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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Separation of powers and federalism in African constitutionalism : the South African case

Mangu, Andre Mbata Betukumesu 06 1900 (has links)
This short dissertation deals with separation of powers and federalism in African constitutionalism through the South African case. It investigates the extent to which the new South Africa complies with these two principles. The separation of powers in the new South Africa gives rise to a sui generis parliamentary regime, which is borrowing both from the Westminster model and the presidential one. On the other hand, the principle of federalism has been taken into consideration seriously, but South Africa has not become a fully-fledged federation. The result is a well-matched marriage between semi-parliamentarism and quasifederalism, which is the South African contribution to constitutionalism and democracy required by the African Renaissance. The dissertation comes to the conclusion that all in all the new South Africa complies with the two constitutional principles under consideration. It is a constitutional state, one of the very few exceptions on a continent laboriously emerging from authoritarianism. / Law / Thesis (LL.M.)--University of South Africa, 1998. / LL. M. (Law)

International law in the interpretation of sections 25 and 26 of the Constitution

Slade, Bradley Virgill 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The protection of human rights is one of the main aims of international law. Since the Second World War, the United Nations and various other international organs have recognised the protection of human rights in various treaties. These treaties protect citizen.s rights against possible infringement on the side of the state. South Africa was isolated from the development that occurred in international human rights law due to the system of apartheid. When South Africa became a democracy in 1994, international law had to be made part of South African law so that South Africa could once again take its place in the international community. Therefore, the Constitution of 1996 contains various sections that deal with international law and its place within the South African legal system. In particular, section 39(1)(b) of the Constitution places an obligation on courts, tribunals and forums to consider international law in interpreting the bill of rights. With regard to section 39(1)(b), this thesis questions whether the Constitutional Court fulfils its obligation when interpreting the right to property and housing in sections 25 and 26 of the Constitution respectively. Through a discussion of Constitutional Court cases on the right to property, it is discovered that the Court does not optimally use the international law sources that are available. The Court does not reflect on the status of international law sources and confuses international law with foreign law. Therefore, the sources relating to the right to property in international and regional international law are outlined. On the basis of the available sources in international law that relate to the right to property, it is argued that there is no justification for the Court not considering the relevant international law sources. With regard to the right of access to adequate housing in section 26 of the Constitution and the case law relating to the right, the Constitutional Court is more willing to consult international law to aid its interpretation of the right. This is partly attributable to fact that the right to adequate housing is a well developed right in international law. As a result, the Court refers to a wide range of international law sources when interpreting the right of access to adequate housing. However, the Court does not indicate the status of the various international law sources it uses to interpret the right to adequate housing. Therefore, it is argued that in the instances where there are relevant international law sources available to aid the interpretation of the rights to property and adequate housing, they should be considered. In the event that the Constitutional Court uses international law sources, their status within South African law and their relevance to the rights in question should be made clear. As a result, a method for the use of international law as a guide to interpretation is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskerming van menseregte is van groot belang in internasionale reg. Na afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het verskeie internasionale agente, met die Verenigde Nasies in die voorgrond, menseregte begin erken in verskeie internasionale konvensies. Omdat Suid-Afrika die apartheidstelsel toegepas het, was die Suid-Afrikaanse reg geïsoleerd van die ontwikkeling rakende die beskerming van menseregte in internasionale reg. Met die koms van demokrasie was Suid-Afrika genoodsaak om internasionale reg deel te maak van Suid-Afrikaanse reg om te verseker dat Suid-Afrika weer die internasionale gemeenskap kon betree. Gevolglik bevat die Grondwet van 1996 verskeie artikels wat met internasionale reg handel. In besonder plaas artikel 39(1)(b) 'n verpligting op howe, tribunale en ander forums om internasionale reg te gebruik wanneer enige reg in die handves van menseregte geïnterpreteer moet word. In hierdie tesis word daar besin oor die vraag of die Grondwetlike Hof die verpligting in terme van artikel 39(1)(b) nakom wanneer die regte tot eiendom en toegang tot geskikte behuising in artikels 25 en 26 onderskeidelik geïnterpreteer word. Na 'n bespreking van die grondwetlike sake wat verband hou met die reg tot eiendom, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die Grondwetlike Hof nie die verpligting in terme van artikel 39(1)(b) konsekwent nakom nie. Die Hof verwys nie na relevante internasionale of streeks- internasionale reg nie. Verder verwar die Hof internasionale reg met buitelandse reg. In die gevalle waar die Hof wel gebruik maak van internasionale reg, word die status van dié reg in die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel nie duidelik uiteengesit nie. Na aanleiding van die grondwetlike sake wat verband hou met die reg van toegang tot geskikte behuising, is dit duidelik dat die Grondwetlike Hof meer gewillig is om internasionale reg in ag te neem. 'n Moontlike rede hiervoor is die feit dat die reg tot behuising goed ontwikkel is in internasionale reg. Gevolglik maak die Grondwetlike Hof geredelik van internasionale reg gebruik om artikel 26 van die Grondwet te interpreteer. Nietemin, die status van die internasionale reg bronne wat die Hof wel gebruik word nie uiteengesit nie. Daarom word daar aangevoer dat indien daar internasionale reg beskikbaar is wat relevant is tot die geskil, behoort die Grondwetlike Hof sulke reg in ag te neem. Indien die Hof wel internasionale reg gebruik om die regte tot eiendom en toegang tot geskikte behuising te interpreteer, moet die status van die bronne uiteengesit word. Daarom word daar ook in die tesis 'n voorstel voorgelê hoe howe te werk moet gaan indien internasionale reg bronne geraadpleeg word.

