Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bidrag"" "subject:"baidrag""
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Offentligt stöd till innovationer : Hur resonerar de offentliga stödgivarna?Krantz, Elin, Rohdin, Emma January 2009 (has links)
The purpose with this essay is to study the public support givers view of the concept innovation and to study how the public support givers discuss and act around the division of public support to entrepreneurs innovations. The purpose is further to describe if the division of public support favour or not favour environmental innovations and to examine if the public support givers consider the industry for environmental innovations is profitable for the society’s economy. We have done several case studies where we have interviewed eight public support. Support givers in this essay are defined as public authorities and other organisations on local, national and/or international level that gives public support to innovations. The public support givers that take part of the essay is VINNOVA, ALMI Stockholm, Innovationsbron, Energimyndigheten, SU Holding AB, KTH Holding, Västra Götalandsregionen and MISTRA. Our theoretical starting point is Silverman and Baums theory ”Picking Winners or Building Them”. They discuss if external support givers act like scouts, who are experts on finding winning companies, or if the external support givers act like coaches and have a more advisory roll and help the companies to become winners. Our conclusions are that an innovation is an idea that is possible to comers and that it also has taken the step towards commercial. When you look at the support givers support processes they take in consideration different characteristics that the entrepreneur should possess, like the team behind the innovation and the innovation itself, when they decide who to give support to. At the same time they help entrepreneurs with guidance and coaching. Therefore they act both as scouts and coaches. The majority of the support givers don’t focus on a specific industry. Three support givers focus though more or less on environmental innovations. Public support is very important for the Swedish industry. It is important for the possibility for innovations to succeed since other external support givers like venture capitalists and banks don’t give support in the early innovation face. An important factor with public support givers is that they don’t focus on getting refund on invested capital. They public support givers want their actions to favour the society. Finally our essay shows that the public support givers neither favour nor not favour environmental innovations. They consider environmental innovations to be an industry that is profitable from an economic point of view but it should not be the only industry Sweden ought to invest in.
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Vacker utan spackel : Uppmuntransbidrag till korrekt fasadrenovering inom Uppvidinge kommunHarnesk, Emma, Roos, Hannah January 2013 (has links)
Uppvidinge kommun vill ta fram ett uppmuntransbidrag för fasadrenovering. Avsikten är att försöka bevara husens karaktär genom metod- och materialval och rapporten inriktar sig därför på byggnadsvård och varsamhetsprincipen. Rapporten tar fram kriterier som hjälp till kommunen för att besluta om utdelande av bidrag. Den innehåller också generell information om olika fasad- och takmaterial samt fönster. Rapporten och kommunens önskemål sammanfattas i en broschyr som kan användas som informationsspridning till intresserade fastighetsägare. Rapporten använder sig dessutom av en enkät för att undersöka människors attityd och kunskaper kring fasader och renovering.
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Bristande reciprocitet i anledning av forskningsbidragClaesson, Jakob January 2005 (has links)
Every year approx. 110 billion SEK is being used In Sweden to finance research. The government contributes with 22 percent, i.e. approx. 25 billion SEK. The universities are equally financed by the government and private contributors. The tax laws concerning these contributions are somewhat unclear, and this can generate problems. The two important questions that can arise are if the contribution is deductible, and if the receiver has to declare the income in his taxation. The essay focuses on the situations where the contribution is deductible for the giver and tax free for the receiver, i.e. when there is a lack of reciprocity in the taxation. This generates a lack of tax income for the government, and can lead to tax planning / Samhället har ett intresse av att forskning bedrivs. Varje år används ca. 110 miljarder kr till forskning i Sverige, varav staten står för ca. 22 procent, d.v.s. ca. 25 miljarder kronor. Universitetens forskning finansieras av staten och externa finansierare med ungefär lika stora delar. De skatterättsliga reglerna angående forskningsbidrag är något oklara och detta kan leda till problem. Frågor som kan uppstå i anledning härav är i vilken utsträckning en näringsidkare åtnjuter avdragsrätt för forskningsbidrag till universitet, stiftelser, juridiska och fysiska personer, samt även i vilken mån detta bidrag är skattefritt för mottagaren? Främst inriktas uppsatsen mot de situationer där bristande reciprocitet uppstår. De frågeställningar som behandlas härvidlag är i vilken mån denna bristande reciprocitet kan läkas, och på vilket sätt detta kan ske. Förhållandet mellan att det inte krävs någon motprestation för avdragsrätt i anledning av forskningsbidrag, och att en intäkt utan någon motprestation leder till skattefrihet skapar problem. Detta förhållande synes inte vara avsett av lagstiftaren och det ger visst utrymme för ’otillbörlig’ skatteplanering.
