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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gestion des sépultures collectives du bassin parisien à la fin du néolithique / The using strategy of the collective burials in Paris basin at the end of the neolithic

Blin, Arnaud 09 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis près d’un siècle et demi, près de quatre cent cinquante sépultures collectives ont été découvertes dans le Bassin parisien. L’information archéologique à disposition y est largement lacunaire. La connaissance des groupes chrono-culturels de la fin du Néolithique a tout de même été enrichie grâce au mobilier funéraire. Il a permis de définir une phase de construction et d’utilisation commune pour une grande majorité de sépultures collectives au Néolithique récent 2 (3350-3000 av. J.-C). Une minorité d’entre elles a été utilisée au Néolithique final 1 (2900-2550 av. J.-C.), voire jusqu’au début de l’Âge du Bronze. Malgré un horizon chronologique commun, les sépultures collectives du Bassin parisien présentent une étonnante diversité architecturale. Deux grands types de monuments ont été identifiés : les allées sépulcrales et les hypogées. Ils coexistent avec un ensemble de sépulcres anciennement appelés « dolmens » ou « sépultures en fosse », deux termes qui sont aujourd’hui à bannir. Chaque type architectural se caractérise par des techniques de construction, une répartition géographique, une logique d’implantation, une durée d’utilisation et une concentration de mobilier qui lui est propre. Cette diversité est-elle renforcée par des divergences au niveau des pratiques funéraires ? Les différents types de sépultures collectives du Bassin parisien se distinguent-ils également par leurs modes de fonctionnement ? Peuvent-ils constituer des caractères culturels originaux ? / For one century and an half, around four hundred and fifty collective burials had been discovered in the Paris basin. The archeological information is widely lacunar. The knowledge of the chronological and cultural groups of the end of the Neolithic had been enhanced thanks to the burial deposit. It permitted to define a common phase of building and use of a large majority of the collective burials during the recent Neolithic (3350-3000 av. J.-C). A minority of them had been used during the final Neolithic(2900-2550 av. J.-C.), or even till the beginning of the Bronze Age.In spite of a common chronological horizon, the collective burials of the Paris basin presents a suprising architectural diversity. Two main types of monuments had been identified : the sepulchral galleries and the hypogeums. They coexist with a group of burials formerly named “dolmen” or “burial grave”, two names that we could not use any more. Each archictectural type is characterised by his own building technique, geographical distribution, implantation logic, useful life and deposit concentration. Is this diversity reinforced by some differences on burial practices ? Are the different types of collective burials of the Paris basin distinguished between as well by their functioning ? Could they constitue original characteristic cultural ?

Nubiska bensamlingen på Museum Gustavianum

Larsson Enberg, Robin January 2018 (has links)
This paper will be based on osteological analysis of the animal bones associated with the riverine cultures of ancient Nubia, especially the animal bones from the Pangrave and C-group cemeteries. These bones were excavated by the Scandinavian Joint Expedition in the 1960’s and are now conserved as a part of the Nubian collection at Museum Gustavianum in Sweden. The Nubian collection contains a variety of species and show a vastly differing treatment of the various animals. There are deliberately modified skulls adorned with patterns of red ochre and black sot. But there are some animals which seem to have been dismembered to be cooked or burned at the burial sites, while other animals have been buried intact alongside humans. Using osteological methods and the original research notes from the Scandinavian Joint Expedition I will attempt to create clearer picture of what the Nubian collection consists of and why.

Porter’s Bar: A Coastal Middle Woodland Burial Mound and Shell Midden in Northwest Florida

