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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vinkultur som finkultur : Det kulturella och ekonomiska kapitalet, samt globaliseringens effekter på dryckesmönstret i Sverige

Sandberg, Markus, Brohede Tellström, Monica January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilken eller vilka faktorer som påverkar alkoholförsäljningens fördelning mellan olika alkoholvarugrupper och vilken av faktorerna som är mest betydelsefull, samt om det skett någon förändring av dessa faktorers påverkan mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Detta har skett genom regressionsanalyser där vi har använt oss av statistik om Sveriges kommuner och använt dessa som analysenheter. Vi har valt att analysera resultaten med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital, samt Anthony Giddens teori om globaliseringen och världsstäder. Vi har använt oss av medianinkomst som indikator på ekonomiskt kapital. För kulturellt kapital har vi använt utbildningsnivå som indikator och för världsstäderna som globaliseringens nav, har vi undersökt närheten till världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn. Vår undersökning visar att andelen sålt vin ökar och andelen såld sprit minskar, ju högre utbildningsnivån i kommunen är. Vi fann även att sambandet mellan andelen sålt vin och sprit i förhållande till utbildningsnivån minskade mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Vidare kunde vi även finna att kommuner som ligger nära världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn, har högre andel vinkonsumtion. Detta visar att på att globaliseringen påverkar dryckesmönstren och även denna faktor hade större betydelse 1998 än 2007. Vi fann också att kommunernas medianinkomst påverkar vilken alkoholtyp som det säljs mest av i kommunen, men när vi jämförde den med andra faktorer förlorade den sin betydelse.Nyckelord: Sociologi, dryckesmönster, alkoholförsäljning, kulturellt kapital, ekonomiskt kapital, globalisering / The aim of this study is to examine which variable or variables that affect the division of alcoholic beverage selling in different types of alcoholic beverage, which variable that is the most important and if there have been any changes during the time between 1998 and 2007. We used regression analysis of statistics and used the Swedish municipalities as units. Furthermore we used Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts economic capital and cultural capital to analyse our data. We also used Anthony Gidden’s theory about the globalization and global cities. We used median income as an indicator for economic capital and level of education as an indicator for cultural capital. We also viewed how close the municipalities are located to Stockholm and Copenhagen as indicators for the importance of global cities. Our study shows that the proportion of sold wine increases and the proportion of sold spirits decreases the higher the mean education level in the municipalities is. The connection between the alcoholic beverage types and education level were stronger 1998 than 2007. We can also see a connection between how close to the global cites Stockholm and Copenhagen the municipalities are located. The wine selling is higher in the municipalities that are located close to the global cities than other municipalities. This shows the importance of the globalization as a factor that affects the alcoholic beverage selling. We also discovered a connection between median income and which alcoholic beverage type that is the most popular in a municipality. The importance of median income disappeared when we compared it to other variables.Keywords: Sociology, drinking pattern, alcoholic beverage selling, cultural capital, economic capital, globalization / VG

Från 7-Eleven till vegetarisk KRAV-märkt buffé : Den förändrade organisationen av skolmåltider och dess relation till skolornas symboliska tillgångar

Herdy, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how school meals are organized in a selection of Stockholm's secondary schools and to examine the relationship between school meals and the different parameters that indicate each school's symbolic capital and educational capital. By looking at the statistics from each school on the basis of the final grade average, percentage of pupils with foreign background and gender, I examine whether it is possible to see a relationship between how schools organize meals and which pupils attend the school.  In my study, I systematically went through each school's website and tried to identify how school meals at each school are organized. To increase the validity of the study, I have also conducted a questionnaire survey by mail addressed to school principals.   In order to analyse and understand my results and put them in relation to my current knowledge about the schools in my sample, I am using Bourdieu's theoretical tools that a given aid, both in methodological and analytical purpose. Based on Bourdieu's theories of symbolic capital, cultural capital and educational capital, I can understand and analyse school meals are organized and focused as part of schools' symbolic assets in competition with other schools.   The first part of the study shows that there are four different organizational models for school meals, fully equipped kitchen and canteen, heating kitchen and canteen, school meals in restaurants and school meal card.    In the second part, I have examined the relationship between the type of organization for school meals used and the symbolic resources available at the school. I can conclude from the results that it is difficult to find a correlation between the symbolic resources and the different categories. But even though it is not possible to see all the schools' symbolic assets equally clear, there are still some very telling examples. In many ways, these examples can be seen as polar opposites to each other based on Mikael Palme’s concepts ”goal rational” and ”education oriented” schools.

