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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First principles DFT study of polyethylene insulation containing chemical impurities - implementing counterpoise correction / Ab initio DFT studie av polyetenisolering som innehåller kemiska orenheter - med implementering av motviktskorrigering

Pierre, Max January 2022 (has links)
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of polyethylene (PE) HVDC cable insulation have been performed for systems containing four different chemical impurities: acetophenone, cumene, $\alpha$-methyl styrene and $\alpha$-cumyl alcohol. Systems were generated by molecular dynamics (MD) equilibration at four different temperatures relevant for cable insulation applications: 277 K, 293 K, 343 K and 363 K. With the goal of gaining better measure of variations in hole and electron traps energies, four initial configurations were also stochastically generated at each temperature, which yielded four different final configurations after equilibration. The counterpoise correction scheme was implemented for DFT calculations, by distributing ghost atoms thought any empty pockets of space in between the PE chains. The PBE functional was selected for DFT simulations. The resulting band gaps were in agreement with those of earlier GGA-based studies, and thus lower by 3 eV than empirical band gaps. For all impurities, the first HOMO state and the first two LUMO states were generally located on the impurity molecule, forming one hole trap and two electron traps, but certain configurations generated increased electron trap numbers, or eliminated hole traps. No dependence could be derived between temperature and trap depth for either electron or hole traps. Mean electron trap energies were largely in agreement with results from earlier studies, they were deepest for acetophenone, and they varied by as much as 0.6 eV between different configurations. Hole traps are universally shallow and vary by up to 0.7 eV between configurations, and are similar in depth for all impurities. Results suggest that electron trap depths correlate with the presence of molecular features such as oxygen atoms and conjugated double bonds. The dependence of trap depth on the spatial configuration of the impurity molecule suggests that results could be improved by more precise quantum mechanical treatment of the dynamics of the impurity. / Täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT) har använts för beräkningar av isolering till HVDC kablar som består av polyeten innehållande fyra olika kemiska orenheter: acetofenon, kumen, alfa-metylstyren och alfa-kumylalkohol. System att studera genererades genom molekylärdynamisk ekvilibrering vid fyra olika temperaturer relevanta för tillämning till kabelisolering: 277 K, 293 K, 343 K och 363 K. För att få ett mått på de variationer som existerar i energierna på hål- och elektronfällor genererades stokastiskt fyra initialkonfigurationer vid varje temperatur, vilket fyra olika konfigurationer efter relaxering. Motviktskorrigering implementerades för DFT-beräkningar, genom att fördela "spökatomer" i de tomrum som bildas mellan PE-kedjorna i den amorfa fasen. PBE-funktionalen användes för DFT-simuleringar. De resulterande bandgapen stämde överens med tidigare GGA-baserade studier, och var därmed runt 3 eV smalare än empiriskt uppmätta bandgap. För alla orenheter var det första HOMO-tillståndet och de två första LUMO-tillstånden i allmänhet placerade på orenheten, vilket resulterade i en hålfälla och två elektronfällor, men vissa konfigurationer gav upphov till fler elektronfällor, eller eliminerade hålfällorna. Inget samband kunde härledas mellan temperaturen och djupet på fällorna för vare sig elektron- eller hålfällor. Medelvärdet på elektronfällornas energier överensstämde till stor del med resultat från tidigare studier, energierna var högst för acetofenon, och de varierade med så mycket som 0,6 eV mellan olika konfigurationer. Hålfällorna var genomgående grunda, varierade med upp till 0,7 eV mellan olika konfigurationer, och hade likartat djup för alla orenheter. Resultaten indikerar att variationerna elektronfällornas medeldjup uppstår på grund av orenheternas olika molekylära uppbyggnad: förekomst av syreatomer och konjugerade dubbelbindningar i orenheterna leder till djupare elektronfällor. Det faktum att djupet på elektron- och hålfällor varierar mellan olika rumsliga konfigurationer av av orenheten och polyetenstrukturen ger en antydan om att resultaten kan komma att förbättras om dynamiken hos orenheten simuleras med mer exakta kvantmekanisk metoder.

