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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


謝懷恕, Shieh, Hwai-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從金融產業的產業概況介紹開始,以次級資料蒐集的方式對目前國內的金融體系、機構作一分類介紹,並進行產業分析,以瞭解合併的趨勢與成因;並以個案研究方法,分析個案銀行的基本資料與相關財務比率,歸納整理並簡單模擬合併後之可能情節。本論文選定的配對組合為「臺灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局」,因為這三家行局的組合是最常被報章雜誌點名的配對組合,亦是財政部大力推動的組合之一,同時被金融業界認為是本國銀行同業間合併具有指標性質的組合。 本論文採用CAMEL評等系統,選取下列的財務指標做為本論文的研究變數,包括資本適足性(Capital adequacy)、資產品質(Asset quality)、管理績效(Management performance)、獲利能力(Earnings)與流動性(Liquidity),並加上「成長性」與「生產力」兩大項指標,可歸為七大類的財務比率,再加上非財務性質的指標—銀行個體特徵變數。本論文研究結論發現,在所有情況皆維持不變下,台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局合併後,不論是在資本適足性、經營效率、獲利能力、流動力及生產力等各方面均近似於台灣銀行的水準;若三家銀行合併後進行人事精簡、改善逾放及資金成本下降,其經營效率、獲利能力以及生產力等方面皆高於在所有情況皆維持不變下的研究結果。 最後綜合歸納目前之金融產業發展趨勢、個案分析的資料,以及個人於立法部門服務之經驗,進一步探討台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局三家個案銀行的互補性、合併的利基與未來競爭優勢,及合併時可能遭遇的阻礙。並對金融主管機關、三家個案銀行及後續研究者,給予合併相關議題的建議。


杜昆澄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以2010年6月底仍存續之36間本國銀行為研究對象,以2006年第一季至2010年第二季為研究期間,首先探討金控銀行是否因異業整合,具經濟規模優勢,使銀行業務多角化,而提升經營績效;並進一步分析,資本適足率與銀行經營績效間之關係。最後,本論文從股權結構探討官股銀行與非官股銀行在經營績效上的差異。 本論文之主要實證結果顯示,研究期間台灣銀行業的獲利表現受到金融風暴影響。對金控銀行而言,資本適足率與獲利能力間呈正向關係。金控銀行放款成長率及投資成長率與獲利能力呈負向關係,表示透過多角化業務發展對金控銀行獲利有所幫助。針對官股銀行與非官股銀行獲利表現之探討,實證結果顯示其差異並未達顯著水準,表示非官股銀行與官股銀行的經營績效差異不顯著。 / Using a sample of 36 local banks in Taiwan over the period of March 2006 to June 2010, this thesis first investigates empirically that the effects of integration and diversification on operating performance of banks resulting from the formation of their financial holding companies (holding banks). In addition, this thesis also examines that the impact of capital adequacy ratio on operating performance. And finally, based on the ownership structure perspective, this thesis investigates the difference in operational performance between state-owned banks and non-state-owned banks. The empirical results indicate that the financial crisis has a negative impact on the return of banks’ asset during the research period. The capital adequacy ratio is positively related to the operating performance of holding banks, while the growth in loan and investment of holding banks is negatively related to the operating performance. The results therefore implies that the diversification of the banking businesses probably enhance operating performance of holding banks. With respect to the findings regarding the effect of ownership structure on performance, this thesis fail to provide significant evidence. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in operating performance between the non-state-own banks and the state-own banks.