Právní úprava postavení politických stran / Legal regulation of the position of political parties

Šálek, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with political parties and especially with their legal regulation. However, the thesis does not only use the legal statutes and theirs provisions, but it also aspire to set the existence and the action of political parties into a wider context, which is provided the political science. The subject of the thesis is restricted to the Czech Republic (respectively to its contemporary national territory and to political parties, which existed or are existing within this territory). That's why the statutory regulation of political parties' position is set into the context of czech constitutional law order as well. Concurrently, only selected aspects of existence and action of political parties are carefully analysed. In spite of that, the thesis provides a basic overview of general legal regulation of political parties in the Czech Republic. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter pursues historical development of political parties' phenomenon in territory of contemporary Czech Republic It does so by characterizing of political parties themselves (including the enumeration of the most important ones of them), and further by regarding to their legal regulation in specific historical periods, which preceded the enactment of contemporary valid legal regulation of...

O guardião da Constituição: o Supremo Tribunal Federal como poder autônomo no julgamento da Lei da Ficha Limpa

Rossi, Luís Antônio 09 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Antonio Rossi.pdf: 1400243 bytes, checksum: 2f54e0af614700d9bf2c495d5740d146 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-09 / This thesis aims at analyzing the position of the Supreme Court when examining the constitutionality of the Clean Record Law subsuming the decision on the debate brought by jurists Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on a country s Judicial Review. Through analysis and reflection on who should be the "guardian of the Constitution", this investigation seeks to demonstrate that the Brazilian constitutional system has adopted Kelsen s positivism. However, the amplitude of the 1988 Constitution, the process of Law constitutionalization , the ideology of fundamental rights and the idleness of both the Executive (lack of an efficient public administration) and the Legislative (legislative inertia) transformed Brazilian Supreme Court into a hybrid court: sometimes as a true Constitution Court in the formalistic conception of Kelsen (judgment of the Amnesty Law, for example) or as a true Reich President or a Moderator Power in Schmitt s conception. By addressing and analyzing the judgement of the Clean Record Law this thesis claims that the Brazilian legal system has been going through a crisis caused by too much constitutionalization of law and has therefore caused the Supreme Court to change into an autonomous power: the Legal Reich / A presente tese, subsumindo a decisão diante do debate entre os juristas Hans Kelsen e Carl Schmitt sobre o controle de constitucionalidade pátrio, tem o escopo de analisar o comportamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento da constitucionalidade da Lei da Ficha Limpa. A tese, ao analisar e refletir sobre quem deve ser o guardião da Constituição , pretende demonstrar que o sistema constitucional brasileiro adotou o positivismo de Hans Kelsen, mas a amplitude da Constituição de 1988, o processo de constitucionalização do Direito, a ideologia dos direitos fundamentais e a inércia dos Poderes Executivo (falta de uma gestão pública eficiente) e Legislativo (inércia legislativa) transformaram a Corte Suprema brasileira num tribunal híbrido: ora um verdadeiro Tribunal Constitucional, na concepção formalista de Hans Kelsen (julgamento da Lei de Anistia, por exemplo), ora um verdadeiro Presidente do Reich ou Poder Moderador, na concepção de Carl Schmitt. Ao abordar e analisar o julgamento da Lei da Ficha Limpa, a tese quer demonstrar que o sistema jurídico pátrio passa por uma crise ocasionada pela constitucionalização em demasia do direito e, por conseguinte, pela transformação do Supremo Tribunal Federal em Poder autônomo: o Reich jurídico

