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Identification de dérèglements épigénétiques embryonnaires associés à une exposition prénatale à l’alcool pendant la période préimplantatoireLegault, Lisa-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Molekulárně genetické a biochemické studie vybraných dědičných metabolických onemocnění, vývoj a aplikace nových metod. / Molecular genetic and biochemical studies of selected inherited metabolic disorders, development and applications of new methodsMušálková, Dita January 2016 (has links)
Inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) form a diverse group of several hundred different diseases with a relatively high cumulative incidence (stated up to 1:600). They are associated with accumulation of the substrates and lack of the products in specific metabolic pathways, which is caused by deficiency of the enzyme or its activator, or dysfunction of the transport protein. However, the underlying cause is at the DNA level. The grounds for different phenotype manifestation in patients with the same genotype are often not known. During my work at the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, I designed several new methods for the research of IMD and applied them in the patients and their families. I created procedures for the isolation of lysosomal membranes that are used for the research of lysosomal storage disorders and general properties of lysosomes. Next, I introduced several novel assays for determination of the X-inactivation ratio, which led to a significant increase of informative women. Nowadays, we use these methods in heterozygous women with X-linked diseases in order to study the influence of X-inactivation on the manifestation of the diseases. The cases of a girl with mucopolysaccharidosis type II, a girl with OTC deficiency and a family with the mutation in HPRT1 gene are described...
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Análise do perfil de expressão de genes de proliferação/regulação celular, resposta inflamatória e angiogênese e do padrão de metilação dos genes p15INK4b e p16INK4a em portadores de linfoma de células T periféricas / Analysis of gene expression profile related to proliferation/ cell regulation, inflammatory response and angiogenesis and the methylation pattern of genes p15INK4b and p16INK4a in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphomaLuis Alberto de Padua Covas Lage 11 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Os linfomas não-Hodgkin de células T periféricas (LCTP) são neoplasias raras caracterizadas pela proliferação monoclonal de linfócitos T maduros. Correspondem a 15% das malignidades linfoides e têm distribuição geográfica peculiar. Compreendem 22 entidades clínico-patológicas distintas, heterogêneas do ponto de vista clínico-epidemiológico, morfológico, fenotípico e molecular. O grupo de apresentação predominantemente nodal compreende as variantes histológicas LGCA/ALK+, LGCA/ALK-, LCTA e LCTP/SOE. Sua terapêutica se baseia em poliquimioterápicos à base de antraciclina e consolidação com transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas autólogas (TCTH). Com exceção do LGCA/ALK+, apresentam sobrevida global em cinco anos de 30% a 40%. Devido aos desfechos desfavoráveis, estudos de perfil de expressão gênica e de metilação de genes supressores tumorais têm emergido nos últimos anos para refinar o diagnóstico destas neoplasias, melhorar o conhecimento fisiopatológico e o prognóstico e estabelecer possíveis alvos terapêuticos. Estudos preliminares com LCTP nodais indicam valor prognóstico favorável da hiperexpressão de genes de padrão inflamatório NFkB1 e IKBkB e desfavorável nos casos de supraregulação de genes de padrão proliferativo como CCNA2, TOP2A e CHEK1 e do fenótipo metilado de p15INK4b e p16INK4a. Objetivo:Avaliar o impacto da expressão relativa dos genes CCNA2, TOP2A, CHEK1, NFkB1, IKBkB e VEGF1 e da metilação dos genes p15 e p16 em população brasileira com LCTP nodais tratados com quimioterapia CHOP-símile para os desfechos de sobrevida global, sobrevida livre de progressão e sobrevida livre de doença. Métodos: A expressão gênica foi avaliada por qtPCR de amostras fixadas em formol e incluídas em parafina de 63 pacientes. A mediana de expressão dos genes foi comparada com variáveis clínicas e desfechos. PCR qualitativa metilação-específico foi usada avaliar a metilação de p15 e p16. Resultados: Com mediana de seguimento de vinte meses, as SG, SLP e SLD foram, respectivamente, 45,6%, 34,3% e 63,0% e a resposta completa de 46,0%. Em análise multivariada, ECOG >= 2 e a hiperexpressão do gene CCNA2 foram associadas à pior SG em cinco anos, nos LCTP nodais (p=0,008 e p=0,002). Em análise univariada os genes