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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experts psychiatres et crimes sexuels en Europe : De la scène judiciaire à l’action publique : Etude comparée : Angleterre, Espagne, Roumanie, Suède et France / Forensic psychiatrists and sexual offences in Europe : A comparative study : England, Spain, Romania, Sweden and France

Boirot, Jennifer 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude comparée, à la fois transdisciplinaire et transnationale, permet d’esquisser un portrait de « l’expert psychiatre » européen, mais aussi de mieux comprendre son rôle et les enjeux de sa mission, à chaque stade de la procédure judiciaire (de la phase d’instruction jusqu’au procès, de la réception de la mission à la rédaction du rapport). L’immersion dans l’univers de travail de l’expert psychiatre (observation d’examen, de rapports, entretiens), dans le quotidien de la Justice (entretiens, observations d’audiences, de dossiers judiciaires), offre une analyse dynamique permettant de saisir au plus près les enjeux liés au rôle de l’expert psychiatre dans le processus pénal et judiciaire autour des affaires de crimes sexuels. Cette porte d’entrée confronte la rigueur juridique des textes qui régulent la procédure pénale à leurs mises en contexte dans la pratique judiciaire. Elle interroge la transformation de la place de l’expert psychiatre dans les politiques pénales, sous l’effet des mutations conceptuelles qui ont affecté l’appréhension de la délinquance sexuelle et du risque de récidive. De la scène judiciaire à l’action publique, émerge une nouvelle figure de l’expert psychiatre sur la scène européenne. / This comparative study, both transnational and transdisciplinary, allows to sketch out a portrait of “the European forensic psychiatrist”. Observation of the dynamics in the construction of expertise provides a good understanding of the forensic psychiatrist’s role and of the issues involved in his mission at each stage of the procedure (from investigation to trial, from assignment of a case to the drafting of the forensic report). Immersion in the working routine of forensic psychiatrists (observing forensic examinations, reading reports, interviews) as well as in the daily routine of the justice system (observing hearings, reading criminal records, interviews), allows a dynamic analysis furthering knowledge on the role of the forensic psychiatrist in the criminal proceedings dealing with sexual offences. This approach confronts the rigor of criminal law ruling the criminal process with the practical realities of its enforcement. This research examines the transformation of the role of the forensic psychiatrist in public policies, under the effect of the conceptual changes that have affected the perception of sexual crime and the risk of recidivism. From the judicial arena to public policies, a new figure of the forensic psychiatrist emerges in Europe.

La condition peule. Autour de la vache : nomade ou sédentaire ? Différences et similitudes de pratiques et de représentations, selon qu’on est l’un ou l’autre. Étude comparative de communautés de Guinée et du Tchad / The status of the Fulani People. Concerning the cow : nomad or sedentary ? Differences and similarities in practices and their representations wether nomad or sedentary. A comparative study of communities in Guinea and Chad

