Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brand equity"" "subject:"grand equity""
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幼兒園品牌領導策略之研究 / The Strategy of brand leadership in preschool蔡秉螢, Tsai, Ping Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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顧客基礎網路品牌權益構面之再思 / Rethinking of customer-based on-line brand equity李嘉玲, Lee, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:品牌、網路品牌權益、顧客基礎、使用與滿足。 / Despite the universal availability of the Internet and the immense business opportunities generated e-commerce, e-commerce itself is confronted by endless business competition and consumer mistrust. How should e-commerce managers react to these competition and challenges? This research proposes that the introduction of the brand equity concept is viable in helping e-commerce managers establish strong online brands, yet existing literature on customer-based brand equity are mostly marketer oriented rather than customer oriented, thus not much weight is given to individual consumer differences. We use mass media theory “uses and gratification” theory to understand if customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We use online consumer as research participant, and build customer-based online brand equity construct, describe individual differences as our results. E-commerce managers can utilize as important reference when developing their business affairs.
This research is conducted in four stages: the first stage is intended for understanding consumers’ definition of online brands; the second stage develops preliminary customer-based online brand equity constructs via focus groups; the third stage develops customer-based brand equity constructs by designing and testing a survey based on the results of the first two stages using large samples; and the fourth stage uses canonical analysis to find out whether customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We collected 358 validate questionnaires. Findings indicate that online brand equity can be divided into five dimensions: web site management, brand loyalty, brand associations, self expressions, and perceived quality. Totaling 33 items, factor loading 52.77%, with 0.905 in reliability and 0.512 (p<0.01) in criteria-related validity. When conusumer’s internet use motivation is search information and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is web site managemet and perceived quality. But when conusumer’s internet use motivation is interpersonal and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is perceived quality and self expressions.
According results above, we propsed some recommdations for e-commerce managers and scholars.
Keywords: Brand, Online brand equity, Customer-based, Uses and gratification
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名人代言人的品牌權益之相關影響因素探討 / The study of the celebrity endorcers' brand equity王菀菱, Wang, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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Online brand community : Värdeskapande genom interaktioner och aktiviteter / Online Brand Community : Value creation through interactions and activitiesMackin, Kevin, Skogman, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Online brand communityn (OBC) innebar ett kraftfullt, och potentiellt värdeskapande, verktyg för företag. Det har dock visat sig att företag hade svårt att bemöta sina OBC:er. Det resulterade i att företag gick miste om de potentiella värden OBC:n hade. För att öka kunskapen kring värdeskapande och bemötande av OBC:er har Minecraft och Netflix respektive OBC:er undersökts med hjälp av netnografi. Studien undersökte hur interaktioner och aktiviteter bidrog till värdeskapande i form av ökat varumärkeskapital och ny innovation. Den belyste även hur OBC:er skiljde sig åt beroende på om OBC:erna var fokuserade på områden kring innovation kontra varumärkeskapital. Studien fann sju interaktionsmönster att analysera. Interaktionsmönstren visade på skillnader mellan OBC:erna utifrån deras fokus och förutsättningar. Studien kunde även beskriva hur sex av de sju interaktionerna var värdeskapande för företaget. / Online brand community (OBC) is intended to be a powerful, and potentially valuable, tool for businesses. However, the outcome has shown that companies have had difficulties responding to their OBC:s. It has resulted in companies missing the potential values that OBC offered. In order to increase knowledge about value creation and reception of the OBC:s a netnography of Minecraft and Netflix, respectively OBC has been conducted. The study examined how interactions and activities contributed to the creation of value by an increased brand equity and new innovation. It also highlighted how the OBC:s differed depending on whether the OBC:s were focused on the topics of innovation versus brand equity. The study found seven interaction patterns to analyse. The interaction patterns showed differences between the OBC:s ,based on their focus and conditions. The study could also describe how six of the seven interactions created value for the company.
