Spelling suggestions: "subject:"connection"" "subject:"aconnection""
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Open Proverbs : exploring genre and openness in Proverbs 10:1-22:16Millar, Suzanna Ruth January 2018 (has links)
This thesis has three main aims. First, I will propose and explain a genre ascription for the sayings in Prov 10:1-22:16 – the ‘didactic proverb’. Second, I will analyse ‘openness’ as a textual feature, and show its contribution to the functions of this genre. Third, I will demonstrate how reading this way may influence our understanding of some key issues in Proverbs’ scholarship. Part 1 tackles the first and second aims. In ch. 1, I suggest that the sayings in Prov 10:1-22:16 have something of a hybrid genre, displaying features akin to both ‘didactic’ texts and ‘proverbs’. This can be seen from their: generically related texts, probable social settings, media, self-presentation, and literary forms. As ‘didactic’ texts, the sayings shape the worldview, character and intellect of their students. As ‘proverbs’, they apply to specific situations with specific purposes. In ch. 2, I explain three manifestations of literary ‘openness’: polysemy can give a text multiple meanings; parallelism makes the relationship between lines unclear; imagery opens up worlds for exploration. Ch. 3 begins to show how this ‘openness’ enhances the sayings’ ‘didactic’ and ‘proverbial’ functions. Here I move beyond openness in interpretation to openness in application, and draw on the field of ‘paremiology’ (the technical study of the ‘proverb’ as a genre), which has been somewhat neglected in Proverbs’ scholarship. In Part 2, I turn to the text, drawing out the openness of key verses, and showing how they function ‘didactically’ and ‘as proverbs’. This proves to have implications for certain classic debates in Proverbs’ scholarship (my third aim). Ch. 4 considers ‘character’ terms (e.g. wise/foolish, righteous/wicked). I use cognitive linguistic theories to examine the terms as open categories with ‘prototype structure’. Viewed this way, the terms are not (as some have argued) abstract and cut off from the world, but profoundly useful for life. Ch. 5 considers the apparent ‘act-consequence connection’ in Proverbs. The connection is predictable but not inviolable, may come about through a number of agencies, and has strong motivational potential. Ch. 6 looks at proverbs about the king. These do not necessitate an actual court context, for the ‘king’ figure may encapsulate wider principles, and function as a teaching tool. Even when he appears to be glorified, his role may be subverted, requiring students to exercise their minds. In ch. 7, I consider the way wisdom is acquired in the ‘didactic proverb’ genre, and suggest a principle for gaining it: students must ‘trust and scrutinise’. They are thereby empowered in their quest for wisdom, whilst also becoming aware of their limitations. Throughout Part 2, I find ‘openness’ to be an important facilitator for didactic and proverbial goals. Prov 10:1-22:16 presents its readers with a panoply of fascinating texts. By exploring them as ‘open’, ‘didactic’, and ‘proverbial’, this thesis offers a fruitful reading strategy; new insights into functions and meanings; and some fresh perspectives on old debates.
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Humanizing brands:the investigation of brand favorability, brand betrayal, temporal focus, and temporal distanceTan, T. M. (Teck Ming) 22 May 2018 (has links)
Humanizing brands is an essential domain of current branding as it enhances the visibility of a brand by connecting consumers to the brand, thus contributing to strong brand equity. The term humanize used in this dissertation is not limited to brands with anthropomorphic characters, such as the M&M’s characters. Used in this context, the term also includes the ways in which consumers attribute a brand to be “close to me,” “like me,” and a “partner.”
Although the research of customer-based brand equity has been well-documented over the past twenty-five years, limited attention has been given to examining the differential effect of brand favorability in forming a self-brand connection. Even more scarce are studies on the antecedents and indicators of brand betrayal. Further, up-to-date research is mostly silent as to whether temporal focus and temporal distance influence a brand’s ability to serve as a means of reflecting the consumer’s selves. To fill up these research gaps, this dissertation reports four research articles. More than two thousand samples were collected from Finland, India, and the US to examine the conceptual frameworks.
