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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elaboração e avaliação de um programa de intervenção psicopedagógico para orientação de pais de crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem PPOP

Rolfsen, Andréia Bevilacqua 31 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:46:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1991.pdf: 2090923 bytes, checksum: 268a7956e70405ff540aed35df776b8a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Admission at the elementary school is an important moment in the process of education. Literature has shown that to guide the family in this process, using resources from the family environment, may be fundamental in preventing school problems. In that context, this work implemented and evaluated a proposal of intervention in the form of a Programa Psicopedagógico de Orientação a Pais (PPOP) - Psychopedagogical Program of Parents Orientation -, for the parents and relatives responsible for children with learning disabilities included in the early years of elementary grades of regular public school and were attended by the itinerant service of special education, in order to provide strategies for monitoring and stimulation of their children in that stage of education. The study was developed as the ethical aspects of researches that involve human beings. The first stage of the research (Program s elaboration) tested the PPOP and the instruments in an experimental situation, whose analysis showed that the Program was able to be implemented on a larger scale and was satisfactory as the form and content, from the reports of the participants. The used instruments also were sensitive to the demand for collection. On the second stage, the implementation of the Program, participated in this research eleven parents of students who were on the early years at public elementary school and their respective children, which composed two groups experimental and control). It is relevant to mention that the content approached in the program is based on the book Como ajudar seu filho na escola ( How to help your child in school ). Besides the PPOP, the instruments used to collect data were: Home Environment Resources Scale - HERS, Roadmap, interviews with parents, Brazil s Criterion of Economic Classification, School Achievement Test, Roadmap " Situations and the Evaluation Questionnaire Course. The evaluation of the program found the effectiveness of it, from the assessment of all the steps and comparison of results of pre - and post-tests. The results allowed to assert the need for continuation of activities of that nature. The results allowed to assert the need for continuation of activities of that nature. The results showed: a) interest of mothers receive support in situations where information about the "do not know how to deal with the child" b) an increase in the repertoire of mothers of educational practices appropriate c) implementation of positive strategies on a daily basis with the children in the short term; d) the relevance of programs of this nature with parents of children with learning disability. In future studies it is suggested investment in training of ducators to use the POPP and development of strategies that extend the benefits of the program to more families. / O ingresso no Ensino Fundamental constitui um momento importante no processo de escolarização. A literatura tem revelado que orientar a família em tal processo, a partir de recursos do ambiente familiar, pode ser fundamental na prevenção de dificuldades escolares. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo elaborar, implementar e avaliar uma proposta de intervenção na modalidade de um Programa Psicopedagógico de Orientação a Pais (PPOP), dirigido a pais e familiares responsáveis por crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem, incluídas nos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental de escola pública regular e que eram atendidas pelo serviço itinerante de educação especial. Buscou-se prover estratégias para os pais acompanharem e estimularem seus filhos nessa etapa do ensino. O estudo foi desenvolvido conforme os aspectos éticos de pesquisas que envolvem seres humanos. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa elaboração do PPOP) testou-se o Programa e os instrumentos em situação experimental, cujas análises demonstraram que estes estavam aptos a serem implementados em maior escala, pois se mostraram satisfatórios quanto à forma e conteúdo. Na segunda etapa, (implementação do Programa), participaram da pesquisa onze pais de alunos do 1º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental de escola pública regular de uma cidade de médio porte do interior do estado de São Paulo e seus respectivos filhos, os quais compuseram dois Grupos (experimental e controle). Cumpre destacar que o conteúdo abordado no Programa tem como base a obra Como ajudar seu filho na escola . Além do PPOP, os instrumentos utilizados para coleta de dados foram: Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar-(RAF), Roteiro de entrevista com os pais, Dados Pessoais e Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB), Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE), Roteiro de Entrevista Situações e Questionário de Avaliação do Programa. Para avaliar a eficácia do Programa foi realizada a avaliação de todas as etapas e ainda a comparação de resultados de pré e pós-testes. Os resultados evidenciaram: a) interesse das mães em receber suporte informativo acerca das situações onde não sabem como lidar com a criança ; b) um aumento no repertório das mães de práticas educativas adequadas; c) implementação de estratégias positivas no dia-a-dia com as crianças, a curto prazo; d) a pertinência de programas desta mesma natureza com pais de crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem. Para futuros estudos sugere-se o investimento na formação de educadores para uso do POPP e o desenvolvimento de estratégias que estendam os benefícios do Programa para um número maior de famílias.

