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Lättläst eller inte? : En läromedelsanalys av lättlästa läroböcker, inom ämnet svenska, anpassade för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Easy-to-read literature or not? : A study of easy-to-read textbooks used when teaching swedish to students with difficulties in reading and writing.Petersson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The demands on the adult literacy-rate are very high in Sweden. People with reading and writing difficulties may find it hard to fit into the community and to succeed in school. To accommodate the needs of students with learning disabilities, Swedish schools provide easy-to-understand materials. The purpose of my thesis is to examine how easy-to-read textbooks for high school students are different from regular textbooks. The study was carried out using a content analysis and I examined the books according to criteria specified by the Swedish author Torbjörn Lundgren. The results showed that the adapted books do not follow the requirements for easy-to-read literature. However, there is a big difference between the easy-to-read textbooks and the regular textbooks. The easy-to-read books have been simplified and the content is explained in complete detail. There is also a big difference between the two adapted books that I examined. They seem to be based on different easy-to-read criteria.</p>
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Undervisning av dyslektiker : En kvalitativ studie av två svensklärares arbetssätt med elever som har diagnosen dyslexi / Teaching of dyslexic : A case study of two Swedish teachers working with pupilswho have been diagnosed with dyslexiaJonasson, Tina January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers’ efforts to teach students with dyslexia in Swedish. The intention with this study is to get the right tools to work with these kinds of students in a more improved and giving way in the future. My questions of issue are:</p><p>- How can teachers facilitate the learning process for students with dyslexia?</p><p>- Are pupils with dyslexia included in the teachers’ education in the classroom?</p><p>- How do the other pupils integrate with the dyslexia pupils in the classroom?</p><p>- How does the teacher manage the situation to teach the whole class at the same time as he/she helps the pupils with dyslexia?</p><p>- How do you practice when to assess and rate the students with dyslexia?</p><p>The method used in this paper is a combination of participant observation and interviews with two teachers and their classes. To be able to construe my results in this paper, I will be using Peder Haugs theory including integration and segregate integration but also a theory based on including or excluding way of working.</p><p>The main conclusion of this paper is that teachers can work in many different ways with dyslectic pupils. The teachers must try to find a way that is right for themself and their pupils, there is no right and wrong in this work. But what’s most important is to help the dyslectic cope with school.</p>
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En studie i dyslektikers kommunikativa och känslomässiga interaktion med användandet av specialgjorda datorprogram : Genom forskning med användare/elever på en gymnasienivå och enligt specialpedagog/speciallärareGullström, Wictor January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den här C-uppsatsen är en studie om dyslektikers kommunikativa interaktion med kompenserande specialgjorda datorprogram för träning i sitt användande av att skriva olika sorters texter. Ämnets olika nyckelord är det som är relevant för denna C-uppsats.</p><p> </p><p>Denna studies undersökningar har skett genom intervjuer med en speciallärare och en specialpedagog som är en form av experter på detta område och kan extra fakta om de olika eleverna (respondenterna). De har intervjuats för att få koll på vad de tycker och anser om specialgjorda datorprogram som jag undersökt. De har även fått svara på en enkät med liknande frågor som i intervjuerna. En annan metod som används för denna C-uppsats är en sorts semiotisk kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att påvisa hur de specialgjorda datorprogrammen ser ut.</p><p> </p><p>När det gäller en sorts avläsning till resultatet har den skett med en avläsning av Shannon & Weavers kommunikationsmodell fast till en egen modell samt via en kvalitativ analys som beskriver de specialgjorda datorprogrammens uppbyggnad.</p><p> </p><p>Den främsta slutsatsen som fram kom är att denna C-uppsats kommit fram användarnas/elevers och speciallärares och attityder och tankar kring sitt användande av dessa specialgjorda datorprogram som är <em>Oribi Spellright </em>och<em> Vital,</em> via den egna omgjorda Shannon & Weaver modellen.</p><p> </p><p>Denna C-uppsats är relevant inom det medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga området för den använder sig av Shannon & Weavers kommunikationsmodell samt en form av ett interaktionsmoment mellan människa och dator.