Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3chapter VII"" "subject:"cahapter VII""
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European Union as an emerging international military actor and its legal relationship with UN Security Council resolutionsSchmidt, Julia Ruth January 2012 (has links)
The thesis results from a research project, combining elements of European law and public international law. The project focuses on the different forms of the use of force by the European Union in the sphere of the Common Security and Defence Policy as an integral part of the EU’s common foreign and security policy. It examines the conditions under which the European Union can engage in military crisis management missions from the perspective of European Union law as well as from the perspective of public international law. The main emphasis of the thesis is put on the former, analysing the EU’s ambitions to become an international security actor from an inside-out perspective. When addressing the vertical dimension of the EU and the use of force in more detail, the thesis analyses the extent to which the Member States are constrained in the conduct of their national foreign and security policy through decisions by the European Union in the sphere of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. With regards to the EU’s legal relationship with the United Nations, the thesis examines whether and if so to what extent the European Union, although not a member of the United Nations, is bound by UN Security Council resolutions in respect of the use of force. Based on the assumption that the EU is bound by UN Security Council resolutions imposing economic sanctions, the thesis uses a comparative method in order to show that the EU as an international organisation is bound by decisions of the UN Security Council in the sense that the EU is obliged to respect the wording and limits of a UN Security Council mandate to use force once it decides to contribute with an EU mission. If the EU decides not to accept a UN Security Council mandate, the thesis argues that the EU is under the obligation not to undermine the success of a UN authorised military intervention, in the spirit of a loyalty obligation. Apart from analyzing the interaction of the EU and the international legal framework, the thesis also uses a speculative approach in order to examine the implications of silence in the context of the use of force.
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Právní povaha a výzkum rezolucí Rady bezpečnosti OSN podle kapitoly VII Charty OSN / The legal nature and research of resolutions of the UN Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN CharterVneková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The United Nations Security Council is primarily responsible for maintenance of international peace and security according to the Charter of the United Nations. To achieve this goal, it is authorized to adopt resolutions binding on member states under Chapter VII of the Charter. Considering the character of situations to which the Security council responds through its Chapter VII resolutions, this legal instrument often stirs emotions among the general public. But what does the law itself say about the Chapter VII resolutions? What is their legal nature and value in the field of public international law? This thesis provides an analysis of the Chapter VII resolutions, offers a definition of a Chapter VII resolution and analyzes some specific resolutions by which the Security Council acted more as a quasi-judicial or a quasi-legislative body. Through analysis of content limits of the Security Council powers, the thesis endeavors to confirm that binding nature of the Chapter VII resolutions as well as an obligation of member states to give effect to those resolutions do have its boundaries; and despite the special role of the Security Council in the field of public international law, its Chapter VII resolutions cannot have unlimited content. First of all, the resolutions cannot be in conflict with...
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A political analysis of MONUC's involvement in the peace and security problematique of the Democratic Republic of CongoKabongo Kidiawenda Doudou 03 July 2015 (has links)
