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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Process-Orientation and Core Competence Management – The Contribution of the Process-Oriented Core Competence Management to the Integration of the Market-based View and the Resource-based View

Walter, Fábio 30 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The initial motivation of this work was the understanding that the two views of competitive advantage of strategic management - the Market-based View (MBV) and the Resource-based View (RBV) - need a theoretically structured combination. Moreover, another problem considered is the perception that the literature on process-orientation does not explicate its linkages with strategic management. Following these theoretical demands, this work offered a proposal that integrates the process-orientation into a model of core competence management (CCM).

Meninės vizualinės raiškos reikšmė, rengiant būsimus kirpėjus / Importance of artistic visual expression during the preparation of the future hairdressers

Švitinytė, Jolita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Rengiant būsimuosius kirpėjus, meno pažinimo klausimas tampa kaskart aktualesnis. Tačiau teorinių atramos taškų, modeliuojant šios profesijos žmonių mokomąsias programas, ieškant kūrybinio darbo organizavimo metodikų yra vos keli. Iškyla svarbus uždavinys išugdyti ne vien išsilavinusius, bet ir kūrybingus žmones, gebančius diskutuoti ir abejoti, kritiškai ir laisvai mąstyti, prisitaikyti prie nuolatinės kaitos, daryti įtaką naujomis idėjomis ar darbais, bet ir kartu praturtinti žmonių dvasinį bei materialinį pasaulį. Magistriniame darbe buvo analizuojamas meninės vizualinės raiškos ypatumai, tikslai, raida ir tipologija, nagrinėjama vertinimo principai. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti meninės vizualinės raiškos reikšmę, rengiant būsimus kirpėjus. Tyrimo objektas - šukuosenų dizaino studentų meninė vizualinė raiška. Tyrimo hipotezė - supažindinus su esminiais kompozicijos sudarymo principais, meninės vizualinės raiškos priemonėmis, jų derinimo, bei kūrybinio taikymo pagrindais gerėja būsimų kirpėjų vizualinė raiška. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti psichologinę, pedagoginę literatūrą, susijusią su nagrinėjama tema; išnagrinėti meninės vizualinės raiškos menuų dalykuose ypatumus; atskleisti meninės vizualinės raiškos vertinimo kriterijus; išsiaiškinti šukuosenų dizaino studentų požiūrį į meninę vizualinę raišką dailės pamokų metu; atlikti menų dalykų studentų darbų analizę. Tyrimo metodai: psichologinės, pedagoginės literatūros, švietimo dokumentų pasirinktąją tema... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Knowledge in art becomes more and more relevant in the training of future hairdressers. Unfortunately, there are very few theoretical points of reference available in designing curricula programmes for this profession and looking for the methods of organising creative work. It is very important to train not only educated people, but also creative ones, able to discuss and doubt, think critically and broad-mindedly, adapt to ongoing changes, impact by new ideas or works, and to enrich mental and material world of other people. The thesis for the master’s degree analyses the peculiarities, objectives, development and typology of artistic and visual expressions. The purpose of the thesis is to unfold the meaning of visual and artistic expression in the training of future hairdressers. The research object is artistic and visual expression of students of hairstyle design. The research hypothesis: knowledge of fundamental principles of composition-making, measures of artistic and visual expression and combinations thereof as well as principles of creative application contribute to better visual expression of future hairdressers. The tasks of the research encompass analysis of psychological and pedagogic literature related to the analysed issues; analysis of the peculiarities of artistic and visual expression in art subjects; finding out the attitude of the students of hairstyle design towards artistic-visual expression during art classes; analysis of works of art students... [to full text]

Informacinių komunikacijos technologijų įtaka nuotolinio švietimo plėtrai Panevėžio regione / Influence of information communication technologies on the development of distance education in Panevežys region