</p> / <p>This paper essay is a study about dyslexia communications and interaction with compensating special made computer programs for training to write texts. This study has this kind of different keywords because they are relevant for this paper.</p><p> </p><p>The study’s different survey methods have been performed by interviewing two special teachers because they are experts on the subject and know a lot of facts about the pupils (the respondents). They also have been interviewed so I know what they mean and consider about the special made computer programs. They also have done a survey with similar questions like the interview. One other method I use for this paper essay is a kind of semiotic qualitative analysis about how the special made computer programs look like.</p><p> </p><p>About the reading to the result of this paper, it has been a reading with the Shannon and Weaver’s communication model but like an own kind of model and by a qualitative analyse of de special made computer programs to se how they works.</p><p> </p><p>The first conclusion that came up during the paper essay, are the users/pupils and special teachers attitude and thought about their uses with the special made computer programs that are <em>Oribi Spellright </em>and <em>Vital.</em> By read it of an own kind of model that are similar with the Shannon & Weaver model.</p><p> </p><p>This paper essay has relevance in the media and communication studies because it uses the Shannon and Weaver’s communication model, by a kind of interaction.</p>
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Speciell pedagogik = Specialpedagogik? : En studie i synsättet på dyslexi inom två alternativa pedagogiker / Special education = Special pedagogy? : A study of two different pedagogical approaches to dyslexiaBråth Petersson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this report is to contribute with knowledge about the views within special education. I want to explore and compare the way students with special needs are approached within two different pedagogies in Sweden: Waldorf pedagogy and Montessori pedagogy.</p><p>I have closely studied these pedagogies, read the literature from existing research and also by conducting two interviews with a representative from each pedagogy Both pedagogies claim that their teaching methods are most suitable for children with reading and writing difficulties..</p><p>The Waldorf pedagogy was founded in 1919 in Germany by Rudolf Steiner. The pedagogy believes in the development of the students into independent children who can use their bodies as a tool for the learning of knowledge. The Montessori pedagogy was also founded in the beginning of the nineteenth century and stands for developing the students into independent individuals. However, the pedagogical approach to reading, writing and dyslexia is different. The Waldorf teachers avoid the term dyslexia because many of them have the opinion that these children are being diagnosed too easily. The method of teaching is relatively relaxed and to be able to read and write is not necessary during the first years in school. On the other hand, the Montessori teachers are planning their students education so that they learn how to read and write during the first year, when they are only six years old. They believe that all students have different backgrounds and that a child who is attending a Montessori school is no different than the children who are studying within the traditional school system in Sweden.</p> / <p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bidra med kunskap inom synen på specialpedagogik. Jag vill se och jämföra bemötandet av elever med speciella behov inom två pedagogiker i Sverige; Waldorfpedagogik och Montessoripedagogik.</p><p>Jag har studerat dessa pedagogiker närmare, gjort en litteraturstudie av den tidigare forskningen och även genomfört två intervjuer med en representant från vardera pedagogik. Båda pedagogikerna hävdar att deras undervisningssätt är mest lämpat för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, detta trots de stora skillnaderna i deras sätt att undervisa.</p><p>Waldorfpedagogiken grundades 1919 i Tyskland av Rudolf Steiner. Pedagogiken står för att utveckla eleverna till själständiga människor som kan använda sin kropp som ett verktyg för kunskapsinlärning. Montessoripedagogiken uppkom även den i början av 1900-talet och står också den för att utveckla eleverna till självständiga individer. Dock skiljer sig synsättet på läs- och skrivinlärning samt dyslexi betydligt. Waldorfpedagogerna drar sig för att använda begreppet dyslexi i skolan då många anser att eleverna diagnostiseras allt för lätt. Undervisningssättet har ett relativt lugnt tempo och att kunna bruka läsning och skrivning är inget som krävs under de första åren i skolan. Montessoripedagogerna å andra sidan lägger upp arbetssättet så att eleverna lär sig läsa och skriva redan i förskoleklassen och arbetar utefter det. De menar att alla har olika bagage med sig och att det inte är någon skillnad på eleverna som läser enligt Montessoripedagogik jämfört med den traditionella skolgången.</p>
