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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envelhecimento bem-sucedido : uma metodologia de cuidado a pessoas com diabetes mellitus

Waldman, Beatriz Ferreira January 2006 (has links)
O estudo inseriu a interlocução da área de Educação em Saúde com a de Gerontologia como alvo de nosso olhar e focalizou a questão da experiência de vida de idosos com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 e seus cuidadores. Teve como objetivo elencar pontos de referência da Educação em Saúde para uma metodologia de cuidado ao idoso com diabetes em nível ambulatorial. Partiu-se da premissa que o idoso com diabetes pode ter um envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Isso não significa necessariamente viver por mais anos. Significa, sim, viver o processo de envelhecimento com qualidade e dignidade mesmo diante das limitações impostas pela doença. Nesse sentido, foi fundamental planejar estratégias educativas com a participação de idosos e seus cuidadores com a finalidade de melhorar o controle da doença, a fim de possibilitar à pessoa idosa realmente viver melhor e, não necessariamente, viver mais. Atualmente, a assistência ambulatorial nos serviços de saúde ainda se pauta em abordagens individualizadas e prescritivas no tratamento dos idosos, desconsiderando a participação potencial de cuidadores familiares. As complicações tardias do diabetes tipo 2 podem comprometer o processo natural de envelhecimento, repercutindo de forma negativa na qualidade de vida do idoso. Essas podem ser evitadas se o cuidador familiar estiver capacitado para gerenciar no domicílio as dificuldades inerentes à situação de cronicidade do idoso. A perspectiva de longevidade da população torna esse fato relevante. Na realização da pesquisa tomou-se como referencial teórico o processo de Educação em Saúde com base na ação educativa dialógica, oportunizando as relações entre sujeitos. Optou-se pela pesquisa convergente-assistencial, de caráter qualitativo, observando uma abordagem dialética. Foram aplicadas estratégias educativas participativas com um grupo de idosos e seus cuidadores cujos resultados desvelaram a dinamicidade do fenômeno diabetes em suas vidas, capturaram as relações históricas dos sujeitos, identificaram as contradições no contexto do setor saúde e mostraram a visão de totalidade e de realidade concreta entendidas pelos sujeitos. A partir dos encontros do grupo e com base no referencial teórico construído foi possível elencar elementos constitutivos essenciais da Educação em Saúde para uma metodologia de cuidado de idosos com Diabetes Mellitus, visando intervir na realidade. / This study joined the interlocution of Health Education and Gerontology areas as our main goal and it focused on the issue of life experience of elders with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and their caregivers. This aims to enlist points of reference of Health Education for a methodology of care to the elder with Diabetes in ambulatory service, from the supposition that the elder with Diabetes may go though a successful aging process. Though, this does not mean necessarily living longer. It means, living the aging process with quality and dignity even though facing limitations imposed by the disease. In this sense, it was crucial to establish educative strategies with the participation of elders and their caregivers, in order to improve the control of the disease, making possible for the elders to really live better, but not necessarily live longer. Nowadays, ambulatory assistance in the health services is still based on the individual and prescriptive approaches during the treatment of elders, ignoring the potential participation of caregivers from the family. Later complications of