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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duas mães? Mulheres lésbicas e maternidade / Two moms? Lesbians and motherhood

Corrêa, Maria Eduarda Cavadinha 25 April 2012 (has links)
Em nossa sociedade, a relação heterossexual ainda parece ser a única possibilidade legitimada para formação de um casal ou até mesmo de uma família. Porém, é cada vez maior o número de pessoas que desafia os discursos normativos presentes e busca a constituição de parcerias afetivo-sexuais com outras de seu próprio sexo, muitas vezes associando essas parcerias à experiência da parentalidade, seja com filhos biológicos ou adotivos. Com as crescentes discussões sobre os direitos sexuais reprodutivos e com o surgimento de novos arranjos familiares, entre eles o formado por casais homossexuais, começa-se a desconstruir o modelo ideal de família nuclear e abre-se caminho para discussão de temas como a maternidade lésbica. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com o debate da homoparentalidade, procurando demonstrar as especificidades existentes entre essas mulheres e suas formas de construir sua cidadania íntima dentro do contexto heteronormativo da sociedade brasileira. Para tanto, foi traçado o seguinte objetivo geral: compreender as concepções sobre a parentalidade de mulheres lésbicas que buscam a gravidez por meio de doadores de sêmen, sejam eles conhecidos ou desconhecidos. O estudo proposto baseia-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, como forma de privilegiar os discursos dos sujeitos como fonte de informação. Doze mulheres lésbicas aceitaram participar do estudo e foram entrevistadas entre os anos de 2009 e 2011. Os dados foram transcritos, organizados e analisados. A partir dos resultados, foi possível perceber que a vivência da maternidade por parte das mulheres lésbicas depende de fatores diversos como o histórico-cultural, o social, o jurídico-legal, o econômico e os relacionados às políticas públicas, além, é claro, da história de vida de cada uma dessas mulheres. Desta forma, para a mulher assumir a homossexualidade em uma sociedade heteronormativa e, ao mesmo tempo, optar pela maternidade, é necessário percorrer um árduo caminho, onde uma das saídas parece ser a luta pela cidadania plena e consolidação dos direitos humanos. Isto aponta para a importância de se abordar o tema em estudos e discussões acadêmicas com outras esferas da política pública e da vida social, incluindo a saúde pública / In our society, the heterosexual relationship still appears to be the only legitimate form to be a couple or to be a family. However, an increasing number of people who challenge the normative discourse are seeking for same-sex partnerships, often associating these partnerships to the experience of parenting, with biological or adoptive children. The increasing discussions about reproductive and sexual rights and the emergence of new family arrangements, including the one formed by homosexual couples, began to deconstruct the ideal model of nuclear family and its opens up the way for new discussions such as lesbian motherhood. This study intend to contribute to the homoparenthood debate, by demonstrating the specificities between these women and their ways to construct an intimate citizenship within the context of Brazilian heternormative society. To do so, the following overall aim was: to comprehend the parenthood concepts of lesbian women who seek pregnancy through known or unknown semen donor. The proposed study is based on the assumptions of qualitative research, which means that the subjects discourse was the source of information. Twelve lesbians were interviewed between the years 2009 and 2011. The data were transcribed, organized and analyzed. From the results, it was revealed that the motherhood experience by lesbians depends on several factors such as historical, cultural, social, juridical, legal, economic, public policies, and, of course, the personal history of each of these women. Thus, for women who come out as a lesbian in a heteronormative society and at the same time, opt for motherhood, they have a hard road to face. The solution seems to be to struggle for citizenship and human rights consolidation. So, its important working up this issue in academic studies and to discuss with other spheres of public policy and social life, including public health

Les vases communicants : une ethnographie des services reproductifs transfrontaliers au Canada / Communicating vessels : an ethnography of cross-border reproductive care in Canada

