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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Who Knows Best? Self- versus Friend Robot Customisation with ChatGPT : A study investigating self- and friend-customisation of socially assistive robots acting as a health coach.

Göransson, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
When using socially assistive robots (SAR), it is important that their personality is personalised so that it suits their user. This work investigated how the customisation of the personality of a SAR health coach is perceived when done by the users themselves or their friends via ChatGPT. Therefore, the research question in this study is: How is personalised dialogue for a social robot perceived when generated via ChatGPT, by users and their friends? This study uses a mixed method approach, where participants got to test their own and their friend’s personalised version. The qualitative data was analysed using a thematic analysis. Sixteen participants were recruited.The result from this study showed that it does not matter who is customising the SAR, nor does one make a more persuasive version than the other, and when customising the personality, participants explained what they or their friend preferred. However, it is important to remember that the individual’s preference matters.

AI Implementation and Impact at Scania: Exploring Perceptions and the Effect of ChatGPT's Introduction : A Qualitative Case Study

Tukh, Michael, Libik, Marina, Mutukuda, Saumya January 2024 (has links)
Following the invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its rapid dissemination across the globe, organisations have been experiencing a significant shift in processes, performance, and business models. As a result of the hype created by the release of ChatGPT, both the business and academic world has approached AI with a new and enormous interest. However, studies about different aspects in relation to perceptions and attitudes towards AI adoption in the private sector, and particularly, case studies are limited.  Aim: This Bachelor’s thesis aims to analyse the perceptions of management, IT management, and frontline employees about the implementation and impact of AI in large companies, focusing on Scania as a representative of a large automotive multinational corporation. Through the study, we attempt to explore the perceptions about a range of aspects about AI, such as its impact on change in organisation, impact on job and skills, trust in AI, AI opportunities and risk. We also aim to understand the effect of the advent of ChatGPT on perceptions about AI and its integration in organisation.  Methodology: This thesis is a qualitative case study that employed semi-structured interviews for collection of empirical data. The sample was generated through convenience sampling and included representatives of the company of following groups: IT-managers, managers, and non-managerial employees. This ensured a broad representation of views concerning AI implementation and impact in Scania. Conclusion and Contribution: Our findings reveal that AI implementation and impact perceptions range depending on job roles, primarily when it comes to the perceptions towards AI usefulness, risks and opportunities, and its impact on jobs. Additionally, we argue that the launch of ChatGPT has enhanced AI’s awareness and acceptance as a new technology. The thesis can be utilised as a basis for future studies on perceptions and factors affecting AI implementation and impact of representatives of different job positions and levels, as well as a guidance for managers on employees' awareness, expectations, and opinions on AI.

Exploring User Trust in Natural Language Processing Systems : A Survey Study on ChatGPT Users

Aronsson Bünger, Morgan January 2024 (has links)
ChatGPT has become a popular technology among people and gained a considerable user base, because of its power to effectively generate responses to users requests. However, as ChatGPT’s popularity has grown and as other natural language processing systems (NLPs) are being developed and adopted, several concerns have been raised about the technology that could have implications on user trust. Because trust plays a central role in user willingness to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) systems and there is no consensus in research on what facilitates trust, it is important to conduct more research to identify the factors that affect user trust in artificial intelligence systems, especially modern technologies such as NLPs. The aim of the study was therefore to identify the factors that affect user trust in NLPs. The findings from the literature within trust and artificial intelligence indicated that there may exist a relationship between trust and transparency, explainability, accuracy, reliability, automation, augmentation, anthropomorphism and data privacy. These factors were quantitatively studied together in order to uncover what affects user trust in NLPs. The result from the study indicated that transparency, accuracy, reliability, automation, augmentation, anthropomorphism and data privacy all have a positive impact on user trust in NLPs, which both supported and opposed previous findings from literature.