Diabetes type 2 may damage the natural aging process, having negative effects on the elder's life quality. They can be avoided if the caregiver from the family is capable to manage at home the typical difficulties resulting from the chronic state of the elder. The longevity perspective of the population makes this fact relevant. During this research it was used as a theoretical reference the process of Health Education, based on a dialogic educative action, making the relationship between the subjects better. The option made was for the convergent-assistant research, of a qualitative character, following a dialectic approach. Participative education strategies used with a group of elders and their caregivers showed results which revealed the dynamic aspect of Diabetes Mellitus phenomenon in their lives, captured the historical relation of the subjects, identified the contradictions in the context of the health sector and, showed the general view and the concrete reality of the subjects. From the group's meetings and based on the theoretical referential formulated it was possible to list essential constitutive elements of Health Education for a methodology to care about elders with Diabetes Mellitus, aiming at interfering in their reality. / El estudio insirió la interlocución del área de Educación en Salud con la de Gerontología como blanco de nuestra mirada y focalizó la cuestión de la experiencia de vida de ancianos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 y sus cuidadores. Tuvo como objetivo elencar puntos de referencia de la Educación en Salud para una metodología de cuidado al anciano con diabetes en nivel ambulatorial. Se partió de la premisa que el anciano con diabetes puede tener un envejecimiento bien-sucedido. Eso no significa necesariamente vivir por más años. Significa, sí, vivir el proceso de envejecimiento con cualidad y dignidad mismo delante de las limitaciones impuestas por la enfermedad. En ese sentido, fue fundamental planear estrategias educativas con la participación de ancianos y sus cuidadores con la finalidad de mejorar el control de la enfermedad, a fin de posibilitar a la persona anciana realmente vivir mejor y, no necesariamente, vivir más. Actualmente, la asistencia ambulatorial en los servicios de salud aún se pauta en abordajes individualizadas y prescritivas en el tratamiento de los ancianos, desconsiderando la participación potencial de cuidadores familiares. Las complicaciones tardías de la diabetes tipo 2 pueden comprometer el proceso natural de envejecimiento, repercutiendo de forma negativa en la cualidad de vida del anciano. Ésas pueden ser evitadas si el cuidador familiar estuviera capacitado para gerenciar en la vivienda las dificultades inherentes a la situación de cronicidad del anciano. La perspectiva de longevidad da populación torna ese hecho relevante. En la realización de la pesquisa se tomó como referencial teórico el proceso de Educación en Salud con base en la acción educativa dialógica, dando oportunidad en las relaciones entre sujetos. Se optó por la pesquisa convergente-asistencial, de carácter cualitativo, observando un abordaje dialéctica. Fueron aplicadas estrategias educativas participativas con un grupo de ancianos y sus cuidadores cuyos resultados desvelaron la dinamicidad del fenómeno diabetes en sus vidas, capturaron las relaciones históricas de los sujetos, identificaron las contradicciones en el contexto del sector salud y mostraron la visión de totalidad y de realidad concreta entendidas por los sujetos. A partir de los encuentros del grupo y con base en el referencial teórico construido fue posible elencar elementos constitutivos esenciales de la Educación en Salud para una metodología de cuidado de ancianos con Diabetes Mellitus, visando intervenir en la realidad.