Couture, Vincent January 2018 (has links)
Les services reproductifs transfrontaliers (SRT) réfèrent au déplacement d'une juridiction à une autre, de personnes ou de matériel reproductif dans le cadre d'un projet de procréation assistée (PA). Ce phénomène a été observé dans de nombreux pays, mais le système de PA mondialisé canadien, ou reproscape, demeure sous-étudié. Ce manque de connaissances nuit au développement normatif en matière de PA. En adoptant un cadre conceptuel issu de l'anthropologie médicale, l'objectif général de cette thèse était de décrire et comprendre le reproscape canadien. Pour alimenter la réflexion éthique et juridique et la prestation des services de PA, nous avons réalisé une enquête ethnographique clinique multisite combinant : (1) une revue de la littérature, (2) l'observation participante et non participante de deux cliniques de fertilité (Québec et Ontario), d'une agence d'importation de gamètes et d'une dizaine de congrès scientifiques, ainsi que (3) des entrevues semi-dirigées avec 45 actrices et acteurs des SRT : personnes utilisatrices, personnel médical et intermédiaires. Les données ont fait l'objet d'une analyse qualitative inductive, assistée du logiciel NVivo 11. Trois dimensions émergent de nos résultats. (1) Le Canada se caractérise par une mosaïque de lois et de règlements locaux, fédéraux et provinciaux qui influencent de façon paradoxale les SRT. L'obligation de don altruiste, établie par la Loi sur la procréation assistée (LPA), joue un rôle prédominant sur le reproscape canadien. (2) Au niveau de l'expérience des SRT, la simplicité de certains SRT intégrés à la pratique clinique, comme l'importation de sperme ou d'ovocytes, contraste avec la complexité des voyages vers l'étranger auxquels les personnes utilisatrices se sentent souvent contraintes. (3) Interrogées sur leurs perspectives éthiques, quatre positions principales ressortent des entrevues: (a) le respect de leur autonomie reproductive, (b) les risques individuels et (c) sociaux des SRT, dont celui d'exploitation des gestatrices et des donneuses d'ovules, ainsi que (d) les incohérences de la LPA quant à sa capacité d'atténuer ces risques. En conclusion, le reproscape canadien se caractérise, entre autres, par une situation de " sous-traitance reproductive " : une reconnaissance institutionnelle des SRT, combinée à une délocalisation des risques moraux et médicaux hors des frontières nationales. Les conclusions de notre étude mettent en évidence le caractère inextricable du local et du global en PA et comment le reproscape mondial fonctionne par vases communicants. / Abstract : Cross-border reproductive care (CBRC) refers to the movement from one jurisdiction to another of persons or reproductive material as part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment. This phenomenon has been observed in many countries, but the Canadian globalized ART system (or "reproscape") remains understudied empirically. This lack of data undermines the normative development in terms of ART. The aim of this dissertation is to describe and understand the Canadian reproscape in order to support ethical and legal reflection. To achieve this goal, we conducted a multi-site clinical ethnography combining (1) literature reviews, (2) participant and non-participant observation in two fertility clinics (Quebec and Ontario), a gamete importation and distribution agency and a dozen scientific congresses, (3) as well as semi-directed interviews with 45 actors of CBRC: users, medical professionals and intermediaries. The data were analyzed by inductive qualitative analysis assisted by NVivo 11 software. Three dimensions emerge from our results. (1) Regarding the legal and clinical contexts of ART, Canada is characterized by a local mosaic of laws and regulations that paradoxically influence CBRC. The altruistic obligation established by the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHRA) plays a predominant role on the reproscape. (2) In terms of the experience of the main actors, the simplicity of CBRC integrated to the clinic, such as the import of semen or oocytes, contrasts with the complexity of journeys abroad for which users often feel constrained. (3) When asked about their ethical perspectives, the actors mentioned four main positions: (a) the respect for their reproductive autonomy, (b) the individual and (c) social risks of CBRC, including the exploitation of egg donors as well as gestational surrogates, and (d) AHRA inconsistencies in its ability to mitigate these risks. Our conclusion is that the Canadian reproscape is characterized, inter alia, by a situation of "reproductive outsourcing." This concept is characterized by an institutional recognition of CBRC combined with a relocation of moral and medical risks outside national borders. The results of our study underline the inextricable local and global nature of ART and how CBRC works as communicating vessels.

