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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Musical 'translations' of experience through the interpretation of extra-musical forms and patterns

Devaux, Keiko 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Devenir révolutionnaire à Alexandrie : contribution à une sociologie historique du surgissement révolutionnaire en Egypte / Becoming revolutionary in Alexandria : a contribution to a historical sociology of revolutionary emergence in Egypt

El Chazli, Youssef 03 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à une sociologie historique du surgissement révolutionnaire en Égypte, à travers une approche localisée et à l'échelle individuelle. Le surgissement révolutionnaire renvoie à une séquence d'interactions dont l'issue, contingente, peut donner lieu à un basculement général de l'ordre politique. Afin de rendre compte des mécanismes concrets dont sont faits ces séquences, cette recherche se fonde sur l'étude des engagements de révolutionnaires et de novices dans la deuxième ville d'Égypte, Alexandrie, lors de la « révolution du 25 janvier 2011 ». Ces engagements sont analysés à l'aune des transformations politiques, économiques et culturelles que l'Égypte a connues depuis les années 1980 et, plus précisément, le renouveau protestataire qui marque la décennie 2000. Faisant usage d'une multitude de sources et de données (entretiens, observations, traces numériques, revues de presse, corpus de photographies et de vidéos), cette thèse permet de renouveler notre compréhension des phénomènes révolutionnaires et de la manière dont ils émergent. Plus précisément, on y voit comment, à rebours des analyses globalisantes et réifiantes des processus révolutionnaires, on ne peut comprendre la dynamique d'émergence d'une crise sans en revenir aux paramètres situationnels et, surtout, aux dynamiques locales de chaque cas. Par ailleurs, en focalisant l'attention sur la ville d'Alexandrie, cette thèse contribue à ouvrir un chantier de recherche sur cette grande métropole méditerranéenne qui reste sous-étudiée. / This thesis contributes to a historical sociology of revolutionary emergence in Egypt, through a localized and micrological approach. The revolutionary emergence refers to a sequence of interactions, always contingent, which can give rise to a sudden breakdown of a political regime. ln order to give an account of the concrete mechanisms constituting these sequences. This research is based on the study of the careers of revolutionaries and novices in Egypt's second city, Alexandria, during the "revolution of 25 January 2011". These political commitments are analyzed in the light of the political, economic and cultural transformations that Egypt has undergone since the 1980s and, more specifically, the renewal of protest activities that marked the decade 2000. Using a multitude of sources and data (interviews, observations, digital traces, press reviews, photographs and videos), this thesis allows us to renew our understanding of revolutionary phenomena and how they emerge. More precisely, we see how, against the background of globalizing and reifying analyses of revolutionary processes, we cannot understand the dynamics of the emergence of a crisis without returning to the situational parameters and, above all, to the local dynamics of each case. Moreover, by focusing attention on the city of Alexandria, this thesis contributes to opening a research avenue on this important Mediterranean metropolis which remains under-studied.

As correlações entre os sistemas generativos e a fabricação digital no contexto das artes visuais / -