Refus du luxe et frugalité à Rome : histoire d'un combat politique : (fin du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. - fin du IIe siècle av. J.-C.) / Luxury’s refusal and frugality in Rome : history of a political battle : (late third century BC – late second century BC)

Passet, Laure 28 November 2011 (has links)
Cette étude analyse la place et le rôle du mode de vie dans les discours et les pratiques politiques à Rome à la fin du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. et au IIe siècle av. J.-C. qui formaient un moment charnière. Le luxe faisait partie des pratiques de distinction de l’aristocratie à la fin du IVe siècle av. J. C. et au IIIe siècle av. J. C. À partir de la deuxième guerre punique, l’élite commença à s’inquiéter du rôle politique du faste et des menaces qu’il faisait peser sur le système oligarchique ; elle fit ensuite voter des lois régulant les festins pour éviter que ceux-ci ne servissent à gagner du crédit politique, mais sans évoquer franchement cette raison, par déférence pour le pouvoir et par souci de préserver sa légitimité. Le combat contre le luxe investit les discours, influant sur l’image que l’élite donnait d’elle-même. Les adversaires du luxe, comme Caton l’Ancien, mirent en avant une nouvelle qualité, la frugalité, correspondant à l’adoption d’un train de vie inférieur à ce que son rang permettait. Une représentation négative se structura autour du luxe, explicitement et définitivement associé aux vices, aux étrangers, en particulier aux Grecs, et implicitement considéré comme caractéristique des hommes inaptes à servir leur patrie ou aspirant à un pouvoir excessif. Une représentation antithétique se développa autour de la frugalité, qualité des vrais Romains fidèles aux mœurs de la campagne et soucieux des intérêts de la République, une image qui fut particulièrement appréciée par le peuple. Ces arguments connurent un immense succès dans les luttes politiques du dernier tiers du IIe siècle av. J. C. La frugalité était cependant difficilement applicable en toutes circonstances car elle heurtait les normes de l’élite : il importait de signifier à travers elle une position politique, mais il fallait aussi savoir recevoir convenablement ses amis. Le stoïcisme, qui se développait alors à Rome et qui prescrivait une vie tempérante, dut s’adapter à cette exigence. / This study analyses the place and role of the way of life in political speeches and practices in Rome in the late third century BC and in the second century BC, which formed a turning point. Luxury was a means of social distinction for the aristocracy in the late fourth century BC and third century BC. From the Second Punic War onwards, the elite began to worry about the political impact of this sumptuousness and the threats it posed for the oligarchic system. Consequently, the elite introduced laws regulating banquets in order to prevent hosts from gaining political prestige, without clearly citing this reason, out of deference for the government and in order to protect its own legitimacy. This fight against luxury spread in speeches and influenced the image of itself which the elite wanted to promote. The detractors of luxury, like Cato the Elder, proposed a new ideal – frugality, which implied adopting a lifestyle more humble than that which was allowed by one’s actual rank. A negative definition of luxury was proposed – it was explicitly and definitively associated with vice, foreigners (Greeks especially), and implicitly considered to be typical of men who were unable to serve their homeland or who aspired to excessive power. An antithetic representation of frugality was developed and was thought to be the quality of real Romans who were true to the values of the countryside and anxious to preserve the interests of the Republic. This image was highly valued by the people. These ideas played a significant role in the power struggles in the last third of the second century BC. Frugality remained nonetheless a difficult quality to adopt in all circumstances because it went against the standards of the elite – while it mattered for the elite to make their political position clear through frugality, it was also important to cater to one’s guests as befitted one’s rank. Stoicism, which was then developing in Rome and advocated a restrained way of life, had to adapt to this demand.