Évaluation de l’impact de la qualité alimentaire dans le cadre d’une intervention interdisciplinaire pour l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie chez les femmes obèses souffrant d’infertilité / Evaluation of the impact of diet quality on obese women with infertility within an interdisciplinary lifestyle program

Harnois-Leblanc, Soren January 2017 (has links)
Contexte : Une amélioration des habitudes de vie, avec une légère perte pondérale (5 %), augmenterait les chances de concevoir un enfant chez les femmes obèses souffrant d’infertilité. La perte de poids est considérée comme le principal déterminant de la survenue d’une grossesse, mais aucune étude n’a évalué le rôle la qualité alimentaire. Objectif principal : Évaluer l’impact de l’amélioration de la qualité alimentaire sur les chances de survenue d’une grossesse auprès de femmes obèses et infertiles. Méthodologie : Étude prospective s’insérant dans un essai randomisé contrôlé évaluant l'impact d'une intervention interdisciplinaire visant l’amélioration des habitudes de vie sur la fertilité des femmes obèses suivies à la clinique de fertilité du CHUS en comparaison à des femmes ayant accès aux soins standards en fertilité seulement (n = 102). Des visites de recherche ont lieu à l’entrée de l’étude puis aux 6 mois jusqu’à la fin du projet, soit après 18 mois ou jusqu’à l’accouchement. La collecte de données inclut un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire, des mesures anthropométriques et un test de condition physique. Un index de qualité alimentaire, le Healthy Eating Index modifié (mHEI, 0-100 points), a été calculé. Résultats : Pour l’ensemble des participantes, l’amélioration de la qualité alimentaire n’était pas associée à de meilleures chances de grossesse. À l’aide d’un modèle de régression de Cox, il a été possible d’observer que la qualité alimentaire initiale était un prédicteur important de grossesse au sein des deux groupes confondus (HR (par 10 unités) : 1,24 [1,03 – 1,50], p = 0,027), indépendamment du niveau de condition physique et de l’anthropométrie. De façon similaire, une meilleure qualité alimentaire observée avant conception présentait une association significative indépendante avec les chances de concevoir dans le temps (HR (par 10 unités) : 1,25 [1,04 – 1,49], p = 0,017). Les variables anthropométriques, incluant le poids, n’étaient pas associées à une probabilité accrue de concevoir. Conclusion : Une meilleure qualité alimentaire en préconception augmenterait les chances de grossesse chez les femmes infertiles souffrant d’obésité. / Abstract : Background : Improvement of lifestyle habits, associated with a modest weight loss (5 %), has shown to increase odds of pregnancy in overweight and obese women diagnosed with infertility. Weight loss is considered as the main factor that explains the improvement of fertility, but no study evaluated the specific role of diet quality on fertility in this population. Objective : Evaluate the impact of improving diet quality on odds of pregnancy in obese and infertile women seeking for fertility treatments. Methods : Prospective study nested in a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of an interdisciplinary lifestyle intervention on fertility of obese women followed at the fertility clinic of the CHUS, in comparison to standard fertility care only. Research visits take place every 6 months until the end of the project, which is after 18 months or delivery. Data collection include a food frequency questionnaire, anthropometric measurement and a fitness evaluation. A score of diet quality, the modified Healthy Eating Index (mHEI, 0-100 units), was calculated. Results : For all the participants, improvement of diet quality was not associated with the probability of pregnancy. With Cox regression, we observed that the initial diet quality was an important predictor of pregnancy within the two confounded groups (HR (by 10 units) : 1.24 [1.03 – 1.50], p = 0.027), independently of cardiorespiratory fitness and anthropometry. Similarly, the best diet quality observed before conception presented a significant independent association with odds of pregnancy over time (HR (by 10 units) : 1.25 [1.04 – 1.49], p = 0.017). Anthropometric variables, including weight, were not associated with a higher probability of conception. Conclusion : A greater diet quality in preconception seems to increase probability of pregnancy in obese infertile women.

Pre-implantation and pre-natal selection of offspring : can there be a duty to select against disability?

