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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identity and Language Use in Adolescent Latina/o Literature

Vismara, Meghan Lynn 16 March 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines how characters in adolescent Latina/o literature use and reflect on both English and Spanish languages, bilingualism and how language use informs a character’s identity. In this thesis a particular emphasis is placed on code switching as a literary device in adolescent Latina/o literature. Investigations on code switching point to this, that many authors use code switching as a way for authors and characters to show the difficulties of living between two cultures. I examined the works of three accomplished authors of Latina/o adolescent in this investigation: Benjamin Alire Sáenz’s Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (2012), Julia Álvarez’s Before We Were Free (2002) and the Tía Lola Series (2009), and Pam Muñoz Ryan’s Esperanza Rising (2004) and Echo (2015). The struggle to find one’s identity as an immigrant in the United States can emotionally compare to the struggle of an adolescent trying to balance their struggles of identity and this similarity of identity definition can be seen in all of these works. I argue that these authors use code switching and discussions on bilingualism as a device that helps articulate the exploration of the protagonist's search for identity into adulthood. Code switching and bilingualism are used to juxtapose the childhood and adult stages of the characters. These serve as ruptural elements that defy the generation of the parents and the cultural expectations. Code switching further serves as a mechanism through which protagonists reject and accept aspects of their identity development, from homosexuality to economic status. In a parallel way, I explore the importance of adolescent Latina/o literature as a referential axis for Latina/o youth in their process of development. This genre plays a role in development by showing strong, non-stereotypical characters who can help shape Latina/o identity for the next generation in the United States. Because adolescence is the stage in life where the individual goes through a time of questioning identity and development, this thesis shows that adolescent Latina/o literature may be best suited to show the process of growing up as compared to mainstream adolescent literature and gives a concrete metaphor for the challenges that many adolescents face. / Master of Arts / This thesis examines the importance of language use in adolescent Latina/o literature through three different authors of this genre: Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Julia Álvarez, and Pam Muñoz Ryan. It focuses most especially on how code switching or inserting Spanish in predominantly English texts is used by these authors to show the process of identity formation that happens during adolescence.

English second language learner's interpretation and appreciation of literacy texts :a South African case study of multiliteracy/multimodality

Schoeman, Kristoff 26 April 2013 (has links)
This dissertation seo out to investigate if use of visually symbolic representations in addition to the more traditional written methods of the key elements 9theme, setting, characterisation) of a short story would support South African ESL learners to grow in their interpretation and appreciation and appreciation of English literary texts. The assertion was that using a multimodal (verbal-visual) transmediated interpretation of the key elements (theme, setting, characterisation)of a short story might afford ESL learners a "deeper reading" (inferential comprehension and appreciation) of a literary text, and that the learners could also be supported to grow in their interpretation and appreciation of English literature. The research findings of the literary analysis project revealed that ESL learners with a "satisfactory" English proficiency can be supported by using transmediation to engage them in rich interpretations of literary genres to realise their interpretations linguistically in written academic eesays. / English Studies / M. A.

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.


