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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faculty Senate Minutes February 5, 2018

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 14 February 2018 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Chronopsychobiologische Pilotstudie zur objektiven Bestimmung funktioneller Gesundheitszustände

Anske, Ute 15 September 2003 (has links)
1. Unterschiedliche Definitionen der Gesundheit mit verschiedenen Betrachtungsweisen (WHO: Der Mensch eine biopsychosoziale Einheit. Schulmedizin: ohne klinischen und paraklinischen Befund mit Orientierung an kritikbedürftigen Referenzmittelwerten) führt bei Fachleuten, Behörden und Laien zu Verwirrungen, wenn es um die Beurteilung gesundheitlicher Schäden geht. 2. Es wurde die Aufgabe gestellt zu prüfen, welche der beiden Definitionen der Realität näher kommt. 3. Mittels der chronopsychobiologischen Regulationsdiagnostik, des Dreiphasenentspannungstests (Hecht und Balzer 2001), wurden unter dem Aspekt der beiden Gesundheitsdefinitionen drei Gruppen untersucht (je 40 Probanden). - klinisch Gesunde (klinisch Gesunde nach Schulmedizin ) - Gesunde nach Definition der WHO - Probanden mit nichtorganische Insomnie (ohne pathologische klinische und paraklinische Befunde) 4. Die mit den verwendeten Methoden gewonnenen Daten wiesen aus, dass zwischen den klinisch Gesunden und den Probanden mit nichtorganischer Insomnie weitgehend größere Ähnlichkeiten bestehen. Beide Gruppen zeigten aber zu der Gruppe der Gesunden nach WHO-Definition, welche die biopsychosoziale Einheit des Menschen berücksichtigt, noch hochsignifikante Unterschiede. Die Gruppe der klinisch Gesunden kann daher auf Grund unserer Ergebnisse nicht den Anspruch erheben, real gesund zu sein. 5. Mit der Bezugnahme auf die Internationale Klassifikation der Krankheiten (ICD 10F) haben die von uns untersuchten klinisch Gesunden und die nichtorganischen Insomniker eine mehr oder weniger stark ausgeprägte Symptomatik von psychischen Störungen. Dies müsste bei der Beurteilung von Schadstoff-, Lärm-, und EMF-Wirkungen auf den Menschen, wie auch bei den klinisch-pharmakoloischen Untersuchungen beachtet werden. Die in der Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse bedürfen durch weitere Untersuchungen eine Fundierung. Sie signalisieren aber sowohl unter praktischen als auch unter theoretischen Aspekten einen dringenden Forschungsbedarf. / 1. Differing definitions of health using different criterea (WHO: The human being as a bio- psycho-social unit versus classical medicine: without clinical and paraclinical results based on suspect reference values) bring confusion to experts, authorities and laymen when assessing health damages. 2. The given task was to check which of the two definitions is closer to reality. 3. Using the chrono-psycho-biological diagnostic of regulation, the three-phase-relaxation test (Hecht and Balzer 2001), three groups were examined considering the aspects of the two health definitions (40 test subjects in the study group). - clinically healthy (clinically healthy per classical medicine definition) - healthy per definition of the WHO - test persons with non organic insomnia (i.e. no pathological or paraclinical findings) 4. The data gained from the employed methods revealed bigger similarities between clinically healthy persons and those with non organic insomnia. Both groups still showed highly significant differences to the group which fulfils the definition of the WHO regarding a human as a bio-psycho-social unit. As a result of this study, persons, though classified as "clinically healthy" might nevertheless not absolutely be healthy in reality. 5. In reference to the international classification of illnesses (ICD 10 F) the groups examined, both of clinically healthy and those with non organic insomnia, have more or less severe psychological symptoms. This should be taken into account when assessing the effects of pollution, noise, and EMF as well as clinical pharmacological studies. These present findings still need broader confirmation by further investigations. However, they clearly indicate, for practical and theoretical considerations, an urgent need for further research.