Henno, Juliana Harrison 29 June 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende examinar a imagem digital decorrente da aproximação das artes visuais com as tecnologias CAD/CAM e os sistemas biológicos de criação. Essa imagem de base computacional e de característica emergente encontra na fabricação digital a oportunidade de se materializar tendo em vista a compatibilidade tanto no sentido da concretização da complexidade da forma quanto da possibilidade de sua singularização seriada. Mais especificamente, pretende-se abordar como os processos e as técnicas de produção digital, ao viabilizarem a geração e materialização da imagem complexa, têm interferido no modus operandi do artista visual, ampliando as formas de operar e representar no campo das Artes ao servirem como instrumento para o desenvolvimento e a representação de novas poéticas. Por meio da referência teórica, da leitura de obras e dos trabalhos práticos experimentais, pretende-se explorar de que forma o artista se apropria dos meios de produção digitais e dos processos generativos de criação, explorando-os como uma linguagem inovadora, que por sua vez amplia e potencializa, a níveis antes insuspeitáveis, as formas de expressão e execução de sua obra. Intenta-se avaliar de que maneira o processo de caráter numérico pode interferir no processo criativo e poético do artista visual de modo a promover novas possibilidades expressivas e, dessa forma, explorar potenciais até então pouco usuais no campo das artes. A tese usa como principais fundamentações teóricas para lançar as bases para o entendimento da relação cada vez mais estreita entre arte e tecnologia as discussões de Taylor (2014), Machado (1997b), Couchot (2003), Lévy (1996), Laurentiz (1991), Moles (1990) e Plaza & Tavares (1998), que investigam a introdução do numérico no campo artístico. Já as discussões de Manovich (2010), Galanter (2010), Couchot (2010), Johnson (2001), Whitelaw (2006) e McCormack (2014) abordam teorias a respeito da complexidade da imagem e esclarecem processos e modelos de sistemas naturais passíveis de emergência. Para apresentar a tecnologia de fabricação digital e seu potencial criativo, a tese se apoia nos autores Kolarevic (2001), Mitchel & McCullough (1995), McCullough (1996), Todd & Latham (1992) e Ganis (2004). Reflexões a respeito da convergência entre os conceitos de emergência e de fabricação baseiam-se nas discussões de Labaco (2013), Whitelaw (2006; 2015) e Moura (2013). / This research aims at examining the digital image that originates from the proximity of the visual arts with CAD/CAM technologies and the biological systems of creation. Such computer-based image, that is emergent, can be materialized in the digital fabrication owing to the compatibility both in the sense of making the complexity of the form concrete and of enabling its serial singling. More specifically, we intend to approach how the digital manufacturing processes and techniques have interfered with the visual artist´s modus operandi as they enable the generation and the materialization of the complex image, thus enlarging the ways to operate and represent in the arts field because they work as instruments to develop and represent new poetics. By means of theoretical reference, work reading and experimental practical works, we intend to explore how the artist takes over the means of digital production and the generative processes of creating and he/she explores them as an innovative language, which, in turn, amplifies and potentiates the forms of expression and accomplishment of his/her work to levels unimaginable before. We intend to evaluate how the numerical character process can interfere with the visual artist´s creative and poetic process to promote new expressive possibilities, thus exploring the potential which has been unusual in the arts field so far. The main theoretical support to launch the bases to understand the ever closer relation of art to technology was derived from the discussions by Taylor (2014), Machado (1997b), Couchot (2003), Lévy (1996), Laurentiz (1991), Moles (1990) and Plaza & Tavares (1998). Those researchers investigate the introduction of the numerical in the artistic field. The discussions by Manovich (2010), Galanter (2010), Couchot (2010), Johnson (2001), Whitelaw (2006) and McCormack (2014) bring information of theories related to the complexity of the image, since in those discussions the processes and models of natural systems that are liable to emergence are elucidated. To present the digital manufacturing technology and its creative potential, the theoretical support was derived from Kolarevic (2001), Mitchel & McCullough (1995), McCullough (1996), Todd & Latham (1992) and Ganis (2004). The concepts about the convergence of the concepts of emergence and manufacturing reflect the discussions by Labaco (2013), Whitelaw (2006; 2015) and Moura (2013).

Matrices emplois-expositions et émergence des risques professionnels : application au sein du Réseau National de Vigilance des Pathologies Professionnelles / Job-exposure matrix and emergence of occupational hazards : application within the french national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network