First, this dissertation contributes to the literature on self-brand connection by articulating the effect of self-presentation by brand on self-brand connection. Second, it contributes to the literature of self-congruence, seen from the temporal perspective. Third, it adds to the brand betrayal literature by examining consumer anthropomorphize tendency and actual high-arousal positive states as the antecedents. It further explains the indicators of brand betrayal, consisting of failure severity and inferred negative motive. In term of managerial implications, the findings contribute to (1) the one-on-one marketing approach to branding, (2) incorporating consumer’s selves into branding considerations, and (3) assessing brand betrayal in a negative brand relationship. / Tiivistelmä
Brändien inhimillistäminen on keskeinen alue vallitsevassa brändien tutkimuksessa, sillä inhimillistämällä lisätään brändin näkyvyyttä kytkemällä kuluttajat brändiin, mikä osaltaan vahvistaa brändipääomaa. Tässä väitöskirjassa käytetty termi inhimillistäminen ei rajoitu vain brändeihin, jotka käyttävät antropomorfisia hahmoja kuten M&M:n hahmot. Tässä yhteydessä termiin sisältyy myös keinoja, joita hyödyntämällä kuluttajat tuntevat brändin olevan ”lähellä minua”, ”kuten minä” ja ”kumppani”.
Vaikka asiakaslähtöisen brändipääoman tutkimusta on tehty paljon viimeisen 25 vuoden aikana, vain vähän huomiota on saanut brändien suosimisen vaikutus kuluttajan minän ja brändin välisen yhteyden muodostukseen. Vielä vähemmän tutkimusta on tehty brändien pettämisen syistä ja indikaattoreista. Lisäksi olemassa oleva tutkimus ei ota juurikaan kantaa siihen, vaikuttavatko ajallinen fokus ja ajallinen etäisyys brändin kykyyn heijastaa kuluttajien minää. Näiden tutkimusaukkojen täyttämiseksi väitöskirja esittelee neljän tutkimusartikkelin tuloksia. Käsitteellisten viitekehysten testaamista varten kerättiin yli 2 000 vastaajan aineisto kolmesta eri maasta.
Ensinnäkin, tämä väitöskirja edistää kuluttajan minä-brändisuhteeseen liittyvää tutkimusta kuvaamalla brändin itse-presentaation vaikutusta minä-brändisuhteeseen. Toiseksi, tämä väitöskirja kontribuoi minä-kongruenssiin liittyvään kirjallisuuteen ajallisesta näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Kolmanneksi, tämä väitöskirja edistää brändien pettämiseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta tutkimalla kuluttajan taipumusta antropomorfisointiin ja toteutuneita korkean innostuneisuuden tiloja. Tutkimus myös selittää brändien pettämisen indikaattoreita, jotka koostuvat epäonnistumisen vakavuudesta ja brändin negatiivisesta motiivista. Liikkeenjohdollisina päätelminä tulokset ehdottavat (1) yhdeltä yhdelle markkinointia brändäykseen, (2) kuluttajan minän sisällyttämistä brändäyskysymyksiin, ja (3) brändin pettämisen arviointia negatiivisessa brändisuhteessa.
