Spelling suggestions: "subject:"DNA deethylation"" "subject:"DNA acethylation""
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Ferramenta de bioinformática para integrar e compreender as mudanças epigenômicas e genômicas aberrantes associadas com câncer: métodos, desenvolvimento e análise / Bioinformatic tool to integrate and understand aberrant epigenomic and genomic changes associated with cancer: Methods, development and analysisSilva, Tiago Chedraoui 01 February 2018 (has links)
O câncer configura uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no mundo, caracterizando-se como uma doença complexa orquestrada por alterações genômicas e epigenômicas capazes de alterar a expressão gênica e a identidade celular. Nova evidência obtida por meio de um estudo genômico em larga escala e cujos dados encontram-se disponíveis no banco público do TCGA sugere que um em cada dez pacientes portadores de câncer pode ser classificado com maior eficácia tendo como base a taxonomia molecular quando comparada à histologia. Dessa maneira, nós hipotetizamos que o estabelecimento de mapas genômicos exibindo a localização de sítios de ligação de fatores de transcrição combinada à identificação de regiões diferencialmente metiladas e perfis alterados de expressão gênica possa nos auxiliar a caracterizar e explorar, ao nível molecular, fenótipos associados ao câncer. Avanços tecnológicos e bancos de dados públicos a exemplo do The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) e o NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium (Roadmap) têm proporcionado um recurso inestimável para interrogar o (epi)genoma de linhagens de células tumorais em cultura, bem como de tecidos normais e tumorais em alta resolução. Todavia, a informação biológica encontra-se armazenada em diferentes formatos e não há ferramentas computacionais para integrar esses dados, evidenciando um cenário atual que requer, com urgência, o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de bioinformática e softwares capazes de direcionar a solução deste obstáculo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo principal deste estudo consiste em implementar o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de bioinformática, na linguagem de programação R que, ao final do estudo, será submetido à comunidade científica do projeto Bioconductor sob a licença de código aberto GNU GPL versão 3. Além disso, ajudaremos nossos colaboradores com o aperfeiçoamento do ELMER, um pacote R/Bioconductor que identifica elementos reguladores usando dados de expressão gênica, de metilação do DNA e análise de motivo. Nossa expectativa é que essas ferramentas possam automatizar com acurácia a pesquisa, o download e a análise dos dados (epi)genômicos que se encontram atualmente disponíveis nas bases de dados públicas dos consórcios internacionais TCGA, ENCODE e Roadmap, além de integrá-los facilmente aos dados genômicos e epigenômicos gerados por pesquisadores por meio de experimentos em larga escala. Além disso, realizaremos também o processamento e a análise manual dos dados que serão automatizados pelas ferramentas, visando validar sua capacidade em descobrir assinaturas epigenômicas que possam redefinir subtipos de câncer. Por xi fim, as usaremos para investigar as diferenças moleculares entre dois subgrupos de gliomas recentemente descobertos por nosso laboratório. / Cancer, which is one of the major causes of mortality worldwide, is a complex disease orchestrated by aberrant genomic and epigenomic changes that can modify gene regulatory circuits and cellular identity. Emerging evidence obtained through high-throughput genomic data deposited within the public TCGA international consortium suggests that one in ten cancer patients would be more accurately classified by molecular taxonomy versus histology. Therefore, we have hypothesized that the establishment of genome-wide maps of the de novo DNA binding motifs localization coupled with differentially methylated regions and gene expression changes might help to characterize and exploit cancer phenotypes at the molecular level. Technological advances and public databases like The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), and The NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium (roadmap) have provided unprecedented opportunities to interrogate the epigenome of cultured cancer cell lines as well as normal and tumor tissues with high resolution. Markedly however, biological information is stored in different formats and there is no current tool to integrate the data, highlighting an urgent need to develop bioinformatic tools and/or computational softwares to overcome this challenge. In this context, the main purpose of this study is the development of bioinformatics tools in R programming language that will be submitted to the larger open-source Bioconductor community project under the GNU GPL3 (General Public License version 3). Also, we will help our collaborators improve of the R/Bioconductor ELMER package that identifies regulatory enhancers using gene expression, DNA methylation data and motif analysis. Our expectation is that these tools can effectively automate search, retrieve, and analyze the vast (epi)genomic data currently available from TCGA, ENCODE, and Roadmap, and integrate genomics and epigenomics features with researchers own high-throughput data. Furthermore, we will also navigate through these data manually in order to validate the capacity of these tools in discovering epigenomic signatures able to redefine subtypes of cancer. Finally, we will use them to investigate the molecular differences between two subgroups of gliomas, one of the most aggressive primary brain cancer, recently discovered by our laboratory.
