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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifiering av våldsutsatta äldre personer inom akutsjukvård : en litteraturöversikt med syfte att belysa faktorer som identifierar våldsutsatta äldre personer inom akutsjukvård / Identification of elder abuse within the emergency medical services : a literature review with the aim to illuminate factors that identify elder abuse victims within the emergency medical services

Johansson Tesfay, Monica, Ölund, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Äldre personer är en globalt snabbt framväxande population och majoriteten av personer i behov av akutsjukvård utgörs av äldre personer. Våld mot äldre personer kan leda till allvarliga konsekvenser och akutsjukvården spelar en viktig roll gällande identifiering av våld mot äldre. Då våldet sällan identifieras, är identifiering av våldsutsatta äldre personer numera en global folkhälsoprioritet. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa faktorer som identifierar våldsutsatta äldre personer inom akutsjukvård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med systematisk metod valdes som metod. Datainsamlingen i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL resulterade i femton vetenskapliga artiklar, vilka sammanställdes genom en integrerad analys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom faktorer som identifierade våldsutsatta äldre personer inom akutsjukvård, genom kategorin “Riskfaktorer” framkom riskfaktorer vilka ökade sannolikheten våldsutsatthet utifrån underkategorierna; Högre ålder, Kvinnligt kön, Närvaro av sjukdom och Historik av våldsutsatthet. I kategorin “Skadefaktorer” framkom typiska skador hos våldsutsatta äldre personer utifrån underkategorierna; Hudskador, Huvudskador, Övre extremitetsskador samt Frakturer. I kategorin “Sociala faktorer” framkom ökad våldsutsatthet vid låg inkomst och bristande socialt nätverk samt om den äldre var ensamboende med förövaren utifrån underkategorierna; Social isolering, Boendesituation och Lägre socioekonomisk status. Slutsats: Typiska riskfaktorer och sociala faktorer för våldsutsatta äldre påverkar misstankegraden av äldres våldsutsatthet, vilka kan användas som stöd inom akutsjukvård för att identifiera våldsutsatta äldre personer. Äldre personers skador ska bedömas kliniskt utifrån tecken som ökar misstankegraden gällande våldsorsakade skador hos äldre. Identifieringen kräver ett personcentrerat perspektiv med hänsyn till sjukdomstillstånd eller upplevelser som påverkar äldres kommunikation om våldsutsatthet. / Background: The population of elderly people is growing rapidly on a global scale, and the majority of people in need of emergency medical care is made up of this age group. Elder abuse can lead to serious consequences and the emergency medical services play an important role in identifying elder abuse. As the abuse rarely is identified, identification of elder abuse is currently seen as a global public health priority. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate factors that identify elder abuse victims within the emergency medical services. Method: The study consists of a literature review with a systematic method. Fifteen scientific articles were collected through PubMed and CINAHL databases and compiled through an integrated analysis. Result: Factors that identify elder abuse victims in emergency medical services emerged through the category “Risk factors”, which showed factors that increased the likelihood of elder abuse based on the subcategories; Older age, Female sex, Presence of illness and History of abuse. The category “Injury factors” revealed typical injuries in elder abuse victims based on the subcategories; Skin injuries, Head injuries, Upper extremity injuries and Fractures. The category “Social factors” revealed increased abuse in cases of low income and lack of social network and if the elderly lived alone with the perpetrator, based on the subcategories; Social isolation, Housing situation and Lower socioeconomic status. Conclusion: Typical risk factors and social factors for elder abuse affects the degree of suspicion of elder abuse, which can be used in emergency medical services, as support to identify elder abuse. Elderly people's injuries must be assessed clinically based on signs that increase the degree of suspicion regarding injuries caused by elder abuse. The identification requires a person centred approach, taking into account medical conditions or experiences that affect the elderly's communication about exposure to violence.

Vem tröstar de äldre som lider av ensamhet och psykisk ohälsa? : En kvalitativ studie om hur omvårdnadspersonal ser på behovet av äldrekuratorer inom kommunal äldreomsorg. / Who console the elderly who suffer from loneliness and mental illness? : A qualitative study of how care professionals experience the need for elderly counselors in communal geriatric care.

Johansson, Hanna, Prüss, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how care professionals experienced the need of an elder counselor in communal geriatric care. The ambition was to discover how the caregivers viewed the need of an elder counselor to identify and antagonize the suffering from mental illness and loneliness against older people and to reach a greater understanding of what they experience is the opportunities and difficulties with the eldercounselor. The study was conducted through six semi-structured, qualitative interviews with six different home care staff in two municipalities who had counselors provided for the older people living there. We identified six themes in the interviews which were used for analyzing our results. The themes were: Professions treatment of mental illness and loneliness, A support for the care professionals, An anonymous profession, Loneliness and mental illness, Elders need to talk and Elders oppose counselor support. The results of our study shows that it is common that older people suffer from mental illness and loneliness. The care professionals experience that there is a need of having a counselor to support and help their patients to counteract mental illness. The care professionals also experience that the counselors can be used as a support for the care professionals themselves. The results also showed that a lot of the older people were offered professional talk with a counselor but resisted the offer. We also discovered difficulties with the collaboration within the organization between the counselor, the patients and the care staff.

