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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Homocisteína e cisteína séricas como marcadores epigenéticos de prognóstico e preditivos de resposta em tumores de mama / Serum homocysteine and cysteine as epigenetic markers of prognosis and prediction of response in breast tumors

Raimundo, Luis Gustavo 28 February 2014 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a principal causa de mortalidade por câncer entre as mulheres. Alguns biomarcadores e características clínicas são utilizados para avaliar o prognóstico e prever a resposta a uma série de abordagens terapêuticas. A Homocisteína é conhecida como um fator de risco para doença vascular aterosclerótica, mas sua participação na biologia do câncer ainda é incerta. Cisteína é o aminoácido sulfurado derivado da Homocisteína no ciclo da Metionina. Este ciclo metabólico origina as bases nitrogenadas e também determina o nível de metilação da molécula de DNA. É atualmente reconhecido que a hipometilação global do genoma é um evento chave na transformação maligna das células. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis séricos de homocisteína e cisteína como biomarcadores de sobrevida e de progressão da doença em câncer de mama. Também foi avaliado o efeito de um curso de curta duração (um mês) de tratamento hormonal sobre os níveis de Homocisteína, Cisteína e metilação do DNA. Amostras de sangue foram obtidos por ocasião da biópsia inicial (pré-tratamento) em todas as pacientes e, de tumor e de tecido normal adjacente, ao diagnóstico eem um mês após, para as pacientes que receberam o regime hormonal neo-adjuvante (pré-operatório). Todas as pacientes eram mulheres na pós-menopausa, com tumores de mama ressecáveis, acompanhadas em dois hospitais públicos, que consentiram em participar de outros dois protocolos de pesquisa prévios. Homocisteína e Cisteína foram analisadas por HPLC e a metilação global do DNA do tecido foi determinada por meio da técnica de MSRE (Methylation-Sensitive Restriction Enzyme). Foi observada uma diferença significativa entre os níveis pré e póstratamento de Homocisteína e Cisteína em tumores avançados, sugerindo um papel prognóstico em pacientes com características clínicas reservadas. As variações nos níveis de Homocisteína se mostraram significativamente correlacionadas com a sobrevida livre de doença. O modelo de risco proporcional de Cox demonstrou que os níveis de homocisteína e o status dos linfonodos representaram fatores prognósticos independentes em termos de sobrevida livre de doença. Embora mais estudos sejam necessários para confirmar estes resultados, nossa pesquisa sugere que a Homocisteína pode ser usada como um biomarcador de prognóstico para câncer de mama / Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women. Some biomarkers and clinical features are used to evaluate prognosis and to predict response to a range of therapeutic approaches. Homocysteine is well known as a risk factor in atherosclerotic vascular diseases, but its participation in cancer biology is still unclear. Cysteine is a sulfur amino acid derived from Homocysteine in the Methionine cycle. This metabolic cycle originates the nitrogenous bases and determines the methylation level of the DNA molecule as well. It is currently recognized that the global hipomethylation of the genome is a key event in the malign transformation of cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum Homocysteine and Cysteine as biomarkers of survival and disease progression in breast tumor, as well as the methylation status of tumor and normal tissues. The effect of a short course (one month) of hormonal treatment on Homocysteine, Cysteine and DNA methylation levels was also evaluated. Blood samples were collected during the initial biopsy (pretreatment) in all patients and, tumor samples and normal adjacent tissue, at diagnosis and one month after, for the patients that received neo-adjuvant hormonal regimen (pre-treatment). All patients were post-menopausal women, with resectable breast tumors, followed at two public hospitals, and that had consented to participate in two previous research protocols related to their disease. Serum Homocysteine and Cysteine were analyzed by HPLC and tissue global DNA methylation was determined by the MSRE (Methylation- Sensitive Restriction Enzyme) technique. A significant difference was observed between pre- and post-treatment levels of Homocysteine and Cysteine in advanced tumors, suggesting a prognostic role in patients with poor clinical characteristics. Variations in Homocysteine levels were significantly correlated with disease free survival. Cox proportional risk model demonstrated that nodal status and Homocysteine levels were independent prognostic factors for Disease Free Survival. Although more studies are needed to confirm these results, our research suggests that Homocysteine might be used as a prognostic biomarker for breast cancer

