Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coaching."" "subject:"broaching.""
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Coaching, empowerment och hälsa : En litteraturstudie / Coaching, empowerment and health : A literature reviewRittershausen, Kerstin January 2010 (has links)
Begreppen coaching och empowerment har blivit mycket populära. Coaching är att hjälpa människor att lyckas. Empowerment översätts på svenska med egenmakt och maktmobilisering. Syfte med denna studie är att undersöka hur coaching kan hjälpa till att främja empowerment och därmed bidra till att öka människornas hälsa. Frågeställningar är: Vilka samband finns det mellan coaching och empowerment? Hur påverkar empowerment människornas hälsa? Kan man öka individens hälsa med coaching? Uppsatsen grundas på en litteraturstudie. I resultatet analyseras elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att empowerment och coaching har mycket gemensamt och att båda främjar människornas hälsa. Coaching kan förbättra självförtroendet (själv-efficacy), självkänslan (self-esteem), självmanagement, coping, autonomi, empowerment, smärt- och stresshanteringen, ledarkompetensen och den emotionella intelligensen. Coaching leder till en attitydförändring som underlättar livsstilsförändringar och höjer livskvalitén. Coaching främjar människans Känsla Av SAMmanhang (KASAM) som innebär mer hanterbarhet, begriplighet och meningsfullhet i livet. Studiens slutsats är att coaching är ett sätt att göra empowerment. Diskussionen behandlar skillnaderna mellan empowerment och paternalism, emotionell intelligens och dess betydelse och hur coaching påverkar hälsan. Dessutom diskuteras sambandet mellan psyke och kropp, betydelsen av coping och hur coaching främjar ledarkompetenserna. Slutligen behandlas coaching i kontexten till empowerment och Känslan Av SAMmanhang (KASAM). / The concepts of coaching and empowerment have become very popular. Coaching enables people to make positive changes in their lives. The Swedish translation for empowerment is “the mobilization of power”. The aim of this study is to explore how coaching can help to promote empowerment and thereby help to increase people's health. The research investigates the following questions: What is the link between coaching and empowerment? How does empowerment improve people's health? And finally: Is it possible to increase the individual's health with coaching? The essay is based on a literature review. It analyzes the results of eleven scientific articles. The results show that empowerment and coaching have a lot in common and that both promote people's health. Coaching can improve self-confidence, self efficacy,self-esteem, self-management, coping, autonomy, empowerment, pain management, stress management, management skills and emotional intelligence. Coaching leads to a change in attitudes that facilitate lifestyle changes and improve the quality of life. Coaching encourages people sense of Coherence (SOC), which means more manageability, comprehensibility and meaningfulness in life, which leads to the conclusion that coaching is one way to do empowerment. The discussion deals with the differences between paternalism and empowerment, emotional intelligence and its importance and how coaching affects health. It discusses the relationship between mind and body; the importance of coping and how coaching promotes leadership abilities. Finally coaching is treated in the context of empowerment and the sense of coherence (SOC).
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Att vara orkestermusiker och instrumentallärare : En studie om samspelet mellan två yrkesroller / The Orchestral Musician and Instrumental Teacher : A study about the interplay between two professionsNilhammer, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet handlar om orkestermusiker tillika instrumentallärare, och hur de ser på samspelet mellan yrkena. Arbetet har två vinklingar; hur musikern påverkas av läraren, och hur läraren påverkas av musikern. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex informanter som alla jobbar både som stråkmusiker och pedagoger. De har olika bakgrund, och olika erfarenhet av undervisning. Som teoretisk bakgrund använder jag ett förhållningssätt där mästarläran, och läraren som coach står i centrum. Mitt resultat är bland annat att musikern blir mer medveten och analytisk till sitt eget och andras spel och att läraren blir en utövande mästare som håller hög spelnivå. Jag diskuterar vilka olika roller mina informanter kan ha, hur deras svar kan relateras till mästarläran kontra coachning samt förmedlad kontra konstruerad kunskap. Det jag kommit fram till är att mina informanter ser jobbkombinationen som värdefull och berikande för båda yrkena, men att tiden ofta inte räcker till. / This study focuses on orchestral musicians who also are instrumental teachers, and how they approach the interrelationship between the two professions. The study presents two views: how the teacher influences the musician, and how the musician influences the teacher. I have based the study on qualitative interviews with six interviewees, all of whom work as string players and pedagogues. They all have different backgrounds, with various experiences of teaching. As a theoretical background, I have used an approach where master teaching, or the teacher as a coach, is central. Among my findings, I have discovered that the musician becomes more conscious and analytic toward his/her own style of playing, but also towards others as well. The teachers are masters and they possess a high technical level in their playing. Further, I discuss what roles the interviewees may have, and how I can relate their answers to my theoretical background. The interviewees make clear that working as both a teacher and a musician is valuable, but the issue of time can be a problem.
