Spelling suggestions: "subject:"banking sector"" "subject:"anking sector""
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Česká národní banka a národní plán zavedení měny euro v České republice / The Czech National Bank and the national plan of adopting euro in the Czech RepublicTabačák, Anton January 2012 (has links)
- - 179 - - RESUMÉ or SUMMARY Keywords: Czech National Bank, National Changeover Plan, relationship, commercial banks, banking sector, financial market, europe structure of the banking sector, communication, responsibility of the CNB, non-financial sector, consumer protection, legislation - responsibility of the Ministry of Justice My dissertation thesis starts from the analysis of czech central banking, its history and role in modern europe economy. It refers to old famous,, historiae magistra vitae", because only problems, which had central banking in history, created central banking today. Special chapter is devoted to the Czech National Bank. The Czech National Bank is the central bank of the Czech Republic and the supervisor of the Czech financial market. It is established under the Constitution of the Czech Republic and carries out its activities in compliance with Act No. 6/1993 Coll., on the Czech National Bank and other regulations. It manages the assets entrusted to it by the state independently and with due diligence. Interventions in its activities are only permissible on the basis of a law. The supreme governing body of the Czech National Bank is the Bank Board, consisting of the Czech National Bank Governor, two Vice-Governors and four Chief Executive Directors. All Bank Board members are...
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Institutions, développement financier et croissance économique dans la région MENA / Institutions, financial development and economic growth in MENA regionGazdar, Kaouthar 21 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse examine (i) l'impact du secteur bancaire et des marchés financiers sur la croissance économique, (ii) l'effet de la qualité institutionnelle sur la détermination du développement financier, (iii) Comment la qualité des institutions affecté la relation entre le développement financier et la croissance économique. A cette fin, nous construisons un indice de qualité institutionnel pour les pays de la région MENA. Appliquant la méthode d'estimation des moindres carrés généralisés (MCG) pour un échantillon de 18 pays de la région MENA pour la période de 1984-2007 nous constatons que ni le secteur bancaire ni les marchés financiers ne contribuent à la croissance économique et qu'ils l'affectent même négativement. Adoptant l'approche d'estimation sur données de panel et celle des variables instrumentales (IV) nos résultats montrent l'importance de l'environnement institutionnel dans la détermination du développement financier de la région MENA. En outre, nos résultats montrent que la qualité des institutions a un important effet dans la relation entre développement financier et croissance économique. Plus précisément, elle permet d'atténuer l'effet négatif du développement financier sur la croissance économique. Par conséquent, nos résultats fournissent une évidence empirique, que pour que le développement financier puisse contribuer à la croissance économique, les pays de la région MENA doivent avoir un certain niveau de développement institutionnel. Examinant l'effet non-linéaire de la qualité des institutions sur la relation entre développement financier et croissance économique nos résultats montrent que la relation entre développement du secteur bancaire et croissance économique présente la forme du "U-inversé", par contre cette forme n'est pas observée lorsque les marchés financiers sont considérés. / This thesis examines (i) the impact of banks and stock markets on economic growth (ii) the effect of institutional quality in determining financial development and (iii) how institutional quality affects the finance-growth nexus in the MENA region. To this end, we construct a yearly institutional index for MENA countries. Applying the generalized method- of-moments (GMM) estimators developed for dynamic panel data for a sample of 18 MENA countries over 1984-2007 period, we find that both bank and stock market development are unimportant or even harmful for economic growth. Considering both a panel data and the instrumental variable (IV) approaches of estimation, our results outline the importance of institutional quality in determining financial development in MENA region. Moreover, our results show that institutional quality affects the finance growth nexus in MENA countries. In fact, it mitigates the negative effect of financial development on economic growth. Therefore, our results provide empirical evidence that in order for financial development to contribute to economic growth, MENA countries must possess certain level of institutional quality. Examining the non-linear effect of institutional quality on the finance-growth nexus, our results show that banking sector development and growth exhibit an inverted-U shaped relationship. However, we do not find the same pattern in the stock market-growth relationship
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Regulação sistêmica e prudencial no setor bancário brasileiro / Systemic and prudential regulation in the Brazilian banking sectorPinto, Gustavo Mathias Alves 03 May 2011 (has links)
