Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural capital"" "subject:"bycultural capital""
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"World-Class" Entertainment: Producing Cosmopolitan Cultural CapitalMelton, Elizabeth Michael 03 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a multi-sited survey providing insight into integral performing arts institutions and how they engage in the distribution of cosmopolitan cultural capital to middlebrow audiences. It additionally provides a taxonomy of the different types of performances present across three sites: MSC OPAS, Arts Midwest, and the Association of Performing Arts Presenters’ Annual Conference in New York (APAP/NYC). My research methods include ethnography, interviewing, and textual analysis, but my investigation of these sites began with several leading questions: How do audiences read live performances for cosmopolitanism? How is that cosmopolitanism produced in key performing arts organizations? How is performance both a product that is marketed to venues and audiences and the means of marketing itself?
Cosmopolitanism is an integral component to marketing, delivering, and enjoying live touring commercial performances. Performing arts presenters like OPAS, and presenting organizations, including Arts Midwest and APAP, engage cosmopolitanism on multiple levels as they work to provide regional audiences with otherwise unattainable “world-class” performances. Cosmopolitanism is present and presented every step of the way and the industry continues to advance cosmopolitan goals. This works shifts from analyzing cosmopolitan tourists to understanding touring cosmopolitanism because touring performances provide cosmopolitan cultural capital to community audiences located outside these urban centers. Touring performances provide opportunities for residents outside large metropolitan areas to engage in a global culture of performance and insert themselves into an imagined community of cosmopolitans. This is due in part to touring artists who deliver “world-class” performances to audiences that would otherwise entirely lack a connection to arts opportunities that accompany metropolitan centers and cosmopolitan communities.
Cosmopolitanism is operationalized in performances of rurality, organizational culture and sociability, and exoticizing marketing strategies. I not only explore how cosmopolitanism is operationalized across these sites, but also how performance, in several of its variations, is operationalized, negotiated, and, of course, presented. More specifically, I examine artistic, interpersonal, organizational, and economic performances, as they are present across the three sites.
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Gentrifiering : teorierna som får människor att flytta / Gentrification : theories that make people movePettersson, Lukas January 2009 (has links)
Gentrifiering pågår idag ständigt i vårt samhälle. Det är en social förändringsprocess som består i att människor med hög socioekonomisk status flyttar till områden som traditionellt sett har dominerats av människor ur lägre sociala klasser och från etniska minoriteter. Den här studien undersöker teorier och bakomliggande faktorer till varför människor väljer att gentrifiera och vilka likheter det finns mellan dem som väljer att gentrifiera. Genom en litteraturstudie visar pekar undersökningen på tidigare forskning och för en diskussion om ämnet. Resultat av den här studien visar att anledningarna till varför människor gentrifierar idag ser väldigt olika ut, man har alltså inte kommit fram till vad den gemensamma nämnaren som får gentrifierarare att gentrifiera är. Vad man har ringat in är vad som sker, vilka det drabbar och vilka som har bra förutsättningar att bli gentrifierare. Studien visar också att man måste sätta in gentrifiering i ett större samhällsperpektiv i vidare forskning för att finna nya svar och att inte bara studera den gentrifierande sidan, de som flyttar in i dessa områden. / Gentrification is something that is constantly going on in our society. It is a social change that consists of people with high socioeconomic status that are moving to areas which traditionally have been dominated by people from lower social classes and ethnic minorities. This is a study which examines theories and underlying factors of why people choose to gentrify and what similarities exist between them. Through a literature study I examine previous research and I undertake a discussion of the topic. The results of this study show that the reasons why people gentrify today are very different, they have not figured out what the common denominator is which make gentrifiers gentrify. What it has identified is what happens, what it affects and which individuals has good potential to become gentrifiers. The study also shows the need to deploy gentrification in a broader societal point of view in further research to find new answers and to think not only of the gentrifiers, those who move into these areas.