Achieving Complex Motion with Fundamental Components for Lamina Emergent Mechanisms

Winder, Brian Geoffrey 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Designing mechanical products in a competitive environment can present unique challenges, and designers constantly search for innovative ways to increase efficiency. One way to save space and reduce cost is to use ortho-planar compliant mechanisms which can be made from sheets of material, or lamina emergent mechanisms (LEMs). This thesis presents principles which can be used for designing LEMs. Pop-up paper mechanisms use topologies similar to LEMs, so it is advantageous to study their kinematics. This thesis outlines the use of planar and spherical kinematics to model commonly used pop-up paper mechanisms. A survey of common joint types is given, as well as an overview of common monolithic and layered mechanisms. In addition, it is shown that more complex mechanisms may be created by combining simple mechanisms in various ways. The principles presented are applied to the creation of new pop-up joints and mechanisms, which also may be used for lamina emergent mechanisms. Models of the paper mechanisms presented in Chapter 2 of the thesis are found in the appendix, and the reader is encouraged to print, cut out and assemble them. One challenge associated with spherical and spatial LEM design is creating joints with the desired motion characteristics, especially where complex spatial mechanism topologies are required. Hence, in addition to a study of paper mechanisms, some important considerations for designing joints for LEMs are presented. A technique commonly used in robotics, using serial chains of revolute and prismatic joints to approximate the motion of complex joints, is presented for use in LEMs. Important considerations such as linkage configuration and mechanism prototyping are also discussed. Another challenge in designing LEMs is creating multi-stable mechanisms with the ability to have coplanar links. A method is presented for offsetting the joint axes of a spatial compliant mechanism to introduce multi-stability. A new bistable spatial compliant linkage that uses that technique is introduced. In the interest of facilitating LEM design, the final chapter of this thesis presents a preliminary design method. While similar to traditional methods, this method includes considerations for translating the mechanism topology into a suitable configuration for use with planar layers of material.


DANIEL HUAMAN MOSQUEIRA 28 January 2015 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente está bem difundido o uso de novas modelagens matemáticas para o estudo do comportamento de micro e nano sistemas mecânicos e eléctricos. O problema de escala é notável quando o tamanho das moléculas, partículas, grãos ou cristais de um sólido é relativamente considerável em relação ao comprimento do microdispositivo. Nesses casos a teoria clássica dos meios contínuos não descreve apropriadamente a solicitação estrutural e é necessária uma abordagem mais geral através de teorias generalizadas não-clássicas que contém a elasticidade clássica como um caso particular delas, onde os parâmetros constitutivos que representam às partículas são desprezíveis. Quando os efeitos microestruturais são importantes, o comportamento não responde como um material homogêneo se não como um material homogêneo. Cem anos atrás os irmãos Cosserat desenvolveram uma teoria de grãos rígidos imersos dentro de um macromeio elástico; posteriormente Toupin, Mindlin e outros pesquisadores na década de 60 formularam a chamada teoria gradiente de deformações, que recentemente é um objeto de muitas investigações analíticas e experimentais. Na década de oitenta, Aifantis e colaboradores conseguiram desenvolver uma teoria de gradiente de deformações simplificada, baseada em só uma constante elástica adicional não-clássica representativa da energia de deformação volumétrica para caracterizar satisfatoriamente os padrões dos fenômenos não-clássicos. Beskos e colaboradores estenderam o campo de aplicações da proposta inicial de Aifantis e fizeram as primeira implementações de elementos de contorno 2D e 3D para análises de elasticidade gradiente estática, no domínio da frequência e a mecânica da fratura. Desde o tempo de Toupin e Mindlin, procura-se estabelecer uma base variacional da teoria e uma formulação consistente das condições de contorno cinemáticas e de equilíbrio, o que parece ter tido êxito com os recentes trabalhos de Amanatidou e Aravas. Esta tese apresenta a formulação do método híbrido de elementos de contorno e finitos na elasticidade gradiente desenvolvida por Dumont e Huamán decompondo o potencial de Hellinger-Reissner em dois princípios de trabalhos virtuais: o primeiro em deslocamentos virtuais e o segundo em forças virtuais. Com esta finalidade é considerado além dos parâmetros clássicos, o trabalho realizado pelas tensões, deformações, forças e deslocamentos não-clássicos. É apresentado o desenvoltimento das soluções fundamentais singulares e polinomiais atráves das equações diferenciais de sexta ordem obtidas da equação de equilíbrio em termos de deslocamento na elasticidade gradiente. É apresentada também a aplicaçõ do método híbrido de contorno para problemas de tensão axial unidimensional e flexão bidimensional de vigas. Finalmente mostra-se a aplicação numérica do método em elementos finitos, é verificado o patch test de elementos finitos de diferentes ordem e mostra-se também análises de convergência. / [en] The use of new mathematical modeling in the study of micro and Nano electro mechanical systems is currently becoming widespread. The scaling problem is apparent when the length of molecules, particles or grains immersed in the material is relatively important compared with the whole micro device dimension. Under this approach the classical theories of mechanics cannot describe suitably the structural requirement and it is necessary a more general outlook through non classical generalized theories which enclose the classical elasticity as a particular case where the non-classical constitutive parameters are negligible. When the microstructural effects are important, the material does not respond as a homogeneous but as a non-homogeneous one. A hundred years ago Cosserat brothers formulated a new theory of rigid grains which were embedded in an elastic macro medium; later Toupin, Mindlin along others researchers in 1960s developed a gradient strain theory which has been recently the source of many analystics and experimental investigations. In 1980s Ainfantis et al could develop a simplified strain gradient theory with just one additional non classical elastic constant which represents the volumetric elastic strain energy and characterized successfully the whole non classical pattern phenomenon. Beskos et al extended the treatment proposed initially by Aifantis and developed the first numerical applications for 2D and 3D boundary element methods and solved static as dynamic and crack problems. Since the times of Toupin and Mindlin it is looking for to establish a variational theory with a consistent cinematic and equilibrium boundary conditions, which seemed to have had success in the recent works of Amanatiodou and Aravas. This work presents the formulation of the hybrid boundary and finite element methods under the strain gradient scope which were developed by Dumont and Huamán through the versatile decomposition of the Hellinger-Reissner potential in two work principles: the displacements virtual work and the forces virtual work; both principles contain the virtual work performed by the non-classical magnitudes. Following, it is presented the complete development of singular and polynominal fundamental solutions abtained through the sixth order strain gradient differential equilibrium equations in terms of displacements. Next it is shown an application of the method to unidimensional truss element and bidimensional beam. Finally, it is presented a numerical application to strain gradient finite element, it is checked the patch tests to different elements orders and it is also shown a series of convergence analysis.