The plant ovule omics : an integrative approach for pollen−pistil interactions and pollen tube guidance studies in solanaceous species

Liu, Yang 10 1900 (has links)
Chez les plantes à fleurs, l’ovaire est l’organe reproducteur femelle et il interagit de façon importante avec les gamètes mâles durant la croissance, le guidage, la réception et la rupture du tube pollinique ainsi que la fusion des gamètes. Le processus débute lorsque de nombreux gènes de l’ovule sont activés à longue distance lors de la réception du pollen sur le stigmate. Afin d’explorer les signaux provenant de l’ovule ayant un impact important sur les interactions pollen–pistil, particulièrement les molécules sécrétées impliquées dans la signalisation espècespécifique, l’expression génique des ovules sous forme d’ARNm ainsi et la sécrétion protéique ont été étudiées chez Solanum chacoense, une espèce diploïde de pomme de terre sauvage. S. chacoense a subi beaucoup d’hybridation interspécifique avec d’autres espèces sympathiques de solanacées, facilitant ainsi grandement l’étude des interactions pollen–ovule de façon espècespécifique ainsi que leur évolution. Dans ce projet, des ovules provenant de trois conditions différentes ont été comparés: des ovules matures de type sauvage, des ovules légèrement immatures, récoltés deux jours avant l’anthèse et des ovules provenant du mutant frk1 pour lesquels le sac embryonnaire est absent. Un séquençage d’ARN à haut débit a d’abord été effectué sur les ovules de type sauvage de S. chacoense afin de générer un assemblage de référence comprenant 33852 séquences codantes. D’autres séquençages ont été effectués sur les trois conditions d’ovules et sur les feuilles afin de faire une analyse d’expression différentielle des gènes. En comparaison avec les ovules de type sauvage, 818 gènes sont réprimés dans les ovules du mutant frk1. Un sous-groupe de 284 gènes, étaient également sous-exprimés dans les ovules légèrement immatures, suggérant un rôle spécifique dans les stades tardifs de la maturation du sac embryonnaire (stade de développent FG6 à FG7) ainsi que du guidage du tube pollinique, puisque ni les ovules du mutant frk1 ni ceux légèrement immatures ne sont capables d’attirer les tubes polliniques lors d’essais de croissance semi in vivo. De plus, 21% de ces gènes sont des peptides riches en cystéines (CRPs). En utilisant un transcriptome assemblé de novo provenant de deux proches parents de S. chacoense, S. gandarillasii et S. tarijense, une analyse d’orthologie a été effectuée sur ces CRPs, révélant une grande variabilité et une évolution rapide chez les solanacées. De nouveaux motifs de cystéine uniques à cette famille ont également été découverts. En comparant avec des études similaires chez Arabidopsis, le sac embryonnaire de S. chacoense montre un transcriptome fortement divergent, particulièrement en en ce qui a trait à la catégorisation fonctionnelle des gènes et de la similarité entre les gènes orthologues. De plus,même si la glycosylation n’est pas requise lors du guidage mycropylaire du tube pollinique chez Arabidopsis, Torenia ou le maïs, des extraits d’ovules glycosylés de S. chacoense sont capables d’augmenter la capacité de guidage de 18%. Cette étude est donc la première à montrer une corrélation entre glycosylation et le guidage du tube pollinique par l’ovule. En complément à l’approche transcriptomique, une approche protéomique portant sur les protéine sécrétées par l’ovule (le secrétome) a été utilisée afin d’identifier des protéines impliquées dans l’interaction entre ovule et tube pollinique. Des exsudats d’ovules matures (capables d’attirer le tube pollinique) et d’ovules immatures (incapables d’attirer le tube pollinique) ont été récoltés en utilisant une nouvelle méthode d’extraction par gravité permettant de réduire efficacement les contaminants cytosoliques à moins de 1% de l’échantillon. Un total de 305 protéines sécrétées par les ovules (OSPs) ont été identifiées par spectrométrie de masse, parmi lesquelles 58% étaient spécifiques aux ovules lorsque comparées avec des données de protéines sécrétées par des tissus végétatifs. De plus, la sécrétion de 128 