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Utveckling och normering av ett stavningstest för vuxna (STAVUX)Nilsson, Elin, Pettersson, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla och normera ett logopediskt stavningstest för vuxna., då det idag saknas ett sådant test. Det framtagna testet bestod till en början av en orddel som innehöll 80 ord i varierande svårighetsgrad, utvalda för att representera svenskans olika stavningskombinationer. Vidare fanns en del med 80 nonord, konstruerade för att följa svenskans ljudmässiga uppbyggnad. 146 deltagare från 18 – 94 år deltog i normeringen av testet. Urvalet stratifierades efter kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå så att inverkan av dessa olika faktorer på stavningsförmågan kunde undersökas. Resultaten visade att utbildningsnivå påverkade stavningsförmågan på så sätt att personer med eftergymnasial utbildning klarade stavning av både ord och nonord bättre än personer med förgymnasial/gymnasial utbildning. Vidare uppvisade kvinnor bättre resultat på stavning av ord jämfört med män, men ingen signifikant skillnad i stavningsförmåga av nonord uppmättes. Vid stavning av ord framkom ingen skillnad i förhållande till ålder, men vid stavning av nonord uppvisade äldre personer ett sämre resultat, troligen p.g.a. nedsatt hörsel. De vanligaste typerna av stavfel bland deltagarna var på orddelen enkel-/dubbelteckning och på nonorddelen utbyte av bokstav. Stavfelens placering förekom främst medialt i orden, medan de i nonorden fanns både initialt och medialt. Studien utmynnade i STAVUX, ett test med 45 ord och 45 nonord, utvalda från det ursprungliga testet. STAVUX deltest har en hög intern reliabilitet. Testet har normerats och är tänkt att användas vid utredning av vuxna med stavningssvårigheter.</p> / <p>Because a comprehensive clinical spelling test for adults does not exist today, the aim of this study was to develop and standardize such a test. The originally developed test consisted of one part containing 80 words of varying difficulty, chosen to represent the different spelling combinations of the Swedish language. Furthermore, the test had a part containing 80 pseudo-words, constructed to follow the Swedish sound system. 146 participants between the age of 18 to 94 participated in the standardization of the test. The selection was stratified by sex, age and level of education, in order to examine the influence of these variables on spelling ability. The results indicated that the level of education affected the spelling ability, so that participants with high education spelled both words and pseudo-words better than participants with low education. Moreover women had better results on the spelling of words than men, whereas no significant sex differences was found on pseudo-word spelling. Age did not influence word spelling, but elderly participants had significantly lower results on the pseudo-words, likely because of impaired hearing. The most common type of word misspelling was single/double spelling of consonants. On pseudo-words, grapheme substitutions were the most common error. Misspellings were most frequent medially in words and initially and medially in pseudo-words. The study resulted in STAVUX, a test consisting of 45 words and 45 pseudo words, selected from the original version. The different parts of STAVUX thus have high internal reliability. The test has been standardized and is intended to be a part of the assessment of adults with spelling difficulties.</p>
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Reading Difficulties and the Twofold Character of Language : How to Understand DyslexiaLundström, Lars January 2004 (has links)
<p>The present longitudinal study, which comprised 125 children from Grade 2 (typal age: 8) to Grade 6 (typal age: 13), examines and interprets the results of several decoding and reading comprehension tests. A point of departure is the proposition that there may be a lack of concepts about central questions that help interpret the results of an expanding test practice in the educational system. To construct the central questions the typologies and hypothetical causes of reading problems ought to be constrained in relation to explanatory constructs combining reading acquisition and reading difficulties. </p><p>First, the field of research on reading acquisition and reading difficulties was surveyed as a background to the presentation of the model, which is heavily indebted to and basically molded on the balance model but which also takes advantage of the proposition of combining the double-route and connectionist approaches. </p><p>Second, the following themes were investigated empirically:</p><p>– The predictive power of the tests: Generally, there seem to be almost as accurate predictions from Grade 2 as from Grade 3. A combined decoding-comprehension prediction was not shown to be more powerful as a product than as a linear combination.