Kervella-Mansaré, Yassine 06 November 2015 (has links)
Actuellement estimés à environ 8 millions d'individus, les Peuls constituent un ensemble de populations réparties sur une vingtaine de pays de la zone sub-saharienne. À partir d'une origine qu'ils affirment commune et qui, selon l'hypothèse la plus couramment admise, se situerait en Égypte, ils auraient connu de multiples mouvements migratoires, mais en conservant dans tous les cas le souci d'organiser leur vie sociale autour de l'élevage bovin. Mieux qu'un symbole, la vache leur apparaît comme l'animal fondateur de leur personnalité ethnique. On remarque cependant des différences notables selon qu'ils sont nomades, sédentaires ou semi-nomades. Les dispersions connues au cours des siècles, pour des raisons diverses (entre autres : économiques, politiques, climatiques), ont eu pour conséquences des écarts culturels parfois profonds. En procédant à une comparaison des sédentarisés en Guinée, sur les plateaux du Fuuta-Jaloo, et des nomades et semi-nomades du Tchad, il s'agit de mettre en relief certaines de ces différences et, par contraste, de discerner les points communs qui pourraient révéler un patrimoine unique. Dans le cas particulier des sédentaires devenus citadins et ayant perdu pour cette raison toute implication dans une activité pastorale, la vache reste au centre de leur imaginaire. Elle persiste à influencer leurs discours par de nombreuses références dans le jeu des métaphores, dans les formules de politesse, dans la valorisation des conduites, etc. On le vérifie autant par l'observation de la vie quotidienne que par les initiatives de certains intellectuels Peuls qui ont créé des associations pour promouvoir ce patrimoine à la fois dans leur pays de résidence et à l'international, comme par la création de sites Web. Ils ont même tendance à gommer ou atténuer fortement les différences apparues historiquement entre les groupes, voire à minorer des métissages survenus de génération en génération, pour proposer comme une sorte de standard uniforme. Dès lors, ils renvoient eux aussi à un lointain passé, mais parfois avec des partis-pris idéologiques qui participent d'un militantisme politique ou religieux, l'intention avouée ou non étant de définir une « nation peule » qui, bien que fragmentée dans plusieurs États, gagnerait à prendre conscience de sa singularité en Afrique. Au fil de l'enquête de terrain, l'attention est portée autant sur des données événementielles caractéristiques, comme celles qui scandent les existences individuelles et collectives (naissance, mariage, décès), que sur des données organisationnelles (exercice de l'autorité, coopération des genres au sein de la famille et du clan, classes d'âge, interactions économiques, gestion du bétail, conception de l'espace et du temps, prédéterminations religieuses, etc.).Gagnent également à être précisées les influences exercées sur les Peuls par les autres populations côtoyés au gré de leurs déplacements ou de leur fixation sur un territoire, influences provoquant l'acquisition durable de manières ou de techniques. Nonobstant les emprunts linguistiques, elles sont flagrantes dans la construction de l'habitat, temporaire ou définitif, et dans le choix de l'habillement. Jusqu'à une époque récente, les peuls ne sont pas réputés pour avoir un artisanat propre. Les choix qu'ils font pour modifier leurs rapports aux objets fabriqués en dehors d'eux répondent à des besoins dont il s'agira d'exposer la nature. Par exemple, de nos jours, l'emploi du téléphone portable accélère considérablement les prises de décision lors des transhumances. Au final, sachant l'omniprésence de la vache dans la culture peule, quelles que soient l'évolution du contexte matériel et social, il conviendra de clarifier la fonction structurante qu'elle exerce donc à la fois sur la plupart des pratiques et sur les représentations symboliques. Elle polarise en quelque sorte la production culturelle revendiquée comme l'héritage d'une tradition multiséculaire. […] / Currently estimated at about 8 million, the Fulani people make up a population spread over twenty-odd countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Sharing a commonly claimed origin said to be situated in Egypt, they are to have experienced several multiple migrations, while maintaining in all cases the desire to organize their social life around bovine cattle-breading. More than just a symbol, the cow is seen as the founding pillar of their ethnic character. There are, however, noticeable differences depending on whether the people are nomad, sedentary or semi-sedentary. Well-documented population dispersions throughout the centuries for various reasons, (amongst others: economic, political, climatic...), have led to sometimes profound cultural differences.The objective of making a comparison of the sedentary populations of the Fuuta-Jaloo Plateau of Guinea and the nomads and semi-nomads of Chad is to highlight some of these differences and, on the contrary, to identify the common denominators which may be considered to reveal a unique heritage.Concerning the sedentary populations which have become urban dwellers and have, for this reason, lost all involvement in pastoral activity, the cow remains central in their psyche. It continues to have an influence on their speech with multiple references to be found in metaphors, expressions of common civilities, the evaluation of common codes of behavior, etc. This can be seen as much by observing daily life as through the initiatives ta ken by certain Fulani intellectuals who have created associations to promote this heritage on both a national and international scale via, for example, the creation of websites. There is even a tendency to erase or greatly reduce historical differences which have come to light between the groups, or to underestimate mixed-race populations throughout generations in order to offer a uniform standard. Accordingly, they also refer to a distant past, but sometimes with ideological biases which contribute to political or religious activism, the intention of which, whether admitted or not, being to define a « Fulani nation» which, although fragmented over several States, would gain from a recognition of its uniqueness in Africa.Throughout the fieldwork study, the focus is as much on data from characteristic events making up individual and collective life, (birth, marriage, death), as on the organization of everyday life, (exercise of authority, family and clan unity and cooperation, age-groups, economic interaction, livestock management, the concept of space and time, religious and other predeterminations, etc.).Also worth noting are the influences of other populations on the Fulani people during their migrations or attachments to a territory, influences leading to the lasting acquisition of living manners and techniques.Notwithstanding linguistic borrowings, the influences are obvious where temporary or permanent dwelling construction and choice of clothing are concerned. Until recently, the Fulani people were not renowned for having their own craft. The choices they make to modify their relationship with objects constructed by others being directly determined by the needs presented to them by nature. For example, nowadays, the mobile phone has considerably accelerated decision-making during transhumance.In conclusion, given the omnipresence of the cow in the Fulani culture, whatever the social and cultural evolution may be, it is worth clarifying the structural role that the cow plays on the majority of practices and symbolic representations. It somehow polarizes the cultural production claimed as the heritage of a multisecular tradition. Hence the concern expressed from the very first interviews of the field survey of a possible risk of loss or significant reduction of bovine cattle-breeding. They feel they will lose the founding stone of their identity.

