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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepções docentes sobre a nova Proposta Curricular (2008) da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / Perceptions teachers about the new Curriculum Proposal (2008) of the Secretariat of the São Paulo State Education.

Leandro Ferreira de Melo 12 November 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar as percepções de dezessete professores do magistério público paulista a respeito da construção e implementação da nova Proposta Curricular da Secretaria da Educação Estadual do Estado de São Paulo SEE/SP (SÃO PAULO, 2008) e seus impactos e implicações para a prática pedagógica. Procuramos identificar também os sentidos que os professores da área de Ciências Humanas, que compõe a mesma Proposta Curricular, dão para a mesma. Nesta parte, nosso foco foi de identificar as dificuldades e ações que os professores desenvolviam para promover um ensino crítico desmistificador no Ensino Médio. Procedemos aos levantamentos de dados por meio de duas reuniões de Grupos Focais com participação de treze professores, das quatro áreas curriculares que compõem a nova Proposta Curricular. Foram realizadas ainda quatro entrevistas semiestruturadas, com quatro professores da área específica do Currículo de Ciências Humanas. Nas análises dos dados utilizamos a teoria de Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. Os resutados alcançados demonstram que os discursos apresentam certos dualismos; pois enquanto por um lado, criticaram a metodologia de construção e implementação da nova Proposta Curricular. Em contrapartida, conceberam que era um plano pedagógico importante para o sistema educacional, pois direciona e equaciona o trabalho pedagógico nas escolas públicas paulistas. Entretanto, os dados levantados e analisados demonstraram também que há dicotomias e contraposições quanto à qualidade e viabilidade da mesma; há professores que a concebe como mais um plano político que se perderá ao longo do tempo\", enquanto outros a veem como uma política curricular eficiente e que foi implementada com o objetivo de organizar o sistema educacional paulista. Houve professores que argumentaram que estava na hora do Estado agir diante das discrepâncias e desorganização curricular que havia, pois, como argumentaram parte dos docentes: cada um fazia o que queria. As análises permitiram identificar ainda três formas de resistências veladas no seio da classe docente diante das políticas públicas curriculares da SEE/SP; a primeira em decorrência de políticas curriculares anteriores que não tiveram os resultados positivos esperados, principalmente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Citaram como exemplo, a política de progressão continuada, que segundo os docentes se tornou progressão automática. A segunda deve-se à má organização curricular, ou seja, as discrepâncias que há nos objetivos pedagógicos das propostas currilares, principalmente no que diz respeito à realidade e necessidade dos alunos. A terceira, porque veem a nova Proposta Curricular como um instrumento do poder dominante, instrumento de assujeitamento ideológico, que age otimizando a liberdade docente, descaracterizando suas identidades e limitando suas autonomias no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento dos trabalhos pedagógicos / This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of seventeen teachers of São Paulo public teaching about the construction and implementation of the new Curriculum Proposal of the Secretary of State Education of the State of São Paulo - SEE / SP (SÃO PAULO, 2008) and its impacts and implications for teaching practice. We also seek to identify ways that teachers of the Humanities, which comprises the same Curriculum Proposal, give to it. In this part, our focus was to identify the difficulties and actions that teachers developed to promote critical teaching debunker in high school. Proceeded to survey data through two meetings of focus groups with participation of thirteen teachers, the four curriculum areas that make up the new Curriculum Proposal. Yet there have been four semi-structured interviews with four teachers of the specific area of the Curriculum of Humanities. In the analysis of the data we use the theory of \"discourse analysis\" of the French line. The achieved overall result shows that the speeches have certain dualisms; for while on the one hand, criticized the construction methodology and implementation of the new Curriculum Proposal. However, it was conceived an important educational plan for the educational system as directs and equates the pedagogical work in the São Paulo public schools. However, the data collected and analyzed also showed that there dichotomies and contrasts the quality and viability of the same; There are teachers who conceives it as more a political plan that will be lost over time while others see it as efficient curriculum policy, which was implemented with the objective of organizing the São Paulo educational system. There were teachers who argued that it was time the State act on the discrepancies and curriculum disorganization that was because, as argued the teachers:. every man did what I wanted the analysis allows to further identify three forms of covert resistance within the teaching profession before curriculum of public policy SEE / SP;. the first due to previous curriculum policies have not had the expected positive results, especially in the teaching-learning process they cited as an example, the policy of \"continuous progression\", which the teachers are become automatic progression. The second is due to the bad curricular organization, namely, the discrepancies which are in the pedagogical objectives of currilares proposals, especially with regard to reality and need for students. The third, because they see the new Curriculum Proposal as an instrument of the dominant power, instrument ideological subjection, which acts optimizing the teaching freedom, debased their identities and limiting their autonomy with regard to the development of pedagogical work.