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Geografia do voto e conexão eleitoral no Rio Grande do Sul : 1994 - 2006Saugo, Josiana Fatima January 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a Geografia do Voto, o Comportamento dos Legisladores através da proposição de Projetos de Lei Ordinária e de emendas ao Projeto de Orçamento do estado do Rio Grande do Sul e a Conexão Eleitoral gerada pelos incentivos advindos da arena eleitoral. Observamos como a Geografia do Voto está constituída neste Estado, com a construção de mapas da tipologia de reduto eleitoral dos parlamentares gaúchos. Examinou-se a proposição de Projetos de Lei entre 1995 até 2006 e de Emendas Orçamentárias, propostas de 1995 a 2002, com relação ao Partido e Geografia do Voto do autor. Através do Índice de Conexão, estudamos as emendas como recompensa dos votos dos eleitores. Por intermédio da comparação dos resultados eleitorais obtidos por parlamentares que tentaram a reeleição em 1998 e em 2002 observamos a proposição de emendas como estratégia de conquista de novos votos. Ambos os comportamentos caracterizam a Conexão Eleitoral. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que propor emendas não é uma estratégia eficiente para aumentar a quantidade de votos. A maior parte dos Projetos de Lei e das emendas foi proposta por legisladores de Partidos de centro e direita e com base de votos Concentrada. Percebemos que a Conexão Eleitoral é multifacetada, com incentivos para o comportamento particularista, bem como para o universalista. Dessa forma, esta dissertação se justifica pela relevância do tema, ausência de trabalhos empíricos a respeito, abordando o Rio Grande do Sul, e contribuição com o debate em algumas questões da Ciência Política. / This dissertation approaches Vote Geography, deputies’ behavior, through prepositions of Law Projects and Budget Amendments in Rio Grande do Sul, and the Electoral Connection created by electoral arena incentive. It has been observed how Vote Geography is constituted in this State, with the construction of deputy’s electoral maps. Law Projects proposed in 1995 until 2006 and the Budget Amendment proposed in 1995 until 2002 regarding Political Party and author of Vote Geography have also been examined. The Amendment as a reward for votes has been studied, through the Connection Index. Having compared electoral results from 1998 and 2002, we have observed the proposition of Amendments as a strategy to acquire new votes. Both behaviors characterize the Electoral Connection. The results show that the proposal of Amendments is not an efficient strategy to increase votes. Majority of Law Projects and Amendments were proposed by right and center party’s deputies with Concentrated votes. We have realized that the Electoral Connection has many faces, with incentives for private or universal behavior. Therefore, this dissertation justifies it self by the importance of the subject, the absence of empirical work in Rio Grande do Sul, and contribution with the debate in some aspects of Political Science.
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Identidades femininas em comentários no facebook : uma análise a partir dos estudos culturais em educaçãoForechi, Marcilene January 2017 (has links)
Nessa tese discutiu-se a produção de identidades femininas em comentários produzidos no Facebook. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida sob inspiração dos Estudos Culturais em Educação em articulação com os Estudos de Comunicação e os Estudos de Gênero. Identidade e gênero foram conceitos centrais no desenvolvimento dessa investigação, na qual se argumenta que as representações de identidades femininas colocadas em destaque nesse ambiente digital atuam na produção de significados sobre o universo tido como feminino. Considerou-se que os comentários analisados se inserem em uma lógica comunicacional e cultural peculiar à cultura da conexão (JENKINS et al, 2015). O conceito de gênero, abordado a partir de estudos conduzidos por Scott (1995), Meyer (2004) e outros autores, foi entendido como um organizador social das diferenças sexuais e como um “saber que estabelece significados para as diferenças corporais” (VÁSQUEZ, 2017). Foram analisados comentários postados nas páginas do Portal G1 e do Jornal Zero Hora, no Facebook, relativos às hashtags #EnemFeminista, #VaiTerShortinho e #belarecatadaedolar. Os comentários foram abordados como práticas culturais e o Facebook, como um artefato cultural. Maternidade, Violência e Empoderamento Feminino foram temas recorrentes nos comentários e para examiná-los foram definidas três categorias centrais intituladas: Mulher-Mãe, Mulher-Objeto e Mulher-Empoderada. Na abordagem Mulher-Mãe, percebeu-se como a maternidade é ainda configurada como um importante elemento identitário nas representações que circulam sobre feminilidades; na categoria Mulher- Objeto, focalizou-se a violência como um dos aspectos que reificam, de várias formas, as identidades femininas; já na categoria Mulher-Empoderada, considerou-se ter ocorrido a ampliação do campo discursivo relativo às atuações femininas, potencializada pelas mídias digitais e pelos usos que as mulheres passaram a fazer desses