aliado à intuição primordial da vontade. Como consequência, encontramos, nessa modulação, uma expansão do problema do organismo para uma questão sobre a essência da natureza. Como resultado, o deslocamento da teoria do juízo de reflexão kantiana transforma essa leitura sobre o mundo natural em uma questão da teleologia na metafísica da vontade, transformando o problema da finalidade na natureza em problema a respeito da finalidade no campo da ética. É nela que se apresenta o paradoxo da individualidade, na crise entre a afirmação do indivíduo e a destinação do mundo / This dissertation examines the problem of teleology in Schopenhauer\'s work. In our work, we seek an understanding of the existing modulation of the Kantian\'s \"as if\", to show how the interplay between will and Representation modifies the sense of teleological judgment of the Critique of Judgment. In this reading key, we seek to set up an argument to suggest the existence of a regulative horizon coupled with the primordial intuition of will. As a consequence, we find, in this modulation, an expansion of the problem of organism onto a question about the essence of nature. As a result, the displacement of the Kantian\'s theory of judgment reflection transforms this reading about the natural world in a question of teleology in the metaphysics of will, and transforming the problem of purpose in nature in issue as to the purpose in the field of ethics. Is it that presents the paradox of individuality: the crisis between the assertion of the individual and the destination of the world


Peterson, Eric M. 01 January 2017 (has links)
My research focuses on the philosophy of imagination. Within the analytic tradition, there recently has been a growing interest in imagination. The current research lies at the crossroads of various sub-disciplines of philosophy, including aesthetics, moral psychology, ethics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. My work joins this choir as a voice from within philosophy of mind. My dissertation addresses two questions within philosophy of imagination. What I call the Relation Question asks what is the proper relation between supposition and imagination, and what I call the Unification Question asks what is the imagination. With regards to the Relation Question, philosophers answer it in one of two ways: either supposition and imagination are distinct mental capacities (what I call two-nature views) or supposition is a kind of imagination (what I call one-nature views). I argue that both views fail to explain all of the features central to the relation. With regards to the Unification Question, many philosophers doubt it has an answer because there is no clear way to unify the disparate activities of imagination. I argue that this skepticism is the result of mischaracterizing the relation between imagining and supposing. Thus, I answer both the Relation and Unification Questions by arguing that both imagining and supposing (as we typically understand these terms) are both instances of what I call the as-if-true attitude. I call this the as-if-true attitude view of imagining. The explanatory payoff of this is that my view can explain all of the features central to the relation without positing two distinct mental capacities (as two-nature views do) and without getting facts about supposition wrong (as one-nature views do). It also gives us a way of seeing how we might unify the different activities of imagination. Finally, I demonstrate that my view has application to what is known in the literature as the phenomenon of imaginative resistance. This phenomenon has to do with competent imaginers failing to comply with invitations to imagine certain propositions. It has been noted in the literature that there is variation to this phenomenon, where some people experience it and some do not. Some philosophers attempt to explain this by appealing to contextual factors. Thus, I call them Contextual Variant Views. I argue that these views fail to account for all of variation. I show that from my as-if-true attitude view comes another view that I call Constraint Variant View. I argue that this view can account for all of the variation of imaginative resistance.

O discurso do capitalista e a cultura do mal-estar / The discourse of the capitalista and the culture of malaise