O objeto do presente trabalho é o diagnóstico do arcabouço regulatório pátrio destinado à prevenção de crises bancárias, quais sejam a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial, e como as transformações ocorridas no sistema financeiro na segunda metade do século XX o afetam. A partir desse estudo, o trabalho pretende demonstrar que, embora a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial no País tenham incorporado avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas, ainda há falhas significativas a serem corrigidas e desafios a serem enfrentados. Se por um lado o atual arcabouço regulatório é marcado por exigências e controles mais rigorosos que os encontrados em outros países, por outro lado, constam também inúmeros instrumentos de resgate a bancos sendo aplicados de forma desordenada, sem regras claras, com pouca ou nenhuma prestação de contas, e até mesmo desvirtuando o propósito original de alguns desses instrumentos. A presença de uma multiplicidade de mecanismos de resgate com tais características é uma preocupante fonte de risco moral no mercado. Outrossim, o exame das transformações ocorridas no Sistema Financeiro Nacional nas últimas décadas evidencia que as dificuldades enfrentadas por autoridades bancárias em outros países, como o fenômeno do grande demais para quebrar e o monitoramento do risco sistêmico em um contexto de conglomeração financeira, já são uma realidade no País, representando desafios para a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial, e provocando a reflexão sobre as consequências desses movimentos no setor bancário nacional para o arcabouço regulatório vigente. Em conclusão, o trabalho pretende demonstrar que, apesar de seus inegáveis méritos, a exaltação ao arcabouço regulatório pátrio em face de seu desempenho considerado positivo na crise financeira recente deve ser vista com temperamentos, e que a atuação das autoridades bancárias nos próximos anos deve ser mais centrada na correção das falhas identificadas e reflexão sobre os desafios apresentados. / The study aims at evaluating the national regulatory framework designed to prevent banking crises (e.g. systemic and prudential regulation), and how the transformations that occurred in the financial services industry throughout the second half of the 20th century affect it. Based on this analysis, the study intends to demonstrate that, albeit the systemic and prudential regulation in Brazil have incorporated important developments over the last decades, there still are significant flaws that need to be fixed and challenges to be faced. If, on the one hand, the current regulatory framework is marked by demands and controls that are more rigorous than those adopted by other countries, on the other hand, the mechanisms designed to rescue distressed banks are being applied in an unorganized manner, without clear rules, little or no accountability, and even distorting the original purpose of some of these mechanisms. The presence of this variety of rescue mechanisms with such characteristics is a concerning source of moral hazard. Furthermore, the examination of the transformations in the financial system in recent history shows that the challenges faced by banking authorities in other countries, such as the too big to fail phenomenon and the complexity of monitoring systemic risk in the context of financial conglomerates, are also present in Brazil, creating challenges to the current regulatory framework, and claiming a reflection on the consequences of such transformations in the national financial services industry. In conclusion, the study aims at demonstrating that, despite its unquestionable merits, the exaltation to the Brazilian systemic and prudential regulation in light of the countrys performance in the recent financial crisis should be analyzed with caution, and that the role of the banking authorities over the next years should be focused in fixing the flaws identified in the analysis and reflection over the challenges discussed throughout the study.
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Orientação para o mercado e fidelização de clientes: em estudo no setor bancário brasileiroAmaral, Daniel 08 April 2011 (has links)
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Daniel Amaral.pdf: 1222267 bytes, checksum: 90d53f2f6eeb1f0030cb8f4afd5f840c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-04-08 / This dissertation aimed at exploring market orientation and customer loyalty in the Brazilian banking sector. The objective was to identify the association between them. A qualitative study with descriptive nature was made. The sample consisted of fifteen professionals in areas responsible for customer understanding, care and loyalty. The participating banks were Itaú, Bradesco, Caixa, Santander and Citibank. Data collection was conducted through interviews with a semi-structured guide and for the analyses, it was applied techniques of templates’ analyses. The results suggest that several points in the literature of market orientation were found in participants' reports, such as (1) the constant search for understanding and meeting the expressed needs of clients and (2) inter-functional coordination. On the other hand, some concepts were not constant, as (1) the search in the care of future needs and (2) the company's response, since banks do not react quickly assessed the competitive actions, due to bureaucracy, complexity and planning already
determined. Regarding the identification of loyalty types, banks are in a constant structure to better meet the current customers needs. Thus, a large proportion of customers are