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Unpacking the bags: cultural literacy and cosmopolitanism in women's travel writing about the Islamic Republic 1979 - 2002Johnson, Patricia Claudette January 2006 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The genre of travel writing is widely recognised as providing useful insights into the ways that discourse is used to frame the interplay between self, place and Other. Recently, it has been suggested that these writings inform the development of global citizenry literacy because, as cultural texts, they recount an engagement in, and with, cosmopolitanism while informing readerships about the foreign. However, it is important to remember that these writings appear in context and the authors of such texts craft discourse to construct sociocultural imaginings of the self and Other – of a journey told from a particular viewpoint, in a particular time, to a particular audience. Through an analysis of the travel writings of four Western women who travelled to Iran in a particular historical moment – after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and until Iran was positioned as part of the ‘Axis of Evil’ in 2002 – this thesis examines the ways in which these authors script their gaze through discourse. The author/narrator is an aesthetic cosmopolitan figure, who casts her gaze from a particular ‘viewing platform’ informed by Western discourse and accumulated cultural capital. Attention is paid in this thesis to the ways in which these writers discursively frame their narratives according to the ‘I’ of the gendered experiencing self who focuses the ‘eye’ (or gaze) through a lens oriented by their cosmopolitical imagination or worldview. Notions of authenticity, fear, danger and threat appeared as recurring themes in each of the selected texts and operate to construct place as political, self as heroic and the journey as quest. The authors engaged aesthetic dimensions of time and space to position the liminal in their narratives and, in so doing mobilised discourses of gender and power. Notions of the liminal were employed to describe Iran����s physical and social scapes to position discursive spaces in the texts that were used to affirm traveller identity, build cultural capital and, in the process, make political comments. The texts revealed that while the authors commonly used metaphor and trope drawn from inherited Western discourses such as Orientalism, postcolonialism and imperialism to provide authority, they also drew from the currently circulating discourses of gender equity, human rights and liberal democracy; all of which foreground notions of freedom. However, these currently circulating discourses, when combined with dimensions of heroism, were found to work in the tradition of inherited Western discourse – to authorise the narrator voice and legitimise the ways that self and Other are constructed. The central argument this thesis makes is that Western travel writing is restricted in its contribution to global literacy because these texts reveal more about Western ways of seeing the world and about the author as cosmopolitan than they do about the foreign.
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Unpacking the bags: cultural literacy and cosmopolitanism in women's travel writing about the Islamic Republic 1979 - 2002Johnson, Patricia Claudette January 2006 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The genre of travel writing is widely recognised as providing useful insights into the ways that discourse is used to frame the interplay between self, place and Other. Recently, it has been suggested that these writings inform the development of global citizenry literacy because, as cultural texts, they recount an engagement in, and with, cosmopolitanism while informing readerships about the foreign. However, it is important to remember that these writings appear in context and the authors of such texts craft discourse to construct sociocultural imaginings of the self and Other – of a journey told from a particular viewpoint, in a particular time, to a particular audience. Through an analysis of the travel writings of four Western women who travelled to Iran in a particular historical moment – after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and until Iran was positioned as part of the ‘Axis of Evil’ in 2002 – this thesis examines the ways in which these authors script their gaze through discourse. The author/narrator is an aesthetic cosmopolitan figure, who casts her gaze from a particular ‘viewing platform’ informed by Western discourse and accumulated cultural capital. Attention is paid in this thesis to the ways in which these writers discursively frame their narratives according to the ‘I’ of the gendered experiencing self who focuses the ‘eye’ (or gaze) through a lens oriented by their cosmopolitical imagination or worldview. Notions of authenticity, fear, danger and threat appeared as recurring themes in each of the selected texts and operate to construct place as political, self as heroic and the journey as quest. The authors engaged aesthetic dimensions of time and space to position the liminal in their narratives and, in so doing mobilised discourses of gender and power. Notions of the liminal were employed to describe Iran����s physical and social scapes to position discursive spaces in the texts that were used to affirm traveller identity, build cultural capital and, in the process, make political comments. The texts revealed that while the authors commonly used metaphor and trope drawn from inherited Western discourses such as Orientalism, postcolonialism and imperialism to provide authority, they also drew from the currently circulating discourses of gender equity, human rights and liberal democracy; all of which foreground notions of freedom. However, these currently circulating discourses, when combined with dimensions of heroism, were found to work in the tradition of inherited Western discourse – to authorise the narrator voice and legitimise the ways that self and Other are constructed. The central argument this thesis makes is that Western travel writing is restricted in its contribution to global literacy because these texts reveal more about Western ways of seeing the world and about the author as cosmopolitan than they do about the foreign.
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Student achievement in high-poverty schools a grounded theory on school success on achievement tests /Urso, Christopher J. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Miami University, Dept. of Educational Leadership, 2008. / Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 160-164).