Knigge, Kerri 19 March 2018 (has links)
This thesis should serve as a comprehensive site report for both Porter’s Bar (8Fr1) and Green Point (8Fr11) mounds in northwest Florida. These prehistoric burial mounds and their associated village shell midden are determined to have been constructed during two different time periods, Middle Woodland and Early Woodland, respectively. This is the first time that all materials and data have been described and compiled for both sites, despite the fact that they were both originally recorded over a century ago and described differently later by multiple researchers. The mounds served as an important ceremonial center along Apalachicola Bay some 1500 years ago, beginning perhaps during the Early Woodland (1200 B.C. – A.D. 250) and continuing through the Middle Woodland (A.D. 250 – A.D. 650). Evidence indicates an earlier Late Archaic component, and a much later historic nineteenth-century component. People living here probably experienced slightly different coastlines as sea levels fluctuated. The village midden associated with the two mounds extends for nearly 300 meters along the bay shore and has been damaged by sea-level change, while other parts have been borrowed for road material. The mounds have been damaged by looting and residential construction. All known materials and data from the two sites are presented and compared, including burial styles and associated funerary goods. Ceramic types and tempers indicate that Green Point mound was one of the few built during the Early Woodland known in the region. The same population may have constructed Porter’s Bar during Middle Woodland times, perhaps a century or two later, and included artifacts that are rarely found in the research area. Potential areas of further investigation are noted, but time is limited as the midden will probably be inundated within the next fifty years.

Seeing behind stray finds:understanding the Late Iron Age settlement of Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu, Finland

Hakamäki, V. (Ville) 20 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract The dissertation examines the settlement and interactions of the Late Iron Age communities of northern Finland by focusing on the archaeological sites and finds documented in the regions of Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. The point of departure for the study is to understand the data from a local point of view as in the previous evaluations the hunter-gatherer population inhabiting the area has been overlooked with most of the discussions revolving around the peasant influence arriving from southwestern Finland and Karelia. Partially for this reason, the period in question has appeared problematic and many questions regarding the settlement remain unadressed. The reason for the poor research situation articulates with the problems related to the archaeologica remains. Most of the material must be classified as so-called stray finds or archaeological objects to which no context can be determined without excavations taking place. These stray finds comprise the most significant portion of the available data, as besides them only a few burials, dwelling sites or other feasible remains are documented in Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. In spite of this, the research interest towards these finds has been relatively minor until recent years. The research questions are approached via three case studies, which represent stray finds that were excavated during the research process of the dissertation. These sites are addressed by taking into consideration their form, function and dating as well as examining their archaeological context on a borader geographical scale. In addition to the case studies, the dissertation considers previously known sites and finds in the research area and elsewhere in the interior and northern Fennoscandia. Based on the study, it is argued that several stray finds are associated with burial sites, dwellings and other indicators of settlement whose formation process has likely been affected by local traditions and subsistence as well as contacts and interactions with other Iron Age communities. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus tarkastelee Pohjois-Suomen myöhäisrautakautista asutusta ja väestön vuorovaikutussuhteita Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Kainuun maakuntien alueelta tunnettujen löytöjen ja kohteiden valossa. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä lähtökohtana on näiden teemojen hahmottaminen paikallisesta näkökulmasta, sillä monissa aikaisemmissa tulkinnoissa alueella asunut metsästäjä-keräilijäväestö on jäänyt kohtalaisen vähäiselle huomiolle keskustelujen keskittyessä Lounais-Suomesta ja Karjalasta tulleeseen talonpoikaisvaikutukseen. Osittain tästä syystä kyseinen aikakausi on pitkään näyttäytynyt ongelmallisena, eikä moniin alueen asutusta koskevaan kysymykseen ole voitu vastata. Syy myöhäisen rautakauden heikkoon tutkimustilanteeseen niveltyy arkeologiseen aineistoon liittyvään problematiikkaan. Valtaosa tutkimusalueelta talletetusta materiaalista on luettava niin kutsutuiksi irtolöydöiksi, eli arkeologisiksi esinelöydöiksi, jolle ei ilman kenttätutkimuksia ole mahdollista määrittää tarkkaa löytöyhteyttä. Irtolöydöt muodostavat merkittävän aineistokokonaisuuden, sillä niiden lisäksi Pohjois-Pohjanmaalta ja Kainuusta tunnetaan ainoastaan muutamia myöhäisrautakautisia asuinpaikkoja, hautoja tai muita arkeologisia kohteita. Tästä huolimatta, niihin kohdistunut tutkimuksellinen mielenkiinto on viimevuosiin saakka ollut pääosin vähäistä. Väitöskirja lähestyy aineistoa kolmen tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimukset koostuvat kaivauksin tutkituista irtolöytökohteista sekä niiden lähiympäristön sekä laajemman arkeologisen kontekstin havainnoinnista. Kaivauksin tutkittujen kohteiden lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös muuta myöhäiselle rautakaudelle ajoittuvaa aineistoa niin tutkimusalueella kuin sen lähialueilla. Tutkimuksen perusteella useat irtolöydöt voidaan liittää hautoihin, asuinpaikkoihin tai muihin asutuksesta kertoviin muinaisjäännöksiin, joiden muodostumisprosessiin ovat vaikuttaneet niin paikalliset traditiot ja elinkeinot kuin yhteydet ja vuorovaikutus muiden rautakautisten yhteisöjen kanssa.