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Från sällan till ofta : En fallstudie inom professionell idrott om sporadiska besökares konsumtion / From seldom to frequent : A case study withinprofessional sports regarding low frequent spectators’consumptionLundgren, Fredrik, Järnkrok, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Problemformulering: Idag råder en negativ trend gällande antalet åskådare för en majoritet av organisationerna inomprofessionell ishockey i Sverige. Då publiken utgör en viktig del i ett matchevenemang, både ekonomiskt och upplevelsemässigt, är detta en problematisk utveckling. Tidigare forskning visar att den del av publiken som besöker ett matchevenemang 1-3 gånger per säsong är en fördelaktig grupp att påverka för att öka dess konsumtion. Däremot har den tidigare forskningen primärt studerat besökare inom professionell idrott i generella termer alternativt fokuserat på hängivna fans samt haft en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi. Syfte och frågeställningar: Studiens syfte är att djupare förstå de sporadiska besökarna och undersöka hur varumärket kan användas för att påverka dem till att gå oftare.• Vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumtionen lyfts fram av sporadiska besökare?• Hur kan kunskapen om de identifierade faktorerna användas för att få den sporadiska besökaren att gå oftare utifrån ett varumärkesperspektiv? Metod: Med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en deduktiv ansats med induktiva inslag har denna studie genomfört tolv semistrukurerade intervjuer. Respondenterna i denna studie är besökare av fallorganisationens ishockeymatcher och går på 1-3 matchevenemang per säsong. Resultat: Denna studie har uppmärksammat ett antal faktorer som genom varumärket kan påverka den sporadiska besökarens konsumtion. Studien har identifierat stämning som ett konsumtionsmotiv hos en grupp av sporadiska besökare samt att studien funnit olika varianter av det socialamotivet och preferenser av matchresultatets karaktär. Vidare har studien funnit att en grupp sporadiska besökare har en hög kunskapsnivå gällande ishockey och till sist har studien ävenfunnit djupare beskrivningar av verklighetsflykt och underhållning vilka även de är faktorer som påverkar sporadiska besökares konsumtion. Forskningsbidrag: Denna studie ger detaljerade beskrivningar av sporadiska besökares konsumtionsbeteende och varumärkesassociationer inom professionell idrott. Vidare bidrar studien med kompletterande indikationer av faktorer som påverkar de sporadiska besökarnas konsumtionsfrekvens av matchevenemang. / Problem definition: Today there is a negative trend regarding the number of spectators among a majority of the organizations within professional ice hockey in Sweden. This is a problematic development since the spectators play an important part for the event of the games, both financially and experientially. Previous research shows that the customer segment which visits one to three games per season is a favorable group when it comes to increasing their consumption. Though, previous research has fore most studied spectators in general terms or have had the devoted fansas main focus. Furthermore, the previous research has primarily been quantitative regarding its research strategy. Aim and research questions: The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of low frequent spectators and understand how the brand can be used in order to influence them to go more often.• Which factors, which influence the consumption, is described by the the low frequent spectators?• How can the knowledge of these identified factors be used in order to influence the low frequent spectator to visit more often from a brand perspective? Methodology: With a qualitative research strategy and a deductive, with element of inductive, research approach, this study has completed twelve semi-structured interviews. The respondents are spectators of ice hockey games of the organization which this study have studied and who visits 1-3 games per season. Results: A number of factors which can influence the low frequent spectators’ consumption through the brand have been noticed through this study. The atmosphere has been identified as a consumption motive among a group of low frequent spectators and the study has also found different versions of the social motive as well as preferences for the nature of the games results. Furthermore, the study has found a group of low frequent spectators which has a high level of knowledge about ice hockey. Finally, the study has also found deeper descriptions of escape and entertainment which also are factors which influence the consumption among a group of low frequent spectators within professional sports. Research grants: This study provides detailed descriptions of low frequent spectators’ consumer behavior and brand associations within professional sports. Furthermore, the study provides additional indications of factors which affect the low frequent spectators’ consumption regarding games.