Končiuvienė, Deimantė 30 May 2005 (has links)
In Lithuania, the Life Long Learning process is realized through universities, colleges, vocational schools, adult education centers and other relevant institutions. Thus a Life Long Learning system should be established at all education levels - vocational, tertiary, etc. There is a widespread consensus in the Government and non-governmental educational sector institutions that Distance Education and training has enormous potential to tackle the new challenges. Significant policy groundwork has been laid for the development of an advanced and comprehensive distance education system. The major initiatives fostering Distance Education development are: The Government investment project „LieDM (Development of Distance Education in Lithuania 1998-2005)“, the „ITMiS -Information Technologies for Science and Studies“ program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science, and Phare2000 projects for the development of Regional Distance Professional Training Infrastructures in Klaipeda, Taurage, Marijampole and Utena regions. The goal of this Master thesis is according the analysis of the experience of European countries in development distance education and investigation of main tools of distance courses design, to promote the development of distance education in Panevezys region.

Bendrųjų kompetencijų svarba karjeros planavimui / The importance of general competences for the career planning / Cущности общих компетенций на планирование каръеры

Murmienė, Inga 04 September 2008 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninės gerovės augimas. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis moksleivio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad jaunuolis suprastų, jog adaptacija darbo pasaulyje ir asmenybės vidinė harmonija priklauso nuo tinkamo apsisprendimo. Šiuolaikiniame darbo rinkos pasaulyje ypač aktualus tampa asmens profesinės karjeros planavimas. Profesinė karjera – tai racionalaus profesijos pasirinkimo ir karjeros planavimo rezultatas. Karjerą galima pradėti planuoti tik tuomet, kai žmogus turi atitinkamų bendrųjų kompetencijų, asmeninių savybių, apsisprendžia dėl profesijos, t.y. pasirenka profesiją, nes kiekvieną karjeros planą sąlygoja konkrečios profesijos prigimtis. Susidūrimas su aplinkiniu pasauliu išmoko žmones pažinti save – ką jiems tenka daryti, ką jie geba daryti geriausiai ir kas yra svarbu tieks siekiant karjeros, tiek jų gyvenime. Baigiamojo darbo objektu buvo pasirinkta bendrųjų kompetencijų svarba karjeros planavimui. Darbo problema išreikšta probleminiu klausimu: kaip bendrosios kompetencijos gali įtakoti mokinių karjeros planavimą? Siekiant išspręsti darbo problemą buvo iškeltas darbo tikslas – išryškinti bendrųjų kompetencijų svarbą karjeros planavimui ir atlikti bendrųjų kompetencijų praktinio ugdymo karjeros planavimui analizę. Tam, kad darbo tikslas būtų pasiektas, apibrėžta bendrųjų kompetencijų, kaip karjeros planavimo veiksnio, samprata, pateikta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The choice of a vocation is one of the most topical problems. Person’s individual welfare development depends on its proper solution. This is the reason why the first decision taken by a pupil should be deliberate, purposive and a young person should understand that adaptation in the labour world as well as the inner harmony of an individual depends on proper decision. Planning personal vocation career is getting particularly topical in the contemporary world of labour market. Vocation career is a rational result of the vocation choice and career planning. Career may be started being planned when a person possesses appropriate general competences, personal features and when he/she makes choices about the vocation, i.e. a person chooses a vocation because every career plan is conditioned by nature of a particular vocation. Facing the surrounding world teaches people to know themselves, to know, what they have to do, what they can do the best way and what is the most important both in their career and in their life. The object of the final work is the competence importance for the career planning. The problem in the work is expressed using the question – how general competences can have influence on career plan of pupils? Seeking to solve the problem the aim of the work was chosen, which was to highlight the importance of general competences for the career planning and to accomplish analysis of general competences for practical career education planning. In order to reach the... [to full text] / Выбор профессии в современном мире является актуальнейщей проблемой, от прави��ъного рещения которой зависит рост личного благосостояния человека. Поэтому очень вазно, чтобы принятое решение ученика в выборе профессии было осознанным и целенаправленным. Он должен пониматъ, что успешное внедрение в рыночные отнощения т����да и внутренняя гармония личности непосредственно связана с правильным выбором профессии. В современном мире рыночных отношений труда вазное место занимает планирование личной карьеры. Это возможно лишь в том случае, если человек обладает соответствующими общими компетенциями, личными качествами б правилъным решением в выборе профессии, так как выбор в плане карьеры обусловлен природой конкретной профессии. Обьектом дипломной работы является сущности общих компетенций на планирование каръеры. Проблема дипломной работы состоит в том, как обладание общими компетенциями может влиятъ на планирование карьерного роста. Целъю рещения этой проблемы является выяснитъ, каким обраэомобладение общими компетенциями влияет на планирование лицной каръеры и проанализироватъ, в какой степени это практически влияет на планирование каръеры. В современном мире рыночных отношений труда вазное место занимает планирование личной карьеры. Это возможно лишь в том случае, если человек обладает соответствующими общими компетенциями, личными качествами б правилъным решением в выборе профессии, так как выбор в плане карьеры обусловлен природой конкретной профессии. Обьектом... [полный текст, см. далее]