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A influência de polimorfismos de base única na metilação de DNA em genes de receptores olfatórios / Single nucleotide polymorphisms lead to differential DNA methylation in odorant receptor genesSilva, Artur Guazzelli Leme 24 April 2018 (has links)
Os genes de receptores olfatórios (OR) pertencem a uma família de proteínas de membrana formada por cerca de 1000 genes no genoma de camundongo. Os genes OR são expressos de forma monogênica e monoalélica nos neurônios olfatórios (OSNs). No entanto, ainda não está claro o mecanismo que permite essa forma de expressão peculiar, sobretudo, qual o papel da metilação de DNA nesse processo. Nosso estudo determinou o padrão de metilação de DNA da região promotora e codificadora do gene Olfr17. Em células de epitélio olfatório (MOE) de camundongos adultos, observamos na região codificadora (CDS) do gene uma frequência de metilação em dinucleotídeos CpG 58%, enquanto que na sua região promotora ela foi bem mais baixa. Os níveis de metilação do Olfr17 em MOE de embrião (E15.5) e fígado foram similares aos observados em MOE de animais adultos. Em seguida, analisamos se a metilação de DNA pode regular a expressão gênica do Olfr17. Utilizando animais transgênicos onde os neurônios olfatórios que expressam Olfr17 também expressam GFP, pudemos selecionar neurônios olfatórios GFP+ e analisar a metilação do gene Olfr17, que está ativo nestas células. Verificamos que o padrão geral de metilação do Olfr17, tanto na região CDS como na região promotora, não se altera quando este gene está ativo. Este resultado indica que alterações na metilação do gene Olfr17 não são necessárias para que este receptor seja expresso. Finalmente, verificamos que a região promotora do gene Olfr17, de duas linhagens de camundongos diferentes, a C57BL/6 e a 129, possuem dois polimorfismos de base única (SNPs) que alteram o conteúdo CpG. Devido a estes SNPs, a linhagem 129 apresenta dois sítios CpG adicionais, inexistentes na linhagem C57BL/6. Nossas análises mostraram que estes CpGs são frequentemente metilados, o que torna o promotor do Olfr17 de 129 significativamente mais metilado que o promotor de C57BL/6. Em seguida, nós analisamos o nível de expressão no MOE dos dois alelos de Olfr17, o 129 e o C57BL/6, utilizando ensaios de RT-qPCR. Estes experimentos demonstraram que o nível de expressão do alelo 129, que possui 3 CpGs metiladas em seu promotor, é menor que o do alelo C57BL/6, que apresenta apenas uma CpG que é pouco metilada em seu promotor. Nossos resultados sugerem que as alterações na região promotora influenciam a probabilidade com que o gene OR é escolhido para ser expresso no MOE. / Olfactory receptor (OR) genes belong to a large family of membrane proteins composed of 1000 genes in the mouse genome. The OR genes are expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in a monogenic and monoallelic fashion. However, the mechanisms that govern OR gene expression are unclear. Here we asked whether DNA methylation plays a role in the regulation of OR gene expression. We first determined the DNA methylation pattern in the coding (CDS) and promoter regions of the odorant receptor gene Olfr17. In olfactory epithelium (MOE) cells, the CpG methylation level in the CDS is 58% but is much lower in the promoter region of the gene. In embryonic MOE (E15.5) and liver, the levels of Olfr17 DNA methylation are similar to the ones shown in adult MOE. We next analyzed whether DNA methylation is involved in Olfr17 regulation. We isolated GFP+ neurons from transgenic mice that coexpress GFP with Olfr17, and analyzed the DNA methylation pattern of the Olfr17, which is active in these cells. We found that the general methylation pattern, both, in the coding and promoter regions is not altered in the active gene. These results indicate that changes in DNA methylation are not required for the activation of Olfr17. Finally, we found that the Olfr17 promoter region from two different mouse strains, C57BL/6 and 129, has two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that alter the CpG content. The SNPs lead to the existence of two additional CpGs in the 129 allele, which are absent in the C57BL/6 allele. These CpGs are frequently methylated, making the 129 Olfr17 promoter significantly more methylated than the Olfr17 promoter from C57BL/6. We next performed RT-qPCR experiments to analyze the expression levels of the 129 and C57BL/6 Olfr17 alleles in the MOE. These experiments showed that the expression level of the 129 Olfr17 allele, which contains three methylated CpGs in its promoter region, is lower than the one from C57BL/6, which contains only one, undermethylated CpG, in its promoter. Our results suggest that these promoter modifications regulate the probability of the OR gene choice.