A Study of Recombination Mechanisms in Gallium Arsenide using Temperature-Dependent Time-Resolved Photoluminescence / Recombination Mechanisms in Gallium Arsenide

Gerber, Martin W 17 June 2016 (has links)
Recombination mechanisms in gallium arsenide have been studied using temperature-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence-decay. New analytical methods are presented to improve the accuracy in bulk lifetime measurement, and these have been used to resolve the temperature-dependent lifetime. Fits to temperature-dependent lifetime yield measurement of the radiative-efficiency, revealing that samples grown by the Czochralski and molecular-beam-epitaxy methods are limited by radiative-recombination at 77K, with defect-mediated nonradiative-recombination becoming competitive at 300K and above. In samples grown with both doping types using molecular-beam-epitaxy, a common exponential increase in capture cross-section characterized by a high value of E_infinity=(258 +/- 1)meV was observed from the high-level injection lifetime over a wide temperature range (300-700K). This common signature was also observed from 500-600K in the hole-lifetime observed in n-type Czochralski GaAs where E_infinity=(261 +/- 7)meV was measured, which indicates that this signature parametrizes the exponential increase in hole-capture cross-section. The high E_infinity value rules out all candidate defects except for EL2, by comparison with hole-capture cross-section data previously measured by others using deep-level transient spectroscopy. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Modelling the temperature dependences of Silicon Carbide BJTs

Fernández S., Alejandro D. January 2016 (has links)
Silicon Carbide (SiC), owing to its large bandgap, has proved itself to be a very viable semiconductor material for the development of extreme temperature electronics. Moreover, its electrical properties like critical field (Ecrit) and saturation velocity (vsat) are superior as compared to the commercially abundant Silicon, thus making it a better alternative for RF and high power applications. The in-house SiC BJT process at KTH has matured a lot over the years and recently developed devices and circuits have shown to work at temperatures exceeding 500˚C. However, the functional reliability of more complex circuits requires the use of simulators and device models to describe the behavior of constituent devices. SPICE Gummel Poon (SGP) is one such model that describes the behavior of the BJT devices. It is simpler as compared to the other models because of its relatively small number of parameters. A simple semi-empirical DC compact model has been successfully developed for low voltage applications SiC BJTs. The model is based on a temperature dependent SiC-SGP model. Studies over the temperature dependences for the SGP parameters have been performed. The SGP parameters have been extracted and some have been optimized over a wide temperature range and they have been compared with the measured data. The accuracy of the developed compact model based on these parameters has been proven by comparing it with the measured data as well. A fairly accurate performance at the required working conditions and correlation with the measured results of the SiC compact model has been achieved.

