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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentidrottares upplevelser av att kombinera en elitidrottssatsning med högre akademisk utbildning : En kvalitativ studie / Student athletes' experiences of combining elite sports with higheracademic education : A qualitative study

Nordborg, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Att ta steget in i en dubbel karriär genom ett Riksidrottsuniversitet eller Elitidrottsvänligt lärosäte innebär att en elitidrottare kombinerar deras idrott med akademiskastudier. Föreliggande studies syftade till att undersöka studentidrottares upplevelser av att ha en dubbel karriär och vilka krav, barriärer och resurser de upplever samt hur de hanterarkraven. Den kvalitativa studien bestod av åtta deltagare fördelat på sju kvinnor och en man, i åldrarna 20–35 (M=24,25) som utövade olika idrotter. Studentidrottarnas upplevelser samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med en intervjuguide utifrån Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova, 2003) och Holistiska idrottsligakarriärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019). Resultatet sammanfattas genom fyra huvudteman: studentidrottares upplevda krav, barriärer, resurser och effektiv hantering. Resultatet visade att studentidrottarna bland annat upplevde höga interna krav från sig själva där de vill lyckas och maximalt prestera i allt de tar sig ann vilket upplevs krävande och stressande. Vidare upplevde de barriärer i form av externa barriärer, begränsad tid och Covid-19 pandemins negativa konsekvenser. Interna tillgångar var målmedvetenhet, erfarenhet och externa tillgångar i bland annat ekonomiskt stöd, dra nytta av andra studenter och ökad flexibilitet med distansstudier. Tre hanteringsstrategier som hjälpte studentidrottarna att hantera denna kombination var problemfokuserad hantering som innebär noggrannplanering för att få ihop livspusslet, undvikande hantering och till sist emotionsfokuserad hantering där personer i deras närhet har störst betydelse men även återhämtning. / Taking the step into a dual career through a National Sports University or Elite SportsFriendly University means that an elite athlete combines their sport with academic studies.The present study aimed to investigate student-athletes' experiences of having a dual careerand what demands, barriers and resources they experience and how they manage the demands.The qualitative study consisted of eight participants divided into seven women and one man,aged 20–35 (M=24.25) who practiced different sports. The student-athletes' experiences werecollected through semi-structured interviews with an interview guide based on The athletictransition model (Stambulova, 2003) and The holistic athletic career model (Wylleman,2019). The results are summarized through four main themes: student-athletes' perceiveddemands, barriers, resources and effective coping. The results showed that the student-athletesexperienced high internal demands from themselves where they want to succeed and performmaximally in everything they do, which is experienced as stressful. Furthermore, theyexperienced barriers in the form of external barriers, limited time and negative consequencesof the Covid-19 pandemic. Internal assets were determination, experience and external assetsin, among other things, financial support, taking advantage of other students and increasedflexibility with distance learning. Three coping strategies that helped the student-athletes dealwith this combination were problem-focused coping which involved planning,avoidant-coping and finally emotion-focused coping.

Svenska herrelitfotbollsspelares karriärupplevelser och resor till elitfotbollen efter att de blivit bortselekterade från seniorkontrakt som juniorer