espaços, com discussões que integram a chamada quarta onda do feminismo, como, por exemplo, o assédio e a cultura do estupro. Cabe ainda indicar que perpassam os comentários analisados, menções a regras morais e a padrões de conduta que reafirmam interdições de várias ordens para as mulheres e reforçam antigos estereótipos. / This PhD dissertation discusses the production of female identities in the comments produced on Facebook. The research was developed inspired by the Cultural Studies in Education combined with the Communication Studies and Gender Studies. Identity and Gender are the main concepts in this investigation, which argues that the female identity representations highlighted in this digital environment act on the production of meanings about the universe seen as feminine. The analysed comments were considered as inserted in a communicational and cultural logic specific of the connection culture (Jenkins et al, 2015). The concept of Gender, approached from the studies made by SCOTT (1995), MEYER (2004) and other authors, is understood as a social organizer of the sexual differences and as a "knowledge that establishes meanings for the body differences" (VÁSQUEZ, 2017). The comments analysed were taken from Portal G1 and Zero Hora newspaper's Facebook pages and are related to the hashtags #EnemFeminista, #VaiTerShortinho e #belarecatadaedolar. The comments are approached as cultural practices and Facebook as a cultural artefact. Motherhood, violence and female empowering were recurrent themes in the comments, so three main categories were entitled: Mother-Woman, Object-Woman as Empowered-Woman. In the Mother-Woman approach, motherhood is seen as the unanimous identity element in the discussions about femininity; as for the Object-Woman category, violence was pointed as an aspect that strongly marks female identity representations; finally, in the Empowered-Woman category, it is discussed how women's empowerment began to cover a series of practices that attempt to frame women in the contemporary world. In providing comments, users attribute meanings to the feminine, (re)producing representations of feminine identities.
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Geografia do voto e conexão eleitoral no Rio Grande do Sul : 1994 - 2006Saugo, Josiana Fatima January 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a Geografia do Voto, o Comportamento dos Legisladores através da proposição de Projetos de Lei Ordinária e de emendas ao Projeto de Orçamento do estado do Rio Grande do Sul e a Conexão Eleitoral gerada pelos incentivos advindos da arena eleitoral. Observamos como a Geografia do Voto está constituída neste Estado, com a construção de mapas da tipologia de reduto eleitoral dos parlamentares gaúchos. Examinou-se a proposição de Projetos de Lei entre 1995 até 2006 e de Emendas Orçamentárias, propostas de 1995 a 2002, com relação ao Partido e Geografia do Voto do autor. Através do Índice de Conexão, estudamos as emendas como recompensa dos votos dos eleitores. Por intermédio da comparação dos resultados eleitorais obtidos por parlamentares que tentaram a reeleição em 1998 e em 2002 observamos a proposição de emendas como estratégia de conquista de novos votos. Ambos os comportamentos caracterizam a Conexão Eleitoral. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que propor emendas não é uma estratégia eficiente para aumentar a quantidade de votos. A maior parte dos Projetos de Lei e das emendas foi proposta por legisladores de Partidos de centro e direita e com base de votos Concentrada. Percebemos que a Conexão Eleitoral é multifacetada, com incentivos para o comportamento particularista, bem como para o universalista. Dessa forma, esta dissertação se justifica pela relevância do tema, ausência de trabalhos empíricos a respeito, abordando o Rio Grande do Sul, e contribuição com o debate em algumas questões da Ciência Política. / This dissertation approaches Vote Geography, deputies’ behavior, through prepositions of Law Projects and Budget Amendments in Rio Grande do Sul, and the Electoral Connection created by electoral arena incentive. It has been observed how Vote Geography is constituted in this State, with the construction of deputy’s electoral maps. Law Projects proposed in 1995 until 2006 and the Budget Amendment proposed in 1995 until 2002 regarding Political Party and author of Vote Geography have also been examined. The Amendment as a reward for votes has been studied, through the Connection Index. Having compared electoral results from 1998 and 2002, we have observed the proposition of Amendments as a strategy to acquire new votes. Both behaviors characterize the Electoral Connection. The results show that the proposal of Amendments is not an efficient strategy to increase votes. Majority of Law Projects and Amendments were proposed by right and center party’s deputies with Concentrated votes. We have realized that the Electoral Connection has many faces, with incentives for private or universal behavior. Therefore, this dissertation justifies it self by the importance of the subject, the absence of empirical work in Rio Grande do Sul, and contribution with the debate in some aspects of Political Science.