Karių tarpkultūrinių kompetencijų ugdymas kariuomenės multikultūrinio mokymo procese / Developing Soldiers Intercultural Competence in military cross- cultural education

Butautienė, Jolita 16 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos karių, vykdžiusių tarnybą užsienio šalyse tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos. Darbo tikslas- remiantis teoriniu karių tarpkultūrinių kompetencijų modeliu empiriškai ištirti karių, dalyvavusių multikultūrinio ugdymo procese, tarpkultūrinių kompetencijų raišką. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą sudarytas teorinis karių tarpkultūrinių kompetencijų modelis bei karių kompetencijų raiškos lygmenys, kuriais remiantis naudojant kokybinį tyrimą analizuojami tyrimo duomenys ir atskleidžiamos karių multikultūrinio ugdymo spragos. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai patvirtina hipotezę, kad tarpkultūrinių kompetencijų trūkumas apsunkina karių sėkmingos trumpalaikės integracijos į kitą kultūrą procesą. / This paper researches intercultural competence of soldiers, who were employed in foreign countrys. The aim is to measure and evaluat the level of expression of intercultural competences by soldiers, who participated in military cross- cultural education, with reference to a theoretical model of soldiers intercultural competence. By analizing academic literature was designed a model of soldiers intercultural competence and build an expression criteria. On the ground of these criteria by using a qualitative reasearch method, study data was analized and lack of military cross- cultural education detected. The research confirmed a hypothesis that, a lack of intercultural competence is a barrier for successful short- time integration of soldiers in to a different culture.

"Som ett dubbelpar i tennis" : En studie i hur samarbetet mellan speciallärare och ämneslärare kan se ut på en högstadieskola med en inkluderande specialundervisning / “Like a Pair Playing Double in Tennis” : A study of the cooperation between the special educationteachers and the subject teachers in a comprehensive school with an inclusive specialeducation

