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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A besta não é invencível: uma crítica à religião do mercado

Mônica de Souza Santos 02 July 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho constitui-se em uma análise do momento atual do Neoliberalismo à luz do Apocalipse 13. Buscam-se elementos históricos e sociológicos que permitam elucidar a relação entre capitalismo e religião. Apresenta-se uma síntese da consolidação do pensamento liberal, passando pelas ideias de Adam Smith, pelo Estado do Bem-estar Social de Keynes, até as teorias de Hayek e a implantação oficial do Neoliberalismo no denominado Consenso de Washington. Aborda-se a ligação entre religião e o Capitalismo a partir das teorias de Max Weber, Walter Benjamim e Adam Smith. Logo após, estudam-se as raízes históricas e as características da Literatura Apocalíptica. O objetivo é identificar a Apocalíptica como movimento de resistência profética contra o poder opressor e excludente. Assim o livro do Apocalipse deve ser lido como contestação e denúncia do poder tirano do Império Romano que se impõe como um deus. Em seguida, dedica-se à interpretação do capítulo 13 do Apocalipse, no qual são descritas as duas bestas que recebem poder do dragão. Buscam-se chaves de interpretação que ajudem desmascarar a falsa religião do mercado, construída e justificada com as teorias neoliberais. Por último, são apresentadas propostas atuais de reconstrução da esperança com base em experiências concretas de enfrentamento ao neoliberalismo como modelo único. / The present work is an analysis of the present state of Neoliberalism seen in the light of Apocalypse Thirteen. In the first chapter, historical and sociological elements are sought, so that they might elucidate the relationship between capitalism and religion. It includes a summary of the consolidation of liberal thought following the ideas of Adam Smith, the welfare state of Keynes, and the theories of Hayek and Neoliberalisms official implantation in the so called Washington Consensus. The chapter addresses the connection between religion and capitalism according to the theories of Max Weber, Walter Benjamin and Adam Smith. The second chapter studies the historical roots and characteristics of Apocalyptic Literature. The aim is to identify the movement behind this literature; that is, one of prophetic resistance against a power that oppresses and excludes people. Thus, the apocalyptic books must be read as a contestation and denunciation of the tyranny of the Roman Empire which imposed itself as a god. The third chapter is dedicated to the interpretation of chapter thirteen of the Apocalypse, in which the two beasts are described as receiving their power from the dragon. These are understood as keys that help us unmask the false marketing of religion, built and justified upon neoliberal theories. Finally, the chapter concludes with the reconstruction of hope today, based on the real experience of confronting Neoliberalism as the ultimate model.

Voicing an Other: Utilizing Puppetry and Pageantry for Community- Based Spectacle in America

Koerner, Ethan 19 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Taming the Perfect Beast: The Monster as Romantic Hero in Contemporary Fiction

Klaber, Lara 27 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Förbättrad logistik med hjälp av BIM-projektering / Improved logistics using BIM-design