Flávio Corrêa Pinto Bastos 30 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação de mestrado pretende abordar as vicissitudes do discurso do capitalista sobre o sujeito. Para tanto, toma como ponto de partida a afirmação de Lacan, em suas palestras em Saint-Anne sobre O saber do psicanalista, de que o que caracteriza o discurso do capitalista é a foraclusão da castração. A partir dessa colocação representada no matema do discurso do capitalista pelo desaparecimento da disjunção entre produto e verdade, bem como pela ausência de um vetor entre agente e Outro, o que demonstra que esse discurso não promove laço social , percorre-se algumas questões que reverberam sobre o sujeito, dentre as quais se destaca: se o sujeito não existe fora do laço social, que sorte de efeitos a ele resulta por freqüentar um discurso que se apresenta como dominante na contemporaneidade em que a castração está foracluída e, portanto, também o liame social? Tendo em vista que a Verwerfung é o que opera no discurso do capitalista, lança-se a hipótese de que a esquizofrenização no nível do discurso resulte na propagação do que Helene Deutsch convencionou chamar de como se. Esse fenômeno surgiria como uma suplência imaginária a que recorreria o sujeito como estabilização face aos efeitos decorrentes da foraclusão da castração no discurso do capitalista. Trata-se de um discurso psicotizante que, ao contrário dos quatro discursos apresentados por Lacan no seminário O avesso da psicanálise, não promove laço social. Se discurso é o que faz laço social e Freud, em 1930, anunciara que a principal fonte de sofrimento de que padece o homem é a relação com os demais, o mal-estar na civilização é o mal-estar dos laços sociais. Logo, os quatro discursos participam do mal-estar na civilização. Ao contrário destes, o discurso do capitalista, na tentativa de eliminar o mal-estar, foraclui o laço social. Por promover o gozo ao invés da renúncia à pulsão, o discurso do capitalista acaba por instigá-la. E, como toda pulsão é pulsão de morte, não é outra coisa senão o empuxo mortífero ao gozo que o discurso do capitalismo produz. A potência que o discurso do capitalista adquiriu na contemporaneidade é analisada a partir de sua íntima relação com o discurso da ciência. A partir de algumas colocações de Hannah Arendt acerca da banalidade do mal presente em um sistema totalitário como o nazista, cogita-se a hipótese de que a aliança entre os discursos do capitalista e da ciência resulte no surgimento de uma nova forma de totalitarismo: o totalitarismo de consumo. / This dissertation aims to address the vicissitudes of the discourse of the capitalist on the subject. For this purpose, it takes as a starting point Lacan statement in his lectures at Saint-Anne on The psychoanalysts knowledge, that what characterizes the discourse of the capitalist is the foreclosure of castration. From this statement - represented in the matheme of the discourse of the capitalist by the disappearance of the disjunction between product and truth, and by the absence of a vector between the agent and the Other, which shows that this discourse does not promote social bond - it traverses some issues that reverberate on the subject, among which stands out: if the subject does not exist apart from the social bond, what sort of effects does he suffer by following a discourse - which appears to be dominant in contemporary society - in which castration is foreclosed and, therefore, also the social bond? Since the Verwerfung is what functions in the discourse of the capitalist, there is the hypothesis that schizophrenizing at the level of the discourse could spread what Helene Deutsch conventionally called as if (als ob). This phenomenon emerges as an imaginary supplementation used by the subject to reach stabilization in view of the effects of castration foreclosure in the discourse of the capitalist. This is a psychosis-inducing discourse that, unlike the four discourses introduced by Lacan at the seminar Psychoanalysis Upside-Down, promotes no social bonding. If the discourse is what promotes social bond and Freud in 1930, announced that the main reason why men suffer is due to the relationship with others, the malaise in civilization is the malaise of social bonds. Thus, the four discourses participate in the malaise of civilization. Unlike these, the discourse of the capitalist, in an attempt to eliminate the malaise, forecloses the social bond. As it promotes enjoyment rather than the renunciation of drive, the discourse of the capitalist eventually instigate it. And, as every drive is a death drive, the discourse of the capitalist produces nothing but the deadly thrust to enjoyment. The power the discourse of the capitalist acquired in contemporary society is analyzed from its close relationship with the discourse of science. From some statements of Hannah Arendt on the banality of evil present in a totalitarian system, such as the Nazi, there is the hypothesis that the alliance between the discourses of the capitalist, and science results in the emergence of a new form of totalitarianism: the totalitarianism of consumption.