Florentin, Arnaud 29 November 2017 (has links)
La veille sanitaire dans le champ de la santé au travail est cruciale pour détecter l’apparition de nouveaux risques. Le réseau National de Vigilance et de Prévention des Pathologies Professionnelles (RNV3P), réseau national d’experts opérationnel depuis 2011, y participe activement. Pour cela, le RNV3P a déployé plusieurs méthodes pour détecter les nouveaux risques : émergence clinique et émergence statistique. La méthode des mesures de disproportion couramment utilisée dans le domaine de la pharmacovigilance a déjà été appliquée avec succès aux données du RNV3P. Néanmoins, une limite importante peut être soulevée. Les professionnels de santé déclarant les expositions qui leur semble liées à la pathologie déclarée, nous pouvons légitimement suspecter l'existence d'un biais de sélection de ces expositions : l'exposition la plus reconnue par le monde professionnel sera forcément déclarée. Pour tenter de maîtriser ce biais, nous avons proposé d’appliquer les matrices emploi / exposition (MEE) sur les données du RNV3P et d’examiner leur impact sur les mesures de disproportion. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé la faisabilité de l’application des MEE au RNV3P et leur apport. Pour cela, 3 MEE issues du programme Matgéné ont été appliquées (benzène, poussières respirables de silice cristalline libre et solvants chlorés). Les données d’exposition rapportées respectivement par les experts et par la MEE ont été comparées en particulier pour des associations bien connues comme la silicose/silice ou les maladies hématopoïétiques/benzène, et pour des associations moins connues ou douteuses comme la sclérose systémique/silice et les maladies hématopoïétiques/solvants chlorés (trichloréthylène). Dans un second temps, nous avons appliqué les mesures de disproportion de type fréquentielle et bayésienne en comparant les résultats obtenus par les experts et les MEE pour trois nuisances : silice, trichloroéthylène et tétrachloroéthylène. Au final, les MEE permettent de rapporter plus d’expositions que les experts pour chaque nuisance testée et ce d’autant plus que l’association est peu connue. Cet apport d’information permet la génération de nouveaux signaux avec les mesures de disproportion qu’il est intéressant de discuter et d’explorer avec des experts / Health surveillance in the field of occupational health is crucial to detect the emergence of new risks The National Network of Vigilance and Prevention of Occupational Pathologies (RNV3P), a national network of experts operating since 2011, actively participates in. The RNV3P has deployed several methods to detect new risks: clinical emergence and statistical emergence. In the latter case, the disproportionate measures used in the field of pharmacovigilance have been successfully applied to RNV3P. Nevertheless, an important limitation can be raised. As health professionals report exposures associated with the declared pathology, we can legitimately suspect the existence of a selection bias: the most well known exposures of the professional community inevitably are most liable to be more frequently declared. To try to control this bias, we proposed to apply job / exposure matrices (JEM) on the data of the RNV3P and to examine their impact on the measures of disproportion. Initially, we tested the feasibility of applying MEE to the RNV3P data and their contribution. For this, 3 JEMs from the Matgéné program were applied (benzene, free crystalline silica breathing dusts and chlorinated solvents). The exposure data reported by the experts and the JEM were compared in particular for well-known associations such as silicosis / silica or hematopoietic / benzene diseases, and for less known or doubtful associations such as systemic sclerosis and hematopoietic diseases / chlorinated solvents (trichloroethylene). Secondly, we applied the frequency and Bayesian disproportion measures by comparing the results obtained for experts and JEM and for three nuisances: silica, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. In summary, MEE help to provide more exposure than the experts for each tested chemicals and especially if the association is little known. These new data allow the generation of new signals with the disproportion measures that it is interesting to discuss and explore with experts

Etude de la transmission du virus influenza au sein de populations d'Anatidae / The transmission of avian influenza virus inside an anatidea population

Mamlouk, Aymen 20 December 2011 (has links)
Les virus influenza A ont suscité à partir de l’année 1997 un intérêtsanitaire et économique mondial considérable après l’émergence d’une formehautement pathogène d’un virus influenza aviaire H5N1. Cette épizootie a misen évidence le danger majeur que constitue la proximité entre espècessensibles sauvages et domestiques. En effet, pouvant présenter lescaractéristiques de réservoirs de ces virus, les canards étaient les plussoupçonnés de transmettre l’infection, grâce à une pratique migratoireimportante et d’un portage asymptomatique fréquent. Ce portage associe dans la plupart des cas des virus faiblement pathogènesde sous-types multiples. Ces virus peuvent se transmettre aux volaillesdomestiques et émerger en épizootie à virus hautement pathogène dans le casparticulier des sous-types H5 et H7. Ces épizooties peuvent avoir desconséquences économiques considérables, avec une mortalité avoisinant les100%, et sanitaire avec un possible passage à l’homme. Notre projet vise à caractériser l’infection et la transmission des virusinfluenza faiblement pathogènes, après inoculation expérimentale à unepopulation de canards de surface et plongeurs. Il répond également à lanécessité d’établir des méthodes de surveillance des virus influenzaaviaires à l’arrivé des oiseaux migrateurs dans des zones humides à richepatrimoine ornithologique, et situées à proximité de régions à fortpotentiel en matière de production avicole (La Dombes comme exemple). / Since 1997, influenza A viruses has given rise to great sanitary andeconomic interest after the emergence of a highly pathogenic subtype ofavian influenza virus H5N1. This epizooty underlined the threat that couldbe the closeness of wild and domestic birds. Ducks which were actuallyshowing reservoirs characteristics were suspected to pass on the virusthanks to their migratory habits and asymptomatic porterage.This porterage mostly involves low pathogenic viruses of numerous subtypes.Those viruses could be transmitted to domestic poultries and emerge, in thecase of H5 and H7 subtypes, in a viral highly pathogenic epizooty. Thoseepizooties may have major economic (average 100% mortality) and sanitary(possible transmission to humans) consequences.Our study aims to characterize the infection and the transmission of lowpathogenic avian influenza viruses, after experimental inoculation tosurface and diving ducks. It suggests setting up epidemiologic surveillancemethods of avian influenza viruses after the arrival of migratory birds inmost important wetlands, which are close to major poultry breeding regions(The Dombes for instance).