What motivates reading? : A Qualitative Study of Motivations for Reading in the English Subject Syllabi of the English and Swedish Curricula

Morravej, Tors Natalie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the motivations for reading in the subject syllabi for English in England and Sweden in the hopes of discovering how the English steering documents can inspire Swedish teachers to adopt new perspectives and approaches to reading. The aspects explored are epistemological approaches, reading content, general aims and aims within the subject, skills, requirements, discourses, and language usage. The study analyzes each of the subject syllabi from both countries and the final phase involves a comparison, which demonstrates the profitable and non-profitable similarities and dissimilarities. The study provides valuable perspectives on how teachers can broaden their interpretation of Swedish steering documents for the subject of English by departing from critical reading concepts and using a more encouraging discourse than that found in steering documents.

Från likvärdighet till marknad : En studie av offentligt och privat inflytande över skolans styrning i svensk utbildningspolitik 1969-1999

Börjesson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
For most of the 20th century the dominant aim of Swedish educational policy was an integrated public school system under national state control. During the post-war era (1945–1989) this policy led to Sweden having one of the most centralized and integrated school systems in the world. In the 1980s and 1990s, however, there was a profound change in Swedish education policy towards decentralization, deregulation and marketization of the school system. The aim of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the nature and causes of this shift in education policy. The thesis draws from a theoretical framework consisting of Critical Realism, curriculum theory and Neo-Marxism. From a Neo- Marxist perspective the configuration of state education policy is understood as a dominant education ideology. The empirical material consists of state policy documents which are understood as an expression of the dominant education ideology in society. The results indicate a shift in the dominant education ideology in Sweden between 1969 and – 1999: from an emphasis on state governance and goals of equivalence, equality and participation in the school system during the 1970s, towards increasing skepticism regarding state regulation and an emphasis on decentralization and aims to increase parental and pupil influence in the school system during the 1980s, to a dominance of private influence via school choice and competition in the school system during the 1990s. From a theoretical perspective consisting of Critical Realism and curriculum theory, this shift in education policy and restructuring of the school system is understood in relation to economic crises, a rightward shift in politics and the dominance of neoliberal ideas in Sweden during the 1980s and 1990s.

Historieämnet i svenska läroplaner : går vi baklänges för att komma framåt? / The subject of history in Swedish curriculums : moving backwards to get forward?

Tunebro, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Vilken historisk kunskap räknas som värdefull kunskap när det kommer till skolsammanhang och läroplansteori? Hur tolkar och använder skolans personal dessa kunskapsformuleringar i läroplanen i sin undervisning? Förra hösten presenterade Skolverket sina revideringsförslag av den nuvarande läroplanen: Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011, reviderad 2019. Det första syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad personalen i skolan ansåg om dessa revideringar och det tilltänkta implementeringsarbete de skulle innebära, med huvudfokus på historieämnet. Det andra syftet var att jämföra revideringsförslagen med den nuvarande läroplanen ur ett läroplansteoretiskt perspektiv, för att markera eventuella förskjutningar gällande kunskapssynen dem emellan. I denna studie användes kvalitativa intervjuer med skolpersonal samt kvalitativ textanalys av kursplanen i historia som metoder för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. Resultatet visade att skolpersonalen var väldigt positiva och trodde att det avsedda syftet med revideringen, att den skulle fungera som ett ännu bättre stöd och verktyg för dem i deras arbete, skulle uppnås. Resultatet visade också att för att utvecklas framåt har läroplanens formuleringar tagit ett steg tillbaka till att återigen betona begreppen kunskap om och förståelse för i flera skolämnen som exempelvis historia. I vilken utsträckning Skolverkets revideringsförslag når sin målsättning återstår dock att se. / What kind of knowledge about history counts as valuable knowledge when it comes to school context and curriculum theory? How does school staff interpret and transform these writings of knowledge and the curriculum framework into their teaching? Last fall, The Swedish National Agency for Education presented their revised version of the current curriculum: Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre (2011). The first purpose of this study was to investigate what school staff thought about this revised version and the implementation work that would follow, in particularly when it came to the syllabus about the history subject. The second purpose was to compare the revised curriculum with the current one from a curriculum theoretic perspective, in order to highlight potential differences between how they visualize their epistemic beliefs. For this study, I used qualitative interviews with school staff as well as a qualitative analyse of the writings in the syllabus for history as methods to answer the both issues of this study. The results show that the school staff were very positive and believed that the intended purpose for the revised version, to work as an even better tool and support for them in their work, would be achieved. The results also show that in order to move forward, the writings in the curriculum has taken a step back in development, to once again enhancing the terms knowledge- and understanding about in several subjects such as history. In what extent this revision will reach its aim is not yet evaluated.

