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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrepôt de textes : de l'intégration à la modélisation multidimensionnelle de données textuelles / Text Warehouses : from the integration to the multidimensional modeling of textual data

Aknouche, Rachid 26 April 2014 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire vise à proposer des solutions aux problèmes d'entreposage des données textuelles. L'intérêt porté à ce type de données est motivé par le fait qu'elles ne peuvent être intégrées et entreposées par l'application de simples techniques employées dans les systèmes décisionnels actuels. Pour aborder cette problématique, nous avons proposé une démarche pour la construction d'entrepôts de textes. Elle couvre les principales phases d'un processus classique d'entreposage des données et utilise de nouvelles méthodes adaptées aux données textuelles. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur les deux premières phases qui sont l'intégration des données textuelles et leur modélisation multidimensionnelle. Pour mettre en place une solution d'intégration de ce type de données, nous avons eu recours aux techniques de recherche d'information (RI) et du traitement automatique du langage naturel (TALN). Pour cela, nous avons conçu un processus d'ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) adapté aux données textuelles. Il s'agit d'un framework d'intégration, nommé ETL-Text, qui permet de déployer différentes tâches d'extraction, de filtrage et de transformation des données textuelles originelles sous une forme leur permettant d'être entreposées. Certaines de ces tâches sont réalisées dans une approche, baptisée RICSH (Recherche d'information contextuelle par segmentation thématique de documents), de prétraitement et de recherche de données textuelles. D'autre part, l'organisation des données textuelles à des fins d'analyse est effectuée selon TWM (Text Warehouse Modelling), un nouveau modèle multidimensionnel adapté à ce type de données. Celui-ci étend le modèle en constellation classique pour prendre en charge la représentation des textes dans un environnement multidimensionnel. Dans TWM, il est défini une dimension sémantique conçue pour structurer les thèmes des documents et pour hiérarchiser les concepts sémantiques. Pour cela, TWM est adossé à une source sémantique externe, Wikipédia, en l'occurrence, pour traiter la partie sémantique du modèle. De plus, nous avons développé WikiCat, un outil pour alimenter la dimension sémantique de TWM avec des descripteurs sémantiques issus de Wikipédia. Ces deux dernières contributions complètent le framework ETL-Text pour constituer le dispositif d'entreposage des données textuelles. Pour valider nos différentes contributions, nous avons réalisé, en plus des travaux d'implémentation, une étude expérimentale pour chacune de nos propositions. Face au phénomène des données massives, nous avons développé dans le cadre d'une étude de cas des algorithmes de parallélisation des traitements en utilisant le paradigme MapReduce que nous avons testés dans l'environnement Hadoop. / The work, presented in this thesis, aims to propose solutions to the problems of textual data warehousing. The interest in the textual data is motivated by the fact that they cannot be integrated and warehoused by using the traditional applications and the current techniques of decision-making systems. In order to overcome this problem, we proposed a text warehouses approach which covers the main phases of a data warehousing process adapted to textual data. We focused specifically on the integration of textual data and their multidimensional modeling. For the textual data integration, we used information retrieval (IR) techniques and automatic natural language processing (NLP). Thus, we proposed an integration framework, called ETL-Text which is an ETL (Extract- Transform- Load) process suitable for textual data. The ETL-Text performs the extracting, filtering and transforming tasks of the original textual data in a form allowing them to be warehoused. Some of these tasks are performed in our RICSH approach (Contextual information retrieval by topics segmentation of documents) for pretreatment and textual data search. On the other hand, the organization of textual data for the analysis is carried out by our proposed TWM (Text Warehouse Modelling). It is a new multidimensional model suitable for textual data. It extends the classical constellation model to support the representation of textual data in a multidimensional environment. TWM includes a semantic dimension defined for structuring documents and topics by organizing the semantic concepts into a hierarchy. Also, we depend on a Wikipedia, as an external semantic source, to achieve the semantic part of the model. Furthermore, we developed WikiCat, which is a tool permit to feed the TWM semantic dimension with semantics descriptors from Wikipedia. These last two contributions complement the ETL-Text framework to establish the text warehouse device. To validate the different contributions, we performed, besides the implementation works, an experimental study for each model. For the emergence of large data, we developed, as part of a case study, a parallel processing algorithms using the MapReduce paradigm tested in the Apache Hadoop environment.

