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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Family resources as predictors of positive family-to-work spillover

Kempton-Doane, Gina Leah 04 April 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to predict the family resources that influence positive family-to-work spillover for women who are engaged in parent, partner, and paid employee roles. While much research examines the construct of work-family conflict, little examines the positive benefits for women participating in multiple roles. A conceptual framework for the study was obtained from Voydanoffs (2002) work applying ecological systems theory to the work-family interface. Several factors were hypothesized to predict positive family-to-work spillover for multiple role women, including: spousal support; perceived fairness in the division of housework and childcare; relative share of childcare and housework; and paid assistance with housework.<p>Data for this study was collected in a survey designed for a larger assessment of work, family, gender, and health in the Saskatoon area. The current study utilized data collected from women who met the following criteria: 1) spoke fluent English; 2) fell between the ages of 25 - 54 years; 3) were employed full-time or part-time; and 4) were the parent of at least one child under the age of 20 years. The dependent variable was a measure of positive family-to-work spillover. Independent variables included: spousal support; perceived fairness of the division of childcare; perceived fairness of the division of housework; relative of share of housework for respondents compared to ones partner; and paid assistance with housework. Control variables included income, presence of preschool children, number of children, educational attainment, and hours of paid employment. A sequential multiple regression was performed to predict positive family-to-work spillover from the independent variables. The final regression model predicting positive family-to-work spillover included three independent variables: 1) spousal support; 2) the perception of division of childcare as unfair to ones partner; and 3) relative share of housework for the respondent. Implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.

原住民地區共用資源保育與利用之分析─以新竹縣尖石鄉後山的泰雅族部落為例 / Analysis of indigenous Conservation and Utilization on CPR:Two CPR Self Governing Cases of Atayal Tribe in Taiwan Indigenes

孫稚堤, Sun,Chih-ti Unknown Date (has links)
從共用資源理論觀點暨公共選擇角度而言,原住民部落資源與傳統領域土地乃一「封閉式共用資源」,若由原住民部落團體共有並自主經營管理,社群內部將可能透過個體的合作,創造共同利益,發揮傳統生態知識、善用在地組織,避免原住民地權流失,並進一步達到資源永續發展的目的。但由於受限於「經濟人」與「國家理性主義」之假設,且忽視了人與自然資源會相互影響、相互限制的事實,人們常引用Hardin(1968)的「共用地悲劇」,指出共用資源必將陷於過度使用的危險之中,最終肇致環境的退化。 為釐清此議題,本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉後山兩個具有共用資源自主治理個案的泰雅族部落為例,選取現今既有的「部落地景」、「河川魚群」、「森林產物」等三種形式之共用資源進行觀察;在時間上則以這些資源在保育目的下被部落共同維持開始,到被賦予促進部落經濟期待後的發展為主要的範圍。以新制度經濟學為理論基礎,藉由實證調查和比較,並經「組織中的個人制度選擇」、「社會中的共管組織」以及「社會生態系統」等三個層面的分析,討論有哪些因素影響個人遵守集體的正式與非正式規範?群體如何制定符合當地條件的共用資源治理規範,並維持組織的長期存續?而社會與自然生態之間的互動關係又是如何形成?冀以探討影響「以部落為基礎的自然資源自主治理」之內外部因素及其互動關係,俾提供後續共用資源管理制度設計思考的基礎。 / From the perspective of “common pool resources” (CPR) theory and public choices, the tribal resources of aboriginals and traditional territories are a “closed-access” type of common pool resources. If aboriginal tribes manage the CPR in a self-governing way, the communities may be able to, through the cooperation of individuals within, create collective interests, leverage traditional knowledge regarding the ecosystem, utilize local organizations in order to avoid the lapse of aboriginal land, and achieve the sustainable development of resources. However, people are limited to the hypotheses of “homo economicus” and “raison d’état” along with an overlook of the fact that mutual influences and restrictions lie between humans and natural resources. They often quote the essay “Tragedy of the Commons” by Hardin (1968), according to which common resources are under the constant threat of overuse that will eventually degrade the environment. To establish clarity on this issue, this paper uses an Atayal county with two CPR self-governing cases to observe three types of common pool resources currently seen today: tribe landscape, river fish and forest produce. The time horizon starts at the time point when these resources were placed under tribal management for conservation purposes, and ends at the time point when these resources are expected to prompt economic development. This paper conducts empirical investigations and comparisons based on the theoretical foundations of new institutional economics, and analyzes three aspects of these issues: choice of personal systems within an organization, collective management organizations in a society, and Social-Ecological Systems (SESs). This paper discusses the factors that affect how individuals conform to social norms, formal and informal. How a public choice is made to design the rules which are proper to local CPR situation and maintains the organization long-term sustainability? How do the interactions between society and the natural ecosystem come into being? By exploring the internal and external factors of self-governance of natural resources by tribes and the resulting interactions, this paper aims to provide a foundation for subsequent studies in the design of the management systems for common resources.