OSPs est augmentée dans les ovules matures par rapport aux ovules immatures. Ces 128 protéines sont donc considérées en tant que candidates potentiellement impliquées dans la maturation tardive de l’ovule et dans le guidage du tube pollinique. Cette étude a également montré que la maturation du sac embryonnaire du stade FG6 au stade FG7 influence le niveau de sécrétion de 44% du sécrétome total de l’ovule. De façon surprenante, la grande majorité (83%) de ces protéines n’est pas régulée au niveau de l’ARN, soulignant ainsi l’importance de cette approche dans l’étude du guidage du tube pollinique comme complément essentiel aux études transcriptomiques. Parmi tous les signaux sécrétés par l’ovule et reliés au guidage, obtenus à partir des approches transcriptomiques et protéomiques décrites ci-haut, nous avons spécifiquement évalué l’implication des CRPs dans le guidage du tube pollinique par l’ovule chez S. chacoense, vu l’implication de ce type de protéine dans les interactions pollen-pistil et le guidage du tube pollinique chez d’autres espèces. Au total, 28 CRPs étaient présentes dans les ovules capables d’attirer le tube pollinique tout en étant absentes dans les ovules incapables de l’attirer, et ce, soit au niveau de l’ARNm et/ou au niveau du sécrétome. De celles-ci, 17 CRPs ont été exprimées dans un système bactérien et purifiées en quantité suffisante pour tester le guidage. Alors que des exsudats d’ovules ont été utilisés avec succès pour attirer par chimiotactisme le tube pollinique, les candidats exprimés dans les bactéries n’ont quant à eux pas été capables d’attirer les tubes polliniques. Comme l’utilisation de systèmes d’expression hétérologue eucaryote peut permettre un meilleur repliement et une plus grande activité des protéines, les candidats restants seront de nouveau exprimés, cette fois dans un système de levure ainsi que dans un système végétal pour produire les peptides sécrétés. Ceux-ci seront ensuite utilisés lors d’essais fonctionnels pour évaluer leur capacité à guider les tubes polliniques et ainsi isoler les attractants chimiques responsable du guidage du tube pollinique chez les solanacées comme S. chacoense. / In flowering plants, the ovary is the female reproductive organ that interacts extensively with the male gametophyte during pollen tube (PT) growth, guidance, reception, discharge and gamete fusion. The process begins when numerous ovule-expressed genes are activated when pollen lands on the stigma. To explore the ovular signals that have a great impact on successful pollen–pistil interactions, especially the secreted molecules that mediate species-specific signalling events, ovule mRNA expression and protein secretion profiles were studied in Solanum chacoense, a wild diploid potato species. Solanum chacoense has undergone extensive interspecific hybridization with sympatric solanaceous species that greatly facilitates the study of species-specific pollen–ovule interactions and evolution. In this project, three ovule conditions were studied: wild-type mature ovules, slightly immature ovules at two days before anthesis (2DBA), and frk1 mutant ovules that lack an embryo sac (ES). RNA-seq was performed on S. chacoense ovules to provide a scaffold assembly comprising 33852 CDS-containing sequences, then to provide read counts for differential gene expression analyses on three ovule conditions as well as on leaf. Compared to wild-type ovules, 818 genes were downregulated in frk1 ovules. A subset of 284 genes was concurrently under-expressed in 2DBA ovules, suggestive of their specific involvement in late stages of ES maturation (female gametophyte (FG), FG6 to FG7 developmental stage), as well as in PT guidance processes, as neither frk1 nor 2DBA ovules attract semi in vivo-grown PTs. Of these 284, 21% encoded cysteine-rich peptides (CRPs). Using de novo assembled ovule transcriptomes of two close relatives, S. gandarillasii and S. tarijense, an orthology survey was conducted on these CRPs, revealing their highly polymorphic nature among species and rapid evolution. Interestingly, novel cysteine motifs unique to this family were also uncovered. As compared to parallel studies in Arabidopsis, S. chacoense was found to possess a highly divergent ES transcriptome, in terms of both functional categories and individual ortholog similarities. Although glycosylation is not required for micropylar guidance cues to attract PTs in Arabidopsis, Torenia or maize, glycosylated ovule extracts from S. chacoense showed enhanced PT guidance competency by 18%. This is the first time