Phonons Manipulation in Silicon Chips Using Cavity Optomechanics

Mercadé Morales, Laura 26 July 2021 (has links)
[ES] La optomecánica de cavidades se ocupa de la interacción entre la luz y la materia a través del efecto de presión de radiación cuando las ondas ópticas y mecánicas implicadas están confinadas en una cavidad. En estos sistemas optomecánicos, la interacción entre fotones y fonones da lugar a multitud de fenómenos en función de las condiciones en las que se excita el sistema. En particular, se pueden obtener dos regímenes distintos en los que se puede, o bien absorber fonones (denominado como enfriamiento de la cavidad), o bien éstos se pueden amplificar (régimen conocido como calentamiento de la cavidad). El primer régimen puede usarse, por ejemplo, para reducir la ocupación térmica del sistema y se usa comúnmente para aplicaciones relativas al procesado de información cuántica. Sin embargo, la amplificación de fonones, que puede ser desarrollada a temperatura ambiente, ha permitido conseguir alcanzar incluso las condiciones necesarias para obtener láseres de fonones, lo cual permite poder usar esta característica como elemento de referencia en aplicaciones relativas al procesado de señales de radiofrecuencia (RF). En esta tesis se aborda el confinamiento simultáneo y la interacción de fotones y fonones en estructuras periódicas y en guías no suspendidas desarrolladas en sistemas CMOS compatibles basados en tecnología de silicio. A través del estudio experimental de estas estructuras periódicas, hemos demostrado que las cavidades optomecánicas pueden actuar como elementos clave en el dominio de la fotónica de microondas, donde todo el procesado de la información puede ser realizado en el dominio óptico a través de la manipulación de fonones en este sistema. En particular, mostramos que un solo oscilador optomecánico puede actuar tanto como un oscilador local y un mezclador de RF, y éste puede operar como un conversor de frecuencias de señales de cadenas de datos reales. Para mejorar esta funcionalidad, también se demuestra que es posible obtener tanto peines de frecuencias ópticos así como múltiples modos mecánicos confinados, aumentando así su rendimiento. Por otro lado, con el objetivo de poder solventar las posibles limitaciones de estos sistemas, en esta tesis también se exploran diferentes configuraciones que permiten la interacción acusto-óptica simultánea en la misma estructura. Específicamente, se analiza la interacción optomecánica en discos de alto índice que soportan estados cuasi-ligados en el continuo así como una propuesta de guías no suspendidas que soportan altas ganancias de Brillouin. Este último estudio debería permitir el desarrollo de sistemas optomecánicos no suspendidos donde el problema de la pérdida de fonones hacia el sustrato se resuelva, hecho que permitiría enormemente simplificar la fabricación de estos sistemas optomecánicos en chips de silicio así como su uso en múltiples aplicaciones. / [CA] L'optomecànica de cavitats s'ocupa de la interacció entre la llum i la matèria a través de l'efecte de pressió de radiació quan les ones òptiques i mecàniques implicades estan confinades en una cavitat. En aquests sistemes optomecànics, la interacció entre fotons i fonons dona lloc a multitud de fenòmens en funció de les condicions de les condicions en les quals s'excita el sistema. En particular, es poden obtindre dos règims diferents en els quals es pot, o bé, absorbir fonons (denominat com a refredament de la cavitat), o bé, es poden amplificar (règim conegut com a calfament de la cavitat). El primer règim pot usar-se, per exemple, per a reduir l'ocupació tèrmica del sistema i s'usa comunament per a aplicacions relatives al processament d'informació quàntica. No obstant això, l'amplificació de fonons, que pot ser desenvolupada a temperatura ambient, ha permés aconseguir fins i tot les condicions necessàries per a obtindre làsers de fonons, la qual cosa permet poder usar aquesta característica com a element de referència en aplicacions relatives al processament de senyals de radiofreqüència (RF). En aquesta tesi s'aborda el confinament simultani i la interacció de fotons i fonons en estructures periòdiques i en guies no suspeses en sistemes CMOS compatibles basats en tecnologia de silici. A través de l'estudi experimental d'aquestes estructures periòdiques, hem demostrat que les cavitats optomecàniques poden actuar com a elements clau en el domini de la fotònica de microones, on tot el processament de la informació pot ser realitzat en el domini òptic a través de la manipulació de fonons en aquest sistema. En particular, vam mostrar que només un oscil·lador optomecànic pot actuar tant com un oscil·lador local i un mesclador de RF, i aquest pot operar com un convertidor de freqüències de senyals de cadenes de dades reals. Per a millorar aquesta funcionalitat, també es demostra que és possible obtindre tant tren de freqüències òptics així com múltiples modes mecànics confinats, augmentant així el seu rendiment. D'altra banda, amb l'objectiu de poder solucionar les possibles limitacions d'aquests sistemes, en aquesta tesi també s'exploren diferents configuracions que permeten la interacció acusto-òptica simultània en la mateixa estructura. Específicament, s'analitza la interacció optomecànica en discos d'alt índex que suporten estats quasi-lligats en el continu així com una proposta de guies no suspeses que suporten altes ganancies de Brillouin. Aquest últim estudi hauria de permetre el desenvolupament de sistemes optomecànics no suspesos on el problema de la pèrdua de fonons cap al substrat es resolga, fet que permetria enormement simplificar la fabricació d'aquests sistema optomecànics en xips de silici així com el seu ús en diverses aplicacions. / [EN] Cavity optomechanics deals with the interaction of light and matter through the radiation pressure effect, when the involved optical and mechanical waves are confined in a cavity. In optomechanical systems, photon and phonon interaction give rise to a plethora of phenomena as a function of the driving conditions of the system. Relative to that, two distinctive regimes can be obtained which enable either the absorption of phonons (cavity cooling) or their amplification (cavity heating). The first regime can be used to reduce the thermal occupancy of the system and it is commonly used for quantum processing information applications. However, the amplification of phonons, which can be performed at room temperature, has enabled to even reach phonon lasing conditions, a feature that could be used as a reference element for RF processing applications. In this thesis, we address the simultaneous confinement and interaction of photons and phonons in periodic structures and unreleased waveguides on CMOS-compatible silicon-based technology. Throughout the experimental study of those periodic structures, we demonstrate that optomechanical cavities can perform as key blocks in the microwave photonics domain where all the information processing can be performed in the optical domain through phonon manipulation. In particular, we show that a single optomechanical oscillator can perform as both a local oscillator and an RF mixer, and it can operate as a frequency-converted of real data stream signals. To improve its performance, it is also demonstrated that optical frequency combs can be obtained by means of this system and multiple mechanical mode confinement can also be achieved, thus improving the functionality of the system. On the other hand, in order to fulfill the possible limitations of those systems, we explore different configurations enabling the simultaneous acousto-optic interaction together into the same structure. Especially, optomechanical interaction in high-index disks supporting quasi-bound states in the continuum is addressed, as well as a proposal of unreleased waveguides supporting strong Brillouin gains is also reported. The last one should lead to unreleased optomechanical interacting systems where the issue of phonon leakage into the substrate is solved, which could enormously simplify the fabrication of optomechanical systems in silicon chips as well as their practical use in multiple applications. / This work has been carried out under the framework of the H2020 FET-Open EU project PHENOMEN. This Thesis was also supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-01-16) de la Universitat Politècnica de València / Mercadé Morales, L. (2021). Phonons Manipulation in Silicon Chips Using Cavity Optomechanics [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171461