Beräkningsmall för vindlast enligt Eurokoder samt jämförelsestudie av  vindlastberäkningsmetoder / Calculation model for wind load according to Eurocodes and a comparative study of calculation methods for wind load

Wesslund, Lovisa January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har genomförts i samarbete med byggteknikavdelning på Ramböll Sverige AB, i Norrköping/Linköping. På företaget finns ett behov av att förenkla arbetet med vindlastberäkningar för hallbyggnader enligt Eurokoden. Idag använder företaget en förenklad metod som överdimensionerar. För att kunna göra en mer exakt beräkning helt enligt Eurokoden och effektivisera arbetet har det i detta examensarbete skapats en beräkningsmall för detta ändamål. Beräkningsmallen har tagits fram i programmet Microsoft Excel. För att också kunna se konsekvenserna av att jobba med en förenklad metod, har det utförts en jämförelsestudie mellan två befintliga projekt på företaget. Resultatet av jämförelsestudien visar på vad som är anledningen till skillnaden mellan det förenklade sättet, metod 1 och det mer exakta, metod 2. Rapporten innehåller en studie kring de faktorer som används vid beräkning av vindlast. Detta har gjorts för att kunna se vilken av faktorerna som bidrar till störst skillnad i resultat mellan de båda metoderna. Som grund till allt detta, innehåller rapporten också en teoretiskt bakgrund till hur vindlast ska dimensioneras enligt Eurokoden. Detta utgör första delen av rapporten. / This study has been performed in a collaboration with the company Ramböll Sweden AB in Norrköping/Linköping. At the company there is a need to simplify calculations concerning the wind load on industrial buildings according to the Eurocode. Today the company uses a simplify method which result in an over-dimension. To make a more exact method in accordance to the Eurocode and increase the efficiency at the work, it has in this study created a calculation model for this purpose. The calculation model has been created in the program Microsoft Excel. To be able to see the consequences to work with a simplified method, it has been done a comparison study between two current project at the company. The results of the comparison study show the reason to the difference between the simplified method, method 1 and the more exact method, method 2. The report containing  a study of the factors that uses in the calculations. This has been done to see which of the factors that contributes to the largest difference in result between the both methods. As the basis for all this, the report also contains a theoretical background about how the wind load should be dimensioned according to the Eurocode. This is the first part of this report.