a positive regulation between glycosylation and ovular PT guidance has been observed. As a complement to the transcriptomic approach, a proteomic approach using secreted proteins from the ovule (secretome) was employed to identify proteins involved in pollen–pistil interactions. Ovule exudates were collected from mature ovules (PT attracting) and immature ovules at 2DBA (PT nonattracting), using a novel tissue free-gravity extraction method (tf-GEM), which efficiently reduced the cytosolic contamination to less than 1%. Through mass spectrometry analyses, a total of 305 ovule-secreted proteins (OSPs) were identified, of which 58% were considered ovule-specific when compared to secretome studies conducted in other plant tissues. The secretion of 128 OSPs was upregulated in mature ovules vs. immature ovules. These OSPs were considered as candidate proteins involved in late ovule maturation and PT guidance. This study demonstrated that the ES maturation from FG6 to FG7 stages influenced the secretion status of 44% of ovule secretome. Surprisingly, the majority (83%) of these proteins were not regulated at the RNA level, vindicating this novel approach in the study of PT guidance as a robust complement to transcriptomic studies. Among all identified guidance-related ovular signals from the transcriptomic and proteomic approaches described above, we focused on the evaluation of the involvement of CRPs in ovular PT guidance of S. chacoense, due to the implication of various CRPs in pollen–pistil interactions and, especially, in PT guidance. A total of 28 CRPs were present in PT attracting ovules while being low or absent in nonattracting ovules, at the mRNA and/or protein secretion levels. Of these, 17 CRPs were expressed in bacteria and purified in sufficient amount for PT guidance assays. However, while ovule exudates were shown to induce PT chemotropism in the bead assay, refolded candidates did not show guidance competency. Since the use of eukaryotic protein expression systems might lead to better refolding and higher protein activity, the remaining candidates will be expressed in both yeast and plant-based expression systems and tested for their ability to attract PTs in a semi in-vivo assay, in order to lead us toward the isolation of PT guidance chemoattractants in solanaceous species like S. chacoense.

Caracterització dels receptors de l'activador tissular del plasminogen (tPA) en càncer de pàncrees

Roda Noguera, Oriol 30 May 2006 (has links)
El càncer de pàncrees és altament agressiu i representa la cinquena causa de mort al mon occidental. Anteriorment, en el nostre laboratori, vam identificar que el receptor tissular del plasminogen (tPA) hi està sobre-expressat i juga un paper important el la progressió tumoral. En la present tesi hem profunditzat en l'estudi del mecanisme molecular de tPA i seus receptors en aquest càncer. En primer lloc hem caracteritzat en detall la interacció de tPA amb Annexina A2 (principal receptor de tPA en endoteli i altament expressada en pàncrees) demostrant que les dades publicades sobre la seqüència responsable de la interacció no eren correctes. A més a més hem caracteritzat les proteïnes de lisats cel·lulars pancreàtics que interaccionen amb tPA mitjançant un assaig pull down i posterior anàlisi proteòmic. de tot identificant un conjunt de possibles lligands de tPA. D'entre aquests hem seleccionat galectina 1, una lectina que mai s'ha descrit que interaccioni amb tPA, per realitzar la caracterització bioquímica i funcional del seu paper com a nou lligand de tPA en càncer de pàncrees. / Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive disease and represents the fifth cause of death in occidental world. Our laboratory has previously reported tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA) over expression in this cancer and its role in tumoral progression. During the present thesis we have studied tPA and its molecular mechanism through its receptors in this tumor.We have first characterized tPA interaction with annexin A2 (its main receptor in endothelium and highly expressed in pancreas). Our results showed that published data about the sequence responsible of this interaction was not correct. We have also identified a set of new putative tPA receptors in pancreatic cell lisates using a pull down assay and proteomic analysis. One of the proteins identified was galectin 1, a lectin with not know relation with tPA. We performed a biochemical and functional characterization of the interaction between these two proteins in pancreatic cancer.