</p><p>– The possibility of an image/symbol transition in early reading acquisition: A weak image/letter decoding correlation distinguished boys weak in reading comprehension from all others in Grade 3; a weak letter/word decoding correlation distinguished those weak from those strong in reading comprehension regardless of gender in Grades 2 and 3; and a weak image/word decoding correlation distinguished boys from girls in Grade 2. </p><p>– Indications of stages in the development of reading: The conclusion is that orthographic decoding is more strongly related to reading comprehension than is phonologic decoding but there appears to be a parallel development of phonologic and orthographic decoding between Grades 3 and 6. This pattern seems to be the same for boys and girls and for those with low and high reading comprehension. </p><p>– Comparing subtypes: The surface/phonologic dyslexia distinctions were tentatively related to the linguistic/perceptual dyslexia distinctions and the letter/word-decoding screening instrument. The compensatory concept is questioned.</p><p>– Dimensions in reading acquisition and reading difficulties: A conclusive proposition of the study is that the hypothetical twofold metaphor/metonym character of language may be instrumental in analysing the complex interaction between the characteristic traits of the learning brain and the construction of meaning through script.</p>
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Spektrum Patholinguistik (Band 4) - Schwerpunktthema: Lesen lernen: Diagnostik und Therapie bei Störungen des Leseerwerbs / Spektrum Patholinguistik (Band 4)- Key issue: Learning to read: Assessment and intervention in developmental reading disordersJanuary 2011 (has links)
Am 20. November 2010 fand an der Universität Potsdam das 4. Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik statt. Die Konferenzreihe wird regelmäßig seit 2007 vom Verband für Patholinguistik e.V. (vpl) durchgeführt. Der vorliegende Tagungsband veröffentlicht die Hauptvorträge des Herbsttreffens zum Thema "Lesen lernen: Diagnostik und Therapie bei Störungen des Leseerwerbs". Des Weiteren sind die Beiträge promovierender bzw. promovierter PatholinguistInnen sowie der Posterpräsentationen enthalten. / On November 20, 2010, the 4th Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik took place at the University of Potsdam. This annual conference is organized by the Verband für Patholinguistik e.V. (vpl). The main topic was "Learning to read: Assessment and intervention in developmental dyslexia". These proceedings contain the four main lectures, the contributed talks of the "Spektrum Patholinguistik" covering various psycho- and neurolinguistic research areas, and the abstracts of the presented posters.
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Dyslexi genom livet : Ett utvecklingsperspektiv på läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Dyslexia from childhood into adulthood : A developmental perspective on reading and writing disabilitiesFouganthine, Anna January 2012 (has links)
The thesis reports a follow-up study from eight years of age to adulthood for a group of students with dyslexic problems compared to a matched group of students without such problems. The empirical basis of the thesis is provided by the research project, Reading Development in Kronoberg, which has been supplemented by data from adulthood in the form of questionnaires, test results and interviews. The thesis comprises three studies. In Study I, the aim is to examine how reading and writing disabilities emerge during the first school years. The Simple View of Reading, was used to classify the poor readers into various subgroups. In Study II, the reading development of students with reading disability was examined at group and individual levels. The theme of Study III is a comparison of the living conditions of adults in a group of dyslexics compared to a group without difficulties, and to investigate how the participants in the study have tackled their problems. The results reveal a development pattern among dyslexic students, with early phonological problems persisting into adulthood in spite of substantial special education measures, in school Baseline performance at eight years of age is by far the best predictor of adult skills. No clearly discernible subgroups were found among the dyslexic students. The result profiles indicate a great variation among the participants, both regarding function and degree of impairment. Nevertheless, a number of students in the dyslexic groups have achieved surprisingly good word decoding abilities. In addition to the degree of impairment, factors such as reading development, the teaching of reading demands for reading and writing in adult life, and individual coping ability affect the outcome of the perceived difficulties. It is of the utmost importance that special needs education in the future be guided by a thorough assessment and follow-up program where manifest reading and writing skills as well as underlying cognitive functions are profiled. Moreover, intervention should follow evidence-based methods in order to prevent educational failure and social maladjustment among pupils. The thesis demonstrates that reading and writing disabilities have major consequences for educational achievement and working life outcomes, in addition to many other aspects of adult livelihood.