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EU-bidrag - AnsökningsprocessenStigson, Kicki January 2004 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete har främst bestått av inhämtande av kunskap om EU-bidrag. Om möjligheter / förutsättningar för att söka bidrag för ett internationellt samarbete, med två skolor, i två olika Europeiska länder. Det viktigaste är att göra de olika momenten i rätt ordning. Till min hjälp har jag haft kommunens internationella sekreterare, Karin Wessman, som kan det här på sina fem fingrar. Samtidigt som jag inhämtat informationen, har jag jobbat med att vår skola ska starta upp ett internationellt samarbete med andra europeiska skolor. Allt från att förankra det hos arbetslaget och rektorn till att skriva idéskissen och söka samarbetspartner. Tanken är att du genom detta arbete ska få en överblick över hur du ska gå tillväga när du ska söka EU-bidrag, lite av en handledning.
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Att hålla handen : Svenska officerares professionella autonomi under ISAF-insatsen i AfghanistanTrulsson, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Vad det innebär att vara svensk yrkesofficer i det militära har förändrats radikalt under de senaste decennierna. Förändringar i uppgift från den politiska makten har medfört nya arbetsuppgifter, en ny organisation och ökat deltagande i internationella insatser. Detta har medfört en utveckling av vilka uppgifter som en militär bör kunna hantera, med hjälp av vilka medel samt vilka karaktärsdrag som främjar framgång i arbetet. I samband med denna utveckling talas det om begreppet professionell autonomi, det handlingsutrymme politikerna ger officerarna att utföra sina uppgifter. I denna uppsats undersöks svenska officerares upplevda professionella autonomi i deras arbete under det svenska bidraget till Afghanistaninsatsen. Undersökningen utförs med stöd i två operationaliserade idealtyper utvecklade från teorier av Julia Evetts, som beskriver den organisatoriska spänning som den svenska officerskåren lyder under; å ena sidan en externt styrd professionalism där de professionella normerna bestäms av den politiska makten, och å andra sidan en internt styrd professionalism där de professionella själva styr över och formulerar de professionella normerna. Resultatet av undersökningen talar på organisatorisk nivå till fördel för den externt styrda professionalismen men på en individnivå visar resultatet att officerarna själva styr över de professionella normerna. Vad som även är avgörande är den förmåga de använder givet det handlingsutrymme de blivit tilldelade.
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Vilket stöd får det fria musiklivet? : En jämförande studie om stödet till det fria musiklivet i Karlstad och Varberg / What support does the free musik life receive? : A comparative study on the support for the free music life in Karlstad and VarbergKarlsson Fraenki, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare which municipal support the free music life receives in Karlstad and Varberg as well as which strategies and values the support rests on. The study also examines how the free music life experiences its own situation and task and how the free music life interacts with other musical actors and is influenced by the size of the municipality. In order to investigate the material and analyze the municipalities´ distribution of grants and motivations, idea analysis is used with the help of ideal types, which consist of Skot-Hansens rationalities. In the study´s results, a characterization of the music life in Karlstad and Varberg is done with the help of Per Mangsets cultural system and an account of the municipalities´ distribution of grants and motivations for the free music life. The interviews with the municipalities as well as representatives from the free music life are also presented here. The study concludes that the support for the free music life in the municipalities of Karlstad and Varberg differs, both in terms of the size of the support, how the support is distributed and in terms of forms of grant. The study also notes that the municipalities justify the free music life similar and relates to Skot-Hansens all rationalities and that the free music life experiences thier task differently.
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Contribution to climate change of a proposed horse manurecomposting systemNordlund, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Hästar producerar gödsel som är en blandning av avföring, urin och det strömaterial som hästarna står på. Hippologum är en ridanläggning i Umeå (Västerbotten, Sverige) som producerar 20-25 ton gödsel per vecka och när denna rapport skrevs hade anläggningen ingenstans att lagra gödseln. Detta var våren 2016. Målet med denna studie var att undersöka ett möjligt förvaltning- och komposteringssystem för hästgödsel mellan Hippologum och deponi- och avfallscentret Dåva DAC (som också är beläget i Västerbotten, Sverige) och var systemets största klimatpåverkan finns. En liten marknads-undersökning baserad på personintervjuer och ett kort kapitel om lagaspekter finns också med i rapporten. Enligt den screening livscykelanalys som genomfördes inom ramen för denna C-uppsats är den största klimatförändrande effekten för 23 ton hästgödsel från Hippologum till Dåva DAC odlingen av fodret. Marknadsundersökningen som utfördes kan inte direkt säga att det finns en marknad i Umeå kommun för komposterad hästgödsel. Gällande den lagliga biten så kan sägas att EU har mycket att säga till om gällande animaliska biprodukter och att den lagliga aspekten tyckts vara väl utvecklad. / Horses produce feces and urine and this mixed with a bedding material such as sawdust or cutterdust gives you horse manure. Hippologum is an equestrian facility in Umeå (county of Västerbotten, Sweden) which produces 20-25 tons of manure per week and when this report was written the facility had some trouble to get rid off the manure. This was in Spring 2016. The aim of this study is to look into the possible soil improver production as a management strategy for the horse manure produced at Hippologum and the report also looks into which part of this proposed system which has the greatest climate impact. The landfill- and waste center Dåva DAC (also located in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden) is the assumed receiver of the manure, and this is were the manure would be refined (composted). Research based on personal interviews about the manure market in Umeå municipality as well as a short chapter about legal aspects of manure are also included in the report. According to the screening LCA conducted during this thesis work the greatest impact for 23 tons of horse manure from Hippologum to Dåva DAC is the cultivation of the fodder. The report cannot conclude if there is a manure market in Umeå municipality. Concerning the legal aspects it can be said that the European Union has well developed legislation concerning animal by-products and regulates many aspects of handling and treating of horse manure. / <p>2019-01-08</p>