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Análise do perfil de hipermetilação do gene PTEN e correlação com fatores clínicos anatomopatológicos no carcinoma de células renais / Analysis of hypermethylation profile of PTEN gene and correlation with clinical and pathological findings in renal cell carcinomaCampos, Eurico Cleto Ribeiro de 02 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar da identificação de fatores prognósticos clínicos e patológicos, muitos pacientes portadores de carcinoma de células renais (CCR) apresentam metástases ao diagnóstico e outros irão desenvolver recorrência local ou à distância durante o seguimento. Novos fatores prognósticos e de origem molecular têm sido avaliados no CCR, destacando-se o PTEN como um dos principais genes envolvidos na carcinogênese renal. Objetivos: Avaliar os fatores clínicos e anatomopatológicos mais significativos nas taxas de sobrevida, identificar a frequência de hipermetilação do gene PTEN através da técnica do pirosequenciamento, o impacto da hipermetilação do gene nas taxas de sobrevida global (SG) e livre de doença (SLD), como também, a associação da presença de hipermetilação com os principais fatores prognóticos. Material e métodos: Foram avaliados 137 pacientes portadores de CCR submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico do tumor primário entre 1997 e 2009. Foram considerados os dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, anatomopatológicos, de estadiamento (TNM 2004) e os obtidos da reação de pirosequenciamento. Resultados: O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 32,3 meses e mediana de 28,8 meses. Considerando o estadimento clínico, foram fatores independentes para a SG: idade (p<0,01), ASA (p=0,02), margens cirúrgicas (p=0,04), grau de Fuhrman (p=0,01), estádio clínico (p<0,001) e subtipo histológico (p<0,01). No modelo múltiplo a SLD foi influenciada únicamente pelo estádio clínico (p<0,001). Dos 137 casos analisados, hipermetilação do gene foi detectada em cinco casos (3,6%). Devido a baixa freqüência detectada optou-se por não realizar a associação da metilação do PTEN com os fatores prognósticos. Em relação às taxas de SG e SLD, de acordo com o perfil de hipermetilação do PTEN, não houve a ocorrência de nenhum evento, ou seja, morte, morte por CCR ou recorrência da doença para os cinco casos que apresentavam hipermetilação. Conclusões: A hipermetilação do xv PTEN foi detectada com baixa frequência, sugerindo a participação de outros genes ou mecanismos moleculares diferentes da metilação na inativação deste gene frequentemente envolvido na carcinogênese renal. As taxas de sobrevida não foram influenciadas pelo perfil de hipermetilação do PTEN, permanecendo o estadiamento clínico do TNM como a principal variável determinante da evolução e do risco de recidiva pelo CCR / Introduction: Despite the identification of clinical and pathological prognostic factors, many patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) have metastases at diagnosis and others will develop local or distant recurrence during follow-up. New prognostic factors and of molecular origin have been evaluated in RCC, highlighting PTEN, one of the main genes involved in renal carcinogenesis. Objetives: To assess the most significant clinical and pathological factors in survival rates, and identify the frequency of hypermethylation of the PTEN gene by the pyrosequencing technique, the impact of gene hypermethylation on overall survival (OS) rates and disease free interval (DFS), as well as associating presence of hypermethylation with main prognostic factors. Methods: We evaluated 137 patients with RCC that underwent surgical treatment of primary tumor between 1997 and 2009. We considered the epidemiological, clinical, pathological, staging (TNM 2004) data and those obtained from pyrosequencing. Results: Mean follow-up was of 32.3 months and the median of 28.8 months. Considering the clinical TNM stage, the OS was influenced in the multiple model by age (p < 0.01), ASA (p = 0.02), surgical margins (p = 0.04), Fuhrman´s grade (p = 0,01), clinical stage (p <0.001) and cell subtype (p < 0.01). DFS were influenced in multivariate analysis only by presence of clinical stage (p <0.001). Of the 137 cases examined, gene hypermethylation was detected in five cases (3,6%). Because of this low frequency perceived, we elected not to carry out the association of PTEN methylation with prognostic factors. Regarding OS and DFS rates, according to the hypermethylation of PTEN profile, no event occurred, that is to say death, death from RCC or disease recurrence in the five cases with hypermethylation. Conclusions: Hypermethylation of PTEN was detected with low frequency suggesting involvement of other genes or different molecular mechanisms of methylation upon inactivation of this gene, frequently involved in renal xvii carcinogenesis. Survival rates were not influenced by the hypermethylation of PTEN profile, with clinical TNM staging remaining as the main determinant for development and risk of RCC recurrence
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Le transcriptome et le méthylome du foie des rats dénutris en période périnatale identifient les gènes principaux impliqués dans les pathologies métaboliques / The liver transcriptome and methylome of rat perinatally malnourished identify keys genes involved in metabolic diseasesChen, Gaili 28 November 2014 (has links)
Une des caractéristiques les plus connues de la programmation métabolique est qu’un événement commun physiopathologique à l'âge adulte obtenu indépendamment du stress nutritionnel au début de la vie. Cela a conduit à penser que les altérations métaboliques dûes au stress nutritionnel précoce pouvaient résulter de la programmation seulement d’un petit nombre de gènes qui agissent comme gardiens d'un réseau de gènes ou d'une voie de signalisation. Ici nous avons l’intention de tester cette hypothèse par l'analyse combinée du transcriptome et méthylome avec des échantillons de foie des rats nés de mères nourries avec une alimentation restreinte en protéines (MPR) ou carencée en donneur de méthyles (MDD) pendant la gestation et la lactation et comparer entre les 2 modèls. Au moment du sevrage, la progéniture MDD a été sacrifiée, tandis que la progéniture du groupe MPR a reçu une nourriture standard jusqu'à l'âge de 6 mois. Les rats à jours 21 nés de mères nourries avec un régime MDD ont 3.269 gènes surexprimé (P <0,0009) et 2.841 gènes sous-exprimés (P <0,0004) par rapport aux témoins. Les modifications de méthylation de l'ADN ont été trouvées dans les régions promotrices de 1.032 gènes. Les analyses fonctionnelles ont révélé que ces gènes sont principalement impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides et du glucose, du système nerveux, la coagulation, le stress du réticulum endoplasmique et la fonction mitochondriale. Les master genes présentant des changements à la fois dans l'expression et la méthylation d'ADN sont limités à 266 gènes et ils sont principalement impliqués dans le système rénine-angiotensine, le métabolisme de la mitochondrie et de l'homéostasie phospholipide. La plupart de ces master genes participent à la Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). La restriction protéique maternelle (MPR) a entraîné une augmentation de la masse grasse abnominale, de l'hypertriglycéridémie, de l'hypercholestérolémie et un taux élevé d’acides gras par rapport aux témoins. 