The Experience Of The Ethical And Its Political Consequences In Later Heidegger And Derrida

Camci, Cihan 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In my doctorate thesis, I have discussed the notion of the experience of the ethical and its political consequences. In this context, I have pointed to the central strategy of Kantian ethics that is called transcendental strategy. Transcendental strategy relies on a concept of causality, which unlike the causality that governs the laws of nature, arises from freedom in its cosmological meaning. I have discussed Heideggerian challenge to this concept of causality from an ontological point of view that gives rise to totalitarian political consequences. In relation to Heideggerian challenge, I have argued that Derrida&rsquo / s critique of Heidegger gives rise to democratic political consequences that reconcile the origin of ethics with fiction through utilization of the transcendence of transcendentality. Thereby, I have argued that experience of the ethical for Derrida induces to similar political consequences with holistic pragmatism.

O discurso do capitalista e a cultura do mal-estar / The discourse of the capitalista and the culture of malaise

Flávio Corrêa Pinto Bastos 30 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação de mestrado pretende abordar as vicissitudes do discurso do capitalista sobre o sujeito. Para tanto, toma como ponto de partida a afirmação de Lacan, em suas palestras em Saint-Anne sobre O saber do psicanalista, de que o que caracteriza o discurso do capitalista é a foraclusão da castração. A partir dessa colocação representada no matema do discurso do capitalista pelo desaparecimento da disjunção entre produto e verdade, bem como pela ausência de um vetor entre agente e Outro, o que demonstra que esse discurso não promove laço social , percorre-se algumas questões que reverberam sobre o sujeito, dentre as quais se destaca: se o sujeito não existe fora do laço social, que sorte de efeitos a ele resulta por freqüentar um discurso que se apresenta como dominante na contemporaneidade em que a castração está foracluída e, portanto, também o liame social? Tendo em vista que a Verwerfung é o que opera no discurso do capitalista, lança-se a hipótese de que a esquizofrenização no nível do discurso resulte na propagação do que Helene Deutsch convencionou chamar de como se. Esse fenômeno surgiria como uma suplência imaginária a que recorreria o sujeito como estabilização face aos efeitos decorrentes da foraclusão da castração no discurso do capitalista. Trata-se de um discurso psicotizante que, ao contrário dos quatro discursos apresentados por Lacan no seminário O avesso da psicanálise, não promove laço social. Se discurso é o que faz laço social e Freud, em 1930, anunciara que a principal fonte de sofrimento de que padece o homem é a relação com os demais, o mal-estar na civilização é o mal-estar dos laços sociais. Logo, os quatro discursos participam do mal-estar na civilização. Ao contrário destes, o discurso do capitalista, na tentativa de eliminar o mal-estar, foraclui o laço social. Por promover o gozo ao invés da renúncia à pulsão, o discurso do capitalista acaba por instigá-la. E, como toda pulsão é pulsão de morte, não é outra coisa senão o empuxo mortífero ao gozo que o discurso do capitalismo produz. A potência que o discurso do capitalista adquiriu na contemporaneidade é analisada a partir de sua íntima relação com o discurso da ciência. A partir de algumas colocações de Hannah Arendt acerca da banalidade do mal presente em um sistema totalitário como o nazista, cogita-se a hipótese de que a aliança entre os discursos do capitalista e da ciência resulte no surgimento de uma nova forma de totalitarismo: o totalitarismo de consumo. / This dissertation aims to address the vicissitudes of the discourse of the capitalist on the subject. For this purpose, it takes as a starting point Lacan statement in his lectures at Saint-Anne on The psychoanalysts knowledge, that what characterizes the discourse of the capitalist is the foreclosure of castration. From this statement - represented in the matheme of the discourse of the capitalist by the disappearance of the disjunction between product and truth, and by the absence of a vector between the agent and the Other, which shows that this discourse does not promote social bond - it traverses some issues that reverberate on the subject, among which stands out: if the subject does not exist apart from the social bond, what sort of effects does he suffer by following a discourse - which appears to be dominant in contemporary society - in which castration is foreclosed and, therefore, also the social bond? Since the Verwerfung is what functions in the discourse of the capitalist, there is the hypothesis that schizophrenizing at the level of the discourse could spread what Helene Deutsch conventionally called as if (als ob). This phenomenon emerges as an imaginary supplementation used by the subject to reach stabilization in view of the effects of castration foreclosure in the discourse of the capitalist. This is a psychosis-inducing discourse that, unlike the four discourses introduced by Lacan at the seminar Psychoanalysis Upside-Down, promotes no social bonding. If the discourse is what promotes social bond and Freud in 1930, announced that the main reason why men suffer is due to the relationship with others, the malaise in civilization is the malaise of social bonds. Thus, the four discourses participate in the malaise of civilization. Unlike these, the discourse of the capitalist, in an attempt to eliminate the malaise, forecloses the social bond. As it promotes enjoyment rather than the renunciation of drive, the discourse of the capitalist eventually instigate it. And, as every drive is a death drive, the discourse of the capitalist produces nothing but the deadly thrust to enjoyment. The power the discourse of the capitalist acquired in contemporary society is analyzed from its close relationship with the discourse of science. From some statements of Hannah Arendt on the banality of evil present in a totalitarian system, such as the Nazi, there is the hypothesis that the alliance between the discourses of the capitalist, and science results in the emergence of a new form of totalitarianism: the totalitarianism of consumption.