actually loyal, proven by time of relation, number of services increase and recommendation. But there is still a large volume of customers that continues the relationship due to an inertial state, aggravated by the sight of commodity market. Thus, there are many opportunities for improvement, owing to needs expressed, whose solutions have not yet been reached. Moreover, banks are starting to develop processes that allow the detection of future needs. Mergers and acquisitions have impacted the industry in the loyalty of some customers groups, when there was a perceived drop in quality of services
after the unification. Regarding the main objective, the analysis suggests that market orientation is associated with the loyalty, mainly in relation to structured processes for the
company to have access to information, involving all areas to find solutions and take corrective actions. Despite the commodity market, some interviewees believe that the category is going through a maturing process in which the quest for customer loyalty will be even more important, since the inertia of the industry will not be as intense as today. / Esta dissertação procurou estudar a orientação para o mercado e a fidelização de clientes no setor bancário brasileiro. O objetivo geral foi identificar a associação entre ambos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza descritiva. A amostra foi composta por quinze profissionais de áreas responsáveis pelo entendimento, atendimento e fidelização dos clientes. Os bancos participantes foram o Itaú, Bradesco, Caixa, Santander e Citibank. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas com roteiro semi-estruturado e como técnica de análise, foi utilizada a análise de templates. Os resultados sugerem que diversos pontos descritos na literatura de orientação para o mercado foram encontrados nos discursos dos entrevistados, tais como (1) a constante busca pelo entendimento e atendimento às necessidades expressadas dos clientes e (2) a coordenação inter-funcional. Por outro lado, alguns conceitos não foram constantes, como (1) a busca no atendimento das necessidades futuras e (2) a resposta da empresa, uma vez que os bancos avaliados não reagem rapidamente às ações concorrenciais por causa da burocracia, complexidade e planejamento já determinado. Em relação à identificação dos tipos de fidelidade, os bancos estão em constante estruturação para melhor atendimento das necessidades atuais dos clientes. Dessa forma, uma grande parte dos clientes realmente possui fidelidade, comprovada pelo tempo de casa, aumento do número de serviços e recomendação. Porém, ainda há um grande volume de clientes que continua o relacionamento em função de um
estado inercial, agravado pela visão massificada da categoria. Dessa forma, há muitas oportunidades de melhorias, devido à existência de necessidades expressadas, cujas soluções ainda não foram alcançadas. Além disso, os bancos estão começando a desenvolver processos que permitam a detecção de necessidades futuras. As fusões e aquisições do setor impactaram na fidelização de alguns grupos de clientes, quando houve uma percepção de queda na qualidade dos serviços após a unificação. Em relação ao objetivo principal, a análise sugere que a orientação para o mercado está associada com a fidelização do setor, principalmente em relação aos processos estruturados para que a empresa tenha acesso às informações, envolva as áreas na busca de soluções e tome ações corretivas. Apesar da massificação do mercado, alguns entrevistados acreditam que a categoria está passando por um amadurecimento, na qual a busca pela fidelização será ainda mais importante, uma vez que a inércia do setor não será tão intensa como nos dias de hoje.
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The Chinese banking sectorPrange, Tim 06 May 2010 (has links)
Zusammenfassung: Diese Arbeit liefert eine institutionenökonomische Sicht auf den chinesischen Bankensektor des Jahres 2005. Im theoretischen Teil werden etablierte makroprudentielle Indikatoren zur Prüfung der Bankenstabilität in einen Rahmen aus informellen und formalen marktregulierenden und marktstabilisierenden Institutionen integriert. Die sich anschließende positive institutionelle Analyse zielt auf die Identifizierung von Risiken für die Stabilität des chinesischen Bankensektors ab, welche sich aus diesem institutionellen Gefüge ergeben. Abstract / Abstract: This paper gives an institutional perspective on the Chinese banking sector at the end of 2005. For the theoretical part, this paper uses established macroprudential indicators for banking sector stability and integrates these into a set of formal and informal market-regulating and market-stabilising institutions. The following positive institutional analysis aims at identifying risks for the stability of the Chinese banking sector emanating from this institutional framework.
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Intellektuele kapitaal by 'n Suid Afrikaanse bank : 'n gevallestudie / Tiaan Nel.Nel, Tiaan January 2013 (has links)
Intellectual Capital is considered an intangible asset that occurs in many organizations, especially service organizations, mainly because South African banks offer a service to their customers. This results in Intellectual Capital being an important factor in obtaining competitive advantage and success.
If organizations do not consider Intellectual Capital as an important factor, it could lead to brands devoted to competitors, the loss of talented employees and unsatisfied customers. This in turn could affect the image of the organization. Financial organizations have the responsibility to identify and to monitor the various components of Intellectual Capital. Intellectual Capital consists of three main components, namely, Human Capital, Structural Capital and Relationship Capital.