Modelación de parámetros de calidad de uva vinífera con índices satelitales provenientes de imágenes de resolución espacial media para el manejo diferenciado de viñedos en Chile

Fredes Castro, Sandra Natalia 03 November 2024 (has links)
[ES] La industria vitivinícola contemporánea enfrenta varios desafíos clave: optimizar la producción, minimizar la huella ambiental, reducir costos y mejorar la calidad del vino. La integración de la tecnología y herramientas de teledetección ha demostrado ser una solución eficiente para estos problemas. La agricultura de precisión, que incluye el manejo del riego, evaluación y control del follaje, y la identificación de los mejores emplazamientos para cada variedad de uva, es especialmente beneficiosa para esta industria. Un aspecto crucial en la producción de vino es el seguimiento de la madurez de las bayas de uva, mediante la determinación del contenido de azúcar y acidez, lo cual permite establecer la fecha óptima de vendimia. Tras la producción del vino, se evalúan su color y contenido de polifenoles, indicadores de calidad. Las imágenes satelitales son fundamentales en la teledetección para la agricultura de precisión, permitiendo monitorear la salud de los viñedos y controlar las condiciones meteorológicas. Este estudio utilizó imágenes satelitales para relacionar parámetros de calidad del vino (pre y poscosecha) con índices y bandas espectrales derivadas de las imágenes Sentinel-2 obtenidas antes de la cosecha. La investigación abarcó las temporadas de vendimia de 2017 y 2018, estudiando 135.8 hectáreas de viñedos de uvas Cabernet Sauvignon en la comuna de Marchigüe, Valle de Colchagua, Chile Central. El objetivo principal fue desarrollar modelos utilizando índices y variables espectrales de imágenes Sentinel-2 para aproximar parámetros de calidad de uva y vino, como °Brix y pH, así como índice de color, antocianinas totales y fenoles totales del vino. Se espera que estos modelos, aplicados en toda la superficie de trabajo, permitan una gestión diferenciada del cultivo, mejorando la calidad del vino al predecir indicadores pre y poscosecha que influyen en las características sensoriales y la diferenciación de marcas. En las variables precosecha, las bandas de onda corta y el índice de vegetación son más frecuentes, mientras que en las variables poscosecha destacan las bandas de borde rojo, infrarrojo cercano y el índice de humedad. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de realizar más estudios o explorar otras especies. Las imágenes satelitales se valoran como herramientas valiosas para mejorar el proceso artesanal y obtener vinos de mejor calidad, destacando la metodología de trabajo adaptable a diversas condiciones ambientales. Uno de los hallazgos más interesantes es la determinación del periodo fisiológico óptimo para el análisis predictivo, específicamente la quincena previa a la vendimia, permitiendo una planificación precisa y oportuna del proceso de cosecha y proporcionando datos esenciales para los enólogos. En cuanto a los coeficientes de determinación obtenidos para °Brix, índice de color y antocianinas totales en la primera temporada, los resultados son altamente positivos, con valores entre 65% y 77%, lo que sugiere una predicción fiable y contribuye a la definición de la cosecha selectiva. Otras variables muestran relaciones menos concluyentes, con coeficientes de determinación entre 42% y 57% en las campañas 2017 y 2018, indicando la necesidad de mejorar el estudio mediante un mayor número de muestras o refinando el proceso de muestreo. Los resultados positivos y la disponibilidad de imágenes satelitales ofrecen la oportunidad de identificar áreas para estudios detallados y cosechas diferenciadas. La selección precisa de uvas con características similares es crucial para mejorar la calidad y productividad del vino. Este estudio resalta la viabilidad de la teledetección y la vendimia selectiva como herramientas clave para gestionar la calidad y estilo del vino, proporcionando nuevas perspectivas en la viticultura. / [CA] La indústria vitivinícola contemporània enfronta diversos reptes clau: optimitzar la producció, minimitzar la petjada ambiental, reduir costos i millorar la qualitat del vi. La integració de la tecnologia i les eines de teledetecció ha demostrat ser una solució eficient per a aquests problemes. L'agricultura de precisió, que inclou el maneig del reg, avaluació i control del fullatge, i la identificació dels millors emplaçaments per a cada varietat de raïm, és especialment beneficiosa per a aquesta indústria. Un aspecte crucial en la producció de vi és el seguiment de la maduresa de les baies de raïm, mitjançant la determinació del contingut de sucre i acidesa, cosa que permet establir la data òptima de verema. Després de la producció del vi, se n'avaluen el color i el contingut de polifenols, indicadors de qualitat. Les imatges satel·litàries són fonamentals en la teledetecció per a l'agricultura de precisió, permetent monitoritzar la salut de les vinyes i controlar les condicions meteorològiques. Aquest estudi va utilitzar imatges satelitals per relacionar paràmetres de qualitat del vi (pre i postcollita) amb índexs i bandes espectrals derivades de les imatges Sentinel-2 obtingudes abans de la collita. La investigació va abastar les temporades de verema de 2017 i 2018, estudiant 135.8 hectàrees de vinyes de raïm Cabernet Sauvignon a la comuna de Marchigüe, Vall de Colchagua, Xile Central. L'objectiu principal va ser desenvolupar models utilitzant índexs i variables espectrals d'imatges Sentinel-2 per aproximar paràmetres de qualitat de raïm i vi, com °Brix i pH, així com índex de color, antocianines totals i fenols totals del vi. S'espera que aquests models, aplicats a tota la superfície