Hamlin, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
Majoriteten av alla akademifotbollsspelare i Sverige idag blir nekade ett seniorkontrakt och får därmed söka sig till ett nytt lag. Ett sådant besked är tufft att få, men behöver inte betyda att eliten inte kan nås genom alternativa vägar utanför eliten. Därav är syftet med denna studie att undersöka fotbollsspelare från pojkakademilags upplevda väg till eliten efter att ha blivit bortselekterade från seniorkontrakt vid karriärövergången junior till senior. Denna studie undersöker upplevelserna hos sju herrfotbollsspelare som idag spelar i Superettan eller Allsvenskan. Genom arbete som bestått av intervjuer och reflexiv tematisk analys har två stycken tematiska kartor skapats. Den första tematiska kartan hänvisar till den första frågeställningen ”Vilka upplevelser och copingstrategier har elitsatsande juniorfotbollsspelare till att bli bortselekterade under JST och fortsätta sina karriärer utanför elitfotbollen?". Två huvudteman benämns som "Bortselekteringens eftermäle" som följs av tre stycken underteman, och "Den fortsatta fotbollskarriären utanför eliten" med sex stycken underteman. Den andra tematiska kartan berör studiens andra frågeställning,"Vilka upplevelser och copingstrategier har seniorfotbollsspelare av att ta steget till elitfotbollen efter en tidigare seniorkarriär på amatörnivå?". Tre stycken huvudteman benämns som "De två olika dörrarna till eliten" med två stycken underteman, "Elitfotbollens natur" med sex stycken underteman, och "Att kliva ur fotbollsbubblan och fotbollsidentiteten för en hållbar karriär" med två stycken underteman.4Dessa övergripande teman har en kronologisk ordning och redogör bland annat för erfarenheter såsom utmaningar, resurser och strategier. Vidare anses fortsatt forskning inom området i form av att studera idrottares upplevelser av en bortselektering vara av värde. / Today, the majority of all academy football players in Sweden become rejected to receive a senior contract and are thus forced to find a new team. Such a message is tough to receive but does not have to mean that the elite is not reachable through alternative paths outside of the elite. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine football players from academy teams’ experienced paths toward the elite, after having been rejected to receive a senior contract when doing the junior-to-senior career transition. Present study reviewed the experiences from seven male football players who are currently playing in Superettan or Allsvenskan. Through the process containing of interviews and reflexive thematic analysis, two thematic maps were created. The first map answers the first question ”What experiences and coping strategies does the elite investing junior players have to be deselected during the JST and to continue their carrers outside of elite football? Two main themes called ”Bortselekteringens eftermäle” that has three sub themes, and ”Den fortsatta fotbollskarriären utanför eliten” with six subthemes. The second thematic map answers the second question ” What experiences and coping strategies does seniorfootballers have to take the step to the elite after a career in amateur football?” Three main themes are presented as ”De två olika dörrarna till eliten” with two substhemes, ”Elitfotbollens natur” with sic subthemes, and ”Att kliva ur fotbollsbubblan och fotbollsidentiteten för en hållbar karriär” with two subthemes. These overall themes are presented in chronological order and cover experiences as, for example, challenges, resources, and strategies. Lastly, further investigations in the area in terms of studying athletes experiences of being rejected to receive a 6senior contract, is claimed to of value.

Athletes' Experiences of Leaving Sport Due to Spinal Cord Injury: A Multiple Case Study Examination

Zike, Derek Michael 29 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Elitgolfspelares upplevelser av ett normativt karriäravslut

Axelsson, Vidar, Lithander, William January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of elite golf players in transitioning from active professional athletes to post-sports life. All participants in the study were male, playing at one of the two highest national levels in Sweden, either the Future Series or the Moregolf Mastercard Tour. Eight participants were recruited for the study with the requirement that they had played for at least three years at one of these top national levels, and that no more than three years had passed since they ended their careers. The study employed a semi-structured interview guide, developed based on theoretical frameworks, to conduct in-depth interviews with each participant. The information collected from the interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify various themes and patterns, which then formed the results of the study. The results indicated that all participants experienced some form of challenge during their career transition from being active elite athletes to post-sport life. One of the biggest challenges among the participants was uncertainty about the future and what to do after ending their sports careers. Participants found that support from their families was a crucial resource during the end of their careers. Those who had combined sports with studies or work, dual careers, during their active sports careers found that this facilitated their transition. In terms of managing career ending, the majority of the participants highlighted the importance of having a plan B for life after sports. Participants who had not planned for life after sports were worried about their future. However, all but one of the participants began working or studying relatively soon after ending their careers, primarily driven by their own desire to pursue new goals and challenges. / Syftet med studien var att studera elitidrottande golfspelares upplevelser av karriärövergången från aktiv elitidrottare till livet efter idrotten. Samtliga deltagare i studien var herrar som spelat på någon av de två högsta nationella nivåerna i Sverige, Future Series eller Moregolf Mastercard Tour. Åtta deltagare rekryterades till studien, inkluderingskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle spelat minst tre år på någon av de två högsta nationella nivåerna samt att det maximalt fick vara tre år sedan deltagarna avslutat karriären. Studien använde sig av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide konstruerad utifrån de teoretiska ramverken för att genomföra djupgående intervjuer med varje deltagare. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade tre huvudteman; upplevda utmaningar vid karriäravslut, resurser vid karriäravslut och olika hantering av karriäravslut. En av de största utmaningarna bland deltagarna var osäkerhet om framtiden och vad man ska göra efter idrottskarriären. Deltagarna upplevde bland annat att stödet från familjen var en viktig resurs under karriäravslutet och de deltagare som under den aktiva idrottskarriären kombinerat idrotten med studier eller arbete, upplevde det som en resurs vid karriäravslut. Gällande hantering av karriäravslutet belyste majoriteten av deltagarna vikten av att ha en plan b för livet efter idrotten. De deltagare som inte hade planerat för livet efter idrotten var oroliga över hur det skulle gå för dem. Däremot började alla deltagare förutom en att arbeta eller studera relativt snabbt efter karriäravslutet och en stor anledning till det var framför allt deltagarnas egna driv att sträva efter nya mål och utmaningar.