O arquétipo na teoria junguiana e os modelos emergente e evolucionista

Martini, Wolney 18 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wolney Martini.pdf: 369690 bytes, checksum: 277b2f8546f6eff30b16ca7386517060 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / This work is a reflection regarding the concept of archetype as proposed by Jung, bearing in mind the views of archetype proposed by the evolutionary and emergent models in analytical psychology. This reflection aims at identifying possible transformations in the concept of archetype in the time span ranging from 1918 to 1958. The evolutionary and emergent models propose a reconciliation between Jung´s concept and modern theories involving the workings of the brain and evolution. The central hypothesis is that there are limitations on how much we can reconcile the archetypal theory to modern neurological and evolutionary theories, for this may disregard certain key aspects in Jung´s theory. The authors contemplated here are: Emergent Model: George Hogenson, Jean Knox and John Merchant; Evolutionary Model: Anthony Stevens, Erik Goodwyn and Alan Maloney / Este trabalho constitui uma reflexão sobre o conceito de arquétipo proposto por C. G. Jung, e as leituras nas abordagens da psicologia analítica dos modelos evolucionista e emergente. Os autores pesquisados do modelo emergente foram: George Hogenson, Jean Knox e John Merchant e do modelo evolucionista: Anthony Stevens, Erik Goodwyn e Alan Maloney. A reflexão atenta para modificações no conceito feitas por Jung no período entre 1918 e 1958. Os modelos evolucionista e emergente propõem uma aproximação entre o conceito de Jung e teorias atuais sobre mecanismos psíquicos relacionados ao cérebro e à evolução da espécie. A hipótese central do trabalho é de que há limitações nas tentativas de aproximação que desconsideram certos aspectos importantes da teoria de Jung. Verificou-se que conceitos epistemologicamente relevantes, como o psicoide e a sincronicidade não constituem elementos fundamentais para essas teorias

A anarquia ordenada e suas regras de decisão: uma concepção da emergência da cooperação social / The ordered anarchy and their rules of decision. A conception of emergence of social cooperation