3.020 gènes sont surexprimés (P<0,0003) et 3.601 sous-exprimés (P<0,002) au niveau du transcriptome et 3.968 gènes modifiés au niveau du méthylome par rapport aux témoins. L'analyse fonctionnelle a indiqué que les gènes surexprimés sont principalement impliqués dans les voies métaboliques et les gènes sous-exprimés et différemment méthylés sont principalement impliqués dans des processus du développement. 998 master genes ont été trouvés, et léanalyse fonctionnelle de ces gènes a indiqué un effet significatif sur le développement des tissus, la régulation de la transcription et le métabolisme, et beaucoup d'entre eux sont associés à des maladies chroniques comme l'hypertension, l'obésité centrale et le diabète. L'expression des gènes et la méthylation de l'ADN du génome obtenus en utilisant ces modèles ont été comparés aux données de méthylome et de transcriptome précédemment obtenus à partir de foie des rats restreints en protéines et sacrifiés à la naissance. Cette analyse a révélé un ensemble commun de 46 gènes qui sont sur-exprimés et 42 gènes sous-exprimés dans les trois modèles de programmation métabolique par rapport aux animaux témoins. La plupart des gènes surexprimés sont impliqués dans la régulation de la fonction mitochondriale alors que les gènes sous-exprimés sont principalement impliquées dans la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et l'expression des gènes. Nous avons identifié également un ensemble de 122 gènes dont les niveaux de méthylation ont été modifiés à la fois par une carence en donneurs de méthyle et une restriction protéique. Ces observations soutiennent l’hypothèse qu’un petit nombre de gènes essentiels sont à la base de la programmation de troubles métaboliques, indépendamment du stress nutritionnel / One of the most striking features of metabolic programming is that a common physiopathological output at adulthood is obtained irrespective to the nutritional insult during early life. This has suggested that the metabolic alterations due to early nutritional stress might result from the programming of only a small number of genes which act as gatekeepers of a fundamental gene network or signalling pathway. Here we aimed to test this hypothesis through the combined analysis of the transcriptome and methylome in rat liver samples derived from animals born to dams fed either a protein-restricted diet (MPR) or a methyl donor deficient (MDD) diet through gestation and lactation. At weaning, the offspring born to MDD dams were sacrificed whereas the pups from the MPR group were fed standard chow until the age of 6 months. 21-day-old rats born to mothers fed a MDD diet during gestation and lactation have 3,269 over-expressed (P<0.0009) and 2,841 under-expressed (P<0.0004) genes compared to controls. Modifications of DNA methylation were found in the promoter regions of 1,032 genes. Functional analyses revealed that these genes are mainly involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, nervous system, coagulation, endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial function. Master genes exhibiting changes in both gene expression and DNA methylation are limited to 266 genes and are mainly involved in the renin-angiotensin system, mitochondrion metabolism and phospholipid homeostasis. Most of these master genes participate in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Maternal protein restriction (MPR) resulted in increased fat mass, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia and high fatty acids compared to control. 3,020 genes were up-regulated (p < 0.0003) and 3,601 (p ? 0.002) down-regulated by MPR compared to controls. Modifications of DNA methylation was found in 3,968 genes. The functional analysis indicated that the overexpressed genes were mainly involved in metabolic pathways and the under-expressed and differentially methylated genes were mainly involved in physiological process. 998 master genes were found, functional analysis of these genes indicated a significant effect on tissue development, regulation of transcription and metabolism, and many of them are associated with chronic diseases such as hypertension, central obesity and diabetes. The genome-wide expression and DNA metylation results obtained using these models, were compared to previous methylome and transcriptome data obtained using liver from MPR pups sacrificed at birth. This analysis revealed a common set of 46 genes that were up regulated and 42 genes down regulated in the three models of metabolic programming compared to control animals. Most of the up regulated genes are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial function whereas the down-regulated genes are mainly involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and gene expression. We identified also a set of 122 genes whose methylation levels were changed both by methyl donor deficiency and protein-restriction. These observations sustain the hypothesis that a small set of core genes underlies the programming of metabolic disorders irrespective of the nutritional insult
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Efeitos do ácido fólico não metabolizado na metilação global do DNA, na expressão de RNAm dos genes de DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α e interleucina-8, e na citotoxicidade das células NK / Effects of unmetabolized folic acid on global DNA methylation, on mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-α, TNF-α and interleukin-8 genes, and on NK cells cytotoxicity.Paniz, Clóvis 27 November 2015 (has links)