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Exploring the shared meaning of being at one's best in workAddicott, Colleen January 2016 (has links)
This research takes an iterative multiple case study approach and seeks new insight from common language in the workplace - specifically exploring what we mean when we say that we're at our best in work. Being at your best is a common term in the workplace but one that is not reflected in the academic literature. Given that it is commonly used, perhaps there is a common or shared meaning. Exploring that shared meaning could help identify how to get more from individuals and support the development of positive workplaces. There are three strands to this research thesis. Firstly, the notion of being at one's best is introduced. The literature review identifies an overlap in the concepts of work performance, engagement and commitment. These three concepts are complex and have challenges of definition and measurement. It is suggested that being at one's best can be understood as involving high performance, engagement and commitment and will involve factors that are consistent to each of the three concepts. The overlap of the concepts is demonstrated in the pilot studies undertaken in three retail stores: the highest performing store; the store with the highest staff engagement survey results; and the store with the longest serving (committed) staff. Interviews, wordlists and questionnaires were interrogated and consistent themes across the 3 contexts formed a tentative framework of positive subjective states and positive behavioural patterns. Secondly, this thesis explores the possibility of a shared meaning of being at one's best - extending the research to wider organisations. Further case studies are undertaken involving a total of 154 individuals in: a highly engaged hotel team; a high performing executive search team; the top performing shop managers in one company; and a study of individuals with at least five years' service and intending to stay in their jobs. The common experiences of these individuals form the refined framework that describes being at one's best in terms of: Positive subjective states (feelings); Positive behavioural patterns; and values. Individuals were feeling positive about themselves, their job, and their colleagues. They also showed positive behaviours related to achieving, supporting, and interacting. The connection between an individual's values and their work was also highlighted as playing a role in being at one's. The third and final strand of the research is the opportunity to reflect on techniques used to explore shared meaning. There is little consistency in the literature regarding how to explore shared meaning. The iterative approach of this research allowed for reflection on: interviews, questionnaires, word lists, focus groups and mental model activities as potential techniques for exploring shared meaning. The reflections provide insight regarding each technique and lead to the suggestion that focus groups are used earlier in the process of exploring shared meaning in the future.
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A pré-história e reencontro com o tempo em Sem tecto, entre ruínas de Augusto Abelaira / Pre-history and reunion with time in Sem tecto, entre ruínas from Augusto AbelairaLais Martins da Costa Ribeiro 28 May 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo crítico do romance Sem tecto, entre ruínas, de Augusto Abelaira. Inicialmente é feita a análise sobre as possíveis consequências de uma apreensão descontínua e material do tempo, seus efeitos nas relações entre o protagonista e seu mundo, que se apresentam sob a forma de tédio e paralisia. Para a crítica proposta foram retomados conceitos descontinuidade e homogeneidade apresentados pelo filósofo Henri Bergson, além da noção de desligamento e desejo demonstrados pela sociologia de Zigmunt Bauman. O próximo alvo contemplado na pesquisa é a presença da memória e da lembrança indicados sob o ponto de vista contínuo do tempo, também analisados à luz da filosofia de Bergson, além do pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. A partir desse caminho investigativo é possível pensar a condição do protagonista como um confronto de si, uma experiência do tempo que traz uma revelação mediante a condição de ser tarde demais / This work provides a critical analysis on the novel Sem tecto, entre ruínas by Augusto Abelaira. In the first instance this study begans with the analysis of the possible consequences aroused by a material apprehension of time as well as its impact on relations between the protagonist and the world in which he lives, wich are presented by the feelings of boredom and paralysis. For the proposed work were taken up concepts of discontinuance and homogeneity created by the philosopher Henri Bergson, as well as the notion of detachment and desire demonstrated by the sociology of Zigmunt Bauman. The next target contemplated in the research is the presence of memory and recollection indicated under the point of view of continuous time, also examined by the philosophy of Bergson, in addition to the thought of Gilles Deleuze. Based on this investigative path is possible to consider the condition of the protagonist as a confront with itself, an experience of time that brings up a revelation upon the condition of being too late
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Existência de conexões versus módulos projetivosSilva, Rafael Barbosa da 03 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-15T11:46:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The notions of connection and covariant derivative has its origin in the field of Riemannian
geometry , where there is no distinction between them. In fact, in this study we
found that these notions are equivalent if we consider modules over K-algebras of finite
type. We also show that the existence of connections implies the existence of covariant
derivative. The main goal of this study is to determine which modules admit connections.