Genes de cisteíno-proteases de Trypanosoma spp. de mamíferos: polimorfismo e relações filogenéticas. / Cysteine protease genes of Trypanosoma spp. in mammals: polymorphisms and phylogenetic relationships.

Paola Andrea Ortiz Vargas 30 May 2014 (has links)
Tripanossomas de mamíferos constituem um dos grupos mais complexos da família Trypanosomatidae, abrangendo parasitas com ciclos de vida e estruturas populacionais heterogêneos. De acordo com a diversidade, filogenias baseadas em genes SSUrDNA e gGAPDH segregaram estes parasitas em 4 Clados principais: T. brucei, T. cruzi, T. theileri e T. lewisi. Catepsinas L e B (CATL e CATB), as principais atividades proteolíticas dos tripanossomas, participam não apenas na degradação de proteínas como também em eventos biológicos como diferenciação, invasão celular, virulência e evasão do sistema imune. Comparamos os perfis proteolíticos de enzimas CATL em tripanossomas patogênicos e não patogênicos e também isolamos e sequenciamos os domínios catalíticos dos genes CATL e CATB em diversas espécies dos principais clados. Os resultados provaram a utilidade destes marcadores no diagnóstico e genotipagem de T. cruzi, T. rangeli, T. theileri e T. congolense, assim como na construção de filogenias robustas da família Trypanosomatidae, congruentes com os marcadores tradicionais. / Trypanosomes of mammals comprise one of the most complex groups of the family Trypanosomatidae, including parasites with heterogeneous life cycles and population structures. According to such diversity, phylogenetic analyzes based on SSUrDNA and gGAPDH genes segregate these parasites in 4 major clades: T. brucei, T. cruzi, T. lewisi and T. theileri. Cathepsins L and B (CATL and CATB), the main proteolytic activities of trypanosomes, are not only involved in protein degradation but also in biological events such as cell differentiation, cell invasion, virulence, and evasion from the immune system. We comparatively analysed the CATL proteolytic profiles in pathogenic and non-pathogenic trypanosomes, and isolated and sequenced the catalytic domains of CATB and CATL genes in several species of the major clades. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of both markers in the diagnosis and genotyping of T. cruzi, T. rangeli, T. congolense and T. theileri as well as in the construction of robust phylogenies of the family Trypanosomatidae, congruent with traditional markers.