Communicating possibilities : a study of English nursery children's emergent creativity : exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinker

McConnon, Linda January 2013 (has links)
This research builds on previous studies that have documented evidence of Professor Anna Craft’s concept of ‘Possibility Thinking’ (PT) as at the heart of creativity which involves children transitioning from ‘what is this?’ to ‘what can I or we do with this?’ as well as imagining ‘as if’ they were in a different role. My thesis titled “Communicating Possibilities” examines English nursery children's emergent creativity, exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinker through a case study approach situated in one primary school in South West England. Three main research questions were posed concerning the ‘what, how, and why’ of creativity when children communicated through art; as well as exploring the nurturing role of others, and identity manifest through voice and learning experience. This doctoral study is essentially interpretivist in nature seeking to explain how people make sense of their social worlds, and is an exploration framed by culturally negotiated, shared meanings, and complex social relations. Data was collected over one school year, in three nine-week research phases by the following ethnographic methods: naturalistic observations; researcher diary; children’s creative journals; and practitioner interviews. These methods were repeated for each phase. Inductive and deductive data analysis was conducted. Undertaken over time as the project unfolded, a grounded theory approach was applied in total to 27 episodes. Micro event analysis of creative behaviours in action and narrative discourses of two kinds: peer-to-peer, and child-to-adult (teacher, early years practitioner, and my researcher dialogue) revealed four broad critical themes: Observing and documenting children’s creativity; What children can do together- recognising differences; Pedagogy of possibilities- developing a role; and The value of artistic communication in the nursery classroom. Each is discussed in terms of the key implications these themes hold for theory, policy, and early years practice.

Le "faire-semblant" en procès : examen et défense de la philosophie de Kendall L. Walton / The Trial of Make-Believe : Examining and Defending Kendall L. Walton's Philosophy