張瀞文, Chang, Ching-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
民國93年3月22日,我國期貨市場發生一開盤後隨即跌停,而後無量下跌,引發我國期貨市場產生流動性風險及系統性危機之事件,此事件本研究將之簡稱為「322事件」。本研究首先將透過時間的推進來說明引發322事件之原因、發生經過,以及在此次事件中,為何會引發我國期貨市場之流動性風險及系統性危機之主要原因。本研究發現主要是因為在3月20日總統大選前,大多數的期貨交易人均預期選後的股市會有一波漲幅,故過份建立期貨多頭部位,但是經過了3月19日的槍擊總統一案以及3月20日的選舉爭議,都讓民眾對未來充滿不確定性,以致在3月22日一開盤便委賣遠大於委買,期貨成交量萎縮,期貨交易人損失慘重,保證金嚴重不足,而引發流動性風險及系統性危機。 而後,期貨主管機關為因應金融自由化及國際化,目前正研擬開放多種店頭市場金融商品供期貨商自營操作,但開放後期貨商勢必將承擔更高之市場風險,主管機關應該如何因應成了開放前最重要之課題。資本適足率係主管機關在監理期貨商經營是否健全時的第一道防線,故本研究便建構一新模型,用以估算欲開放之新種金融商品的短期投資折扣率,本研究並以台指選擇權為例,透過本模型估算其最適之短期投資折扣率,結果與目前期貨交易所所規範之40%相去不遠。 最後,本研究提出數點建議,以期未來再度發生類似於322事件時,能夠降低我國期貨市場面臨之流動性風險及系統性危機。同時,也建議期貨主管機關未來在設算金融商品之短期投資折扣率時,能夠依循一具合理原則性之模型估算,避免未來當開放多種金融商品後,產生彼此間原則相抵觸之問題。 / In 2004, Taiwan’s future market suffered both serious liquidity risk and systematic risk. At March 22nd in 2004, the Taiwan Future Index fall down and touched the maximum limit-7% suddenly. The volume of future market was extremely low. This paper called this event as “322 event.” This paper has two parts. First the paper will illustrate the 322 event. What caused the 322 event? And how the 322 event happened? This paper will seek these answers. We found that the main reasons to cause the liquidity risk and systematic risk are too many investors bought futures. This was because they believed after the 2004 President election, the Taiwan’s stock market would rise to celebrate. At March 19th, the President Chen Shui-Bian encountered a shot murder. At March 20th, some serious dispute took place and made our society was full of insecurity. Investors began concern the stock market would be uncertain. They didn’t buy any futures like before, but in contrast they started to sell it. The another aspect in this paper is to construct a model. In order to follow up the liberalization and globalization, the government authority plans to open more derivatives for the futures corporations to invest. But how do the government authorities monitor these futures corporations becomes an important lesson. This paper will also seek the answers through constructing a model using VaR model to estimate the short-term investment discount ratio. Then this paper uses Taiwan Stock Option as an example examining whether the model is useful. The short-term investment discount ratio of the stock option by model is 40.89%. This outcome is much closed to 40%, the regulated discount ratio. Finally, this paper provides several advices in order to diminish the liquidity risk and systematic risk when futures market will suffer what similar to 322 event in the future. And this paper gives some information to supervisors about how to construct a model to estimate the short-term investment discount ratio so that the ratio is ensured following a logical principle.

Die gebruik van verhoudingsgetalle om kapitaaltoereikendheid van bankinstellings te ontleed

Brink, Arend 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikkans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The capital-adequacy problem is essentially concerned with the amount of capital that a bank should maintain in order to conduct its operations in a prudent manner. Because one of the primary functions of bank capital is to act as a risk cushion for the protection of a bank's depositors, a bank's capital funds are often regarded as comprising an insurance element. The capital-adequacy concept, therefore, may be seen as part of the overall banking risk, or prudential management. An attempt has been made to indicate that bank supervisors should use not only capital ratios when analysing a bank's capital position. Other factors, such as asset quality and other financial risks, should also be taken in consideration. Financial ratio analysis, however, provides bank supervisors with useful information. When combining ratio analysis with non-quantifiable factors, bank supervisors may indeed achieve their goal of determining capital adequacy. / Die kapitaaltoereikendheidsprobleem is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op die hoeveelheid kapitaal waaroor 'n bankinstelling moet beskik, ten einde die bankbesigheid op 'n verstandige wyse te bedryf. Een van die primere funksies van kapitaal is om te dien as verliesabsorberingsbuffer ter beskerming van 'n bankinstelling se deposante, en daarom word toereikende kapitaal dikwels geag om 'n soort versekeringselement te bevat. Die konsep van kapitaaltoereikendheid kan dus beskou word as deel van die totale risikobestuurskonsep. Daar is tydens die studie gepoog om aan te dui dat banktoesighouers nie net kapitaalverhoudings behoort te gebruik om 'n bankinstelling se kapitaalposisie te ontleed nie. Ander faktore, soos batekwaliteit en antler finansiele risiko's, moet ook in ag geneem word. Finansiele verhoudingsgetalontledings voorsien banktoesighouers van waardevolle inligting. Indien verhoudingsgetalle egter met nie-gekwantifiseerde inligting gekombineer sou word, kan banktoesighouers hul doel om kapitaaltoereikendheid te bepaal, bereik. / M.Com. (Business Management)

