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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redskap för lärande? : Återkoppling i samhällskunskap på gymnasiet

Grönlund, Agneta January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores written and oral feedback in different contexts. The study is based on interviews with five Swedish teachers in Civics and on observations of their way of giving feedback in the classroom. Furthermore, teachers’ comments on the students’ written tasks were examined. Feedback from the teacher to the student has been classified into the categories: Focus on task, Focus on grade, Focus on learning process and Focus on self-regulation. According to previous research feedback with focus on process and self-regulation is the most powerful tool for enhancing learning. The result shows that the feedback which was given on written tests and written tasks was not favourable for enhancing learning. Feedback in a written log and during work in class was more effective. In the context where teacher gave oral feedback when giving back the written texts both grades and learning process appeared to be in focus. Activity theory has influenced the analysis of variation in feedback and of obstacles and possibilities for developing formative feedback. In order to explain the variation I discuss the form of the task, the nature of the subject and the fact that feedback is given in both a formative and a summative discourse. In the formative discourse, where the teacher acts as a promoter, I find good possibilities for developing formative feedback. Open tasks, feedback towards abilities and a direct relation between the student and the subject matter appeared in this discourse. A summative discourse, where examination and grades characterized the feedback, has been interpreted as an obstacle for development of a more formative practice. In that discourse the teacher acts as a mediator between the student and the subject matter.

Samhällskunskapens dimensioner : Tio lärare ramar in sitt ämne / The dimensions of social studies : Ten teachers frame their subject

Öberg, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Denna samhällskunskapsdidaktiska studies syfte är att undersöka vad samhällskunskapslärare själva upplever som de viktigaste påverkansfaktorerna för transformeringen av samhällskunskap som skolämne till samhällskunskap som undervisning utifrån didaktiska frågor som Vad?, Hur? och Varför?, samt hur detta upplevs förändrats över en tidsperiod om cirka tjugo år eller mer. Studien bygger på hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats där fenomenologisk beskrivning och hermeneutisk tolkning är centralt. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med tio samhällskunskapslärare med lång yrkeserfarenhet från högstadium, gymnasium eller vuxenutbildning. Resultatet tematiseras utifrån inspiration från ramfaktorteoretiska utgångspunkteri fyra dimensioner av påverkansfaktorer, vilka är Den personliga dimensionen, Den didaktiska dimensionen, Den styrande dimensionen och Den samhälleliga dimensionen. Var och en av dessa dimensioner delas upp i ett antal variationer. Dimensionerna är konstruerade utifrån principen om det personligt nära till det samhälleligt distanserade. Utöver dessa dimensioner har en aspekt på dessa lagts till. Det är Den elevnära aspekten vars innehåll utgörs av eleverna som påverkansfaktor för hur undervisningen blir. Lärarna i studien pratar aldrig om eleverna som påverkansfaktor utan att koppla detta till någon av de fyra dimensionerna. Slutsatser som dras i studien är att de tio lärarna alla har mycket olika berättelserom vad de uppfattar som viktigaste påverkansfaktorer. Några lägger mest fokus på sin personliga bakgrund eller personliga intressen. Andra fokuserar mer på didaktiska idéer, på styrdokument eller på organisatoriska ramar. Studien visar också att lärarna alla har en eller ett par dominerande dimensioner som dels syns mest i berättelsen, dels också påverkar hur de pratar om de andra dimensionerna. Lärarnas berättelser visar även att de upplever att undervisningen och vad som påverkar denna påtagligt förändras över tid. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är kanske att den exemplifierar teoretiska perspektiv. Inte minst genom att belysa att vad som påverkar undervisningen i ett ämne är så komplext att den ramfaktorteoretiska byggnadsställningen måste anpassas efter den specifika undersökningen med dess frågeställningar och undersökningsmaterial. / The purpose of this research in social studies didactics is to examine what teachers in social studies perceive as the most important influencing factors for the transformation from social studies as school subject to social studies as classroom teaching, based on didactic questions as; What?, How? and Why?, and how this is perceived has changed over a period of about twenty years or more. The study is based on the hermeneutic-phenomenological life-world approach, where phenomenological description and hermeneutic interpretation are central. The empirical data consist of interviews with ten teachers in social studies with extensive professional experience in lower secondary school, upper secondary school or adult education. The result is thematically based on inspiration from frame factor theory in four dimensions of influencing factors, which are; The personal dimension, The didactic dimension, The governing dimension and The societal dimension. Each of these dimensions is divided into a number of variations. The dimensions are designed on the principle of the personally close to the societal distanced. In addition to these dimensions, an aspect of these is added. It is The pupil aspect, whose content pupils as influencing factor. The teachers in the study never talk about pupils and their influence on the teaching without connection to any of the four dimensions. Conclusions drawn in the study is that the ten teachers all have very different stories about what they perceive as the most important influencing factors. Some places the greatest emphasis on their personal background or personal interests. Others focus more on didactic ideas, on policy documents or on the economical and organizational framework. The study also shows that all the teachers have one or two dominant dimensions as most visible, that also affects the way they talk about the other dimensions. The teachers’ stories also show that they perceive that the teaching and what impact this change appreciably over time. The study’s most important contribution is perhaps that it exemplifies theoretical perspectives, for an example highlighting that the frame factor theoretical scaffolding must be adapted to the specific study and its issues and research materials.