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Coaching, empowerment och hälsa : En litteraturstudie / Coaching, empowerment and health : A literature reviewRittershausen, Kerstin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Begreppen coaching och empowerment har blivit mycket populära. Coaching är att hjälpa människor att lyckas. Empowerment översätts på svenska med egenmakt och maktmobilisering. Syfte med denna studie är att undersöka hur coaching kan hjälpa till att främja empowerment och därmed bidra till att öka människornas hälsa. Frågeställningar är: Vilka samband finns det mellan coaching och empowerment? Hur påverkar empowerment människornas hälsa? Kan man öka individens hälsa med coaching? Uppsatsen grundas på en litteraturstudie. I resultatet analyseras elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att empowerment och coaching har mycket gemensamt och att båda främjar människornas hälsa. Coaching kan förbättra självförtroendet (själv-efficacy), självkänslan (self-esteem), självmanagement, coping, autonomi, empowerment, smärt- och stresshanteringen, ledarkompetensen och den emotionella intelligensen. Coaching leder till en attitydförändring som underlättar livsstilsförändringar och höjer livskvalitén. Coaching främjar människans Känsla Av SAMmanhang (KASAM) som innebär mer hanterbarhet, begriplighet och meningsfullhet i livet. Studiens slutsats är att coaching är ett sätt att göra empowerment. Diskussionen behandlar skillnaderna mellan empowerment och paternalism, emotionell intelligens och dess betydelse och hur coaching påverkar hälsan. Dessutom diskuteras sambandet mellan psyke och kropp, betydelsen av coping och hur coaching främjar ledarkompetenserna. Slutligen behandlas coaching i kontexten till empowerment och Känslan Av SAMmanhang (KASAM).</p> / <p>The concepts of coaching and empowerment have become very popular. Coaching enables people to make positive changes in their lives. The Swedish translation for empowerment is “the mobilization of power”. The aim of this study is to explore how coaching can help to promote empowerment and thereby help to increase people's health. The research investigates the following questions: What is the link between coaching and empowerment? How does empowerment improve people's health? And finally: Is it possible to increase the individual's health with coaching? The essay is based on a literature review. It analyzes the results of eleven scientific articles. The results show that empowerment and coaching have a lot in common and that both promote people's health. Coaching can improve self-confidence, self efficacy,self-esteem, self-management, coping, autonomy, empowerment, pain management, stress management, management skills and emotional intelligence. Coaching leads to a change in attitudes that facilitate lifestyle changes and improve the quality of life. Coaching encourages people sense of Coherence (SOC), which means more manageability, comprehensibility and meaningfulness in life, which leads to the conclusion that coaching is one way to do empowerment. The discussion deals with the differences between paternalism and empowerment, emotional intelligence and its importance and how coaching affects health. It discusses the relationship between mind and body; the importance of coping and how coaching promotes leadership abilities. Finally coaching is treated in the context of empowerment and the sense of coherence (SOC).</p>
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Att coacha individen och laget : En kvalitativ studie av ishockeycoachens arbetssätt / Coaching the individual and the team : A qualitative study on the work of the ice hockey coachSamuelsson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är att jag vill titta närmare på hur man bygger ett framgångsrikt ishockeylag, där man får ut det mesta av varje individ för att på så vis bilda en svårslagen enhet samt hur en coach kan arbeta för att skapa ett klimat som uppmuntrar till utveckling, både på isen och vid sidan om. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utforska den vetenskapliga kunskap som finns om hur ett lag och dess individer kan coachas samt ta reda på hur elitseriecoacher arbetar för att coacha laget och individen och hur elitseriespelare vill att coachen ska agera. Följande frågeställningar ligger till grund för mitt arbete: Hur arbetar elitseriecoacher i ishockey med att coacha individen och laget? Hur vill elitseriespelare att en coach ska coacha individen och laget? Undersökningen består av kvalitativa intervjuer med ett urval av Elitseriens coacher. För att jag också ska få en bild av hur en elitseriespelare upplever att coacherna agerar samt hur de vill att de ska agera, så kommer också intervjuer med ett urval av elitserielagens lagkaptener att genomföras. Undersökningens resultat visar att mycket av den kunskap som finns i den vetenskapliga forskningen om coaching också återfinns i intervjupersonernas svar. Enligt intervjupersonerna ser den moderna ishockeycoachen väldigt annorlunda ut, jämfört med den traditionella. Framförallt betonades detta av spelarna, samtidigt som coacherna genom sina svar också visade prov på att det finns en stor medvetenhet om hur coaching kan bedrivas, både när det gäller laget som helhet och den individuella spelaren. Den vetenskapliga kunskapen tycks praktiseras även ute i verkligheten, även om den ibland kan ta sig olika former eller anpassas till de regler och normer som gäller inom ishockeyns värld. Jag upplever att de coacher som finns med i undersökningen arbetar på ett