Vývoj bankovnictví na Ukrajině v období současné krize / The development of banking system in Ukraine during the crisis of 2014-2015

Andrianova, Anna January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I analyse the development of the banking system of Ukraine and the assessment of the concentration level of the banking system in conditions of crisis 2014-2015. The theoretical part is devoted to classification and causes of the banking crisis; also, it describes the historical aspects of crisis formation in Ukraine. The practical part is focused on the evaluation of the financial security level and macroeconomic situation in Ukraine. This part emphasises problems and the specifics of functioning of domestic banks. In addition, it considers the concentration level of the banking market. The analysis performed shows that the banking crisis is the result of accumulated macroeconomic imbalances of the past and present mistakes in the implementation of anti-crisis policy. Currently the efficient functioning of most domestic banks remains at insufficient level.

An empirical analysis of bank performance and regulatory requirements in South Africa

Khoza, Mpucuko Armstrong Ezekiel 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined the nexus between bank performance and regulatory requirements in South Africa. The panel regression approach was used, which applied panel data from 12 banks that were registered in terms of the Bank Act 94 of 1990 over the period 2009 to 2019. A quantitative research approach was used to investigate the nexus between bank performance, bank regulations, bank-specific factors and some macroeconomic factors. A regression analysis was conducted on four bank performance ratios using pooled ordinary least square regression, fixed effects, random effects and generalised methods moments. The two-step generalised system methods of moments approach was preferred over the other methods because it eliminated the problem of endogeneity. The results showed that capital adequacy and size have both a positive and negative significant effect on bank performance, while interest rates, non-performing loans, liquidity coverage ratios and net stable funding ratios had a negative and significant effect on bank performance. The study concluded that South African banks could enhance their performance by tightening their credit risk assessment framework to be more prudent in their lending practices in order to improve the lending quality of their loan books. It is recommended that banks keep their capital levels at a minimum to avoid excessive risk-taking, and that they by embark on efficient revenue enhancement activities such as increasing retained earnings. Banks must further look at their clients on an overall basis, not just a transactional basis, as this will improve their non-interest revenue income by introducing innovative products. Lastly, the banks must lower their liquidity risk exposure by collectively managing their capital adequacy ratio, size of the bank, interest rates, non-performing loans, liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio. The South African Reserve Bank should tighten regulatory requirements by improving its supervision and oversight functions; banks must to adhere to lending practices and foster a healthy and adequately capitalised balance sheet. Lastly, the SARB must align its macroeconomic forecast for lending rates with regulatory requirements to ensure that economic performance is a catalyst for bank performance. This study contributes to the empirical research repository on the nexus of bank performance and regulatory requirements. More importantly, it identifies the significant factors that affect South African bank performance, by identifying the deficiencies in South Africa’s regulatory requirements, which will provide the South African Reserve Bank with insight into ways of enhancing its regulatory requirements to improve the performance, management practices and sound capital adequacy of the banking sector. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M.. Com. (Business Management (Finance)

Efecto de la gestión del riesgo de crédito en la rentabilidad de los bancos peruanos / Effect of credit risk management on the profitability of Peruvian banks