Form-Factor-Constrained, High Power Density, Extreme Efficiency and Modular Power Converters

Wang, Qiong 18 December 2018 (has links)
Enhancing performance of power electronics converters has always been an interesting topic in the power electronics community. Over the years, researchers and engineers are developing new high performance component, novel converter topologies, smart control methods and optimal design procedures to improve the efficiency, power density, reliability and reducing the cost. Besides pursuing high performance, researchers and engineers are striving to modularize the power electronics converters, which provides redundancy, flexibility and standardization to the end users. The trend of modularization has been seen in photovoltaic inverters, telecommunication power supplies, and recently, HVDC applications. A systematic optimal design approach for modular power converters is developed in this dissertation. The converters are developed for aerospace applications where there are stringent requirement on converter form factor, loss dissipation, thermal management and electromagnetic interference (EMI) performance. This work proposed an optimal design approach to maximize the nominal power of the power converters considering all the constraints, which fully reveals the power processing potential. Specifically, this work studied three-phase active front-end converter, three-phase isolated ac/dc converter and inverter. The key models (with special attention paid to semiconductor switching loss model), detailed design procedures and key design considerations are elaborated. With the proposed design framework, influence of key design variables, e.g. converter topology, switching frequency, etc. is thoroughly studied. Besides optimal design procedure, control issues in paralleling modular converters are discussed. A master-slave control architecture is used. The slave controllers not only follow the command broadcasted by the master controller, but also synchronize the high frequency clock to the master controller. The control architecture eliminates the communication between the slave controllers but keeps paralleled modules well synchronized, enabling a fully modularized design. Furthermore, the implementation issues of modularity are discussed. Although modularizing converters under form factor constraints adds flexibility to the system, it limits the design space by forbidding oversized components. This work studies the influence of the form factor by exploring the maximal nominal power of a double-sized converter module and comparing it with that of two paralleled modules. The tradeoff between modularity and performance is revealed by this study. Another implementation issue is related to EMI. Scaling up system capacity by paralleling converter modules induces EMI issues in both signal level and system level. This work investigates the mechanisms and provides solutions to the EMI problems. / Ph. D. / As penetration of power electronics technologies in electric power delivery keeps increasing, performance of power electronics converters becomes a key factor in energy delivery efficacy and sustainability. Enhancing performance of power electronics converters reduces footprint, energy waste and delivery cost, and ultimately, promoting a sustainable energy use. Over the years, researchers and engineers are developing new technologies, including high performance component, novel converter topologies, smart control methods and optimal design procedures to improve the efficiency, power density, reliability and reducing the cost of power electronics converters. Besides pursuing high performance, researchers and engineers are striving to modularize the power electronics converters, enabling power electronics converters to be used in a “plug-and-play” fashion. Modularization provides redundancy, flexibility and standardization to the end users. The trend of modularization has been seen in applications that process electric power from several Watts to Megawatts. This dissertation discusses the design framework for incorporating modularization into existing converter design procedure, synergically achieving performance optimization and modularity. A systematic optimal design approach for modular power converters is developed in this dissertation. The converters are developed for aerospace applications where there is stringent v requirement on converter dimensions, loss dissipation, and thermal management. Besides, to ensure stable operation of the onboard power system, filters comprising of inductors and capacitors are necessary to reduce the electromagnetic interference (EMI). Owning to the considerable weight and size of the inductors and capacitors, filter design is one of the key component in converter design. This work proposed an optimal design approach that synergically optimizes performance and promotes modularity while complying with the entire aerospace requirement. Specifically, this work studied three-phase active front-end converter, three-phase isolated ac/dc converter and three-phase inverter. The key models, detailed design procedures and key design considerations are elaborated. Experimental results validate the design framework and key models, and demonstrates cutting-edge converter performance. To enable a fully modularized design, control of modular converters, with focus on synchronizing the modular converters, is discussed. This work proposed a communication structure that minimizes communication resources and achieves seamless synchronization among multiple modular converters that operate in parallel. The communication scheme is demonstrated by experiments. Besides, the implementation issues of modularity are discussed. Although modularizing converters under form factor constraints adds flexibility to the system, it limits the design space by forbidding oversized components. This work studies the impact of modularity by comparing performance of a double-sized converter module with two paralleled modules. The tradeoff between modularity and performance is revealed by this study.