Social Class and Elderly Abuse in Europe / Social Class and Elderly Abuse in Europe

Magnusson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Introduktion/Bakgrund: Enligt ett flertal vetenskapliga rapporter är misshandel och utnyttjande av äldre ett växande problem i Europa och övriga världen. Det kommer att ställas högre krav på vårdgivare både inom familjen och inom välfärden på grund av en åldrande europeisk befolkning. Det förutses att en tredjedel av den europeiska befolkningen kommer att vara 60 år eller äldre år 2050. Tillförlitliga data och forskning är dock en bristvara när det kommer till misshandel och utnyttjande av äldre. Syfte: Att granska den tillgängliga forskningen om vilken effekt olika socioekonomiska faktorer (utbildning, yrke och förmögenhet) har huruvida äldre människor (60 år eller äldre) riskerar att utsättas för fysisk och/eller psykisk misshandel. Metod: En litteraturstudie valdes som arbetsmetod. Vetenskapliga artiklar och relevant litteratur har granskats och valts ut via olika databaser. Resultat: Studien kom fram till att olika socioekonomiska faktorer (utbildning, yrke och förmögenhet) påverkar huruvida äldre människor riskerar att utsättas för fysisk och/eller psykisk misshandel. Av de studerade faktorerna var utbildning den socioekonomiska faktor som främst påverkade huruvida en äldre människa riskerade att bli utsatt för misshandel eller inte. De andra faktorerna, yrke och förmögenhet/inkomst, var inte representerade i samma utsträckning som utbildning i studiens resultat. En annan påverkande faktor som hänger ihop med socioekonomiska faktorer visade sig vara könstilhörighet. Majoriteten av den granskade litteraturen bekräftar att det finns ett mönster som innebär att äldre kvinnor löper en större risk än män att utsättas för psykisk och/eller fysisk misshandel. Det var svårt att identifiera likheter eller skillnader mellan olika europeiska regioner på grund av att studiemetod och studiedesign skiljde sig allt för mycket åt mellan de olika vetenskapliga artiklarna. Slutsats: Resultatet från litteraturgranskningen visade att utbildning har en större påverkan än yrke och förmögenhet huruvida en äldre människa riskerar att bli utsatt för psykisk och/eller fysisk misshandel eller inte. Studien fann även att könsskillnader var tydliga och innebär äldre kvinnor löper större risk än män att bli utsatta. Något som också måste tas i beaktning i framtida forskning. Bristen på forskning och litteratur inom ämnet vittnar om att det finns ett stort behov av mer forskning. En bättre förståelse för relationen mellan socioekonomisk position och misshandel av äldre är viktigt för framtiden. / Abstract Introduction: The issue of elder abuse is described as increasing in Europe and beyond according to several scientific reports. An ageing European population combined with longer life expectancy will increase demands on family caregivers and a well-functioning health and social care workforce. It is estimated that in year 2050 one third of the European population will be 60 years or older. However there is still a shortage of confident data across European countries regarding the extent, features, determinants and effects of elder abuse. Aim: To review existing knowledge of the impact of various measures of socioeconomic position (education, occupation and wealth) on physical and psychological abuse among elderly people (60 years of age and over) in Europe. Method: A literature study was chosen as working method. Scientific articles and relevant literature were examined using different databases. Results: The review found that socioeconomic position factors (education, occupation, wealth) have an impact on the likelihood of elderly individuals experiencing abuse. Of the assessed factors, education has shown to be the socioeconomic factor which has the most impact on the likelihood of elder abuse. Other factors such as occupation and wealth and income, were not represented in the results at the same extent as education. Another important factor related to elderly people’s socio-economic position was found to be gender. The majority of articles analysed in this thesis confirms that there is a pattern where elderly women are more likely to experience abuse than are men. Due to different study designs and measures in the analysed scientific articles and reports differences according to area context were hard to identify. Conclusion: Results of this thesis showed that education as measure of socioeconomic position had the biggest impact on elder abuse as compared to occupation and wealth. However, gender (a factor strictly linked to socioeconomic position) differentials were remarkable, a subject which needs to be taken into consideration in future research. Further, the lack of literature in the research subject points out to an urgent need for further studies. This is urgently needed, as both ageing and abuse are increasing across Europe. A better understanding of the relation between socioeconomic position and abuse among elderly will be of paramount importance for future interventions aimed to curb the ever growing trend.