Com o início da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico (AF) no Brasil, a partir 2004, a população passou a estar exposta de modo compulsório a maiores quantidades desta vitamina. Sabe-se que o AF na sua forma sintética pode não ser completamente convertido para formas metabolicamente ativas, levando ao aparecimento de uma fração não metabolizada no organismo. Este fato é mais preocupante nos indivíduos que além da fortificação, fazem uso terapêutico dessa vitamina, como em pacientes com anemias hemolíticas (esferocitose hereditária (EH), β-talassemia heterozigótica (β-TH), entre outras). O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar se as concentrações séricas de AF não metabolizado (UMFA) afetam a metilação global do DNA; a expressão de RNAm de genes da DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α e interleucina (IL)-8; e a citotoxicidade de células NK. Foram incluídos 27 pacientes com EH, 50 indivíduos com β-talassemia heterozigótica (β-TH) e 136 indivíduos saudáveis. Outros 30 indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos num estudo de intervenção com 5mg/dia de AF durante 90 dias. Foram realizadas as análises de: ácido fólico sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA, vitamina B12, homocisteína total; expressões de RNAm dos genes de MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-γ, TNF-α e IL-8; citotoxicidade das células NK; metilação global do DNA e citocinas séricas IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-γ e TNF-α. Resultados: Os pacientes EH apresentaram maiores concentrações de AF (sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA) que seus controles, sendo que 55,5% (método microbiológico) e 74,1% (método LC-MS/MS) apresentaram concentrações suprafisiológicas da vitamina, e 74,1% apresentaram concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. No grupo β-TH foi observado maiores concentrações de folato eritrocitário comparado ao controle e 22% dos indivíduos tinham concentrações suprafisiológicas de AF. No estudo de intervenção, após 45 e 90 dias de uso de AF as concentrações suprafisiológicas estavam presentes em 93,3% dos indivíduos e 100% deles apresentavam concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. Não foram observadas diferenças nas taxas de metilação global do DNA entre os grupos EH e β-TH quando comparados aos seus controles e não foi verificada correlação entre metilação global e concentrações de UMFA. Tanto EH quanto β-TH apresentaram maior expressão de RNAm de IL-8, quando comparados aos seus controles. No grupo de intervenção houve maior expressão de IL-8 após 45 dias de uso de AF quando comparado ao período pré-intervenção. Foi mostrada uma correlação inversa entre as concentrações de folato eritrocitário com o número de células NK no grupo EH e com a capacidade citotóxica das células NK no grupo total (EH + controle). No grupo intervenção foi observado menor número e menor capacidade citotóxica das células NK após 90 dias de uso de AF. Conclusões: O uso de AF 5mg/dia foi associado com aumento expressivo das concentrações de folato sérico, eritrocitário, UMFA, na expressão de RNAm de genes da citocina inflamatória IL-8 e redução do número e da citotoxicidade das células NK. Dessa forma, altas doses de AF podem resultar em alterações de componentes do sistema imune podendo prejudicar os mecanismos de vigilância celular das células NK. Os nossos achados sugerem que é importante o acompanhamento terapêutico dos pacientes que fazem uso de AF, especialmente aqueles indivíduos que fazem uso crônico desta vitamina por longo tempo, como os pacientes com anemias hemolíticas, mulheres que desejam engravidar e gestantes. / With the beginning of the fortification of flour with folic acid (FA) in Brazil, since 2004, the population has been exposed compulsorily to larger amounts of this vitamin. It is known that FA in its synthetic form can not be completely converted to metabolically active forms, leading to the appearance of an unmetabolized fraction in the body. This fact is more worrying in subjects beyond fortification, make therapeutic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia (hereditary spherocytosis (HS), β-thalassemia heterozygotic (β-TH), among others). The aim of this study was to evaluate if serum concentrations of unmetabolized FA (UMFA) affect the global DNA methylation; mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α and interleukin (IL)-8 genes; and on cytotoxicity of NK cells. It was included 27 patients EH, 50 subjects β-TH and 136 healthy subjects. Another 30 healthy subjects were included in an intervention study with 5 mg/FA daily during 90 days. Analyzes performed were: serum and erythrocyte folate, and UMFA, vitamin B12, tHcy; mRNA expression of MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-8 genes; cytotoxicity of NK cells; global DNA methylation and serum cytokines IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-γ and TNF-α. Results: EH patients presented higher FA concentrations (serum, erythrocytes and UMFA) than controls ones, and 55.5% (microbiologic method) and 74.1% (LC-MS/MS method) showed supraphysiologic concentrations of vitamin, and 74.1% presented increased concentrations of UMFA. In β-TH group, it was observed higher erythrocyte folate concentrations compared with the control and 22% of subjects had supraphysiological concentrations of FA. In the intervention study, after 45 and 90 days of FA use, supraphysiological concentrations were present in 93.3% of subjects and 100% of them showed increased concentrations of UMFA. It was not observed differences in global methylation of DNA between EH and β-TH groups when compared to their controls and it was not observed significant correlation between global DNA methylation and UMFA levels. Both EH and β-TH showed higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, when compared to controls. In the intervention group, there was higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene after 45 days of FA use when compared to pre-intervention period. It was demonstrated an inverse correlation between erythrocyte folate levels and the number of NK cells in EH group; and cytotoxic capacity of NK cells on total group (EH + control). In intervention group, it was observed fewer number and lower cytotoxic capacity of NK cells after 90 days of AF use. Conclusions: The use of AF 5mg daily was associated with a significant increase in serum and erythrocytes folate levels, accompanied by increase in UMFA levels, an increase in mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, and reduction of the number and the cytotoxicity capacity of NK cells. Thus, high doses of AF can result in modifications of the immune system components, which may damage the cell surveillance mechanisms of NK cells. Our findings suggest that is important the therapeutic follow up of patients that are using AF, especially those subjects with chronic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia, women who wish to become pregnant and pregnant women.