La dimension objective des droits fondamentaux européens / The objective dimension of european fundamental rights

Danova, Maria 29 January 2015 (has links)
La dimension objective représente l’une des principales théories d’interprétation des droits fondamentaux en Allemagne. Peu connue en dehors de son cadre national, elle se déploie toutefois au niveau européen et en particulier dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne, sans être pensée en tant que telle. La présente étude vise à analyser cette conception à l’échelle européenne à travers ses caractéristiques essentielles dégagées à partir du droit allemand, et mettre en évidence l’influence de ce dernier sur le droit européen. La dimension objective se présente ainsi comme une interprétation téléologique et totale, qui indexe la protection des droits sur des valeurs politiques et morales, et assure leur rayonnement au sein mais aussi à travers les ordres juridiques. Si elle constitue un point d’orgue dans la sophistication de la théorie des droits, elle emporte néanmoins le risque de relativiser ces derniers dans leur fonction subjective de protection des libertés individuelles. / The objective dimension is one of the main theories of the interpretation of fundamental rights in Germany. Although relatively unknown outside its national context, it exerts an influence at a European level, especially in case-law in the European Court of Human Rights, without being regarded as such. The present study aims to analyze this approach of rights at a European scale through its main characteristics drawn from German law, as well as to highlight the influence of the latter on European law. The objective dimension appears to be a teleological and total interpretation that establishes the protection of rights on certain political and moral values, and ensures their radiating effect within but also through legal systems. If it is a breakthrough in the elaboration of the theory of rights, it also carries the risk of weakening these same rights in their subjective function which is to protect personal freedom. / Bonjour Sophie, Madame Danova a déposé un nouveau contrat ce 10/09/2015. Le rôle FICH est à modifier. Merci d'avance Suzanne

A função política do Supremo Tribunal Federal / The political function of Federal Supreme Court