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Logotypförändringars påverkan på varumärkesvärde / Logotype changes effects on brand equityFrenning, Ida, Sahlin, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Då ett företags logotyp är kopplad till dess varumärkesvärde kan en förändring av en sådan ha en påverkan på det uppfattade varumärkesvärdet. Därför är det av intresse att undersöka huruvida det uppfattade varumärkesvärdet skiljer sig åt för en logotyp som genomgått en liten förändring jämfört med en logotyp som genomgått en stor. Det vore då även aktuellt att utreda vad som är viktigt vid sådana förändringar. Syfte: Att besvara frågeställningen och genom detta generera ett kunskapsbidrag till redan existerande forskning kring varumärkesvärde, logotyper och logotypförändringar. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom kvantitativ metod. Enkätinsamlingen för studien genererade totalt 305 svar. Det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet för studien är positivistiskt och den har en deduktiv forskningsansats. Bearbetningen och analysen av insamlad data har gjorts med hjälp av programmen Excel och SPSS. Slutsats: Varumärkesvärdet utifrån en logotyp uppfattas som mer positivt hos de respondenter som exponerats för en stor förändring jämfört med en liten. Hur pass engagerade konsumenterna är i varumärket är avgörande för hur väl förändringen tas emot. Även färgvalet är viktigt. Slutligen kräver en logotypförändring mycket reklam och marknadsföring för att den ska ha ett positivt resultat, oavsett engagemang och tidigare uppfattning av varumärkesvärdet. / Background: As a business’ logotype is connected to its brand equity, a change of thelogotype may affect the perceived brand equity. Therefore it is interesting to study whether the perceived brand equity differs for a logotype that has gone through a small change compared to a logotype that has gone through a large change. It is also interesting to evaluate which elements that are important when doing these types of changes. Purpose: To answer the research question and through this generate a contribution of knowledge to already existing research concerning brand equity, logotypes and logotype changes. Method: The study has been made using quantitative research method. In total, 305 answers were collected. The scientific approach is positivistic and it has a deductive research approach. To process the data, the programs Excel and SPSS have been used. Conclusions: Brand equity affected by a logotype is perceived as more positive by the respondents that have been exposed to a large change compared to a small. The respondents’ engagement to the brand is crucial for how well the change is being received. The choice of colour is also important. Finally, a logo change requires a lot of advertising and marketing activities to have a positive effect, regardless of level of engagement and earlier perception of the brand equity.
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L'influence du point de vente sur le capital d'une marque : une approche par les données du panel / The Impact of Store on Brand Equity : A Panel-based ApproachKaswengi Mbwiti, Joseph 20 November 2012 (has links)
De manière générale, la qualité d’un circuit de distribution peut-elle influencer le capital d’une marque ?C’est la principale question que nous traitons dans cette recherche. De nombreuses recherches ont étépubliées sur les déterminants du capital marque. Cependant, peu de choses ont été dites sur le rôle de ladistribution. De plus, une grande partie des recherches ont considéré l’image du point de vente comme unconcept global ou unidimensionnel. Or, la majorité des recherches affirme que l’image du point de vente estun construit multidimensionnel.Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier la relation entre la qualité de la distribution et le capital de la marquequi y est référencée. Nous développons un modèle qui met en relation les dimensions du magasin (l’imageprix, la variété de l’assortiment, la qualité de MDD, la qualité des produits, la qualité de service etl’accessibilité du magasin) et le capital marque, mesuré à l’aide des constantes qui, sont considéréescomme la mesure de l’utilité incrémentale de la marque. Nous utilisons les variables de contrôle telles que lacatégorie de produits. Nous élaborons un modèle factoriel dynamique en utilisant les données de panel sur4500 ménages, 12 magasins appartenant à de chaines différentes en France sur une période de cinq ans etdemi (2004-2009). Les résultats montrent que les effets de l’image du magasin sur le capital marque varientselon l’enseigne, le format de magasin, les catégories de produits, les marques et les caractéristiques desconsommateurs.D’un point de vue théorique, cette recherche permet d’identifier les dimensions les plus pertinentes del’image d’un point de vente ainsi que leurs conditions d’efficacité. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nousutilisons un modèle factoriel dynamique qui n’a pas encore été utilisé sur la mesure du capital marque. D’unpoint de vue managérial, cette recherche permettra aux responsables de marques de mieux apprécierl’influence d’un magasin sur la valeur de leurs marques. / Does a store format quality can generally influence brand equity? This is the main question we address inthis research. Numerous studies have been published on brand equity drivers. However, little has been saidabout the role of distribution. In addition, much research has conceptualized store image as a global or onedimensionalconcept. However, according to the research majority, store image is a multidimensionalconstruct.The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between distribution quality and brand equity.We develop a model that connects store image dimensions (price image, assortment variety, private labelquality, product quality, service quality, and location) and brand equity, measured thanks to the interceptswhich are considered as a brand incremental utility measure. The model controls for the variables such asthe product category. We adopt a dynamic factor model using panel data on 4500 households, 12 storesbelonging to different chains in France over a period of five years and a half (2004-2009). The results showthat store image effects on the brand equity depend on the store name, store format, product categories,brands and consumer characteristics.From a theoretical perspective, this research identifies the most relevant store image dimensions as well astheir efficiency conditions. From a methodological point of view, we use a dynamic factor model that has notyet been used on brand equity measurement. From a managerial standpoint, this research may help brandmanagers to better assess the store impact on their brands value.