Spatial Choicesof Middle Classes In Cayyolu And Kecioren / Ankara

Korkmaz Tirkes, Guliz 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study is based on a comparison of the spatial choices of two middle class groups residing in &Ccedil / ayyolu and Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren in Ankara. Spatial choices include the residences and neighborhood, the consumption of various places and activities in urban space and evaluations of the urban space. To search for the effects of alternative factors on the spatial choices along with well-known economic capital, two upper middle class groups are chosen as the basis of comparison. In line with the effects of Bourdieu&amp / #8217 / s cultural capital and social and symbolic capital on the differentiation of middle class / the location choice, spatial use and evaluation differences of the two groups at hand are investigated. Based on the effects of consumption sphere in class formation, the influence of the concept of &amp / #8216 / taste&amp / #8217 / and the differentiating aspect of lifestyle is discussed and how the resulting spatial tastes and choices may affect the development of urban space is presented in the case of Ankara. The importance of considering theoretically the local variations in studies conducted in urban space based on the daily practices of urbanites is revealed by the discussions of cultural factors that are special to Ankara and Turkey.

Den fula ankungen : En undrsökning om torghandelns vara i Stockholm 1990 - 2014

Bernström, Bonnie January 2014 (has links)
Undersökningens huvudfråga är hur den uråldriga torghandeln kan fortsätta existera i det svenska samhället där logik, ordning och välstånd ofta går på tvärs med torghandelns flyktighet, kortsiktighet och umbäranden. Oordning och informellt är två nyckelord i beskrivningarna av torghandeln historiskt och i den aktuella internationella forskningen. Praktik, utövare, materialitet, föreställningar och plats samverkar över tid i en ständig förändring av handeln. Ett teoretiskt ramverk lånat från forskning om de svenska torpens transformation kompletterar teorierna om globaliseringens, städers konkurrens och migrationens inverkan på omvärlden. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har använts. En diskursanalysliknande granskning av tidningsartiklar och offentliga dokument beskriver den maktsfär som producerar en officiell föreställning som mer undergräver än stärker förtroendet för handeln. Observationer och samtal på fem salutorg i Stockholms stad har gett de annars marginaliserade torghandlarna en röst i studien. Det finns för närvarande ingen annan forskning om dagens torghandel i Stockholm.

Life as a student at an independent day school

Torres, Diana R 01 June 2007 (has links)
This study explores the interconnectedness of social class, education, and cultural capital. Considered academically elite, the independent school is be an ideal environment to find increased instances and opportunities for the acquisition and reproduction of elite, or "dominant" cultural capital. By implementing an ethnographic approach within an independent school setting, this study attempts to illuminate the student experience through adolescents' eyes. Past cultural capital studies focus on the relationship between cultural capital and academic achievement and/or social reproduction; instead, this study focuses on the everyday student experiences as they point to potential indicators of cultural capital. Results suggest that students' perception of 'place' is primarily defined by the presence or absence of money. Overall, the students interviewed expressed contradictory feelings towards having money, rejecting and distancing themselves from some of the advantages associated with wealth while accepting and welcoming other aspects.