Homocisteína e cisteína séricas como marcadores epigenéticos de prognóstico e preditivos de resposta em tumores de mama / Serum homocysteine and cysteine as epigenetic markers of prognosis and prediction of response in breast tumors

Luis Gustavo Raimundo 28 February 2014 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a principal causa de mortalidade por câncer entre as mulheres. Alguns biomarcadores e características clínicas são utilizados para avaliar o prognóstico e prever a resposta a uma série de abordagens terapêuticas. A Homocisteína é conhecida como um fator de risco para doença vascular aterosclerótica, mas sua participação na biologia do câncer ainda é incerta. Cisteína é o aminoácido sulfurado derivado da Homocisteína no ciclo da Metionina. Este ciclo metabólico origina as bases nitrogenadas e também determina o nível de metilação da molécula de DNA. É atualmente reconhecido que a hipometilação global do genoma é um evento chave na transformação maligna das células. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis séricos de homocisteína e cisteína como biomarcadores de sobrevida e de progressão da doença em câncer de mama. Também foi avaliado o efeito de um curso de curta duração (um mês) de tratamento hormonal sobre os níveis de Homocisteína, Cisteína e metilação do DNA. Amostras de sangue foram obtidos por ocasião da biópsia inicial (pré-tratamento) em todas as pacientes e, de tumor e de tecido normal adjacente, ao diagnóstico eem um mês após, para as pacientes que receberam o regime hormonal neo-adjuvante (pré-operatório). Todas as pacientes eram mulheres na pós-menopausa, com tumores de mama ressecáveis, acompanhadas em dois hospitais públicos, que consentiram em participar de outros dois protocolos de pesquisa prévios. Homocisteína e Cisteína foram analisadas por HPLC e a metilação global do DNA do tecido foi determinada por meio da técnica de MSRE (Methylation-Sensitive Restriction Enzyme). Foi observada uma diferença significativa entre os níveis pré e póstratamento de Homocisteína e Cisteína em tumores avançados, sugerindo um papel prognóstico em pacientes com características clínicas reservadas. As variações nos níveis de Homocisteína se mostraram significativamente correlacionadas com a sobrevida livre de doença. O modelo de risco proporcional de Cox demonstrou que os níveis de homocisteína e o status dos linfonodos representaram fatores prognósticos independentes em termos de sobrevida livre de doença. Embora mais estudos sejam necessários para confirmar estes resultados, nossa pesquisa sugere que a Homocisteína pode ser usada como um biomarcador de prognóstico para câncer de mama / Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women. Some biomarkers and clinical features are used to evaluate prognosis and to predict response to a range of therapeutic approaches. Homocysteine is well known as a risk factor in atherosclerotic vascular diseases, but its participation in cancer biology is still unclear. Cysteine is a sulfur amino acid derived from Homocysteine in the Methionine cycle. This metabolic cycle originates the nitrogenous bases and determines the methylation level of the DNA molecule as well. It is currently recognized that the global hipomethylation of the genome is a key event in the malign transformation of cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum Homocysteine and Cysteine as biomarkers of survival and disease progression in breast tumor, as well as the methylation status of tumor and normal tissues. The effect of a short course (one month) of hormonal treatment on Homocysteine, Cysteine and DNA methylation levels was also evaluated. Blood samples were collected during the initial biopsy (pretreatment) in all patients and, tumor samples and normal adjacent tissue, at diagnosis and one month after, for the patients that received neo-adjuvant hormonal regimen (pre-treatment). All patients were post-menopausal women, with resectable breast tumors, followed at two public hospitals, and that had consented to participate in two previous research protocols related to their disease. Serum Homocysteine and Cysteine were analyzed by HPLC and tissue global DNA methylation was determined by the MSRE (Methylation- Sensitive Restriction Enzyme) technique. A significant difference was observed between pre- and post-treatment levels of Homocysteine and Cysteine in advanced tumors, suggesting a prognostic role in patients with poor clinical characteristics. Variations in Homocysteine levels were significantly correlated with disease free survival. Cox proportional risk model demonstrated that nodal status and Homocysteine levels were independent prognostic factors for Disease Free Survival. Although more studies are needed to confirm these results, our research suggests that Homocysteine might be used as a prognostic biomarker for breast cancer