Large Language Models for Unit Test Generation in React Native TypeScript Components

Borgström, Erik, Bergvall, Robin January 2024 (has links)
Advancements within Large Language Models(LLMs) have opened a world of opportunities within the software development domain. This thesis, through an controlled experiment, aims to investigate how LLMs can be utilized within software testing, more specifically unit testing. The controlled experiment was performed using a Python script interfacing with the gpt-3.5-turbo model, to automatically generate unit tests for React Native components written in TypeScript. The pipeline described, performs the calls to the OpenAI Application Programming Interface(API) iterative. To evaluate and retrieve the metric code coverage, the unit tests were executed with Jest. Additionally, manual execution of failing tests, both compilable and non-compilable tests were executed and the different kind of errors with their frequency were documented. The experiment shows that LLMs can be used to generate comprehensive and accurate unit tests, with high potential of future improvements. While the amount of generated tests that compiled were low, their nature was often good, failing because of easy correctable syntax errors, faulty imports or missing dependencies. The errors found, were at large part due to project configurations while others would probably be less frequent through more extensive prompt-engineering or by the use of an newer model. The experiment also shows that the temperature affected the outcome and that the type of errors were different between compiling and non-compiling tests. A lower temperature parameter to the OpenAI API generally achieved better results, whilst a higher temperature showed greater coverage at compiled failing tests. This thesis also shows that future opportunities and improvements are widely available. Through better project optimization, newer models and better prompting, a better result is to be expected. The script could with further development be turned into a working product, making software testing faster and more efficient, saving both time and money while simultaneously improving the test case quality.

Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT-4and Gemini Advanced in ErroneousCode Detection and Correction

Sun, Erik Wen Han, Grace, Yasine January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the capabilities of two advanced Large Language Models(LLMs) OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 and Google’s Gemini Advanced in the domain ofSoftware engineering. While LLMs are widely utilized across various applications,including text summarization and synthesis, their potential for detecting and correct-ing programming errors has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill thisgap by conducting a comprehensive literature search and experimental comparisonof ChatGPT-4 and Gemini Advanced using the QuixBugs and LeetCode benchmarkdatasets, with specific focus on Python and Java programming languages. The re-search evaluates the models’ abilities to detect and correct bugs using metrics suchas Accuracy, Recall, Precision, and F1-score.Experimental results presets that ChatGPT-4 consistently outperforms GeminiAdvanced in both the detection and correction of bugs. These findings provide valu-able insights that could guide further research in the field of LLMs.


Svahn, Ola January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possibility of automating the classification of post-feedback mathematical reasoning styles, Creative Mathematical Reasoning (CMR) and Algorithmic Reasoning (AR), using prompt-based classification with a Large Language Model (LLM). The study, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Science and Mathematics Education of Umeå University, aims to enhance the efficiency of pedagogical research by reducing the manual labor involved in classifying student responses. The thesis utilizes a dataset of 40 expert-labeled student mathematical solutions, incorporating feedback interactions to assess shifts in reasoning post-feedback. Various prompting methods, including definitions-only and examples-inclusive prompts, were systematically tested to determine their effectiveness in classifying reasoning styles. The classification performance was measured using accuracy, F1-score, and Cohen’s kappa. Results indicate that definitionbased prompts performed robustly, achieving moderate to strong inter-rater agreement. The study also explored the impact of output formats and found that allowing the LLM to classify uncertain cases as indeterminate could potentially automate about 25% of the classification tasks without compromising performance. This thesis underscores the potential of LLMs in automating complex cognitive task classifications in educational research, suggesting further exploration into optimal prompting strategies and reliability enhancements for practical applications. / Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten att automatisera klassificeringen av matematiska resonemangstyper efter feedback, Kreativt Matematiskt Resonemang (CMR) och Algoritmiskt Resonemang (AR), med hjälp av promptbaserad klassificering med en stor språkmodell (LLM). Studien, som genomfördes i samarbete med Institutionen för naturvetenskapernas och matematikens didaktik vid Umeå universitet, syftar till att öka effektiviteten i pedagogisk forskning genom att minska det manuella arbetet som krävs för att klassificera studenters matematiska resonemang. Uppsatsen använder ett dataset med 40 matematiska lösningar från studenter, klassificerade av experter. Dessa lösningar inkluderar feedback-interaktioner för att bedöma förändringar i resonemang efter feedback. Olika promptmetoder, innehållandes enbart definitioner och exempel-inkluderande promptar, testades systematiskt för att avgöra deras effektivitet vid klassificering av resonemangsstilar. Klassificeringsprestandan mättes med hjälp av accuracy, F1-score och Cohen’s kappa. Resultaten visar att promptar baserade på definitioner hade en robust prestanda och uppnådde måttlig till stark överensstämmelse mellan bedömare. Studien undersökte också påverkan av utdataformat och fann att genom att tillåta LLM att klassificera osäkra fall som obestämdbarkunde cirka 25% av klassificeringsuppgifterna automatiseras utan att kompromissa med prestandan. Denna avhandling framhäver potentialen hos LLMs att automatisera komplexa kognitiva uppgiftsklassificeringar inom utbildningsforskning och föreslår vidare studier av optimala promptstrategier och tillförlitlighetsförbättringar för praktiska tillämpningar.