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Η είσοδος και η εξέλιξη των γυναικών μελών ΔΕΠ στο πανεπιστημιακό πεδίο : η μελέτη περίπτωσης του Πανεπιστημίου ΠατρώνΖενζεφύλης, Βασίλης 17 September 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μελέτη επιχειρείται η εξέταση των απόψεων των γυναικών μελών ΔΕΠ του πανεπιστημίου Πατρών σχετικά με τους παράγοντες που τις ώθησαν να ακολουθήσουν το ακαδημαϊκό επάγγελμα, όπως και των δυσκολιών που αυτές αντιμετωπίζουν στο εν λόγω πανεπιστημιακό πεδίο κατά την άσκηση του επαγγέλματός τους. Είναι μια ποιοτική προσέγγιση. Τα ερευνητικά υποκείμενα είναι είκοσι γυναίκες μέλη ΔΕΠ του Πανεπιστήμιου της Πάτρας, στις βαθμίδες της επίκουρης, αναπληρώτριας και καθηγήτριας. Η ερευνητική μέθοδος της συλλογής των δεδομένων είναι η ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη, η δε μέθοδος ανάλυσης, η ποιοτική ανάλυση περιεχομένου. Η επιλογή των θεωρητικών εννοιών του Bourdieu στις οποίες στηρίζεται η παρούσα μελέτη, είναι αυτές του habitus, του έμφυλου habitus, του πεδίου, του επιστημονικού πεδίου, του Κεφαλαίου, του πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου, της συμβολικής βίας και τέλος της συμβολικής κυριαρχίας.
Βασικά ευρήματα της παρούσας μελέτης αποτελούν τα εξής: α) παράγοντες που συμβάλλουν στην είσοδο των γυναικών στο επιστημονικό πεδίο του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, αποτελούν το ισχυρό πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο που διαθέτουν, η παρώθηση από το οικογενειακό τους περιβάλλον, το ανδρικό πρότυπο ενός καθηγητή μέντορα, οι ευεργετικές διατάξεις του νόμου 1268/82 και τέλος η αγάπη τους για το ακαδημαϊκό επάγγελμα και το γνωστικό τους αντικείμενο, ιδιαίτερα δε για την έρευνα και β) οι δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν οι γυναίκες μέλη Δ.Ε.Π. του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών συνδέονται με: τις απαιτήσεις του ακαδημαϊκού επαγγέλματος σε σχέση με τις υποχρεώσεις της γυναίκας ως συζύγου και μητέρας, τις έμφυλες αντιλήψεις και προκαταλήψεις για το γυναικείο φύλο στο ακαδημαϊκό επάγγελμα και την ελλειμματική κατοχή επιστημονικού κεφαλαίου σε σχέση με τους άνδρες ομότεχνούς τους. / This study attempted to examine the views of women faculty members at the University of Patras on the factors that led them to pursue the academic profession, and the difficulties they face in this scientific field during the exercise of their university profession. The research has the form of qualitative case study in which the research subjects are twenty women faculty members at the University of Patras, in the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. The research method of collecting data is the semi structured interview, and the method of analysis is the qualitative content analysis. The selection of Bourdieu's theoretical concepts underlying this study are those of habitus, gendered habitus, field, scientific field, capital, cultural capital, symbolic violence and symbolic dominance.
Key findings of this study are the following: a) factors that contribute to women entering the scientific field of the University of Patras are their strong cultural capital, the strong impulse from their familial environment, the male model of a professor as a mentor, the beneficial provisions of the law 1268/82 and their love for the academic profession and their discipline of the subject, especially for research and b) the difficulties faced by women faculty members of the University of Patras associated with: the requirements of the academic profession in relation to the woman’s obligations as a wife and mother, gendered perceptions and prejudices about the female gender in the academic profession and the lack of scientific capital.