Weidmert, Karin, Karlsson, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
I denna studie undersöktes hur samarbetet mellan speciallärare och ämneslärare kan se ut i matematik- respektive språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling på en högstadieskola med en inkluderande specialundervisning samt hur man bäst kan utnyttja de båda yrkesgruppernas komplementära kompetenser. Som metod för datainsamling gjordes observationer på lektioner där speciallärare och ämneslärare samarbetade. Observationerna följdes av enskilda intervjuer av speciallärare och ämneslärare i matematik och språk samt rektor och samordnande specialpedagog. Avslutningsvis genomfördes en gruppintervju med speciallärare och ämneslärare. Till analys användes Abbotts teori om olika yrkesrollers kamp om vem som ska göra vad på arbetsplatsen samt Laviés teori om lärares olika inställning till samarbete.   Resultatet visade att speciallärare och ämneslärare har olika arbetsuppgifter i klassrummet och i planeringsarbetet. Medan ämnesläraren har rollen som ledare blir specialläraren mer som en assistent. I studien framkom att det viktigaste för att utveckla ett lyckat samarbete mellan speciallärare och ämneslärare är relationen mellan personerna. Förutom relationen är även förmågan till flexibilitet och viljan att ta varandras roller betydelsefulla faktorer. Ett sätt som lyftes fram för att utnyttja speciallärarens kompetens i det inkluderade klassrummet är specialpedagogisk handledning. / This study focused on the cooperation between special education teachers and subject teachers in mathematics development and language-, reading- and writing development. The study was carried out at a comprehensive school with an inclusive special education and aimed at investigating how to use the teachers’ complementary competences in the best way. The method used was observations of lessons when special education teachers and subject teachers cooperated. These observations were followed up by individual interviews with special education teachers, subject teachers in mathematics and languages as well as with the headmaster and the coordinating special education teacher. Finally a group interview was carried out with the special education teachers and subject teachers. Abbott’s theory about various professional roles and their struggle about who should do what at the work place was used together with Lavié’s theory about teachers’ attitudes to cooperation.   The result showed that special education teachers and subject teachers have different roles in the classroom and also in the planning of lessons. The subject teacher often takes the role of the leader whereas the special education teacher acts more as an assistant. The study showed that the most important factor in developing a successful cooperation between the special education teacher and the subject teacher is the relationship between the individuals.  Two other important factors are flexibility and the willingness to take each other’s roles when needed. Another way of taking advantage of the competence of the special education teacher is to let him/her coach the subject teachers.

L'impact de l'intégration des logiciels éducatifs dans l'enseignement des sciences au Kenya

Ngunu, Carolyn 03 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La mise en place de la gratuité de l'école primaire, il y a 8 ans a offert à la majorité des enfants kenyans, notamment les plus défavorisés (les filles dans certaines régions, les enfants issus de familles pauvres ou rurales) qui n'y avaient pas accès jusqu'alors, l'opportunité de s 'inscrire à l'école. L'objectif du gouvernement kenyan est d'améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement reçu dans l'éducation publique. De nouvelles approches d'enseignement et d'apprentissage sont nécessaires pour assurer le progrès pédagogique et à travers lui améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement. Dans une économie où 40 % de la main-d'œuvre qualifiée est au chômage, l'accent doit être mis sur une formation de la population afin de répondre au mieux aux demandes du marché du travail. L'une des stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation est l'intégration des TIC, comme moyen de généraliser l'éducation et de garantir un accès équivalent aux élèves de toutes les régions du Kenya. Ayant entériné l'introduction des ordinateurs dans les classes depuis plus de dix ans, le gouvernement est en quête de méthodes d'enseignement qui accorderaient une place plus importante à l'informatique dans toutes les matières enseignées et ne se limiteraient pas simplement à un projet d'alphabétisation informatique. Cette thèse essaie d'identifier et d'analyser diverses utilisations de logiciels éducatifs présents à des élèves kenyans du secondaire. Nous nous sommes inspirés des approches proposées par Papert et Cuban, dont les perspectives sont de rendre l'apprentissage ludique tout en étant efficace, grâce à l'utilisation de logiciels éducatifs lors des séances d'enseignement.

Valores morales en la educación superior. Abordaje biográfico-narrativo desde profesores universitarios memorables / Efective communication skills through cooperative learning strategies