O \"Dicionário\" de Documents (1929-1930) e a Antropologia de Georges Bataille / \"Dictionary\" of Documents (1929-1930) and Georges Bataille\'s Antropology

Maria Victoria Gaburro de Zorzi 02 December 2013 (has links)
A produção textual de Georges Bataille (1897-1962), privilegiadamente estudada nos campos da Literatura e da Filosofia, apresenta uma vasta gama de temas e é considerada por seus comentadores como refratária a qualquer classificação rigorosa e indexável. Contudo, ele é autor de uma obra de grande interesse para área da Antropologia em função de um forte experimentalismo dos conceitos e da escrita e de uma compreensão totalizante da experiência do pesquisador e do escritor. O presente estudo tem como objetivo o exame de parte específica da produção e atuação de Bataille que coincide com os inícios da institucionalização da antropologia francesa (anos 1920- 1930), quando o autor encontra-se envolvido com o projeto da revista Documents, Doctrines Archélogie Beaux-Arts Ethnographie (1929-1930) e bastante próximo dos antropólogos que colaboram com a publicação. Ao recuperar a formação primeira de Bataille como arquivista paleógrafo na École des chartes e seus primeiros escritos e interesses, entre os quais se encontra a antropologia de Marcel Mauss, o trabalho se dedica a construir as conexões entre a profissão de arquivista paleógrafo nas bibliotecas Francesas e a produção do escritor que tem lugar entre os anos 1918 e 1930, interessado em destacar os nexos entre essas dimensões e o processo de constituição dos museus na França sobretudo aquele que culminará no Musée de lHomme (1937). As experiências nas bibliotecas, nos museus e na revista colocam Bataille diante da questão da classificação e do arquivamento de objetos e documentos. O interesse em uma leitura de Bataille por essa via que procura relacionar a institucionalização da disciplina etnográfica na França ligada à formação, catalogação e arquivamento de documentos nos museus e o processo de criação do Dicionário de Documents auxilia a iluminar uma dupla intervenção crítica que consiste em construir um deslocamento, uma derivação da forma de pensar. Essa perspectiva diversa nos oferece um duplo olhar para os modos pelos quais a reflexão sobre o lugar das histórias da disciplina e seus praticantes tem sido experimentada. / This present study has the purpose of examining some specific parts of George Bataille´s production and action that correspond with the beginning of French anthropology institutionalization (1920s and 1930s), when the author finds himself immersed in the Documents, Doctrines Archélogie Beaux-Arts Ethnographie (1929-1930) magazine project and building a very close relationship with the professionals involved in the publications creation. By resuming Batailles first occupation as paleographer archivist at École des chartes and his primary written pieces and interests, among which is the anthropology of Marcel Mauss, the work is dedicated to build connections between his job inside French libraries and his activities as a writer from 1918 to 1930, when his interests were focused on highlighting the links between these dimensions and the constitution of the museums in France - especially the one that will culminate at the Musée de l\'Homme (1937). The experiences in the libraries, museums and the magazine put Bataille before the classification and filing of objects and documents. His interest in this path that searches for relating the institutionalization of the ethnographic discipline in France connected to framing ideas, cataloging and archiving documents in museums and the creational process of the Dictionary of the magazine helps to illuminate a double critical intervention that consists in building a movement, an offshoot of thinking. This different perspective offers us another look to the means through which the reflections on the place discipline stories and its practitioners have been experienced.