Enterros desviantes no registro arqueológico : identificação de deposições humanas atípicas e sua possível correlação com evidências sinalizadoras de violência

Santana, Elaine Alves de 22 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Among the archaeological evidence, the funerary practice stands out as intentionally planned. Therefore the key to understanding archeological mortuary behavior is to reconstruct the ritual context in which burial data are created. The deviant burials are considered to be a case where the individual has been buried in a different way relative to the norm for that specific time period, and comparing these findings with the majority of the population under examination. This research present the analysis of three human graves from two archaeological sites located in the Lower San Francisco River, in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe. The objective of this study was to identify deviant burial rituals and investigate whether there is correlation between these anomalous human burials and the existence of traumas associated with violence in the material analyzed. The results have shown unique characteristics in the deposition. Furthermore, the deposition forms were associated with case of violent practices inside the burial ritual context. / Entre as evidências arqueológicas, a prática funerária se destaca como contexto intencionalmente planejado e tanto o tratamento dado ao cadáver, por cada grupo, quanto às manifestações de violência, que tem acompanhado a vida em sociedade desde os seus primórdios, estão imbuídos de valores e sentimentos. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar formas de deposições atípicas e investigar se há correlação entre estes sepultamentos humanos anômalos e a existência de traumas associados à violência no material estudado. Para tanto, o foco desta pesquisa consistiu em analisar três enterramentos humanos provenientes de dois sítios arqueológicos situados na região do Baixo São Francisco, localizados nos estados de Sergipe e Alagoas. Metodologicamente essa investigação foi fundamentada na interpretação dos dados obtidos por meio do levantamento documental e bibliográfico, dos procedimentos de escavação recomendados pela Arqueotanatologia (antiga Antropologia de Terreno) e pelo diagnóstico e etiologia dos traumas presentes nos remanescente osteológicos humanos. Os três esqueletos estudados apresentaram características na forma de deposição que os tornaram distintos e únicos, ademais estavam associados a práticas violentas relacionadas aspectos rituais, uma vez que não foram identificados sinalizadores de guerras ou de conflitos interpessoais e sendo considerando o contexto em que estavam inseridos.

Crenças funerárias e identidade cultural no Egito Romano: máscaras de múmia / Funerary beliefs and cultural identity in Roman Egypt: mummy masks

Marcia Severina Vasques 10 March 2006 (has links)
Por meio da análise das máscaras funerárias do Egito Romano procuramos discutir algumas questões relevantes sobre a sociedade egípcia de então. A principal delas é a criação de uma elite local de origem “grega” pelo governo romano e seu papel na propagação de elementos de origem grega e romana no meio cultural egípcio, os quais podem ser observados nas características faciais e no tipo de vestimenta retratados nas máscaras funerárias. Estas formas artísticas variavam cronológica e geograficamente, conforme as particularidades regionais e o interesse da elite dominante aliada ao Império Romano. Nesta complexa rede de relações sociais, as crenças funerárias do Egito Romano mantêm a tradição que remonta ao período faraônico. A máscara pode ser considerada tanto como uma salvaguarda da memória social do morto, o qual preserva assim seu status social, como seu duplo e substituto mágico no Além. / Through the analysis of burial masks of Roman Egypt we discuss some relevant issues bearing on the Egyptian society of those times. Prominent among them is the creation of a local elite of “Greek”origin by the Roman government, and its role in the propagation of elements of Greek and Roman origin in the Egyptian cultural milieu, which can be observed in the facial characteristics and in the garments portrayed in the burial masks. These artistic forms varied chronologically and geographically, according to the regional particularities and the interest of the dominant elite, allied to the Roman Empire. In this complex network of social relationships the funerary beliefs of the Roman Egypt mantain the tradition which reaches back to the pharaonic period. The mask may be considered as much as a safeguard of the social memory of the dead, which, in this way, preserves his social status, as well as his double one and magic substitute in the Beyond.