Att leva och hantera livet som professionell fotbollsspelare / To live and manage life as a professional football player

Bornebusch, Josephine, Brynsäther, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av att leva och hantera livet som professionell fotbollsspelare. Det vill säga att studien fokuserade på deltagarnas upplevelser om hur de var att spela fotboll på en professionell nivå och hur de upplevde krav, barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier som påverkade dem både inom fotbollen och i det vardagliga livet utanför deras fotbollskarriär. I studien deltog det nio intervjupersoner där samtliga var män mellan åldrarna 20–32 år (M=26,0, SD=3,20), dessa deltagare befann sig i optimeringsfasen (Wylleman, 2019). Studien har använt sig av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som har haft sin grund i två modeller, den holistiska karriärsutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) samt Stambulova (2003) karriärövergångsmodellen.             I studiens resultat framkommer det att de krav fotbollsspelarna upplever mest är finansiella krav, där de upplever att de inte kan leva på fotbollen och de behöver ett jobb vid sidan av fotbollen. Den största barriären deltagarna upplevde var främst sociala barriärer eftersom fotbollen tar upp mycket av deras tid, så att deras sociala liv blir lidande. Socialt stöd från vänner,familj, tränare och partner var de största resurserna för deltagarna, de upplevde att stödet från deras närmaste hjälpte dem mycket i deras karriär inom fotbollen samt utanför. De copingstrategier som deltagarna använde sig främst var de sociala copingstrategierna som att gå och prata med någon professionell eller med familj,vänner, tränare eller partner. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of living and managing life as a professional football player. That will say the studies focus is on the participants` experiences of what it is to play football on a professional level and how they experience the demands, barriers, resources and coping strategies that affect them, both in football and in everyday life outside their football career. In the study nine interviewees participated and they were all men between the ages 20-32 years (M= 26.0, SD= 3.20), these participants were in the mastery phase (Wylleman, 2019). The study used a semi-structured interview guide that has been based on two models, the holistic career development model (Wylleman, 2019) and Stambulova (2003) Career transition model.                                 The results of the study show that the demand that football players experience the most are financial demands, where they feel that they can not live on football and need a job alongside. The biggest barrier the participants experienced was mainly social barriers because football takes up a lot of their time, so their social life suffers. Social support from friends, family, coaches and partners was the participants biggest resource, they felt that the support from their loved ones helped them a lot in their careers in football and outside. The coping strategies that the participants used mainly were the social coping strategies such as going to talk to someone professional or with family, friends, coaches or partners.

Les facteurs internes et externes ayant un impact sur le retour aux études universitaires des professionnels en transition de carrière