Les droits de la défense des administrés français et iraniens / The rights of defense in French and Iranian administrative laws

Khanivalizadeh, Saeed 14 November 2017 (has links)
Étant donné la croissance progressive du rôle du gouvernement dans la plupart des activités de la vie sociale et économique d'aujourd'hui, il existe bien évidemment plusieurs préoccupations pour trouver les moyens efficaces qui permettent de contrôler les pouvoir excessifs des administrations publiques. Si dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle, rares étaient les cas dans lesquels l'un des aspects des droits de la défense était respecté, le juge français a dans un siècle reconnu ces droits comme principe général du droit devant être respecté même en l'absence de texte. Contrairement à la France, l'histoire de jeune droit administratif iranien démontre bien que la formation des règles concernant les droits de la défense était trop difficile. Aussi bien en France qu'en Iran, il est aujourd'hui difficile de trouver des échappatoires à ce principe. Au demeurant et par le biais de la motivation, le juge sera mieux à même d'apprécier les circonstances d'une décision défavorable. L'administré a certes le droit de se faire assister d'un représentant ou d'un avocat de son choix, pour présenter efficacement sa défense. Il faut que toute personne, française ou iranienne, soit à même d'accéder aux documents administratifs la concernant. Il importe que les documents non-communicables soient strictement déterminés. Que ce soit en France ou en Iran, le rôle de la transparence est devenu de plus en plus remarquable, à l'égard de l'efficacité des administrations. Ainsi, la motivation en tant qu'aspect essentiel des droits de la défense pourra favoriser l'atteindre de cet objectif. En France comme en Iran, lorsque l'autorité administrative prend une décision défavorable sans que l'intéressé soit préalablement entendu et en connaisse les motifs, cette décision est entachée d'illégalité et l'administré peut demander l'annulation pour excès de pouvoir. Si avant, il n'était même pas possible de faire reconnaître la responsabilité de l'administration, il est, aujourd'hui et sous certaines conditions, loisible de solliciter la réparation de la violation des droits de la défense, par le biais des évolutions du droit administratif. / Given the progressive growth of the role of government in most activities of today's social and economic life, there are evidently several concerns about finding effective ways to control the excessive power of public administrations. If in the first half of the nineteenth century, there were few cases in which one of the aspects of the rights of defense was respected, in a century, the French judge has recognized these rights as a general principle of law that must be respected even in the absence of a text. Unlike France, the history of young Iranian administrative law shows that the formation of rules concerning the rights of the defense was too difficult. In France as well as in Iran, it is now difficult to find loopholes to this principle. Moreover, through the motivation, the judge will be better able to appreciate the circumstances of an unfavorable decision. The person concerned has the right to be assisted by a representative or a lawyer of his choice, to effectively present his defense. It is also necessary that any person, French or Iranian, be able to access the administrative documents concerning him. In this regard, it is important that non-communicable documents be strictly determined. Whether in France or in Iran, the role of transparency has become more and more remarkable with regard to the efficiency of administrations. Thus, motivation as an essential aspect of the rights of defense may promote this objective. In France as in Iran, when the administrative authority makes an unfavorable decision without the interested party being first heard and knows the reasons, this decision is tainted by illegality and the person concerned can ask for the annulment of ultra vires. If before, it was not even possible to recognize the responsibility of the administration, today and under certain conditions, it is permissible to seek compensation for the violation of the rights of defense, through the evolutions of administrative law.

Apports des documents authentiques à la didactique du F.L.E. en Chine pour une approche interculturelle : (à l'exemple des documents authentiques vidéo) / Contributions of authentic documents to the didactic of French as a foreign language in China for an intercultural approach

Yu, Qian 05 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier l’exploitation des documents authentiques dans le cadre de l’enseignement/apprentissage du français langue étrangère à des publics chinois dans une perspective interculturelle. Nous avons d’abord essayé de comprendre l’émergence et l’imposition d’une approche interculturelle au sein de la didactique du F.L.E. en traçant l’évolution historique des méthodologies universalistes des langues étrangères, et d’étudier les rôles que jouent des documents authentiques dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères, en vue de développer une compétence de communication interculturelle. Ensuite, nous avons tenté de justifier notre étude à partir d’une recherche empirique reposant d’une part sur une présentation-analyse de la situation actuelle de l’enseignement du F.L.E. en Chine (l’enseignement universitaire) et d’autre part sur une enquête menée auprès des apprenants et des enseignants. Enfin, nous avons abordé l’impact des documents authentiques comme outil didactique pour une approche interculturelle de l’enseignement/apprentissage du français à travers d’une expérience d’enseignement mené dans une université chinoise pendant un semestre universitaire. / This thesis proposes to study the use of authentic documents in the teaching/learning of F.L.E. (French as a foreign language) to Chinese students in an intercultural perspective. We first tried to understand the emergence and imposition of an intercultural approach in the didactic of F.L.E. today. We also studied the roles of authentic documents in the teaching of foreign languages in order to develop intercultural communication competence. We then tried to justify our study from an empirical research based firstly on a presentation-analysis of the current situation of the teaching of F.L.E. in China (the university) and secondly on a survey of learners and teachers. Finally, we discussed the impact of authentic materials as teaching tool for an intercultural approach to teaching/learning of French through a teaching experience conducted in a Chinese university for one academic semester.