sätt som stämmer väl överens med hur spelarna i undersökningen vill att coachen ska agera. Det var också tydligt att de uppskattade den nya moderna coachingen mer än den gamla stilen. / The background to this essay is that I want to have a closer look at how a coach can get the most out of every individual in order to form a successful ice hockey team as well as how a coach can work to create a climate that encourages progress, both on and off the ice. The purpose of the essay is to explore the scientific knowledge that exists about coaching a team and its individuals as well as finding out how Elite League coaches work with coaching the team and the individual and how Elite League players would like the coach to act. The study is based on these questions: How do Elite League coaches work with coaching the individual and the team? How would Elite League players like their coach to work with coaching the individual and the team? The study consists of qualitative interviews with at sample of Elite League coaches. To get an idea of how Elite League players experience their coaches’ behavior and how the players would like the coaches to act, qualitative interviews will also be conducted with a sample of the Elite League teams’ players. These players are the player captains of their respective teams. The result of the study shows that a lot of the knowledge prevalent in scientific research are also figuring in the responses I got through my interviews. The respondents made it clear that the modern ice hockey coach is very different from the traditional ice hockey coach. This point was stressed the most by the players, while the coaches showed through their responses that the awareness of how coaching can be practiced is high, both regarding the team as a whole and the individual player. The scientific knowledge is seemingly also practiced in reality, although it may take a variety of different forms or be adapted to the rules and norms in the world of ice hockey. My apprehension was that the coaches of the study to high degree coached in a way that consisted with how the players of the study wanted their coach to act. It was also clear that the players appreciated the new modern style of coaching more than the traditional style.
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The professionalisation of Scottish football coaches : a personal construct approachClarke, Peter Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Sports coaching has struggled to gain credibility as a profession. It has previously been described as a pseudo profession, though in recent years there have been a number of attempts to rectify this view in order to formally recognize coaching as a profession. Most literature on the professions focuses on the more established professions, with very little research undertaken into the professional development of football (soccer) coaches. The research undertaken examined the ways in which Scottish football coaches learnt their ‘trade’ once they had achieved their initial certification – in other words, how they became socialised into the profession of football coach in Scotland. In order to achieve this aim a number of different samples were examined. First, a sample of aspiring, young professional players were examined, followed by a sample of full time young professionals. Further, two samples of coaches undertaking their initial accreditation courses (SFA UEFA ‘B’ Licence and SFA UEFA ‘A’ Licence - this latter award being essential to become a full time professional football coach in Scotland). Finally, a sample of senior coaches (those that had been practising for at least five years) was examined. The methodology of choice was that of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) which enabled an idiographic analysis of each coach to be carried out. Using the Repertory Grid (Repgrid) technique all samples, which were exclusively male, completed a grid and the group of senior coaches also had their grid data further analysed using the ‘Laddering’ approach, which enabled a more detailed set of core constructs to be derived. In addition, the development of the ‘Snake’ interview approach, enabled a more detailed examination of senior, elite coaches’tract development. This format enabled the senior coaches to describe perceived critical incidents that had occurred in their professional lives and discussed what meaning such incidents had in their professional development. Results indicated that there was a mismatch between what young professional players thought that coaches should do and what coaches actually did in their daily practice. Further, differences in constructs between “B” level, coaches and “A” level coaches and senior coaches were clearly definable. There was little evidence to support idealistic notions of what should happen in learning situations with senior professional coaches and reasons for such were discussed. It was argued that much more attention should be paid by the National Governing Body, the Scottish Football Association (SFA), to ensure that courses should be better structured to be more relevant to neophyte coaches in their initial learning. Thus, once these coaches become formally qualified (certificated) more precise mechanisms, in terms of realistic Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes, mentoring of coaches at all levels and the establishment and encouragement of ongoing and accepted communities of practice, coaches will benefit and develop as professionals from such continuous life-long learning opportunities.