Paisagem ritual no planalto meridional brasileiro: complexos de aterros anelares e montículos funerários Jê do Sul em Pinhal da Serra, RS. / Ritual landscape in the southern brazilian highlands: Southern Jê earthwork and mound complexes in Pinhal da Serra, RS.

Jonas Gregorio de Souza 26 November 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são analisados os sítios cerimoniais associados à ocupação Jê do Sul no município de Pinhal da Serra, RS. Os sítios são compostos por aterros anelares (muros de terra) isolados ou cercando montículos. É proposta uma classificação que leva em conta a variabilidade arquitetônica de tais sítios, conforme as dimensões dos aterros, seu formato e a presença ou ausência de montículos. São considerados também os dados de escavações que evidenciam as atividades realizadas nesses locais. O tipo de sítio mais freqüente consiste em pequenos aterros anelares cercando montículos que contêm sepultamentos cremados. Pode-se interpretá-los como cemitérios de grupos que habitavam em sítios de casas subterrâneas vizinhos. Os aterros anelares de grandes dimensões e sem montículos são interpretados como centros cerimoniais regionais onde se reunia uma população mais ampla. Sítios com arquitetura complexa - aterros de diferentes formatos combinados e muitos montículos - apresentaram evidências de ritos mais elaborados, envolvendo festins mortuários. Possivelmente, eram locais de sepultamento de indivíduos de maior status. Os dados dos sítios mortuários são combinados com os dos assentamentos, que também sugerem um padrão hierárquico, com sítios densos (aglomerados com muitas casas subterrâneas) regularmente espaçados e cercados por sítios menos densos. Por fim, consideram-se as continuidades com os cacicados Kaingang históricos, que mantiveram a construção de montículos funerários como elemento importante da autoridade dos caciques no momento de enfrentamento com os colonizadores europeus. / This dissertation analyzes the ceremonial sites associated with a Southern Jê occupation in the city of Pinhal da Serra, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The sites consist in earthworks which can be either isolated or surrounding mounds. A classification is proposed considering the architectonic variability of the sites, according to earthwork size, shape, and the presence or absence of mounds. Excavation data which reveal activities performed in such places are also taken into consideration. The most frequent site type consists in small earthworks surrounding mounds which contain cremated burials. They can be interpreted as cemeteries for groups that inhabited pithouse sites nearby. Large earthworks without mounds are interpreted as regional ceremonial centers where a larger population gathered. Sites with complex architecture - earthworks of different shapes combined and surrounding many mounds - exhibited evidences of more elaborate rites including funerary feasting. It is possible that they were places for the burial of individuals with higher status. The data from the mortuary sites are combined with those from the settlements, which also suggest a hierarchical pattern with dense sites (clusters of many pithouses) regularly spaced and surrounded by less dense sites. Finally, I consider continuities with the historical Kaingang chiefdoms, where the construction of burial mounds had been maintained as an important element of chiefly authority during the confrontation with the european colonizers.

The Burial Cairns and the Landscape in the Archipelago of Åboland, SW Finland, in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age