社區營造共用資源自主治理之研究-以臺北市木柵二期重劃區為例- / Research on placemaking and self-governance in common-pool resources using the example of the Muzha second redevelopment zone in Taipei

吳軍湛, Wu, Chun Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年起由文建會推動社區營造,有別於中央主導的方式,,試圖以「在地行動」、「由下而上」的核心概念,讓社區發展以在地居民需求為導向,自發性地營造出各具特色的社區。但社造是涉及許多共用資源管理的複雜議題,早期臺灣地區居民缺乏社造經驗,參與公共事務的意願不高,加上未有一套完整的模式進行輔導,導致二十年來實際成功之案例並不多見。近年來隨著公眾議題發燒,臺灣民眾自主意識提升、開始重視公共事務,正是積極發展社造之際。但環顧國內社區對於共用資源的管理,能在期盼有一套良好的制度或模式得以依循。 本研究案例木柵二期重劃區,其自主組織「木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會」透過社會生態系統(Social-Ecological System;以下簡稱SES)的應用,有效將自主治理理論(Self-governance Theory)運用於社造,用以解決共用資源的問題,甚至曾受邀請至世界衛生組織(WHO),分享成功經驗。但本研究發現,將自主治理理論應用於社造之研究竟付之闕如,更沒有一套可供社造工作者參考的模型。故本研究試圖以木柵二期重劃區為案例,建立一套社造自主治理之量化模型。 本研究整理自主治理領域的相關文獻後發現,自主治理的研究雖以質化研究為主,但隨著SES的演進與簡化,是有建立量化模型之可能性。故本研究先對本案例「木柵二期重劃區」進行深度訪談及問卷調查,匯整其成功自主治理之社造沿革、社造過程、社造結果的要素,並將其與SES各種核心子系統進行對應,發現有其適用性。據此,再參考2014年的架構,提出資源體系、資源單體、治理體系、參與者四個構面皆顯著影響作用情境之假設,建立本案例之社造社會生態系統模型,於2014年11月對區內20歲以上居民發放問卷。 因素分析的結果顯示,模型整體的建構效度良好;但核心子系統需修正為三個(因本案例之資源體系與資源單體的重疊性較高,故歸納為資源體系稱之)。其次,迴歸分析驗證之結果亦顯示本案例所提出之資源體系、參與者顯著影響作用情境,此兩個假設獲得支持;另外由於當初將治理體系的設定為地方政府,將自主治理組織木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會歸納為參與者,導致結果顯示治理體系不會顯著影響作用情境。 故本研究的結果顯示,透過SES模型將自主治理理論導入社造是一條可行的方式,然社造的議題涉及層面與考量因素甚廣,且於世界各地亦有許多官方、民間的組織仍不斷的實作以及推廣。唯本研究僅以自主治理理論是否可導入社造為角度切入,與當前主流理論不盡相同,須就其優缺點、以及對現象的解釋力進行比較,然受限於本研究之時間、人力、成本,仍待後續研究者的協助。 研究者本身為協進會理事長,經由近十年之實務操作經驗,並透過本研究之驗證,深知社造之特徵實與自主治理理論概念相近、本研究所建立之社造SES模型,亦有良好的建構效度。故期望能將此實證建構之模型推廣到更多地區,建立社造成功的模式、營造更多桃花源般的社區,使人安住休息,並希望人類從此幸福、和諧、安康。 / Ever since 1994, the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in Taiwan has pro-moted a placemaking movement totally different from the programs previously offered. With the core concepts of “local activities” and “bottom-up” in mind, the movement aims to help develop the communities around the island that could meet the demands of the local residents and automatically display their unique-ness. In the early days, however, the residents in Taiwan did not seem to get very actively involved in public affairs and have access to a good model to follow. Successful cases were rare in the past two decades. In the recent years, public issues have been under heated discussion and autonomous consciousness, raised among the general public. The time has come to develop the placemaking. Considering the management of common-pool resources involved with placemaking and the people’s total lack of the experience, a good system or model is needed to follow. However, the problems faced with the management of common-pool resources, home or abroad, have not been solved, either through the free market or the government centralization, until 1990 when Ostrom proposed his self-governance theory. But no research has been found on the application of self-governance theory to placemaking so far. Taking this into account, this