de treball, permetin una gestió diferenciada del cultiu, millorant la qualitat del vi en predir indicadors pre i postcollita que influeixen en les característiques sensorials i la diferenciació de marques. A les variables precollita, les bandes d'ona curta i l'índex de vegetació són més freqüents, mentre que a les variables postcollita destaquen les bandes de vora vermella, infraroig proper i l'índex d'humitat. Aquests resultats suggereixen la necessitat de fer més estudis o explorar altres espècies. Les imatges satel·litàries es valoren com a eines valuoses per millorar el procés artesanal i obtenir vins de millor qualitat, destacant la metodologia de treball adaptable a diverses condicions ambientals. Una de les troballes més interessants és la determinació del període fisiològic òptim per a l'anàlisi predictiva, específicament la quinzena prèvia a la verema, permetent una planificació precisa i oportuna del procés de collita i proporcionant dades essencials per als enòlegs. Pel que fa als coeficients de determinació obtinguts per a °Brix, índex de color i antocianines totals a la primera temporada, els resultats són altament positius, amb valors entre 65% i 77%, cosa que suggereix una predicció fiable i contribueix a la definició de la collita selectiva. Altres variables mostren relacions menys concloents, amb coeficients de determinació entre 42% i 57% a les campanyes 2017 i 2018, indicant la necessitat de millorar l'estudi mitjançant un nombre més gran de mostres o refinant el procés de mostreig. Els resultats positius i la disponibilitat d'imatges satel·litals ofereixen l'oportunitat d'identificar àrees per a estudis detallats i collites diferenciades. La selecció precisa de raïms amb característiques similars és crucial per millorar la qualitat i la productivitat del vi. Aquest estudi ressalta la viabilitat de la teledetecció i la verema selectiva com a eines clau per gestionar la qualitat i estil del vi, proporcionant noves perspectives a la viticultura. / [EN] The contemporary wine industry faces several key challenges: optimizing production, minimizing the environmental footprint, reducing costs and improving wine quality. The integration of remote sensing technology and tools has proven to be an efficient solution to these problems. Precision agriculture, which includes irrigation management, canopy assessment and control, and the identification of the best sites for each grape variety, is especially beneficial for this industry. A crucial aspect of wine production is the monitoring of grape berry maturity by determining the sugar and acidity content, which allows the optimal harvest date to be established. After the wine is produced, its color and polyphenol content, quality indicators, are evaluated. Satellite imagery is fundamental in remote sensing for precision agriculture, allowing the health of vineyards to be monitored and weather conditions to be controlled. This study used satellite imagery to relate wine quality parameters (pre- and post-harvest) to indices and spectral bands derived from Sentinel-2 images obtained prior to harvest. The research covered the 2017 and 2018 harvest seasons, studying 135.8 hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon grape vineyards in the commune of Marchigüe, Colchagua Valley, Central Chile. The main objective was to develop models using indices and spectral variables from Sentinel-2 images to approximate grape and wine quality parameters, such as °Brix and pH, as well as color index, total anthocyanins and total phenols of the wine. It is expected that these models, applied across the entire work area, will allow for differentiated crop management, improving wine quality by predicting pre- and postharvest indicators that influence sensory characteristics and brand differentiation. In the pre-harvest variables, shortwave bands and vegetation index are more frequent, while in the post-harvest variables, red-edge bands, near infrared and moisture index stand out. These results suggest the need to conduct further studies or explore other species. Satellite images are valued as valuable tools to improve the artisanal process and obtain better quality wines, highlighting the work methodology adaptable to diverse environmental conditions. One of the most interesting findings is the determination of the optimal physiological period for predictive analysis, specifically the fortnight prior to harvest, allowing precise and timely planning of the harvest process and providing essential data for winemakers. Regarding the coefficients of determination obtained for °Brix, color index and total anthocyanins in the first season, the results are highly positive, with values between 65% and 77%, suggesting a reliable prediction and contributing to the definition of selective harvesting. Other variables show less conclusive relationships, with coefficients of determination between 42% and 57% in the 2017 and 2018 seasons, indicating the need to improve the study by increasing the number of samples or refining the sampling process. The positive results and the availability of satellite images offer the opportunity to identify areas for detailed studies and differentiated vintages. Accurate selection of grapes with similar characteristics is crucial to improve wine quality and productivity. This study highlights the feasibility of remote sensing and selective harvesting as key tools for managing wine quality and style, providing new perspectives in viticulture. / Fredes Castro, SN. (2024). Modelación de parámetros de calidad de uva vinífera con índices satelitales provenientes de imágenes de resolución espacial media para el manejo diferenciado de viñedos en Chile [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/211473

Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Třebíči / Assessment of the Impact of Planning on Land Prices in Třebíč

Fialová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Town and country planning, local plan, book value, market value, agricultural land, residential land.

GIS-based Episode Reconstruction Using GPS Data for Activity Analysis and Route Choice Modeling / GIS-based Episode Reconstruction Using GPS Data

Dalumpines, Ron 26 September 2014 (has links)
Most transportation problems arise from individual travel decisions. In response, transportation researchers had been studying individual travel behavior – a growing trend that requires activity data at individual level. Global positioning systems (GPS) and geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to capture and process individual activity data, from determining activity locations to mapping routes to these locations. Potential applications of GPS data seem limitless but our tools and methods to make these data usable lags behind. In response to this need, this dissertation presents a GIS-based toolkit to automatically extract activity episodes from GPS data and derive information related to these episodes from additional data (e.g., road network, land use). The major emphasis of this dissertation is the development of a toolkit for extracting information associated with movements of individuals from GPS data. To be effective, the toolkit has been developed around three design principles: transferability, modularity, and scalability. Two substantive chapters focus on selected components of the toolkit (map-matching, mode detection); another for the entire toolkit. Final substantive chapter demonstrates the toolkit’s potential by comparing route choice models of work and shop trips using inputs generated by the toolkit. There are several tools and methods that capitalize on GPS data, developed within different problem domains. This dissertation contributes to that repository of tools and methods by presenting a suite of tools that can extract all possible information that can be derived from GPS data. Unlike existing tools cited in the transportation literature, the toolkit has been designed to be complete (covers preprocessing up to extracting route attributes), and can work with GPS data alone or in combination with additional data. Moreover, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of route choice decisions for work and shop trips by looking into the combined effects of route attributes and individual characteristics. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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