Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coopetition"" "subject:"koopetition""
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Hur fungerar samarbete mellan konkurrenter? : En studie om coopetition i det alternativa matnätverket REKO-ringHaggärde, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Intresset för närproducerad mat växer. Klimatdebatten ökar medvetenheten kring maten vi äter. Som ett resultat av detta startades REKO-ring 2013 i Finland. 2016 kom REKO-ring till Sverige och har ökat snabbt i popularitet. REKO står för rejäl konsumtion och konceptet går ut på att närproducerad mat säljs via Facebook-grupper, direkt från producent till konsument. Antalet producenter som säljer liknande produkter inom varje REKO-ring ökar vilket bidrar till att producenterna måste samarbeta och konkurrera samtidigt. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur samarbete och konkurrens fungerar mellan producenter inom REKO-ring samt undersöka om begreppet coopetition kan utvecklas genom tillämpning i alternativa matnätverk. Tidigare forskning gällande fördelar och nackdelar inom alternativa matnätverk, samarbete och konkurrens inom alternativa matnätverk samt coopetition används för att uppnå syftet. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med grönsaksproducenter som deltar i REKO-ring samlades empiri in för att söka svar på de forskningsfrågor som vägleder undersökningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att producenterna upplever relationen med konsument som en fördel och mängden administration som en nackdel. Samlingen av producenter är en positiv sida av samarbetet och behovet att vara strategisk nämns som ett resultat av konkurrensen. Utifrån coopetition visar det sig leda till bättre kvalitet och större utbud. Relationerna inom nätverket är god, men studien finner också tecken på att engagemanget ibland brister hos deltagande producenter. Studien finner även att producenter inom REKO-ring inte anser att en anställd ansvarig behövs i nätverket vilket visar på motsatsen mot tidigare studier som finner att ledarskap är viktigt där coopetitionbaserade relationer existerar.
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Building Community Through Mountain Biking: Blending Coopetition, Collaboration and CommunityDotterweich, Andy R., Eveland-Sayers, Brandi M 01 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Partnering with Competitors : SMEs’ Relationships in the Western European Defence sectorsRiihikoski, Roope, Chuecas, Fernando January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship variables of Western European defence-related SMEs when they cooperate with their competitors (coopetition). In particular, how do these various relationship variables affect these SMEs when partnering with competitors? Many researchers have examined partnering with competitors however, this concept has been widely overlooked in the Western European defence sector. The research proceeds as follows: 1. Qualitative research with five different defence-related SME manufacturers in Western Europe. 2. Perceptions and answers of our interviews were further analysed, and 3. the empirical data is interpreted to support our research findings. The study concludes that, based on the empirical data, the relationship variables that can affect negatively to the SMEs are customer power, political forces, SME size, and coopetition in the defence sector. Also, coopetition itself can affect a relationship in a positive way. Moreover, the political landscape plays a critical role, by acting as a force of intervention when partnering. Additionally, the lack of resources has a decisive role in the decision-making process when choosing to collaborate.
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Coopetition among telecommunication firms in Blekinge : An Application of Social Network AnalysisWirges, Lara Melina January 2023 (has links)
Background: Business relationships and networks are becoming increasingly complicated and multi-layered. Thus, understanding the structure of the network in question becomes pertinent as it can have a strong impact on competition and collaboration. In these networks, one can observe coopetition, or simultaneous cooperation and competition. Objectives: This master’s thesis explores the phenomenon of coopetition within the telecommunication sector in the county of Blekinge, Sweden. It aims to identify their network structure and the differences among the levels of the network. Methodology: An explorative study is carried out by employing a mixed methods approach, incorporating quantitative data collection and analysis methods, and qualitative discussion and interpretation. In this network analysis of a case study on the telecommunication network, different levels of the cooperation network are compared and then integrated into one and mapped out using Social Network Analysis (SNA). Results: According to the findings we can assume coopetition to be present within the telecommunications firms in Blekinge, revealing a fragmented and decentralized cooperative network structure with a few central nodes. The network contained five distinct cliques and presented an intermediate level of clustering and significant heterophily. At all network levels, fragmentation was evident, accompanied by a low average degree and density. Notably, the Board member level demonstrated resilience against node removal, while the Blue Science Park level displayed a preferential attachment mechanism that promotes network growth. Conclusions: Overall, this research enhances our knowledge of coopetition in the telecommunications industry. It has both practical and theoretical implications, providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making, fostering collaboration, and contributing to the sustainable development of Blekinge's telecommunication industry.