research is intended to apply self-governance theory to the placemaking in “the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District” as an example. Through depth interviews and questionnaire survey, this study tries to know how residents themselves have worked on their placemaking, what are the key factors for their success, and, further, have a good grip of how their self-governance organization—The Community Development Association of the Second Phase of Re-planning the Mu-zha District —has applied self-governance theory to the placemaking so successfully. To illustrate, first, through depth interviews with experts, scholars, and local opinion leaders, this researcher collected the data on the evolution of placemaking in the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District, its process and outcomes, finding that “community resources in place” and “leaders with strong leadership” are the key factors for residents’ high satisfaction. Then, in the qualitative study, this researcher compared each of the counterparts both in self-governance system and social-ecological system (SES), finding that the self-governance theory has its applicability. Next, to establish a SES framework suited for this study, this researcher adapted the SES set by McGinnis and Ostrom in 2014 and proposed the resource system, the resource unit, the governance system and participants for factor anal-ysis. In November, 2014, questionnaires were handed out to the district residents aged 20 and over. Through factor analysis, it is found that the construct validity of the so-cial-ecological system for this study is good. Since there is a considerable overlap between the resources system in this study and the resources unit, we called them the resources system. The regression analysis also concludes that the resources system and participants proposed in this study are gaining support. Because the hypothesis of governance system in this research is local government, the inhab-itant trusts the Development Association; therefore the governance system cannot obviously affect the focal action situation. With one decade’s practical experience in the placemaking and through the verification of this study, this researcher, also the chairman of Community De-velopment Association realizes that the features of placemaking are quite close to the concept of self-governance theory. And the construct validity of the estab-lished SES in this study also proves to be good.It is therefore highly expected that the model of placemaking proposed in this study could be promoted to more re-gions around the whole world in the hope of building more wonderful communi-ties, where people could live peacefully and happily.

The ICT pedagogic challenges and enablers of grade eight natural science and mathematics teachers in South African classrooms / Varughese J.