Le droit d'accès aux documents : en quête d'un nouveau droit fondamental dans l'Union européenne / The right of access to documents : the quest for a new fundamental right within the European Union

Garin, Aurore 14 November 2014 (has links)
Notion protéiforme, le principe de transparence compte, au nombre de ses composantes, le droit d’accès aux documents, qui en constitue l’aspect le plus saillant. Dans l’absolu, ce droit s’apparente également aux principes d’ouverture et de bonne administration, avec lesquels il entretient un rapport étroit. Historiquement, l’accès aux documents plonge ses racines dans les traditions constitutionnelles communes aux États membres. À cet égard, il convient de garder à l’esprit que les réglementations qui se sont succédées au sein de l’UE, lesquelles visaient à aménager l’accès aux documents détenus par les institutions, étaient toutes, sans exception, calquées sur les prescriptions nationales équivalentes, en vigueur dans les États membres. De manière atypique, l’évolution du droit d’accès s’articule autour d’un phénomène singulier : si ce droit a fait son entrée sur la scène juridique par le truchement du principe de transparence, il s’est graduellement émancipé de son aîné pour devenir un droit subjectif à part entière. Le champ heuristique décrit s’accompagne d’un second volet. L’autonomisation de l’accès aux documents se double en effet d’un constat : le droit d’accès fait désormais partie des attributs du citoyen de l’Union. Cet élément transparaît authentiquement de l’interprétation des exceptions au droit d’accès qui s’avère éminemment restrictive, conformément à la règle du « plus large accès possible aux documents ». En outre, l’accès aux documents génère, comme tel, des droits et des obligations : les bénéficiaires (« créanciers ») ont été toujours plus nombreux tandis que dans le même temps, on a assisté à la multiplication des acteurs assujettis au droit d’accès (« débiteurs »). En définitive, on s’achemine progressivement vers un nouveau droit fondamental. / The principle of transparency is a multifaceted notion. The most salient of its components is the right of access to documents. This right can be compared to the principles of open government and good administration, with which it is closely related. Historically, the roots of access to documents lie in the constitutional traditions common to the Member States. The regulations implemented over time within the EU, which were designed to grant access to the documents held by the institutions, were all modelled on existing national standards. Atypically, the development of the right of access is built around a peculiar phenomenon: while this right made its debut on the legal stage through the principle of transparency, it gradually became a subjective self-standing right. As the right of access to documents becomes an autonomous concept it has a further effect; the right of access to documents henceforth becomes part of the attributes of the citizen of the European Union. This leads to a narrow interpretation of the exceptions to the rights of access, conforming to the rule “the greatest access possible to documents”. The access to documents generates rights and obligations; the beneficiaries (“creditors”) have been numerous, but at the same time there has been an increase in the number of actors subject to the right of access (“debtors”). We are progressing to a new fundamental right.

Un expérimentation visant l'amélioration de la situation de l'enseignement/apprentissage du français en Libye : l'introduction de documents authentiques dans une classe de français langue étrangère à l'université de Tripoli / An Experiment based on Improvement of the teaching/learning of French Language in Libya : introduction of Authentic Documents in French classes at the University of Tripoli

