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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The European migration crisis as a factor in foreign market entry decisions of German multinationals: Part 2 – German MNEs and the migration challenge

Huyer, E.B., Trouille, Jean-Marc 09 1900 (has links)
Yes / The largest influx of refugees since German unification has generated new challenges and opportunities in Germany’s society, culture, politics and economy. Theory advocates the advantages for international business of institutional change, migrations and integration. However, a negative public perception can conceal and inhibit resources and opportunities for German multinational enterprises. How did the attitude of Germany towards refugees change in 2015 and 2016? How did formal and informal German institutions react on the EU refugee crisis? How has this affected decision makers in German MNEs in terms of foreign market entry choices? How do German MNEs evaluate the long-term consequences of this crisis? This paper investigates in which ways the influx of refugees and migrants who arrived in Germany has affected the international business strategy of German MNEs. It is divided into two parts. Part One analyses the impact of this crisis on German culture, society, government, politics and economics and examines how it has been perceived and displayed. Part Two will further investigate how German MNEs are influenced by the migration context in Germany and Europe and how this affects their foreign market entry strategies in emerging economies.

Navigating the Cloud Challenges and Strategies in Digital Transformation within the Swedish Banking Sector

Shami, Yasir Imtiaz January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish banking industry is facing major competition from Financial Technology(FinTech) firms. FinTech firms are leading in the adoption of leading tools and technologies to offer aunique and innovative solution to customers. On the other hand, major Swedish banks are facingchallenges when it comes to the adoption of modern technologies. Cloud computing emerged as a coretechnology that most Swedish banks adopted to compete in the market by offering innovation solutions.However, the adoption of cloud computing presents complex challenges. This study investigates thechallenges faced by the Swedish banking sector in adopting cloud computing solutions and explores thedigital business strategies implemented to address these challenges. This study aims to investigate and analyze the strategies implemented by Swedish banks toovercome challenges associated with the adoption of cloud computing technologies. By examiningfactors influencing cloud adoption, including technological, organizational, and environmental aspects,the study seeks to provide insights into digital business strategies within the Swedish banking sector. The study employed a combination of questionnaires and interviews to collect the data,utilizing a mixed-methods approach that encompasses both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Thequantitative analysis was conducted using the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), which quantifies expertopinions on cloud adoption challenges. The qualitative analysis was performed using thematic analysis,which explores the digital business strategies employed by banks to address technological,organizational, and environmental challenges. The findings indicate a consensus among Swedish banking experts on key cloudadoption challenges. Thematic analysis uncovers a diverse range of strategies tailored to addresstechnological, organizational, and environmental challenges, highlighting the complexity of digitaltransformation in the Swedish banking sector. The study concludes that Swedish banks face major challenges in cloud adoption,emphasizing the necessity for a robust digital business strategy to successfully overcome these obstacles.Diverse strategic approaches are observed, tailored to each bank's specific context and needs, indicatingthat there is no single strategy that universally applies to all.Recommendations for future research: To address the limitations of this study and enhance itsfindings, future research should focus on extending the timeframe and enlarging the sample size.Incorporating insights from external experts, including C-level executives, and diversifying the sampleby including a broader range of banks would provide deeper insights into cloud adoption challenges anddigital business strategies within the banking sector.

Influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana : factors which influence small firm growth rates and which are important in distinguishing rapid-growth small firms from slow-growth small firms