"Att vilja väl och att våga fråga" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med barn som lever med missbruk i sin primärfamilj / "To wish well and to have the courage to ask". : A qualitative study of social workers work with children living with addiction in their primary family

Arderbäck, Joline, Gundersen, Bibbi January 2018 (has links)
Many children in society live in families where one or both parents have drug-addiction prob- lems. Early life conditions for these children may result in a need of support, which may be a requirement for a more favourable psycho-social development. The study purpose was to in- vestigate social worker’s experience of work with children with drug addiction problems in their primary family, based on the criticism of social service assistance. The study was based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers in central Swe- den were interviewed about their experience of structural and individual preconditions and difficulties in the work. The study shows that the majority of the difficulties are experienced on the structural level within the organization while the majority of the preconditions are ex- perienced on the individual level. The structural difficulties are not experienced to affect the respondent’s own individual preconditions in their work and neither the feeling that they in their profession are able to do a good job. In addition, all the respondents feel that the support for the children and young people meet the current needs. / Många barn i samhället lever i familjer där en eller båda föräldrarna har en missbruksproble- matik. Uppväxtvillkoren för dessa barn kan resultera i ett behov av stödinsatser vilka kan vara en förutsättning för en mera gynnsam psykosocial utveckling. Studiens syfte var att undersöka socialsekreterares uppfattning av arbetet med barn som lever med missbruk i sin primärfamilj utifrån den kritik som riktats mot socialtjänstens stödinsatser. Undersökningen utgick från en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer . Sex socialsekreterare i Mellansverige in- tervjuades om upplevda strukturella och individuella möjligheter och svårigheter i arbetet. Studien påvisar att majoriteten av svårigheterna upplevs återfinnas på strukturell nivå inom organisationen medan majoriteten av möjligheter återfinns på individuell nivå. De strukturella svårigheterna upplevs inte påverka respondenternas egna individuella möjligheter eller upple- velsen av att de i sin yrkesroll kan utföra ett bra arbete. Dessutom framkom att samtliga re- spondenter upplever att stödet till barn och unga tillgodoser de aktuella behoven.

The implication of fuel-wood use and governance to the local environment: a case study of Ward Seven of Port St Johns Municipality in the Eastern Cape

Ndamase, Zola January 2012 (has links)
The importance of ecological systems in supporting social systems has been identified as one of the most important facets of sustainable development. Consequently, a number of international and local laws and policy interventions have been established to ensure that natural resource use remains sustainable. In rural areas, overdependence on fuel wood has commonly been identified as one of the biggest threat to forestry ecosystems. This in turn has led to environmental degradation that includes among others species depletion, soil erosion and decline in water and air quality. Based on the myriad problems caused by over-reliance on fuel wood, this study sought to identify usage, management and perceived implication of woodland exploitation in Port St Johns local municipality in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Using interviews and questionnaires for key respondents in the local community, the study identified two key threats to socio-ecological stability resulting from wood fuel exploitation namely; high poverty levels and lack of coordination in the management of wood fuel resources. Apart from using fuel wood for domestic use, local fuel wood exploitation has been commercialized to augment household incomes. Lack of coordination in the management of natural resources has also created a vacuum in the exploitation and management of fuel wood resources. The study did not have inclination towards statistics such as chi-square and t-tests since the research questions and objectives did not refer to any relationship or significance level. The study recommends non-wood based alternative sources of energy, improved coordination and harmonization of functions among different stakeholders and emphasis on collaboration between traditional and local governance in the management fuel wood and the local physical environment. The study further recommends resuscitation of indigenous knowledge and socio-ecological stability

