Spelling suggestions: "subject:"last asian"" "subject:"past asian""
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Human population history and its interplay with natural selectionSiska, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The complex demographic changes that underlie the expansion of anatomically modern humans out of Africa have important consequences on the dynamics of natural selection and our ability to detect it. In this thesis, I aimed to refine our knowledge on human population history using ancient genomes, and then used a climate-informed, spatially explicit framework to explore the interplay between complex demographies and selection. I first analysed a high-coverage genome from Upper Palaeolithic Romania from ~37.8 kya, and demonstrated an early diversification of multiple lineages shortly after the out-of-Africa expansion (Chapter 2). I then investigated Late Upper Palaeolithic (~13.3ky old) and Mesolithic (~9.7 ky old) samples from the Caucasus and a Late Upper Palaeolithic (~13.7ky old) sample from Western Europe, and found that these two groups belong to distinct lineages that also diverged shortly after the out of Africa, ~45-60 ky ago (Chapter 3). Finally, I used East Asian samples from ~7.7ky ago to show that there has been a greater degree of genetic continuity in this region compared to Europe (Chapter 4). In the second part of my thesis, I used a climate-informed, spatially explicit demographic model that captures the out-of-Africa expansion to explore natural selection. I first investigated whether the model can represent the confounding effect of demography on selection statistics, when applied to neutral part of the genome (Chapter 5). Whilst the overlap between different selection statistics was somewhat underestimated by the model, the relationship between signals from different populations is generally well-captured. I then modelled natural selection in the same framework and investigated the spatial distribution of two genetic variants associated with a protective effect against malaria, sickle-cell anaemia and β⁰ thalassemia (Chapter 6). I found that although this model can reproduce the disjoint ranges of different variants typical of the former, it is incompatible with overlapping distributions characteristic of the latter. Furthermore, our model is compatible with the inferred single origin of sickle-cell disease in most regions, but it can not reproduce the presence of this disorder in India without long-distance migrations.
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Východoasijská kaligrafie a české umění po roce 1948 / East Asian Calligraphy and Czech Art after 1948Polláková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
My dissertation thesis seeks to explore some specific social aspects of the dialogue between traditional Chinese art and thinking and Czech art scene after the February1948, when the Communist party took power in former Czechoslovakia. I am mainly interested in the problematic of inspiration from traditional Chinese calligraphy and Daoist philosophy on Czech painting, visual poetry and literature in the 1950s and 1960s. I will argue that the appropriation of selected Chinese philosophical and artistic themes helped Czech artists, working under the communist repression, to express their innermost human emotions in relation to home, culture, freedom, and one's artistic and human destiny. The communist regime meant to many artists the end of their official artistic career. Life in seclusion outside the main political and social streams became for some of them an opportunity to display pent-up feelings of affinity with the life stories of the ancient Daoist thinkers. In this context, focus is primarily placed on an analysis of several distinctive visual and literary works by Czech leading artists of the period, especially on the selected works by the visual artists Emil Filla, Jiří Kolář, Vladimír Boudník, Jan Kotík or Zdeněk Sklenář and the novelist Bohumil Hrabal (1914 - 1997) and his world famous...
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Danmei Literature as Indicator of Social Change: A Sociocultural Analysis of Xiao Chun’s CollideHamilton, Patrick l 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
During the last two decades, Mainland China has seen a rise in the emergence of homosexually charged themes in popular underground literature via the spread of the “Danmei” novel. Mandarin for “indulge in beauty,” the term refers to works of fiction centering on graphic depictions of same-sex love between two central male characters. By the late nineties, an explosion of online Danmei forums proved to be a powerful tool in circumventing government censors, and authorship (mainly by young heterosexual women) skyrocketed.
Xiao Chun’s Collide, first uploaded to the internet in 2006, swept through online message boards and reading forums to become one of the cornerstone pieces of the Danmei genre. Banned for its lascivious homosexual content, its rabid Internet consumption throughout China and Taiwan has contributed to (and, indeed, sheds light on) a wide array of observable changes occurring in the modern Chinese social landscape.
This paper begins with a brief explanation of what little is known about the author of Collide, as well as an introduction to the background of the Danmei movement. Following these sections, a discussion of the sociocultural relevance of the Danmei movement will be presented with special attention paid to the significance of female-dominated authorship and readership, to the voyeurism associated with the genre, and to the relationship between Danmei literature and changing attitudes toward homosexuality. The remaining sections will provide notes from the translator and further remarks on Collide. The analysis will conclude with a full translation of the novel.