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Coaching: uma estratégia comportamental para a aquisição de uma imagem corporal mais satisfatória em mulheres / Coaching: a behavioral strategy in order to achieve a better corporal image in womenMartins, Eliana Melcher [UNIFESP] 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-31 / O presente estudo teve como objetivo utilizar um procedimento de “Coaching” (processo que se utiliza de estratégias de metas, ações direcionadas e contingências, a partir dos recursos pessoais do próprio indivíduo, que é incentivado a produzir os resultados desejados em sua vida), visando a melhora da imagem corporal de mulheres obesas insatisfeitas com o seu aspecto físico. Participaram 40 mulheres com idade entre 22 e 63 anos, obesas, que não apresentavam transtornos neurológicos ou psiquiátricos, sem acompanhamento psicoterápico ou psiquiátrico. Os instrumentos de “coaching” utilizados para avaliar as voluntárias foram: escalas analógicas (aspectos físicos e psíquicos), estabelecimento de metas e valores (visa identificar o motivo que leva o individuo a se submeter ao plano de tratamento) e o plano de ação (o indivíduo determina as estratégias para o alcance da meta desejada). Os aspectos psicológicos como depressão e ansiedade foram avaliados com o uso dos inventários de depressão e ansiedade de Beck, a compulsão alimentar foi avaliada através da escala alimentar periódica e a imagem corporal através da escala de desenhos de silhuetas. Parâmetros como o perfil bioquímico, peso corporal, índice de massa corporal e as medidas de cintura e quadril foram também considerados. Todos os procedimentos foram avaliados antes e após 10 meses de intervenção. Os resultados evidenciaram redução dos graus de ansiedade (leve para mínimo) e da intensidade da compulsão alimentar (moderada para leve). As voluntárias mostraram-se mais satisfeitas com a própria imagem corporal: aspecto físico (ruim para regular), psicológico (regular para bom) e com a significativa redução das medidas corporais: peso (-3,6 kg), IMC (-1,3 Kg/m²), cintura (-3,6 cm) e quadril (-3,0 cm). / The purpose of this study is to use and evaluate coaching as a procedure to improve the body image of obese woman who are dissatisfied with certain aspects of their physical aspects. Coaching is a process that uses goal strategies, direct actions, contingencies, utilizes personal traits and encourages the individual to produce the desired results in ones life. The subjects were 40 women, aged between 22 and 63 years old with refractory obesity, who had not presented signs of neurological or psychiatric disorders, and were not receiving psychotherapeutic or psychiatric monitoring. The coaching instruments employed to assess the volunteers were: visual analogue scales (appraisal of physical and psychological state), goal setting and definition of values (to identify the rationale for the individual before undergoing the treatment plan) and an action plan (the individual determines the strategies for reaching the desired target). The psychological aspects were evaluated by administering the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. The Binge Eating Scale questionnaire assesses the presence of binge eating behavior and figural stimuli were used for assessment. Parameters such as biochemical, body weight, body mass index, waist, and hip measurements were also considered. They were evaluated before the commencement of the procedure and after 10 months of intervention. The results indicated a reduction in the levels of anxiety (mild to minimal) and the intensity of the compulsion to eat (moderate to mild). The volunteers showed that they had become more satisfied with their body image: physical aspects (poor to fair), psychological (fair to good) and achieved a significant reduction in their body measurements: weight (- 3.6 kg), BMI (-1.3 kg/m²), waist (- 3.6 cm) and hip (- 3.0 cm).ty. / TEDE
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Coaching scolaire, école, individu : l'émergence d'un accompagnement non disciplinaire en marge de l'école. / Academic coaching, school, individual : the emergence of a accompaniment of schooling outside the schoolOller, Anne-Claudine 30 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche de doctorat interroge le coaching scolaire en tant que pratique émergente d'accompagnement de la scolarité non disciplinaire. Venu du monde de l'entreprise, le coaching scolaire semble faire écho à de nouvelles injonctions de l'école (élaboration d'un projet, choix d'orientation, autonomie, recherche de performance et d'épanouissement de soi). Celles-ci émergent avec la loi d'orientation de 1989 qui place l'élève au centre du système et sont renforcées par la mise en œuvre de l'éducation à l'orientation au collège et au lycée. Ces injonctions s'inscrivent dans un ensemble de discours qui ressortissent à la "cité par projet" et à la construction de l'élève en tant qu'individu. Ce