Digital Applications for Laboratory Sessions in Electronics Courses / Digitala applikationer för laborationer i elektronikkurser

Dahlgren, Linnea, Nejsum, Gavin January 2021 (has links)
In 2020 the need to have electronics laboratory sessions digitally arose because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though it was a pandemic the new engineering students came to the university to perform their laboratory sessions. As a result, it was realized that there was a lack of knowledge in selecting a suitable application for the laboratory sessions. This thesis aims to research what applications that are available and suitable for digital electronics laboratory sessions. There are two main types of digital programs, simulators and remote laboratories. Although, in this thesis, only simulators were tested. A comparative study was done using a mixed-method containing an interview, a literature study, a specification review, and a case study. The interview was conducted with the two lecturers of the course DA215A. The case study resulted in qualitative data from six applications where five of them were deemed suitable for a simple laboratory session, and one was fitting for more advanced sessions. All the programs have different advantages meaning that when choosing an application that is to be used in a course, knowing its purpose is vital. / Under året 2020 insågs det att det finns bristande kunskap om vad som krävs för att kunna hålla elektroniklaborationer på distans. Trotts en pandemi så fick de nya ingenjörsstudenterna komma till universitetet för att utföra sina elektroniklaborationer. Detta har lett till denna studie som undersöker vad som krävs av en applikation för att kunna användas på elektroniklaborationerna på Malmö Universitet samt vilka applikationer som kan uppfylla dessa krav. Det finns två olika sorters applikationer som används, simulatorer och fjärrlaboration. Endast simulatorer testades i denna studie. Det utfördes en komparativ studie som använde sig av olika metoder. För att samla information om elektronikkursen och applikationerna så används metoderna intervju, specifikations granskning och en två delad fallstudie. Intervjun utfördes med de två lektorerna i kursen DA215A. Metoderna resulterade i kvalitativa data om 6 applikationer varav 5 är lämpliga att använda för introducerande laborationer och endast en är lämplig för avancerade laborationer. För att komma fram till dessa 6 applikationer undersöktes 23 olika simulatorer och fjärrlaboration. Applikationerna visade alla egna fördelar vilket leder till att syftet för att implementera en applikation i en kurs bör vara tydligt för att välja den applikation som passar syftet bäst.

Komparace systémů sociálních služeb v České republice a na Slovensku / Comparison of the system of social services in the Czech Republic and the Slovakia

Hrubišková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to compare the system of social services in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The author's purpose is to focus on ongoing reforms of both systems and to analyze how successful they are in achieving their targets. These targets come from current trends in the field of social services and are also incorporated in the documents of the European Union. The thesis consists of two parts. The first contains an analysis of the legislation of social services in the Czech Republic and the Slovakia - author analyzes the historical evolution in their legislation and the content of their current laws. The second part of the thesis contains the comparison of the Czech and the Slovak system of social services. Therefore, the main research method used in this work is the method of comparative analysis. The work finds out that Czech and Slovak enactments of social services have some common features. It is obvious that they are based on the common ground. They bring new precautions which should lead into an increase in quality of social services. These precautions can be mainly seen as positive, despite the fact that they have a few shortcomings. But the systems of social services have still lot of serious weak points. The economic inefficiency seems to be the main problem of the...

The road to democracy : Understanding the democratization process in Chile and Mozambique

Rosenqvist, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this essay is how countries can successfully democratize in different ways. The aim is to demonstrate how two vastly different countries as Chile and Mozambique were capable of democratizing through what at first glance looks like dissimilar ways, while at the same time trying the robustness of a known democratization theory. In this case study, I use a combination of qualitative, historical and process-tracing methods to get an in-depth understanding as I compare my two cases and measure them against Larry Diamond's theory. His theory is based upon internal- and external factors that play essential parts in democratization. My overall inference is that Chile meets essentially all theoretical expectations while Mozambique barely has more than half of the examined theoretical factors with at least somewhat favorable conditions. I also discovered that they share at least one important factor where they have plenty in common, democracy assistance. In addition to this, I also gained a new insight. Diamond's theory doesn't account for whether a country has a previous history of democracy. This appears to have played at least a significant part in many of his theoretical factors, and it's absolutely something that should be considered for the future. / <p>2022-05-25</p>

Minoisk religion : En jämförande analys av arkeologerna Arthur Evans och Nanno Marinatos forskning utifrån teorin om historiemedvetenhet