CCNA2, TOP2A e CHEK1 foram associados ao pior prognóstico nos LCTP/SOE e melhor nos LGCA/ALK-. A hiperexpressão do gene VEGF1 se associou ao pior prognóstico no LGCA/ALK- e LCTA. Metilação de p15INK4b não foi encontrada nos LGCA/ALK+ e em análise multivariada foi associada a pior SLP em 5 anos nos LCTP não-ALK+ (HR: 9,88; p=0,03). O painel gênico testado não apresentou poder para discriminar as diferentes variantes histopatólogicas de LCTP nodais, porém demonstrou-se associação direta entre a intensidade de mediana de expressão desses genes e agressividade biológica nesse grupo heterogêneo de neoplasias. O significado prognóstico de imunoexpressão da proteína ALK sofreu influência das variáveis constituintes do IPI nessa coorte. Conclusão: A hiperexpressao dos genes CCNA2, TOP2A e CHEK1 foram associadas a prognóstico desfavorável nos LCTP/SOE e favorável nos LGCA/ALK-. Fenótipo hipermetilado de p15INK4b não foi evento observado em LGCA/ALK+, porém foi associado a pior prognóstico nos LCTP nodais não-ALK+ / Background: Peripheral T-cell non-Hodgkin\'s lymphomas (PTCL) are rare tumors characterized by monoclonal proliferation of mature T lymphocytes; they correspond to 15% of lymphoid malignancies and have specific geographic distribution. PTCL comprise 22 distinct clinicopathologic entities, heterogeneous from the clinical and epidemiological perspective, as well as morphologic, phenotypic and molecular. The group of presentation predominantly nodal comprises the histological variants ALCL/ALK+, ALCL/ALK-, AITL and PTCL/NOS. Its treatment is based on polychemotherapy with anthracycline and consolidation with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). With the exception of ALCL/ALK+, these tumors show overall survival at 5 years from 30% to 40%. Due to unfavorable outcomes, gene expression profile studies, as well as studies of methylation of tumor suppressor genes, have emerged in recent years in order to refine the pathological diagnosis of these cancers, improve the pathophysiological knowledge and prognosis, and establish possible therapeutic targets. Preliminary studies with nodal PTCLs indicate favorable prognostic value of overexpression of inflammatory pattern genes like NFkB1 e IKBkB, and unfavorable in the case of proliferative genes as CCNA2, TOP2A, CHEK1 and the methylated phenotype of suppressor genes p15INK4b e p16INK4a. Objectives: Assess the impact of relative expression of genes CCNA2, TOP2A, CHEK1, NFkB, IKBkB and VEGF1 and the methylation of the genes p15 and p16 in Brazilian population with nodal PTCLs treated with CHOP-like chemotherapy for the outcomes of overall survival, progression-free survival and disease-free survival. Methods: Gene expression was assessed by qtPCR of paraffin samples of 63 patients. The median gene expression was compared with clinical variables and outcomes. Qualitative methylation-specific PCR was used to assess the methylation of p15 and p16. Results: With a segment median of 20 months, the OS, PFS and DFS were, respectively, 45,6%, 34,3% and 63,0% and the complete response (CR) was 46,0%. In multivariate analysis, ECOG >= 2 and overexpression of the gene CCNA2 were associated with worse OS at 5 years in nodal PTCLs (p = 0,008 and p = 0,002). In univariate analysis, the genes CCNA2, TOP2A and CHEK1 were associated with worse prognosis in PTCL/NOS and better in ALCL/ALK negative. The overexpression of the gene VEGF1 was associated with worse prognosis in the variants AITL and ALCL/ALK negative. Methylation of the gene p15INK4b was not found in ALCL/ALK+ group, and in multivariate analysis was associated with worse 5-years PFS in the group of PTCL non-ALK+ (HR: 9,88 and p = 0,03). The gene panel tested showed no power to discriminate the different histopathology of nodal PTCL, but it showed a direct association between the median intensity of expression of these genes and biological aggressiveness in this heterogeneous group of neoplasms. The prognostic significance of immunostaining of ALK protein was influenced by IPI constituents variables in this cohort. Conclusion: The overexpression of genes CCNA2, TOP2A e CHEK1 were associated with poor prognosis in PTCL/NOS and favorable in ALCL/ALK negative. Hypermethylated phenotype of gene p15INK4b was not an observed event in ALCL/ALK+, but it was associated with poor prognosis in nodal PTCL non-ALK+
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Restrição no consumo de sódio durante a gestação é responsável pelo baixo peso ao nascimento e pela resistência à insulina da prole na idade adulta: estudo do mecanismo epigenético por metilação do DNA / Sodium intake restriction during pregnancy is responsible for low birth weight and the insulin resistance of offspring in adulthood: a study of epigenetic mechanism by DNA methylationFlavia Ramos de Siqueira 14 May 2014 (has links)