Paixao, Leonardo André 28 May 2007 (has links)
Função política do Estado é a atividade que órgãos instituídos pela Constituição exercem no âmbito de sua competência, tendo por objetivo preservar a sociedade política e promover o bem comum, e que consiste em determinar, mediante a livre interpretação de normas constitucionais, o que é o interesse público e quais são os meios necessários à sua implementação. A função política é desempenhada por diversos órgãos e poderes, inclusive pelos tribunais constitucionais. Os tribunais constitucionais exercem função política, basicamente, em relação a quatro grandes temas: separação de poderes, federalismo, direitos fundamentais e funcionamento das instituições democráticas. O exercício da função política pelos tribunais constitucionais possui características específicas. Os tribunais constitucionais têm legitimidade para exercer função política, apesar de seus integrantes normalmente não serem escolhidos pelo voto popular. No desempenho de função política, os tribunais constitucionais devem observar limites. No Brasil, o órgão que exerce o papel de tribunal constitucional é o Supremo Tribunal Federal. O Supremo Tribunal Federal, ao longo de sua história, desde sua instalação, em 1891, até os dias atuais, contribuiu para a definição do que é o interesse público, bem como para a definição dos meios necessários para sua implementação. Portanto, exerceu função política. Foram identificadas sete fases na história do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Em algumas delas, o Supremo Tribunal Federal exerceu função política mais ativamente. Em outras fases, limitou-se a confirmar decisões adotadas por outros órgãos de soberania. O Supremo Tribunal Federal tem legitimidade para exercer função política. Sua jurisprudência demonstra também que, no exercício da função política, o Supremo Tribunal Federal observou limites. / Political function of the State is the work performed by constitutional bodies, within the scope of their respective competencies, to preserve political society and promote public welfare. It consists in determining, through free interpretation of constitutional rules, what may be considered of public welfare and what are the necessary mechanisms for its implementation. Political function is performed by various powers and bodies including the constitutional courts. Basically, constitutional courts exercise political function in relation to four major subjects: segregation of power, federalism, basic rights and the functioning of democratic institutions. Constitutional courts bear specific characteristics when it comes to exercising their political function. A constitutional court has the legitimacy to exercise political functions even though its constituents are not elected through popular suffrage. In the exercise of their political function, constitutional courts must beware of some limits. In Brazil, the body that plays the role of constitutional court is the Federal Supreme Court. Throughout its history, that is, since its establishment in 1891 until the present, the Federal Supreme Court has contributed to define what public welfare is, as well as to its implemen-tation. Therefore, it has exercised its political function. Considering its jurisprudence, it is possible to identify seven stages in the Federal Supreme Court history. In some of these stages the Supreme Court exercises its political function actively. In other stages, simply confirmed decisions taken by other bodies. The Federal Supreme Court has legitimacy to exercise its political function. Its jurisprudence also shows that, in the exercise of its political function, the Federal Supreme Court has known some limits.

Diplomatic Protection Against Acts of Intergovernmental Organs

Gramlich, Ludwig 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Das herkömmliche völkerrechtliche Institut des diplomatischen Schutzes ist im Verhältnis zwischen Staaten (als originären Völkerrechtssubjekten) entstanden. Aber auch intergouvernmentale Organisationen sind in der Lage, Maßnahmen mit unmittelbarer Rechtswirkung gegenüber Einzelpersonen zu treffen, so daß auch hier die Frage aufzuwerfen ist, wann und mit welchen Mitteln der jeweilige Heimatstaat die (Grund-)Rechte seiner Staatsangehörigen gegenüber einer solchen Organisation geltend machen kann.

論我國司法權在權力分立體系中之角色功能:以專業法院的憲法及法律解釋方法為中心 / The Role and Function of Judicial Power in Separation of Powers System of Our Country: A Perspective on the Method of Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation for Specialized Courts