Armed conflict and violence against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has persisted for years starting in the 1990s. The Eastern, Western and North-Eastern parts of the country have seen the presence of a multiplicity of armed groups that have caused an escalation of the humanitarian crisis. The United Nations, in the interest of civilian protection, peacekeeping and security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a mission under The United Nations Organisational Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). In spite of this mission, civilians continued in the Congo to suffer attacks and to endure human rights abuses by the armed militants that are fighting government and the government forces in shape of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). This study examines the problematique of the mandate of MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in light of the challenges that have made its success debatable. The success of MONUC has become debatable in light of the fact that in spite of its presence and implementation in the DRC, between 2007 and 2010, conflict and the violence against civilians escalated to unprecedented levels. This study examines the causalities of the failure and observes its effect while making propositions towards amelioration of the challenges and the failure of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)
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Le conseil de sécurité et les juridictions pénales internationales / The Security Council and the International Criminal CourtsNdiaye, Sidy Alpha 10 November 2011 (has links)
L’objet de notre réflexion est de voir que l’articulation entre le Conseil de sécurité et les juridictions pénales internationales s’appréhende essentiellement sous deux angles complètement nouveaux en droit international : la participation directe ou indirecte à la création d’organes juridictionnels et l’intrusion dans les procédures de fonctionnement de ceux-ci. Juridiquement, le Conseil de sécurité exerce pleinement ce double rôle sous le prisme de l’article 24 de la Charte des Nations Unies qui lui attribue la responsabilité principale en matière de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. En effet, qu’il s’agisse de la création des T.P.I., de son rôle peu ou prou variable dans l’établissement des juridictions mixtes, du pouvoir de saisine et de suspension de la C.P.I. que lui confère le Statut de Rome, de l’obligation de coopération des Etats dont il est l’ultime gardien ou de son pouvoir discrétionnaire dans la qualification du crime d’agression, le Conseil de sécurité est devenu, grâce à l’inépuisable fondement du Chapitre VII, le véritable catalyseur de la justice pénale internationale. Cependant, le revers de la médaille de cette importance du Conseil n’est pas anodin ou sans intérêt. Son irruption, très contestée au départ, dans le domaine de la justice pénale internationale donne lieu à une confrontation ancienne en droit international : celle de la politique et du juridique. Les termes de ce conflit transparaissent assez clairement de l’esprit de notre analyse. On ne peut d’ailleurs y échapper tant les préoccupations liées à la justice pénale internationale et celles relatives au maintien de la paix sont consubstantiellement imbriquées. Nous observons, non sans une certaine distance et une forme de retenue, que les termes mêmes de l’articulation alimentent toutes formes de conjectures sur l’indépendance et l’impartialité des juridictions pénales internationales. / The purpose of our research is to acknowledge that the link between the Security Council and international criminal jurisdictions is to be understood essentially under two entirely new perspectives in international law: the direct or indirect involvement of the Security Council in the creation of jurisdictional bodies and its intrusion in the operating procedures of the latter. Legally, the Security Council fully exercises this double role in accordance with Article 24 of the Charter of the United Nations, which devolves to it the main responsibility in the matter of maintaining peace and international security. Indeed, the Security Council, whether it is in the creation of ICCs, in its variable role in the setting up of mixed courts, in its power of submission and suspension of cases before the ICP which is imparted to it by the Statute of Rome, in its ultimate part in ensuring the obligation mutual cooperation amongst states, or in its discretionary power in the characterization of the crime of aggression, has become, thanks to the abiding foundation of Chapter VII, the genuine catalyst of international criminal justice. However, the downside to this importance of the Security Council is neither to be overlooked nor without interest. The sudden, and at first highly debated emergence of the Security Council in the area of international criminal justice has rekindled an old debate in international law: that of the political and the juridical order. The terms of this conflict show quite clearly through the approach of our analysis. We cannot evade this debate, considering how intricately the issues and concerns of international criminal justice and those of relating to peacekeeping are consubstantially interwoven. We may notice, albeit at some distance and some restraint, that the very terms of this link nurture all sorts of conjectures over the independence and impartiality of the international criminal courts.