Visual music : an ethnography of an experimental art in Los Angeles

Cardoso, Leonardo de 01 August 2011 (has links)
This report focuses on social networks surrounding visual music, a sub-field of audiovisual experimental art in which hearing and seeing intersect, often through the music-oriented manipulation of abstract imagery and audio-visual synchronization. The discussion evolves from my fieldwork in Los Angeles, where I interacted with artists, archivists, publishers, institutions, software developers, and scholars. Taking into account Howard Becker's notion of art world, Pierre Bourdieu's ideas of cultural and economic capitals, and Bruno Latour's actor-network theory, I try to understand how these groups have been trying to establish visual music-networks. Although elements of visual music have been present in various media and artistic trends (color organs, abstract films, VJing-DJing, etc.), the field's history and premises are still little known, in part because the very term 'visual music' is a contested one. Due to its entertainment/cultural industries, Los Angeles is a place where multiple processes of high tech differentiation coexist; since the 1930s the city's technocultural environment (from film production to academic programs on computer animation) has lured artists interested in visual music. Not surprisingly, the city holds the only two institutions directly related to visual music in the country. I navigate through this field by considering some intersections between science, art, and technology. / text

Επιλογή σπουδών και η επίδραση του διδάσκοντα στην πορεία του φοιτητή : Μια ποιοτική έρευνα στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

Παπαδόπουλος, Διονύσης 07 October 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη διερευνά τις απόψεις, τις αντιλήψεις και τη σχέση των προπτυχιακών φοιτητών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών με το Πανεπιστήμιο συνολικότερα. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, εξετάζονται τα κριτήρια βάσει των οποίων ο φοιτητής ή η φοιτήτρια επιλέγει τη σχολή φοίτησης αλλά και η άποψη που είχαν οι φοιτητές/φοιτήτριες για το Πανεπιστήμιο πριν εισαχθούν σε αυτό. Ακολούθως, ιδιαίτερο βάρος δίνεται στην πορεία που διανύουν οι φοιτητές μέσα στο Πανεπιστήμιο, τους παράγοντες που την καθορίζουν και πως αυτοί επιδρούν στην προσωπικότητα των φοιτητών. Διερευνώνται, επίσης, οι προοπτικές τους μετά την απόκτηση του πτυχίου, μέσα από το δικό τους οπτικό πρίσμα αλλά και αυτό των γονιών τους. Πέραν της υπάρχουσας βιβλιογραφίας, η έρευνα στηρίζεται σε 21 ατομικές, ημι-δομημένες συνεντεύξεις με προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και φοιτήτριες του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Όσον αφορά την ερμηνεία αυτών στηριχθήκαμε στην Grounded Theory αλλά και στη θεωρία του Bourdieu περί κοινωνικού και πολιτιστικού κεφαλαίου. Από την έρευνα προκύπτει ότι η πλειονότητα των παιδιών αποφασίζουν αυτοί για την εισαγωγή και για τις μελλοντικές επιλογές τους χωρίς να πιέζονται από τους γονείς αλλά απογοητεύονται από την εσωτερική εικόνα του Πανεπιστημίου. Τέλος, οι διδάσκοντες και η (οικονομική) κρίση μοιάζουν να επηρεάζουν σημαντικά την Πανεπιστημιακή πορεία αλλά και τα όνειρα των ερωτώμενων. / This study surveys the views, the perceptions and the relationship of undergraduate students of the University of Patras with the University as a whole. More specifically, we examine the criteria according to which the students choose their faculty and the inspection they had about the University prior to being accepted. Afterwards, special attention is paid to the course of students during their University years, the factors that determine it, and its effects on personality. Their prospects after graduation through theirs and their parents’ point of view are examined, as well. In addition to the existing literature, the research is based on 21 individual, semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students of the University of Patras. Grounded Theory and Bourdieu’s theory of social and cultural capital were used as hermeneutical tools to induct meaning out of the data. Research reveals that the majority of students decide on their own about their future choices without being influenced by their parents but students are let down by University’s inside conditions. Finally, academic instructors and financial crisis seem to affect considerably the University course and the dreams of the interviewees.