Varughese, James January 2011 (has links)
In South Africa, Science and Technology Education faces many problems. Insufficient numbers of Science and Technology teachers, inadequate in–service training, large classes, instruction with the aim of narrowly orienting students towards examination passes an insufficient integration of technology in the curriculum, and insufficient physical infrastructure dominates the list. The Department of Education envisages the use of ICT as a tool for learning and teaching. ICT has the potential to improve the quality of education and training. If adequate resources are available, and teachers have confidence in the usefulness of ICTs, then the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) may improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science. A review of the literature indicated that the deployment of ICT resources alone will not bring about desirable pedagogical practices in the classroom. There exists a need for interventions that will enhance ICT pedagogical practices in South Africa. The following main research questions were formulated: What are the ICT pedagogic practices used by grade 8 Mathematics and Science teachers in South African classrooms? How do the barriers that grade 8 Mathematics and Science teachers encounter, as well as the support they receive, influence their pedagogical practices? What is the Principal’s role in promoting the emerging pedagogic practices using ICT in South African classrooms? This research comprises a secondary data analysis of the SITES 2006 South African data base. The population and sample for this study was based on the South African grade 8 Mathematics and Natural science teachers. In SITES 2006, the samples comprised more than 504 schools. Due to the fact that ICT is only significantly implemented in two out of nine provinces in South Africa, 25 strata were created to secure fair representation of the population with 666 Mathematics teachers and 622 Natural Science teachers. Bromfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and Engeström’s Activity Theory was used to investigate Natural Science and Mathematics teachers’ progress in their ICT pedagogical practices through the time–frame 2004 to 2013, as stipulated in the South Africa’s White paper on e–Education policy. Statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to address the research and sub–questions. The study found that South African Mathematics and Natural Science teachers’ level of ICT use is small; when they do use ICT, it is enhanced 21st century pedagogic practices. This is in accordance with findings from the international literature study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Kinders van plaaswerkers in die Oudtshoorn distrik se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul primêre gesinne / van der Westhuizen, S.M.

Van der Westhuizen, Saryna Michau January 2011 (has links)
Alkoholmisbruik is tans n sosiale kwessie in Suid–Afrika, asook in die res van die wêreld. Die kind in sy middelkinderjare lewensfase se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin kom in verskillende ontwikkelingsterreine na vore, in sy daaglikse interaksie met sy gesin asook in sy wyer skakeling . Alhoewel hy homself gedurende hierdie fase in n losmakingsproses om onafhanklikheid bevind, bly sy gesin steeds vir hom n bron van sekuriteit, hulp en ondersteuning. Vir die navorsingsmetodologie is die proses in tabelformaat weergegee met behulp van n onderverdeling in vier fases. Tydens die eerste fase, die aanvanklike beplanning en probleem–formulering, het hoofsaaklik drie aspekte aandag geniet, naamlik die navorsingsonderwerp, probleem–formulering en die doel met die nodige doelwitte. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie wat vanuit die probleem–formulering voortgespruit het, was om plattelandse kinders in die middelkinderjare se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul gesinne waarvan hul deel vorm, te beskryf. Tydens die formele beplanning in die tweede fase is die inligting deur middel van triangulering ingesamel en is op die navorsingsbenadering en –strategieë gefokus. Vanuit verskillende bronne is inligting verken om die plattelandse kind in die middelkinderjare lewensfase wat deel vorm van die alkoholmisbruik–gesin se belewenisse, te beskryf. n Literatuurstudie het die samestelling en uiteensetting moontlik gemaak vir n profielstudie vanuit n paradigmatiese perspektief van die kind. In die derde fase is aandag gegee aan die empiriese ondersoek waartydens triangulering praktykgerig voortgesit is met behulp van sinsvoltooing met vyf kinderrespondente, voltooiing van n selfontwerpte vraelys wat opgevolg is met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf ouers en vyf onderwysers. Gedurende die vierde fase het die interpretering en integrering van die bevindinge gerealiseer. Die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, is veral geleë in die leemte op nasionale vlak en op die platteland ten opsigte van spesifiek die kind se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin asook sy omgewing. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat daar aandag gegee moet word aan alkoholmisbruik as verskynsel en die alkoholmisbruikte–huweliksverhouding en dat onkunde bestaan ten opsigte van ouerskap en die belewenis van die kind as betrokkene by sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin. Om hierdie redes word aanbeveel dat daar gefokus moet word op die kind se proses, maar ook dat ouers, onderwysers en maatskaplike werkers wat deel vorm van die ondersteuningsnetwerk vir hierdie kinders, die nodige kennis en insig deur middel van opleidingsprogramme behoort te ontvang. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The ICT pedagogic challenges and enablers of grade eight natural science and mathematics teachers in South African classrooms / Varughese J.