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La reconstruction économique des territoires ravagés par des conflits armés au regard de la Charte des Nations Unies / Economic reconstruction of territories ravaged by armed conflicts under the Charter of the United NationsOkila, Vinc Denalet 22 December 2017 (has links)
A cours des dernières décennies, le Conseil de sécurité, agissant en vertu du chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies, a autorisé l'adoption de diverses mesures de nature ou de portée économique, dans la sphère des États ou territoires non-étatiques, à l'issue de conflits armés. Il a ainsi promu la stabilisation économique, via des réformes économiques d'envergure, dans des zones post-conflictuelles telles que le Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Kosovo, le Timor oriental ou l'Irak. Il a intégré des principes de bonne gouvernance économique dans des régimes de gouvernance transitoires au Liberia ou aux deux Soudan. Il a développé une gamme de stratégies de consolidation de la paix de plus en plus sophistiquée pour stabiliser l'exploitation des ressources naturelles comme le bois, le pétrole ou les diamants, dans les États comme la Sierra Leone, la République démocratique du Congo ou la Côte d'Ivoire. Toutes ces interventions, plus ou moins intrusives, dans la sphère économique interne des États soulèvent des questions d'ordre juridique importantes. Dans cette étude nous nous sommes intéressés à deux questions essentiellement, à savoir, l'ordre juridique international, tel que nous le connaissons aujourd'hui, dispose-t-il de tous les matériaux nécessaires et indispensables pour encadrer et réglementer toute activité de reconstruction économique entreprise par le Conseil de sécurité ou ses agents d'exécution sur la base du chapitre VII d la Carte des Nations Unions ? Et si oui, comment et dans quelle mesure un tel cursus est-il appréhendé en pratique par les différents acteurs ? Les réponses apportées à cette problématique nous ont conduit, dans un premier temps, à déterminer l'existence , sinon la portée du corpus juridique pertinent, et ensuite, à analyser son impact sur la nature et la portée des pouvoirs susceptibles d'être exercé dans ce contexte. Et, dans un second temps, nous avons apprécié jusqu'à quel point les exigences ainsi établies ont, jusqu'à ce jour, pénétré la pratique des différents acteurs sur cette question précise, et en cas de violation des règles pertinentes, comment rendre, et dans quelle mesure, les acteurs concernés responsables des violations alléguées. / Résumé non communiqué
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Våld på uppdrag av FN - Vilka situationer hotar internationell fred och säkerhet? : En tolkning av artikel 39 i FN-stadgan.Wadsten, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Art.39 är grindvakten som inleder kapitel VII i FN-stadgan och tröskeln vid vilken säkerhetsrådet går från att vara ett multilateralt organ till ett globalt verkställande organ. Konceptet ”threat to the peace” är det bredaste, otydligaste och viktigaste begreppet i art.39 FN-stadgan. Genom att framställa de centrala förutsättningarna för tillämpningen av art. 40-42, öppnar art. 39 för de mest kraftfulla insatser som FN kan frambringa. I det fall säkerhetsrådet fastställer förefintligheten av ett hot mot freden ”any threat to the peace”, ”breach of the peace” eller ”act of aggression” är det säkerhetsrådets uppgift att rekommendera eller vidta åtgärder för att upprätthålla eller återställa internationell fred och säkerhet. Art.39 är portalparagrafen som auktoriserar tillämpningen av våld och tvångsmedel enligt kapitel VII i FN-stadgan och således fungerar fastställandet enligt art.39 som en formell förutsättning för utövandet av kapitel VII befogenheter. Följaktligen har art.39 titulerats den enskilt mest betydelsefulla artikeln i FN-stadgan. Betydelsen till trots finns det inte överdrivet mycket material som utreder hur art.39 tolkas och tillämpas. Frågan om vilka situationer som utgör ett hot mot freden lyser med sin frånvaro och är långtifrån glasklar och oproblematisk.
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Consumer protection in international electronic contracts / C. ErasmusErasmus, Christo January 2011 (has links)
Since the Internet became available for commercial use in the early 90s, the way of
doing business was changed forever. The Internet and electronic commerce have
allowed people to carry out business by means of electronic communications, which
makes it possible for them to do business and to conclude contracts with people
situated within foreign jurisdictions. The need for consumer protection in electronic
commerce has become necessary because of the misuse of aspects peculiar to
electronic–commerce. Consumers have been cautious to make use of electroniccommerce,
as they are uncertain about the consequences that their actions might
have. Consumers will only utilise e–commerce if they have confidence in the legal
system regulating it; therefore, legislation was needed to regulate their e–commerce
activities. In 2002, the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 was
introduced into South African law as the first piece of legislation that would deal
exclusively with electronic communications. Chapter VII of this particular act deals
exclusively with consumer protection and seeks to remove certain uncertainties
imposed by e–commerce. This is done by providing the South African consumer with
statutory rights and obligations when engaging in electronic communications. The
Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008 is the most recent piece of legislation that aims
to promote a consistent legislative and enforcement framework relating to consumer
transactions and agreements. South African legislation dealing with electronic
commerce is relatively recent, and it is uncertain whether consumers are offered
sufficient protection when they conclude contracts with suppliers or sellers from a
foreign jurisdiction, that is, one that is situated outside South Africa.