Benelimam, Ghada 12 April 2013 (has links)
Nettement moins présent que l’anglais, le français, en tant que langue étrangère, n’est actuellement enseigné, en Libye, qu’à l’université. Cependant, la formation délivrée, notamment à l’Université de Tripoli ne permet pas aux apprenants - parce que le département manque totalement de matériel et de moyens, parce que les enseignants ont rarement reçu une formation didactique, parce que les modalités d’enseignement/apprentissage restent transmissives - d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour communiquer avec des natifs. Pensant que l’intégration de documents authentiques pouvait être une solution pertinente et efficace pour améliorer l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE en Libye et faire évoluer les pratiques de classe, nous avons conduit, en 2012, une expérimentation d’introduction de documents authentiques avec un groupe expérimental composé d’étudiants de niveau B1 qui en étaient à leur dernière année de formation à l’Université de Tripoli. Une introduction qui s’avère probante, à nos yeux, aux yeux des étudiants et au vu des résultats, parce qu’elle suscite intérêt et motivation, permet de diversifier les supports d’apprentissage, de rompre avec les pratiques ordinaires d’enseignement et parce qu’elle développe des compétences communicative, culturelle et interculturelle. / Less present than English, French as a foreign language is currently taught in Libya at the university level. However, the training provided at the University of Tripoli is not of the high quality due to the facts that the department lacks of equipment and resources required, the trainers are not equipped enough to provide the knowledge transfer, and the teaching system inplace is archaic and remains ‘transmissive learning‘ which is outdated. These are the factors that are making the trainers not be acquainted with necessary knowledge to communicate with the autochthones. Having thought the following 1-The integration of Authentic Documents could be a relevant and effective solution to improve the teaching / learning of FFL in Libya 2- The creation of classroom practices We conducted in 2012, an experiment of introducing Authentic Documents and working with group of B1 level students who were in their final year of training at the University of Tripoli. The experiment was a success according to the participants (organizers, students) and the results obtained as well. The experiment arouses interest and motivation of the participants and helps the diversification of the learning materials and to modernize the old fashion of teaching. In conclusion the experiment helps to develop communication, cultural and intercultural skills.

Knowledge Extraction for Hybrid Question Answering

Usbeck, Ricardo 18 May 2017 (has links)
Since the proposal of hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee to his employer CERN on March 12, 1989 the World Wide Web has grown to more than one billion Web pages and still grows. With the later proposed Semantic Web vision,Berners-Lee et al. suggested an extension of the existing (Document) Web to allow better reuse, sharing and understanding of data. Both the Document Web and the Web of Data (which is the current implementation of the Semantic Web) grow continuously. This is a mixed blessing, as the two forms of the Web grow concurrently and most commonly contain different pieces of information. Modern information systems must thus bridge a Semantic Gap to allow a holistic and unified access to information about a particular information independent of the representation of the data. One way to bridge the gap between the two forms of the Web is the extraction of structured data, i.e., RDF, from the growing amount of unstructured and semi-structured information (e.g., tables and XML) on the Document Web. Note, that unstructured data stands for any type of textual information like news, blogs or tweets. While extracting structured data from unstructured data allows the development of powerful information system, it requires high-quality and scalable knowledge extraction frameworks to lead to useful results. The dire need for such approaches has led to the development of a multitude of annotation frameworks and tools. However, most of these approaches are not evaluated on the same datasets or using the same measures. The resulting Evaluation Gap needs to be tackled by a concise evaluation framework to foster fine-grained and uniform evaluations of annotation tools and frameworks over any knowledge bases. Moreover, with the constant growth of data and the ongoing decentralization of knowledge, intuitive ways for non-experts to access the generated data are required. Humans adapted their search behavior to current Web data by access paradigms such as keyword search so as to retrieve high-quality results. Hence, most Web users only expect Web documents in return. However, humans think and most commonly express their information needs in their natural language rather than using keyword phrases. Answering complex information needs often requires the combination of knowledge from various, differently structured data sources. Thus, we observe an Information Gap between natural-language questions and current keyword-based search paradigms, which in addition do not make use of the available structured and unstructured data sources. Question Answering (QA) systems provide an easy and efficient way to bridge this gap by allowing to query data via natural language, thus reducing (1) a possible loss of precision and (2) potential loss of time while reformulating the search intention to transform it into a machine-readable way. Furthermore, QA systems enable answering natural language queries with concise results instead of links to verbose Web documents. Additionally, they allow as well as encourage the access to and the combination of knowledge from heterogeneous knowledge bases (KBs) within one answer. Consequently, three main research gaps are considered and addressed in this work: First, addressing the Semantic Gap between the unstructured Document Web and the Semantic Gap requires the development of scalable and accurate approaches for the extraction of structured data in RDF. This research challenge is addressed by several approaches within this thesis. This thesis presents CETUS, an approach for recognizing entity types to populate RDF KBs. Furthermore, our knowledge base-agnostic disambiguation framework AGDISTIS can efficiently detect the correct URIs for a given set of named entities. Additionally, we introduce REX, a Web-scale framework for RDF extraction from semi-structured (i.e., templated) websites which makes use of the semantics of the reference knowledge based to check the extracted data. The ongoing research on closing the Semantic Gap has already yielded a large number of annotation tools and frameworks. However, these approaches are currently still hard to compare since the published evaluation results are calculated on diverse datasets and evaluated based on different measures. On the other hand, the issue of comparability of results is not to be regarded as being intrinsic to the annotation task. Indeed, it is now well established that scientists spend between 60% and 80% of their time preparing data for experiments. Data preparation being such a tedious problem in the annotation domain is mostly due to the different formats of the gold standards as well as the different data representations across reference datasets. We tackle the resulting Evaluation Gap in two ways: First, we introduce a collection of three novel datasets, dubbed N3, to leverage the possibility of optimizing NER and NED algorithms via Linked Data and to ensure a maximal interoperability to overcome the need for corpus-specific parsers. Second, we present GERBIL, an evaluation framework for semantic entity annotation. The rationale behind our framework is to provide developers, end users and researchers with easy-to-use interfaces that allow for the agile, fine-grained and uniform evaluation of annotation tools and frameworks on multiple datasets. The decentral architecture behind the Web has led to pieces of information being distributed across data sources with varying structure. Moreover, the increasing the demand for natural-language interfaces as depicted by current mobile applications requires systems to deeply understand the underlying user information need. In conclusion, the natural language interface for asking questions requires a hybrid approach to data usage, i.e., simultaneously performing a search on full-texts and semantic knowledge bases. To close the Information Gap, this thesis presents HAWK, a novel entity search approach developed for hybrid QA based on combining structured RDF and unstructured full-text data sources.