Ett värdigt liv : En studie om socialsekreterares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM ur ett åldersperspektiv. / A dignified life : A study of social workers interpretation and application of LVM from an age perspective.

Petersson, Nora, Andersson, Nicolina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to investigate if age is impacting the social workers interpretationand application of the Swedish compulsory care legislation for people with substance abuse, Lag(1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall [LVM]. This with a specific focus on the elderly,thus clients over 65 years. Moreover it aims to examine whether the Swedish legal principles ofequality and objectivity are complied with in the practice of social work. The study is based oneight qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight social workers, at the time working withhandling of such matters. The theories used in the analysis are social constructivism with theunderlying concepts of age-coding and client construction, as well as ageism. The findings of thestudy show, despite the fact that the social workers clarifies that all people are covered by theLVM-legislation, that younger client groups are given higher priority than the older whenallocating resources based on the law. The reasons were found to be several, but were, amongother things, attributed to the fact that rehabilitation opportunities were seen less for the elderly,that the social indication of the law was seen as more applicable on a young’s life circumstances,as well as ethical doubts about the use of compulsory care occurred to a greater extent regardingthe elderly. The social worker’s interpretations and applications of the law were seen to beinfluenced by social age-constructions that exist in Swedish society. Constructions which, if theyare not noticed and questioned, can imply discriminatory practices towards the elderly, and thusageism-effects.

Missförhållanden inom äldreomsorgen : En vinjett- och fokusgruppsstudie om hur omvårdnadspersonal uppfattar missförhållanden på särskilda boenden / Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes : A vignette and focus group study on how care staffperceive elder abuse in nursing homes

Sokunbi, Anifat Olabisi, Pambu, Laurette Futi January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning om missförhållanden visar att äldre som bor på särskilda boenden utsätts för olika former av missförhållanden. De olika formerna av missförhållanden som sker inom äldreomsorgen kommer till uttryck på olika sätt, såsom psykisk och fysisk vanvård samt försummelse. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur omvårdnadspersonal uppfattar eventuella missförhållanden inom äldreomsorgen och varför de tror att missförhållanden uppstår på särskilda boenden. Syftet var även att utifrån Theory of Reasoned Action tolka omvårdnadspersonalens potentiella agerande i situationer då det uppstår missförhållanden. Metod: Studien nyttjade en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av en vinjettstudie medfokusgrupper. Materialet analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att omvårdnadspersonalen hade olika uppfattningar kring missförhållanden. Brist i arbetsmiljö såsom tidsbrist, personalbrist och stress var troliga orsaker till missförhållanden. Genom Theory of Reasoned Action indikerades att kollegors påverkan, så kallade ”subjektiva normer” och egna attityder kan bidra till en förståelse om varför missförhållanden uppstår på särskilda boenden. / Background: Research on elder abuse shows that elderly people living in nursing homes are exposed to various forms of abuse. The various forms of abuse that occur in elderly care are expressed in different ways, such as mental and physical abuse, and neglect. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate how nursing staff perceive possible elder abuse in elderly care and why they believe that elder abuse occurs in nursing homes. The aim was also to interpret the nursing staff's potential actions in situations where elder abuse occurs based on the Theory of Reasoned Action. Method: The study used a vignette methodology with four focus group interviews. The material was analysed through thematic analysis. Results: The results showed that nursing staff had different perceptions of elder abuse. The respondents believed that, among other things, deficiencies in the work environment such as lack of time, staff shortages and stress were likely reasons for elder abuse. The Theory of Reasoned Action indicated that colleagues' influence, also known as "subjective norms" and their own attitudes can contribute to an understanding of why elder abuse occurs in nursing home.

Äldre kvinnors våldsutsatthet : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens arbete med mäns våld mot äldre kvinnor i nära relation

Emilsson, Maria, Lindbom, Marie January 2024 (has links)
From an intersectional perspective, we examine how the vulnerability of older women to intimate partner violence is adressed in the social service´s governing documents and in professional´s description of their work. To fulfill this objective and best formulate our study, we have chosen to combine two qualitative methods, document analysis with an interview study. Older women and their vulnerability to intimate partner violence are largely invisible in both research, policy documents and in the descriptions of the professional social work with intimate partner violence in older women. The lack of standard definitions and unifromity in research makes it difficult to get a comprehensive picture of the problem´s prevalence and its meaning. It also means that the professionals can not acquire sufficient knowledge, feeling thet they have lack of knowledge on the subject. Overall, our conclusion is that the social work with older women´s vulnerability to initmate partner violence is almost invisible. Which means that there is probably a large unknown number of older women who are exposed to violence in a close relationship.