Mobasheri, Farzaneh, Mohamed, Najma January 2019 (has links)
Byggbranschens effektivitet beror på många faktorer, en av dem är logistik. Välplanerad logistik kan bland annat minska slöseri av tid och kostnader. Studier har tidigare visat att ineffektiv tidshantering i byggbranschen förekommer oftare än i branscher. Examensarbetet har skrivits för att undersöka vilka problem kan förekomma i logistikprocessen och hur digitalisering kan förebygga problem i logistikflödet. Digitalisering som återspeglas i Building Information Modeling (BIM) skapar möjligheter för att uppnå ett effektivt logistikflöde. Rapporten innehåller två huvuddelar: Faktainsamlingen omfattar begreppet logistik och olika strategier relaterade till ämnet som Lean och Just In Time och tillämpningen av dem i byggbranschen. Jämförelser mellan olika standarder kopplade till förbättrad hantering och klassifikation av material tas upp, bland dessa BEAst och Coclass. Även BIM-projekteringens inverkan på logistik har teoretiskt undersökts med programvaran Vico Office och dess 4D samt 5D-funktioner. Den andra delen fokuserar på enkätundersökningar på byggarbetsplats och intervjuer med BIM-specialist, logistikchef, forskare med utvalda intervjufrågor. Frågorna är utformade efter respektive arbetsroll och alla svar finns transkriberade i slutet av rapporten som bilagor. All samlad information från enkätresultat och intervjuer redovisas i resultat och analys för att slutligen diskutera fördelar och nackdelar med BIM-projektering för logistiska ändamål. Rapporten föreslår mer användning av BIM-projektering i projekteringsstadiet för att effektivisera logistik i byggbranschen. / The efficiency of the construction industry depends on many factors, one of which is logistics. Well-planned logistics can, among other things, reduce waste of time and costs. Studies have previously shown that inefficient time management in the construction industry occurs more often than in other industries. This report has been written to investigate which problems can occur in the logistics process and how digitization can prevent problems in the logistics flow. Digitization reflected in Building Information Modeling (BIM) creates opportunities for achieving an efficient logistics flow. The report contains two main parts: The collection of facts covers the concept of logistics and various strategies related to the topic such as Lean and Just In Time and their application in the construction industry. Comparisons between different standards related to improved handling and classification of materials are addressed, among them BEAst and Coclass. The impact of the BIM design on logistics has also been theoretically investigated with the software Vico Office and its 4D and 5D functions. The second part focuses on surveys about construction workplaces and interviews with BIM specialists, logistics managers, researchers using selected interview questions. The questions are designed according to each work role and all answers are transcribed at the end of the report as appendices. All collected information from the survey results and interviews are presented in results and analysis to finally discuss the advantages and disadvantages of BIM design for logistics purposes. The report proposes more use of BIM design in the design stage to streamline logistics in the construction industry.

Phylogénie moléculaire du genre Salix L. (Salicaceae) en Amérique du Nord

Lauron-Moreau, Aurélien 06 1900 (has links)
La culture de saules (Salix sp.) est une pratique courante en Europe et en Amérique du Nord pour produire de la biomasse végétale. Cependant, le développement d’outils moléculaires est très récent. De plus, la phylogénie des saules est incomplète. Il y a un manque d’information pour les programmes de sélection d'espèces indigènes et pour la compréhension de l’évolution du genre. Le genre Salix inclut 500 espèces réparties principalement dans les régions tempérées et boréo-arctique de l’hémisphère nord. Nous avons obtenu l’ensemble des espèces retrouvées naturellement en Amérique (121 indigènes et introduites). Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé de nouveaux outils moléculaires et méthodes : extraction d’ADN, marqueurs microsatellites et gènes nucléaires. Puis, nous avons séquencé deux gènes chloroplastiques (matK et rbcL) et la région ITS. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont été réalisées selon trois approches : parcimonie, maximum de vraisemblance et Bayésienne. L’arbre d’espèces obtenu a un fort support et divise le genre Salix en deux sous-genres, Salix et Vetrix. Seize espèces ont une position ambiguë. La diversité génétique du sous-genre Vetrix est plus faible. Une phylogénie moléculaire complète a été établie pour les espèces américaines. D’autres analyses et marqueurs sont nécessaires pour déterminer les relations phylogénétiques entre certaines espèces. Nous affirmons que le genre Salix est divisé en deux clades. / Fast growing willows (Salix sp.) are increasingly used in Europe and North America for biomass production and other environmental applications. However, the development of molecular tools is recent. The phylogeny of willows is incomplete, which slows down the selection of suitable native species and the development of improvement programs. The genus Salix includes approximately 500 species worldwide, and these are mainly located in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. We gathered leaf material from all 121 willows of North America (species native and introduced). We developed three molecular tools-methods: DNA extraction, SSR markers, and nuclear genes. We sequenced two chloroplast genes matK and rbcL and the ITS region. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. The species tree provides strong support for a division of the genus into two subgenera, Salix and Vetrix. Sixteen species have ambiguous positions. A complete molecular phylogeny of American willows has been established. It needs to be confirmed and further resolved using other molecular data. Nonetheless, the genus clearly has two clades.