Williams, Nicola Jane January 2015 (has links)
The question of whether there might be a moral obligation to select against disability in our offspring has received considerable attention and attracted great controversy within both the philosophical community and beyond over the last couple of decades. Within this thesis I examine this question, taking as a basis for discussion the view that prospective parents should be formally free to choose whether or not to select against disability in their offspring in the absence of adequate justifying reasons to the contrary. I then move on to examine and outline arguments that suggest variously and for a plethora of different reasons that selection against disability should be condemned morally or required. After this is done and it is noted that the sheer volume of different positions and arguments requires a more specific focus I, in my thesis articles take what I view to be the strongest of moral reasons, person-affecting reasons, and look to the question of whether it is possible ground a moral obligation to select against disability in our offspring in the person affecting harms that our reproductive choices might produce. In the first paper I ask whether the non- identity problem really poses such an insurmountable obstacle to the claim that to select against disability may harm those that are created as a result of our selection choices. This leads to the conclusion that on certain accounts of personal identity over time and trans-world identity it is possible to determine harm in a number of previously non-identity cases of which the selection against disability case is one. In the second paper I broaden my focus slightly by looking to the possible harms that our procreative choices might impose on others than the children we may create: ourselves, our existing dependents and existing members of society. In doing this it is shown that our reproductive choices do, at least in societies with advanced social and medical welfare systems, have the potential to impose significant burdens on others. However, whilst this is so, it is also demonstrated that this is not necessarily a decisive reason to condemn a reproductive choice to select for or to fail to select against disability in our offspring. In my final paper I take a slightly different approach, focusing less on the question of whether there should be a moral obligation to select against disability in our offspring and more on the question of whether there should exist a legal imperative to do so. Taking as a basis a liberal approach to the moral limits of law I suggest that impingements on individual liberty may only be justified when it can be shown that our reproductive choices cause significant harms or offence to others, I ask whether the recent insertion into English and Welsh Law of a prohibition on selection for disability can be justified. In line with the findings of the previous two papers which are far from conclusive and by examining the reasons given in legal and policy documents in England and Wales relating to this prohibition I suggest that as it stands such a prohibition cannot be justified. This ultimately leads to a rather unsatisfying – but perhaps inevitable, in light of the messy nature of reproduction – conclusion: It is possible to discuss the ethics of selection against and for disability on person-affecting accounts of morality and to discuss the matter in this way offers sensitive and sensible prescriptions. However, such discussions turn out to be, in virtue of the many competing claims of those affected by reproductive decisions and policy, far more complex than might be assumed and do not fit neatly with the commonly held moral intuition that it is always morally preferable to select against disability in our offspring.

The ART of amphibian conservation: linking in-situ and ex-situ populations of endangered species through genome banking

Burger, Isabella JoAnn 10 December 2021 (has links)
Limited breeding success in captive breeding programs has necessitated the development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to preserve and increase genetic variation and population numbers of both captive and wild amphibian groups. ART has been shown to be successful in numerous anuran species, and current studies focus on the application of ART in ex-situ populations. The focus of this project is to show that linking in-situ and ex-situ amphibian populations through sperm cryopreservation, genome banking, and in-vitro fertilization is possible, with the goal of increasing gene diversity throughout groups in order to produce self-sustaining, wild populations in the future. Specific objectives include developing a sperm-cryopreservation methodology using sperm from the model species Anaxyrus fowleri, applying this protocol to the cryopreservation of spermatozoa from two other threatened anurans to determine protocol transmissibility, and linking in-situ and ex-situ populations of an endangered species using cryopreserved sperm form wild males to produce viable offspring.

Comparative Analysis of Zymot versus Gradient Centrifugation in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Samples : A Study on Fertilization Efficiency and Embryo Quality

Sörensen Larsson, Mimmi January 2024 (has links)
Infertility is a global challenge, often remedied with In vitro fertilization (IVF) and Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Sperm quality is crucial, prompting ICSI when compromised. Routine sperm preparation via gradient centrifugation raises concerns about sperm stress and DNA fragmentation. Zymot, a new device that utilizes microfluidic technology, emerges as a promising alternative. It minimizes sperm stress and DNA damage, potentially enhancing fertilization rates and embryo quality. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of ICSI samples treated with Zymot against gradient centrifuged samples. Focus was on fertilization rates, embryo quality, and pregnancy outcomes.  The results of 104 Zymot treated samples from men with compromised sperm quality were compared with 144 gradient centrifugations retrospective. Results revealed a significant difference between methods in the number of pronulear (PN), specifically in the Good Quality Embryo (GQE) where 62% with Zymot were 2PN compared to 59% with gradient (p=0.017). No significant difference in pregnancy rates or embryo utilization rate were observed. A tendency towards higher proportion (54.6%) of Zymot-treated embryos were cryopreserved compared to gradient (49.4%, p=0,27). In conclusion, a significant difference between methods in the GQE proportion of 2PN embryos favored Zymot. Closer examination revealed a higher proportion of embryos cryopreserved with Zymot, suggesting a potential for increased treatment success in future cycles. Zymot, requiring less time, yielded equivalent results to gradient centrifugation, with higher GQE proportions and more embryos cryopreserved. This merits consideration as a high-quality alternative to sperm preparation for ICSI in cases of poor sperm quality.