Envelhecimento bem-sucedido : uma metodologia de cuidado a pessoas com diabetes mellitus

Waldman, Beatriz Ferreira January 2006 (has links)
O estudo inseriu a interlocução da área de Educação em Saúde com a de Gerontologia como alvo de nosso olhar e focalizou a questão da experiência de vida de idosos com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 e seus cuidadores. Teve como objetivo elencar pontos de referência da Educação em Saúde para uma metodologia de cuidado ao idoso com diabetes em nível ambulatorial. Partiu-se da premissa que o idoso com diabetes pode ter um envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Isso não significa necessariamente viver por mais anos. Significa, sim, viver o processo de envelhecimento com qualidade e dignidade mesmo diante das limitações impostas pela doença. Nesse sentido, foi fundamental planejar estratégias educativas com a participação de idosos e seus cuidadores com a finalidade de melhorar o controle da doença, a fim de possibilitar à pessoa idosa realmente viver melhor e, não necessariamente, viver mais. Atualmente, a assistência ambulatorial nos serviços de saúde ainda se pauta em abordagens individualizadas e prescritivas no tratamento dos idosos, desconsiderando a participação potencial de cuidadores familiares. As complicações tardias do diabetes tipo 2 podem comprometer o processo natural de envelhecimento, repercutindo de forma negativa na qualidade de vida do idoso. Essas podem ser evitadas se o cuidador familiar estiver capacitado para gerenciar no domicílio as dificuldades inerentes à situação de cronicidade do idoso. A perspectiva de longevidade da população torna esse fato relevante. Na realização da pesquisa tomou-se como referencial teórico o processo de Educação em Saúde com base na ação educativa dialógica, oportunizando as relações entre sujeitos. Optou-se pela pesquisa convergente-assistencial, de caráter qualitativo, observando uma abordagem dialética. Foram aplicadas estratégias educativas participativas com um grupo de idosos e seus cuidadores cujos resultados desvelaram a dinamicidade do fenômeno diabetes em suas vidas, capturaram as relações históricas dos sujeitos, identificaram as contradições no contexto do setor saúde e mostraram a visão de totalidade e de realidade concreta entendidas pelos sujeitos. A partir dos encontros do grupo e com base no referencial teórico construído foi possível elencar elementos constitutivos essenciais da Educação em Saúde para uma metodologia de cuidado de idosos com Diabetes Mellitus, visando intervir na realidade. / This study joined the interlocution of Health Education and Gerontology areas as our main goal and it focused on the issue of life experience of elders with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and their caregivers. This aims to enlist points of reference of Health Education for a methodology of care to the elder with Diabetes in ambulatory service, from the supposition that the elder with Diabetes may go though a successful aging process. Though, this does not mean necessarily living longer. It means, living the aging process with quality and dignity even though facing limitations imposed by the disease. In this sense, it was crucial to establish educative strategies with the participation of elders and their caregivers, in order to improve the control of the disease, making possible for the elders to really live better, but not necessarily live longer. Nowadays, ambulatory assistance in the health services is still based on the individual and prescriptive approaches during the treatment of elders, ignoring the potential participation of caregivers from the family. Later complications of Diabetes type 2 may damage the natural aging process, having negative effects on the elder's life quality. They can be avoided if the caregiver from the family is capable to manage at home the typical difficulties resulting from the chronic state of the elder. The longevity perspective of the population makes this fact relevant. During this research it was used as a theoretical reference the process of Health Education, based on a dialogic educative action, making the relationship between the subjects better. The option made was for the convergent-assistant research, of a qualitative character, following a dialectic approach. Participative education strategies used with a group of elders and their caregivers showed results which revealed the dynamic aspect of Diabetes Mellitus phenomenon in their lives, captured the historical relation of the subjects, identified the contradictions in the context of the health sector and, showed the general view and the concrete reality of the subjects. From the group's meetings and based on the theoretical referential formulated it was possible to list essential constitutive elements of Health Education for a methodology to care about elders with Diabetes Mellitus, aiming at interfering in their reality. / El estudio insirió la interlocución del área de Educación en Salud con la de Gerontología como blanco de nuestra mirada y focalizó la cuestión de la experiencia de vida de ancianos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 y sus cuidadores. Tuvo como objetivo elencar puntos de referencia de la Educación en Salud para una metodología de cuidado al anciano con diabetes en nivel ambulatorial. Se partió de la premisa que el anciano con diabetes puede tener un envejecimiento bien-sucedido. Eso no significa necesariamente vivir por más años. Significa, sí, vivir el proceso de envejecimiento con cualidad y dignidad mismo delante de las limitaciones impuestas por la enfermedad. En ese sentido, fue fundamental planear estrategias educativas con la participación de ancianos y sus cuidadores con la finalidad de mejorar el control de la enfermedad, a fin de posibilitar a la persona anciana realmente vivir mejor y, no necesariamente, vivir más. Actualmente, la asistencia ambulatorial en los servicios de salud aún se pauta en abordajes individualizadas y prescritivas en el tratamiento de los ancianos, desconsiderando la participación potencial de cuidadores familiares. Las complicaciones tardías de la diabetes tipo 2 pueden comprometer el proceso natural de envejecimiento, repercutiendo de forma negativa en la cualidad de vida del anciano. Ésas pueden ser evitadas si el cuidador familiar estuviera capacitado para gerenciar en la vivienda las dificultades inherentes a la situación de cronicidad del anciano. La perspectiva de longevidad da populación torna ese hecho relevante. En la realización de la pesquisa se tomó como referencial teórico el proceso de Educación en Salud con base en la acción educativa dialógica, dando oportunidad en las relaciones entre sujetos. Se optó por la pesquisa convergente-asistencial, de carácter cualitativo, observando un abordaje dialéctica. Fueron aplicadas estrategias educativas participativas con un grupo de ancianos y sus cuidadores cuyos resultados desvelaron la dinamicidad del fenómeno diabetes en sus vidas, capturaron las relaciones históricas de los sujetos, identificaron las contradicciones en el contexto del sector salud y mostraron la visión de totalidad y de realidad concreta entendidas por los sujetos. A partir de los encuentros del grupo y con base en el referencial teórico construido fue posible elencar elementos constitutivos esenciales de la Educación en Salud para una metodología de cuidado de ancianos con Diabetes Mellitus, visando intervenir en la realidad.