Sabe-se que algumas alterações nutricionais maternas durante o período perinatal estão associadas com doenças metabólicas na vida adulta das proles, tais como diabetes melito tipo 2, resistência à insulina, obesidade e hipertensão arterial. O período da gestação em que estas alterações nutricionais influenciam a prole na idade adulta ainda não está elucidado. Modificações epigenéticas têm sido propostas como mecanismos responsáveis por estas desordens metabólicas. Ratas Wistar de doze semanas de idade foram alimentadas com dieta com conteúdo baixo (HO - 0,15% NaCl) ou normal (NR - 1,3% NaCl) de sódio desde o primeiro dia de gestação até o nascimento da prole ou HO durante a primeira (HO10) ou segunda (HO20) metade da gestação. O peso corpóreo e a ingestão de água e ração foram avaliados semanalmente durante a gestação. Teste de tolerância à insulina (ITT) e à glicose (GTT) e HOMA-IR foram realizados nas proles adultas. Expressão gênica por qRT-PCR e metilação do DNA na região promotora dos genes foram mapeadas utilizando tratamento com bissulfito de sódio e avaliadas por pirosequenciamento. O ganho de peso materno foi menor no HO e HO20 na terceira semana de gestação em comparação com NR e HO10. O peso ao nascimento da prole foi menor em machos e fêmeas dos grupos HO e HO20 em relação ao NR e HO10. O HOMA-IR foi maior nos machos com 12 semanas de idade do grupo HO em comparação com NR e com 20 semanas de idade do grupo HO10 em comparação com NR e HO20. Nas fêmeas com 12 semanas de idade o HOMA-IR foi maior no HO10 comparado com HO. Os níveis de insulina no soro foram maiores tanto nos machos com 20 semanas de idade do grupo HO10 comparado com NR quanto nas fêmeas com 12 semanas de idade do grupo HO10 comparado com HO. A área sob a curva do GTT indicou intolerância à glicose nos machos do grupo HO. A porcentagem de metilação das ilhas CpG no promotor dos genes de Igf1, Igf1r, Ins1, Ins2 e Insr no fígado de machos e fêmeas neonatais e no fígado, tecido adiposo branco e músculo em machos com 20 semanas de idade foi influenciada pela baixa ingestão de sal durante a gestação. Nenhuma destas alterações foi identificada nas fêmeas com 20 semanas de idade. Em conclusão, a baixa ingestão de sal na segunda metade da gestação é responsável pelo baixo peso ao nascimento em ambos os sexos. A intolerância à glicose observada na prole adulta ocorreu somente se a dieta hipossódica é dada durante a gestação inteira. Por outro lado, a resistência à insulina em resposta ao consumo de dieta hipossódica durante a gestação está relacionada com o momento em que ocorre este insulto e com o envelhecimento da prole. Também foi observado que alterações na metilação do promotor do gene Igf1 está correlacionado com o baixo peso ao nascimento em resposta a ingestão de dieta hipossódica durante a gestação / It is known that some maternal nutritional alterations during pregnancy are associated with metabolic disorders in adult offspring, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and arterial hypertension. The period of pregnancy in which these nutritional alterations influence adult offspring remains uncertain. Epigenetic changes are proposed to underlie these metabolic disorders. Twelve-week-old female Wistar rats were fed a low-salt (LS - 0.15% NaCl) or normal-salt (NS - 1.3% NaCl) diet since the first day of gestation until delivery or LS during the first (LS10) or second (LS20) half of gestation. Body weight, food and water intake were weekly evaluated during gestation. Blood glucose, insulin (ITT) and glucose (GTT) tolerance tests, HOMA-IR were performed in adult offspring. Gene expression and DNA methylation were mapped using bisulfite treatment evaluated by pyrosequencing in the male and female neonates and adult offspring. Weight gain was lower in LS and LS20 dams than in NS and LS10 dams in the third week of pregnancy. Birth weights were lower in male and female LS20 and LS rats compared with NS and LS10 neonates. HOMA-IR was higher in 12-week-old LS males compared with NS and in 20-week-old male LS10 rats compared with NS and LS20 rats. In 12-week-old LS10 females, HOMA-IR was higher than in LS. Serum insulin levels were higher in 20 week-old LS10 male compared with NS rats and in 12-week-old LS10 female compared to LS rats. The area under the curve of GTT indicated glucose intolerance in 12- and 20-week-old LS male. Methylation of CpG islands of the Insr, Igf1, Igf1r, Ins1 and Ins2 genes in liver in neonates male and female offspring and liver, white adipose tissue and muscle in 20-week-old male offspring were influenced by low-salt intake during pregnancy. None of these alterations was identified in 20-week-old females. In conclusion, low-salt diet consumption in the second half of pregnancy can result in low birth weights in the males and females offspring. Glucose intolerance observed in adult offspring occurred only if low salt intake was given throughout pregnancy. However, insulin resistance in response to low salt intake during pregnancy is related to the time at which this insult occurs and to the age of the offspring. Alterations in the DNA methylation of Igf1 were observed to be correlated with low birth weight in response to low salt feeding during pregnancy