Tuovinen, T. (Tapani) 24 November 2002 (has links)
Abstract Mortuary rituals express and cope with disorder brought about by a member's death in the community. The autonomous connection of the deceased with the community is disrupted through mortuary rituals. In many cultures the subsequent contacts with the realm of the dead are maintained in formalized practices, sometimes including or referring to objects or patterns that can be traced in the archaeological record. In this study it is asked, if the Bronze Age and Iron Age burial cairns (1200 BC - AD 1000) in the SW archipelago of Finland might be interpreted as monuments establishing a link between the landscape and the religious context of symbolic meanings, thus making it meaningful to examine the spatial references of grave sites. The field studies include excavations, surveys, boulder analyses, and weathering studies. The number of cairns in the area is 444. Examination of samples of boulders suggested that the stones were usually collected from the adjacent terrain. The Schmidt hammer technique was applied to measure the weathering differences between basal and lateral surfaces, and possible secondary interference. The chronology of the archipelago cairns is based on previous studies related to general chronological characteristics and datings of archipelago graves. Using discriminant analysis, the size of the cairn, the convexity of the surface at the grave site, and the topography of the terrain were identified as the variables most related to the differences between Group P, having a Bronze Age character (147 cairns), from Group R of Iron Age character (218 cairns). Two models representing the shorelines of 500 BC and AD 1000 were reconstructed using a digital elevation model (DEM). Monte Carlo-testing was applied when the visible areas around grave sites were compared to reference sets in four subareas. The grave sites in Group P were often directed towards the land, whereas the grave sites in Group R were typically directed towards the sea. The difference might be related to differences in subsistence strategies. The cairns represented a conservative burial custom that belonged to local communities in maritime and northern areas, as opposed to the southern agricultural environments. / Tiivistelmä Vainajan omaehtoinen yhteys elävien yhteisöön katkeaa vasta yhteisöllisen kuolemanrituaalin lopullisesti päätyttyä. Monissa kulttuureissa kuolemanrituaalin jälkeiset yhteydet vainajaan kiteytyvät muodollisiksi käytännöiksi, jotka voivat tulla arkeologisesti näkyviin aineellisissa jäännöksissä tai luonnonmaiseman paikkojen, tilojen ja elementtien suhteissa. Työssä tarkastellaan, ovatko Turunmaan saariston pronssikauden ja rautakauden hautarauniot (1200 e.Kr. - 1000 j.Kr.) tulkittavissa monumenteiksi, jotka yhdistivät maiseman symbolisten merkitysten uskomukselliseen kontekstiin. Kenttätutkimuksiin kuuluu kaivauksia, inventointi, lohkaretutkimuksia ja rapautumismittauksia. Hautoja on 444. Lohkaretutkimukset osoittivat kivien tulleen kerätyiksi hautapaikkojen läheisyydestä. Tapaustutkielmissa kiveyksen basaali- ja lateraalipintojen välistä rapautumiseroa ja sekundaarisia vaurioita tutkittiin kimmovasaramittauksin. Hautaraunioiden kronologia perustuu aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin kronologisista tunnusmerkeistä sekä saariston ajoitettuihin hautoihin. Erotteluanalyysissa kiveyksen laajuus, hautapaikan maanpinnan kuperuus ja hautapaikan suhde ympäröiviin huippuihin osoittautuivat muuttujiksi, jotka selvimmin jakavat aineiston pronssikauden tyypin P-ryhmään (147 hautaa) ja rautakauden tyypin R-ryhmään (218 hautaa). Numeerisesta korkeusmallista laskettiin kaksi maastomallia, jotka vastaavat rannansiirtymisen kehitysvaihetta 500 e.Kr. (P-ryhmä) ja 1000 j.Kr. (R-ryhmä). Hautapaikoilta näkyvissä olleita alueita verrattiin satunnaisesti valittuihin verrokkipaikkoihin Monte Carlo -testauksen avulla. Merkittävin ero oli, että P-ryhmän hautapaikat olivat tyypillisesti suuntautuneet merta ja R-ryhmän hautapaikat maata kohti. Ero liittynee toimeentuloon latautuneisiin odotuksiin ja epävarmuuksiin. Hautarauniot merkitsevät konservatiivista hautaustapaa, joka kuului enemmän mereisten ja pohjoisten paikallisyhteisöjen kuin agraarisen ja eteläisen asutuksen piiriin.