Varughese, James January 2011 (has links)
In South Africa, Science and Technology Education faces many problems. Insufficient numbers of Science and Technology teachers, inadequate in–service training, large classes, instruction with the aim of narrowly orienting students towards examination passes an insufficient integration of technology in the curriculum, and insufficient physical infrastructure dominates the list. The Department of Education envisages the use of ICT as a tool for learning and teaching. ICT has the potential to improve the quality of education and training. If adequate resources are available, and teachers have confidence in the usefulness of ICTs, then the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) may improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science. A review of the literature indicated that the deployment of ICT resources alone will not bring about desirable pedagogical practices in the classroom. There exists a need for interventions that will enhance ICT pedagogical practices in South Africa. The following main research questions were formulated: What are the ICT pedagogic practices used by grade 8 Mathematics and Science teachers in South African classrooms? How do the barriers that grade 8 Mathematics and Science teachers encounter, as well as the support they receive, influence their pedagogical practices? What is the Principal’s role in promoting the emerging pedagogic practices using ICT in South African classrooms? This research comprises a secondary data analysis of the SITES 2006 South African data base. The population and sample for this study was based on the South African grade 8 Mathematics and Natural science teachers. In SITES 2006, the samples comprised more than 504 schools. Due to the fact that ICT is only significantly implemented in two out of nine provinces in South Africa, 25 strata were created to secure fair representation of the population with 666 Mathematics teachers and 622 Natural Science teachers. Bromfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and Engeström’s Activity Theory was used to investigate Natural Science and Mathematics teachers’ progress in their ICT pedagogical practices through the time–frame 2004 to 2013, as stipulated in the South Africa’s White paper on e–Education policy. Statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to address the research and sub–questions. The study found that South African Mathematics and Natural Science teachers’ level of ICT use is small; when they do use ICT, it is enhanced 21st century pedagogic practices. This is in accordance with findings from the international literature study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Kinders van plaaswerkers in die Oudtshoorn distrik se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul primêre gesinne / van der Westhuizen, S.M.

Van der Westhuizen, Saryna Michau January 2011 (has links)
Alkoholmisbruik is tans n sosiale kwessie in Suid–Afrika, asook in die res van die wêreld. Die kind in sy middelkinderjare lewensfase se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin kom in verskillende ontwikkelingsterreine na vore, in sy daaglikse interaksie met sy gesin asook in sy wyer skakeling . Alhoewel hy homself gedurende hierdie fase in n losmakingsproses om onafhanklikheid bevind, bly sy gesin steeds vir hom n bron van sekuriteit, hulp en ondersteuning. Vir die navorsingsmetodologie is die proses in tabelformaat weergegee met behulp van n onderverdeling in vier fases. Tydens die eerste fase, die aanvanklike beplanning en probleem–formulering, het hoofsaaklik drie aspekte aandag geniet, naamlik die navorsingsonderwerp, probleem–formulering en die doel met die nodige doelwitte. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie wat vanuit die probleem–formulering voortgespruit het, was om plattelandse kinders in die middelkinderjare se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul gesinne waarvan hul deel vorm, te beskryf. Tydens die formele beplanning in die tweede fase is die inligting deur middel van triangulering ingesamel en is op die navorsingsbenadering en –strategieë gefokus. Vanuit verskillende bronne is inligting verken om die plattelandse kind in die middelkinderjare lewensfase wat deel vorm van die alkoholmisbruik–gesin se belewenisse, te beskryf. n Literatuurstudie het die samestelling en uiteensetting moontlik gemaak vir n profielstudie vanuit n paradigmatiese perspektief van die kind. In die derde fase is aandag gegee aan die empiriese ondersoek waartydens triangulering praktykgerig voortgesit is met behulp van sinsvoltooing met vyf kinderrespondente, voltooiing van n selfontwerpte vraelys wat opgevolg is met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf ouers en vyf onderwysers. Gedurende die vierde fase het die interpretering en integrering van die bevindinge gerealiseer. Die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, is veral geleë in die leemte op nasionale vlak en op die platteland ten opsigte van spesifiek die kind se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin asook sy omgewing. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat daar aandag gegee moet word aan alkoholmisbruik as verskynsel en die alkoholmisbruikte–huweliksverhouding en dat onkunde bestaan ten opsigte van ouerskap en die belewenis van die kind as betrokkene by sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin. Om hierdie redes word aanbeveel dat daar gefokus moet word op die kind se proses, maar ook dat ouers, onderwysers en maatskaplike werkers wat deel vorm van die ondersteuningsnetwerk vir hierdie kinders, die nodige kennis en insig deur middel van opleidingsprogramme behoort te ontvang. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Fathers, sons and the holo-ghost: reframing post-Shoah male Jewish identity in Doron Rabinovici's "Suche nach M"