After looking at the protection mechanisms in place for South African consumers
engaging in e–commerce, we have seen that there are certain problems that one
might experience when trying to determine the applicability of some of the consumer
protection measures to international electronic contracts. Most of the problems that
we have identified are practical of nature. Consumers may, for instance, find it hard
to execute their rights against foreign suppliers in a South African court, even if the
court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter. Another problem that we identified is
that some of the important terms in our legislation are too vaguely defined. Vague terms and definitions can lead to legal uncertainty, as consumers might find it hard to
understand the ambit of the acts, and to determine the applicability thereof on their
transactions. In order to look for possible solutions for South Africa, the author
referred to the legal position with regards to consumer protections in the United
Kingdom, and saw the important role that European Union legislation plays when
determining the legal position regarding consumer protection in the UK. The
legislation in the UK dealing with consumer protection is far more specific than the
South African legislation dealing with same. There is definitely consumer protection
legislation in place in South Africa but the ongoing technological changes in the
electronic commerce milieu make it necessary for our legislators to review consumer protection legislation on a regular basis to ensure that it offers sufficient protection
for South African consumers engaging in international electronic contracts. / Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Consumer protection in international electronic contracts / C. ErasmusErasmus, Christo January 2011 (has links)
Since the Internet became available for commercial use in the early 90s, the way of
doing business was changed forever. The Internet and electronic commerce have
allowed people to carry out business by means of electronic communications, which
makes it possible for them to do business and to conclude contracts with people
situated within foreign jurisdictions. The need for consumer protection in electronic
commerce has become necessary because of the misuse of aspects peculiar to
electronic–commerce. Consumers have been cautious to make use of electroniccommerce,
as they are uncertain about the consequences that their actions might
have. Consumers will only utilise e–commerce if they have confidence in the legal
system regulating it; therefore, legislation was needed to regulate their e–commerce
activities. In 2002, the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 was
introduced into South African law as the first piece of legislation that would deal
exclusively with electronic communications. Chapter VII of this particular act deals
exclusively with consumer protection and seeks to remove certain uncertainties
imposed by e–commerce. This is done by providing the South African consumer with
statutory rights and obligations when engaging in electronic communications. The
Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008 is the most recent piece of legislation that aims
to promote a consistent legislative and enforcement framework relating to consumer
transactions and agreements. South African legislation dealing with electronic
commerce is relatively recent, and it is uncertain whether consumers are offered
sufficient protection when they conclude contracts with suppliers or sellers from a
foreign jurisdiction, that is, one that is situated outside South Africa.
After looking at the protection mechanisms in place for South African consumers
engaging in e–commerce, we have seen that there are certain problems that one
might experience when trying to determine the applicability of some of the consumer
protection measures to international electronic contracts. Most of the problems that
we have identified are practical of nature. Consumers may, for instance, find it hard
to execute their rights against foreign suppliers in a South African court, even if the
court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter. Another problem that we identified is
that some of the important terms in our legislation are too vaguely defined. Vague terms and definitions can lead to legal uncertainty, as consumers might find it hard to
understand the ambit of the acts, and to determine the applicability thereof on their
transactions. In order to look for possible solutions for South Africa, the author
referred to the legal position with regards to consumer protections in the United
Kingdom, and saw the important role that European Union legislation plays when
determining the legal position regarding consumer protection in the UK. The
legislation in the UK dealing with consumer protection is far more specific than the
South African legislation dealing with same. There is definitely consumer protection
legislation in place in South Africa but the ongoing technological changes in the
electronic commerce milieu make it necessary for our legislators to review consumer protection legislation on a regular basis to ensure that it offers sufficient protection
for South African consumers engaging in international electronic contracts. / Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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A political analysis of MONUC's involvement in the peace and security problematique of the Democratic Republic of CongoKabongo Kidiawenda Doudou 03 July 2015 (has links)