Detektering av fusk vid användning av AI : En studie av detektionsmetoder / Detection of cheating when using AI : A study of detection methods

Ennajib, Karim, Liang, Tommy January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport analyserar och testar olika metoder som syftar till att särskiljamänskligt genererade lösningar på uppgifter och texter från de som genereras avartificiell intelligens. På senare tid har användningen av artificiell intelligens setten betydande ökning, särskilt bland studenter. Syftet med denna studie är attavgöra om det för närvarande är möjligt att upptäcka fusk från högskolestudenterinom elektroteknik som använder sig av AI. I rapporten testas lösningar påuppgifter och texter genererade av programmet ChatGPT med hjälp av en generellmetod och externa AI-verktyg. Undersökningen omfattar områdena matematik,programmering och skriven text. Resultatet av undersökningen tyder på att detinte är möjligt att upptäcka fusk med hjälp av AI i ämnena matematik ochprogrammering. Dock när det gäller text kan i viss utsträckning fusk vidanvändning av en AI upptäckas. / This report analyzes and tests various methods aimed at distinguishinghuman-generated solutions to tasks and texts from those generated by artificialintelligence. Recently the use of artificial intelligence has seen a significantincrease, especially among students. The purpose of this study is to determinewhether it is currently possible to detect if a college student in electricalengineering is using AI to cheat. In this report, solutions to tasks and textsgenerated by the program ChatGPT are tested using a general methodology andexternal AI-based tools. The research covers the areas of mathematics,programming and written text. The results of the investigation suggest that it is notpossible to detect cheating with the help of an AI in the subjects of mathematicsand programming. In the case of text, cheating by using an AI can be detected tosome extent.