Äldre kvinnors utsatthet för våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland verksamma vid kvinnojourer och tantjourer / Older women´s exposure to domestic violence : A qualitative interview study with employees at women´s shelters and women´s shelters directed to older women

Sheerin, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer upphör inte i samband med pensionering. Äldre kvinnor kan utsättas för alla de olika former av våld i nära relationer som drabbar yngre, inklusive sexuellt våld. Det kan dessutom finnas fler möjliga förövare, utöver en partner även vuxna barn, nära släkting eller personal inom vård och omsorg. Forskningen och samhällets instanser har länge förbisett att våld i nära relationer förekommer mot äldre kvinnor. Det har skapat stora kunskapsluckor gällande äldre kvinnors erfarenheter av våld och vilka metoder som är effektiva för att identifiera, förebygga och åtgärda våld mot äldre kvinnor. Behovet av mer kunskap om äldre kvinnors utsatthet och våldsförebyggande arbete är därför stort. Denna studies syfte var att utforska och beskriva verksamma inom tantjourer och kvinnojourers erfarenheter av att möta och ge stöd till våldsutsatta äldre kvinnor. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med elva verksamma vid tantjourer och kvinnojourer i Sverige. Genom en reflexiv tematisk analys kategoriserades resultaten i enlighet med fyra framträdande teman; det osynliga offret; det osynliga våldet; den okända hjälpen; och synliggörandet. Studien visade hur intersektioner av kön, ålder, funktionsförmåga och klass samverkar och är kopplade till processer av osynliggörande, vilket sammantaget villkorat äldre kvinnors möjlighet till uppbrott från den person som utsätter dem för våld samt deras och tillgång till stöd och skydd. För att tillgängliggöra stödinsatser till våldsutsatta äldre kvinnor på lika villkor som yngre kvinnor behöver bilden av den våldsutsatta kvinnan, våldsutövaren och hur våld i nära relationer ser ut breddas. Stereotypa föreställningar om äldre personer behöver aktivt utmanas och motverkas för att stödinsatser ska kunna utformas utifrån kvinnans individuella behov och livsomständigheter.  Nyckelord: våld i nära relationer, våld mot äldre kvinnor, kvinnojourer, intersektionalitet / Domestic violence does not end with retirement. Older women can be exposed to all the different forms of domestic abuse that affect younger women, including sexual violence. There may also be more possible perpetrators, in addition to a partner also adult children, close relatives or personnel in health and social care. Both previous research and society have long overlooked that domestic abuse occurs against older women. This has created large knowledge gaps regarding older women's experiences of violence and which methods are effective for identifying, preventing, and remedying violence against older women. Consequently, there is a need for more knowledge about older women's exposure to domestic violence and violence prevention methods. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe experiences of meeting, and supporting older women exposed to violence, through the perspective of employees at women ́s shelters and women ́s shelters directed to older women. A qualitative interview study was conducted with eleven employees at women ́s shelters and women ́s shelters directed to older women in Sweden. Through a reflexive thematic analysis, the results were categorized by four emerging themes; the invisible victim; the invisible violence; the unknown aid; making visible. The study showed how intersections of gender, age, functional ability, and class interacts and are connected to processes of invisibility, which collectively affected older women's opportunity to break free from violence as well as their access to support and protection. For support services to be available for older abused women at equal terms as for younger women, the image of abused women, the perpetrator, and what domestic violence looks like needs to be broadened. Support measures need to be tailored based on women’s individual needs and life circumstances, therefore stereotypical ideas about older people need to be actively challenged and counteracted.  Keywords: domestic violence, elder abuse, women ́s shelters, intersectionality

"Etisk stress?...jag förstår nog inte riktigt vad du menar..." : En kvalitativ studie om förståelsen av etisk stress i relation till andra utmaningar hos enhetschefer inom kommunal äldreomsorg / ”Ethical stress?…I guess I don't really understand what you mean..." : A qualitative study on the understanding of ethical stress in relation to other challenges among unit managers in municipal elderly care