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Doing Well by Avoiding Bad : consumers' Perceptions of CSR and the Effect on Consumer-Based Brand EquityAlex, Bengtsson, Fanny, Sundquist January 2019 (has links)
Problem Formulation: The clothing industry is characterised by fierce competition and booming growth. Since the start of the century, clothing consumption has increased tremendously. While consumers are demanding more clothes at cheaper prices, interest for sustainable sourced clothes is also on the rise, especially amongst the younger population. Thus, engaging in CSR could offer potential brand advantages for companies competing in the clothing industry. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain the relationship between consumers’ perceptions of the organisational actions that are perceived as “doing good”, “avoiding bad” and “doing bad”, and Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Methodology: This thesis adopts a quantitative research method with questionnaires distributed physically at universities and shared in student Facebook-groups. The data collected from the questionnaire consists of 205 valid answers from students at Swedish universities. Findings/Conclusions: The findings based on multiple regression analyses on the results of the distributed questionnaire suggest that organisational actions that are perceived as “avoiding bad” can positively affect Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Furthermore, the findings did not support that engagement in activities that are perceived as “doing bad” is detrimental to Consumer-Based Brand Equity, nor that philanthropic activities that are perceived as “doing good” positively affect Consumer-Based Brand Equity.
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Improving Brand Equity with Environmental Sustainability work : A qualitative study in SwedenWerneborg, Seth, Mademlis, Athanasios January 2019 (has links)
Sustainability is increasing in importance nowadays and Sweden is one of the most sustainability- focused countries in the world. Environmental sustainability is considered to be a key factor for business growth and companies incorporate this aspect in their brand marketing strategies. The purpose of this study is to get a broader understanding of the field of environmental sustainability work in connection to brand equity in Sweden. The main contribution of this study derives from studying how companies work with environmental sustainability to improve brand equity from a company’s perspective in Sweden. A qualitative approach was chosen, which included semi- structured interviews with seven companies that operate in Sweden. This paper develops an analytical model in order to analyse the findings from the interviews. The findings suggest that companies can work with environmental sustainability to improve their brand equity in Sweden by using strategies and practices that fit the company. It is important to consider the local context of Sweden, the market demands and requirements of its stakeholders and adopt a holistic approach in order to improve brand equity. Companies can choose to incorporate environmental sustainability work as an add-on to their brand or base the core of the brand around their work.
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O valor de marca: uma abordagem de equações estruturais / Brand equity: a structural equation modeling approachD\'Emidio, Marcelo 03 July 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um procedimento de valoração de marca a partir de uma modelagem por equações estruturais. Este estudo aponta inicialmente um modelo conceitual de valoração de marca baseado na linha comportamental, ou seja, nas percepções dos consumidores e não no valor monetário da marca. Para aplicação do procedimento proposto, foram escolhidas as marcas das operadoras de telefonia celular Vivo e Claro. A partir da modelagem por equações estruturais, ajustou-se o modelo teórico proposto a cada uma das marcas em questão. Com o modelo ajustado foi possível calcular não apenas o valor de marca para cada um dos consumidores, como todas as variáveis que o compõe. A possibilidade de se calcular o valor de marca para cada consumidor é extremamente inovadora, uma vez que nenhum dos modelos revistos na literatura científica aponta esta funcionalidade. Com a base de dados contendo o valor de marca para cada consumidor entrevistado, foi possível efetuar diversas análises estatísticas, que permitiram compreender de forma profunda quais variáveis mais impactam o valor das marcas, ou ainda quais são seus pontos fortes e fracos. Com isto, foi possível desenhar estratégias de marketing específicas para que cada uma das marcas aumente o seu valor. / The present study brings a procedure that measures brand equity using a structural equation modeling. This thesis proposes a conceptual model that measures brand equity based in a behaviorist approach, i.e., based on the consumers perception instead of monetary brand value. To apply this procedure two cellular phone operator brands were chosen: Vivo and Claro, and then, using structural equation modeling, it was possible to adjust the initial theory model to each brand. From the adjusted model it was possible to measure not only brand equity to each consumer, but all variables that are part of it. The possibility to measure brand equity to each consumer is extremely new, once no other models - reviewed in the scientific literature - pointed this feature. Using the database and the brand value to each interviewed consumer it was possible to make statistic analysis that allowed comprehending deeply which variables impact brand equity, or what are their strong and weak points. Then it was possible to make specific marketing strategies to each brand to increase their equity.
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