Trujillo Aliaga, Erick Josué 12 December 2020 (has links)
Los bancos tienen como principal actividad para generar ingresos a la creación de créditos; sin embargo, debido a la incertidumbre que enfrentan al realizar sus operaciones, se ven expuestos al riesgo de crédito. Lo anterior crea un impacto negativo en el desempeño y rentabilidad bancaria; de ahí la importancia de la gestión de riesgo de crédito para garantizar la solidez financiera de los bancos. La presente investigación busca determinar cómo la gestión del riesgo de crédito afecta a la rentabilidad de los bancos peruanos, debido a que en los últimos años se muestra que los principales indicadores de gestión de riesgo de crédito se están deteriorando. La estimación se realiza a través de una base de datos longitudinal y la aplicación de la metodología Datos de Panel de Efectos Fijos teniendo como variable endógena a la rentabilidad y como exógena a dos indicadores de gestión de riesgo de crédito: El ratio de la cartera morosa y el ratio de adecuación de capital. Los resultados obtenidos indican que una inadecuada gestión de riesgo de crédito de los bancos peruanos afecta negativa su rentabilidad, pero no los llevan hasta el punto de quebrar o generar grietas en el sistema bancario. Por último, un banco con mayor tamaño incrementa su rentabilidad, ya que invierte en mejores herramientas para mejorar su gestión de riesgo de crédito. / Banks have as their main activity to generate income to the creation of credits; however, due to the uncertainty they face when carrying out their operations, they are exposed to credit risk. This creates a negative impact on bank performance and profitability; hence the importance of credit risk management to guarantee the financial soundness of banks. This research seeks to determine how credit risk management affects the profitability of Peruvian banks, since in recent years it has been shown that the main indicators of credit risk management are deteriorating. The estimation will be made through a longitudinal database and the application of the Fixed Effects Panel Data methodology, taking profitability as endogenous variable and two credit risk management indicators as exogenous: the delinquent portfolio ratio. and the capital adequacy ratio. The results obtained indicate that an inadequate credit risk management of Peruvian banks negatively affects their profitability but does not lead them to the point of going bankrupt or generating cracks in the banking system. Finally, a larger bank increases its profitability, as it invests in better tools to improve its credit risk management. / Trabajo de investigación

THE BANK CRISIS FINANCIAL RATIOS : A comparative research of the UK and Sweden during 2006-2010

Winter Söderberg, Cristoffer, Göransson, Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
The credit crunch that started the 9th of August 2007 is generally viewed as the most significant crisis to affect the financial markets and the global economy since the 1930s.The UK financial sector was heavily hit by the crisis which resulted in a dry up in lending and left a black hole in the British banks‟ finances. During the last quarter of 2010 the GDP shank unexpectedly with 0.5 percent from the third quarter which created concerns about going back into the recession. Contrarily, for Swedish economy 2010 was an impressing year with an unexpected GDP growth of 7, 3 percent in the last quarter.The purpose of this study is to analyse how the finance crisis has affected the leading banks‟ performance within the two countries and see whether the differences in values can explain the difference in GDP growth during the last quarter of 2010. The analyse is performed through a financial ratio analysis of the different banks.The final results of the research indicates to that the Swedish banks have been more profitable, have had a more secure and higher quality of lending and more capacity to lower cost related to income than the British banks. The more distinctive negative influence is mostly based on the larger amount of credit losses the British banks had to experience which contributed to their significant decrease in earnings per share which created scepticism on the credit market followed by a severe slowdown in consumption and in GDP growth. Since the credit losses never got to same levels in Sweden as in the UK the scepticism of the Swedish banking system did not affect the reduction in credit use and house prises to the same extent and GDP growth could recover back to normal levels sooner than in the UK.