謝長江, Hsieh, Chang Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
在現代化與全球化的背景之下,在採取集中式違憲審查體制而區分憲法法院(大法官)和專業法院的我國,專業法院應承擔如何的角色功能──其與大法官之間應有如何的內部分工關係?又應如何與大法官共同行使「司法權」,以形塑司法部門與政治部門之間的憲政關係?專業法院的憲法及法律解釋,在方法上應如何因應現代化與全球化的挑戰?角色功能的定位又如何體現於解釋方法的運用?簡言之,現代化與全球化的影響之下,專業法院的角色功能以及解釋方法的運用,二個元素如何互動,乃是本文的核心關懷。 本文第二章首先回顧大陸法系在現代化和全球化的過程,以法典化為「動力核心」的法釋義學,面臨了價值趨於多元與社會快速變遷的挑戰,而立法者面對福利、管制和風險,因為沒有能力具體回應,結果把更沈重的職責託付給司法者。另一方面,歐陸法釋義學在價值法學的輝煌成果之上,亟待強化與社會事實對話的能力,故本文整理有關「結果取向的解釋方法」的文獻,蓋其有作為事實與規範之間對話介面的功能。基於前述,司法者由於法律適用範圍的擴張而介入政治、經濟與社會事務,形成「政治的司法化(judicialization of politics)」,乃是各國法治無法避免的共通現象。但從歐美法治在循序漸進的發展之中,其司法者具有足夠的自主性,而在給付實質正義時維持一定的中立性,不成為特定政治或社會利益的工具。但我國司法尚未浸淫於成熟的法治文化,驟然面對法規範體系的變化和政策形成機能的賦與,「透明」的方法論有防範司法脫序風險的功能,並形成司法決策正當性的基礎。 第三章則進入憲法法院體制之下,司法內部分權的分析。首先,介紹Stone Sweet教授的理論模型,使本文得以嘗試暫時拋棄現有制度的成見,探討以憲法裁決者為中心的司法權力,如何與政治部門形成「憲法對話(constitutional dialogue)」的互動模式。接著,回顧憲法法院的理念發展以及憲法訴訟的制度功能,說明憲法法院無可取代的核心角色功能,乃是基於人權保障的理念,作為憲法對話的樞紐:包括與政治部門的對話關係,以及對專業法院的控制關係。同採集中式違憲審查的我國、韓國或義大利,憲法法院都在衝突與磨合中建立了與專業法院的分工與對話關係。在這樣的對話架構之中,面對現代化與全球化的法制環境,則需要合憲解釋方法的進一步深化,使兩種法院角色功能的扮演更為適切。 有鑑於此,第四章探討二者對於合憲解釋方法的不同操作模式。參考韓國與義大利的經驗,可知合憲解釋方法的操作,實反映了不同的歷史、制度背景以及民主進展階段之中,司法內部的不同(憲法)對話模式,進一步確認了本文認為解釋方法作為憲法對話工具的觀點:專業法院同時受憲法(含大法官解釋)與法律拘束,其主要職責不在於非難立法者的政治意志,而係透過法律的解析,在憲法的框架秩序之下,最大程度上實現立法者的付託。從而,合憲法律解釋雖是大法官和專業法院的共同工具,但事實面的結果取向是專業法院的主要任務,專業法院應側重法律中概括條款的合憲法律解釋,強化事實面的論證品質,以具體化立法者所揭櫫的價值與政策方向。 從專業法院的角色功能觀之,概括條款的具體化對於其角色功能的適切扮演,具有重要意義。同時,行政法院面對行政機關基於立法者的概括授權所為的行政行為,使得行政法中概括條款的操作和民、刑法又呈現不同的樣貌,成為第五章的主題。比較分析美國行政法關於「恣意專斷」和「實質證據」標準的經典案例後,本文指出值得我國行政法院努力的審查模式:從立法者藉由概括條款揭櫫的政策目標出發,形成事實與證據基礎的審查方向與審查範圍,從而透過檢視行政行為的「合理性」,以確保其「合法性」。在此,透過概括條款的具體化,法律解釋成為規範與事實的互動平台,法院透過其與各種法律以外專業的對話能力,檢視行政行為所涉的事實及政策結果,實為結果取向方法的體現。 / This research is about the role and function of specialized courts, in contrast with those of the constitutional court, focusing on the method of constitutional and statutory interpretation. Closely related with this topic is the division of functions among the courts, determining their roles and functions, which in turn influences their methodology of interpretation, against the background of modernization and globalization. Chapter 2 analyzes the challenge facing doctrinal analysis, or legal dogmatics, developed in the civil law tradition. Due to diversification of values and fast change of modern society, with which the lawmakers have been unable to cope, more power is delegated, with responsibility, to the judiciary. As a result, the legal dogmatics, which has been relatively mature for problems of values, still needs some advance in tools dealing with social issues concerning facts, especially the “outcome-oriented interpretation” introduced in this chapter; it serves as a platform on which the fact and the norm about the issue interacts. Through utilizing the methodology, the “transparency” of legal interpretation and process is enhanced, and the judicial power expanding into various social, economic and political affairs, a universal phenomenon known as “judicialization of politics”, is to some extent legitimized. Chapter 3 probes into the division of power in the judicial regime with a constitutional court. Firstly introduced is a model of constitutional dialogue between the judicial and the political power, theorized by professor Stone Sweet. Secondly, the core function and purpose of constitutional court in the dialogue is depicted: the pivotal role in political-judicial dialogue and the within-judicial dialogue, in order to protect and promote human rights. Then a comparison with Korean and Italian experiences demonstrates that the dialogue relations are created through conflicts and accommodations between the powers, and that a more advanced methodology of “interpretation in conformity with the constitution” would assist in performing judicial roles and functions. Chapter 4 further discusses the different application of “interpretation in conformity with the constitution.” The Korean and Italian experience shows that it reflects the historical and institutional contexts, and the phases of democratic progress. This research then confirms that specialized courts, with the interpretative methods as the tool for constitutional dialogue, should interpret statutes, specifically the abstract clauses in the statute, to conform with the constitution and fulfill legislative aims. And throughout this interpretation, the main focus should be clarification and argumentation concerning factual issues. As far as the role and function of specialized courts is concerned, the concretization of abstract clauses in statutes is of fundamental importance, and chapter 5 is about its application by the administrative court, which is carried out differently from those by civil and criminal courts. After a comparative law analysis with American practice, it is suggested that abstract clauses, with the legislative goals clarified, be interpreted to specify the direction and scope of the evidential and factual support required by the reviewing court. In the process of review and interpretation, the court has to communicate with non-legal professions to check the factual and policy effects of administrative decisions, an exercise of the “outcome-oriented interpretation.”