Dzotefe, S. A. January 2008 (has links)
Although the development of small businesses is generally considered important for income generation and job creation, there has been relatively little research in developing countries such as Ghana on understanding why some small firms succeed and grow rapidly while others do not in. This thesis investigates the influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana using data from a random sample of 252 manufacturing and services firms from the database of the Association of Ghana Industries. The general hypothesis is that, growth is a function of the characteristics of the entrepreneur; characteristics of the firm; strategic factors; environmental factors; and cultural factors. Consequently, the research tests 36 hypotheses drawn from the five main categories of variables using the turnover and the employment growth measures. It also uses logistic regression analysis to isolate significant factors differentiating rapid-growth firms from slow-growth firms. Overall, the research finds strong evidence which suggests that, perception of a market opportunity; university education; multiple founders; entrepreneurs with marketing skills; workforce training; new product development; presence of a clear vision and mission statement; majority non-family members in management and membership of professional or business associations were associated with rapid-growth firms. iv Factors which were significant in discriminating between rapid-growth and slow-growth firms but were more likely to be associated with slow-growth firms included threat of unemployment or actual unemployment as a motivation for starting a business; production skills; legal form (limited liability companies); access to external equity (post-formation); exporting; access to public or external aid; unionization and frequent management meetings.

我國專案單位資訊策略之研究 -- 以某研究院為案例探討 / A Research on Information Strategies for Project-Oriented Organizations Based on Case Studies Conducted by a Selected Research Institute

黃兆鴻, Huang, Chao-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技不斷的日新月異,整個社會也已經邁入了資訊時代。網路科技帶來了「網路經濟」,在此階段裡有許多新興的企業產生,但在歷經了網路泡沫後,許多企業也因而消失。這整個帶給人們在策略上新的思維,藉由網路、資訊科技,企業似乎可以比以前更有競爭力,藉由網路,企業似乎可以跳脫以往疆界的觀念,而達到無遠弗屆的境界,藉由新的科技,小蝦米也可以創造一番大的事業。本研究主要是因應在資訊爆炸的時代及科技不斷進步下,以承接研究計畫的專案單位在面臨競爭的壓力時,如何藉由資訊策略來幫助提昇競爭力。 本研究的個案單位正面臨不斷競爭的壓力,不僅外在的競爭者的加入,而且因為預算不斷消減,相對以往的人事成本反而增加,在面對新的環境要如何持續保有競爭力?本研究主要是以企業競爭優勢、企業策略與資訊策略三個方向來探討分析。由研究得知以此類型個案單位的研究很少,研究資源相當有限,不過從個案單位的案例分析中,雖然個案單位對資訊化的投入一直不懈怠,然而資訊科技對個案單位的影響就格道分析來看還只是在「支援型」的階段,也就是IT對它們在作業和未來策略的制訂都影響不大。本研究的分析結果建議此類型的個案單位應從「流程改造」開始,重新開發新的整合的專案管理系統。當然除了「流程再造」及建立「專案管理系統」外,相對應的制度等也需一併配合。本研究建議資訊部門重新定位與正名是有必要的,為了激勵資訊部門的績效,其升遷制度也有必要做調整。藉由專案管理系統來改善個案單位的經營績效,然後將公司帶入「工廠型」的階段。而未來更可以透過此一階段所累積的知識資料庫,進而創造出「智庫」型的應用,再將企業轉型成「策略型」的組織。 雖然相關的研究資料難以找到,不過本研究的過程及對以承接研究專案的專案單位的資訊策略建議,希望能作為未來相關領域或相類似公司的參考。

台灣類比IC 設計新創企業經營發展策略之研究—以個案F 公司為例 / Taiwan Analog IC Design House’s Start-Up BusinessStrategies – F Company Case Study