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Så bygger man en destination : En studie om möjligheter och utmaningar för samarbete mellan Umeå och Bjurholms kommunHjelte, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Increased travel has led to greater competition between destinations. Therefore, actors in the tourism industry are constantly seeking new ways to remain competitive, in which collaborations have often been viewed as a solution. This study will focus on the collaboration in tourism issues in the Umeå region, Sweden. The aim of this study is to examine, from a producer perspective, opportunities and challenges for collaboration between different actors in the municipality of Umeå and Bjurholm. The study also examines whether and how Bjurholm municipality can be a shadow destination to Umeå. To do this, interviews were conducted with various actors in the municipality of Umeå and Bjurholm. The results show that the differences between the municipalities are both seen as a great opportunity but also a major challenge for the collaboration. Furthermore, the study found that Bjurholm shows some characteristics of being a shadow destination to Umeå.
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Owner-managers failure experience and business model innovations in B2B firms: The roles of coopetition, managerial persistence, and financial resource slackNyuur, Richard B., Donbesuur, F., Owusu-Yirenkyi, D., Ampong, G.O.A., Tantawy, A.A. 26 June 2023 (has links)
Yes / This study proposes and tests a model of how and when previous failure experience can impact on subsequent business model innovation of business-to-business (B2B) SMEs. Analysis of survey data from a sample of 182 B2B SMEs in Ghana indicates that failure experience is positively related to business model innovation – and that coopetition capability mediates this failure experience. Further analysis of boundary condition effects reveals that high levels of financial resource slack strengthen the positive relationship between coopetition and business model innovation, while the level of managerial persistence has no effect on failure experience and coopetition relationship. We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of these findings.
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A Silent Revolution : The Swedish Transition towards Heat Pumps, 1970-2015Johansson, Petter January 2017 (has links)
Currently, more than half of all Swedish single-family houses have an installed heat pump and more heat is supplied by heat pumps in Sweden than in any other nation. Despite the enormous impact of heat pumps on the Swedish energy system, the transition towards their use has gone relatively unnoticed. Hence the title of this thesis, ‘A silent revolution’. This thesis provides an in-depth study of the Swedish transition towards heat pumps and how Swedish industries contributed to it. It approaches the topic from the perspective of value networks and ‘coopetition’, combined with the concept of complementarities. This approach has been inspired by the work of Verna Allee (2009) and Erik Dahmén (1991). In this thesis, value networks are networks of actors surrounding a specific business model, coopetition is used to describe the relationships between actors (as both competitive and cooperative), and the concept of complementarities is used to analyze the dynamics between synergistic elements and value networks in Sweden’s heat pump sector and energy system. Based on this approach, the thesis explains how a durable web of relations and interdependencies between complementarities has developed within the heat pump sector and the energy system in Sweden, and between the two, during the country’s transition to widespread use of heat pumps. Interest in heat pumps arose in Sweden and other parts of Europe during the 1970s. The Swedish energy system had been caught between international oil crises and national political mobilisation against nuclear power expansion. In this period of negative transformation pressure, the heat pump appeared as a promising alternative that could mitigate the use of oil and electricity for heating. In the 1970s, an early Swedish heat pump industry formed together with a growing heat pump market. A large number of diverse actors became involved in the Swedish heat pump sector, and the intense coopetition dynamics relating to heat pumps following the 1970s oil crisis contributed to durable connections between complementarities during the early stages of the transition. The 1980s saw a rapid expansion of large heat pumps in Swedish district heating facilities. In the mid-1980s, however, oil prices dropped back to their previous low levels. This change, combined with other factors, such as lifted subsidies and higher interest rates, created a crisis for Swedish heat pump industry. The industry underwent a 10-year period of low sales of small heat pumps and the market for large heat pumps died out and never