Growth, and Development of Care for Leprosy Sufferers Provided by Religious Institutions from the First Century AD to the Middle Ages

Meek, Philippa Juliet 20 May 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to outline the causes, symptoms, and treatments related to leprosy, and how it can be diagnosed in patients and identified in human remains. The thesis also aims to demonstrate the ways in which care for leprosy sufferers developed as the disease became more prevalent and more commonly, and correctly identified. It analyses the social stigmas inflicted upon sufferers, and the medical care and attention provided for them by religious institutions when other groups or organisations shunned those suffering from leprosy. The rationale for this study is to identify trends surrounding the social stigmas attached to leprosy and care from the first identifiable case of strain three of Mycobacterium leprae in the 1st century AD to the late Middle Ages when the number of cases of leprosy appears to begin to decline. Using archaeological evidence, historical records, and the published research of experts in the field, this thesis demonstrates that as leprosy spread throughout the Middle East and Europe, religious organisations often took on the role as care givers for leprosy sufferers through the ideal of religious, often Christian, charity; to look after the poor, sick, and needy. As the trends presented in this study have yet to be published elsewhere in this way, this thesis aims to contribute via an interdisciplinary approach to the fields of religious archaeology, anthropology and bioarchaeology.

Évolution géomorphologique du Massif armoricain depuis 200 MA : approche Terre-Mer / Geomorphological evolution of the Armorican Massif since 200 Ma

Bessin, Paul 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le Massif armoricain est un domaine de socle cadomo-varisque ouest-européen de faible altitude (maximum 400m), caractérisé par des surfaces d'aplanissement, dont l'évolution géologique et géomorphologique mésozoïque et cénozoïque est débattue. L'objectif de cette étude est de reconstituer la croissance du relief de ce massif. Une analyse géomorphologique, à terre et à mer, des surfaces d'aplanissement à été réalisée. Celle-ci est basée sur leur (i) cartographie, (i) chronologie relative, (iii) relations avec les profils d'altération et (iv) datation au moyen des dépôts sédimentaires datés les fossilisant. Six surfaces d'aplanissement ont été identifiées et datées et la plupart sont exhumées. Elles sont d'âge anté-Jurassique inférieur (PS1 à PS3), anté-Jurassique moyen (PS4), ante-Crétacé inférieur (PS5) et Paléocène (PS6). Au moins deux phases d'enfouissement/exhumation ont été identifiées : (1) un enfouissement au cours du Jurassique suivi d'une exhumation au Crétacé inférieur et (2) un enfouissement au Crétacé supérieur suivi d'une dénudation du Crétacé terminal à l'Éocène inférieur. La première période d'exhumation est probablement reliée à l'initiation puis l'ouverture du rift entre les paques Ibérie et Eurasie (Golfe de Gascogne) et la seconde à la convergence entre ces deux plaques. Enfin, les mouvements verticaux cénozoïque du massif ont été quantifiés à partir (i) de la position des sédiments marins datés et de milieu de sédimentation connus et (ii) des paléoniveaux marins respectifs de ces dépôts déduits de différentes chartes eustatiques. Ces travaux mettent en évidence (i) une surrection au Paléocène, (ii) une susidence à l'Éocène supérieur et (iii) la surrection déjà caractérisée au Pléistocène. / The Armoricain massif is a west-european Cadomo-variscan domain of low altitude (maximum 400 m), characterized by planation surfaces, whose Mesozoic and Cenozoic geological and geomorphological evolution is still debated. The purpose of this study is to retrace the growth of this relief. A geomorphological analysis of the planation surfaces was performed on land and at sea. It is based on their (i) mapping, (ii) relative chronology, (iii) relationships with weathering mantles and (iv) dating using dated sediments that seal those them. Six stepped planation surfaces have been identified and mapped and most of them are exhumed. They are pre-early Jurassic (PS1 to PS3), pre-middle Jurassic (PS4), pre-late Cretaceous (PS5) and Paleocene (PS6). At least two phases of burial and exhumation have been identified: (1) burial in Jurassic time followed by denudation during the early Cretaceous and (2) burial in late Cretaceous time followed dy denudation during the latest Cretaceous to early Eocene. The first period of exhumation is probably related to the initiation and break-up of the rift between Iberia and Eurasia (Bay of Biscay) and the second to the convergence betwenn these two plates. At last, Cenozoic vertical movements of the massif have been quantified from (i) position of dated marine sediments of known depositional environment and (ii) their respective paleo-sea levels deduced from different eustatic charts. This work highlights (i) Paleocene uplift, (ii) late Eocene subsidence and (iii) the already characterized Pleistocene uplift.

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