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Influência de fatores epigenéticos no aneurisma aterosclerótico da aorta abdominal de idosos / Influence of genetic factors over atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurism in the elderlyAraujo, Neire Niara Ferreira de 05 September 2016 (has links)
O aneurisma de aorta abdominal (AAA) é uma doença assintomática na maioria dos casos, podendo acometer 5% das pessoas do gênero masculino com idade superior a 65 anos, predispondo ao risco de ruptura com mortalidade em torno de 80%. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os perfis de expressão gênica e de metilação do DNA no tecido, como também os microRNAs no plasma e no tecido de indivíduos com e sem AAA na tentativa de identificar marcadores biológicos e alvos terapêuticos para o diagnóstico, monitoramento e tratamento precoce do AAA. Os perfis de expressão gênica, miRNA e metilação de DNA dos tecidos da aorta abdominal (n=6) obtidos durante a cirurgia aberta para correção de AAA foram comparados com tecidos da aorta abdominal de doadores de órgãos sem AAA (n=6). Também foram comparados os perfis de miRNAs circulantes no plasma do grupo AAA (n=6) com o grupo-controle de voluntários com as características semelhantes, porém sem AAA (n=6). Para a análise da expressão gênica, utilizou-se a qPCR Array, analisando-se genes relacionados ao endotélio vascular humano (PAHS-015Z, QIAGEN®). A análise do perfil de miRNA foi realizada utilizando-se Human miFinder 384HC miScript miRNA PCR Array (MIHS-3001Z, QIAGEN®) e, para análise de metilação do DNA, utilizou-se a qPCR array com 22 genes das vias de estresse e toxicidade EpiTect Methyl II (EAHS-581Z, QIAGEN®). O software Ingenuity Pathway analysis (IPA®) foi utilizado para identificação das prováveis relações entre os microRNAs e a expressão gênica realizada nesta pesquisa. No estudo da expressão gênica, quatro genes (SPHK-1, TYMP, ALOX5 e HIF1A) foram identificados como mais expressos e outros 6 genes (PTGIS, CX3CL1, ITGB1, COL18A-1, FN1 e AGTR1) apresentaram expressão reduzida nos tecidos de AAA. Na análise do perfil de miRNAs, 24 miRNAs foram significantemente mais expressos e 35 miRNAs menos expressos no tecido. No plasma de indivíduos com AAA, 8 miRNAs apresentaram-se mais expressos e 9 miRNAs menos expressos. Dois miRNAs, miR-328-3p e let-7c-5p demonstraram expressões comuns entre tecido e plasma. Quanto ao padrão de metilação de DNA, somente o gene GDF15 teve grau de metilação maior nos tecidos de AAA quando comparado ao grupo-controle. A análise funcional revelou que o gene PTGIS (prostaciclina sintetase), um potente vasodilatador e inibidor da atividade plaquetária, foi reprimido pelo miR-150-5p, que se mostrou 7,5 vezes mais expresso no tecido de AAA, e teve uma possível interação com o miR-328-3p, cuja expressão foi 3,7 vezes mais baixa no tecido. Os genes com expressão reduzida nos tecidos do AAA foram alvos de miRNAs com expressão aumentada, evidenciando a importância e influência dos fatores epigenéticos tanto para o desenvolvimento quanto para a gravidade do AAA. / Abdominal aortic aneurism (AAA) is an asymptomatic disease in the majority of cases that may occur in 5% of males over age 65, predisposing to the risk of rupture leading to a mortality rate of 80%. The aim of this study was to evaluate the DNA metilation and gene expression profile in tissue, and microRNA expression pattern in both plasma and tissue samples from individuals with and without AAA to identify biological markers and therapeutic targets for an early diagnosis and treatment of AAA, respectively. Genes and miRNA expression and DNA metilation profiles in AAA tissues (n= 6) were compared to abdominal aortic tissues obtained from organ donators without AAA (n = 6). We also compared circulating miRNAs profiles in plasma samples, between AAA (n = 6) and the control group without AAA (n = 6). For the gene expression analysis we used a qPCR Array (PAHS-015Z, QIAGEN®) to analyze genes related to human vascular endothelium. For the miRNA expression pattern and for DNA methylation analysis we used the Human miFinder 384HC miScript miRNA PCR Array (MIHS-3001Z, QIAGEN®) and EpiTect Methyl II (EAHS-581Z, QIAGEN®), respectively. The Ingenuity software was used to identify the interactions between the miRNAs and genes evaluated in this study. Four genes (SPHK-1, TYMP, ALOX5 and HIF1A) were upregulated and six other genes (PTGIS, CX3CL1, ITGB1, COL18A-1, FN1 e AGTR1) were downregulated in AAA tissues. In addition, the miRNAs analysis showed 24 miRNAs more expressed and 35 miRNAs less expressed in AAA tissue than controls. Although in plasma samples, AAA group presented 8 miRNAs more expressed and 8 miRNAs less expressed than controls. Only, miR-328-3p and let-7c-5p were differently expressed between AAA and controls in both tissue and plasma samples. DNA methylation analysis showed that the gene GDF15 was hypermethylated in AAA tissues when compared to the control group. Functional analysis revealed that PTGIS, a potent vasodilator and platelet activity inhibitor was supressed by miR-150-5p, which had a seven-fold increase in AAA tissues. Moreover, a possible interaction between PTGIS and miR-328-3p, about 4-fold decreased in AAA tissues, was showed. Thus, the downregulated genes in AAA tissues are targets of miRNAs with increased expression in the same biological sample. These results highlight the importance and influence of epigenetic factors for both development and severity of AAA.