Learning dynamics and decision paradigms in social-ecological dilemmas

Barfuss, Wolfram 10 July 2019 (has links)
Kollektives Handeln ist erforderlich um nachhaltige Entwicklungspfade in gekoppelten sozial-ökologischen Systemen zu erschließen, fernab von gefährlichen Kippelementen. Ohne anderen Modellierungsprinzipien ihren Nutzen abzuerkennen, schlägt diese Dissertation die Agent-Umwelt Schnittstelle als die mathematische Grundlage für das Modellieren sozial-ökologischer Systeme vor. Zuerst erweitert diese Arbeit eine Methode aus der Literatur der statistischen Physik über Lerndynamiken, um einen deterministischen Grenzübergang von etablierten Verstärkungslernalgorithmen aus der Forschung zu künstlicher Intelligenz herzuleiten. Die resultierenden Lerndynamiken zeigen eine große Bandbreite verschiedener dynamischer Regime wie z.B. Fixpunkte, Grenzzyklen oder deterministisches Chaos. Zweitens werden die hergeleiteten Lerngleichungen auf eine neu eingeführte Umwelt, das Ökologisches Öffentliches Gut, angewendet,. Sie modelliert ein gekoppeltes sozial-ökologisches Dilemma und erweitert damit etablierte soziale Dilemmaspiele um ein ökologisches Kippelement. Bekannte theoretische und empirische Ergebnisse werden reproduziert und neuartige, qualitativ verschiedene Parameterregime aufgezeigt, darunter eines, in dem diese belohnungsoptimierenden Lern-Agenten es vorziehen, gemeinsam unter einem Kollaps der Umwelt zu leiden, als in einer florierenden Umwelt zu kooperieren. Drittens stellt diese Arbeit das Optimierungsparadigma der Lern-Agenten in Frage. Die drei Entscheidungsparadimen ökonomischen Optimierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit werden systematisch miteinander verglichen, während sie auf das Management eines umweltlichen Kippelements angewendet werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass kein Paradigma garantiert, Anforderungen anderer Paradigmen zu erfüllen, sowie dass das Fehlen eines Meisterparadigmas von besonderer Bedeutung für das Klimasystem ist, da dieses sich am Rand zwischen Parameterbereichen befinden kann, wo ökonomische Optimierung weder nachhaltig noch sicher wird. / Collective action is required to enter sustainable development pathways in coupled social-ecological systems, safely away from dangerous tipping elements. Without denying the usefulness of other model design principles, this thesis proposes the agent-environment interface as the mathematical foundation for the design of social-ecological system models. First, this work refines techniques from the statistical physics literature on learning dynamics to derive a deterministic limit of established reinforcement learning algorithms from artificial intelligence research. Illustrations of the resulting learning dynamics reveal a wide range of different dynamical regimes, such as fixed points, periodic orbits and deterministic chaos. Second, the derived multi-state learning equations are applied to a newly introduced environment, the Ecological Public Good. It models a coupled social-ecological dilemma, extending established repeated social dilemma games by an ecological tipping element. Known theoretical and empirical results are reproduced and novel qualitatively different parameter regimes are discovered, including one in which these reward-optimizing agents prefer to collectively suffer in environmental collapse rather than cooperating in a prosperous environment. Third, this thesis challenges the reward optimizing paradigm of the learning equations. It presents a novel formal comparison of the three decision paradigms of economic optimization, sustainability and safety for the governance of an environmental tipping element. It is shown that no paradigm guarantees fulfilling requirements imposed by another paradigm. Further, the absence of a master paradigm is shown to be of special relevance for governing the climate system, since the latter may reside at the edge between parameter regimes where economic welfare optimization becomes neither sustainable nor safe.

ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT : Case study: Cost-effectiveness evaluation of Proposition O projects

Mahdian, Adrian January 2020 (has links)
Stormwater Management (SWM) or Best management practices (BMPs) treat the stormwater runoff that carries pollutants. Pollutants in the waters and in the stormwater, negatively impact the environment, the ecology, and natural resources. Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) are used in different projects to improve water quality and quantity. This thesis aims to understand the connection between SWMs, the economy, and environmental sustainability. This thesis evaluates the cost-effectiveness of SWMs in Mediterranean climates. The research aims to guide the next project managers to choose better SWMs based on cost-effectiveness, socio-economic, and environmental implications. Various studies suggest that the terms SWM, SWM, and SCM are used interchangeably. The research methodology uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative data analysis The research was conducted in Los Angeles at the request of UCLA. Therefore, it focused on water quality improvement projects in Los Angeles. The costs for the projects, areas, and whatSWMs are used will be acquired through data gathering and personal communication with experts. This thesis compares several projects which include different SWMs. It calculates the cost-effectiveness with two different methods, firstly, the cost per drainage area, and secondly, the cost per pollutant removed. Data is gathered from the city of LA and other secondary data sources to calculate the cost-effectiveness. The calculation results showed that the Glenoaksproject and the Machado lake project were the most cost-effective. Glenoaks utilizes infiltration wells and grass swales, and the Machado lake is a large wetland. Based upon these facts, generally, wetlands and grass swales can be recommended for Mediterranean climates. The expensive total costs of SWMs or their inability to remove pollutants can strongly affect the cost-effectiveness of some projects, and produce a negative impact on the economy. Quantitative assessment of study investigates cost-effectiveness of SWMs and for highlighting its economic impact. For qualitative assessment thematic analysis of 14 sample studies related to stormwater management (SWM) was carried out. Findings reveal that 78% of sample studies reflect the themes associated with the positive economic impact of SWMs. Additionally, the sample studies confirm a 76% positive impact of SWMs on the environment and ecology of the region. Further research with better data and more accurate calculations are needed. It would be beneficial if other factors such as recreation and unquantifiable factors such as the aesthetic improvements and community benefits were incorporated into or considered together with the cost-effectiveness for future projects.