Att ta sig an världen : Lärare diskuterar innehåll och mål i samhällskunskapsämnet

Sandahl, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The focus of this investigation is civics in the Swedish upper secondary school. In addition to subject matter, civics is also an agent for democratic socialisation. The study explores and analyses the reflections of six teachers on their teaching about globalisation. These reflections, or voices, are researched through interviews and classroom observations. The starting point is the teachers’ description of content and goals in their teaching. The overall aim is to identify and analyse first and second order concepts in their teaching and analyse the relationship between the concepts and democratic socialisation. Despite the strong position of civics as one of the main subjects in school curricula very little research has been done. By focusing on one substantial case, globalisation, this study tries to reach beyond the various topics covered in civics. In order to understand civics teaching the researcher use the history didactic terms of first and second order concepts to find a new way to explore and understand civics. Manifested in the teachers’ voices are ideas on how to organise, analyse, interpret and critically review discourses in society. The second order concepts of civics found in the teachers’ voices are social science perspectives, social science causality, social science inference, social science evidence and social science abstraction. In order to reach their goals in civics the teachers underline the importance of using second order concepts. When pupils work more scientifically they develop a way of thinking about society and they have to challenge their set opinions about different topics. Therefore, the second order concepts are important for achieving civic literacy.

Tolerans, jämlikhet och social rättvisa, vilken roll spelar det interkulturella lärandet? : En studie om hur samhällskunskapslärare i gymnasiet uppfattar interkulturellt lärande. / Tolerance, equality, and social justice, what part does the intercultural learning play? : A study about how civics teachers in upper secondary schools perceives intercultural learning.