One of the biggest challenges of Intellectual Capital is that no one hundred percent accurate measurement method exists to measure Intellectual Capital items. An inaccurate value of Intellectual Capital leads to inaccurate disclosure of financial statements which, in turn, could result in various stakeholders (such as shareholders and public) losing faith and confidence in the organization.
The purpose of the study is to describe the various components of Intellectual Capital, the linked costs and to examine the measurement of Intellectual Capital, in order to provide accurate disclosure.
An empirical study was conducted to assess the impact and importance of Intellectual Capital in a South African bank. Recommendations were made on the manner problems regarding Intellectual Capital are managed and dealt with by the management of the bank. / Thesis (MCom (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Intellektuele kapitaal by 'n Suid Afrikaanse bank : 'n gevallestudie / Tiaan Nel.Nel, Tiaan January 2013 (has links)
Intellectual Capital is considered an intangible asset that occurs in many organizations, especially service organizations, mainly because South African banks offer a service to their customers. This results in Intellectual Capital being an important factor in obtaining competitive advantage and success.
If organizations do not consider Intellectual Capital as an important factor, it could lead to brands devoted to competitors, the loss of talented employees and unsatisfied customers. This in turn could affect the image of the organization. Financial organizations have the responsibility to identify and to monitor the various components of Intellectual Capital. Intellectual Capital consists of three main components, namely, Human Capital, Structural Capital and Relationship Capital.
One of the biggest challenges of Intellectual Capital is that no one hundred percent accurate measurement method exists to measure Intellectual Capital items. An inaccurate value of Intellectual Capital leads to inaccurate disclosure of financial statements which, in turn, could result in various stakeholders (such as shareholders and public) losing faith and confidence in the organization.
The purpose of the study is to describe the various components of Intellectual Capital, the linked costs and to examine the measurement of Intellectual Capital, in order to provide accurate disclosure.
An empirical study was conducted to assess the impact and importance of Intellectual Capital in a South African bank. Recommendations were made on the manner problems regarding Intellectual Capital are managed and dealt with by the management of the bank. / Thesis (MCom (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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The impact of Basel III on European banks business modelsSchramm, Sebastian Hermann 06 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Sebastian Schramm (sebastian.schramm@yahoo.de) on 2014-10-28T19:37:40Z
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Master_Thesis_Sebastian_Schramm_FGV-Version.pdf: 679531 bytes, checksum: 38d557a86bc4fb61a1860f061d88b2b5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2014-11-05T11:30:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Master_Thesis_Sebastian_Schramm_FGV-Version.pdf: 679531 bytes, checksum: 38d557a86bc4fb61a1860f061d88b2b5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-10-06 / As Basel III represents a true regulatory paradigm shift in many respects, this paper examines a sample of 81 European banks to detect to what extent the impact of Basel III is already perceptible on alternative business models. It finds out that there have been only minor business model adjustments due to Basel III, while the main changes between 2010 and 2013 have taken place because of other exogenous factors, such as the European Sovereign Debt Crisis. Due to long observation- and transition periods, the major business model changes as response to Basel III are still ahead. / O acordo Basel III representa, em diversos aspectos, uma verdadeira mudança no paradigma regulatório. Este trabalho examina uma amostra composta por 81 bancos europeus para detectar até que ponto o impacto do Basel III é já perceptível em modelos de negócios alternativos. Descobre-se que os ajustes nos modelos de negócios causados pelo Basel III são mínimos, enquanto que as principais mudanças entre 2010 e 2013 deveram-se a outros factores exógenos, como por exemplo a crise da dívida soberana europeia. Devido à longa observação e aos períodos de transição, as maiores mudanças nos modelos de negócios como consequência do Basel III estarão ainda para acontecer.
