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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toleranz und historische Gleichgültigkeit

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Schwierigkeit eines geistesgeschichtlichen Verständnisses der aufklärerischen Geschichtsauffassung besteht in der grundsätzlichen Schwierigkeit, die Kritik des aufklärerischen Denkens als Argumentationszusammenhang zu verstehen und nicht als Meinung zu banalisieren. Es fällt schwer, nicht einzelne Aussagen zu einzelnen Gebieten abzutrennen, nicht retrospektiv den ursprünglichen Zusammenhang zu disziplinieren. Auch wenn sie insgesamt als Äußerungen eines Werkes, eines Autors genommen werden, sind die ins bloße Gesagtsein zersplitterten Gedanken mißverstanden. Das zeigt sich hier gerade auch an den traditionellen Verteidigern des historischen Denkens im 18. Jahrhundert: Zuletzt wird als individuelle Einsicht gelobt (Cassirer) oder als geistige Tiefe bewundert (Dilthey), was tatsächlich Protest gegen illegitime Herrschaft, Klage auf gleiches Recht und Wille zur Vorurteilslosigkeit war. Ein Denken, das sein Bewußtsein behauptend und zugleich frei überlegend artikuliert (wie Lessing gymnastikos und dogmatikos zu sprechen beanspruchte), kann weder vordergründig als geniale Meinung noch hinterrücks als Äußerung des Zeitgeistes gewertet werden.

A filosofia política de Marx na Crítica da filosofia do direito de Hegel / The political philosophy of Marx in Critique of Hegel\'s philosophy of right

Souza, Jorge Augusto Roque 31 August 2018 (has links)
Este estudo pretende expor os fundamentos filosóficos e os conceitos políticos e sociais de um dos textos mais incompreendidos de Marx, a Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel. No capítulo I, iremos expor o estudo de dois grandes filósofos do século XX, Lukács e Althusser, nos quais são apresentadas posições opostas quanto ao nosso objeto. No segundo capítulo, trataremos do contexto real e ideológico do surgimento da Crítica de 1843, e demonstraremos a proximidade e o distanciamento de Marx tanto em relação a Hegel quanto à Feuerbach. No capítulo III, demostraremos que, ao lado dos fundamentos materialistas, da crítica aos universais especulativos da filosofia hegeliana e da crítica à inversão entre Estado e sociedade civil nessa filosofia - para Marx, a sociedade civil é o sujeito do Estado, em oposição a Hegel - há uma concepção da práxis social idealista, uma dialética da evolução da consciência popular, que fundamenta a resolução das contradições da sociedade moderna proposta por Marx, a \"verdadeira democracia\". Como a sociedade civil corresponde à essa práxis, não poderíamos estar diante de seu conceito marxista. Não há o conceito de classes marxista na Crítica de 1843. Há, por outro lado, uma concepção atomística da sociedade civil. Tampouco poderia haver o conceito marxista de Estado: aqui, é o Estado real - não o Estado moderno, existente - identificado à universalidade. O que não há na Crítica é a concepção da atividade material que é o núcleo do marxismo. Por fim, concluímos tratar a Crítica de 1843 de um texto de transição, o que nos remete a uma concepção do desenvolvimento intelectual marcada por continuidades e descontinuidades, essas, entretanto, determinadas pelas continuidades e descontinuidades do próprio desenvolvimento histórico real. / This study aims to expose the philosophical foundations and political and social concepts of one of Marx\'s most misunderstood texts, the Critique of Hegel\'s Philosophy of Right. In chapter I, we present the study of two great twentieth-century philosophers, Lukács and Althusser, which have opposing views regarding our object. In the second chapter, we deal with the real and ideological context of the emergence of the Critique of 1843, and we demonstrate the proximity and the distance of Marx from Hegel and Feuerbach. In chapter III, we demonstrate that alongside materialist foundations, criticism of the speculative universal of Hegelian philosophy, and, criticism of the inversion between state and civil society in this philosophy - for Marx, opposed to Hegel, civil society is the subject of the state - there is a conception of idealistic social praxis, a dialectic of the evolution of popular consciousness, which underlies the resolution of the contradiction of modern society proposed by Marx, the \"true democracy.\" It does not arise because of the material movement, of the class struggle, but as a product of the dialectic referred before, although it represents, in front of the young Hegelians, an advance: the \"true democracy\" is the defense of a real revolution, that overthrow the modern state and civil society. As civil society corresponds to this praxis, we could not be in the face of its Marxist concept. There is no concept of Marxist classes in the Critique of 1843. There is, on the other hand, an atomistic conception of civil society. Nor could there be the Marxist concept of State: here, it is the real state - not the modern, existing state - identified with universality. What is not in Criticism is the conception of material activity that is the core of Marxism. Finally, we conclude that the Critique of 1843 is a transitional text, which leads us to a conception of intellectual development marked by continuities and discontinuities, which, however, are determined by the continuities and discontinuities of actual historical development.