Studies of particle and atom manipulation using free space light beams and photonic crystal fibres

Gherardi, David Mark January 2009 (has links)
Light can exert optical forces on matter. In the macroscopic world these forces are minuscule, but on the microscopic or atomic scale, these forces are large enough to trap and manipulate particles. They may even be used to cool atoms to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero. This thesis details a number of experiments concerned with the optical manipulation of atoms and micron-size particles using free space light beams and photonic crystal fibres. Two atom guiding experiments are described. In the first experiment, a spatial light modulator is used to generate higher blue-detuned azimuthal Laguerre-Gaussian LG) beams, which are annular beams with a hollow core. These LG beams are then used to guide laser cooled rubidium-85 atoms within the dark core over a distance of 30 mm. The second atom guiding experiment involves attempting to guide laser cooled and thermal rubidium atoms through a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre using red-detuned light. Hollow-core photonic crystal fibres are fibres that are able to guide light with low attenuation within a hollow core. For this experiment a hot wire detection system was designed, along with a number of complex vacuum systems. The first dual-beam fibre trap for micron-size particles constructed using endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre (ESM-PCF) is described. The characteristics of dual-beam fibre traps are governed by the fibres used. As ESM-PCF has considerably different properties in comparison to conventional single- or multimode fibres, this dual beam ESM-PCF trap exhibits some novel characteristics. I show that the dual beam ESM-PCF trap can form trapping, repulsive and line potentials; an interference-free ‘white light’ trap; and a dual-wavelength optical conveyor belt.

Resilient and Real-time Control for the Optimum Management of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems with Distributed Dynamic Demands

Lashway, Christopher R 26 October 2017 (has links)
A continuous increase in demands from the utility grid and traction applications have steered public attention toward the integration of energy storage (ES) and hybrid ES (HESS) solutions. Modern technologies are no longer limited to batteries, but can include supercapacitors (SC) and flywheel electromechanical ES well. However, insufficient control and algorithms to monitor these devices can result in a wide range of operational issues. A modern day control platform must have a deep understanding of the source. In this dissertation, specialized modular Energy Storage Management Controllers (ESMC) were developed to interface with a variety of ES devices. The EMSC provides the capability to individually monitor and control a wide range of different ES, enabling the extraction of an ES module within a series array to charge or conduct maintenance, while remaining storage can still function to serve a demand. Enhancements and testing of the ESMC are explored in not only interfacing of multiple ES and HESS, but also as a platform to improve management algorithms. There is an imperative need to provide a bridge between the depth of the electrochemical physics of the battery and the power engineering sector, a feat which was accomplished over the course of this work. First, the ESMC was tested on a lead acid battery array to verify its capabilities. Next, physics-based models of lead acid and lithium ion batteries lead to the improvement of both online battery management and established multiple metrics to assess their lifetime, or state of health. Three unique HESS were then tested and evaluated for different applications and purposes. First, a hybrid battery and SC HESS was designed and tested for shipboard power systems. Next, a lithium ion battery and SC HESS was utilized for an electric vehicle application, with the goal to reduce cycling on the battery. Finally, a lead acid battery and flywheel ES HESS was analyzed for how the inclusion of a battery can provide a dramatic improvement in the power quality versus flywheel ES alone.

Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films

Ding, Li 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the thesis CuPc thin films were investigated by (in situ) SE and RAS, which are employed to determine the out-of-plane and in-plane optical anisotropy and molecular orientation, respectively. CuPc is a promising candidate of organic semiconductors used in organic field effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells. Vicinal Si(111) substrates are interesting due to the in-plane anisotropy caused by the steps and terraces on the surface. The strength of in-plane anisotropy of vicinal Si(111) is dependent on the offcut angle. The influence of offcut angle on out-of-plane and in-plane molecular orientation in CuPc thin films is explored. The in situ investigation of CuPc films suggests that structural changes occur during film growth. In addition, two different surface modification layers were utilized to examine the effect on CuPc molecular orientation: OTS monolayer with upright standing molecules and PTCDA layers with flat lying molecules. Metal-organic interface plays an important role in organic electronic devices. In-CuPc is chosen to be an example system investigated employing in situ SE and RAS. When In was thermally evaporated onto CuPc film, In atoms firstly diffuse into the CuPc film underneath and then aggregate to form clusters on top. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) is currently a hot topic to replace the conventionally used SiO2 as gate dielectrics in order to minimize leakage current when further scaling down microelectronic devices. Since HfO2 films are often crystalline, in order to obtain amorphous films which are beneficial to minimize leakage current, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) (k value: 9) which stays amorphous at much higher temperatures are combined to overcome this difficulty. Two series of ultra-thin samples were deposited by atomic layer deposition: mixed layers HfxAl1-xOz and bilayers HfO2 on Al2O3. Optical constants and bandgap are determined using SE in the energy range of 0.7-10 eV. It is found that the (effective) optical bandgap of both mixed layer and bilayer structures can be tuned by the film composition. Aging effect of high-k films was observed after storage of samples in air for two months, which is attributed to further oxidation of the dielectric films caused by the oxygen diffusion from ambient air to high-k films. / In dieser Arbeit werden dünne Schichten aus Kupferphthalozyanin (CuPc) mittels spektroskopischer (in-situ) Ellipsometrie (SE) und (in-situ) Reflektions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie (RAS) untersucht, um die optische Anisotropie in einer Ebene parallel und senkrecht zur Schichtoberfläche und die molekulare Orientierung zu bestimmen. CuPc ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat als organischer Halbleiter in organischen Feldeffekt-Transistoren, organischen Leuchtdioden und organischen Solarzellen. Vizinale Si(111)-Substrate sind wegen der Anisotropie in der Substratebene interessant, die durch die Treppen und Terrassen auf der Oberfläche verursacht wird. Die Stärke der Anisotropie der vizinalen Si(111)-Oberfläche ist vom Schnittwinkel (Offcut) abhängig. Es wird der Einfluss des Offcut-Winkels auf die molekulare Orientierung in dünnen CuPc-Schichten parallel und senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche untersucht. Die in-situ Untersuchungen von CuPc-Schichten weisen darauf hin, dass strukturelle Veränderungen beim Wachstum auftreten. Darüber hinaus wurden zwei unterschiedliche Oberflächenmodifizierungsschichten, um deren Wirkung auf die molekulare Orientierung von CuPc zu untersuchen, verwendet: eine OTS-Monoschicht mit aufrecht stehenden Molekülen und PTCDA-Schichten mit flach liegenden Molekülen. Metall-organische Grenzflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in organischen elektronischen Bauelementen. In-CuPc wird als Beispiel für ein Metall-organisches System durch in-situ SE und RAS untersucht. Wenn In thermisch auf eine CuPc-Schicht aufgedampft wird, diffundieren In-Atome zunächst in die darunterliegende CuPc-Schicht und bilden dann Cluster auf der Schicht. Hafniumdioxid (HfO2) ist ein heißer Kandidat für das Ersetzen des herkömmlich als Gate-Dielektrikum verwendeten SiO2 mit dem Ziel, die Leckströme bei der weiteren Verkleinerung mikroelektronischer Bauelemente zu minimieren. Um amorphe Schichten, die vorteilhaft zur Minimierung der Leckströme sind, zu erhalten, werden die HfO2-Schichten, die oft kristallin sind, mit Aluminiumoxid (Al2O3) (k-Wert: 9) kombiniert, das bei wesentlich höheren Temperaturen amorph bleibt. Zwei Serien von ultra-dünnen Proben wurden durch Atomlagenabscheidung hergestellt: Mischschichten HfxAl1-xOz und Doppelschichten HfO2 auf Al2O3. Die optischen Konstanten und Bandlücken wurden mittels SE im Energiebereich von 0,7 bis 10 eV bestimmt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die (effektive) Bandlücke der Misch- und Doppelschichten durch die Komposition abgestimmt werden kann. Nach Lagerung der High-k-Schichten für zwei Monate an Luft konnte ein Alterungseffekt beobachtet werden. Dieser wird auf die weitere Oxidation der dielektrischen Schichten, die durch Sauerstoffdiffusion aus der Umgebungsluft in die High-k-Schichten ermöglicht wird, zurückgeführt.