travail met en évidence en quoi recourir au coaching scolaire peut être considéré comme une stratégie éducative soutenue par une volonté de reproduction sociale, d'ascension sociale, ou du moins de maintien social. Le coaching scolaire participe également à la construction de l'élève en tant qu'individu, qui en cherchant à faire face aux situations scolaires auxquelles il est confronté, vise à être autonome, à se réaliser et par là-même à s'inscrire dans diverses formes de performance. Convoquant les dispositions familiales des coachés, le coaching scolaire entend leur permettre de pouvoir mieux vivre leur scolarité et de développer un certain nombre de compétences attendues dans l'école et dans le monde du travail. Différentes méthodes ont été mobilisées pour réaliser le travail de terrain : entretiens semi-directifs, observations participantes et dépouillement de dossiers de coachés à visée statistique. Afin de comprendre le contexte dans lequel le coaching scolaire émerge, toute une investigation a été menée dans des établissements scolaires pour mettre en évidence les nouvelles injonctions scolaires et la manière dont elles se déclinent selon les caractéristiques scolaires et sociales des élèves. / This thesis examines educational coaching as an emerging educational practice. This form of coaching was imported from the corporate world and seems to echo the new agenda of the educational system: project development, career choices, autonomy, the quest for performance and self-fulfilment. The Law of 1989 required the education system to place the student at its centre, partly by integrating career education into middle and high schools. This in turn resulted in the spread of educational coaching. These injunctions are part of a wider discourse pertaining to the French concept of "cité-par-projet" (Boltanski & Chiappello, 1999) and the construction of the student as an individual. This research shows how the use of such coaching can be considered an educational strategy which is supported by a commitment to social reproduction, social advancement, or at least social stability. Educational coaching is also involved in the construction of the pupil as an individual who seeks to deal with situations which arise at school, to be autonomous, to become a fulfilled individual and, thereby, to feel successful in other terms, rather than merely in relation to academic achievement. Above all, such coaching is meant to build upon the family background, in order to enable pupils to have a better educational experience and to develop those skills necessary both at school and in the workplace. Different methods were used to carry out the fieldwork: semi-structured interviews, participant observation and the statistical analysis of coached pupils' records. To understand the broader context in which educational coaching emerges, schools were also visited; the impact of the new injunctions was studied, especially in relation to the academic and social characteristics of pupils.
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Fäkttränares upplevelse av feedback i tävlingssammanhang / Fencing coaches experience of feedback at competitionsDordevic, Larisa January 2018 (has links)
Coaching can affect athletes' performance and psychological well-being through the communication and feedback that the coaches provide. Both internal and external factors affect the communication process and the effectiveness of the feedback. Objective: The objective of the study was to increase the knowledge associated with feedback during 1 minute breaks in direct elimination matches at fencing competitions. This, by gaining insight into how fencing coaches experience the feedback they give to their fencers. In addition, the purpose is to generate knowledge of factors in the communication process that affect feedback. Design: Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Method: Three fencing coaches, with at least one epée fencer at top 8 on the national ranking list for senior men/women, were interviewed using a semi-structured guide. Questions about their communication and feedback in different scenarios, different situations, and factors were asked. Results: The coaches purpose of the feedback was to get the fencers into their individual zone of optimal functioning (IZOF). The coaches focused mostly on the psychological aspect and tactical feedback, with less focus on technique. The relationship between the coaches and fencers was percieved as one of the crucial factors for effective communication and feedback. Conclusions: As athletes are influenced by coaches' communication and feedback, it is important to understand what is sent and why, and also what the coaches percieve the fencers receive and the following experienced response. By gaining in-depth understanding of factors that affect, the coaches can make more active choices that lead to more effective communication and feedback, and thereby better performance.