We easily verified that the projective modules admit connections. In fact, they form an
affine space. But we also display a module that is not projective and has connection.
Later, inspired by Swan's theorem, we explore in a straightforward way modules formed
by sections of the tangent bundle of some surfaces in 3-dimensional real space. Finally, we
study the notion of connection introduced by Alain Connes in modules over K-algebras
not necessarily commutative. And we find in that context that the modules that have
connection are exactly the projectives modules. / As noções de conexão e derivada covariante tem sua origem na área de geometria
riemanniana, onde não existe distinção entre elas. De fato, nós verificamos neste trabalho,
que estas noções são equivalentes se considerarmos módulos sobre K-álgebras comutativas
de tipo finito. Também mostramos que a existência de conexões implica na existência de
derivada covariante. O objetivo central deste trabalho é determinar que módulos admitem
conexão. Verificamos facilmente que os módulos projetivos admitem conexões. De fato,
elas formam um espaço afim. Mas também exibimos um módulo não projetivo que possui
conexão. Posteriormente, inspirados pelo teorema de Swan, exploramos de maneira direta
os módulos formados pelas seções do fibrado tangente de algumas superfícies no espaço 3-
dimensional real. Por fim, estudamos a noção de conexão introduzida por Alain Connes em
módulos sobre K-álgebras não necessariamente comutativas. E verificamos nesse contexto
que os módulo que admitem conexão são exatamente os módulos projetivos.
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Geografia, educação e comunicação: dispersões, conexões e articulações na ciberculturaTonetto, Élida Pasini January 2017 (has links)
Conectado e subjetivado pela Cibercultura, este estudo busca compreender que formas de aprender estão envolvidas nas práticas comunicacionais através dos dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, e como estas formas de aprender podem ser apropriadas no/pelo campo da Geografia nos processos educacionais formais. Tem como objetivos específicos: (a) analisar como funcionam algumas das práticas comunicacionais estabelecidas pelos sujeitos a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua; considerando suas características gerais, funções, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir das experimentações de tais práticas empreendidas nas redes comunicacionais da autora em seu processo de construção de pesquisa. (b) compreender as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais na cibercultura a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, através da articulação das ferramentas teóricas de três grandes campos do conhecimento: Geografia, Educação e Comunicação; (c) problematizar como as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura podem ser apropriadas pelo campo da Geografia, a partir da análise de plataformas educativas, bem como de práticas públicas dos sujeitos envolvidos em processos educativos e comunicacionais Para os caminhos teórico-metodológicos, foram adotados o Campo dos Estudos Culturais e dos Estudos Foucaultianos, no interior deles foram selecionadas a autoetnografia e a netnografia, utilizando o caderno de campo da pesquisa(dora) como ferramenta de coleta de dados, tais dados foram capturados nos fluxos comunicacionais vivenciados pela própria autora em diferentes espaços. Diante das diferentes metodologias imbricadas nos processos de construção da pesquisa(dora), a investigação direcionou-se para quatro modalidades de bricolagem (metodológica, teórica, interpretativa e política) que geraram instigantes possibilidades para uma pesquisa(dora) bricoleur, inserida em movimentos que implicaram em processos de coleta e análises de dados articulados, possibilitando a experiência de escrita-leitura hipertextual dessa tese. A própria construção da tese contribuiu para compreender que as práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura vêm ocorrendo em espaços intersticiais, em uma cultura de (hiper)mobilidade, possibilitada por dispositivos móveis, que operam em rede, demandam feedbacks constantes dos interagentes envolvidos, em ações pautadas pela colaboração, o engajamento, a confiança. Isso ocorre a partir de informação contextual, filtros e reusabilidade dos produtos comunicacionais gerados, fazendo uma intensa mixagem de conteúdos, linguagens e rompendo o sentir e os sentidos (corporificados) dos sujeitos. As aprendizagens emergentes das