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Two Tales of One Office: A Case Study of a Shanghai Gateway OfficeLu, Zhaojia January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Mireuksa, A Baekje Period Temple of the Future Buddha MaitreyaChoi, Hyejeong 17 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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國際貨幣基金的組織與功能 / The Organization and Functions of the International Monetary Fund王瑤瑛, Yao-ying Wang Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
序言 壹
圖表目錄 參
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 國際貨幣基金之成立 4
第一節 布列敦森林機制的起源 4
第二節 布列敦森林機制前的國際貨幣體系 9
第三節 懷特方案與凱因斯方案 12
第四節 小結 17
第三章 布列敦森林機制的制度分析 21
第一節 國際貨幣基金的制度 21
第二節 國際貨幣基金的組織 26
第三節 美國霸權與布列敦森林機制 34
第四章 國際貨幣基金角色的轉變 50
第一節 國際經濟環境的變遷 50
第二節 國際貨幣基金協定條款的修訂 54
第三節 特別提款權的運作 59
第四節 國際貨幣基金的監督功能 61
第五章 國際貨幣基金的制約條件 67
第一節 什麼是制約條件 67
第二節 制約條件的發展 71
第三節 制約條件與調整政策 76
第四節 制約條件的政經效應 79
第六章 一九八0年代的拉丁美洲債務危機 92
第一節 拉丁美洲債務危機的起源 92
第二節 處理拉丁美洲債務危機的國際行動 96
第三節 處理拉丁美洲債務危機的成效與政經意涵 102
第七章 一九九七年東亞金融危機 111
第一節 東亞金融危機的起源 111
第二節 東亞國家的政治經濟結構 117
第三節 處理東亞金融危機的國際行動 119
第四節 國際貨幣基金穩定方案的檢討 123
第五節 小結 132
第八章 結論 138
參考書目 143
圖3-1 國際貨幣基金組織結構圖 45
表6-1 拉美國家的貿易平衡、經常帳與資本基本轉移
的情況,1977—1987 105
表6-2 接受IMF融資計畫的拉美國家之經濟表現 105
表6-3 接受IMF融資計畫的拉美國家之債務情況 106
表7-1 泰國、印尼與南韓三國外匯存底的變動,
(1997年6月—19982月) 112
表7-2 東亞四國的債務情況 114
表7-3 東亞四國的經濟表現,1997—1999 131
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東アジア諸国の雁行形態的発展に関する計量経済分析江崎, 光男 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:06630020 研究代表者:江崎 光男 研究期間:1994-1995年度
Discussion Paper No.41 中国経済のインフレーションと価格競争力 江崎光男・伊藤正一・王名・板倉健
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中国経済の計量分析 : 東アジア開発途上国の中長期計画に対する評価・展望モデルの開発金城, 盛彦, 孫, 林, 江崎, 光男, 斉, 舒暢, 顧, 林生 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:09630040 研究代表者:江崎 光男 研究期間:1997-1999年度
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冷戰後中共海洋戰略之研究 / The People Republic of China's Maritime Strategy After Cold War林東煥, Lin Dung-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中共海洋戰略發展之相關條件、環境、具體措施,以及對周邊國家所產生的影響。後冷戰時期國際情勢緩和,發生大規模戰爭的可能性已大幅降低,地區爭端和衝突反而浮現出來。因地緣政治環境的改變,台海、南海地區已成為區域衝突的引爆點。中共研析波灣戰爭之經驗,放棄「早打、大打、打核戰」時時臨戰之觀念,強調「質量建軍打贏高科技局部戰爭」之策略,故調整戰略方向由陸上走向海洋,以保障其國家利益、國防安全及完成統一中國之企圖。就整體國力言,中共自1978年實施經濟改革後.,經濟成長快速,國家競爭力上升,無庸置疑,已經成為亞太地區經濟大國。而蘇聯解體後,中共來自北方威脅降低,有利其海洋之發展。又因沿海海洋爭奪及領土紛爭問題亟待解決,更全力擴展其海軍武力。中共在 1998年就制定了「中國二十一世紀海洋議程」,提出中國海洋事業永續發展政策。同年中共國務院在國際海洋年會中提出《中國海洋事業發展白皮書》,其中明文主張「中國是發展中沿海大國」。中共大力發展海洋戰略,已為亞太地區安全投下一個變數,亞太各國均深感不安。加上區域內互信機制不夠健全,中共時時對台灣文攻武嚇,更增加地區衝突之危險性。故未來台海、南海問題最後是以和平方式或兵戎相見收場,中共的戰略作為就顯得十分重要。
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