Schuppert, Guillaume 25 June 2019 (has links)
Les fictions posent problème en philosophie, que l'on soit porté sur les considérations ontologiques, épistémologiques, logiques ou esthétiques. Dans un livre important nommé Mimesis as Make-Believe (1990), Kendall Walton proposa une théorie de la représentation qui révolutionna notre compréhension des fictions. En résumé, elle met en avant la notion de fictionalité, ou vérité dans la fiction, qu'elle définit en termes de prescription imaginative. La présente étude porte sur la philosophie de Walton, sur la théorie de Mimesis, sur les critiques qu'elles ont reçues. La première partie est une présentation de la méthodologie philosophique de Walton et d'un de ses articles les plus influents, "Categories of Art" (1970). La seconde partie est un commentaire détaillé de Mimesis, construit sur une opposition entre la théorie de la représentation de Nelson Goodman (1968) et celle de notre philosophe. La troisième partie concerne les critiques reçues par la théorie. Une partie d'entre elles proviennent de philosophes qui admettent les principes fondamentaux de sa théorie : ce sont les critiques intentionnalistes de Gregory Currie (1990), Peter Lamarque et Stein Olsen (1994), ou encore Jerrold Levinson (1993). Je défends que ces critiques sont inopérantes. Une autre partie d'entre elles proviennent de philosophes qui cherchent à miner ces principes fondamentaux : ce sont les critiques de Stacie Friend (2008), Derek Matravers (2014), voire de Walton (2015) lui-même. Je défends que, bien comprises, ces critiques ne sont pas décisives, mais qu'elles sont importantes. Elles devraient nous orienter vers une meilleure compréhension des aspects sémiotiques de la fictionalité. / The ordinary concept of fiction raises ontological, epistemological, logical and aesthetical questions. Kendall Walton's Mimesis as Make-Believe (1990) introduced a groundbreaking theory on fiction and representation. According to his main claim, the practice of appreciating representational works of art shares significant similarities with the practice of playing games of make-believe. According to Walton, both activities rely on the concept of fictionality, the fact of being true in the fiction, which is understood in terms of prescriptions to imagine. My dissertation consists of an introduction to Walton's philosophy, a commentary of Mimesis' theory of make-believe and a defense against their critics. The first part provides a presentation of Walton's philosophical methodology and discusses one of his most famous articles, "Categories of Art" (1970). The second part provides a detailled commentary of Mimesis, based on a confrontation between Nelson Goodman's theory of representation and Walton's one. The third part is dedicated to analyse the criticisms that are encountered by the theory. A first set of criticisms comes from philosophers admitting the fundamental principles of the theory : those are Gregory Currie (1990), Peter Lamarque and Stein Olsen (1994), or Jerrold Levinson (1993). I argue that those objections are groundless. Another set of criticisms comes from philosophers attempting to undermine the fundamental principles of the theory : those are Stacie Friend (2008), Derek Matravers (2014), or even Walton himself (2015). According to me, those objections are on the right tracks if correctly understood, but fall short from being decisive. Nevertheless, I argue they should lead us to develop a research on the semiotic aspects of fictionality.

Zur Bedeutung des Vergleichs in Eichendorffs Erzählwerk : "...ihm war, als spiegelte sich wunderbar sein Leben wie ein Traum noch einmal wieder"