referidas práticas comunicacionais são personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptativas, colaborativas, interativas, distraídas, em rede, ubíquas, autônomas, redefinindo a espacialidade do pensamento, hibridizando a mente e alterando tarefas cognitivas As apropriações dessas aprendizagens se inserem em dois grupos principais: um em que as tecnologias em si são as salvadoras dos sistemas educacionais, o papel do professor é relativizado e o foco do discurso de melhoria da qualidade da educação recai sobre o desempenho do aluno e do próprio professor. O outro bloco entende que as tecnologias digitais são dispositivos que apresentam inúmeras possibilidades de aprender, que complexificam o espaço e, por isso, alargam o conceito de aula, demandando um professor reflexivo para pensar em apropriações criativas, críticas e criadoras de tais possibilidades. As problematizações e experiências de escritaleituras postas, no decorrer do texto, instigam outros modos de pensar as espacialidades do sujeito contemporâneo na era da (hiper)mobilidade e suas aprendizagens. Assim, as análises empreendidas apresentam o potencial de serem pensadas nos processos educativos formais da Geografia (escolares e acadêmicos) de forma menos binária e fundamentalista. / Connected to and subjectified by cyberculture, this work aims to understand what ways of learning are involved in communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, and how these ways of learning may be appropriated in/by the field of Geography in formal education processes. It aims to: (a) analyse how subjects conduct communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, considering their general features, functions, everyday forms of use; by trying these practices in the author’s communication networks in her process of constructing her research work. (b) understand the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture with mobile devices for continuous connection by articulating theoretical tools in three large fields of knowledge: Geography, Education and Communication; (c) think of how the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture may be appropriated in Geography, by analysing educative structures and public practices by subjects involved in education and communication processes. For the theoretical and methodological ways we took on Cultural Studies and Foucault studies. Within them we selected autoethnography and netnography by using the research(er) field notes as a tool to collect data and these data were captured in the communication flow the author had in different spaces Due to the different methodologies overlapping in processes of construction of the research(er), investigation was directed towards four types of bricolage (methodological, theoretical, interpretative and political ones) leading to compelling possibilities for the bricoleur work(er), in movements causing collecting processes and analyses of articulated data, allowing for hypertextual writing-reading for this thesis. The very device of construction helped us to understand that communication practices of cyberculture have become intersticial spaces in a (hyper)mobility culture, enabled by mobile devices operating in networks with interactants’ constant feedbacks, encouraging collaboration, in actions based on collaboration, compromise and confidence. This occurs with the aid of contextual information, filters and reusability of communication products, leading to mingling contents and languages breaking with subjects’ (embodied) feeling and senses. Learning emerging from these communication practices are customised, automated, adaptive, collaborative, interactive, absent-minded, online, ubiquitous, autonomous, redefining, spatiality of thought, hybridising the mind and changing cognitive tasks Appropriation of these types of learning belong to two major groups: one in which technologies alone save the education systems, the teacher role becomes relative and the discourse focus on education improvement falls on performance of student and teacher. Another group understands that digital technologies are devices providing umpteen possibilities for learning, which ramify the space and therefore widen the concept of class, demanding reflective teachers to think of creative and critical appropriation. Problematisations and experiences of reading-writing along the text encourage new ways of thinking about the contemporary subject’s modes of spatiality in the (hyper)mobility age and his/her learning. Thus