Gans, Michael Moses 11 September 2012 (has links)
The enduring, mythical and antisemitic figure of Ahasuerus is central to the unraveling and reframing of post-Shoah Jewish identity in Rabinovici’s novel Suche nach M for it serves as the mythological color palette from which Rabinovici draws his characters and, to extend that metaphor, how the Jews have been immortalized in European culture. There is no escape in Suche nach M. When painting the Jew, both Jews and non-Jews can only use brush strokes of color from the Christian-created palette of the mythic, wandering Jew, Ahasuerus, who is stained in the blood of deicide, emasculated, treacherous, and evil. He is the constitutional “Other.” By deploying Urie Bronfenbrenner’s (Bio) Ecological Systems Theory, the Mythic Jew and the Ikhud (“Fusion”) Models that represent an evolving psychosocial environment combined with personal reflection, this thesis explores how Suche nach M invokes yet critiques the process of Jewish male identity formation in postwar Austria. / Graduate

Une croissance sans limite ? : vers une nouvelle géographie de l’élevage au Vietnam / An unlimited growth? : toward a new geography of livestock farming in Vietnam

Cesaro, Jean-Daniel 02 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, le secteur de l’élevage au Vietnam subit des transformations rapides et profondes. Les productions de viande et de lait sont passées d’un système d’élevage familial intégré aux activités agricoles à un mode plus intensif et largement industrialisé. Les grandes exploitations capitalistiques se substituent progressivement à la petite paysannerie. Cette évolution soulève un certain nombre d’enjeux spatiaux. Le développement des villes, l’implantation des usines d’alimentation animale dans les campagnes, la relocalisation des bassins de production et l’essor de la production de maïs entrainent une réorganisation complète de la géographie de l’élevage au Vietnam. Cette dynamique spatiale est largement méconnue alors même qu’elle s’accélère depuis l’entrée du pays dans l’OMC en 2007. Cette thèse s’intéresse en particulier à trois districts – Thong Nhat, Mai Son et Ba Vi – dans lesquels l’élevage est une composante majeure du développement local. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse montrent que la concentration spatiale des systèmes d’élevage industriel dans un nombre réduit de régions est de fait organisée par un partenariat étroit entre autorités politiques et firmes privées qui privilégient les bénéfices économiques de cette industrialisation. Cependant, les autorités locales et les firmes impliquées peinent à prendre en compte les préjudices à moyen-terme de l’agglomération des systèmes de production sur la durabilité des anthroposystèmes. La gestion des milieux apparait laissée à la charge des communautés locales, et les fonctions de l’agriculture évoluent progressivement vers le recyclage des externalités du système d’élevage industriel. / Since the 1990’s, livestock sector in Vietnam has been deeply changing. Meat and milk productions are mouving from a mixed farming system towards a more intensive and industrialized production model. Concentrated animal feeding operations are progressively replacing small-scale livestock farming. This transition raises specific spatial issues. Expansion of urban areas, location of feed mills in rural areas, relocation of intensive production areas lead to a complete reorganization of the geography of livestock sector in Vietnam. This spatial dynamic is becoming an issue, especially since Vietnam has joined WTO in 2007. This thesis focuses on three districts – Thong Nhat, Mai Son et Ba Vì – where livestock plays a major role in local development. We show that spatial concentration of industrial production systems occurs in a limited number of regions. This dynamics appears to be organized by a close partnership between local authorities and private firms, with a focus on economic benefit. However, those stakeholders seem not to be in condition to manage all medium term impacts of this concentration on anthroposystem sustainability. Most of the challenges related to the Environmental management of industrial livestock systems remains in the hands of local communities. The role of agriculture progressively evolves towards the recycling of industrial livestock systems effluents.