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Etude des variations épigénétiques liées aux séquences répétées comme source de changements phénotypiques héritables chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Study of epigenetic changes associated with repeated sequences as a source of heritable phenotypic changes in Arabidopsis thalianaCortijo, Sandra 10 September 2012 (has links)
Des changements de méthylation de l’ADN peuvent affecter l’expression des gènes et pour certains être transmis au travers des générations. De telles « épimutations » qui concernent des groupes de cytosines à proximité ou dans les gènes sont donc une source potentielle de variation phénotypique héritable en absence de changements de la séquence de l’ADN. Chez les plantes la méthylation de l’ADN est cependant principalement observée au niveau des séquences répétées. Il reste à déterminer dans quelle mesure les changements de méthylation au niveau de ce type de séquences peuvent être héritées et affecter les phénotypes. Afin de répondre à ces questions, plus de 500 épiRIL (epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines) quasi-isogéniques a été générée chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Cette population a été obtenue par le croisement d’un parent sauvage et d’un parent mutant pour le gène DDM1 présentant une très forte réduction du taux de méthylation de l’ADN. Après un rétrocroisement de la F1 avec une plante sauvage, les individus sauvages pour le gène DDM1 ont été sélectionnés et propagées sur 6 générations par autofécondation. Nous avons montré par l’analyse du méthylome de plus de 100 épiRIL que l’hypométhylation induite par ddm1 présente selon les séquences affectées différents degrés de transmission au travers des générations. La réversion de l’hypométhylation concerne des régions associées à une abondance élevée en sRNA de 24 nt. Nous avons utilisé l’hypométhylation stablement transmise dans les épiRIL induite par ddm1 afin de détecter des QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) affectant le temps de floraison et la longueur de la racine primaire, deux caractères pour lesquels les variations observées dans les épiRIL présentent une héritabilité importante. En dernier lieu, nous avons recherché par différentes approches les variations causales de ces QTL. / Loss or gain of DNA methylation can affect gene expression and is sometimes transmitted across generations. Such epigenetic alterations, which concern clusters of cytosines located near or within genes, are thus a source of heritable phenotypic variation in the absence of DNA sequence change. In plants however, DNA methylation targets repeat elements predominantly and it remains unclear to which extent DNA methylation changes over repeat sequences can be inherited and affect phenotypes. To address these issues, a population of near-isogenic, epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines (epiRILs) was generated in Arabidopsis thaliana. These were derived from a cross between a wild type and an isogenic ddm1 mutant line, in which DNA methylation is compromised specifically over repeat elements. After backcrossing of the F1 and selection of the progeny homozygous for wild-type DDM1, the epiRILs were propagated through six rounds of selfing. Analysis of the methylomes of more than 100 epiRILs and of the parents, indicates that ddm1-induced hypomethylation exhibit different patterns of inheritance through generations. Reversion of ddm1-induced hypomethylation is observed for regions associated with high level of 24 nt siRNA. Based on these findings, stable ddm1-induced hypomethylated regions were used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for flowering time and primary root length, two complex traits for which substantial heritable variation is observed in the epiRIL population. We finally analysed these QTL by different approaches to find their causal variations.
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Décryptage des changements épigénétiques impliqués dans la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse et le cancer / Deciphering the Epigenetic Changes Involved in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and CancerMalouf, Gabriel 15 July 2014 (has links)
La transition épithélio-Mésenchymateuse (TEM) est un processus de plasticité cellulaire qui existe dans le développement embryonnaire et qui permet la formation des tissus et organes. Dans la cancérogénèse, ce processus est réactivé par des facteurs de transcription dont l’action implique très probablement un remodelage de la chromatine. La cartographie exacte de ces changements épigénétiques est peu connue à l’échelle du génome entier, même si il y a eu quelques études antérieures explorant les changements de quelques loci de façon bien ciblée. Ce mémoire traite du remodelage épigénétique médié par le facteur de transcription Twist1 dans un modèle de lignée mammaire immortalisée. L’architecture de ce remodelage a été cartographiée grâce à l’utilisation des techniques de haut-Débit pour analyser la méthylation de l’ADN (DREAM) et les modifications des histones (ChIPseq). Nos résultats montrent un changement majeur du méthylome pendant la TEM avec une hyperméthylation focale et une hypométhylation globale des corps des gènes prédominant au niveau des « domaines partiellement méthylés »; ces domaines sont déjà connus dans le développement pour gagner de façon concomitante à leur hypométhylation des marques d’histone répressives. Nous avons aussi observé un remodelage des domaines de l’histone répressive H3K27me3 avec une réduction de leur taille, et surtout le quasi doublement du nombre de gènes bivalents qui accompagne la transition. Le couplage de la méthylation de l’ADN avec le profil des microRNA nous a permis d’identifier le miR-203 comme l’unique microRNA régulé par méthylation de l’ADN durant la TEM; nous avons aussi montré que l’extinction épigénétique du miR-203 est requise pour la TEM et l’acquistion des propriétés de cellules souches. Enfin, nous avons réalisé une caractérisation génétique et/ou épigénétique de deux cancers rares, les carcinomes fibrolamellaires du foie et les carcinomes du rein à translocation. Pour les carcinomes fibrolamellaires du foie, nous avons décrit la nature endocrine de cette tumeur et établi une signature épigénétique basée sur la méthylation de l’ADN pouvant servir à différencier