Askerlund, Linda, Nilsson, Marianne January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enhetschefen har inte bara ett komplext uppdrag för egen del, utan är också en viktig del för sina medarbetares och brukares välmående och miljö, samt hur verksamheten speglas och speglar sociala regler utåt. Detta sätter stora krav på förmågan att balansera många olika arbetsuppgifter i relation till människors livsvillkor och kan därmed försätta enhetschefen i etiska situationer som skapar stress. Därav finns en relevans i att undersöka etisk stress hos enhetschefer. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arbetsvillkor kan medföra etisk stress hos enhetschefer inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Metod: Med studiens kvalitativa ansats har sex individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med informanter från två olika kommuner. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades för analys med tematisk ansats. Till studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter antog forskarna en sensitiv ansats till Karasek och Theorells krav- kontroll- och stödmodell samt delar av socialpedagogisk handlingsdimension där fokus lades på delaktighet, lärande och erkännande. Dessa fick fungera som analysverktyg i relation till befintlig forskning på området.  Resultat: Studien uppmärksammar en okunskap om etisk stress hos informanterna. Det framkommer hög arbetsbelastning samt begränsningar till ett närvarande ledarskap, vilket skapar stress för samtliga informanter. Informanterna har utvecklat en viss acceptans för att bibehålla och hantera sitt uppdrag. Studien resulterar i att informanterna kommer till insikt att de inte bara utmanas i etiska dilemman som skapar stress, utan också dagligen utsätts för etisk stress.

The Relationship between Personal Demographic Components, Health Status, Discharge Status, and Mortality among Asian Pacific Islander Elders

Phromjuang, Kornwika 04 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A Comparative Study of the Appeal in Favorite Comics and Favorite Fiction, as Reported by Ninth-grade Pupils in the James P. Elder Junior High School, Fort Worth, Texas

Smith, Mary Blanche 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to compare certain elements of appeal in favorite comic books and favorite books of fiction read by 384 ninth-grade pupils in the J. P. Elder Junior High School, Fort Worth, Texas, during a three-months period from November 7, 1949, to February 7, 1950. The purpose of this investigation is to ascertain whether the same elements of appeal are common to both types of reading, and whether they compare favorably with the findings of other investigations reported in literature on the subject.

川端康成老人文學中老年之生(性)-以《山之音》《湖》《睡美人》《蒲公英》為視點- / The Elderly’s Spirit(Sexuality) in the Elder Literature of Yasunari Kawabata: From the view of Yama no Oto , Mitsuumi, Nemunerubizyo and Tanpopo

張凱博, Chang,Kai-Po Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以川端康成的《山之音》《湖》《睡美人》《蒲公英》為切入視點,考察川端康成老人文學中老年的生(性)。 本論之中心課題乃以川端處女作的《十六歲的日記》(1918)為首,歷經《伊豆的舞孃》《雪國》《千羽鶴》《睡美人》等名作,到未完成的遺作《蒲公英》(1968)為止,考察川端在作品世界究竟是以何種形式,將透過末期之眼所映照出之逸脫的自然來具體呈現、使其達成變化。 本論文由六個章節所組成,第一章闡述研究動機、研究方法,第二章著眼於四部作品中具體呈現的魔界空間性、脫離現實之程度、魔界之異空間及置身其中 之老人間的關係性,並嘗試分析各個相異的特徵。第三章則探討自覺到衰老之老人自我意識,與凝視老人之衰老的他者視線兩者間如何產生交疊與共鳴。第四章則是剖析老人在非日常性的魔界空間中,藉由各種聲音表現來對抗面對死亡的恐懼,並以此作為對冥界的線索,進而跨越、試圖達成生命回復之身影。在第五章則論述老年的情慾感覺如何捕捉與老人有性關係的女性身體並掌握其表徵,再根據西格蒙德‧佛洛伊德的《性理論三篇》、《夢之解析》來闡述老人之擬似性行為與夢的意涵。 / This dissertation is viewed from the works of Yasunari Kawabata─ "Yama no Oto", "Mitsuumi", "Nemunerubizyo" and "Tanpopo" to discuss the elderly’s spirit(Sexuality) in the Elder Literature. The topic begins with the maiden work of Kawabata─ "Zyuurossai no Nikki"(1918)and goes through his other famous works─ "Izu no Odoriko", "Yukiguni", "Yama no Oto", "Senbaturu", "Nemunerubizyo", and the unfinished work─ "Tanpopo"(1968).This dissertation discusses the manner the author uses in the works’ situation to show and achieve the transcendence which is reflected by “the eye of dying”. The dissertation is composed of six chapters. The first chapter illustrates the motivation, and the methodology. The second chapter focuses on the spatiality in the Makai, the extent of distance from reality, the relationship between the elders and the Makai where they are situated. The differences among the preceding points would also be analyzed. Chapter three points out the self-identity of the elders who are aware of their aging, and shows the overlap and consonance happen between the elders and the onlookers who are observing the aging process. Chapter four would explore how the author manipulates the sound to present the confrontation of fear in death when the elders are in the unusual space of Makai, and how they take the sound for the clues of hell, trying to transcend and achieve the rebirth. In chapter five, the discussion is on the features of how the elders use the erotic affections to attract women who have sexual relations with them and grasp the features of the women’s body. Meanwhile, the theories of Sigmund Freud- "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality" and "The Interpretation of Dreams" are used to illustrate the connotation of the elder’s dream and their mock sexual behavior.

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