returned. Nevertheless, several connections between heat pump–related complementarities remained in Sweden after the mid-1980s. In conjunction with value network reconfigurations, changes in company ownerships and governmental industry support, these complementarities helped the Swedish heat pump sector to maintain both production and service capacity. Due to developments that took place largely outside the heat pump manufacturing sector, by the mid-1990s it became possible for the struggling Swedish industry to offer more reliable and standardised heat pumps to the Swedish home heating market. During the years after 1995, the Swedish heat pump market grew to become the biggest in Europe. The industry’s early development and growth gave Swedish companies a comparative advantage over its European competitors, with the result that the manufacturing of heat pumps remained concentrated to Swedish-based manufacturing facilities even after the Swedish heat pump industry became internationalised after 2005. As of 2015, Sweden had the greatest amount of heat production from heat pumps per capita of any European nation, and many heat pump markets in other European countries are 10 to 20 years behind the Swedish market in development. This thesis shows how the Swedish heat pump industry has co-evolved with the market and how developments in the industry contributed towards causing the transition to heat pumps to occur so early in Sweden relative to other European markets. It also shows that coopetition dynamics in a socio-technical transition change with the emergence and characteristics of structural tensions between complementarities, which has implications for the strategic management of external relations and partnerships during socio-technical transitions. It further argues that the combination of the value network, coopetition, and complementarity concepts can be conceptualised for descriptive and exploratory studies on the role of firms and industries in socio-technical transitions, thereby offering a complement to existing dominant frameworks in the area of transition studies. / För närvarande har mer än hälften av alla svenska husägare en installerad värmepump. Värmepumpar levererar mer värme per capita i Sverige än i något annat land. Men trots värmepumparnas stora genomslag i det svenska energisystemet har övergången från olja och el till värmepumpar gått relativt obemärkt förbi. Därav titeln på denna avhandling, ”en tyst revolution”. Denna avhandling ger en djupgående beskrivning av den svenska övergången från olja och el till värmepumpar och av hur den svenska industrin bidragit till utvecklingen inom det svenska värmepumps- området. Forskningsansatsen i denna avhandling bygger på ett värdenätverks- och ’coopetition’-perspektiv i kombination med användningen av det dynamiska analytiska begreppet komplementaritet. Denna ansats är inspirerad av Verna Allees (2009) och Erik Dahméns (1991) arbeten. Begreppet värdenätverk används i denna avhandling för att beskriva det nätverk av aktörer som omger en specifik affärsmodell, begreppet ’coopetition’ används för att beskriva relationerna mellan aktörer (som både konkurrerande och samarbetande) och begreppet komplementaritet används för att analysera dynamiken mellan synergistiska delar och värdenätverk i den svenska värmepumpsektorn och det svenska energisystemet. Genom detta tillvägagångssätt beskrivs hur ett hållbart nät av relationer och ömsesidiga beroenden mellan komplementariteter har utvecklats, dels inom själva värmepumps- sektorn, dels mellan värmepumpssektorn och energisystemet i Sverige, under den svenska övergången mot ökad användning av värmepumpar. Intresset för värmepumpar steg i både Europa och Sverige under 1970- talet. Det svenska energisystemet var under tryck från både internationella oljekriser och nationell politisk mobilisering mot svensk kärnkrafts-utbyggnad. Under denna period när det svenska energisystemet var under negativt omvandlingstryck framstod värmepumpen som ett lovande alternativ som skulle kunna minska användningen av både olja och el för uppvärmning i Sverige. På 1970- talet bildades en svensk värmepumpindustri i samband med en växande värmepumpsmarknad. Ett stort antal aktörer av olika typer engagerade sig i den växande svenska värmepumpsektorn under denna period. Den intensiva samarbetsdynamiken kring värmepumpar som följde oljekrisen från 1970-talet bidrog till bildandet av varaktiga kopplingar mellan komplementariteter under denna tidiga fas i värmepumpsövergången. Under tidigt 1980-tal steg den relativa försäljningen av villavärmepumpar kraftigt och under mitten av 1980- talet skedde en ännu kraftigare utveckling av stora värmepumpar i svenska fjärrvärmeanläggningar. Men i mitten av 1980-talet sjönk oljepriset tillbaka till sina tidigare låga nivåer. I kombination med andra faktorer, så som slopade subventioner och höjd ränta, uppstod en kris för värmepumpar i Sverige. Den följande 10-års perioden karakteriserades av låg försäljning