Οι εκπαιδευτές ενηλίκων των ΣΔΕ και το πολιτισμικό και κοινωνικό κεφάλαιό τους

Κατσίκη, Ευθυμία 25 May 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία συνιστά μια προσπάθεια να σκιαγραφηθεί το πολιτισμικό και κοινωνικό κεφάλαιο των εκπαιδευτών και των εκπαιδευτριών ενηλίκων που εργάζονται σε ΣΔΕ, καθώς επίσης να διερευνηθεί η επίδραση του φύλου αναφορικά με την δόμηση αυτών των κεφαλαίων και το πεδίο της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Για την πραγματοποίηση της έρευνας υιοθετήσαμε ποιοτική μεθοδολογία, αξιοποιώντας την ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη ως εργαλείο συλλογής δεδομένων και την ποιοτική ανάλυση περιεχομένου για την ανάλυση των δεδομένων που συλλέξαμε κατά την ερευνητική διαδικασία. Η θεωρία του Pierre Bourdieu χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως ερμηνευτικό πλαίσιο. Το δείγμα της έρευνάς μας αποτελείται από δώδεκα εκπαιδεύτριες ενηλίκων και έξι εκπαιδευτές ενηλίκων. Τα βασικά συμπεράσματα της έρευνας είναι τα εξής: το έμφυλο habitus επηρεάζει περισσότερο τη σύσταση και τον όγκο του θεσμοποιημένου κεφαλαίου, την αξιοποίηση του κοινωνικού κεφαλαίου στο πεδίο της εργασίας τους καθώς επίσης τις πρακτικές των εκπαιδευτών και εκπαιδευτριών ενηλίκων όσον αφορά την επαγγελματική τους εξέλιξη. Το ταξικό habitus φαίνεται να είναι σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό υπεύθυνο για το ενσωματωμένο κεφάλαιο των συμμετεχόντων, καθώς επίσης και του αντικειμενοποιημένου κεφαλαίου τους και της δυνατότητας της «πνευματικής κατανόησης» αυτού. / This paper is an attempt to outline the cultural and social capital of male and female adult educators who are working in Second Chance Schools, and to investigate the effect of gender in relation to the construction of these capitals and the field of adult education. To carry out the research we adopted a qualitative methodology, utilizing the semi-structured interview as a data collection tool and the qualitative content analysis to analyze the data collected during the research process. The theory of Pierre Bourdieu was used as an interpretative framework. The sample of our research consists of twelve female adult educators and six male adult educators. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the gendered habitus most affects the composition and volume of the institutionalized cultural capital, the use of the social capital within the field of their work as well as the practices of male and female adult educators regarding their professional development. The class habitus seems to account for the embodied capital of the participants to a greater extent, as well as the objectified capital and the possibility of "intellectual understanding" of this.

Jag tvingar mig ta Natur : Kulturellt kapital, strategier och kompromisser inför gymnasievalet i en skola i Husby

Goulas, Stylianos January 2010 (has links)
This is a study on how a group of ten pupils choose their upper secondary schools (gymnasium). All pupils are ninth graders in a middle school in Husby which is a suburb of Stockholm. Like the big majority of Husby citizens, they all have immigrant backgrounds and their time in Sweden varies; some are born here while others are born abroad and migrated later with their parents. My aim was to understand their upper secondary school choices through own and their parents’ "cultural capital". I based my study on Bourdieu’s theory on social reproduction and I used his terminology and definitions of cultural capital, interest, field, habitus and strategies. I investigated if and in what way these children follow the tracks of their parents in terms of future educational and working plans but even in terms of common cultural and leisure activities and the way they affect their upper secondary school choice. The Swedish upper secondary school is divided in 18 different specializations, 12 technical and 6 theoretical, respectively. In the first, the pupils are prepared for a technical profession and in the second, they prepare for further academic studies. I was interested in finding out the pupils’ strategies in fulfilling their educational and professional dreams in connection with their choice of upper secondary specialization and their parents’ educational and cultural interests and backgrounds. I used a qualitative method, specifically interviews. I transcribed the interviews and I tried to relate what was said to Bourdieu’s theory. I was mostly inspired by the phenomenological approach where the interviewer avoids taking position and focuses on the message the person being interviewed tries to communicate. Most families in my study have a relatively law cultural capital and even though some have had academic studies and high status professions in their home countries they have had jobs that did not match their education level in Sweden. Most children aim high in the educational rank and especially those who come from high educated parents seem to have a better knowledge of the Swedish educational system and how to better move into it.