Marzarte-Fricot, Nicolas 07 1900 (has links)
Objet : Au Québec, comme dans le reste du Canada, le nombre de professionnels en reprise d’étude est en nette augmentation. Parmi ces professionnels, un certain nombre se trouve en situation de transition professionnelle après plusieurs années de travail. L'objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer quels facteurs influent sur les retours aux études de ces professionnels. Méthode : au total, 625 étudiants adultes de la faculté d’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal ont reçu une invitation à répondre à un sondage en ligne après avoir informé de leur intérêt pour notre étude. Le sondage en ligne a rendu possible la collection de 170 réponses (taux de réponses de 27,2%) à notre questionnaire de 64 questions. Les informations collectées ont permis la création de diverses variables ainsi que d’indices de confiance, de volonté, de temps, d’information qui ont par la suite été recoupés avec les informations dispositionnelles, situationnelles, institutionnelles et démographiques de notre échantillon. Découvertes : Il apparaît que la confiance, la motivation et le temps sont les facteurs ayant le plus d’impact sur le retour aux études de notre échantillon. Implication : Maintenir la motivation et la confiance semble être la clé pour minimiser l'impact de facteurs défavorables sur les professionnels qui décident de retourner à l'école après leur début de carrière. Originalité et intérêt : Peu d'études ont été réalisées sur la participation de ces professionnels en transition à des programmes de formation universitaire, cette étude exploratoire est un premier pas dans la collecte d’information sur une population méconnue. / Purpose: In Quebec, as in the rest of Canada, the number of professionals returning to education has increased significantly. Among these professionals, a number is (are) experiencing career transition after several years of work. The objective of this research is to determine what factors do affect the returns to education of these professionals Design/methodology/approach: In total 625 students of the Faculty of continuing education of the University of Montreal were invited to answer to a 64 questions online survey. 170 answers were collected. (27.2% response rate) The data collected allowed for the creation of variables and indices of confidence, motivation, time, etc. This data was subsequently intersected with dispositional, situational, institutional and demographic information in our sample. Findings: it does appear that internal factors: confidence; motivation; and the time factor have the most impact on our sample. Practical implications: maintaining motivation and confidence appears to be key to minimizing the impact of adverse factors on professionals who decide to go back to university after spending years on the job market Originality/value: few studies have focused on the problems faced by professionals who opt to go back to school to prepare for career change, this study is a first step in the collection of information on a not so well known population.

Investigating athletes' retirement from sport : from decision-making to optimal support programmes

Park, Sunghee January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aimed to extend knowledge of athletes’ career transitions through examining athletes’ retirement decision-making process and influence of cultural diversity and organisational culture on the process of career transition. The purpose of Study 1 was to identify the current status of knowledge in the study area through providing a systematic review of the athlete career transition studies. The findings provided up to date knowledge in the study area and suggested potential future research directions. Study 2 aimed to understand Korean tennis players’ career transition out of sport experiences via longitudinal qualitative research. The results indicated that athletes perceived making the retirement decision was difficult process for them and revealed that participants’ experiences were influenced by cultural aspects and sport contexts of Korea. Study 3 focused on exploring the athletes’ retirement decision-making process among Korean tennis players. Results showed that athletes’ leaving from sport decision-making is a complex and multidimensional process, and the transtheoretical model was helpful in explaining athletes’ retirement from sport decision-making. The objective of Study 4 was to explore the processes involved in the development of an athletes’ career transition programme. Results revealed that the organisation might have influence on athletes’ retirement decision and the quality of career transition. Overall, the findings from the current thesis provide advanced useful knowledge on the athlete career transition process, and such knowledge may assist attempts to enhance athletes’ well-being and welfare for during and post-sport life.

Motivações para transição de carreira na área de tecnologia da informação: uma abordagem Delphi