O monstro leonino que surge do mar: um estudo de Daniel 7:1-4 à luz de sua relação intertextual coma Bíblia Hebraica e a literatura e iconografia do antigo oriente médio / The leonine monster that emerges from the sea: a study of Daniel 7:1-4 in the light of its intertextual relationship with the Hebrew Bible and the literature and iconography of the Ancient Near East

Cavalcanti, Diogo de Araujo 06 May 2019 (has links)
Em O monstro leonino que surge do mar, estuda-se a simbologia contida em Dn 7:1 a 4. Nesse capítulo, narra-se uma visão onírica em que quatro feras monstruosas emergem de um mar agitado pelos quatro ventos do céu. A primeira a surgir é semelhante a um leão com asas de águia, as quais lhe são arrancadas, e o animal é posto em pé e recebe um coração humano. Impregnada de simbolismo, a visão é seguida de uma interpretação geral dentro do próprio capítulo, mas ainda assim oculta sentidos que convidam à investigação. Este estudo propõe uma close reading desse recorte, em uma abordagem literária e sincrônica, contemplando diversas perspectivas do debate acadêmico atual. A análise se concentra nos principais elementos simbólicos do texto, culminando na aparição da fera leonina. Trata-se de um mergulho na Bíblia Hebraica (BH), bem como na literatura e iconografia do Antigo Oriente Médio (AOM), e no próprio livro de Daniel, com vistas a iluminar o objeto de estudo. Os resultados dessa investigação identificam a relação umbilical entre a visão de Dn 7 e as narrativas dos cap. 1 a 6, em torno da temática da soberania divina. A composição da cena dos quatro ventos e o grande mar (Dn 7:1, 2) aparenta ser polissêmica e alusiva ao preâmbulo de Gn 1:2 ao mesmo tempo em que mantém evidentes conexões com sentidos encontrados nos Profetas. As feras grandes, monstruosas (Dn 7:3), têm evidentes paralelos na BH, como nações destruidoras, em especial, na tradição profética. A fera semelhante a leão com asas de águia se liga à visão de Dn 2 em que o primeiro dos quatro metais da estátua representa Babilônia. Seu hibridismo comunica a combinação de capacidades, com paralelos conceituais nos mischwesen ou seres híbridos do AOM. Sua natureza política e voracidade imperial o conectam ao motivo leonino utilizado largamente na literatura e iconografia do AOM, que servia para reforçar a ideologia real. Nos Profetas, Babilônia é simbolizada pelo leão e pela águia. Por ter asas e emergir do mar em uma limitada alusão aos mitos de combate antigos, com reflexos na BH , termina por denunciar sua natureza antidivina e cosmológica. Essa fera leonina passa por processos incapacitantes da perda de mobilidade e ferocidade, inversamente ao ocorrido com o rei Nabucodonosor em Dn 4, o que prenuncia sua derrocada e ressalta a soberania de YHWH. / The leonine monster that emerges from the sea is a research on the symbology present in Dan 7:1-4. This chapter depicts a dream-vision in which four monstrous beasts come out from a \"great sea\" stirred up by \"the four winds of heaven.\" The first beast to appear is similar to a lion with eagle\'s wings, which are suddenly plucked off, and the animal is lifted up from the ground, stands as a human being, and receives a human heart. This deeply symbolic vision has a general interpretation within Dan 7 itself, but it still conceals meanings that call for an investigation. The present study does a close reading of this selected biblical text, in a literary and synchronic approach, taking into account multiple perspectives in the current scholarly debate. The analysis focuses on the main symbolic elements of the text, culminating with the appearing of the leonine beast. It delves into the Hebrew Bible, as well as the literature and iconography of the Ancient Near East, in connection with the book of Daniel itself, to cast light on the subject under investigation. The results of this research uncover the umbilical relationship between the vision of Dan 7 and the narratives of chapters 1 to 6, around the theme of divine sovereignty. The arrangement of the four winds and the great sea scene (Dan 7:1, 2) seems to be polysemic and allusive to the preamble of Gen 1:2 while maintaining strong connections with the meanings found in the Prophets. The large, monstrous beasts (Dan 7:3) have clear parallels in the Hebrew Bible, especially in the prophetic tradition, as destructive nations. The lion-like beast with eagle\'s wings (Dan 7:4) must be seen in association with the vision of Dan 2 where the first of the four metals of the statue represents Babylon. Its hybridism communicates the combination of abilities, finding conceptual parallels in the mischwesen or hybrid beings of the Ancient Near East. The lion\'s political nature and imperial voracity bridge the biblical use of the leonine motif with the widespread use of this imagery in the literature and iconography of the Ancient Near East, which served to reinforce royal ideology. In the Prophets, Babylon is symbolized by both the lion and the eagle. By having wings and emerging from the sea--a limited allusion to ancient combat myths with reflections in the Hebrew Bible--it denounces the anti-divine and cosmological overtones of such a beast. This leonine monster undergoes incapacitating processes of mobility and ferocity losses, in a reverse process to what happened to king Nebuchadnezzar in Dan 4, which foreshadows the ultimate demise of Babylon plus the other kingdoms and highlights YHWH\'s sovereignty.