Vårdens transformering : en studie av utrednings- och fertilitetsvård för transpersoner

Erbenius, Theo January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur det perspektivskifte som skett rörandetranspersoner som potentiella föräldrar mellan 1972 och 2013 tagits emot och omsatts ipraktiken inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Uppsatsen söker identifiera förändringsprocesser,brytpunkter, problem och lösningar. Det primära materialet består av intervjuer med personalpå utredningsenheten ANOVA och fertilitetskliniken Reproduktionsmedicin KI. Uppsatsenpåvisar att cisnormativitetens gradvisa tillbakagång på samhällsnivå medfört en successivnormalisering av transpersoners föräldraskap inom vården, samt att vårdkedjor utvecklas viaen interaktiv process mellan vårdgivare, patienter, teknologi, juridik och politik. 2013 årslagändring varigenom personer med ändrad könstillhörighet erhöll den juridiska rätten tillbiologiskt föräldraskap är i praktiken bristfälligt realiserad på grund av bristande finansiering.

L'influence du droit de la santé sur le droit extra-patrimonial de la famille : repenser le droit français à la lumière du droit suisse / The influence of health law on extrapatrimonial family law

Cappellari, Anaëlle 09 December 2014 (has links)
Le droit de la santé réglemente les actions de santé lato sensu. En encadrant juridiquement une pluralité d'actes médicaux, comme l'AMP, l'interruption de grossesse, l'examen des empreintes génétiques ou encore les dons d'éléments et produits du corps humain, il influence le droit extra-patrimonial de la famille. Cette influence est protéiforme et se manifeste à la fois sur la détermination des liens familiaux et sur les droits et devoirs en découlant. Le droit comparé franco-suisse, dans sa fonction de connaissance du droit, permet de révéler les manifestations de cette influence. Le droit de la santé français exerce fréquemment un rôle moteur, subversif des concepts civilistes traditionnels. Le droit de la santé et le droit de la famille sont le plus souvent pensés séparément, le premier tendant parfois à s'autonomiser. À l'inverse, le droit de la santé suisse s'inspire régulièrement des constructions civilistes préexistantes, même si la finalité sanitaire justifie parfois un renouvellement des concepts. Ainsi, les deux champs du droit sont le plus souvent pensés globalement, approche dont le droit français gagnerait à s'inspirer. L'influence du droit de la santé sur le droit extra-patrimonial de la famille doit être repensée en tenant compte des objectifs poursuivis par les différentes règles de droit. La spécificité des actes médicaux à finalité familiale justifie que le droit de la santé soit cantonné à un rôle technique, suiveur de l'évolution du droit de la famille. En revanche, lorsqu'il réglemente les actes médicaux susceptibles d'influencer les droits et devoirs familiaux, le droit de la santé peut exercer un rôle complémentaire à celui du droit de la famille. / Health law regulates medical activity. By giving a legal framework to several medical acts, such as ART, abortion, DNA identification or donations of components and products of the human body, it influences extrapatrimonial family law. This influence is undeniably protean as it is exerted on both the definition and the legal regime of family ties. In its quest for improving knowledge of legal systems, French-Swiss comparative law can reveal and explain the manner in which this influence is expressed. In France, health law often plays a leading role, thus subverting traditional family law concepts and sometimes leading to inconsistencies. Health law and family law are usually viewed separately, with health law often taking an autonomous stance. In Switzerland, on the other hand, health law frequently draws on preexisting civil and family law concepts. Most of the time, these two fields of law are thought of together. This analysis incites us to rebuild French law in the light of Swiss law. The influence of health law on extrapatrimonial family law must be rethought, by taking into account the goal of each legal rule. The specificity of medical acts pursuing family interests justifies confining health law to a technical role, following the evolution of family law. Health law must be a tool for family law. However, health law can complement family law when it comes to the determination of family rights and duties. This complementarity is expressed either through the articulation of both branches of law when common goals are visible, or through the search for criteria capable of reconciling the conflicting goals pursued by these two subjects.