Toleranz und historische Gleichgültigkeit: zur Geschichtsauffassung der Aufklärung

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 February 2015 (has links)
Die Schwierigkeit eines geistesgeschichtlichen Verständnisses der aufklärerischen Geschichtsauffassung besteht in der grundsätzlichen Schwierigkeit, die Kritik des aufklärerischen Denkens als Argumentationszusammenhang zu verstehen und nicht als Meinung zu banalisieren. Es fällt schwer, nicht einzelne Aussagen zu einzelnen Gebieten abzutrennen, nicht retrospektiv den ursprünglichen Zusammenhang zu disziplinieren. Auch wenn sie insgesamt als Äußerungen eines Werkes, eines Autors genommen werden, sind die ins bloße Gesagtsein zersplitterten Gedanken mißverstanden. Das zeigt sich hier gerade auch an den traditionellen Verteidigern des historischen Denkens im 18. Jahrhundert: Zuletzt wird als individuelle Einsicht gelobt (Cassirer) oder als geistige Tiefe bewundert (Dilthey), was tatsächlich Protest gegen illegitime Herrschaft, Klage auf gleiches Recht und Wille zur Vorurteilslosigkeit war. Ein Denken, das sein Bewußtsein behauptend und zugleich frei überlegend artikuliert (wie Lessing gymnastikos und dogmatikos zu sprechen beanspruchte), kann weder vordergründig als geniale Meinung noch hinterrücks als Äußerung des Zeitgeistes gewertet werden.

Ikuinen rauha:vuoden 1323 Pähkinäsaaren rauha suomalaisessa historiantutkimuksessa ja historiakulttuurissa 1800- ja 1900-luvuilla

Sarviaho, S. (Samu) 31 May 2017 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation analyzes conceptions of the nature of the Treaty of Nöteborg, signed in 1323 between Sweden and Novgorod, especially in 19th and 20th century Finnish historical research and popular literature. The methodologies used are contextualization and the sociology of science. The treaty rose to great prominence in mid-19th century periodization of Finnish history. At the time, Finnish historiography considered the Crusade Period in Finland as a showdown between Sweden and Russia and emphasized the significance of interstate treaties. The treaty has maintained its status as a cornerstone of the periodization of Finnish history up to the present. It has symbolized the Christianization and Swedification of Finland and the nationalist myth of the birth of a unified Finnish people in medieval times. With the view of an era of Karelian disunity, symbolized by the treaty, an image of history was constructed in Finnish kinship ideology from the mid-19th century up to the end of World War II. This image was used in furthering the unification of Eastern Karelia with Finland. An image of the treaty as having confirmed an ancient Karelian position of power in Northern Finland was created with the view of the border as stretching to the Bay of Bothnia. This was important particularly in the 19th century, as various nations were constructing views of their own ancient dominance in the North Calotte region. Using these border conceptions, a nationalist image of Finns as having conquered Eastern Savo and Northern Finland for Sweden in late medieval times was also created. The conception of Northern Finland as a common was created in the 1960s. This view was partially based on the 19th century Swedish nationalist conception of the border as stretching to the Arctic Sea. Especially in Savo, views of the location of one’s own locality on the ancient borderline have been used in creating a local identity in the late 20th century. The conception of the border as a dividing line between modern Western and Eastern Finland arose in early 20th century Finnish ethnology based on dubious views of settlement history and geography. The hazy source material concerning borders has been interpreted based on various theoretical background assumptions, and it has been compatible with several different theories. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa analysoidaan käsityksiä Ruotsin ja Novgorodin välillä vuonna 1323 solmitun Pähkinäsaaren rauhan luonteesta erityisesti 1800- ja 1900-lukujen suomalaisessa historiantutkimuksessa ja populaarissa kirjallisuudessa. Metodeina käytetään kontekstualisointia ja tieteensosiologian metodeja. 1800-luvun keskivaiheilla Pähkinäsaaren rauha nousi merkittävään asemaan Suomen historian aikakausijaottelussa. Ajan suomalainen historiantutkimus piti Suomen ristiretkiaikaa venäläis-ruotsalaisena välienselvittelynä ja korosti valtioiden välisten sopimusten merkitystä. Rauha on säilyttänyt asemansa Suomen historian periodisoinnin kulmakivenä nykypäivään asti. Se on symboloinut Suomen kristillistymistä ja ruotsalaistumista sekä nationalistista myyttiä yhtenäisen Suomen kansan synnystä keskiajalla. Käsityksellä Pähkinäsaaren rauhan symboloimasta Karjalan hajanaisuuden ajasta rakennettiin 1800-luvun puolivälistä toisen maailmansodan loppuun heimoaatteessa historiakuvaa, jonka mukaan itäinen Karjala tulisi yhdistää Suomeen. Käsityksellä Pähkinäsaaren rauhan Pohjanlahdelle ulottuneesta rajasta luotiin 1800-luvulla kuvaa rauhan luonteesta muinaisen karjalaisvallan vahvistajana pohjoisessa Suomessa. Tällä oli merkitystä varsinkin 1800-luvulla, jolloin eri kansakunnat rakensivat näkemyksiä omasta muinaisvallastaan pohjoiskalotilla. Rajanäkemyksillä on myös rakennettu nationalistista näkemystä siitä, että suomalaiset valloittivat itäisen Savon ja pohjoisen Suomen Ruotsille myöhäiskeskiajalla. 1960-luvulla syntynyt näkemys piti Pohjois-Suomea yhteisalueena. Se perustui osittain 1800-luvun ruotsalaiseen nationalistiseen näkemykseen, jonka mukaan raja ulottui Jäämerelle. Erityisesti käsityksiä oman paikkakunnan sijainnista muinaisella rajalla on voitu käyttää etenkin Savossa paikallisen identiteetin rakentamisessa 1900-luvun lopulla. Käsitys rajasta Itä- ja Länsi-Suomen jakajana syntyi 1900-luvun alkupuolen suomalaisessa kansatieteessä kyseenalaisten maantieteellisten ja asutushistoriallisten näkemysten pohjalta. Rajoihin liittyvää epäselvää lähdemateriaalia on tulkittu useiden eri teoreettisten taustaoletusten pohjalta, ja se onkin ollut yhteensopiva useiden eri teorioiden kanssa.