Chemoselective synthesis of functional drug conjugates

Kasper, Marc-André 15 January 2020 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine modulare Reaktionssequenz von zwei aufeinanderfolgenden chemoselektiven Umwandlungen vorgestellt: Es wird gezeigt, dass Vinyl- und Ethynylphosphonamidate chemoselektiv mit Cysteinen von Proteinen und Antikörpern reagieren. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass elektrophile Phosphonamidate durch eine vorhergehende chemoselektive Staudinger-Phosphonit Reaktion zwischen Aziden und ungesättigten Phosphoniten in das gewünschte Molekül eingebaut werden können. Hierbei wird ein elektronenreiches Phosphonit in ein elektronenarmes Phosphonamidat umgewandelt, welches somit für die nachfolgende Thiol-Addition aktiviert wird. Die beschriebene Methode erweitert das bestehende Repertoire von Biokonjugationen durch die Einführung eines neuen Konzepts: Eine chemoleselektive Reaktion, die Reaktivität für eine nachfolgende Biokonjugation induziert. Da Phosphonamidat-Konjugationen an Cysteine herausragende Eigenschaften, wie hohe Selektivität für Cysteine, saubere Reaktionsprodukte und eine hervorragende Stabilität mitbringen, wird im zweiten Teil beschrieben wie Phosphonamidate für die Anbindung von zytotoxischen Wirkstoffen an tumor-bindende Antikörper genutzt werden können um Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugate (ADCs) herzustellen. Ein einfaches Syntheseprotokoll für die Herstellung, ausgehend von einem nicht gentechnisch veränderten Antikörper mit nur geringen Überschüssen des Wirkstoffs wird vorgestellt. Phosphonamidat-verbundene ADCs zeigen im direkten Vergleichen zum zugelassenen, Maleimid-verbundenen Adcetris überlegende Eigenschaften, wie eine erhöhte Stabilität in Serum und eine erhöhte in vivo Wirksamkeit in einem Tumor Mausmodel. Zusammenfassend verbindet die hier vorgestellte Methode einen einfachen synthetischen Zugang mit hoher Selektivität, überragender Konjugat-Stabilität und der Möglichkeit hochwirksame Wirkstoffkonjugate herzustellen und wird daher aller Voraussicht nach einen großen Beitrag zum Gebiet der zielgerichteten Therapie leisten. / The present work introduces a modular reaction sequence of two chemoselective manipulations in a row. It is shown that vinyl- and ethynylphosphonamidates react selectively with cysteine residues on proteins and antibodies. Most importantly, those electrophilic phosphonamidates can be incorporated into a given molecule in another preceding chemoselective Staudinger-phosphonite reaction (SPhR) from unsaturated phosphonites and azides. During this reaction, an electron-rich phosphonite is transformed into an electron-deficient phosphonamidate that is thereby activated for the subsequent thiol addition. The described technique thereby extends the existing repertoire of bioconjugations by introducing a new concept in protein synthesis: A chemoselective reaction that induces reactivity for a subsequent bioconjugation. Since phosphonamidate conjugations to cysteine hold outstanding features such as high selectivity for cysteine, clean reaction products and excellent stability of the protein adducts in biological environments, it is described in the second part of the present work how ethynylphosphonamidates can be employed for the conjunction of tumor-sensing antibodies and cytotoxic drugs to generate Antibody-Drug-Conjugates (ADCs). A simple synthetic protocol starting from unengineered antibodies, using only a slight excess of the desired drug in a one-pot synthesis protocol is introduced. In a direct comparison to the maleimide containing FDA-approved Adcetris, phosphonamidate linked ADCs show a superior behaviour in terms of linkage stability in serum, combined with an increased in vivo efficacy in a tumor xenograft mouse model. Taken together, the method described herein combines simple synthetic access with high selectivity, superior conjugate stability and the possibility to synthesize highly efficacious drug conjugates and is therefore likely to have a great contribution to the field of targeted therapeutics.