Montarroyos, Heraldo Elias de Moura 24 July 2006 (has links)
Nosso objetivo principal, nesta tese, é fornecer um esboço de reconstrução programática do livro Os Limites da Liberdade, escrito por James Buchanan, aplicando os recursos da Metodologia da Teoria da Ciência e do Programa de Pesquisa, visando, especificamente, definir a nossa estrutura conceitual, que pretende reconstruir o problema e o modo de organizar a concepção de Estado ou da ordem constitucional, na perspectiva do autor James Buchanan. O núcleo da concepção deste autor é baseada na tese ontológica que considera o indivíduo uma entidade livre, auto-interessada e racional, dentro de uma perspectiva analógica, ligada com a noção econômica do mercado. O processo de reconstrução, deste trabalho, acompanha a idéia de emergência da cooperação, traduzida na ordem política pela noção do meio-termo entre a Anarquia e o Leviatã. Isto é feito buscando-se as regras metodológicas e as teses programáticas que controlam o equilíbrio ou balanço democrático da ordem política, em relação a esses dois extremos ou limites institucionais. A imagem deste equilíbrio, que é modelada pela analogia com a idéia econômica de mercado, está definida, apropriadamente, na expressão anarquia ordenada. A regra fundamental deste sistema institucional propõe otimizar a delegação de autoridade para o cidadão controlar poderes políticos, resgatando as premissas fundamentais da democracia, no sentido de evitar qualquer possibilidade da anarquia e do controle excessivo do Leviatã. A idéia básica da anarquia ordenada consiste em valorizar a racionalidade e a capacidade de negociação dos indivíduos, que são conhecedores de seus próprios interesses e limitados pelo interesse dos outros participantes. A operacionalização da anarquia ordenada é fundamentada no desenvolvimento de um projeto institucional que disponibiliza tecnologias, regras, sistemas e critérios de decisão que, supostamente, podem resolver problemas relacionados ao conflito dos interesses públicos e privados, através da interação democrática dos indivíduos. Nesta perspectiva, são elementos relevantes no contexto público do desenho institucional da anarquia ordenada, os sistemas político e judiciário, onde as tecnologias legais e as inovações legislativas podem desempenhar significativo papel na implementação da visão democrática da anarquia ordenada. / Our first aim at this thesis is to provide an outline of a rational reconstruction of the book The Limits of Liberty by James Buchanan with the methodological resources of the Methodology of Theory of Science and the Research Program with the purpose of defining our conceptual framework out of which we pretend to build up the problem and the specific way of organizing the conception of state or institutional order in Buchanan\'s view. The core of this conception is based upon the ontological thesis according to which the only entity existing is the individual, free, self interested and rational and also the guideline of pursuing the analogy with the notion of market in economics.This process of reconstruction follows, therefore, the idea of a emergency of cooperation that it is translated into the notion of political order as a middle way between anarchy and Leviathan. This is done pursuing the methodological rules and theses that controls its balance or skewness at the political order towards one of the boundaries.The image of this balance, that is moulded by this analogy with the idea of market, is properly defined as ordered anarchy. The main rule coordinating the other rules, a radical one, is that one should optimize the delegation of authority for citizen to control the political powers in order to work out the basic postulates of democracy in order to avoiding, on the one hand, any possibility of anarchy and in the other hand, Leviathan\'s excessive control. It follows the basic idea of valuing the rationality and capacity of negotiation of the individual who knows best its own interest but it is also limited by the interest of the others. The operationalization of this rule is based upon the development of a institutional design with resources of technologies, rules and systems and criteria of decision that are suposed to solve the problems related to the conflict of public and private interests coming from the interactions among the individuals in the ordered anarchy. In this perspective, a relevant element of this institutional design is that one of the electoral and judiciary system inside of which the technologies and its innovations will play a very meaningfull role for implementing this view of ordered anarchy.

Fluxos de emergência, crescimento e manejo alternativo de Conyza spp. resistente ao glyphosate / Emergence trends, growth and alternative management of glyphosate-resistant Conyza spp.