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Innovations médiatiques et avant-garde musicale : une sociomusicologie des «musiques émergentes» à l’ère du web 2.0Galarneau, Etienne 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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O conto-reconto nas EMEIS de Matão -SP : a constituição do gosto pela leitura e pela escrita /Donato, Daniela. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Marilda da Silva / Banca: Alda Junqueira Marin / Banca: Claudia Raimundo Reyes / Banca: Edvanda Bonavina da Rosa / Banca: Vera Teresa Valdemarin / Resumo: Este trabalho consiste em um estudo que busca aprofundar a contribuição que a atividade de contar e recontar histórias na pré-escola pode propiciar para a aquisição do Capital Cultural dos alunos. A pergunta nuclear desta pesquisa é a seguinte: seria o Conto-Reconto um procedimento didático que favorece a aquisição do capital cultural, sobretudo pelas classes populares? Entre meus objetivos procurei verificar as contribuições de caráter cultural que a atividade Conto-Reconto de histórias trouxe aos envolvidos (professoras, alunos e mães). Neste contexto, os estudos de Pierre Bourdieu constituíram o eixo norteador de minha investigação, sobretudo os conceitos de habitus e capital cultural, os quais forneceram os subsídios necessários para a análise dos dados. Com a finalidade de abarcar os objetivos propostos optei pela abordagem qualitativa, com ênfase no estudo de caso. Assim, a coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os sujeitos deste estudo são sete professoras de EMEIs (Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil) da cidade de Matão-SP, que estão trabalhando com a atividade Conto-Reconto nos últimos dez anos; além de dez alunos que participaram desses recontos, bem como as mães desses alunos. Entendo que essa investigação poderá possibilitar uma fértil reflexão acerca dos procedimentos escolares, no que diz respeito à aquisição e/ou ampliação do capital cultural e suas implicações para as relações da escola com a família e a comunidade, uma vez que poderemos observar quais as reais contribuições que tal atividade tem trazido no que se refere à reestruturação do habitus, à formação de leitores e escritores, ao estreitamento da relação pais-filhos-escola e, principalmente, à aquisição do capital cultural / Abstract: This work is a study that intends to develop the contribution that the activity of telling and retelling stories in preschool can give for the acquisiton of Students Cultural Capital. The main question of this research is: Would the Telling-Retelling a didactic procedure that sustains the cultural capital acquisition, especially by the popular classes? Among our purposes, we search to verify the cultural character contribution that the telling-retelling activity brought to those involved (teachers, students and mothers). In this context, Pierre Bourdieu's studies built the guiding line of our research, particularly the habitus and cultural capital concepts, which provided us the necessary assistance for data analysis. To the purpose of comprehend the proposed objectives, we chose the qualitative approach, with emphasis on the case study. So, the data were collected through semi-structures interviews. Our study subjects are seven EMEIs teachers (municipal school of childhood education) from the city of Matão - SP, which are working with the activity Telling-Retelling in the last ten years; besides ten students who participated in these retellings, as well as their mothers. We understand that our research will enable a rich reflexion about school procedures, regarding cultural capital acquisition and/or explansion and its implications for the relationship between school, family and community, so we can look at the real contributions that such activity has brought regarding the habitus restructing, writers and readers formation, the narrowing of the parent-child relationship at, especially the cultural capital acquisition / Doutor
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Karriären inom revisionsbranschen : vem är det som lyckas att bli partner i en stor revisionsbyrå? En kvalitativ analys av individens kulturella kapital och habitus. / The career in the Audit Industry : who is successful in becoming a partner in a large auditing firm? A qualitative analysis of the individual's cultural capital and habitus.Shabani, Ardita, Josef, Jasmin January 2018 (has links)
De stora revisionsbyråerna kännetecknas av strikt hierarki med en tydlig karriärstege. Att bli partner i en stor revisionsbyrå innebär att nå den högsta positionen inom byrån och bli en del av firman. Av de hundratals ekonomer som börjar sin karriär i någon av de stora revisionsbyråerna är det ungefär bara var tionde person som blir partner. Syftet med studien är att skapa en djupare förståelse för vem det är som lyckas att bli partner och vad som krävs för att bli utvald. Syftet är även att förstå vilken roll det kulturella kapitalet och habitus har för en individs möjligheter att lyckas bli partner i en stor revisionsbyrå. I studien har ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt använts för att få en djupgående förståelse om vem det är som blir partner och uppfylla studiens syfte. Vi har genomfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer varav tre manager och fem partners. I studien har professionsteorin och organisationsteorin till största del använts som en bakgrundsbeskrivning. Studiens största fokus ligger dock på Bourdieus teori om det kulturella kapitalet och habitus. Slutligen kom vi fram till att den som lyckas bli partner är den som har förmågan att driva firman framåt och generera intäkter till firman. Det är därför viktigt att vara marknadsorienterad och tycka om att göra affärer. / The largest auditing firms are characterized by strict hierarchy with a career ladder. Becoming a partner in a large auditing firm means reaching the highest position within the firm and becoming a part of the firm. Of the hundreds of economists who start their career in one of the large auditing firms, it's only about one of ten who become partners. The purpose of the study is to create a deeper understanding of who makes partner in a large auditing firm and what it takes to be chosen. The purpose is also to understand the role of cultural capital and habitus for an individual's ability to succeed in becoming a partner in a large auditing firm. In the study, a qualitative approach has been used to gain a deeper understanding of who makes partner in a large auditing firm and to fulfill the purpose of the study. In the study eight semi-structured interviews were conducted, including three managers and five partners. Both profession theory and organizational theory has been used mostly as a background description. The main focus of the study is Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital and habitus. Finally, we found that the one who makes partner is the one who has the ability to run the company and generate revenue for the company. It is therefore important to be market-oriented and to like doing business.