民生史觀與唯物史觀的對比研究 / The Contrast study of Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's Historical-Social Theories and Karl Marx's Materialist Interpretation of History

王佳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對民生史觀與唯物史觀作對比研究,以期全盤重建這兩種史觀。透過對比研究法的運用、周邊還原(政治還原與系絡還原)的程序、詮釋學方法,本論文構築一個共同的時空對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)、彰顯民生史觀與唯物史觀的結構對比及兩種史觀之間的動態對比,提出新的理解與批評,並進而以這兩種史觀為領會對比韻律的理論工具,為對比哲學奉獻心力。 第二章探討民生史觀與唯物史觀的歷史進化論。孫中山為宇宙進化畫分明確的階段,有強烈的目的論傾向,馬克思則反對用目的論解釋宇宙進化。他們都認為生物進化與社會進化有明顯的區別。孫中山的歷史分期論,包括自然進化與歷史進化之分、三民進化論與民權進化論、知行進化論。馬克思第一階段的歷史分期論基於歐洲中心主義,將歐洲的歷史分期分成原始、古代、封建、近代資產生產方式等階段,後來注意到非歐世界的歷史進化及資本主義之前的經濟形構。孫中山與馬克思的歷史路線論分別是中心線東西對照論與中心線擴散論。前者出於中國中心主義,後者則基於歐洲中心主義。 第三章討論民生史觀的社會發展論。首先歸納出國內論者詮釋民生史觀的五條公式。繼而重建民生史觀的理論體系,以人民的生活為總綱,以社會的生存與國民的生計為途徑,以群眾的生命為最終目的。 第四章討論唯物史觀的社會發展論。首先羅列以往中西論者所詮釋的唯物史觀,如經濟決定論、技術決定論、多重決定論、功能解釋、有機論、公式套用論,並指出其優缺點。繼而建構馬克思唯物史觀的四種概念圖式:中心輻輳模式、中心三角模式、基礎-上層建築模式、中心直線模式。最後建構一個共同的對比模式。 第五章討論民生史觀與唯物史觀的人本主義。首先探討孫中山與馬克思的人性概念(人的定義與人的需要),對比其看法的異同。孫中山對人與自然、社會、歷史的看法的特徵是以主領客,馬克思則強調人與自然、社會、歷史的關係是辯證式的,顯露主客合一的思維。 第六章結論。第一節綜述各章研究成果。第二節略論本論文的缺點與局限,並以本文的對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)為準,展望未來的研究方向(時間分殊化、空間區隔化、生活相對化)。 / Using the methodology of Dr. Vincent Shen's philosophy of contrast, this dissertation studies Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and karl Marx's theories fo historical evolution, social development, as well as humanism. An abstract framework is constructed and the method of hermeneutics is used to demonstrate the dynamic contrasts between Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and Marx's views pertaining to the evolution and development of humans' history, society as well as their assumptions of philosophical anthropology, together with the structural contrast of their theories. In terms of historical evolution, the author finds out that, while Dr. Sun's view of history reveals the tendency of teleology, makes a sharp division between natural and humans' evolution, and conceptualizes humans' history from Chinese standpoint, Marx's early conception of history divides European history into a number of stages and part of this later attention is paid to non-European societies. With regard to social development, the author generalizes scholars' explanations about Dr. Sun's social theory and reconstruct his theory of social development. The author also epitomizes scholars' interpretation of Marx's materialist conception of history and reconstructs four conceptual schemas of his theory of social development. As for Dr. Sun's and Marx's humanism, the author concludes that, while Dr. Sun's humanism emphasizes the leading role of the subject, i.e., the human beings, over the objective structures, that is, the nature, the society, and the history, Marx's humanism underscores the dialectic relationships between the subject and the object structures. Finally, not only the above-mentioned argument is summarized, but the future of developing a more complete framework for the construction of the philosophy of contrast if discussed.

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