一位台灣博士生於英語教學學術社群的參與經驗之敘事探究 / A Narrative Inquiry into Experience of A Taiwanese Ph.D. Student Participating in the TESOL Academic Community

蔣宗益, Chiang, Tsung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為長期性的敘事研究,運用了Wenger (1998)的「實踐社群」社會學習理論(communities of practice),以及Norton(1995)的投資理論 (investment),研究目的是為了探索一位台灣的英語教學研究所博士生的學術成長經驗及其所衍生的意義,特別是針對他奮勉進行學術研究投稿、完成博士學位、並進而開啟他未來的學術生涯等等的過程。本研究主要追蹤了研究參與者在其博士生涯的三個形成階段中,他的學術投稿經驗的心路歷程,一路到研究參與者最後在全球的英語教學領域之學術社群中取得更完全的參與度階段。為了能夠對於研究參與者其經驗有深入的了解,本研究採用了「敘事研究法」,收集了研究參與者的學習經驗自傳、敘說訪談的錄音及其逐字稿、研究者的現場筆記及研究筆記、以及其他由研究參與者所提供的文件等資料,以便能分析參與者的言談資料、且對資料進行敘事性的分析、並進而產出情節故事作為研究結果。研究結果發現,研究參與者持續努力來達成其所認定的學術投稿要求,確實增長了他在學術素養的成長,並足以成為學術社群當中的一員。在其過程當中,研究參與者對於實踐其學術投稿的過程當中相關資源的運用方式,與在Wenger ‘s (1998) 「實踐社群」社會學習理論的非正式學習的特色是相互呼應的。研究參與者在學術社群當中所獲得的參與度,也表現出了其所累積的文化資產。最重要的是,從研究參與者的經驗透露出,就其受到英語教學社群的社會文化的影響之下來看,研究參與者埋首致力於學術投稿活動不僅僅是為了當下於英語教學社群的參與,也為了即將到來的終生志業進行Norton (1995)理論當中的個人投資的傾向。這樣的情況顯示出,要學習成為一個英語教學研究領域的學者,的確是涉及了諸多層面的複雜構面及諸多意義上的磋商。而就整個過程來說,也是與研究參與者,他身為初階的年輕學人,身處於台灣的社會情境當中,為了能夠符合全球各地諸多種類專業社群的規範,他以放遠全球的思維來,來實踐在地的行動,成長中的信念是有所共鳴的。最後,本研究將針對台灣高等教育環境中的英語教學研究領域之博士班課程提出建議並討論,以促進年青學人們在學術領域的發展。 / Drawing on Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory as well as Norton’s (1995) notion of investment, this longitudinal qualitative study aims to investigate and derive meanings from the academic experience of one former Taiwanese TESOL doctoral student as he struggled to write for scholarly publications, survived the Ph.D. program, and initiated his academic career. The study mainly traces the twists and turns of his publishing experience in three stages of his forming years till the participant finally has acquired a fuller membership in the global TESOL academic community. To capture and derive an in-depth understanding of the experiences, a narrative inquiry approach was adopted, collecting the young scholar’s written autobiography, recorded narrative interviews and transcripts, the researcher’s research notes and other related documents that the participant provided, so as to thematically analyze the narrative data and then exert the narrative analysis to configure the happenings and events into seven emplotted narratives as the research results. The findings indicate that the participant’s continual endeavor to meet the perceived and assumed requirements for publishing indeed rendered him the academic literacy development necessary to become a member of the academic community. In the process, the participant’s ways of utilizing resources situated in the practice of publishing echo the features of informal learning in Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory. The membership in the academic community gained by the participant also indicates the accumulated cultural capital. Most importantly, the participant’s experience as a doctoral student, being socially and culturally medicated by the TESOL academic community, reveals a tendency to engage in academic tasks for scholarly purposes not only for the current participation in the TESOL academic community but also for personal investment (Norton, 1995) for the coming life-long career. This suggests learning to become a TESOL scholar indeed involves multiple layers of complexity and challenges, and the whole process is also a resonant to his growing faith as a novice young scholar, situated in the social context of Taiwan, to act locally and think globally, in order to conform to norms of various discourse communities around the world. Suggestions for TESOL doctoral programs in Taiwanese higher education to help and support young scholars’ academic development are discussed.

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