Le refus de traitement en procréation médicalement assistée au Québec

Morel-Laforce, Tierry 12 1900 (has links)
D’une juridiction à l’autre, les modèles législatifs encadrant la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) diffèrent, allant de l’absence de directives nationales à des agences réglementaires supervisant les cliniques de fertilité. De 2010 à 2015, le Québec finançait les services de PMA pour ses résidents sans définir de critères d’accessibilité. Alors que l’adoption de critères d’accessibilité représente un défi éthique complexe, les candidats souhaitant obtenir des services de PMA peuvent être confrontés à un refus par des professionnels sur la base d’une évaluation subjective. Déterminer les critères présentement utilisés par les professionnels en l’absence de directives législatives peut éclaircir les décisions difficiles auxquelles ils font face quotidiennement. Un tel travail peut aussi informer la réflexion éthique quant à l’étude normative de directives dans ce domaine. La présente étude décrit les critères d’accessibilité utilisés par les professionnels travaillant dans des cliniques de fertilité, privées ou publiques, au Québec. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec quatre médecins et quatre psychologues. Une recension des écrits a permis de regrouper les critères reportés dans la littérature selon leurs similitudes, puis d’analyser les entrevues selon ces regroupements. De façon générale, les professionnels du Québec utilisent des critères similaires à ceux des professionnels d’autres pays, mais des critères non recensés dans la littérature ont aussi été utilisés par les participants. Les critères utilisés les plus communs étaient la relation conjugale, l’état de santé mentale ainsi que l’âge des candidats. Une découverte importante est que les professionnels n’utilisaient pas un seul critère pour refuser un candidat, mais plutôt une combinaison de facteurs en tenant compte de son contexte de vie. Une autre découverte intéressante est l’utilisation du « rejet temporaire », c’est-à-dire le report des traitements à un meilleur moment pour les candidats selon le professionnel. Les entrevues ont permis de déterminer que les professionnels agissent en tant que gatekeepers et doivent souvent prendre des décisions qui dépassent l’évaluation clinique en se basant sur un jugement personnel. Ce rôle n’est pas facile et les participants ont exprimé des doutes et des remises en question de leurs propres décisions. / From 2010 to 2015, Quebec offered comprehensive public funding for assisted reproductive technologies (ART), allowing access to any female resident ‘of reproductive age’ without specifying eligibility criteria. Other jurisdictions have different models ranging from absence of criteria to regulatory agencies overseeing fertility clinics. While establishing eligibility criteria is an ethically daunting task, candidates wishing to access ART may be confronted with professionals who reject them based on subjective criteria. Exploring what criteria are used in practice, in the absence of regulatory guidance, can shed light on the challenges faced by professionals and their decision-making needs. It can also inform our ethical reflection regarding the normative positions required for establishing guidelines in this sensitive area. This qualitative study describes eligibility criteria used by healthcare professionals working in fertility clinics in Quebec, based on semi-structured interviews conducted with four physicians and four psychologists working in both public and private clinics. An extensive literature review on the topic allowed the separation of criteria into groups under overarching themes, which were then used to analyze the interviews. Findings suggests that overall, professionals in Quebec are using similar criteria to those used by professionals in other countries. They also referred to criteria not found in the literature, which required the creation of new groups for analysis. Among the criteria used by interviewees, the researchers found that the relationship status was the most common, followed by candidates’ mental health and their age. A major finding was that professionals never considered one isolated criterion to reject candidates, but rather based their decision on a combination of factors while considering the context of the candidate’s life. Another important element was the repeated phenomenon of “temporary rejection”, i.e. a professional postponing treatment until a later date describing it as a “better time” for candidates who did not seem ready to undergo treatments. Overall, decisions were made by analyzing the context in which candidates were living and in which the prospective child would be raised. The interviews lead to the conclusion that professionals act as gatekeepers and often need to make normative decisions that go beyond a clinical assessment, based on a personal judgement call. These decisions were not easily taken and participants expressed doubts and decisional conflict.