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Den ekonomiska lönsamheten för solvärme i SverigeBezdrob, Samir, Dahl, Arvid January 2010 (has links)
The sun is an endless energy source and the heat it produces can be used to heatup our homes. This technology is relatively old and was introduced in the late70-s. There are two kinds of solar collectors that are most frequently used todayand these are plain solar collectors and vacuum solar collectors. The plain solarcollectors are the once that are used the most but the vacuum solar collectorshave increased more as a percentage the last couple of years.The biggest question asked regarding an investment in solar heating is if theplant is economically profitable. This question has no direct answer because itis dependent on a couple of prerequisites. These prerequisites are for examplewhich the existing heating system is used for the house, the accumulator tankbeing used and the houses orientation to mention a few.An investment in solar heating can be considered if the existing heating systemis either oil heating or direct electrical heating. The ground for this is that theprices for these fuels have increased a great deal in the last couple of years andbecause of that solar heating can be competitive. On the contrary, if you havean existing system that is either wood heating, pellets or long-distance heatingthe investment in solar collectors would not in most cases be profitable. Otherreasons could be current here like the environmental winnings. The sun is aclean and “free” heating method and this has been the reason why some peoplehave decided to invest in it. The energy that is produced by the solar collectorsis free and the economical calculation is based on the investment cost, whichoften is expensive, spread over the life-span of the system.There have been state funds to apply for over the years. These have caused theinvestment cost to sink for the plants ant the interest to increase. There are acouple of state funds to apply for and these can not be combined. The one mostcommonly used is SFS 2000:287 – förordning om statligt bidrag tillinvesteringar I solvärme that was introduced in the year 2000 and concernedsolar heating. This is a contribution that is bound to the yearly heat exchangethe plant can produce and it can, at most, give 7 500 Swedish crowns in funds.This regulation was replaced in the year 2008 by the regulation SFS 2008:1247– Förordning om stöd för investeringar I solvärme that is a similar edict wherethe difference lies in the calculation process for the amount of the funds that aregiven for the plant. As in the earlier regulation the maximum amount of thecontribution is 7 500 Swedish crowns per household.A new state fund contribution is proposed where the changes are to increase thecontribution to 3,90 kr per kWh with a maximum amount of 12 000 kr perhouse. The contribution will not include bigger projects and will extend over aperiod of 4 years with a total budget of 160 000 000 kr.
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Fattigvården i Eskilstuna 1883-1913 : en undersökning av fattigpenningen 1883-1913Olsson, Anders January 2013 (has links)
In this essay I will analyze how the poor relief was used in Eskilstuna during the years of 1883 to 1913. In the records over who took allowance from the authorities it will also be mention the year of birth, which block the person lived in, sometimes if that person had any children, and if the person was a women it was often written down what profession the (often dead) husband have had when he was alive, or as an alternative what the fathers profession had been and finally its notified how much the person had every month in allowance. I want to see how the poor relief changed over time. I will do four close checkups, i choose the years 1883, 1893, 1903 and 1913. I will read in the records and compare how many it was that needed the poor relief for that year and further on I will mark out where these people was living in Eskilstuna city. For that propose I will use a map from 1890 and mark out every block in town that received the allowance. It will also be apparent how many persons that received the money from every block. With these maps I will create a easy overlooking view over which areas over Eskilstuna that was the most needed for poor relief. And then I can compare over time if a certain area of Eskilstuna always was poor or if it changed. And also I will be able to see if the number of people that needed that allowance increased when times got worse and the number decrease when times get better, in short - if the number of needed followed with the national economics situation in general. Further on I will look how much each person did receive in average and if possible try to go down to a individual level.
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Häst- och ridsport utifrån ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv : Om Karlstad Kommuns ekonomiska stöd till ideella föreningar inom häst- och ridsportW Schützer, Marie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu’s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools. Through the material I have processed, I have concluded that there are indeed some trends to be recognized. Equestrian sports have, in Swedish society, played only a minor role in spite of its popularity. The trend is, which I show in this thesis, that equestrian sports are becoming more significantly recognized in the field of popular sports. The Karlstad Municipality administers financial support to non-profit organizations such as riding schools working to reach goals and ambitions written in policies and plans concerning cultural development despite improvements that could be made for a more efficient path in achieving said goals and ambitions.
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