Phylogénie moléculaire du genre Salix L. (Salicaceae) en Amérique du Nord

Lauron-Moreau, Aurélien 06 1900 (has links)
La culture de saules (Salix sp.) est une pratique courante en Europe et en Amérique du Nord pour produire de la biomasse végétale. Cependant, le développement d’outils moléculaires est très récent. De plus, la phylogénie des saules est incomplète. Il y a un manque d’information pour les programmes de sélection d'espèces indigènes et pour la compréhension de l’évolution du genre. Le genre Salix inclut 500 espèces réparties principalement dans les régions tempérées et boréo-arctique de l’hémisphère nord. Nous avons obtenu l’ensemble des espèces retrouvées naturellement en Amérique (121 indigènes et introduites). Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé de nouveaux outils moléculaires et méthodes : extraction d’ADN, marqueurs microsatellites et gènes nucléaires. Puis, nous avons séquencé deux gènes chloroplastiques (matK et rbcL) et la région ITS. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont été réalisées selon trois approches : parcimonie, maximum de vraisemblance et Bayésienne. L’arbre d’espèces obtenu a un fort support et divise le genre Salix en deux sous-genres, Salix et Vetrix. Seize espèces ont une position ambiguë. La diversité génétique du sous-genre Vetrix est plus faible. Une phylogénie moléculaire complète a été établie pour les espèces américaines. D’autres analyses et marqueurs sont nécessaires pour déterminer les relations phylogénétiques entre certaines espèces. Nous affirmons que le genre Salix est divisé en deux clades. / Fast growing willows (Salix sp.) are increasingly used in Europe and North America for biomass production and other environmental applications. However, the development of molecular tools is recent. The phylogeny of willows is incomplete, which slows down the selection of suitable native species and the development of improvement programs. The genus Salix includes approximately 500 species worldwide, and these are mainly located in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. We gathered leaf material from all 121 willows of North America (species native and introduced). We developed three molecular tools-methods: DNA extraction, SSR markers, and nuclear genes. We sequenced two chloroplast genes matK and rbcL and the ITS region. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. The species tree provides strong support for a division of the genus into two subgenera, Salix and Vetrix. Sixteen species have ambiguous positions. A complete molecular phylogeny of American willows has been established. It needs to be confirmed and further resolved using other molecular data. Nonetheless, the genus clearly has two clades.

Lifting the Veil Between George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil" and Henry James' "The Beast in the Jungle

Abitz, Dan 03 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis works towards establishing a legacy of influence between George Eliot’s “The Lifted Veil” and Henry James’ “The Beast in the Jungle.” Through an exploration of James’ relationship to Eliot’s oeuvre and a close study of the two works in tandem, it will become apparent the influence Eliot’s slight Gothic story held on James’ celebrated short story. Furthermore, this thesis will introduce another chapter of the growing critical tradition of studying the relationship between George Eliot and Henry James.

Voicing an other utilizing puppetry and pageantry for community-based spectacle in America /

Koerner, Ethan. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Bowling Green State University, 2008. / Document formatted into pages; contains v, 117 p. Includes bibliographical references.

Validation study of a portable accelerometer to measure muscular power output : Correlation between the Beast Sensor and the linear encoder MuscleLab