les formes histologiques appelées « pures » des formes « mixtes ». Pour les cancers du rein à translocation, nous avons montré les bases génétiques et épigénétiques de la différence entre les formes pédiatriques et adultes, avec la découverte fréquente du gain du bras chromosomique 17q dans les formes adultes. Nous avons aussi identifié une mutation récurrente dans le gène qui remodèle la chromatine INO80D appartenant à la famille INO80. En conclusion, ce travail explore le rôle de l’étude de l’épigénome pour comprendre la reprogrammation pendant les processus physiologiques comme la TEM d’une part et le cancer d’autre part. / The epithelial-Mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process of cellular plasticity that exists in embryonic development and which allows the formation of tissues and organs. In carcinogenesis, the process is reactivated by transcription factors whose action probably involves chromatin remodeling. The exact mapping of these epigenetic changes is poorly understood genome-Wide, although there have been some previous studies exploring changes in so few well-Targeted loci. This thesis deals with the epigenetic remodeling mediated by the transcription factor Twist1 in a model of human mammary immortalized cell line. The architecture of this remodeling has been mapped through the use of high-Throughput techniques to analyze DNA methylation (DREAM) and histone modifications (ChIPseq). Our results suggest a major change in the EMT methylome with focal hypermethylation and gene body hypomethylation predominantly within "partially methylated domains"; these areas are already known in development to gain repressive histone marks concomitantly with DNA hypomethylation. We also observed landscape remodeling of repressive histone mark H3K27me3 with a reduction in domains size, and especially the almost doubling of the number of bivalent genes. The coupling of DNA methylation with the profile of microRNA has allowed us to identify miR-203 as single microRNA regulated by DNA methylation during EMT; we have also shown that epigenetic suppression of miR-203 is both required for EMT and acquisition of stem cell properties. Finally, we performed a genetic and/or epigenetic characterization of two rare cancers, named fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas and translocation renal cell carcinomas. In fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, we described the endocrine nature of this tumor and established a signature based on DNA methylation which can be used to distinguish histological forms called "pure" from "mixed" fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas. Regarding translocation renal cell carcinomas, we established the genetic and epigenetic basis of differences between pediatric and adult forms, characterized by frequent gain of 17q gain chromosomal arm in adults. We also identified recurrent mutations in the chromatin remodeling gene INO80D which belongs to INO80 family. In conclusion, this work explores the impact of analyzing the epigenome to understand reprogramming during physiological processes such as EMT and cancer.
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Latent Growth Model Approach to Characterize Maternal Prenatal DNA Methylation TrajectoriesLapato, Dana 01 January 2019 (has links)
Background. DNA methylation (DNAm) is a removable chemical modification to the DNA sequence intimately associated with genomic stability, cellular identity, and gene expression. DNAm patterning reflects joint contributions from genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. As such, differences in DNAm patterns may explain interindividual variability in risk liability for complex traits like major depression (MD). Hundreds of significant DNAm loci have been identified using cross-sectional association studies. This dissertation builds on that foundational work to explore novel statistical approaches for longitudinal DNAm analyses. Methods. Repeated measures of genome-wide DNAm and social and environmental determinants of health were collected up to six times across pregnancy and the first year postpartum as part of the Pregnancy, Race, Environment, Genes (PREG) Study. Statistical analyses were completed using a combination of the R statistical environment, Bioconductor packages, MplusAutomate, and Mplus software. Prenatal maternal DNAm was measured using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Beadchip. Latent growth curve models were used to analyze repeated measures of maternal DNAm and to quantify site-level DNAm latent trajectories over the course of pregnancy. The purpose was to characterize the location and nature of prenatal DNAm changes and to test the influence of clinical and demographic factors on prenatal DNAm remodeling. Results. Over 1300 sites had DNAm trajectories significantly associated with either maternal age or lifetime MD. Many of the genomic regions overlapping significant results replicated previous age and MD-related genetic and DNAm findings. Discussion. Future work should capitalize on the progress made here integrating structural equation modeling (SEM) with longitudinal omics-level measures.
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DNA Methylation, Cellular Stress Response and Expression of Inner Nuclear Membrane ProteinsLevesque, Steve 04 May 2011 (has links)
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome is described as a series of mutations within the lamin A gene leading to the accumulation of progerin in the nucleus, contributing to premature aging and affecting the epigenetic control. Epigenetic control, such as DNA methylation, relies on DNA methyltransferase enzymes. In human cells, heat shock (HS) leads to the formation of nuclear stress bodies (nSBs); ribonucleoprotein aggregates of Sat III RNA and RNA-binding proteins. The objectives of this study were to determine if epigenetic status induces varying responses to HS and assess the variability of nuclear proteins in similar conditions. Results show epigenetic modifications do not prevent a stress response; however the extent may be affected. In addition the functions of most nuclear antigens were not affected. It is most likely the sum of interactions at the inner nuclear membrane and nuclear lamina interface that result in nuclear strength pertaining to lamin A.
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