Sexualité et fertilité : facteurs contextuels et relationnels associés au bien-être sexuel des couples suivis en clinique de fertilité

El Amiri, Sawsane 02 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie clinique (Ph.D) / L'infertilité est reconnue non seulement comme une maladie médicale, mais aussi comme une condition sociale et émotionnelle (Burns et Covington, 2006; Pawar et al., 2020; The Lancet Global Health, 2022). Bien que les études aient, de plus en plus, commencé à étudier l'impact de l'infertilité sur le bien-être psychologique et social (p. ex., Drosdzol et Skrzypulec, 2008; Hasanpoor-Azghdy et al., 2015), les chercheurs en connaissent toujours peu sur le bien-être sexuel des couples qui suivent un traitement de fertilité. Des recherches ont montré que les couples ayant recours à la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) sont plus susceptibles d'éprouver des difficultés sexuelles que les couples fertiles (Starc et al., 2019). Toutefois, les facteurs qui permettent d’expliquer ces difficultés chez les couples ayant recours à la PMA ont été très peu étudiés à ce jour. Ainsi, en utilisant une approche biopsychosociale de la compréhension de l’infertilité (Gerrity, 2001; Grinion, 2005; Williams et al., 1992) et de la sexualité (Althof et al., 2005; McCabe et al., 2010), cette thèse examine à la fois les facteurs spécifiques à l'infertilité et les facteurs dyadiques sous-jacents au bien-être sexuel des couples infertiles. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs spécifiques à l'infertilité associés à la fonction sexuelle des couples qui ont recours à la PMA, une première étude transversale dyadique a été menée auprès de 185 couples de sexes mixtes en processus de PMA qui ont rempli en ligne l’outil Fertility Quality of Life Tool et soit le Female Sexual Function Index (femmes) ou le International Index of Erectile Function (hommes). L'étude a examiné les facteurs de stress personnels et relationnels, et le désir sexuel, l’orgasme, l’excitation et la satisfaction sexuelle des deux partenaires. Les associations entre les caractéristiques liées au diagnostic de l’infertilité et au traitement et les domaines de fonction sexuelle et la satisfaction sexuelle des deux partenaires ont également été examinées pour déterminer si ces variables seraient incluses comme covariables dans les analyses principales. Les analyses acheminatoires ont révélé que pour les hommes et les femmes, les facteurs de stress émotionnels liés à l'infertilité étaient associés à leur propre désir sexuel et à celui de leurs partenaires. Pour les femmes, les facteurs de stress émotionnels liés à l'infertilité étaient également associés à une satisfaction sexuelle plus faible chez leur partenaire et les facteurs de stress corps-esprit étaient associés à une excitation sexuelle plus faible chez leur partenaire. Les facteurs de stress relationnels liés à l'infertilité étaient également associés à une excitation et satisfaction sexuelle plus faibles des individus et à une satisfaction sexuelle plus faible chez leur partenaire. Pour les femmes, les facteurs de stress relationnels liés à l'infertilité étaient également associés à leur propre désir sexuel et orgasme. Ces résultats suggèrent que les interventions portant sur les sphères émotionnelles, psychocorporelles et relationnelles des couples en PMA pourraient aider à faciliter l'amélioration de la fonction et de la satisfaction sexuelles et à mieux répondre aux besoins des couples infertiles. S'appuyant sur les résultats de la première étude, qui suggèrent que l'expérience subjective des couples en matière d'infertilité et de traitement, en particulier les facteurs de stress relationnels, semblent être plus fortement associés à leur santé sexuelle que les facteurs objectifs liés au traitement, le deuxième article visait à étudier les processus relationnels qui sous-tendent le bien-être sexuel des couples. Plus précisément, l'étude a examiné si les perceptions de gestion du stress dyadique (GSD) du partenaire et de la façon dont les deux partenaires gèrent ensemble le stress (GSD commun) sont associées au bien-être sexuel des deux partenaires chez les couples en processus de PMA. Les participants comprenaient 232 couples avec une infertilité médicale qui ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant la gestion du stress dyadique et le bien-être sexuel (préoccupations sexuelles liées à l'infertilité, détresse sexuelle et satisfaction sexuelle). Les analyses acheminatoires ont révélé que les perceptions que le partenaire utilise plus de stratégies de GSD négatives étaient associées à un bien-être sexuel plus faibles des individus. Les perceptions que le partenaire utilise plus de stratégies de GSD positives étaient associées à une satisfaction sexuelle plus élevée pour les hommes et à des préoccupations sexuelles liées à l'infertilité plus élevées pour les femmes. Les perceptions d’une utilisation plus élevée de GSD commun étaient associées à un bien-être sexuel plus élevé chez les deux partenaires. Pour les hommes, les perceptions d’une utilisation plus