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Role a podoba cílů v koučování / Role and the form of the goals in coachingValášková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the role of the goals in coaching with focus on their form and their possible impact on the coaching process. The topic of the goals is presented from the several perspectives that are confronted each other. The thesis has two parts - the theoretical one and the empirical one. In the theoretical part of the work are defined the concepts that are related to the topic, described psychological principles and essence of coaching, clarified the role of the goals in coaching, summarized the psychological approaches in coaching, discussed possible negative consequences of the goals in coaching and at the end of the theoretical part is given a brief overview of current research of this topic. The second, empirical part is following by theoretical part. The research design is characterized by the quantitative research, where is mapped the goal orientation of the coaches and then their attitudes to work with the goals. The target group of the research are certified professional coaches in the Czech republic. The data collection is realized by the administration of a self- assessment questionnaire. Questions in the questionnaire are related to how coaches set the goals with coachees, how do they evaluate the goals during the cooperation and how do they percieve...
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En väg till förändring? : Coachingens betydelseÅdjers, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how some elected established coaching models works in practice, and how the respondents perceived the situation of having a coach. There were three participants in the study, two men and one woman. The first part of the study was to investigate how some established coaching models work in practice, which was inspired by action research. The coaching process was grounded in Höigard and Jörgensens (2002) four-stage model, while the transtheoretical model was used as a complement to describe and analyze the participants incline to change. Both of these models emphasize the weight of using a good goal setting strategy and the SMART-model (Faskunger, 2002) was used to meet this. The data collection was performed on qualitative grounds when notes of the coaching interviews were taken to notice the participants willingness to change. This could for example be something that the participants had sad or something they’ve done to move between the different stages according to the transtheoretical model. The second part of the study was to investigate how the participants experienced the situation of having contact with a coach. This part was executed on qualitative grounds were an interview met the purpose. The result indicated that the coaching process might have influenced the participants motivation to change their behavior. This was presumed to depend on the techniques and methods that had been used (i.e., target strategies, empowerment and the confidence shown from the coach). Initially it was shown that the participants motivation to change seems to be extrinsic. During the process the motivation factors changed and the participants seems to have acquired a motivation of a more internal character. This because the participants after some time described that they changed their behavior for their own sake. According to the transtheoretical model the participants advanced from the preparation stage to the action stage, with hope to reach all the way to the activity stage. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur några utvalda etablerade coachingmodeller fungerar i praktiken, samt hur respondenterna upplevde situationen att ha haft kontakt med en coach. Tre respondenter deltog i studien, varav två män och en kvinna. Första delen av syftet var att undersöka hur några utvalda etablerade coachingmodeller fungerar i praktiken, vilket var inspirerat av aktionsforskning. Coachingprocessen tog sin grund i Høigaard och Jørgensens (2002) fyrastegsmodell, medan den transteoretiska modellen användes som ett komplement för att beskriva och analysera respondenternas förändringsbenägenhet. Båda dessa modeller betonar vikten av att använda sig av en god målsättningsstrategi och SMART- modellen (Faskunger, 2002) användes för att tillgodose detta. Datainsamlingen skedde på kvalitativa grunder då anteckningar av coachingsamtalen togs för att notera respondenternas förändringsbenägenhet. Detta kunde exempelvis vara något som respondenterna sagt eller något som respondenterna gjort för att förflytta sig mellan de olika stadierna enligt den transteoretiska modellen. Den andra delen av syftet var att ta reda på hur respondenterna upplevt situationen av att ha haft kontakt med en coach. Även denna del genomfördes på kvalitativa grunder där en intervju tillgodosåg syftet. Resultatet visar att coachingprocessen tycks ha haft en inverkan på respondenternas motivation till att förändra sitt beteende. Detta antas bero på de tekniker och metoder som har använts, exempelvis målsättningsstrategier, självbestämmande samt en upplevd trygghet från coachen. Till en början visade det sig att respondenternas motivation till förändring tycktes bestå av yttre karaktär. Allt efter processens gång förändrades motivationsfaktorn och respondenterna verkar ha skaffat sig en motivation av mer inre karaktär. Detta eftersom respondenterna efter en tid beskrev att de förändrade sitt beteende för sin egen skull. Enligt den transteoretiska modellen avancerade respondenterna från förberedelsestadiet till handlingsstadiet, med en förhoppning om att nå hela vägen fram till aktivitetsstadiet.
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