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Efeito do ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) sobre eventos epigenéticos em diferentes linhagens de câncer de mama / Effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on epigenetic events in diferente breast cancer cell linesRita de Cássia Borges de Castro 09 September 2013 (has links)
Alterações epigenéticas, como metilação do DNA e modificações pós traducionais em histonas, tem importante papel na carcinogênese mamária. A modulação de eventos epigenéticos constitui relevante alvo terapêutico, devido ao seu caráter reversível. Experimentalmente, o ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA), um membro da família dos ácidos graxos ômega-3, é capaz de diminuir proliferação, induzir morte celular e diminuir o potencial invasivo de células tumorais de mama. No entanto, os mecanismos antitumorais do DHA e sua capacidade de modular eventos epigenéticos ainda não estão totalmente elucidados. Nosso objetivo foi verificar, in vitro, a ação do DHA em eventos epigenéticos em diferentes linhagens de carcinoma mamário humano. Três linhagens celulares de câncer de mama (MDA-MB-231, SKBR-3 e MCF-7) foram tratadas durante 72 horas com 100 ?M de DHA ou etanol (controle). As modificações pós traducionais em histonas, acetilação no resíduo de lisina 9 da histona 3 (H3K9ac) e no resíduo 16 da histona 4 (H4K16ac), bem como trimetilação no resíduo de lisina 9 da histona 3 (H3K9me3) e no resíduo de lisina 27 da histona 3 (H3K27me3) foram avaliadas pela técnica de western blot. A análise da expressão do genes RASSF1A, DNMT1, DNMT3A e DNMT3B foi feita pela técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa via transcriptase reversa (RT-qPCR). A avaliação do padrão de metilação de região promotora do gene RASSF1A foi realizada pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase metilação específica (MS-PCR). Foram também analisadas as fases do ciclo celular por citometria de fluxo. Comparado ao controle, o DHA induziu a acetilação no resíduo 16 da histona 4 (H4K16ac) nas linhagens MCF7 (p = 0,04) e MDA-MB-231 (p = 0,03). Observamos que a H3K9me3 foi parcialmente inibida nas linhagens MDA-MB-231 e SKBR-3, após o tratamento com DHA, mas sem alcançar valor estatisticamente significante. Encontramos também diminuição dos níveis de H3K27me3 após o tratamento com DHA nas três linhagens estudadas, porém não foi estatisticamente significativo. O DHA aumentou a expressão do gene RASSF1A na linhagem MCF-7 (1,98 vezes, p = 0,03), mas não nas linhagens MDA-MB-231 e SKBR-3. Não houve mudanças estatisticamente significativas na expressão dos genes DNMT1, DNMT3A e DNMT3B. As análises qualitativas da metilação demonstraram que a região promotora analisada do gene RASSF1A apresentou-se hipermetilada nas três linhagens celulares. Após o tratamento com DHA, houve tendência de desmetilação na região promotora do RASSF1A na linhagem MCF-7 e SKBR3, mas não na linhagem MDA-MB-231. Não houve diferença significativa na porcentagem de morte e distribuição das células MDA-MB-231, SKBR-3 e MCF-7 nas diferentes fases do ciclo celular após tratamento com DHA. Em conclusão, o DHA pode atuar em mecanismos epigenéticos e, ainda, reativar o gene supressor de tumor, como RASSF1A, anteriormente silenciado por hipermetilação, em células MCF-7. Espera-se que esses resultados contribuam para melhor compreensão do potencial papel anticâncer do DHA no câncer de mama / Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and post-translational histone modifications, play an important role in mammary tumorigenesis. Epigenetic events are important as therapeutic targets, because of its reversible nature. Experimentally, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a member of the omega-3 fatty acids family, can reduce proliferation, induce apoptosis and decrease the invasive potential of breast tumor cells. However, the antitumor mechanism of DHA and its ability to modulate epigenetic events are not completely understood. Our objective was to verify, in vitro, the action of DHA in epigenetic events related to transcriptional reactivation of