陳耀昌, Chen, Angus Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部出版「2005 年中小企業白皮書」中提到:過去10 年,台灣每年 平均新成立之中小企業公司約有10 萬家,而台灣每年平均倒閉之中小企業約有 8 萬2 千家,也就是說未來每年這些新創業公司會經營不善而倒閉之平均機率為 82%。可見新創企業之經營管理風險非常大,隨時可能因為任何經營策略錯誤而 造成公司不可彌補之危機問題,最後可能就被會迫倒閉關廠。而且關廠又會資遣 公司之員工,更會連帶影響很多家庭面臨失業之危機與社會問題。因此一個新創 企業如何能經營良好,渡過公司的經營問題之重重關卡,各種經營策略施政正確 有效能,並且創造更高之經營績效而能永續經營是非常重要且值得研究之課題。 本研究以台灣類比IC 產業之新創企業來作經營策略與經營績效探討與分析 之對象。另外,本研究首先利用歷史文獻探討法,依據楊光立(2001)創業家的 十四個歷程之經營策略分析、Poter(1980)五力分析之競爭策略、Weihrich(1982) 「SWOT 分析法」、個案F 公司之各種財務比率分析及幾個重要經營策略及經 營策略分析為藍圖,後再以企業深度訪談法進行研究探討與分析,彙整個案F 公司所面臨經營上之問題,回溯經營團隊擬定之實際經營策略,最後再探討個案 F 公司真正實施這些經營策略後與實際經營績效來作理論與實務間之比較分析 探討,再歸納出本研究之結論。最後以個案F 公司之七位高階主管之認知統計總 結經營策略與經營績效相關性之結論:合計61 項經營策略實施後,發現有59 項與經營績效為正相關,其餘有2 項無關。另外還有其他方面之經營策略與經營 績效相關性:正相關有10 項。 關鍵字:類比IC、新創企業、經營策略、經營績效 / Ministry of Economic affair R.O.C published the “ Midle & Small Enterprises Wite Book in 2005 ” said that there were 100,000 new start-up companies in every year in Taiwan, and they will close 82% in a year. So, the management risk is huge in a new start-up company. It will close by any mistake of management decision, and bring about irrecoverable crisis. It will make the employee lose their job, and add many problems in families and society. Therefore, How to manage a company and solve their problems and crisis? How to ensure their business strategy are correct and effective? How to create the high performance in a start-up company in the future and forever? It is an important and worthy research subject. In this thesis, I’m researching into the start-up company of Taiwan analog IC design House, and to find the relationship with business strategy and business operation performance. First, I found and read many theses from history or books or others documents, such as Poter (1980), Weihrich (1982), Finacial repot of F company etc.. Then, I used the interview method with F company, to find their business strategy when they facing problems and crisis. Finally, I analyzed the business operation performance in F Company when they implement the business strategies. There are 59 items have the positive relationship of 61 business strategies compare with business operation performance, the other 2 items are none. Keywords: Analog IC, Start-Up, Business Strategy, Business Operation Performance.

台灣衛浴五金產業經營策略之研討 / The business strategies research of Taiwan plumbing and faucet industry