Bergenblad, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Background: The ability to produce a high power output can be the deciding factor in determining which athlete wins or loses in a sporting event. Power output can be measured in an exercise like the squat or bench press. The use of a force plate, or a force plate paired with a linear position transducer is considered the gold standard when measuring power output in an exercise like the squat or bench press. Linear position transducers or linear encoders have also been considered valid methods. Power output can also be measured by accelerometers. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the concurrent validity of the accelerometer Beast Sensor by measuring average power in explosive squatting and bench pressing at 40 % and 80 % of one repetition maximum (1RM). The linear encoder MuscleLab was used as criterion. Methods: 17 test subjects, five women and 12 men (average age 28 years) were recruited. Fifteen of the subjects completed two test sessions. The first session determined their 1RM. The second session took place 7-14 days later and measured average power output during two sets of three repetitions at 40 % and 80 % of the subjects 1RM in explosive squats and bench presses. The average power output of the repetitions was measured simultaneously by Beast Sensor and MuscleLab. For the Beast Sensor to be considered valid, a correlation coefficient of 0.9 or higher needed to be reached. Results: Beast Sensor demonstrated high or very high correlations with MuscleLab for average power output of explosive squats at 40 % of 1RM (rs = 0.91), and for explosive bench presses at 40 % (rs = 0.86) and 80 % of 1RM (rs = 0.74). However, for explosive squats at 80 % of 1RM, the correlation was low (rs = 0.42). All correlations were statistically significant with p-values of < 0.01. Beast Sensor was considered valid for squats at 40 % of 1RM, but neither at 80 % of 1RM in squats, nor at 40 % or 80 % of 1RM in bench presses. Conclusion: Beast Sensor showed high or very high correlations with the criterion MuscleLab in three of the four assessed data variables. Only the correlation for average power output of the explosive squats at 40 % of the subject’s 1RM reached the required correlation coefficient of 0.9 or higher for the Beast Sensor to be considered valid. Except for at 40 % of 1RM in squats, Beast Sensor missed a substantial amount of repetitions. Further studies examining the reliability of the Beast Sensor are therefore needed. / Abstrakt Bakgrund: Förmågan att producera hög effektutveckling (power) kan avgöra vilken idrottare som vinner eller förlorar en tävling. Effektutveckling kan mätas i övningar som knäböj och bänkpress. Detta kan göras med hjälp av en kraftplatta, eller en kraftplatta parad med en linear position transducer. Dessa metoder anses vara ”gold standard”, men linear position transducers eller linear encoders har också ansetts vara valida metoder. Effektutveckling kan även mätas med hjälp av en accelerometer. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att mäta samtidig validitet hos accelerometern Beast Sensor genom att mäta genomsnittlig effektutveckling i explosiva knäböj och bänkpressar vid 40 % och 80 % av en repetition max (1RM). MuscleLab, en linear encoder, användes som referensvärde.  Metod: 17 försökspersoner, fem kvinnor och tolv män (medelålder 28 år) rekryterades. Femton av försökspersonerna fullföljde deltagande. Vid det första testtillfället mättes 1RM. Det andra tillfället ägde rum 7-14 dagar senare och mätte genomsnittlig effektutveckling i explosiva knäböj och bänkpressar vid 40 % och 80 % av försökspersonernas uppmätta 1RM. Två set av tre repetitioner mättes vid 40 % och 80 % av 1RM i både knäböj och bänkpress. Repetitionerna mättes samtidigt av MuscleLab och Beast Sensor. För att Beast Sensor skulle anses vara valid behövde en korrelationskoefficient på 0.9 eller högre uppnås. Resultat: Beast Sensor uppvisade höga eller väldigt höga korrelationer med MuscleLab för genomsnittlig effektutveckling i explosiva knäböj vid 40 % av 1RM (rs = 0.91) och explosiva bänkpressar vid 40 % (rs = 0.86) och 80 % av 1RM (rs = 0.74). Dock uppmättes en låg korrelation för de explosiva knäböjen vid 80 % av 1RM (rs = 0.42). Alla korrelationer var statistiskt signifikanta med p-värden på < 0.01. Beast Sensor ansågs vara valid för att mäta effektutveckling vid 40 % av 1RM i knäböj, men varken vid 80 % av 1RM i knäböj, eller vid 40 % eller 80 % av 1RM i bänkpressar. Slutsats: Beast Sensor visade höga eller väldigt höga korrelationer med referensvärdet från MuscleLab för tre av de fyra uppmätta variablerna. Endast korrelationen för genomsnittlig effektutveckling i explosiva knäböj vid 40 % av 1RM uppnådde den korrelationskoefficient på 0.9 eller högre som krävdes för att Beast Sensor skulle anses vara valid. Förutom vid 40 % av 1RM i knäböj, missade Beast Sensor en väsentlig andel repetitioner. Därför finns det ett behov av fler studier som undersöker reliabiliteten hos Beast Sensor.

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