tumor suppressor gene, such as RASSF1A, in different human breast cancer cell lines. Three breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SKBR-3) were treated with DHA (100 ?M) or vehicle (ethanol) for 72 hours. Western blot was used to analyze histone modification, as histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9ac) and histone H4 lysine 16 (H4K16ac) acetylation, H3K9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) and H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3). Real time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was performed for gene expression quantification of RASSF1A, DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B. DNA methylation of the promoter region of RASSF1A was evaluated by methylation specific PCR (MS-PCR). Moreover, we evaluated the phases of the cell cycle by flow cytometry. Compared to control cells, DHA induced H4K16ac in MCF-7 (p=0.04) and MDA-MB-231 (p=0.03). We observed that H3K9me3 was partially inhibited in MDA-MB-231 and SKBR-3 cells, after treatment with DHA, but did not reach a statistically significant value. We also found decreased levels of H3K27me3 after treatment with DHA in the three cell lines studied, but not statistically significant. DHA increased RASSF1A expression on MCF-7 (1.98 fold; p=0.03), but not in MDA-MB-231 and in SKBR-3 cells. There were no statistically significant changes in expression of genes DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B. These three breast cancer cells lines show methylation in specific region of RASSF1A promoter. DHA treatment increased RASSF1A promoter region hypomethylation in MCF-7 and SKBR-3. No significant difference was observed in the percentage of cell death nor cell distribution of MDA-MB-231, SKBR-3 and MCF-7 at different stages of the cell cycle after treatment with DHA. In conclusion, we suggest that DHA may act beneficially in epigenetic mechanisms and reactivation of tumor suppressor gene, RASSF1A as previously silenced by hypermethylation. It is hoped that these results can contribute to better understanding of the anticancer role of DHA in breast cancer
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Homocisteína e cisteína séricas como marcadores epigenéticos de prognóstico e preditivos de resposta em tumores de mama / Serum homocysteine and cysteine as epigenetic markers of prognosis and prediction of response in breast tumorsLuis Gustavo Raimundo 28 February 2014 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a principal causa de mortalidade por câncer entre as mulheres. Alguns biomarcadores e características clínicas são utilizados para avaliar o prognóstico e prever a resposta a uma série de abordagens terapêuticas. A Homocisteína é conhecida como um fator de risco para doença vascular aterosclerótica, mas sua participação na biologia do câncer ainda é incerta. Cisteína é o aminoácido sulfurado derivado da Homocisteína no ciclo da Metionina. Este ciclo metabólico origina as bases nitrogenadas e também determina o nível de metilação da molécula de DNA. É atualmente reconhecido que a hipometilação global do genoma é um evento chave na transformação maligna das células. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis séricos de homocisteína e cisteína como biomarcadores de sobrevida e de progressão da doença em câncer de mama. Também foi avaliado o efeito de um curso de curta duração (um mês) de tratamento hormonal sobre os níveis de Homocisteína, Cisteína e metilação do DNA. Amostras de sangue foram obtidos por ocasião da biópsia inicial (pré-tratamento) em todas as pacientes e, de tumor e de tecido normal adjacente, ao diagnóstico eem um mês após, para as pacientes que receberam o regime hormonal neo-adjuvante (pré-operatório). Todas as pacientes eram mulheres na pós-menopausa, com tumores de mama ressecáveis, acompanhadas em dois hospitais públicos, que consentiram em participar de outros dois protocolos de pesquisa prévios. Homocisteína e Cisteína foram analisadas por HPLC e a metilação global do DNA do tecido foi determinada por meio da técnica de MSRE (Methylation-Sensitive Restriction Enzyme). Foi observada uma diferença significativa entre os níveis pré e póstratamento de Homocisteína e Cisteína em tumores avançados, sugerindo um papel prognóstico em pacientes com características clínicas reservadas. As variações nos níveis de Homocisteína se mostraram significativamente correlacionadas com a sobrevida livre de doença. O modelo de risco proporcional de Cox demonstrou que os níveis de homocisteína e o status dos linfonodos representaram fatores prognósticos independentes em termos de sobrevida livre de doença. Embora mais estudos sejam necessários para confirmar estes resultados, nossa pesquisa