胡 之琪, Hu, Chih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣外銷產業在世界上佔著舉足輕重的角色,自六零年代開始至今囊括過無數個世界第一;從早期產品,如:鞋子、雨傘、成衣、腳踏車,到近期蓬勃發展的電子產業相關零組件及成品,如:晶圓代工、顯示器、個人電腦、手提電腦等等,台灣均曾經或是現在仍為全球最大供應國。 長久以來台灣一直以代工為強項,隨著時代進步,台灣的生產成本節節高昇,再加上中國大陸的崛起,使得台灣的競爭優勢不再是勞力密集的製造業,也因此產業升級的呼聲及討論非常熱烈。代工業者要捨棄眼前的代工業務,直接進入純品牌經營的策略仍是一個相當高風險的做法。而品牌發展與代工之討論研究,宏碁率先投入自有品牌經營之後也一直持續不斷。 很多人可能沒聽過台灣的衛浴五金及水龍頭零配件代工外銷也是世界第一,歐美主要水龍頭品牌都是進口零配件至當地後再進行組裝。而衛浴五金水龍頭零件代工也和其他台灣代工產業一樣,因為競爭日趨激烈,使得產業內的業者必須積極準備因應對策,追求永續經營。 本研究以此產業外銷前五大廠商個案公司為研究對象,以策略群組區分出專注代工及深耕品牌兩大群組,比較群組之間及群組內各公司運用策略的異同;同時也針對產業大環境的變動、供應面及需求面的改變、供應鏈角色的延伸及位移等衝擊所帶來的影響,各群組個案公司所採取的策略作法,做一研究探討,進而研討出一個方向提供給產業業者制定未來經營策略的參考,以期待此產業業者之競爭優勢得以持續。 / Taiwan’s export industry plays a significant role in the world market. Since the 1960’s it has held the number one position in countless manufacturing sectors. From early times in industries such as shoes, umbrellas, clothing, and bicycles to the present booming modern electronic industries like Semiconductor Foundries, monitor, personal computer (PC), and laptop manufacturing etc., Taiwan is now or was once the biggest supplier in the world. Taiwan has been favored by OEM policy. But now it is losing it competition edge due to continuously increasing production costs and the rapid development of China’s manufacturing industries. It’s no longer to Taiwan’s advantage to operate labor intensive manufacturing, therefore there has been a cry for and vigorous discussion regarding a change in Taiwan’s industries’ roles. Discontinuing the current OEM activities and quickly investing in Original Brand Manufacturing (OBM) is a high risk decision. The discussion and research into the OBM and OEM lines of development was sustained after ACER became an OBM operation. Many people probably don’t realize that Taiwan is the world leader in the OEM plumbing hardware and faucet components export industry. The major leading brands of Europe and America import their components and then assemble them locally. The OEM plumbing hardware and faucet component industry faces the same problems as other OEM industries. To withstand the competition, they are compelled to develop innovative strategies for sustainable operation. This study adopts the top 5 export manufacturers of plumbing hardware and faucet components, categorizing them by OEM and OBM strategic groups, and comparing the similarities and differences between and within these two strategic groups. It also focuses directly on the overall changes in the industries environment, the influences on the role of supply chain expansions and changes, as well as changes in supply and demand in the market place; studying the adopted strategies by different players, dissecting these cases and extrapolating a method for the industries to formulate a future operation strategy and to maintain a competitive advantage.

Vägen är mödan värd : Den digitala transformationens påverkan på organisationer

Bengtsson, Johanna, Gustafsson, Jinya January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering: Hur påverkas organisationer vid digitala transformationer?  Syfte: Uppsatsens primära syfte är att redogöra för hur en digital transformation har påverkat organisationers affärsmodeller samt påverkat verksamheters användande av strategier. Vi ämnar även att undersöka varför organisationer genomgick en digital transformation och vad som önskades att uppnås med förändringen.  Metod: En kvalitativ datainsamling med en deduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet samlades in via strukturerade intervjuer på respondenternas arbetsplatser.  Slutsats: Studien påvisar att organisationerna efter en digital transformation har kunnat skapa ett högre värde genom kostnadsminimering och effektivisering genom användning av mindre medel. Studien visar även att organisationsförändringen förändrar en verksamhet från grunden eftersom nya strukturer och system tillämpas samt delvis påverkar affärsmodeller. Det är därför av vikt att ha en digital strategi, en handlingsplan och mål för förändringsprocessen.

Analýza a strategie firmy GAMA Fobos na českém trhu a možnosti spolupráce se zahraničím / Company analysis and business strategy of company GAMA Fobos on domestic market and opportunities for cooperation with foreign countries

Jiruchová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation is dealing with complex company analysis with the objective to define future company strategy. The thesis is following two basic lines. First one is definition of strategy on domestic market and second one is definition of strategy strategy on foreign market. Both strategies should be applicable and in accordance with company mission.

Exploring Sustainability Strategy Implementation in SMEs : A case study if Internal Communication Processes in Sweden