Efeito agudo do exercício aeróbio contínuo, intervalado e resistido na pressão arterial em idosas hipertensas / Acute effect of continuous aerobic exercise, interval and resistive on blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women

Giulliard de Oliveira Campos 18 September 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: O presente estudo investigou as respostas hemodinâmicas agudas da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e frequência cardíaca (FC), imediatamente e nas 24 horas após o exercício, em idosas hipertensas, submetidas a 3 tipos de exercícios físicos e um momento controle (C). Métodos: Participaram do estudo 30 idosas hipertensas sob terapia medicamentosa. Todas as idosas foram submetidas aos protocolos de exercício aeróbio contínuo (AC), exercício aeróbio intervalado (AI), exercício resistido (ER) e a (C), com o intervalo mínimo de 7 dias para assegurar o efeito agudo de cada intervenção, em ordem randomizada. Todas as participantes foram submetidas previamente ao teste ergométrico, utilizando-se o protocolo de rampa devido a sua melhor acurácia para a população em estudo. A prescrição do AC e do AI foi feita por meio da frequência cardíaca máxima (FCM) obtida no teste. Na intervenção do AC foi calculada a frequência cardíaca de treinamento (FCT), com a intensidade de 70% FCM, com duração de 40 minutos de exercício. No AI foi utilizado a alternância de 80% da FCM no período de condicionamento, durante 2 minutos, e 60% da FCM, durante 2 minutos, para o período de recuperação, com duração de 40 minutos de exercício. O ER foi conduzido após obtenção de uma repetição máxima (1RM) em três exercícios para os principais grupos musculares: chest press, leg press e remada sentada e mais seis exercícios resistidos comumente utilizados para a prescrição do treinamento de força nas academias, utilizando o número de repetições adequadas por meio da escala de percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE). A intensidade do ER foi de 50% de 1RM para dez repetições para o aquecimento específico e, após 1 minuto, a carga era ajustada para 70% de 1RM e realizava-se uma série entre 6 e 10 repetições para o condicionamento em todos os exercícios. Os valores da PAS, PAD e FC foram obtidos antes e após as sessões dos exercícios pelo método oscilométrico e, após cada sessão era realizada a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) de 24 horas nos 4 momentos. Os dados foram avaliados pelo modelo de efeitos mistos. Resultados: Os dados obtidos no período pré e pós exercícios, mostraram redução em menor valor da variável PAS após a realização do AI e AC comparados ao ER no momento pós exercício (p<0,01). Na FC foi observado aumento no período pós exercício em AI e AC em comparação com ER e de ER em relação ao C (p<0,01). As observações nas 24 horas subsequentes foram obtidas por meio da MAPA, com maior redução da PAS em AI nas 24 horas do que nos outros grupos, sendo a redução da PAS em ER também maior do que em AC e C (p<0,01). Na PAD, a redução em AI e ER foram similares. Considerando apenas o período de vigília, a redução de PAS em AI foi superior aos outros grupos. No período de sono, AI e ER promoveram maiores reduções na PAS, com maior redução da variável PAD em ER (p<0,01). Conclusão: A prática de exercício físico intervalado e resistido promovem maior hipotensão pósexercício (HPE) ao longo das 24 horas subsequentes, em relação ao AC e C. O exercício aeróbio contínuo promove apenas redução da pressão arterial nas primeiras horas após o exercício. / Objective: The present study investigated the acute hemodynamic responses of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR), immediately and within 24 hours after exercise, in hypertensive elderly women submitted to 3 types of physical exercise and control. Methods: Thirty hypertensive elderly women in drug therapy participated of the study. They all underwent to continuous aerobic exercise (CA), interval aerobic (IA), resistance exercise (RE) and control (C), with a minimum interval of 7 days, in random order. All participants were previously submitted to the treadmill stress test, using the ramp protocol due to its better accuracy for the study population. The prescription of the CA and the IA was done by maximum heart rate (MHR) obtained by the test. In the CA intervention, training heart rate (THR) was calculated, with the intensity of 70% MHR, with duration of 40 minutes of exercise. In the IA, we used 80% of the MHR during the conditioning period for 2 minutes and 60% of the MHR during 2 minutes for the recovery period, lasting 40 minutes. The ER was conducted after obtaining a maximal repetition (1RM) in three exercises for the main muscle groups: chest press, leg press and seated paddling, and six more commonly used resistance exercises for the prescription of strength training in the academies, using the number of adequate repetitions through the subjective perception of effort scale (PES). The RE intensity was 50% of 1RM for ten replicates for the specific heating and after 1 minute the load was adjusted to 70% of 1RM, and a range of 6 to 10 replicates were performed for the conditioning. The SBP, DBP and HR values were obtained before and after the exercise sessions by the oscillometric method and after that, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed in the 4 moments. The data were evaluated by the mixed effects model. Results: Data obtained in the pre and post exercise period showed a decrease in the SBP variable after IA and CA compared to the RE (p <0.01). In the HR, we observed increase in the post-exercise period in IA and CA compared to RE and RE in relation to C (p <0.01). The observations in the subsequent 24 hours were obtained through ABPM, with a greater fall in SBP in IA in 24 hours than in the other groups, with a decrease in RE also greater than in CA and C (p <0.01). In DBP, IA and RE fall were similar. Considering only the waking period, the SBP decrease in IA was higher than the other groups. In the sleep period, IA and RE promoted fall in SBP, with a greater fall in DBP in RE (p <0.01). Conclusion: The practice of interval aerobic and resistance exercise promoted greater post-exercise hypotension (PEH) during the subsequent 24 hours, compared to CA and C. Continuous aerobic exercise promotes only drop in the first hours after exercise.

A equipe de enfermagem e o cuidado ao idoso com insuficiência cardíaca : um estudo de caso no cenário de um hospital militar