Soares, Daniel Jorge 10 April 2014 (has links)
Casos reportados de buva com resistência ao glyphosate têm aumentado, ano após ano, a importância dessa planta daninha no cenário agrícola brasileiro. Com o intuito de entender alguns aspectos de sua biologia que resultem em manejo mais adequado, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) identificar os períodos do ano em que ocorrem os maiores fluxos de emergência da buva e analisar seu crescimento e desenvolvimento em dois ambientes agrícolas distintos; (ii) avaliar os efeitos da cobertura vegetal e umidade em sua germinação e emergência; (iii) construir curvas de dose-resposta de um biótipo de Conyza bonariensis resistente ao glyphosate para herbicidas alternativos e (iv) avaliar as opções de manejo químico desse biótipo após o corte e rebrota. Para esses objetivos, experimentos foram conduzidos em campo e casa-de-vegetação nos municípios de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, SP (SCP) e Não-Me-Toque, RS (NMT), entre maio de 2010 a maio de 2012. Em condições de campo, observou-se em SCP que a emergência da buva ocorre de forma escalonada, sendo mais concentrada no final do verão e início da primavera e a precipitação e a presença de pouca cobertura vegetal no solo parecem exercer mais influência que a temperatura. Em NMT, o fluxo de emergência é mais concentrado no inverno, em que a precipitação não é fator limitante, sendo a germinação e emergência favorecidas por temperaturas mais baixas. Nos dois locais, plantas que germinam na época mais fria do ano (julho) apresentam desenvolvimento inicial mais lento, com acúmulo de biomassa mais intenso e concentrado em torno dos 90-104 dias após a semeadura (DAS); plantas que germinam na primavera (setembro) também apresentam desenvolvimento inicial lento, porém seu crescimento é mais distribuído ao longo do tempo, com os picos de acúmulo aos 80-90 DAS. Em condições de casa-de-vegetação, a disponibilidade hídrica do solo foi mais importante para a emergência de plântulas de buva que a quantidade de cobertura vegetal (palha). Em solo úmido, menores quantidades de palha favorecem a emergência da buva em relação ao solo descoberto. Quantidades maiores de palha promovem supressão de sua emergência. A resistência ao glyphosate foi confirmada para o biótipo de C. bonariensis, coletado em SCP (biótipo B2) e a eficiência dos herbicidas alternativos foi diferente em função dos estádios de desenvolvimento desse biótipo no momento da aplicação. Os herbicidas metsulfuron, diclosulam, 2,4-D, dicamba, atrazine, glufosinate e paraquat foram os mais consistentes no controle do biótipo resistente, sendo que, no estádio mais avançado, a associação com glyphosate agregou no controle para metsulfuron, diclosulam e 2,4-D. Após o corte, controle mais eficiente da rebrota (biótipo B2) foi obtido quando a aplicação ocorreu no mesmo dia do corte que 7 dias depois e os tratamentos mais eficientes nas duas situações foram glyphosate + diclosulam, glyphosate + 2,4-D e 2,4-D. A associação de glyphosate aos tratamentos incrementou o controle da rebrota independentemente da época de aplicação. / Reported cases of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane have increased its im-portance in Brazilian agricultural. To understand the key principles to effective man-agement, the objectives of this research were to: (i) analyze hairy fleabane growth and development patterns in two different agricultural environments during peak emergence, (ii) evaluate the effects of stover and soil moisture on seedling emer-gence, (iii) obtain dose-response curves for alternative herbicides in a Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant biotype and (iv) evaluate chemical control options for this biotype after cutting and regrowth. For these objectives, experiments in the field and greenhouse were conducted in Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Sao Paulo State (SCP) and Nao-Me-Toque, Rio Grande do Sul State (NMT), during May, 2010 to May, 2012. At SCP, the germination and emergence of hairy fleabane occurred cycli-cally, peaking more in late summer and early spring and influenced by increased rainfall. In addition, the presence of little crop residue or stover in the ground seemed to exert more influence than temperature. At NMT, emergence was more concen-trated during the winter, when precipitation is not a limiting factor. Germination and emergence were favored by lower temperatures. For both sites, plants that germinat-ed in the coldest season of the year (July) showed slower initial development, with a more intensive biomass accumulation and peaked around 90-104 days after planting. Plants that germinated in the spring (September) also showed slower initial develop-ment, but their growth was more evenly distributed over time, and peaked about 80-90 days after planting. In greenhouse conditions, soil water content was more im-portant for influencing seedling emergence of hairy fleabane than the amount of stover and the highest emergence was observed in moist soil. In the presence of moisture, lower amounts of stover increased seedling emergence of hairy fleabane compared to bare soil. The presence of large quantities of stover on the soil surface resulted in emergence suppression. Glyphosate resistance in Conyza bonariensis, biotype B2, was confirmed by dose-response curves with susceptible biotype. The efficacy of alternative herbicides was different depending on the stage of the resistant biotype at application timing. The herbicides metsulfuron, diclosulam, 2,4-D, dicamba, atrazine, glufosinate and paraquat were the most effective in controlling the resistant biotype. In later stages the association with glyphosate resulted in a better control with metsulfuron, diclosulam and 2,4-D. More efficient control of hairy flea-bane regrowth (biotype B2) was observed when herbicides were applied on the same day that the plants were cut than when applied 7 days after cutting. The most effec-tive herbicide treatments in both situations were glyphosate + diclosulam, glyphosate + 2,4-D, and 2,4-D alone. The association of glyphosate in the herbicide treatments increased control of hairy fleabane regrowth regardless of application timing.