García Gonzáles, Alfonso, Marín Sánchez, Manuel 26 August 2014 (has links)
El aprendizaje cooperativo se plantea como una de las principales medicinas de la educación: el estudiante adopta un papel activo en su proceso de aprendizaje. La cuestión metodológica es trascendental dentro de la universidad: el proyecto de construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior plantea cambios profundos en el paradigma docente, debiendo cambiar los roles del profesor y del alumno, dentro y fuera del aula. Para reforzar este argumento, se procedió a la aplicación del Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Cooperativo de Arellano, Navarro y Sosa (2007) a los 692 estudiantes matriculados en primero de Grado de Educación Primaria1 en el curso 2010/2011. La muestra coincidió con el universo de los estudiantes de primer año en el Grado de Educación Primaria, constituida por un 87% de mujeres y con una edad media de 19 años, lo cual permitió obtener un índice de consistencia interna de 0.83 para el instrumento. Los resultados recalcaron la importancia de potenciar el aprendizaje cooperativo en las aulas universitarias, teniendo en cuenta que son pocas las ocasiones en las que puede ponerse en juego. / Revisión por pares / Cooperative learning is one of the main medicines in education: the student takes an active role in their own learning process. Methodological issues are very important within university, since the development project of the European Higher Education Area proposes very profound changes in the educational paradigm, changes in the role of teachers and students inside and outside the classroom. To give force to this argument, the implementation of Cooperative Learning Questionnaire Arellano, Navarro and Sosa (2007) was taken to 692 students enrolled in first grade of primary education in 2010-2011. The sample coincides with the universe of freshmen in the Bachelor of Primary Education, comprising 87% of women with a mean age of 19 years, which yielded an index of 0.83 for internal consistency of the instrument. The results point to the importance of strengthening cooperative learning in university classrooms, given that there are few occasions when they can put into play.

Atenção à saúde de gestantes, puérperas e bebês : o agir em competência de equipes de saúde na atenção primária à saúde

Gomes, Janice Castilhos January 2014 (has links)
Introdução Apesar dos esforços dispensados pelas equipes de saúde para o cuidado às gestantes, puérperas e bebês, questiona-se efetivas transformações nas práticas de saúde da família em direção a um modelo de atenção em saúde pautado na integralidade e longitudinalidade. Objetivo Este estudo propõe-se a analisar o agir em competência na produção do cuidado às gestantes, puérperas e bebês de Equipes de Saúde da Família com Equipes de Saúde Bucal implantadas e que atuam em Unidades Básicas de Saúde de municípios da Região Sete de Saúde - Vale dos Sinos pertencentes a 1ª Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Metodologia Trata-se de um estudo de caso com abordagem metodológica predominantemente qualitativa. Os dados foram produzidos através da realização de sete grupos focais em sete equipes de saúde da família com saúde bucal de seis municípios da região analisada. Todas as equipes do estudo passaram pela avaliação no primeiro ciclo do Programa de Melhoria de Acesso e Qualidade (PMAQ) no ano de 2012. Foram ouvidos 19 trabalhadores, entre médicos, enfermeiros e cirurgiões-dentistas. O estudo valeu-se também dos dados secundários produzidos na avaliação do PMAQ. Os dados produzidos pelo estudo foram analisados com a ajuda do programa de análise qualitativa Nvivo. A base referencial teórica de produção e análise dos dados baseia-se em Schwartz (2010) e nos fundamentos epistemológicos da Análise do Discurso. Resultados e discussão A convivência de maneira desintegrada das equipes de saúde da família com médicos especialistas afeta o cuidado produzido pelas equipes e desvirtua o modelo de atenção da estratégia de saúde da família praticado. As equipes relatam sobrecarga de trabalho, com depoimentos de ausência de profissionais na equipe mínima de saúde, alta rotatividade e precariedade dos vínculos empregatícios. Isto produz entraves nos agires em competência das equipes no que se refere ao reconhecimento e uso dos protocolos, mas principalmente com relação a adequação dos protocolos com as realidades apresentadas ─ a renormalização do cuidado. Se por um lado, as equipes de saúde, demonstram conhecer as objetividades das realidades nos contextos sociais de vida e saúde das gestantes, puérperas e bebês as quais são responsáveis pelo cuidado, por outro, possuem dificuldades em apresentar interpretações mais complexas sobre os conceitos de saúde e doença que circundam a questão da gestação e nascimento apresentados pela população. Não se evidenciaram, nos relatos produzidos, vivências de práticas de educação permanente em saúde problematizadoras dos processos de trabalho que visem mudar as formas de produzir o cuidado. Os espaços de debates de valores, em direção ao que aponta Schwartz (2010), enquanto ingrediente que estimula o trabalhador ao "uso de si por si" no agir em competência, parece estar mais presente nos momentos de integração das equipes ou no próprio trabalho em equipe. Considerações finais O estudo dos processos