Santos, Analyane Conceição Silva dos January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2015-11-27T16:44:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Analyane Conceiçao Silva dos Santos.pdf: 1957953 bytes, checksum: 375e557949aa5701d3b89e20e99b03a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-27T16:44:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Analyane Conceiçao Silva dos Santos.pdf: 1957953 bytes, checksum: 375e557949aa5701d3b89e20e99b03a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Mestrado Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde / Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva- exploratória, do tipo estudo de caso único holístico, que teve como objeto de estudo o cuidado de enfermagem ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca e os seguintes objetivos discutir o cuidado descrito pela equipe de enfermagem ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca, identificar os elementos componentes desse cuidado, descrever os saberes gerontológicos da equipe de enfermagem que cuida desses idosos e analisar as possíveis dificuldades enfrentadas por essa equipe de enfermagem no cuidado ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca. O cenário de pesquisa foi uma enfermaria clínica-cirúrgica de uma Organização Militar de Saúde, localizada no Rio de Janeiro. Fizeram parte do estudo 16 profissionais de enfermagem que atuam na referida enfermaria clínica-cirúrgica. A coleta de dados se deu através das entrevistas com os sujeitos, da observação sistemática do ambiente físico da enfermaria e da observação participante acerca do cuidado de enfermagem ao idoso hospitalizado. Os dados receberam tratamento qualitativo através de análise de conteúdo, utilizando como técnica, a análise temática. Os resultados apontaram como elementos do cuidado de enfermagem ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca, àqueles relacionados à dimensão do afeto como o saber ouvir, o carinho, a atenção, e os relacionados à dimensão da prática como a monitorização dos parâmetros vitais e a minimização de esforços. As dificuldades enfrentadas pela equipe de enfermagem na realização do cuidado ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca estão relacionadas à instituição, ao idoso, ao profissional e a equipe. Os saberes gerontológicos desta equipe têm origem no cotidiano profissional, como por exemplo, o reconhecimento da complexidade do cuidado a ser realizado ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca. Conclui-se que a equipe de enfermagem desempenha um cuidado baseado em elementos afetivos e práticos, aplicando saberes que advém da prática profissional, havendo a necessidade da integração destes saberes com um saber de origem teórica, adquirido através de cursos de qualificação e/ou atualização com intuito de aumentar a qualidade do cuidado oferecido ao idoso hospitalizado com insuficiência cardíaca. Contribuições para a Enfermagem: espera-se que através desta pesquisa, a enfermagem aprimore seu olhar, suas técnicas e sua abordagem ao cliente idoso com insuficiência cardíaca contribuindo para a realização de um cuidado adequado e resolutivo. / It is a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory research, of the holistic unique case study which had as object of study the nursing care to institutionalized elders with heart insufficiency and the following objectives to discuss the care described by the nursing to the institutionalized elder with heart insufficiency, to identify the elements of these care, to describe the gerontology know-how of the nursing team that takes care of these elders and to analyze possible difficulties faced by this nursing team on caring the institutionalized elder with heart insufficiency. The research landscape is a clinical-surgical ward of a Health Military Organization, located in Rio de Janeiro. Sixteen professional nurses, who work in the mentioned clinical-surgical ward, were part of the study. Data collection was made through interviews with the individuals, by means of systematic observation of the physical environment of the ward and from the participant observation about the nursing care to the institutionalized elder. Data received qualitative treatment through content analysis, using as technique the thematic analysis. The results indicated as elements of the nursing care of the institutionalized with heart insufficiency those related to the dimension of the affection as to how to know to listen, the endearment, and the attention and still those related to the dimension of the practice of monitoring of vital parameters and the minimization of efforts. The difficulties faced by the nursing team in achieving the care to the institutionalized elder with heart insufficiency are related to the institution, to the elder, to the professional and to the team. The gerontology know-how of this team has origin from the professional quotidian, as for instance the recognition of the complexity of the care to be given to the institutionalized elder with heart insufficiency. It is concluded that the nursing team offers a care based in affective and practical elements, using the know-how acquired from the professional practice and there is the need of integration of all this knowledge to a knowledge of theoretical origin, acquired through qualification and/or refreshment courses with the aim of increasing the quality of the service offered to the institutionalized elder with heart insufficiency. Contributions to the Nursing: one expects that through this research nursing improves its focus, its techniques, and its approach to the elder with heart insufficiency, contributing to the implementation of an appropriate and resolutive care.

Mobile Communication Technologies and Their Effects on Elderly, A Case Study of Diabetes type 2 Elderly

Raza, Syed Tosif, Naveed, Sundas January 2010 (has links)
Ageing population’s increasing ratio is alarming and the needs of elder persons are increasing day by day. Fast increase in ageing population means the growing of chronic diseases as well. Diabetes type 2 is a chronic disease which commonly found in elder persons. Technological innovations in Health care sector playing an enormous role in improving the healthy life of all humans. Use of latest technologies in perceiving the health services are now common. Each technology in this era is facilitating in many ways, same is the case with mobile phone which can provide multiple functionalities for the betterment of elderly life. The focus of this study is to investigate the reasons of less use of mobile phone in elderly life and what other functionalities elderly want in coming mobile phones. The results of this study would be supportive in understanding the problems of diabetes type 2 patients in using mobile phone. This study would also be helpful for the manufacturers in developing the mobile phones according to the needs of elder persons. The analysis of this research work depends on three study stages. It starts from the literature review, in which we learned the effects of diabetes on elder persons. It also includes the usability features of mobile phone which necessary for implementing the future functionalities with elderly perspective. On the basis of literature review we designed the questionnaire and prepare the interviews. Interviews were conducted with two health care professionals and questionnaires with the citizens of county of Blekinge. We believe that our analysis will be helpful for both elderly and mobile phone manufacturing companies and they will also be supportive in increasing the quality of life of elderly.