[pt] O tema do estudo é a manifestação do code-switching na intercompreensão de línguas, em contexto plurilíngue. Nesta modalidade de ensino/aprendizagem de línguas, predominantemente da mesma família, os aprendizes se comunicam prioritariamente na língua materna e desenvolvem competências para compreender os falantes das demais línguas envolvidas e se fazer compreender por eles. No ensino de línguas estrangeiras, a alternância de códigos ainda é, muitas vezes, considerada como interferência da língua mãe no aprendizado, embora haja uma tendência crescente em sua aceitação como recurso pedagógico. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar a importância do code-switching para projetos de intercompreensão, nas perspectivas sócio-pragmática e pedagógica. Foram estabelecidos parâmetros teórico-analíticos a partir das principais tipologias funcionais criadas por pesquisadores das vertentes sócio-pragmática e pedagógica do code-switching, das abordagens conversacionais de Peter Auer e da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica. Foram analisados dados de interação entre participantes na plataforma online do Galanet, projeto de intercompreensão de línguas românicas, para investigar como o code-switching se manifesta neste contexto, como pode contribuir para a troca linguística e cultural, e como pode ser utilizado em uma proposta de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo pretende contribuir para a pesquisa em plurilinguismo e intercompreensão, que hoje se concentra na formação de professores, na inserção curricular, no aperfeiçoamento de projetos em andamento e no desenvolvimento de novos projetos. / [en] This study is about the occurrence of code-switching, language alternation, in intercomprehension, a plurilingual context. In this approach for the learning/teaching of languages, predominantly from the same family, the learners communicate mainly in their native language and develop skills in understanding the other languages involved and in making themselves understood. In foreign language teaching, the phenomenon of language alternation is still often regarded as interference of the learners mother tongue, although there is a growing tendency to accept it as a pedagogical tool. The aim of this research is to investigate the importance of code-switching for intercomprehension, in the socio-pragmatic and pedagogical perspectives. Theoretical-analytical parameters were established from the main functional typologies created by researchers in the socio-pragmatic and pedagogical studies of code-switching, from the conversational approaches by Peter Auer and from Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis. The analysis of interactions between participants of the Galanet online platform, a Romance languages intercomprehension project, is carried out to examine how code-switching appears in the project, how it can contribute to the linguistic and cultural exchange, and how it can be used in a teaching/learning proposal. This study intends to contribute to the research in plurilingualism and intercomprehension, which currently focuses on teacher training, curricular insertion, the improvement of ongoing projects and the development of new projects.

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

Codes linguistiques et alternance de codes chez les immigrants égyptiens en France / Language codes and code switching among the Egyptian immigrants in France

El Shafey, Ezzat 21 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie pour la première fois les pratiques langagières de la communauté grandissante des immigrés égyptiens en France. L’analyse morphosyntaxique a comme cadre la théorie insertionnelle Matrix Language Frame de Myers-Scotton (1993, 1997 et 2000). Nous constatons que les Égyptiens de la première génération recourent à l’alternance codique sans s’en rendre compte ou sans le reconnaître tandis que ceux de la deuxième génération sont conscients des caractéristiques linguistiques nées du contact des langues. De plus, la femme égyptienne, avec son rôle de maintien de l’arabe auprès de ses enfants, trouve sa féminité dans l’apprentissage du français et par conséquent elle joue un rôle important dans la pratique de l’alternance codique au sein de la famille. Les raisons de l’alternance codique chez les Égyptiens sont variées, par exemple : la citation ou le discours rapporté ; la désignation d’un interlocuteur en faisant intégrer à un groupe un interlocuteur tenu à l’écart ; l’humour qui caractérise notamment les Égyptiens de la première génération ; la spontanéité et la précision en optant directement pour le lexème le plus immédiatement disponible, même s’il est dans une langue différente par rapport au reste de la communication. Nos informateurs de la première génération ont recours aux procédés morphologiques pour simplifier l’usage des mots français ayant des sons qui n’existent pas en arabe égyptien ou ceux qui se composent de plus de trois syllabes. Nous exploitons les caractéristiques de ce contact des langues pour aider les élèves égyptiens nouvellement arrivés à réussir leur scolarité et s’intégrer dans la société française via la maîtrise du français. / This thesis analyses for the first time the language practices of the growing community of Egyptian immigrants in France. The morphosyntactical analysis is made in the framework of insertional theory Matrix Language Frame of Myers-Scotton (1993, 1997 and 2000). We find that the Egyptians of the first generation resort to code switching without realizing it or recognizing it while those of second generation are aware of the linguistic characteristics of the language contact. Furthermore, the Egyptian woman, with her role of maintaining Arabic with her children, finds her femininity in learning French and therefore she plays an important role in the practice of code switching within the family. The reasons of the code switching in the Egyptian community are varied, for example, the quotation or the reported speech ; the designation of an interlocutor by integrating into a group an interlocutor kept apart ; the humor that particularly characterizes the Egyptians of the first generation ; the spontaneity and the precision by opting directly for the most immediately available lexeme even if it is in a different language than the rest of the communication. Our informants of the first generation use morphological procedures to simplify the use of French words having sounds that don’t exist in Egyptian Arabic or those that consist of more than three syllables. We use the characteristics of this language contact to help Egyptian students newlly arrived to succeed in their schooling and integrate into the French society through the mastering of French language.