av små värmepumpar. Marknaden för stora värmepumpar försvann helt och skulle aldrig återkomma. Men flera kopplingar mellan värmepumpsrelaterade komplementarier kvarstod i Sverige även efter mitten av 1980-talet. I kombination med värdenätverkskonfigurationer, förändringar i företagsägande och statligt stöd till industrin, bidrog dessa hållbara kopplingar mellan komplementarier till att upprätthålla både produktion och servicefunktioner inom den svenska värmepumpsektorn. På grund av den tekniska utvecklingen, som i stor utsträckning skedde utanför tillverkningssektorn, blev det i mitten av 1990-talet möjligt för den kämpande svenska värmepumpsindustrin att erbjuda mer pålitliga och standardiserade villavärmepumpar till den svenska hemmamarknaden. Under åren efter 1995 växte den svenska värmepumpmarknaden till att bli den största i Europa. Den svenska marknadens och industrins utveckling och tillväxt gav svenska företag en relativ fördel gentemot sina eftersläntrande europeiska konkurrenter, med följden att tillverkningen av värmepumpar förblev koncentrerad till svenska anläggningar även efter det att en stor del av svensk värmepumpsindustri blivit uppköpt av utländska företag efter 2005. År 2015 var Sverige fortfarande det land med mest värme från värmepumpar per capita i Europa och den svenska utvecklingen var 10- 20 år före andra europeiska värmepumpmarknader. Denna avhandling beskriver samutvecklingen mellan den svenska värmepumpssektorn och det svenska energisystemet och hur den industriella utvecklingen bidragit till att den svenska övergången till värmepumpar var relativt tidig i jämförelse med andra europeiska marknader. Avhandlingen visar också att aktörsdynamiken i en socio- teknisk övergång förändras med uppkomsten av strukturella spänningar mellan komplementariteter, vilket har betydelse för hur externa relationer och partnerskap hanteras av företag och organisationer som genomgår omfattande socio-tekniska övergångar. Vidare argumenteras för att begreppen värdenätverk, coopetition, och komplementariteter kan kombineras i ett konceptuellt ramverk för att beskriva och analysera företags och industriers roller i omfattande socio-tekniska övergångar och därigenom komplettera nuvarande dominerande konceptuella ramverk för studier av omfattande socio-tekniska övergångar. / <p>QC 20171023</p>
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優化顧客吸引力之競合理論服務互動設計―以高能力服務提供者為標的 / Coopetition based interaction design for optimal customer attraction with high competence service providers林鈺婷, Lin, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著體驗經濟時代的來臨,顧客越來越重視“服務體驗”,而服務體驗過程中必由服務提供者與顧客之間彼此互動所構成,因此設計一個難忘的互動回憶則成為研究的目的。然而,具有品牌力量與資源豐富的高能力服務提供者,往往在進行服務互動中面臨以下的難題:1) 標準化的流程無法彈性地識別各個顧客的心理需求;2) 成本考量難以管控不同顧客間高變異的期望;3) 在一定市場佔有率之下持續挖掘潛在顧客。再加上服務互動過程中,服務提供者與顧客存在既瓜分利益又共創服務價值的競爭合作關係。有鑑於此,本研究透過顧客的心理感受,即顧客期望與情緒兩方面來探討,並採用競合理論設計一系統化動態調整演算法,協助服務提供者找出最能吸引並滿足顧客的服務元件,進而創造整個服務生態環境的最大效益。實驗方法主要以會展服務為例,利用實作系統與問卷調查數值模擬服務互動結果,發現顧客的心理需求與價值不僅能被確認,更能按照管控的趨勢滿足顧客期望,同時為高能力服務提供者提升競爭力,形成彼此愉悅又精緻的服務體驗。綜合以上的研究問題、方法、實驗與貢獻,未來若能將本研究競合理論服務互動設計方法應用於展場活動上進行實地研究,藉由回饋修正方法內參數設定以期適用任一服務產業,為服務科學之應用提供發展方向。 / The importance of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has attracted increasing attention as both the concerns of service quality and consumer behavior in service-related industry. Today with an emerging experience economy, customers increasingly desire neither goods nor services but sensation-filled experiences that engage them in a personal and memorable way. However, service providers with high competence (e.g. good branding, large resources) are being confronted with difficulties like: 1) recognizing customers’ psychological sentiments within the mental changeability of customers 2) managing high variation of expectations 3) surmounting potential customers’ discovery. Therefore, this study proposes a research method which based on coopetition theories to make high competence service providers (HCSPs) optimize customer attraction within a cooperative/competitive relationship in order to accomplish customer satisfaction/loyalty.
From the experiment results which take the exhibition application to simulate a service ecosystem, customers’ psychological sentiments can be managed toward the trend in enhancing expectations together with fulfilling their demands. Therefore, our major research contributions is assisting HCSPs to design personalized and flexible interactions rather than standardized service by using systematical coopetition based interaction design method. Accordingly, HCSPs are easily enriched their competitiveness through managing customer expectations and pleasuring customer mentality in an experienced service journey.
At last, the designed system grounded on the extensions to expectation and coopetition theories has shown its intended contributions with the positive simulation evaluation results in the exhibition application domain and could be a step ahead to demonstrate the system’s values in the future field test validation.