Tornberg, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Intercultural learning is an aspect in all matters of teaching, including civics. Although it is not specified “how” intercultural learning should be included or defined in civics. In the curriculum LGR 11 for the elementary school the concept of intercultural learning is explicitly included but in GY 11 for the upper secondary school its excluded, at least explicitly. Furthermore, there is ambiguities about the definition of intercultural teaching. Although tolerance, equality, and social justice are aspects that intercultural teaching strives to develop. In relation to the report ICCS 2016 attributes such as tolerance, values and understanding norms in other cultures indicated to be somewhat lacking in students, attributes that intercultural learning is supposed to develop. The purpose of this master thesis is to interview upper secondary school teachers in civics about their perception of intercultural learning, in what ways intercultural learning occurs in teaching and how the teachers perceive support for intercultural learning in GY 11. To study this, I have used semi-structured interviews. Their answers were later analysed through three theoretical aspects based on Lahdenperäs (2004) definition of intercultural learning. These are student-active and experience-based teaching, culture contrastive perspective and emotionally process one’s own ethnocentrism. The result show that intercultural learning is unusual when the interviewed teachers reflect upon their teaching planning. The teachers did not or only barely understood the concept of intercultural learning. After the interviews were analysed, it showed a mixed result about how teachers reflect and understand intercultural learning and how they include it in their teaching. Sometimes the teachers mentioned aspects that indicate the use of intercultural learning and at other times responses indicated otherwise, even aspects that intercultural learning is supposed to oppose. Perceived support about intercultural teaching in the curriculum GY 11 deemed to be somewhat lacking and could be improved upon. Although the teachers mentioned that it might be difficult to include more aspects in the curriculum due to the overload in work it might cause. The results also showed that intercultural teaching might be an area to study further upon because of the interesting reflections by the teachers, that might aid the understanding of how intercultural teaching could be included in teaching. / Interkulturellt lärande är en aspekt som ska ingå i all undervisning, däribland i samhällskunskapsdidaktiken men hur det ska inkluderas och definieras är inte tydligt. I läroplanen LGR 11 finns interkulturellt lärande explicit inkluderat, dock i GY 11 saknas begreppet trots att det är ett ämne som ska inkluderas i all undervisning. Interkulturellt lärande är ett otydligt, brett begrepp som det råder osäkerheter kring i forskning. Interkulturellt lärande ska dock inkludera moment som utvecklar kunskaper kring tolerans, social rättvisa, jämlikhet med elevers olika erfarenheter och utbytet av perspektiv. I relation med egenskaperna interkulturellt lärande ska utveckla så kan betydelsen av interkulturellt lärande ställas mot ICCS 2016 som visade brister hos elevers kunskaper inom områden berörande tolerans, värderingar och normer. Examensarbetets syfte är att ta reda på aktiva samhällskunskapslärares uppfattningar om interkulturellt lärande, hur lärarna inkluderar det i sin undervisning och vilket uppfattat stöd i GY 11 erbjuder, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Svaren analyseras med hjälp av tre teoretiska aspekter skapade genom Lahdenperäs (2004) definition av begreppet interkulturellt lärande. Dessa utgångspunkter är: Studentaktiv och erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning, kulturkontrastivt perspektiv och känslomässig bearbetning av sin egen etnocentrism. Resultatet visar att interkulturellt lärande är ett ovanligt begrepp att ta hänsyn till i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Endast en av lärarna kände till begreppet ”interkultur” och kunde ge en generell förklaring av dess definition, dock inte ”interkulturellt lärande”. Analysen visar ett blandat resultat över huruvida lärare reflekterar kring interkulturellt lärande i undervisning. Samtliga lärare gav respons som indikerar på att de emellanåt hade aspekter som berör interkulturellt lärande dock samtidigt gavs aspekter som interkulturellt lärande ska motverka såsom bearbetningen av etnocentrism. Upplevt stöd från läroplanen om interkulturellt lärande kan utvecklas, då det ansågs som ett viktigt ämne men att det finns annan problematik, såsom tidsbrist för ytterligare tillägg i undervisningen. Dock utifrån analysen kunde en slutsats dra att det är ett område som är av värde att studeras vidare inom då intressanta uppfattningar av lärarna visade på faktorer som kan vara användbart i reflektioner om interkulturellt lärande i undervisning.

Rikare resonemang om rättvisa : Vad kan kvalificera deltagande i samhällskunskapspraktiken? / Richer reasoning about justice : What factors might qualify participation in the practise of civics?

Tväråna, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The study explores the meaning of knowing how to reason about justice in civics in upper secondary school. This is examined through the analysis of students’ conceptions of justice, and of their conceptions of civic reasoning about justice. It is also examined through the analysis of civic education practise. In the study, teaching was designed using Variation Theory and the theory of intersubjectivity in Activity Theory, and examined and evaluated in three Learning Studies. The empirical material consists of filmed and transcribed research lessons and interviews, as well as of written pre- and post-tests. The material was first analysed using phenomenography, and then analysed using content-oriented conversation analysis. Students’ conceptions of justice were found to move between the conception of justice as (A) a universal value, (B) a personal value or (C) a value of principle. Students’ conceptions of civic reasoning about justice were found to move between three conceptions: (a) reporting about justice, (b) analysing causes of different perspectives on justice or (c) critical reasoning about principles of justice. The critical aspects of knowing how to reason about justice in civics that students needed to discern were the relativity of justice, the basis for arguments for principles of justice and the analysing as well as the criticizing aspects of reasoning. The subject-knowledge that the teachers expressed in their teaching was one condition of the practise of civics that was found to be of importance for the students’ learning. Others were the assumed purpose of the practise of civics and a genuine need for the intended knowledge in the practice. Communicative actions that seem to facilitate these conditions are real learning tasks and a subject-specific language and variation of critical aspects as mediating tools. The findings are discussed in relation to theories of justice in political science and to the practise of civics education.

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