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Reading Difficulties and the Twofold Character of Language : How to Understand DyslexiaLundström, Lars January 2004 (has links)
The present longitudinal study, which comprised 125 children from Grade 2 (typal age: 8) to Grade 6 (typal age: 13), examines and interprets the results of several decoding and reading comprehension tests. A point of departure is the proposition that there may be a lack of concepts about central questions that help interpret the results of an expanding test practice in the educational system. To construct the central questions the typologies and hypothetical causes of reading problems ought to be constrained in relation to explanatory constructs combining reading acquisition and reading difficulties. First, the field of research on reading acquisition and reading difficulties was surveyed as a background to the presentation of the model, which is heavily indebted to and basically molded on the balance model but which also takes advantage of the proposition of combining the double-route and connectionist approaches. Second, the following themes were investigated empirically: – The predictive power of the tests: Generally, there seem to be almost as accurate predictions from Grade 2 as from Grade 3. A combined decoding-comprehension prediction was not shown to be more powerful as a product than as a linear combination. – The possibility of an image/symbol transition in early reading acquisition: A weak image/letter decoding correlation distinguished boys weak in reading comprehension from all others in Grade 3; a weak letter/word decoding correlation distinguished those weak from those strong in reading comprehension regardless of gender in Grades 2 and 3; and a weak image/word decoding correlation distinguished boys from girls in Grade 2. – Indications of stages in the development of reading: The conclusion is that orthographic decoding is more strongly related to reading comprehension than is phonologic decoding but there appears to be a parallel development of phonologic and orthographic decoding between Grades 3 and 6. This pattern seems to be the same for boys and girls and for those with low and high reading comprehension. – Comparing subtypes: The surface/phonologic dyslexia distinctions were tentatively related to the linguistic/perceptual dyslexia distinctions and the letter/word-decoding screening instrument. The compensatory concept is questioned. – Dimensions in reading acquisition and reading difficulties: A conclusive proposition of the study is that the hypothetical twofold metaphor/metonym character of language may be instrumental in analysing the complex interaction between the characteristic traits of the learning brain and the construction of meaning through script.
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En studie i dyslektikers kommunikativa och känslomässiga interaktion med användandet av specialgjorda datorprogram : Genom forskning med användare/elever på en gymnasienivå och enligt specialpedagog/speciallärareGullström, Wictor January 2008 (has links)
Den här C-uppsatsen är en studie om dyslektikers kommunikativa interaktion med kompenserande specialgjorda datorprogram för träning i sitt användande av att skriva olika sorters texter. Ämnets olika nyckelord är det som är relevant för denna C-uppsats. Denna studies undersökningar har skett genom intervjuer med en speciallärare och en specialpedagog som är en form av experter på detta område och kan extra fakta om de olika eleverna (respondenterna). De har intervjuats för att få koll på vad de tycker och anser om specialgjorda datorprogram som jag undersökt. De har även fått svara på en enkät med liknande frågor som i intervjuerna. En annan metod som används för denna C-uppsats är en sorts semiotisk kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att påvisa hur de specialgjorda datorprogrammen ser ut. När det gäller en sorts avläsning till resultatet har den skett med en avläsning av Shannon & Weavers kommunikationsmodell fast till en egen modell samt via en kvalitativ analys som beskriver de specialgjorda datorprogrammens uppbyggnad. Den främsta slutsatsen som fram kom är att denna C-uppsats kommit fram användarnas/elevers och speciallärares och attityder och tankar kring sitt användande av dessa specialgjorda datorprogram som är Oribi Spellright och Vital, via den egna omgjorda Shannon & Weaver modellen. Denna C-uppsats är relevant inom det medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga området för den använder sig av Shannon & Weavers kommunikationsmodell samt en form av ett interaktionsmoment mellan människa och dator. / This paper essay is a study about dyslexia communications and interaction with compensating special made computer programs for training to write texts. This study has this kind of different keywords because they are relevant for this paper. The study’s different survey methods have been performed by interviewing two special teachers because they are experts on the subject and know a lot of facts about the pupils (the respondents). They also have been interviewed so I know what they mean and consider about the special made computer programs. They also have done a survey with similar questions like the interview. One other method I use for this paper essay is a kind of semiotic qualitative analysis about how the special made computer programs look like. About the reading to the result of this paper, it has been a reading with the Shannon and Weaver’s communication model but like an own kind of model and by a qualitative analyse of de special made computer programs to se how they works. The first conclusion that came up during the paper essay, are the users/pupils and special teachers attitude and thought about their uses with the special made computer programs that are Oribi Spellright and Vital. By read it of an own kind of model that are similar with the Shannon & Weaver model. This paper essay has relevance in the media and communication studies because it uses the Shannon and Weaver’s communication model, by a kind of interaction.
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