sugere que a Homocisteína pode ser usada como um biomarcador de prognóstico para câncer de mama / Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women. Some biomarkers and clinical features are used to evaluate prognosis and to predict response to a range of therapeutic approaches. Homocysteine is well known as a risk factor in atherosclerotic vascular diseases, but its participation in cancer biology is still unclear. Cysteine is a sulfur amino acid derived from Homocysteine in the Methionine cycle. This metabolic cycle originates the nitrogenous bases and determines the methylation level of the DNA molecule as well. It is currently recognized that the global hipomethylation of the genome is a key event in the malign transformation of cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum Homocysteine and Cysteine as biomarkers of survival and disease progression in breast tumor, as well as the methylation status of tumor and normal tissues. The effect of a short course (one month) of hormonal treatment on Homocysteine, Cysteine and DNA methylation levels was also evaluated. Blood samples were collected during the initial biopsy (pretreatment) in all patients and, tumor samples and normal adjacent tissue, at diagnosis and one month after, for the patients that received neo-adjuvant hormonal regimen (pre-treatment). All patients were post-menopausal women, with resectable breast tumors, followed at two public hospitals, and that had consented to participate in two previous research protocols related to their disease. Serum Homocysteine and Cysteine were analyzed by HPLC and tissue global DNA methylation was determined by the MSRE (Methylation- Sensitive Restriction Enzyme) technique. A significant difference was observed between pre- and post-treatment levels of Homocysteine and Cysteine in advanced tumors, suggesting a prognostic role in patients with poor clinical characteristics. Variations in Homocysteine levels were significantly correlated with disease free survival. Cox proportional risk model demonstrated that nodal status and Homocysteine levels were independent prognostic factors for Disease Free Survival. Although more studies are needed to confirm these results, our research suggests that Homocysteine might be used as a prognostic biomarker for breast cancer
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Méthylation de l’ADN et plasticité phénotypique en réponse à des variations de disponibilité en eau chez le peuplier / DNA methylation and phenotypic plasticity towards water availability variations in poplarLe Gac, Anne-Laure 16 June 2017 (has links)
Face à la rapidité des changements climatiques, les arbres doivent faire preuve de plasticité phénotypique. Les mécanismes épigénétiques font partie des pistes de recherche actuelles pour expliquer la plasticité phénotypique. Cette thèse visait à évaluer le rôle de la méthylation de l’ADN dans la plasticité phénotypique d’un organisme pérenne séquencé, le peuplier, en réponse à des variations de disponibilité en eau du sol. Les travaux, combinant écophysiologie et épigénomique, se sont focalisés sur le méristème apical caulinaire, centre de la morphogenèse de la tige feuillée. Trois résultats majeurs sont issus de cette thèse : i) Chaque état hydrique est associé à un méthylome et un transcriptome spécifiques, ii) Certaines régions différentiellement méthylées sont conservées dans le temps et entre contextes environnementaux, iii) Des lignées RNAi hypométhylées soumises à différents contextes hydriques présentent une réponse modifiée. Les résultats acquis lors de cette thèse appuient une contribution de la méthylation de l’ADN à la plasticité phénotypique et suggèrent un rôle des mécanismes épigénétiques dans la mémoire d’un stress chez les arbres. / Due to rapid climate changes, trees must exhibit phenotypic plasticity. Epigenetic mechanisms are part of current research to explain phenotypic plasticity. This thesis aimed to evaluate the role of DNA methylation in phenotypic plasticity of a perennial sequenced organism, poplar, in response to variations in soil water availability. The work, combining ecophysiology and epigenomics, focused on the shoot apical meristem, the center of morphogenesis of the leafy stem. Three major results emerge from this thesis: (i) Each hydric state is associated with a specific methylome and transcriptome, (ii) Some differentially methylated regions are conserved in time and between environmental contexts, (iii) Hypomethylated RNAi lines subjected to different contexts show a modified response. The results obtained during this thesis support a contribution of DNA methylation to phenotypic plasticity and suggest a role of epigenetic mechanisms in stress memory in trees.