Digitalní knihovna Kramerius a její využívání studenty historických oborů / Digital library Kramerius and its use by students of historical sciences

Fišer, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the digital library Kramerius, that provides electronic access to mainly Bohemian documents from 19th and 20th century. Its aim is not to describe all parts of this system and its hinterland - the thesis focuses rather on the user point of view. The core of the thesis is formed by user survey, which is conducted among the students of historical disciplines at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, namely the students enrolled in the study programme Historical sciences. In the first part, there is a characteristic of digital library Kramerius with the focus on the aspects, that are closely related with its usability (user interface, accessibility of documents, conversion of the original documents to machine- readable form). The user survey, which is described in the second part, is devided into two parts.

Mary, the Communion of Saints and the Chinese Veneration of Ancestors

Chua, Celia January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Generic insistence : Joseph Conrad and the document in selected British and American modernist fiction

Manocha, Nisha January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the citation of documents in the modernist novel. From contracts to newspaper articles, telegrams to reports, documents are invoked as interleaved texts in ways that, to date, have not been critically interrogated. I consider a range of novels, including works by Ford Madox Ford, Virginia Woolf, Nella Larsen, and Willa Cather, which are selected, in part, as a litmus of Anglo-American modernism, though they can more productively also be understood as coalescing around the example set by Joseph Conrad. Replete with allusions to documents, Conrad’s oeuvre is developed across the thesis as a meta-commentary on the document in modernist literature. In placing the document at the centre of analysis, and in using Conrad as a diagnostic of the document in modernity, the manifold ways in which authors use interpolated texts to perform denotative and connotative “work” in their narratives emerge, with the effect of revising our understanding of documents. These authors reveal the power of mass produced documents to lay claim to novelistic language; the historical role of documents in reifying inequality; on the level of narrative, the thematic potential of the document as a reiterable text; and finally, the capacity of the document, in its most depersonalized form, to realize social collectivity and community. This project therefore asks us to rethink and relocate the document as central to the modernist novel.

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