En Ny Era - Artificiell Intelligens inom Digital Marknadsföring

Bergström Stacey, Emily, Björk, Fredrika January 2023 (has links)
I slutet av år 2022 introducerades det nya AI-verktyget ChatGPT, en AI-modell som använder maskininlärning för att generera människoliknande svar i stor skala. ChatGPT:s snabba framväxt medför en ovisshet kring hur AI-verktyget kommer påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring. Denna studie utreder därför vilken roll ChatGPT kommer spela inom olika praxis för digital marknadsföring och ämnar därmed att utreda forskningsfrågan: Hur kommer ChatGPT att påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring? Den valda forskningsstrategin för denna studie är en kartläggning där ansikte-mot-ansikte kartläggning tillämpas. Detta stöds med hjälp av intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod och vidare appliceras en tematisk analys för att analysera insamlad data. Fem marknadsföringsexperter intervjuades i denna studie och samtliga menade att ChatGPT på något vis påverkar praxis inom digital marknadsföring. Slutsatsen pekar därför mot att ChatGPT, trots dess nya upptäckt, redan börjat påverka processer inom praxis för digital marknadsföring och att det troligtvis i bredare utsträckning kommer fortsätta göra det på olika vis, genom att fortsätta inspirera, effektivisera och optimera. Vidare hade alla respondenter en positiv inställning till att se ChatGPT som ett komplement till dagens marknadsföringspraxis, dock en mer negativ inställning till att se det som ett substitut. / In late 2022, the new AI tool, ChatGPT, was introduced. It is an AI-model that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses on a large scale. The rapid rise of ChatGPT has resulted in a lack of sufficient knowledge about the effect that ChatGPT will have on digital marketing practices. Therefore, this study investigates the role of ChatGPT in different digital marketing practices and aims to address the research question: How will ChatGPT af ect digital marketing practices? The chosen research strategy for this study is a survey strategy, as well as the application of the face-to-face survey. This is supported by the data collection method interviews and then a thematic analysis is applied to analyse the collected data. Five marketing experts were interviewed in this thesis and all believed that ChatGPT will, and already has, in some way influenced digital marketing practices. The conclusion therefore points to the fact that ChatGPT, despite its recent discovery, has already begun to influence processes within the practice of digital marketing. Furthermore ChatGPT will most likely continue to enhance digital marketing in a variety of ways on a wider scale, through continuing to inspire as well as contribute with efficiency and optimisation. In addition, all respondents had a positive attitude towards seeing ChatGPT as a complement to current marketing practices, however a more negative attitude towards seeing it as a substitute.

Går det att lita på ChatGPT? En kvalitativ studie om studenters förtroende för ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang

Härnström, Alexandra, Bergh, Isak Eljas January 2023 (has links)
Världens tekniska utveckling går framåt i snabb takt, inte minst när det kommer till ”smarta” maskiner och algoritmer med förmågan att anpassa sig efter sin omgivning. Detta delvis på grund av den enorma mängd data som finns tillgänglig och delvis tack vare en ökad lagringskapacitet. I november 2022 släpptes ett av de senaste AI-baserade programmen; chatboten ChatGPT. Inom två månader hade ChatGPT fått över 100 miljoner användare. Denna webbaserade mjukvara kan i realtid konversera med användare genom att besvara textbaserade frågor. Genom att snabbt och ofta korrekt besvara användarnas frågor på ett mänskligt och övertygande sätt, har tjänsten på kort tid genererat mycket uppmärksamhet. Det finns flera studier som visar på hur ett stort antal människor saknar ett generellt förtroende för AI. Vissa studier menar att de svar som ChatGPT genererar inte alltid kan antas vara helt korrekta och därför bör följas upp med en omfattande kontroll av faktan, eftersom de annars kan bidra till spridandet av falsk information. Eftersom förtroende för AI har visat sig vara en viktig del i hur väl teknologin utvecklas och integreras, kan brist på förtroende för sådana tjänster, såsom ChatGPT, vara ett hinder för en välfungerande användning. Trots att man sett på ökad produktivitet vid införandet av AI-teknologi hos företag så har det inom högre utbildning, som ett hjälpmedel för studenter, inte integrerats i samma utsträckning. Genom att ta reda på vilket förtroende studenter har för ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang, kan man erhålla information som kan vara till hjälp för integrationen av sådan AI-teknik. Dock saknas det specifik forskning kring studenters förtroende för ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang. Därför syftar denna studie till att fylla denna kunskapslucka, genom att utföra en kartläggning. Vår frågeställning är: ” Vilket förtroende har studenter för ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang?”. Kartläggningen utfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer av åtta studenter som använt ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang. Intervjuerna genererade kvalitativa data som analyserades med tematisk analys, och resultatet visade på att studenters förtroende för ChatGPT i lärandesammanhang beror på en rad faktorer. Under analysen identifierade vi sex teman som ansågs vara relevanta för att besvara frågeställningen: ● Erfarenheter ● Användning ● ChatGPT:s karaktär ● Yttre påverkan ● Organisationer ● Framtida förtroende / The world's technological development is advancing rapidly, especially when it comes to "smart" machines and algorithms with the ability to adapt to their surroundings. This is partly due to the enormous amount of available data and partly thanks to increased storage capacity. In November 2022, one of the latest AI-based programs was released; the chatbot ChatGPT. This web-based software can engage in real-time conversations with users by answering text-based questions. By quickly, and often accurately, answering users' questions in a human-like and convincing manner, the service has generated a lot of attention in a short period of time. Within two months, ChatGPT had over 100 million users. There are several studies that show how a large number of people lack a general trust in AI. Some studies argue that the responses generated by ChatGPT may not always be assumed to be completely accurate and should therefore be followed up with extensive fact-checking, as otherwise they may contribute to the spreading of false information. Since trust in AI has been shown to be an important part of how well the technology develops and integrates, a lack of trust in services like ChatGPT can be a hindrance to effective usage. Despite the increased productivity observed in the implementation of AI technology in companies, it has not been integrated to the same extent within higher education as an aid for students. By determining the level of trust that students have in ChatGPT in an educational context, valuable information can be obtained to assist in the integration of such AI technology. However, there is a lack of specific research on students' trust in ChatGPT in an educational context. Therefore, this study aims to fill this knowledge gap by conducting a survey. Our research question is: “What trust do students have in ChatGPT in a learning context?”. The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight students who have used ChatGPT in an educational context. The interviews generated qualitative data that was analyzed using thematic analysis, and the results showed that students' trust in ChatGPT in an educational context depends on several factors. During the analysis, six themes were identified as relevant for answering the research question: • Experiences • Usage • ChatGPT’s character • Influences • Organizations • Future trust