Egardt Fassarakis, Kassandra January 2022 (has links)
This essay contains a comparative study between the works of the two archeologists Arthur Evans and Nanno Marinatos. The comparison focuses on academic publishments concerning minoan religion in bronze age Crete, Greece. The theoretical framework of this study is historical awareness, and whether or not the works of these two archeologists is compatible with the different principles which has been established for a historian to work correctly within the academic sphere. The study shows that there are both differences and similarities between the works written by Evans and Marinatos concerning minoan religion. The similarities is mainly explained by the archeological artifacts and remains found from bronze age Crete that undeniably exists, but the differences appears when the archeologists analyze said artifacts. This study shows that Evans archeological and analytical works was not in line with the theoretical framework of historical awareness. Marinatos on the other hand provides writings that are in line with historical awareness and her analysis is compatible with the different principles which has been established within the theory.

Investigation of Reason as a substitute for JavaScript / Undersökning av Reason som ett substitut till JavaScript

Pettersson, Axel January 2020 (has links)
JavaScript has in recent years become one of the most utilized programming languages for developing different kinds of applications. However, even though it has received a lot of praise for its simplicity, versatility and highly active community, it lacks some functionalities and features that a lot of programmers highly value, like static and strict typing, compile-time debugging, and to not be required to make use of third-party libraries to integrate crucial functionality. However, several new languages built on top of JavaScript have been developed to address and resolve these issues developers find with JavaScript without losing the benefits that come with it. One of these super- set languages is Reason, the new syntax and toolchain powered by the OCaml compiler. This thesis aims to address whether there are scenarios where Reason could act as a reasonable substitute of JavaScript by investigating how the languages compare in regards to different criteria. The criteria examined are writability, data structures and typing, reliability and testing, community support, market demand, portability, and performance. The findings show that using Reason over JavaScript could result in higher reliability and robustness due to static type checking, compile-time debugging, and other usable feature like pattern matching and explicitly defined custom data structures, which is convenient when dealing with advanced data. On the other hand, Reason’s interoperability with JavaScript is something that is not very straight-forward and makes it difficult to integrate Reason into an existing JavaScript codebase or include one of the thousand of JavaScript- written dependencies available on npm. Furthermore, with Reason being a rather young language yet to be used by a larger audience, both the community support and market demand are a lot smaller than that of JavaScript and have yet to see a significant growth, which leads to questions about the overall survival of the language. Both of the languages have a significant role and contribute with different kind of functionality. However, with the non-straightforward interoperability, Reason loses a lot of potential benefits to be gained from JavaScript, which could be problematic in the long run and could impact the future of Reason. / JavaScript har under senare år blivit ett av de mest använda programmeringsspråken för att utveckla olika typer av applikationer. Men även om det har fått mycket beröm för sin enkelhet, mångsidighet och mycket aktivt nätgemenskap, saknar det vissa funktioner och egenskaper som många programmerare uppskattar mycket, som statisk och strikt typning, felsökning under kompilering och att inte vara I behov av tredjepartsbibliotek för att integrera grundläggande funktionalitet. Flera nya språk som är byggda ovanpå JavaScript har utvecklats för att lösa de problem som utvecklare har med JavaScript, utan att förlora fördelarna med det. Ett av dessa supersetsspråk är Reason, den nya syntaxen och verktygskedjan som drivs av OCaml-kompilatorn. Denna avhandling syfte är att utvärdera om det finns scenarier där Reason kan fungera som en rimlig ersättare för JavaScript, detta kommer genomföras genom att undersöka hur språken jämförs med varandra med avseende på olika kriterier. Kriterierna som undersöks är skrivbarhet, datastrukturer och typning, tillförlitlighet och testning, nätgemenskap, marknadsförfrågan, portabilitet, och prestanda. Resultaten visar att användning av Reason över JavaScript kan leda till högre tillförlitlighet på grund av statisk typkontroll, felsökning under kompilering och andra användbara funktioner som mönstermatchning och anpassade datastrukturer, båda underlättar vid hantering avancerade och komplexa datastrukturer. Däremot är Reasons kompabilitet med JavaScript komplicerad, vilket gör det svårt att integrera Reason i en befintlig JavaScript- kodbas eller inkludera ett av de tusentals JavaScript-skrivna biblioteken som finns tillgängliga på npm. Eftersom Reason är ett ganska ungt språk som ännu inte används på en större skala, så är både nätgemenskapen och marknadens efterfrågan mycket mindre än JavaScript och har ännu inte sett en betydande tillväxt, vilket leder till frågor om den långsiktiga överlevnaden av språket. Båda språken har en betydande roll och bidrar med olika slags funktioner. Men med den komplicerade kompatibiliteten med JavaScript så förlorar Reason en hel del potentiella fördelar som kan uppnås genom JavaScript, vilket kan vara problematiskt på lång sikt och kan påverka Reasons framtid.