Behrens, Ragni January 2005 (has links)
The present dissertation investigates similes and their importance in Eichendorff’s narrative work. The sources of the investigation consist of seven of Eichendorff’s narratives. Their 734 similes make up the corpus, which is presented in its entirety in the appendix. The context of the similes is partly included as well. Initially, I define the concept of “simile” more precisely, partly distancing myself from the definitions found in classical dictionaries of literary terms. After this, I describe my procedure for analysis in detail. This turned out to be necessary, since there was no similar study to be found on this topic in the extensive literature on Eichendorff. The search for models of types of similes brought me back to antique rhetoric as well as to Middle High German epic poems. In the first analysis, the types of similes occurring in the corpus are presented. The syntactic structures of image receivers and image givers are used as criteria. Four structures of similes occurred: a) classical similes and b) similes with image givers, which represent adverbial clauses and c) as / as if – clauses or are d) subject-related. The frequency and the development of frequency of types of similes are presented as well. In the second step of the thesis, I investigate whether similes tend to depict conditions/qualities or procedures/actions. It turned out that similes reflecting conditions/qualities, i.e. epic similes, dominated strongly. The high number of similes could possibly be explained by the functions carried out by epic similes in narrative texts. In the third part, I concern myself with the question whether the similes of the corpus are imaginative representations only and what kind of sensorial perceptions they express. Admittedly, the dominating percentage of the similes proved to be images, but more than fifteen per cent consist of sounds and other sensorial perceptions. Furthermore, imaginative similes, but also sounding similes express motion, so that they illustrate pictures in motion and sounding motion respectively. These come close to synaesthesia, whereas only five similes illustrate „pure“ synaesthesia. In contrast, subject-related similes are perceptions of different sensations and feelings, illustrating the inner life of a character not shared by any other character. Finally, the semantic content of the similes is investigated in order to determine the metamorphosis, i.e. the trope transfer from proprium to improprium. It turned out that only the classical simile originating in antique rhetoric is suitable for a semantic analysis. Above all, there is great variation in the trope transfer. The metamorphosis human being → nature dominates strongly, which makes the narrative text appear as a palimpsest, in which yet another world glimmer in front of the human being behind every character. However, the many trope transfers that convey reality → unreality could be interpreted as transitions and as a “magical code” of Eichendorff. Furthermore, the semantic analysis uncovers content and motives of classical similes. It becomes clear that pre-constructed – and only pre-constructed - content is imitated here. Consequently, it can be asserted that Eichendorff’s great number of similes constitute or at least contribute to the formulaic manner (according to Kohlschmidt) and the intertextuality (according to Nienhaus) in Eichendorff’s narrative work. Above all, the subject-related simile type turns out to be a typical representative of Romanticism because of its subjectivism. Together with its preformed semantic content, it constitutes the “romantic formula” of Eichendorff’s work.

Action in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an Enactive Psycho-phenomenological and Semiotic Analysis of Thirty New Zealand Women's Experiences of Suffering and Recovery

Hart, M J Alexandra January 2010 (has links)
This research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) presents the results of 60 first-person psycho-phenomenological interviews with 30 New Zealand women. The participants were recruited from the Canterbury and Wellington regions, 10 had recovered. Taking a non-dual, non-reductive embodied approach, the phenomenological data was analysed semiotically, using a graph-theoretical cluster analysis to elucidate the large number of resulting categories, and interpreted through the enactive approach to cognitive science. The initial result of the analysis is a comprehensive exploration of the experience of CFS which develops subject-specific categories of experience and explores the relation of the illness to universal categories of experience, including self, ‘energy’, action, and being-able-to-do. Transformations of the self surrounding being-able-to-do and not-being-able-to-do were shown to elucidate the illness process. It is proposed that the concept ‘energy’ in the participants’ discourse is equivalent to the Mahayana Buddhist concept of ‘contact’. This characterises CFS as a breakdown of contact. Narrative content from the recovered interviewees reflects a reestablishment of contact. The hypothesis that CFS is a disorder of action is investigated in detail. A general model for the phenomenology and functional architecture of action is proposed. This model is a recursive loop involving felt meaning, contact, action, and perception and appears to be phenomenologically supported. It is proposed that the CFS illness process is a dynamical decompensation of the subject’s action loop caused by a breakdown in the process of contact. On this basis, a new interpretation of neurological findings in relation to CFS becomes possible. A neurological phenomenon that correlates with the illness and involves a brain region that has a similar structure to the action model’s recursive loop is identified in previous research results and compared with the action model and the results of this research. This correspondence may identify the brain regions involved in the illness process, which may provide an objective diagnostic test for the condition and approaches to treatment. The implications of this model for cognitive science and CFS should be investigated through neurophenomenological research since the model stands to shed considerable light on the nature of consciousness, contact and agency. Phenomenologically based treatments are proposed, along with suggestions for future research on CFS. The research may clarify the diagnostic criteria for CFS and guide management and treatment programmes, particularly multidimensional and interdisciplinary approaches. Category theory is proposed as a foundation for a mathematisation of phenomenology.

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