Technology venture emergence characterisation

Hirose, Yuta January 2017 (has links)
Technology entrepreneurs and managers aim to navigate emerging technology ventures and innovations towards successful commercialisation and business development, often over long periods of time. However, this is challenging due to high uncertainties associated with planning and navigating relevant market and business drivers, technological resources and capabilities, and applications. Failure to understand and manage these uncertainties appropriately can lead to undesired consequences and poor outcomes in the realisation of value creation and capture. This research firstly built a knowledge base of technology ventures by conducting a literature review, enabling the development of a conceptual retrospective roadmapping framework as the basis for characterising the emergence of technology ventures. This leads to an analysis of 13 case studies, characterising phases, transitions, patterns, enablers and barriers associated with the emergence of technology ventures. A conceptual model, the so-called ‘emergence archetypes’, was then developed by conducting an in-depth analysis with a further 19 case studies. The concept provides practical insights regarding how emerging technology ventures can be exposed to different levels of technological and market uncertainties along the journey of technology commercialisation and business development. Finally, a strategy visualisation tool and process have been designed based on the research outputs, and a focus group was then conducted with industrial practitioners to review and evaluate the research outputs for practical use in industry. In total, 32 case studies and a focus group have been conducted in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Japan, Australia and the United States. Overall, this research demonstrates that characterising technology venture emergence, by applying roadmapping principles, provides significant implications for both researchers and practitioners of strategy and innovation. Success or failure of emerging technology ventures, in terms of value creation and capture, is not only directly related to products or services, but more broadly to the innovation systems in which the technology ventures operate. By demonstrating the characterisation of technology venture emergence, the conceptualisation of emergence archetypes and the strategy visualisation tool and process development, this research shows that applying roadmapping is an appropriate method to characterise and improve emerging technology venturing practices, supporting value creation and capture.

L'instance de la personne : une métaphysique sans substance / The instance of the person : a metaphysics without substance

Hours, Nil 19 December 2015 (has links)
La personne est un concept tributaire de la catégorie de substance, à laquelle la métaphysique contemporaine continue souvent de l'assimiler. Or, la substance méconnaît la nature profondément relationnelle de la personne, et n'est quasiment plus d'aucune utilité en dehors de la métaphysique elle-même. Nous lui substituons d'autres catégories, afin de distinguer méthodiquement la personne d'une part de l'animal humain, comme nous y invite l'ontologie animaliste, et d'autre part de l'ego cartésien, si fortement critiqué par Parfit. Ce faisant, nous retrouvons les deux thèses les plus puissantes de la personne : la thèse chrétienne* qui en fait un centre de relations, et la thèse bouddhiste* qui en fait un complexe de propriétés. Toutefois, la première affilie la personne au modèle particulier de la Sainte Trinité, tandis que la seconde aboutit le plus souvent à un nihilisme de la personne tout aussi spéculatif. Nous proposons de penser la personne comme un processus, ou une série d'événements, afin de faire droit à l'idée de "personhood" : c'est à travers l'interaction entre les niveaux psychologiques et sociaux que la personne émerge, comme une activité auto-organisatrice qui ne se réduit pas à des propriétés biologiques, et n'est pas davantage soluble dans des structures collectives. Le saut quantique que la personne accomplit au sein de la nature, sans correspondre à une rupture ontique, peut être mieux apprécié : l'agentivité et la dignité propres à la personne sont aussi des phénomènes émergents, et des caractéristiques objectives. La personne est donc moins une entité qu'une instance, ou un réseau particulier de relations au sein d'un monde en perpétuel mouvement. / The concept of a person is historically dependent on the metaphysical category of substance, and contemporary metaphysics keeps assimilating one and the other. But the substance ignores the deeply relational nature of the person, and is virtually of no use outside of metaphysics itself. That is why we substitute other categories, to systematically distinguish the person firstly from the human animal, as prompted by the animalist ontology, and secondly from the Cartesian ego, so strongly criticized by Derek Parfit. In doing so, we find the meaning of the two most powerful theories of the person: the Christian thesis*, making it a center of relationships, and the Buddhist thesis*, making it a complex of properties. However, the first one affiliates the person to the particular model of the Holy Trinity, while the second leads most often to a nihilism of the person just as much speculative. We therefore propose to consider the person as a process, or series of events, so as to stand for the the metaphysical idea of an emergent personhood: it is through the interaction between psychological and social levels that the person continuously emerges as a self-organizing activity that cannot be reduced to biological properties, and is not more soluble in collective structures. The quantum leap that the person accomplishes in nature, without corresponding to an ontological rupture, can in turn be best appreciated: the agentivity and the dignity of the person, are also emerging phenomena, which count as objective features. The person is considered less as an entity than as an instance, that is to say a particular network of relations in a changing world.

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