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O alinhamento das ações de responsabilidade social corporativa com a teoria: o estudo de uma instituição financeira no BrasilFraga, Maria Cristina dos Santos Esteves 28 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by MARIA CRISTINA DOS SANTOS ESTEVES FRAGA (cristinafraga@bb.com.br) on 2017-08-25T21:33:54Z
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Dissertação Maria Cristina dos Santos Esteves Fraga.pdf: 1656388 bytes, checksum: 37cfc45da00c15f85cfd1f078b01014d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-08-30T18:33:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Maria Cristina dos Santos Esteves Fraga.pdf: 1656388 bytes, checksum: 37cfc45da00c15f85cfd1f078b01014d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-30T20:43:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Maria Cristina dos Santos Esteves Fraga.pdf: 1656388 bytes, checksum: 37cfc45da00c15f85cfd1f078b01014d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / A proposta deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo de caso de uma empresa do setor bancário brasileiro, que buscou evidenciar o alinhamento das ações de responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) do Banco do Brasil com o referencial teórico sobre o tema, a partir da observação do crescente interesse por este assunto por investidores, empresas, governos e academia, pelo desenvolvimento de indicadores de desempenho relacionados à sustentabilidade, bem como pela maior valorização nas Bolsas de Valores das ações das empresas que têm consciência da importância e incluem em seus negócios a RSC. Após análise da literatura específica e dos documentos públicos do Banco, o estudo revelou que as iniciativas do Banco do Brasil, ratificadas pela adesão a tratados e acordos nacionais e internacionais, fazem parte de seu posicionamento estratégico e estabeleceram um novo modelo de gestão, baseado na sustentabilidade dos negócios e das relações com todos os públicos de relacionamento, indicando o alinhamento do Banco com a teoria. / The purpose of this study was to conduct a case study of a company of the Brazilian banking sector, which sought to highlight the alignment of corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions of Banco do Brasil with the theoretical framework on the subject, based on the observation of increasing interest by investors, companies, governments and academia on the subject, the development of performance indices related to sustainability, as well as a greater valuation on the Stock Exchanges of companies that are aware of the importance and include CSR in their business. After analyzing the literature and the public documents of the Bank, the study revealed that the initiatives of Banco do Brasil, ratified by adherence to national and international treaties and agreements, are part of its strategic position and established a new management model, based on sustainability of business and relationships with all stakeholders, indicating the alignment of the Bank with the theory.
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La liquidité bancaire : risques, thésaurisation et dimension systémique / Bank liquidity : risks, hoarding and systemic dimensionAzzouzi Idrissi, Youssef 08 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte d'après crises des subprimes et des dettes souveraines européennes. Il s'agit de périodes durant lesquelles les banques, en particulier dans la zone Euro et aux Etats-Unis, ont fait face à un assèchement de liquidité sans précédent ayant paralysé le système bancaire et conduit à la faillite de banques dont certaines solvables. La thèse cherche à répondre à la problématique suivante : Quelles sont les raisons du dysfonctionnement de deux canaux importants d'approvisionnement en liquidité par les banques, à savoir, le marché des actifs et surtout le marché monétaire interbancaire ? L'objectif est d'avoir un cadre d'analyse qui permet d'évaluer les propositions de la réglementation Bâle III en matière de contrôle du risque de liquidité dans les banques et d'éclairer les réflexions autour de la supervision bancaire. La première étude empirique est consacrée aux interactions entre le risque de liquidité de financement et le risque de liquidité de marché en situation de crise. Elle confirme bien la présence d'un renforcement mutuel entre ces deux types de risque dans les cas américain et européen durant la période allant de 2007 à 2011. La deuxième étude empirique se focalise sur le dysfonctionnement du marché monétaire interbancaire dans la zone Euro durant la même période en identifiant les motifs de la thésaurisation de liquidité par les banques, à savoir, le risque de contrepartie, le motif de précaution et le motif de spéculation. Les résultats montrent bien qu'il y a une relation significativement positive entre ces trois facteurs et la thésaurisation. Enfin, la troisième étude met l'accent sur les conséquences de la thésaurisation en termes de contagion interbancaire et de risque systémique. Les résultats confirment en effet l'impact de la thésaurisation sur le risque systémique dans la zone Euro. / During the U.S subprimes and the European sovereign debt crisis, banks faced with an unprecedent liquidity drying-up, leading to a banking system paralysis and failures of banks (including some solvable banks), in particular in United States and Euro zone. This dissertation seeks to answer the following question: what are the reasons of dysfunction of two important channels of liquidity supply of banks, namely, asset market and interbank money market? The aim is to have an analysis framework in order to evaluate banking regulations issued by Basel III and to enlighten reflections about banking supervision. The first empirical study examines the interactions between funding liquidity risk and market liquidity risk. Its results confirm that these two risk types are mutually reinforcing in American and European cases during the period between 2007 and 2011. The second empirical study focuses on the failure of the interbank market in Euro zone during the same period by identifying the motives behind the bank liquidity hoarding, namely, counterparty risk, precautionary motive and speculative motive. The results show that there is a significantly positive relation between these three factors and the liquidity hoarding. Finally, the third empirical study illustrates the repercussions of this phenomenon on systemic risk. The results confirm the impact of liquidity hoarding on systemic risk in Euro zone.
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