Status & solidarity through codeswitching: three plays by Dolores Prida

Anderson, Sheri L. 30 September 2004 (has links)
This analysis employs the sociolinguistic framework of status and solidarity (Holmes, 2001) to examine the use of codeswitching on the relational development between the characters in three plays by Cuban-American playwright Dolores Prida. The three plays discussed are Beautiful Señoritas (1978), Coser y cantar (1981) and Botánica (1991). Linguistic scholars recognize the lack of linguistic analysis of literary texts; specifically, codeswitching at present is not fully explored as a linguistic phenomenon in written contexts. Furthermore, Prida's works have never before been appraised using linguistic methodology. Hence, this work aims to add to scholarly research in the fields of codeswitching, discourse analysis, and literary linguistics, using the status and solidarity framework to examine the codeswitching in Dolores Prida's plays. Dolores Prida is a feminist and Hispanic dramatist whose central theme is the search for identity of Hispanic immigrants, specifically women, in the United States today. Due to her ideological stance, it is expected that a strong emphasis on solidarity rather than status and the use of affective rather than referential speech functions are present in the relationships in her plays. Accordingly, the analysis of Botánica reveals that indeed codeswitching between the characters does affect their relational development in maintaining solidarity and intimacy. However, the relationships found in Beautiful Señoritas and Coser y cantar do not offer such conclusions, due to the variable nature of the relationships identified. Further analysis of these and other literary works will more accurately determine benefits of the status and solidarity framework as applied to the codeswitching research.

Jag måste tänka på ett annat sätt... : Fem folkhögskolestuderande med annat modersmål och deras upplevelser av att lära matematik på svenska

Karlsson, Lisa (Lisbeth) January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to describe adult second language learners’ experiences of mathematics learning from a past and contemporary perspective. What experiences in mathematics do they bring? What does it mean to learn Mathematics through their new language? The study is based on life-world narratives from five second language students with another native language than Swedish. Today they all study at a Swedish folk high school, at upper secondary level and they have previously studied at this level in Mathematics.   The result shows that the meeting with the Swedish school and folk high school context is confusing. They face a new school culture with quite different normative rules and it is unclear to them how to behave as good students in this context. They are positive about the response from teachers which is much unlike their previously experiences. The teachers are competent tutors, supportive, listening, encouraging, friendly, authorities without being iron handed.   The multilingual students in this study describe that the new language is of secondary importance in mathematics learning. Everyone starts off  in year one at upper secondary level and sees mathematics the first period as a refresher. Mathematic studies are, during this period, used to consolidate the mathematical concepts in the new language. All change automatically to their native or previous school language when working with mathematical tasks. There are basic mathematical  concepts learned and automated, it is too cognitively demanding to use the Swedish language. They are critical of how Mathematics is taught, a lot of individual work and pace and says that briefings and discussions are more effective, a teacher led approach that they are familiar with.

Status & solidarity through codeswitching: three plays by Dolores Prida

Anderson, Sheri L. 30 September 2004 (has links)
This analysis employs the sociolinguistic framework of status and solidarity (Holmes, 2001) to examine the use of codeswitching on the relational development between the characters in three plays by Cuban-American playwright Dolores Prida. The three plays discussed are Beautiful Señoritas (1978), Coser y cantar (1981) and Botánica (1991). Linguistic scholars recognize the lack of linguistic analysis of literary texts; specifically, codeswitching at present is not fully explored as a linguistic phenomenon in written contexts. Furthermore, Prida's works have never before been appraised using linguistic methodology. Hence, this work aims to add to scholarly research in the fields of codeswitching, discourse analysis, and literary linguistics, using the status and solidarity framework to examine the codeswitching in Dolores Prida's plays. Dolores Prida is a feminist and Hispanic dramatist whose central theme is the search for identity of Hispanic immigrants, specifically women, in the United States today. Due to her ideological stance, it is expected that a strong emphasis on solidarity rather than status and the use of affective rather than referential speech functions are present in the relationships in her plays. Accordingly, the analysis of Botánica reveals that indeed codeswitching between the characters does affect their relational development in maintaining solidarity and intimacy. However, the relationships found in Beautiful Señoritas and Coser y cantar do not offer such conclusions, due to the variable nature of the relationships identified. Further analysis of these and other literary works will more accurately determine benefits of the status and solidarity framework as applied to the codeswitching research.

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