élevée de GSD commun étaient également associées à des préoccupations sexuelles liées à l'infertilité plus faibles chez leur partenaire. Les analyses étaient ajustées pour la satisfaction relationnelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que le bien-être sexuel des couples pendant les traitements de fertilité pourrait être facilité en favorisant une gestion de stress dyadique commun plus élevée et soulignent que le contexte interpersonnel entourant la sexualité de ces couples devrait être systématiquement abordé auprès des deux membres du couple. / Infertility is recognized as being not only a medical illness, but also a social and emotional condition (Burns & Covington, 2006; Pawar et al., 2020; The Lancet Global Health, 2022). Although studies have increasingly begun to investigate the impact of infertility on psychological and social well-being (e.g., Drosdzol & Skrzypulec, 2008; Hasanpoor-Azghdy et al., 2015), little remains known about the sexual well-being of couples undergoing fertility treatment. Research has shown that couples seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART) are more likely to experience sexual difficulties than fertile couples (Starc et al., 2019). However, very few studies have examined the factors that may explain these difficulties in couples seeking ART. Hence, using a biopsychosocial approach to the understanding of infertility (Gerrity, 2001; Grinion, 2005; Williams et al., 1992) and sexuality (Althof et al., 2005; McCabe et al., 2010), this thesis examines both infertility-specific and dyadic factors underlying the sexual well-being of infertile couples. To better understand the infertility-specific factors associated with the sexual function of couples seeking ART, a first dyadic cross-sectional study was conducted with 185 mixed-sex couples seeking ART who completed online the Fertility Quality of Life Tool and either the Female Sexual Function Index (women) or the International Index of Erectile Function (men). The study examined the association between personal and relational stressors and the sexual desire, orgasm, arousal, and sexual satisfaction of couples seeking ART. The associations between diagnosis and treatment-related factors and both partners’ domains of sexual function and sexual satisfaction were also examined to determine whether these variables should be included as covariates in the main analyses. Path analyses revealed that for men and women, infertility-related emotional stressors were associated with their own and their partners’ lower sexual desire. For women, experiencing greater infertility-related emotional stressors was also associated with their partner’s lower sexual satisfaction and experiencing greater infertility-related mind-body stressors was associated with their partner’s lower sexual arousal. Infertility-related relational stressors were also associated with individuals’ own lower sexual arousal and satisfaction and their partner’s lower sexual satisfaction. For women, experiencing greater relational stressors was also associated with their own lower sexual desire and orgasm. These results suggest that interventions addressing the emotional, mind-body, and relational spheres of couples seeking ART may help facilitate improvements in sexual function and satisfaction and better serve infertile couples’ needs. Building on the results of the first study, which suggest that couples’ subjective experience of infertility and treatment, particularly relational stressors, seem to be more strongly associated with their sexual well-being than objective treatment-related factors, the second study aimed to investigate the relational processes that underly couples’ sexual well-being. More specifically, the study examined whether perceptions of the partner’s dyadic coping (DC) and of how both partners cope together (common DC) are associated with both partners’ sexual well-being in couples seeking ART. Participants included 232 couples with medical infertility who completed questionnaires assessing dyadic coping and sexual well-being (infertility-related sexual concerns, sexual distress, and sexual satisfaction). The path analyses revealed that perceptions of partners’ use of higher negative DC were associated with individuals’ own lower sexual well-being. Perceptions of partners’ use of higher positive DC were associated with higher sexual satisfaction for men and greater infertility-related sexual concerns for women. Perceptions of higher use of common DC were associated with both partners’ higher sexual well-being. For men, perceptions of higher use of common DC were also associated with their partner’s fewer infertility-related sexual concerns (partner effect). Analyses adjusted for relationship satisfaction. These results suggest that couples’ sexual well-being during fertility treatment could be facilitated by promoting greater common DC and highlight that the interpersonal context surrounding these couples’ sexuality should be routinely discussed with both members of the couple.

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