Assis, Mariela C. S. Fontenelle Sily de 15 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mariela C. S. Fontenelle Sily de Assis (mariela.assis@globo.com) on 2017-02-02T18:50:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_Mariela C. S. Fontenelle S. Assis.pdf: 1800713 bytes, checksum: 0cc0af4a8a88e98c92ed7878e8c7273d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-02-03T12:11:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_Mariela C. S. Fontenelle S. Assis.pdf: 1800713 bytes, checksum: 0cc0af4a8a88e98c92ed7878e8c7273d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T12:18:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_Mariela C. S. Fontenelle S. Assis.pdf: 1800713 bytes, checksum: 0cc0af4a8a88e98c92ed7878e8c7273d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-15 / Considering the great demand of organizations for information technology (IT) personnel properly trained to meet the needs of the business, it is relevant for companies to be able to hire, retain and motivate their teams for the proper performance of their roles. Companies, in general, have faced difficulty in this regard, since there is a shortage of IT professionals with adequate profile and qualification. It has also been observed an issue namely ‘turnaway’, situation in which IT professionals make career transition to another functional area. Then, the main target of this work is to identify, through a Delphi study, the main motivations that lead IT professionals to migrate to other areas. Besides, this research also sought to obtain a rank by relevance of the antecedents of the career transition to other functional areas, and to compare the results with that presented in previous studies on this subject. Thus, the Delphi group was formed by 35 IT experts, with relevant experience in the field. The results accrued from this research unveil that the need for professional growth, the need to acquire further experiences and skills to remain attractive to employers, the area of activity in IT, prior and conscious development for career transition and exhaustion with work in the IT area are factors that have relevant impact on turnaway intent. On the other hand, low identification with the IT profession, age and gender are factors that have a low impact on turnaway intention. / Dada a grande demanda das empresas por profissionais de tecnologia da informação (TI) devidamente capacitados para que a área atenda às necessidades do negócio, torna-se relevante que as empresas consigam compor, reter e motivar suas equipes para o adequado desempenho de suas funções. As empresas, de modo geral, têm enfrentado dificuldades nesse sentido, uma vez que há uma falta de profissionais com perfil e qualificação adequada. Aliado a isso, tem sido observado o fenômeno denominado turnaway, situação em que o profissional faz transição de carreira para outra área funcional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é, por meio de uma abordagem Delphi, identificar as principais motivações que levam profissionais de TI a mudar de área. Buscou-se também obter uma classificação, por relevância, dos antecedentes à transição de carreira para fora da TI, e cotejar o resultado encontrado com o apresentado em estudos anteriores sobre o tema em questão. Assim, participaram do painel Delphi 35 profissionais de TI, com expressiva experiência na área. Como resultado, o estudo mostrou que a busca de crescimento profissional, o desejo por colecionar novas experiências e habilidades para se manterem atrativos para os empregadores, a área de atuação na TI, a capacitação prévia e consciente para essa transição e a exaustão com o trabalho são fatores que têm considerável impacto na intenção de turnaway. Por outro lado, a baixa identificação com a carreira de TI, a crise de meia-idade e o gênero são fatores que têm baixo impacto sobre a transição de carreira da TI para outras áreas.

Antecedentes à transição de carreira na área de tecnologia da informação

Mangia, Ursula Barreto 07 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ursula Mangia (ursulabmangia@gmail.com) on 2013-05-24T17:36:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Transicao_de_Carreira_em_TI_FINAL.pdf: 1470584 bytes, checksum: 7d0257c44805630c0a3c601098bf7d7b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2013-05-27T14:35:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Transicao_de_Carreira_em_TI_FINAL.pdf: 1470584 bytes, checksum: 7d0257c44805630c0a3c601098bf7d7b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-05-28T17:03:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Transicao_de_Carreira_em_TI_FINAL.pdf: 1470584 bytes, checksum: 7d0257c44805630c0a3c601098bf7d7b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-28T17:03:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Transicao_de_Carreira_em_TI_FINAL.pdf: 1470584 bytes, checksum: 7d0257c44805630c0a3c601098bf7d7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-07 / A falta de profissionais com perfil e qualificação em tecnologia da informação (TI) é uma dificuldade enfrentada pelas empresas em geral, as quais investem crescentemente em TI e cada vez mais são dependentes e influenciadas pela tecnologia. Além dessa questão, observa-se que apesar das boas oportunidades de emprego no setor, a evasão nos cursos superiores de TI tem atingido patamares altíssimos, agravando ainda mais o problema da escassez por talentos qualificados. Assim, esta pesquisa estuda a migração dos profissionais de TI para outras áreas, fenômeno denominado turnaway, problema que agrava ainda mais a situação em que se encontra o setor de tecnologia da informação no mercado brasileiro, requerendo uma solução a curto prazo e merecendo uma exploração e discussão em profundidade. O objetivo principal deste estudo é, portanto, identificar as principais razões que explicam a intenção dos profissionais de TI em abandonar a área. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa explanatória, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e investigação empírica, aplicando-se questionários disponibilizados eletronicamente a profissionais de TI de diferentes empresas e áreas de atuação. A amostra utilizada teve 323 respondentes e os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente via modelagem de equações estruturais. Como resultado, esta pesquisa mostrou que a transição de carreira na área de tecnologia da informação está intimamente associada ao dinamismo natural da área, às condições de trabalho que geram fadiga física e mental, e às restrições de crescimento profissional na área técnica, levando os profissionais de TI a uma insatisfação com a área que os faz buscar capacitação gerencial e novas experiências de trabalho, de modo a ampliar sua rede de relacionamento interpessoal e abrir oportunidades em diferentes campos de trabalho, possibilitando, desta forma, a migração dos mesmos para outras áreas que oferecem melhores condições de trabalho, maior reconhecimento e possibilidade de crescimento profissional. / The lack of professionals with qualification and profile in information technology (IT) is a difficulty faced by companies in general, which increasingly invest in IT and are significantly dependent on and influenced by technology. Besides this issue, it is observed that despite good employment opportunities in the sector, the evasion in higher IT has reached very high levels, further aggravating the shortage of qualified talent. Thus, this research studies the migration of professionals to other areas, a phenomenon called turnaway, a problem that exacerbates the situation of the information technology sector in the Brazilian market, requiring a short term solution and deserving exploration and in-depth discussion. The main objective of this study is therefore to identify the main reasons for the intention of IT professionals to leave the area. Thus, an explanatory survey was conducted, through literature and empirical research, applying questionnaires electronically available to professionals of different companies and fields. The sample had 323 respondents and the data were statistically analyzed via structural equation modeling. As a result, this research showed that the career transition in information technology area is closely associated with the natural dynamism of the area, working conditions that cause physical and mental fatigue and restrictions for professional growth in the technical area, leading IT professionals dissatisfaction with the area that makes them seek managerial training and new work experiences in order to expand their network of interpersonal relationship and open up opportunities in different fields of work, allowing thus the migration of them to other areas that offer better working conditions, greater recognition and opportunity for professional growth.