Vandring, vindskydd och stormkök : - Friluftsliv ur ett lärarperspektiv / Hiking, shelter and camp stoves : - Friluftsliv from a teacher’s perspective

Elvin, Ali, Elina, Andersson Hellberg January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Demokratiuppdraget i Lgy70, Lpf94 och Lgy11 -Från nation och gemenskap till demokratiska rättigheter och skyldigheter

Lundkvist, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study how the Swedish school’s democratic mission is expressed within three different curriculas from the Swedish upper secondary school aswell as what expectations the democratic mission put on the teachers. The study’s central purpose is centered around the following questions: "How is the school’s democratic mission expressed in Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?", "What kind of similarities and differences are there in the democratic mission between Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?" and "What expectations are put on the teacher from the democratic mission in Lgy70, Lpf94 and Lgy11?". The essay uses qualitative text analysis as it’s method and curriculum theory and the traditional didactic questions as theories to answer the study’s purpose and questions. In conclusion the study identifies a change in the curriculas content, from a focus on the nation and communities to democratic rights and obligations, it also presents the complexity of the democratic mission.

Två länders läroplaner : En jämförelse av Englands och Sveriges läroplaner för barn i förskoleålder med inriktning på värdegrund, mål och utvärdering

Olsson Röst, Emma January 2019 (has links)
I detta examensarbete presenteras en jämförelse av läroplaner i England och Sverige för barn upp till fem års ålder. Denna jämförelse görs för att kunna se skillnader mellan de olika läroplanernas innehåll för att besvara frågorna; Hur skiljer sig innehållet mellan Englands och Sveriges läroplan för barn i förskoleålder? Leder skillnaderna i läroplanernas innehåll till att de har olika läroplanskoder? Examensarbetet inleds med en genomgång av läroplansteori och en presentation av hur Englands Early Years Foundation Stage framework och Sveriges Läroplan för förskolan 2018 växt fram. Läroplanerna har studerats sida vid sida och texten kategoriserats efter innehåll, de tre kategorierna som presenteras är; värdegrund, mål och utvärdering. Det kategoriserade materialet analyseras sedan med hjälp av teorin om läroplanskod. Resultatet visar på hur Sverige har en starkare anknytning till moralisk läroplanskod medan Englands läroplan passar mer in i en rationell läroplanskod. Arbetet avslutas med en diskussion om hur jämförelsen av dessa två läroplaner passar in i ett större perspektiv och om det finns anledning att tro att Sverige är på väg mot en läroplan som mer liknar den engelska.

Musik i kubik : En kvantitativ enkät studie om var gymnasieelever som spelar ett symfoniorkester instrument skaffat sig sin musikaliska utbildning, innan de väljer estetiska programmet och läser kursen Instrument eller sång på gymnasiet.

Marika, Wirung January 2021 (has links)
This essay examines where students gain their knowledge of exercising a musical instrument before they choose aesthetic focus of music in high school, on an instrument used in today’s symphony orchestras. In elementary school curriculum there is no room for students to learn to play an orchestra instrument, you have to obtain your music lessons outside compulsory school. Despite this, there is a vocational training in music in high school where you get individual teaching on your musical instrument, the course Instrument or song. This can be understood through curriculum theory. I used a quantitative method. The empirical data is based on a survey. All students in this survey have received their education outside primary school. 73% of the students have received their education through the cultural school. 50% of the students that play a string instrument had taken Suzuki education and started their education in preschool age. The knowledge legitimized through the formulations of curriculums are political decisions that are about what the state believes citizens should be able to perform to develop a well functioning society. As long as the teaching is not free and does not fall under Swedish National Agency for Education's regulations, all children do not have the same opportunities for learning to play a music instrument. This becomes a social ethical problem when it comes to the accessibility for everyone to play a musical instrument and perhaps especially an orchestra instrument.

En enkätstudie om historielärares tolkning och uppfattning av Lgr 22 / A Survey Study about History Teachers Interpretation and Perception of Lgr 22

Isakovic, Dzenana, Lindblom, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Recently a new national curriculum was introduced in Swedish grade schools. This study set out with the purpose to investigate how teachers have interpreted and perceived the new policy documents during their first year in action. The theoretical framework consists of Aristotle's qualification of knowledge which divides knowledge into three forms: episteme (scientific knowledge), techne (practical knowledge, skills, and crafts) and phronesis (practical wisdom). Through the lens of Aristotle's three forms of knowledge, we analyze the results of our semi structured survey which consists of both closed, semi-open, and open questions. The data consists of eleven survey answers by history teachers across the country. The results illustrate that teachers have interpreted and perceived the new national curriculum differently, and have, therefore, drawn different conclusions based on their different circumstances. However, the teachers seem to share a mutual understanding that subject knowledge is more emphasized in the new national curriculum. Most of the teachers devote time to practical knowledge in their lesson plans, but argue that the development of practical wisdom, however, is rather a spontaneously occurring form of knowledge that is not or cannot be planned ahead as easily. Lastly, the results of this study indicate that training, collegial communication, and consultation can have an impact on the understanding of a curriculum.

A Theory of Curriculum Development in the Professions: An Integration of Mezirow's Transformative Learning Theory with Schwab's Deliberative Curriculum Theory

Chapman, Shelley Ann 13 March 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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