Att kunna skapa en tillgänglig fysisk miljö : - en fallstudie om faktorer och hänsynstaganden i en konceptförskolas byggprocess / To be able to create an accessible physical environment : - a case study on factors and considerations in a concept preschool's construction process

Linerstad, Alina January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer och hänsynstaganden som legat till grund i en byggprocess när en ny konceptförskola planerats i relation till barns utveckling och lärande i den fysiska miljön. Genom en fallstudie har en specifik byggprocess undersökts genom semistrukturerade digitala intervjuer tillsammans med två förskolerektorer, en lokalplanerare, en tillgänglighetssakkunnig samt byggentreprenadens projektledare och två arkitekter som ses som byggprocessens nyckelpersoner. En av konceptförskolornas verksamma förskollärare är också delaktig i studien. Resultatet visar på att byggprocessen tog hänsyn till yttre faktorer som barnanpassad och flexibel interiör och glasdörrar för transparens, neutrala färgkombinationer och en tillgänglig utomhusmiljö för att skapa en fysiskt tillgänglig, trygg och inkluderande konceptförskola för alla barn oavsett ålder eller motoriska förmågor. Specifika platser i konceptförskolan har visat sig fungerar både bra och mindre bra. Resultatet har analyserats tillsammans med en relationell dynamisk systemteori och en ekologisk systemmodell som tillsammans belyser hur den fysiska miljön skapar eller hindrar meningserbjudanden och proximala processer, samt hur de beslut som tas i exosystemet påverkar barnets möjligheter till utveckling och lärande. Slutsatserna är att det är viktigt att i det tidiga förstadiet noga diskutera vem konceptförskolan byggs för, vilka kunskaper beslut grundas på och analysera hur detta kommer att påverka barnet. Att redan tidigt i byggprocessen inkludera konceptförskolans brukares perspektiv kan gynna slutprodukten för att undvika misstag som inte går att förändra i efterhand. Vidare är det viktigt att planlösningen fungerar för att skapa tillgängliga och trygga fysiska miljöer som främjar barns utveckling och lärande men också för att bidra till en bättre arbetsmiljö för pedagogerna. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors and considerations that formed the basis of a construction process when a new concept preschool was planned in relation to children's development and learning in the physical environment. Through a case study, a specific construction process has been investigated through semi-structured digital interviews together with two preschool principals, a local planner, an accessibility expert and the construction project manager and two architects who are seen as the construction process's key people. One of the concept preschools' active preschool teachers is also involved in the study. The results show that the construction process took into account external factors such as child-friendly and flexible interiors and glass doors for transparency, neutral color combinations and an accessible outdoor environment to create a physically accessible, safe and inclusive concept preschool for all children regardless of age or motor skills. Specific places in the concept preschool have been shown to work both well and less well. The results have been analyzed together with a relational dynamic systems theory and an ecological systems model that together shed light on how the physical environment creates or hinders meaning offers and proximal processes, and how the decisions made in the exosystem affect the child's opportunities for development and learning. The conclusions are that it is important in the early pre-school to carefully discuss who the concept preschool is built for, what knowledge decisions are based on and analyze how this will affect the child. Including the concept preschool users' perspectives early in the construction process can benefit the end product in order to avoid mistakes that cannot be changed afterwards. Furthermore, it is important that the floor plan works to create accessible and safe physical environments that promote children's development and learning, but also to contribute to a better working environment for educators.