Avancerade Stora Språk Modeller i Praktiken : En Studie av ChatGPT-4 och Google Bard inom Desinformationshantering

Ahmadi, Aref, Barakzai, Ahmad Naveed January 2023 (has links)
SammanfattningI  denna  studie  utforskas  kapaciteterna  och  begränsningarna  hos  avancerade  stora språkmodeller (SSM), med särskilt fokus på ChatGPT-4 och Google Bard. Studien inleds med att ge en historisk bakgrund till artificiell intelligens och hur denna utveckling har lett fram till skapandet av dessa modeller. Därefter genomförs en kritisk analys av deras prestanda i språkbehandling och problemlösning. Genom att evaluera deras effektivitet i hanteringen av nyhetsinnehåll och sociala medier, samt i utförandet av kreativa uppgifter som pussel, belyses deras förmåga inom språklig bearbetning samt de utmaningar de möter i att förstå nyanser och utöva kreativt tänkande.I denna studie framkom det att SSM har en avancerad förmåga att förstå och reagera på komplexa språkstrukturer. Denna förmåga är dock inte utan begränsningar, speciellt när det kommer till uppgifter som kräver en noggrann bedömning för att skilja mellan sanning och osanning. Denna observation lyfter fram en kritisk aspekt av SSM:ernas nuvarande kapacitet, de är effektiva inom många områden, men möter fortfarande utmaningar i att hantera de finare nyanserna i mänskligt språk och tänkande. Studiens resultat betonar även vikten av mänsklig tillsyn vid användning av artificiell intelligens (AI), vilket pekar på behovet av att ha realistiska förväntningar på AI:s kapacitet och betonar vidare betydelsen av en ansvarsfull utveckling  av  AI,  där  en  noggrann  uppmärksamhet  kring etiska  aspekter  är  central.  En kombination av mänsklig intelligens och AI föreslås som en lösning för att hantera komplexa utmaningar, vilket bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse av avancerade språkmodellers dynamik och deras roll inom AI:s bredare utveckling och tillämpning.

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