Сравнительное исследование заимствованных слов в русском и китайском языках и их перевод : магистерская диссертация / Comparative study of loanwords and their translation between China and Russia

Ван, Ж., Wang, R. January 2021 (has links)
С древнейших времен язык, как важнейшее и непосредственное средство человеческого общения, имеет взаимодополняющую связь с человеческой социальной цивилизации и развитием культуры. Как один из компонентов словарной системы, заимствованные слова являются незаменимым элементом любого языка. Когда разные языки соприкасаются друг с другом, наиболее вероятно заимствование иностранных языков, поэтому взаимное проникновение между языками неизбежно. Актуальность темы работы обусловлена тем, что экономическая глобализация сблизила связи между странами, и феномен взаимных заимствований возник нескончаемым. Следовательно, невозможно понять язык без понимания заимствованных слов. Анализ заимствованных слов способствует дружескому общению между различными культурами и языками. Объект исследования – заимствованные слова в русском и китайском языках. Предмет исследования – Способы перевода заимствованных слов в русском и китайском языках. Цель исследования – проанализировать сходства и различия между русскими и китайскими заимствованными словами с разных сторон с точки зрения «сопоставительного исследования». / The relevance of the topic of the work is due to the fact that since ancient times, language, as the most important and direct means of human communication, has a complementary relationship with human social civilization and the development of culture. As one of the components of the vocabulary system, borrowed words are an indispensable element of any language. When different languages come into contact with each other, borrowing of foreign languages is most likely, so mutual penetration between languages is inevitable. The object of the study is borrowed words in Russian and Chinese languages. The subject of the study is ways of translation of borrowed words in Russian and Chinese languages. The aim of the study is to try to analyze the similarities and differences between Russian and Chinese borrowed words from different sides from the point of view of "comparative study".

Consumer Value Perception of Smartphones : A Comparative Study of Swedish and Japanese Millennials

Akiba, Eric Adam George, Jonsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Background: With the emergence of smartphones being a novel and increasingly relevant occurrence, and both the Swedish and Japanese markets being highly prominent in smartphone usage and technological adoption, there exists an avenue of research that compares these two markets. This research examines the consumer value perception of smartphones in millennials, the first digital natives, comparatively between the two markets. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the consumer value perception in Swedish and Japanese millennials, to possibly identify any differences between them. This is done in order to create a greater understanding on possible differences in how consumers in these markets perceive value and motivate purchases, which can aid marketing practitioners in creating sufficient value propositions and marketing strategies for these markets. The possible findings of this research can possibly improve upon existing theories and concepts and serve as a foundation for further research. Method: This exploratory research was conducted qualitatively using the data collected from semi-structured interviews with 16 millennials, 8 from Sweden and 8 from Japan, paired with abductive reasoning as well as a thematic analysis approach. Conclusion: The results show that there are a number of differences between consumers in these two markets. Using the Perceived Value Model (Boksberger &amp; Melsen, 2013), as well as the smartphone value perception categories (Andrews et al., 2012), four global themes were identified: Derived Value of Smartphones, Product Quality Assessment, Affects of Satisfaction and Motivation for New Purchases and their underlying categories. Through analysis, the authors identified differences in what value the consumers of both markets derive from smartphones, how the participants view price as a quality indicator, how they derive satisfaction and develop brand loyalty from their purchases as well as what values motivate new purchases.

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