採行已發生損失模型與公允價值會計對盈餘、資本適足率與信用損失之影響 / The Impacts of Adopting Incurred Loss Model and Fair Value Accounting on Earnings, Capital and Credit Loss

張式傑, Chang, Shi Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣於2011年依據IAS 39進行34號公報之第三次修訂實施,採用已發生損失模型後的兩項議題:(1)放款壞帳費用之提列與盈餘波動性以及資本適足率波動性之關聯性,(2)以歷史成本評價之期末金額及以公允價值評價之期末金額,究竟何者對於未來之帳款沖銷與不良債權較具有關聯性。 實證結果顯示,自2011年採用已發生損失模型後盈餘波動性無顯著之變化,且壞帳費用對於盈餘波動性無解釋能力;而自2011年後資本適足率波動性亦無顯著變化,但壞帳費用對於資本適足率波動性有顯著的影響,顯示銀行明顯透過壞帳費用之提列進行資本管理而非盈餘管理。在未來信用損失預測之部分,以歷史成本評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權有顯著的負相關,而以公允價值評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權卻無解釋能力,可能係因未來帳款沖銷與未來不良債權之發生與放款之帳齡有顯著的關聯性,而與未來可收取之現金流量無顯著之相關。 / This study aims to investigate how Incurred Loss Model affects the recognition of loan loss provisions and the valuation of loans due to the third revision of SFAS No. 34 which was revised based on IAS 39 in 2011. For the recognition of loan loss provisions, it focuses on the relationship with earnings volatilities and capital adequacy volatilities, and for the valuation of loans, it specializes on whether credit loss predicting is related to historical cost accounting or fair value accounting. The result shows that, since the implementation of Incurred Loss Model in 2011, both the adoption of Incurred Loss Model and the loan loss provisions have no significant impact on earnings volatilities. For capital adequacy volatilities, implementing Incurred Loss Model has no effect on capital adequacy volatilities neither. However, the loan loss provisions since 2011 significantly enhance the volatilities of capital adequacy. It reveals that banks use loan loss provisions to manage capitals instead of earnings. For credit loss predicting, loans evaluated with historical cost accounting have significant negative relations with future charge-offs and non-performing loans while loans evaluated under fair value accounting do not have any explanation power. It may suggests that future charge-offs and non-performing loans are related to the aging of loans, but not the future payoffs of loans.

新巴塞爾資本協定與衍生性金融商品操作影響本國銀行業經營效率之實證研究-應用資料包絡分析法 / Research for the efficiency in domestic banking industry with a view of regarding Basel II and derivatives products-An application of DEA approach

許郁甄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於金融產業的進步與科技的日新月異,越來越多樣的衍生性金融商品被廣泛使用,此類具有高獲利高槓桿的金融商品固然有避險的功能,另一方面也提高了銀行業的經營風險。巴塞爾委員會有鑑於此,大幅更動了早期巴塞爾資本協定的內容,稱為Basel II。 Basel II 的資本適足管制雖能避免金融機構發生倒閉之危機,但卻也影響金融機構之產出結構及品質,改變了金融機構之效率表現,因此,瞭解 Basel II 對金融機構效率表現之影響程度是本文目的之ㄧ,此外,有鑑於衍生性金融商品的高風險特性,本研究也將此變數加入,探討此兩項變數對本國銀行經營效率的影響為何。 本研究以資本適足率與衍生性商品使用量作為外生變數,以國內32家銀行為樣本,利用民國九十七年底之資料,採取三階段資料包絡分析法探討此兩項變數對銀行經營績效的影響。首先求算第一階段效率值,接下來考量資料截斷的特性,採用 Tobit 迴歸模型,計算差額變數並做調整,在第三階段排除其影響力,使所有決策單位在同一起跑點上再進行效率評估。 實證結果發現,資本適足率對於銀行效率的影響是有利的,而衍生性金融商品使用量則為不利因素,第一階段與第三階段的效率值在利用Wilcoxon 符號等級檢定之後的結果顯示第一階段與第三階段的效率值分布在0.5%的顯著水準下是不相同的,可進一步推論資本適足率與衍生性金融商品的使用量對銀行經營效率的影響十分顯著。

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