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How specialist firms sustain on a niche in aconcentrated industry. : A case-study of Belgian Craft-Breweries.Dessaucy, Sébastien, Steinwandter Wippel, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to understand how specialist firms develop in a concentrated industry by analyzing how microbreweries develop and operate on the Belgian market. Then, the literature reviewed used to build the theoretical foundation of this work is centered around the Resource Partitioning Theory and Niche Marketing Theory to explain this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – A cross-case analysis was undertaken. Five Belgian Microbreweries were examined. The data were gathered through interviews conducted with owners of microbreweries based on a structured questionnaire, as well as through secondary data. In addition, an analysis of the Belgian beer industry was conducted, using as secondary data, such as the existing literature on the beer industry, as well annual reports from Beers Associations. Findings – In opposition to the big companies that dominates the center of the market leveraging on economies of scales, the microbreweries strived to create unique products that have a high quality in term of taste. Moreover, they focused their efforts in their region, creating value first for local consumers and not all have an ambition to sell in the whole country or to internationalize the product. Thus, the microbreweries managed to create both functional and symbolic value to the consumers. However, the authors found that the symbolic value created by the breweries had more component than cultural heritage, local and specialist identity. Then, relationship was of importance for the microbreweries as they sought personal contact with their consumer and tried to be involved in their community as well as cooperated with other breweries (coopetition). Overall, the microbreweries practices followed what is described in niche-marketing and entrepreneurial literature. Originality/value – First, this research participates to the resource partitioning literature by contributing to the limited knowledge on how specialist firms are operating, Then, this exploratory study is focused on an understudied area that is how microbreweries runs, that is especially true on the Belgian market as it was barely explored before. Thereafter, this thesis can be used as inspiration for new researches in different countries or with different approaches and/or theories.
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Coopetição entre cooperativas de crédito e fintechs: construindo os fatores de cooperação por meio da grounded theoryScaravonatto, Maicon 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-17T15:27:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-24 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / O mercado de serviços financeiros vem sofrendo mudanças com o surgimento das novas empresas enxutas (startups). O modelo de atuação e inovação dessas empresas traz, para os dias de hoje, novidades tecnológicas e formas diferentes de se relacionar com os clientes. O ecossistema financeiro brasileiro está passando por um novo paradigma, no qual a tecnologia da informação está impulsionando a inovação do setor. Com isso, o fenômeno Fintech vem ganhando força dentro do mercado. Por outro lado, existe um fenômeno chamado Cooperativas de Crédito, que são líderes na retenção de clientes. O modelo de negócio das cooperativas vai muito além de uma simples transação bancária. Para a sociedade, ele se caracteriza por um processo de acesso a serviços financeiros, assumindo os riscos correspondentes e gerando benefícios para a comunidade local. A presente pesquisa tem, como pano de fundo, esses dois fenômenos. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio do método científico Grounded Theory e buscou descobrir os fatores de cooperação entre Cooperativas de Crédito e Fintechs. A construção da teoria fundamentada propôs um framework teórico para Coopetição de Cooperativas de Crédito e Fintechs, a partir das cooperativas. Os resultados dos fatores de cooperação apresentados emergiram por meio da Grounded Theory, pelos diagnósticos da fundamentação teórica e os referenciais vindos do campo empírico. A principal contribuição foi afirmar que é possível fazer Coopetição entre os dois fenômenos. / The financial services market has undergone changes with the emergence of the new lean companies (startups). The operating and innovation models of these companies brings, to this day, technological innovations and different ways of relating to customers. The Brazilian financial ecosystem is undergoing a new paradigm, in which information technology is driving innovation in the sector. Thereby, the Fintech phenomenon has been gaining strength within the market. On the other hand, there is a phenomenon called Credit Unions, which are leaders in customer retention. The business model of cooperatives goes far beyond a simple banking transaction. To the society, it is characterized by a process of access to financial services, assuming the corresponding risks and generating benefits for the local community. The present research has, as a background, these two phenomena. The research was carried out using the Grounded Theory scientific method and sought to discover the cooperation factors between Credit Unions and Fintechs. The construction of the grounded theory proposed a theoretical framework, by the credit union point of view. The results of the cooperation factors presented in the theoretical framework emerged through the Grounded Theory, by the diagnoses of the theoretical foundation and the references from the empirical field. The main contribution was to assert that it is possible to make Coopetition between the two phenomena.
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