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A dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio GrandeKupski, Larisse January 2012 (has links)
O campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande era bastante incipiente até recentemente, existindo basicamente em função de eventos, porém durante a década de 10 novas políticas surgiram no campo, impulsionando novas ações e práticas. Em parte, as novas ações são influenciadas pelas políticas culturais federais, que a partir da posse do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, e à ascensão do Partido dos Trabalhadores ao governo federal, sofreu profundas mudanças na forma como são entendidas, desenvolvidas e implementadas, com a intenção de atender a diversidade existente no país e democratizar a gestão das políticas públicas. Além das políticas governamentais, as políticas culturais também são orientadas por grupos e organizações que não pertencem ao poder público, e que muitas vezes vão de encontro com as políticas definidas por este. Estudos que analisem como e quais são as políticas culturais que estão sendo materializadas nos municípios, também problematizando como se deu a implementação dos novos programas federais nesses, são necessários. Esse estudo busca compreender qual foi a dinâmica do campo das políticas culturais no município do Rio Grande entre os anos de 2000 e 2010. Para a realização do estudo foi utilizado os conceitos teórico-metodológicos de Pierre Bourdieu. A partir dos conceitos de campo, capital, habitus e estratégia, identificaram-se no campo os agentes envolvidos com as políticas culturais no município, suas relações, disputas e estratégias. O estudo é de cunho qualitativo e os elementos para análise foram obtidos através de pesquisa documental, observação direta, diário de campo e entrevistas feitas com diferentes agentes do campo e das instituições que o compõe. Foram identificados três períodos principais no campo: década de 90 e início do anos 2000, como um período de esfriamento e quase estagnação no campo; 2004 a 2008, período de retomada de políticas no campo, com a criação de um ponto de cultura e adesão ao Sistema Nacional de Cultura e; 2010, ano que configura novas ações no campo e indica a situação atual das políticas culturais no município. Foi possível perceber a influência das políticas culturais nacionais no campo do município, por detrás da retomada de políticas no segundo período destacado, o que levou a novas disputas no campo, impulsionando a presença de alguns agentes. Mesmo com uma maior abertura no período final do estudo, as práticas elitistas do campo das políticas culturais do município do Rio Grande configuram o habitus legitimado do campo. A posse e o volume dos capitais econômico, social e cultural comandam a distribuição dos agentes e instituições pelo campo. A principal forma de perceber o poder dos capitais presentes está na capacidade do agente/instituição incentivar ou ser o propulsor de ações e políticas culturais. / The field of cultural policies of the city of Rio Grande was incipient until recently, existing primarily as a result of events. However during the decade of the 10 new policies emerged in the field, driving new initiatives and practices. Partially, the new actions are influenced by federal cultural policies which, since the election of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, and the rise of the Partido dos Trabalhadores to the federal government, has undergone profound changes in how they are understood, developed and implemented, with the intention to meet the diversity of the country and to democratize the management of public policies. In addition to government policies, cultural policies are also oriented by groups and organizations that do not belong to the government, and often run counter with the policies established by this. Studies that examine how and which are the cultural policies being materialized in the cities, also questioning how the implementation of these new federal programs was performed, are required. This study seeks to understand what was the dynamic of the cultural policies field in the city of Rio Grande between the years 2000 and 2010. For the study it was used the theoretical and methodological concepts of Pierre Bourdieu. The concepts of field, capital, habitus and strategy, made possible to identify the agents involved with the cultural policies field of the city, their relationships, disputes and strategies. The study is of qualitative nature and the elements for analysis were obtained through documentary research, direct observation, field diary and interviews with different agents and institutions that compose the field. It was identified three main periods in the field: the 90s and early 2000s as a period of cooling and near stagnation in the field; from 2004 to 2008, a period of renewal of policies in the field, the creation of a point of culture and adherence to Sistema Nacional de Cultura; 2010, the year that sets new actions in the field and indicates the current situation of cultural policies in the city. It was possible to see the influence of national cultural policies in the field of the city, behind the return of policies in the second period highlighted, which led to new disputes in the field, boosting the presence of some agents. Despite a greater openness in the final period of the study, the elitist practices of the cultural policies field of the city, shapes the legitimized habitus of the field. The possession and the volume of the economic, social and cultural capitals commands the distribution of agents and institutions in the field. The main way to realize the power of capital present in the field is the ability of the agent/institution to encourage or be the driver of cultural policy actions.
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