Apkaltos institutas Lietuvos konstitucinėje teisėje / An institution of impeachment in Lithuanian constitutional law

Stoškus, Svaigedas 21 December 2006 (has links)
This present article “An institution of impeachment in Lithuanian constitutional law” analyses the origins of this institution in national law, gives a comparative analysis of constitutional regulation of an impeachment procedure in Lithuania and in other states. The paper presents the definition of “institution of impeachment”, shows an importance of this institution in Lithuanian and in West States law, the problems of implementation of this institution and the process of impeachment in Parliament and in Constitutional Courts. The paper analyses an evolution of this institute in common law counties – especially in USA and in civil law countries. The paper shows the list of impeachment subjects and the grounds of impeachment application. Also it analyses the part of Constitutional Court in the process of impeachment. It should be mentioned that only the Court can decide if the Constitution was outraged, the crime or the perjury was done. The official constitutional doctrine of the Constitutional Court shows the actual limits and grounds of the constitutional liability application. That means, that the constitutional jurisprudence, not the Constitution provisions shows actual features of impeachment institution. Also the ratio of law and fact in the impeachment process is analyzed. The present article discusses the question of Constitutional Court established facts and the question of legal consequences originated from the useful impeachment procedure application to persons... [to full text]

The Principle of Contributory Capacity as the Foundation of the Financial Constitution A Doctrinary and Jurisprudential View / El Principio de Capacidad Contributiva como Fundamento de la Constitución Financiera Una Visión Doctrinaria y Jurisprudencial

Tarsitano, Alberto 10 April 2018 (has links)
The content and function of the contribution capacity principle has been a controversial issue for economists and jurists. Through the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Peru, the author claims the capacity of contribution as an implied constitutional principle to award a self-governing function from other principles (legality, equality and non confiscatory) and recognize the outstanding methodological contribution to the Financialand Taxation law unit. / El contenido y función del principio de capacidad contributiva ha sido una cuestión controvertida por economistas y juristas. A través de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional de Perú, el autor reivindica la capacidad contributiva como principio constitucional implícito, para adjudicarle una función autónoma de otros principios constitucionales  (legalidad,  igualdad  y  no  confiscatoriedad) y destacar el aporte metodológico a la unidad del derecho financiero y tributario.

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