High-Temperature Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits in Bipolar Silicon Carbide Technology

Hedayati, Raheleh January 2017 (has links)
Silicon carbide (SiC) integrated circuits (ICs) can enable the emergence of robust and reliable systems, including data acquisition and on-site control for extreme environments with high temperature and high radiation such as deep earth drilling, space and aviation, electric and hybrid vehicles, and combustion engines. In particular, SiC ICs provide significant benefit by reducing power dissipation and leakage current at temperatures above 300 °C compared to the Si counterpart. In fact, Si-based ICs have a limited maximum operating temperature which is around 300 °C for silicon on insulator (SOI). Owing to its superior material properties such as wide bandgap, three times larger than Silicon, and low intrinsic carrier concentration, SiC is an excellent candidate for high-temperature applications. In this thesis, analog and mixed-signal circuits have been implemented using SiC bipolar technology, including bandgap references, amplifiers, a master-slave comparator, an 8-bit R-2R ladder-based digital-to-analog converter (DAC), a 4-bit flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a 10-bit successive-approximation-register (SAR) ADC. Spice models were developed at binned temperature points from room temperature to 500 °C, to simulate and predict the circuits’ behavior with temperature variation. The high-temperature performance of the fabricated chips has been investigated and verified over a wide temperature range from 25 °C to 500 °C. A stable gain of 39 dB was measured in the temperature range from 25 °C up to 500 °C for the inverting operational amplifier with ideal closed-loop gain of 40 dB. Although the circuit design in an immature SiC bipolar technology is challenging due to the low current gain of the transistors and lack of complete AC models, various circuit techniques have been applied to mitigate these problems. This thesis details the challenges faced and methods employed for device modeling, integrated circuit design, layout implementation and finally performance verification using on-wafer characterization of the fabricated SiC ICs over a wide temperature range. / <p>QC 20170905</p>

Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films: Optical Anisotropy and Molecular Orientation of CuPc Films and Optical Properties of Ultra-thin High-k Films