Burmeister, Anna, Eriksson, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
In this study, sustainability strategy implementation processes are discussed together with internal communication processes in SMEs. Large enterprises are not the only contributor to unsustainable development, but so are SMEs. Additionally, SMEs have a significant negative impact on sustainability as they make up the major part of the world economy. In fact, only in Sweden SMEs make up 99.9% (based on the number of employees) of all businesses. Yet, SMEs have not received much attention in society nor in literature of sustainability and sustainable developmentand are lagging behind in sustainable development. Due to pressure from external stakeholders Sustainability is essential for future business growth as well asto stay competitive in today's marketplace. EU and Swedish legislation together with the next generation of sustainable-conscious consumers, have increased pressure on organisations to take responsibility for their actions. Still, SMEs seem to take a reactive approach. For successful sustainable development, sustainability strategies must be aligned with business strategies. However, SMEs face challenges when implementing sustainability strategies. To ease the implementation process, company-specific tools are needed forSMEs. Internal communication is acknowledgedto be essential for sustainability strategy implementation which is most successful when performed in a contextual specific and conceptual abstract practice. Internal communication further contributes to reducing tension in an organisation when implementing a change which is required during implementation processes.This study has been conducted through a single case study operating in the housing construction industry,based in Sweden. We have usedan exploratory and a qualitative approach where both semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted to receive insights from top management and lower-level employees. Our research shows that sustainability strategies, business strategies and communicationstrategies must be balanced to create a shared sustainability vision through short-and long-termgoals to reduce the complexity of sustainable development. Therefore, the role of internal communication in the sustainability strategy implementation processis essential to transformintangible sustainability strategies into tangible features to engage employees and reduce tension within the organisation.

Estudo das estratégias das empresas incorporadoras do Município de São Paulo no segmento residencial no período 1960-1980 / Study of the strategies of Real Estate companies in São Paulo housing market between 1960-1980

Pereira Leite, Luiz Ricardo 05 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o incorporador imobiliário, sua ação empreendedora e influência na produção do ambiente construído. Para isso, foi tomado como base o conhecimento de como os incorporadores agem ou reagem às políticas e às regulamentações legais e como podem ser estimulados ou desestimulados, em razão do interesse público. Foi estudada a formulação estratégica no caso de sete empresas que atuaram de maneira significativa no mercado imobiliário de São Paulo, no segmento residencial, entre os anos 1960 e 1980: Construtora Adolpho Lindenberg, Hindi Cia. Brasileira de Habitações, Construtora Anhembi (sucedida pela Construtora Romeu Chap Chap), Sobloco, Construtora Luciano Wertheim, Construtora Albuquerque & Takaoka e Construtora Alfredo Mathias. O período analisado coincide com uma fase de grande desenvolvimento econômico no país e também de muita instabilidade. A narrativa foi elaborada com base nas teorias dos estudos de caso e da historiografia. As evidências foram analisadas sob a luz da Administração Estratégica, com foco sobre os efeitos de uma estratégia empresarial centrada num “empreendedor", em um ambiente turbulento e num ramo de negócios complexo e de alto risco. Esse modelo estratégico adotado pelas empresas possibilitou obter sucesso na atividade de produção de residências, diante das oportunidades repentinas, surgidas no mercado paulistano, mas também mostrou suas limitações. Este trabalho também discute a questão das inovações na produção habitacional e a relação dos incorporadores com a prática do planejamento urbano. Essas compreensões podem proporcionar melhorias na gestão urbana. / This paper analyses Brazilian Real Estate developers, their entrepreneurship and influence on the built environment. Research has been focused on how the developers act and react depending on the public policies and urban laws and how they could be stimulated to act according to the public interest. The research approach adopted was that of studying the strategic formulation of seven companies that have developed housing units in the São Paulo Real Estate market, between 1960 and 1980,: Construtora Adolpho Lindenberg, Hindi Cia. Brasileira de Habitações, Construtora Anhembi (and its inheritor, Construtora Romeu Chap Chap), Sobloco, Construtora Luciano Wertheim, Construtora Albuquerque & Takaoka and Construtora Alfredo Mathias. In this period of time, there had been economic development but also a great instability. The narrative was enacted using case studies and historiography theories. The evidences were analyzed under the concepts of Strategic Management. The study analyses the effects of a strategy focused on the entrepreneur, facing a turbulent environment, in a high risk and complex business. The strategic model enables to get success in the housing market when the opportunities has rise, but also has showed its limitations. This paper also discusses the questions of innovation in Real Estate and the relationship between developers and planners. This comprehension could help to reach a better urban management.

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