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Studium mechanismu posttranskripčního a transkripčního umlčování transgenů v buněčné linii tabáku BY-2 / Study of the mechanism of posttranscriptional and transcriptional transgene silencing in tobacco BY-2 cell lineČermák, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
The RNA interference is a mechanism, which allows cells to regulate their genes functions, to establish and maintain heterochromatin and to defend them against invasive nucleic acids. In plants, RNA interference is initiated by double-stranded RNA, which is processed by Dicer into small RNAs, usually 20-24nt long. These small RNAs form a complex with Argonaut protein that participates in different processes based on sequence complementarity. This complex can guide mRNA cleavage, translation blocking and chromatin modifications, resulting either into posttranscriptional silencing (by preventing translation of already existing mRNA, PTGS) or transcriptional silencing (by preventing transcription of mRNA, TGS). The first step of this thesis was to establish different ways of triggering PTGS and to evaluate their functionality and efficiency. The next step was a preparation of a system which would allow to study the transition from posttrancriptional to transcriptional silencing. These so called "indicator lines" should allow to observe the timing and dynamics of this process by utilizing fluorescent proteins. This system is also going to enable to evaluate, how different factors are involved in this process - one of the factors is RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) which plays an essential role in...
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Molekulárně genetické a biochemické studie vybraných dědičných metabolických onemocnění, vývoj a aplikace nových metod. / Molecular genetic and biochemical studies of selected inherited metabolic disorders, development and applications of new methodsMušálková, Dita January 2016 (has links)
Inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) form a diverse group of several hundred different diseases with a relatively high cumulative incidence (stated up to 1:600). They are associated with accumulation of the substrates and lack of the products in specific metabolic pathways, which is caused by deficiency of the enzyme or its activator, or dysfunction of the transport protein. However, the underlying cause is at the DNA level. The grounds for different phenotype manifestation in patients with the same genotype are often not known. During my work at the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, I designed several new methods for the research of IMD and applied them in the patients and their families. I created procedures for the isolation of lysosomal membranes that are used for the research of lysosomal storage disorders and general properties of lysosomes. Next, I introduced several novel assays for determination of the X-inactivation ratio, which led to a significant increase of informative women. Nowadays, we use these methods in heterozygous women with X-linked diseases in order to study the influence of X-inactivation on the manifestation of the diseases. The cases of a girl with mucopolysaccharidosis type II, a girl with OTC deficiency and a family with the mutation in HPRT1 gene are described...
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Epigenetic alteration by prenatal alcohol exposure in developing mouse hippocampus and cortexChen, Yuanyuan January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is the leading neurodevelopment deficit in children born to women who drink alcohol during pregnancy. The hippocampus and cortex are among brain regions vulnerable to alcohol-induced neurotoxicity, and are key regions underlying the cognitive impairment, learning and memory deficits shown in FASD individuals. Hippocampal and cortical neuronal differentiation and maturation are highly influenced by both intrinsic transcriptional signaling and extracellular cues. Epigenetic mechanisms, primarily DNA methylation and histone modifications, are hypothesized to be involved in regulating key neural development events, and are subject to alcohol exposure. Alcohol is shown to modify DNA methylation and histone modifications through altering methyl donor metabolisms. Recent studies in our laboratory have shown that alcohol disrupted genome-wide DNA methylation and delayed early embryonic development. However, how alcohol affects DNA methylation in fetal hippocampal and cortical development remains elusive, therefore, will be the theme of this study. We reported that, in a dietary alcohol-intake model of FASD, prenatal alcohol exposure retarded the development of fetal hippocampus and cortex, accompanied by a delayed cellular DNA methylation program. We identified a programed 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxylmethylcytosine (5hmC) cellular and chromatic re-organization that was associated with neuronal differentiation and maturation spatiotemporally, and this process was hindered by prenatal alcohol exposure. Furthermore, we showed that alcohol disrupted locus-specific DNA methylation on neural specification genes and reduced neurogenic properties of neural stem cells, which might contribute to the aberration in neurogenesis of FASD individuals. The work of this dissertation suggested an important role of DNA methylation in neural development and elucidated a potential epigenetic mechanism in the alcohol teratogenesis.
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