Ding, Li 25 September 2012 (has links)
In the thesis CuPc thin films were investigated by (in situ) SE and RAS, which are employed to determine the out-of-plane and in-plane optical anisotropy and molecular orientation, respectively. CuPc is a promising candidate of organic semiconductors used in organic field effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells. Vicinal Si(111) substrates are interesting due to the in-plane anisotropy caused by the steps and terraces on the surface. The strength of in-plane anisotropy of vicinal Si(111) is dependent on the offcut angle. The influence of offcut angle on out-of-plane and in-plane molecular orientation in CuPc thin films is explored. The in situ investigation of CuPc films suggests that structural changes occur during film growth. In addition, two different surface modification layers were utilized to examine the effect on CuPc molecular orientation: OTS monolayer with upright standing molecules and PTCDA layers with flat lying molecules. Metal-organic interface plays an important role in organic electronic devices. In-CuPc is chosen to be an example system investigated employing in situ SE and RAS. When In was thermally evaporated onto CuPc film, In atoms firstly diffuse into the CuPc film underneath and then aggregate to form clusters on top. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) is currently a hot topic to replace the conventionally used SiO2 as gate dielectrics in order to minimize leakage current when further scaling down microelectronic devices. Since HfO2 films are often crystalline, in order to obtain amorphous films which are beneficial to minimize leakage current, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) (k value: 9) which stays amorphous at much higher temperatures are combined to overcome this difficulty. Two series of ultra-thin samples were deposited by atomic layer deposition: mixed layers HfxAl1-xOz and bilayers HfO2 on Al2O3. Optical constants and bandgap are determined using SE in the energy range of 0.7-10 eV. It is found that the (effective) optical bandgap of both mixed layer and bilayer structures can be tuned by the film composition. Aging effect of high-k films was observed after storage of samples in air for two months, which is attributed to further oxidation of the dielectric films caused by the oxygen diffusion from ambient air to high-k films. / In dieser Arbeit werden dünne Schichten aus Kupferphthalozyanin (CuPc) mittels spektroskopischer (in-situ) Ellipsometrie (SE) und (in-situ) Reflektions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie (RAS) untersucht, um die optische Anisotropie in einer Ebene parallel und senkrecht zur Schichtoberfläche und die molekulare Orientierung zu bestimmen. CuPc ist ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat als organischer Halbleiter in organischen Feldeffekt-Transistoren, organischen Leuchtdioden und organischen Solarzellen. Vizinale Si(111)-Substrate sind wegen der Anisotropie in der Substratebene interessant, die durch die Treppen und Terrassen auf der Oberfläche verursacht wird. Die Stärke der Anisotropie der vizinalen Si(111)-Oberfläche ist vom Schnittwinkel (Offcut) abhängig. Es wird der Einfluss des Offcut-Winkels auf die molekulare Orientierung in dünnen CuPc-Schichten parallel und senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche untersucht. Die in-situ Untersuchungen von CuPc-Schichten weisen darauf hin, dass strukturelle Veränderungen beim Wachstum auftreten. Darüber hinaus wurden zwei unterschiedliche Oberflächenmodifizierungsschichten, um deren Wirkung auf die molekulare Orientierung von CuPc zu untersuchen, verwendet: eine OTS-Monoschicht mit aufrecht stehenden Molekülen und PTCDA-Schichten mit flach liegenden Molekülen. Metall-organische Grenzflächen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in organischen elektronischen Bauelementen. In-CuPc wird als Beispiel für ein Metall-organisches System durch in-situ SE und RAS untersucht. Wenn In thermisch auf eine CuPc-Schicht aufgedampft wird, diffundieren In-Atome zunächst in die darunterliegende CuPc-Schicht und bilden dann Cluster auf der Schicht. Hafniumdioxid (HfO2) ist ein heißer Kandidat für das Ersetzen des herkömmlich als Gate-Dielektrikum verwendeten SiO2 mit dem Ziel, die Leckströme bei der weiteren Verkleinerung mikroelektronischer Bauelemente zu minimieren. Um amorphe Schichten, die vorteilhaft zur Minimierung der Leckströme sind, zu erhalten, werden die HfO2-Schichten, die oft kristallin sind, mit Aluminiumoxid (Al2O3) (k-Wert: 9) kombiniert, das bei wesentlich höheren Temperaturen amorph bleibt. Zwei Serien von ultra-dünnen Proben wurden durch Atomlagenabscheidung hergestellt: Mischschichten HfxAl1-xOz und Doppelschichten HfO2 auf Al2O3. Die optischen Konstanten und Bandlücken wurden mittels SE im Energiebereich von 0,7 bis 10 eV bestimmt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die (effektive) Bandlücke der Misch- und Doppelschichten durch die Komposition abgestimmt werden kann. Nach Lagerung der High-k-Schichten für zwei Monate an Luft konnte ein Alterungseffekt beobachtet werden. Dieser wird auf die weitere Oxidation der dielektrischen Schichten, die durch Sauerstoffdiffusion aus der Umgebungsluft in die High-k-Schichten ermöglicht wird, zurückgeführt.

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