Armed conflict and violence against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has persisted for years starting in the 1990s. The Eastern, Western and North-Eastern parts of the country have seen the presence of a multiplicity of armed groups that have caused an escalation of the humanitarian crisis. The United Nations, in the interest of civilian protection, peacekeeping and security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a mission under The United Nations Organisational Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). In spite of this mission, civilians continued in the Congo to suffer attacks and to endure human rights abuses by the armed militants that are fighting government and the government forces in shape of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). This study examines the problematique of the mandate of MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in light of the challenges that have made its success debatable. The success of MONUC has become debatable in light of the fact that in spite of its presence and implementation in the DRC, between 2007 and 2010, conflict and the violence against civilians escalated to unprecedented levels. This study examines the causalities of the failure and observes its effect while making propositions towards amelioration of the challenges and the failure of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)
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Le principe de complémentarité entre la cour pénale internationale et la juridiction pénale nationale / The principle of complementarity between the international criminal court and the national criminal jurisdictionAshnan, Almoktar 16 June 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette recherche est d’analyser le principe de complémentarité, de montrer la spécificité de la notion et d’en étudier la mise en œuvre à la lumière de la pratique de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) afin de mettre en évidence les obstacles juridiques et politiques. Selon l’article 1er du Statut de Rome, la Cour est complémentaire des juridictions pénales nationales pour le crime de génocide, les crimes contre l’humanité, les crimes de guerre et le crime d’agression. Dans le cadre de ce principe, les juridictions nationales ont la priorité mais la compétence de la Cour prend le relais lorsqu’un État ne dispose pas des moyens techniques ou juridiques nécessaires pour juger et punir les auteurs desdits crimes ou bien s’il mène un procès truqué. Dès lors, le régime de complémentarité vise à mettre fin à l’impunité à l’égard des personnes impliquées dans les crimes les plus graves qui touchent l’ensemble de la Communauté internationale. Le Statut de Rome, notamment par les dispositions de son article 17, indique comment mettre en œuvre la complémentarité selon les critères de recevabilité qui sont l’incapacité, le manque de volonté et la gravité. Les articles 18 et 19, pour leur part, fournissent le mécanisme de décision préjudicielle sur la recevabilité et la contestation. Par ailleurs, le rôle du Conseil de sécurité face à la complémentarité est aussi considéré comme un élément essentiel pour bien comprendre l’effectivité et l'impact juridique de cette Cour. En effet, les pouvoirs que le Statut de Rome et le chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies confèrent au Conseil lui permettent de saisir la CPI, de suspendre son activité, d’imposer aux États de coopérer avec la Cour, ou encore de qualifier un acte de crime d’agression, et ceci bien que l'indépendance de l’enquête et du procès soit l’épine dorsale de toute la justice pénale, si celle-ci veut être efficace. / The purpose of this research is to analyse the principle of complementarity, to show the specific character of the notion and to study its implementation in the light of the practice of the International criminal court (ICC) in order to highlight the political and legal obstacles. In accordance with Article 1, the Court is complementary to national criminal jurisdictions for crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crime of aggression. Under this principle, national jurisdictions have priority over ICC but the Court’s jurisdiction takes over when a State lacks the technical or legal means, which are necessary to try and punish the perpetrators of such crimes, or if a rigged trial took place. Therefore, complementarity aims to bring an end to impunity for those responsible for the most serious crimes of international concern. The Rome Statute, namely with the provisions of Article 17, indicates how to implement complementarity according to the criteria for admissibility which are inability, unwillingness and seriousness. Articles 18 and 19, for their part, provide the mechanism of preliminary ruling regarding admissibility and challenge. Furthermore, the role of the Security Council regarding complementarity is also considered as essential to understand the effectiveness and the legal impact of this Court. Powers which are conferred under the Rome Statute and chapter VII of the United Nations Charter allow the Security Council to refer a situation to the ICC, to suspend an ICC investigation, to require States to cooperate with the ICC, or to qualify a crime as aggression, and this despite the fact that the independence of the investigation and of the trial is the backbone of criminal justice ensuring it is efficient.
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