Functional analysis of glutathione and autophagy in response to oxidative stress / Analyse fonctionnelle du glutathion et de l'autophagie en réponse au stress oxydatif

Han, Yi 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le H2O2 est reconnu comme un signal dans l’activation des mécanismes de défense en réponse à divers stress, et son accumulation est donc régulée étroitement par le système antioxydant des plantes. Puisque la signalisation par le H2O2 peut être transmise par des processus thiol-dépendants, le statut du glutathion pourrait jouer un rôle important. Le rôle de ce composé en tant que molécule antioxydante est bien établi; cependant, son importance en tant que signal reste à élucider. Afin d’étudier cette question, ce travail a utilisé un mutant, cat2, ayant un défaut dans son métabolisme du H2O2 peroxysomal qui engendre, d’une manière conditionnelle, une oxydation et une accumulation du glutathion. Les modifications du glutathion dans cat2 sont accompagnées par l’activation à la fois de réponses dépendantes de l’acide salicylique (SA) ainsi que l’expression de gènes associés à l’acide jasmonique (JA). L’activation des deux voies phytohormonales par le stress oxydant intracellulaire est largement empêchée en bloquant génétiquement l’accumulation du glutathion dans un double mutant, cat2 cad2, qui porte une mutation additionnelle dans la voie de synthèse du glutathion. Les phénotypes contrastants de cat2 cad2 et cat2 gr1, dans lequel la perte de l’activité GR1 aggrave le stress oxydant, suggèrent que des processus glutathion-dépendants relient le H2O2 et l’activation des réponses de pathogenèse SA-dépendantes par un effet qui est additionnel aux fonctions antioxydantes du glutathion. Des comparaisons directes de cat2 cad2 et cat2 npr1 indiquent que les effets de bloquer l’accumulation du glutathion sur l’induction des voies SA et JA chez cat2 ne sont pas causés par une déficience dans la fonction de la NPR1. L’autophagie a été impliquée dans des processus comme la sénescence, et interagirait à la fois avec le stress oxydant et avec la signalisation par le SA. Afin d’explorer des relations entre autophagie et stress oxydant, des mutants atg ont été sélectionnés et croisés avec le cat2. Des analyses phénotypiques ont révélé que l’étendue de lésions SA-dépendantes observée chez cat2 cultivé en jours longs est similaire chez trois double mutants cat2 atg, alors que l’augmentation de la disponibilité en H2O2 peroxysomal liée à la mutation cat2 retarde la sénescence précoce observée chez les mutants atg. Dans son ensemble, le travail suggère que (1) des nouvelles fonctions glutathion-dépendantes sont importantes pour relier la disponibilité en H2O2 intracellulaire et activation des voies de signalisation SA et JA, et (2) que le H2O2 produit par la photorespiration pourrait jouer un rôle antagoniste dans les phénotypes de sénescence précoce observée chez les mutants atg. / H2O2 is a recognized signal in activation of defence mechanisms in response to various stresses, and its accumulation is thus tightly controlled by plant antioxidant systems. Because H2O2 signals may be transmitted by thiol-dependent processes, glutathione status could play an important role. While the antioxidant role of this compound is long established, the importance of glutathione in signaling remains unclear. To study this question, this work exploited a stress mimic mutant, cat2, which has a defect in metabolism of peroxisomal H2O2 that conditionally leads to oxidation and accumulation of glutathione. In cat2, changes in glutathione are accompanied by activation of both salicylic acid (SA)-dependent responses and jasmonic acid (JA)-associated genes in a time-dependent manner. This up-regulation of both phytohormone signaling pathway by intracellular oxidative stress can be largely prevented by genetically blocking glutathione accumulation in a double mutant, cat2 cad2, that additionally carries a mutation in the pathway of glutathione synthesis. Contrasting phenotypes between cat2 cad2 and cat2 gr1, in which loss of GR1 activity exacerbates oxidative stress, suggest that glutathione-dependent processes couple H2O2 to activation of SA-dependent pathogenesis responses through an effect that is additional to glutathione antioxidant functions. Direct comparison of cat2 cad2 and cat2 npr1 double mutants suggests that the effects of blocking glutathione accumulation on cat2-triggered up-regulation of both SA and JA pathways are not mediated by defective NPR1 function. Autophagy has been implicated in processes such as senescence, and may interact with oxidative stress and SA signaling. To explore relationships between autophagy and oxidative stress, selected atg mutants were crossed with cat2. Phenotypic analysis revealed that SA-dependent lesion spread observed in cat2 grown in long days is similar in three cat2 atg double mutants, whereas increased peroxisomal H2O2 availability in cat2 delays an oxidative stress related-senescence triggered by atg in short days. Overall, the work suggests that (1) novel glutathione-dependent functions are important to couple intracellular H2O2 availability to the activation of both SA and JA signaling pathways and (2) H2O2 produced through photorespiration may play an antagonistic role in the early senescence phenotype observed in atg mutants.

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