Integrated or monofunctional landscapes? : agent-based modelling for evaluating the socioeconomic implications of land use interventions

Serban, Anca January 2018 (has links)
The effectiveness of land sharing and land sparing (LS/LS) approaches to conservation in the face of rising agricultural demands has been widely debated. While numerous studies have investigated the LS/LS framework from an ecological lens (yield-biodiversity relationship) the relevance of the framework to real life depends on broader considerations. Some of the key caveats include: i) limited knowledge regarding the feasibility of interventions given diverse stakeholders’ interests, ii) the social acceptability (uptake) of these contrasting strategies to direct land users, and iii) limited knowledge regarding their impacts on individuals’ livelihoods and food security. Without considering these social science dimensions proponents of the framework risk an incomplete picture that is not grounded in local realities and can paradoxically force into opposition the very conservation and development interests they seek to reconcile. Using a Companion Modelling approach, which comprises the development of a role-playing game (RPG) and an agent-based model (ABM), this thesis addressed these caveats. The research was based in the Nilgiris of Western Ghats India, a tropical agricultural system at the forest frontier. The main findings show that through engaging local stakeholders in a participatory process, plausible land use strategies that align with their objectives could be identified. Stakeholders proposed three land use interventions. Two of them resemble a form of land sparing (‘monofunctional’ landscapes) on the farms: sparing land for Wildflower Meadows or Tree Plantations while increasing yield on the remaining land. The third intervention asks farmers to accept yield penalties for Intercropping more trees on their farms, a form of land sharing (‘integrated’ landscapes). In terms of decision-making regarding the adoption of these three interventions by direct land users, the study reveals several findings. Firstly there are three main types of motivations that influence farmers’ decision to adopt interventions, in order of importance: monetary benefits, pro-environmental motivations and social norms. Secondly, land use, the type of management preferred on the farm and whether land users accept trees on the farm or not are factors that influence what type of interventions is socially acceptable on individual farms. These factors have been detected in the in-depth household survey and also validated by the RPG. When assessing the adoption of the three interventions, ex ante their implementation, using an ABM, there are some important differences observed between the interventions. Wildflower Meadows is the intervention adopted by the largest number of households, whereas Intercropping is adopted across the largest area of land. Forest Plantations is significantly more unpopular than the other two interventions. The third line of investigation, about the outcomes of adoption, has important policy implications. Adding a socioeconomic dimension to the ecological one adds a level of complexity and creates a less straightforward choice between the LS/LS strategies. None of the three interventions can provide optimal outcomes for production, aspects of biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and food security. Each intervention has indicators that score better compared to the other two interventions. The findings demonstrate that the ecological focus of the LS/LS framework is insufficient to deal with real-world complexities and lends itself to overly simplistic policy prescriptions. More meaningful policies could be achieved when bridging natural and social sciences to better understand the merits and limitations of the LS/LS approaches.

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