Making health and welfare decisions in old age : challenging the adequacy of mental disability law and theory

Pritchard-Jones, Laura Gwynne January 2016 (has links)
Old age – and particularly the increasing numbers of older people globally and within the United Kingdom - is becoming a social and political phenomenon. Yet despite this, very little has been written on how the law – and especially mental disability law – intersects with old age. This is notwithstanding the fact that many older people may encounter conditions that impact their mental or cognitive abilities, and proportionally, may therefore be greatly affected by this area of law. By drawing on a number of theories – sometimes termed ‘relational’ theories – which are derived predominantly from feminist theory, this thesis seeks to explore the adequacy of mental disability law for safeguarding health and welfare-related decision-making of older adults in three areas; where an older person has been subjected to ageism, where they have been the victim of interpersonal abuse, and where they have dementia and may lack mental capacity. Within this broader goal, this thesis has two specific aims. First, to explicitly critique and challenge the adequacy of the law as it is applied in these circumstances. It is suggested in particular that a deeper analysis of the law in both its previous and current forms betrays the liberal and unduly individualistic roots of the legislative framework. These are roots that are predicated on non-interference, and an idealistic paradigm of the rational, autonomous, and healthy bodied individual. This – it is contended throughout – is an unsuitable philosophy to underpin the law, particularly where the law engages with older adults. Second, this thesis aims to navigate a more suitable pathway within the law as it currently exists. While operating as a tool to critique the legislative framework and its underpinning philosophy, it is argued that the theories drawn upon throughout the thesis also have the potential to highlight how the law could be implemented in such a way so as to emphasise the importance of the realities of the lived experiences of old age, and particularly the experience of ageism, abuse, and dementia. Crucially, it is also suggested that such theories can help the law pay greater attention to the complex web of relationships – both positive and negative; personal and societal – that an older person may find themselves embedded within, and that frequently take on an added significance in old age.

Hållbart samhälle, hållbart liv : Om konstruktioner av ideal och problem kring social hållbarhet ur ett landsbygds- och äldreperspektiv / Sustainable society, sustainable life : The construction of ideals and problems regarding social sustainability in a rural and elderly perspective

Elmqvist, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Social sustainability is often regarded as a solution to social problems in general. In this study, on the contrary, social sustainability is conceived as a socially constructed concept and the result of a certain way of looking at the world, the human being and the ideal society. The study centers around Kinda municipality in the southern region of Östergötland and a few of its elder inhabitants. What meaning and substance social sustainability is contained with as well as the effects that are produced by these conceptualizations is explored and analyzed. Also, the study examines the encounter between political policy’s and judgments on the one hand and the experiences and preferences held by the municipality’s elder inhabitants on the other.

Uppsökande tandvård och upplevelser om dess effekt på oral hälsa hos beroende äldre

Czarnecka, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka tandhygienisters erfarenheter av uppsökande tandvård och deras upplevelser om dess effekt på oral hälsa hos beroende äldre. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats. Nio legitimerade tandhygienister som arbetar med uppsökande tandvård inkluderades i studien. Inklusionskriterier var tandhygienister som arbetade med uppsökande tandvård i minst sex månader och minst två år som tandhygienist. Exklusionskriterien var tandhygienister som arbetade mindre än tre dagar i veckan med uppsökande tandvård. Intervjuer utfördes och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Uppsökande tandvård upplevdes höja engagemanget hos vårdpersonalen gällande den orala hälsan. En tanke har väckts att den orala hälsan tillhör resten av kroppen. Okunskap och attityder kunde dock begränsa effekten av arbetet med munvård. Känsla av frihet samt meningsfullhet nämndes som fördelar med arbetet med uppsökande tandvård. Faktorer som behövde förändras för att arbetet med uppsökande tandvård skulle vara mer effektivt och den orala hälsan bättre hos de äldre var större samverkan mellan professioner, bättre ergonomiskt stöd samt stöd till vårdpersonal som upplevdes för stressad. Slutsats: Äldre individer på vårdboende upplevs fortfarande ha en eftersatt munhygien. Uppsökande tandvård uppfattas vara en insats som sätter den orala hälsan i fokus, men det finns faktorer som försvårar arbetet med munvård på vårdboenden, främst på organisationsnivå. Trots detta finns möjligheter för att kunna erbjuda en mer adekvat munvård.

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