de trabalho das equipes de saúde da família possibilitou ampliar a compreensão sobre o agir em competência para a produção do cuidado às gestantes, puérperas e bebês. As contradições apresentadas pelo estudo quando se comparou os dados quantitativos da avaliação do PMAQ com os resultados qualitativos produzidos pelos grupos focais, levam a constatação da importância de realização de estudos que produzam a complementaridade das perspectivas quantitativas e qualitativas no sentido de compreender com maior consistência os processos de trabalho relacionados com a atenção à saúde que as equipes estão produzindo em seus espaços no SUS. / Introduction: Despite efforts from teams to envolve themselves in the care of pregnant women, puerperium women and babies, the real transformations in the practices of family health teams towards a health care model ruled by integrality and longitudinality are questioned. Objectives: This study aims to analyze the care given to pregnant women, puerperium women and babies by the Family Health teams that have Oral Health teams that work in Basic Health Units. These Units are located in the Vale dos Sinos region, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and are coordinated by the Health Department of the state. Methodology This is a case study with a predominantly qualitative method. The data was obtained through seven focal groups belonging to seven family oral health teams from six cities of the region that was studied. All teams in the study were the evaluation of first cycle Improvement Program Access and Quality (PMAQ) in the year 2012. Were heard nineteen workers, including physicians, nurses and dentists. The study also took advantage of secondary data in the evaluation of PMAQ. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using the Nvivo software for qualitative analysis. The theoretical framework used for production and data analysis was based on Schwartz (2010) and on Discourse Analysis. Results and Discussion The disintegrated relationship between family health doctors and specialists affects the care given by the teams and distorts the model of family health care. The teams report a work overload. There are testimonies of abscense of professionals in the teams, high turnover of employees and precarity of job security. This produces obstacles for the care given by the teams in respect to recognizing and using protocols, but mainly in relation to their adequation to the local reality – renormalization of care. If on the one hand the teams show objective knowledge about the reality and life conditions of the women and babies under their care, on the other they have difficulty presenting more complex interpretation about the concepts of health and disease that accompany pregnancy and birth in this population. The reports did not show experience with practices of permanente education in health that aimed to change they way care was given. Spaces for debating values, according to Schwartz (2010) an ingredient that stimulates the worker, seem to be more presente during moments of integration of the teams – when working in teams. Final considerations: The study of the work processes of the family health teams enabled the increase of comprehension about the care given to pregnant women, puerperium women and babies. The contradictions presented by the study when comparing the qualitative data from government testing with the data obtained from the focal groups leads to the verification of the importance of studies which use qualitative and quantitative methods for comprehending more consistently the work the teams are doing in public health care.

La evaluación actitudinal en las clases de matemática en el modelo educativo basado en competencias / The attitudinal evaluation in mathematics classes in the competence-based educational model

Medina Martínez, Antonio Marcos, Alva Cabrera, Rubén 02 July 2018 (has links)
32 Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa (Relme), evento desarrollado en la Universidad de Medellín, Colombia, del 2 al 6 de Junio de 2018. / El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de la evaluación actitudinal en la formación de los alumnos de Matemática Discreta de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, en el modelo educativo basado en competencias. Se trabajó con todas las secciones de Matemática Discreta del ciclo 2018-1 para la aplicación del modelo. Para la comparación se han considerado los resultados de cinco ciclos anteriores, antes de que se aplicara el modelo, a los cuales se les denomina resultados históricos del curso. Con los resultados obtenidos en este primer ciclo podremos ajustar el modelo, y obtener luego resultados satisfactorios. / The aim of the research work is to determine the incidence of attitudinal evaluation in the training of Discrete Mathematics students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, in the competency-based educational model. We worked with all the Discrete Mathematics sections of cycle 2018-1 for the application of the model. For the comparison, the results of five previous cycles have been considered, before the model was applied, which are called historical course results. With the results obtained in this first cycle we can adjust the model, and then obtain satisfactory results.

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