the analyses conducted here provide the potential of being taken in formal education of Geography in a less binary and fundamentalist way. / Conectado y subjetivado por la Cibercultura, este estudio busca comprender qué formas de aprender están envueltas en las prácticas comunicacionales a través de los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, y cómo estas formas de aprender pueden ser apropiadas en\por el campo de la Geografía en los procesos en la educación formal. Tiene como objetivos específicos: (a) analizar cómo funcionan algunas de las prácticas comunicacionales establecidas por los sujetos a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua; considerando sus características generales, funciones, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir de las experimentaciones de esas prácticas emprendidas en las redes comunicacionales de la autora en su proceso de construcción de investigación. (b) comprender las formas emergentes de aprender las prácticas comunicacionales en la cibercultura a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, a través de la articulación de las herramientas teóricas de tres grandes campos del conocimiento: Geografía, Educación y Comunicación; (c) problematizar cómo as formas emergentes de aprender de las prácticas comunicacionales de la cibercultura pueden ser apropiadas por el campo de la Geografía, a partir del análisis de plataformas educativas, así como las prácticas públicas de los sujetos envueltos en la educación y comunicación. Para los caminos teórico-metodológicos fueron adoptados el Campo de los Estudios Culturales y de los Estudios Foucaultianos Los aprendizajes emergentes de ellas prácticas comunicacionales son personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptivas, colaborativas, interactivas, distraídas, en red, ubicuas, autónomas, qué redefinen la espacialidad del pensamiento, hibridando la miente y alterando tareas cognitivas. Las apropiaciones de esos aprendizajes se insertan en dos grupos principales: uno enque las tecnologías en sí son las salvadoras de los sistemas educacionales, el papel del profesor es relativizado y el foco del discurso de mejoría de la calidad de la educación recae sobre el desempeño del alumno y del propio profesor. Otro grupo entiende qué las tecnologías digitales son dispositivos qué presentan innumerables posibilidades de aprender, qué complican el espacio y por eso ensanchan el concepto de clase, demandando un profesor reflexivo para pensar en apropiaciones creativas, críticas y qué crea las posibilidades. Las problematizaciones y experiencias de escritura-lectura durante el transcurso del texto instigan otros modos de pensar las espacialidades del sujeto contemporáneo en la era de la (hiper)movilidad y sus aprendizajes, así que los análisis emprendidos presentan el potencial de ser pensados en la educación formal de Geografía (escolares y académicos) de forma menos binaria y fundamentalista.
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Cascading Evolutionary Morphological Charts for Holistic Ideation FrameworkJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: The main objective of this project was to create a framework for holistic ideation and investigate the technical issues involved in its implementation. In previous research, logical ideation methods were explored, ideation states were identified, and tentative set of ideation blocks with strategies were incorporated in an interactive software testbed. As a subsequent study, in this research, intuitive methods and their strategies were investigated and characterized, a framework to organize the components of ideation (both logical and intuitive) was devised, and different ideation methods were implemented based on the framework. One of the major contributions of this research is the method by which information passes between different ideation methods. Another important part of the research is that a framework to organize ideas found by different methods. The intuitive ideation strategies added to the holistic test bed are reframing, restructuring, random connection, force connection, and analogical reasoning. A computer tool facilitating holistic ideation was developed. This framework can also be used as a research tool to collect large amounts of data from designers about their choice of ideation strategies, and assessment of their effectiveness. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Mechanical Engineering 2012
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