Coaches’ experiences of working with RIU dual career athletes / Tränares upplevelser av att arbeta med studentidrottare som studerar vid ett Riksidrottsuniversitet

Ramos Gonzalez, Andres, Regnér, Isak January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine coaches’ experiences of working with RIU (Riksidrottsuniversitet)-dual career (DC) athletes with foci on the coaches’ DC awareness, perceived challenges, resources, and strategies. The authors of this study conducted 9 interviews, including both men and women, ranging from 23 to 54 years of age (M=33.33, SD=10.20). Through combining the holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, 2019) and the athletic career transition model (Stambulova, 2003), semistructured interview guides were designed and applied by the authors. The results showed a lack of awareness regarding what the RIU concept entailed for the coaches, and their greatest challenge was to help their athletes remain focused on their practice. The coaches expressed that the most important resources were the coaches’ own professional support network, as well as the athletes’ support network, which would aid the coaches in their work. The coaches had difficulties with articulating what strategies they utilized when helping their student-athletes, though they could still explain situations in which that they had acted in certain ways to help ease the demands for the DC-athlete. These strategies were “planning together with the athlete” and “adjusting schedules in line with the student-athletes demands”. The results of the study highlight the need for a better communication between the coaches and the schools, in terms of optimizing the environment for the student-athletes. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka tränares upplevelser av att arbeta med studentidrottare, med fokus på deras upplevda utmaningar, resurser och strategier. Författarna till uppsatsen genomförde nio intervjuer, vilket inkluderade både män och kvinnor från 23 till 54 års ålder (M = 33,33, SD = 10,20). Genom att kombinera Holistiska karriärutvecklingmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) och Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova, 2003) designades semistrukturerade intervjuguider av författarna. Resultaten visade brist på insikt i RIU (Riksidrottsuniversitet) konceptet från tränarna och deras största utmaning var att hjälpa idrottare att behålla sitt fokus under träningarna. Tränarna uttryckte att den viktigaste resursen var tränarnas egna professionella stödnätverk, tillsammans med idrottarnas egna stödnätverk, vilket bidrog till att tränarna kunde behålla fokus på sin egen uppgift. Tränarna hade svårigheter att formulera de strategier som de använde sig av när de hjälpte sina studentidrottare. Dock, kunde de fortfarande förklara situationer när de hade agerat på särskilda sätt för att hjälpa underlätta kraven för studentidrottaren. Dessa strategier var “planering tillsammans med idrottaren” och “anpassa scheman i enlighet med studentidrottarens krav”. Resultaten av uppsatsen önskar belysa att det behövs en bättre kommunikation mellan tränaren och skolorna för att kunna optimera miljön för studentidrottare.

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