Are we on the same page? Informing adaptive management of outdoor rock climbing using document analysis and cognitive mapping

Anderson, Madison Lee 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Lokalt hållbart jordbruk - en nationell säkerhetsfråga? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för utvecklingen av lokal matförsörjning som drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsutveckling

Olofsdotter, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts i syfte att få en överblick av var det svenska livsmedelssystemet befinner sig i förhållande till de fem strategier som tagits fram och föreslås av The EAT-Lancet Commission för en global och nationell omställning av våra livsmedelssystem, och uppfyllelse av nationella och globala hållbarhetsmål. Studiens utgångspunkt startar i det lokala med anledning av jordbrukets enorma miljöpåverkan, kommunernas planmonopol över markanvändningen, och av det faktum att det är i det lokala vi lever och verkar. Resultatet visar att de utmaningar som i nuläget hindrar utvecklingen av en lokal livsmedelsproduktion framför allt är ett kunskaps-/medvetandeglapp, centraliserade strukturer och system, jordbruksmarkens nedläggning och igenväxning, kommunala prioriteringar av infrastruktur och bostäder samt slutligen bristande samverkan mellan flertalet samhällssektorer och även inom kommunerna, möjligheter och stödsystem för nyetablering och omställning till hållbara cirkulära metoder. Ett återkommande tema under webinarier och intervjuer har varit sårbarheten i importberoendet och behovet av en högre beredskap för oväntade och plötsliga händelser. Dessutom har ett människo-decentrerat perspektiv uttryckts i vikten och värdet av att återskapa en ömsesidig relation till ekosystemen. Resultatet visar att kunskap (vetenskaplig och erfarenhetsbaserad) och kulturella värden som gemenskap och livskvalitet ger ökade förutsättningar för utveckling av lokalt jordbruk, och därmed en ökad livsmedelsförsörjning. Lokalt hållbart jordbruk är rättskaligt, giftfritt och diverst. Utvecklat, har det möjligheten att skapa beredskap inför oväntade händelser och plötsliga kriser, samt gynna hållbarhet genom samtliga dimensioner. Lokal livsmedelsproduktion är ett potent verktyg för en ökad grad av nationell självförsörjning samt som betydelsefull drivkraft i en hållbar samhällsbyggnad. / This paper was made with the purpose of reaching a broad perspective of where the Swedish food system is in relation to the five strategies that were brought threw and proposed by The EAT-Lancet Commission for a global transformation of our food systems, and to reach the national and global sustainable development goals. The base for the paper takes off in the local because of the enormous environmental impact caused by agriculture, the monopoly of land use within municipalities, and by the fact that we live and act from the local context. The result shows the challenges that today are blocking the development of a local food production is first and foremost a gap of knowledge and awareness, centralized structures and systems, shutdowns and overgrowth of agricultural land, municipalities prioritizing infrastructure and habitations, and lacking co-operation within and between civil sectors, possibilities and support systems for new establishments and transformation to sustainable circular agricultural methods. A reoccurring theme during webinars and interviews have shown the vulnerability in the import dependency and the need to raise preparedness for unexpected and sudden changes. In addition, the need for a human-de-centred perspective expressing the importance and value of re-connecting a mutual relationship to the ecosystems. The result shows that knowledge (scientific and experience-based) and cultural values of community and quality of life increase the conditions of developing local agriculture, and thereby increased self-sufficiency. Local sustainable agriculture is right-scaled, toxin-free and diverse. Developed, it has the capability to create preparedness for unexpected sudden changes, and promote sustainability threw all dimensions of sustainability. Local food production is a potent tool to increase national self-sufficiency and a significant driver towards building sustainable societies.

Ekotätning : Malmös gröna infrastruktur i förhållande till urban förtätning / Ecodense : Malmös green infrastructure in relation to urban densification

Ermanbriks, Julia, Pehrsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Med en växande stadspopulation världen över har förtätning av urbana områden ökat markant de senaste åren och Malmö är inget undantag. I takt med denna utveckling blir även frågan om den gröna infrastrukturens funktion och plats i den täta staden mer och mer aktuell. Detta examensarbetet syftar till att öka medvetenheten kring grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster i den förtätade staden samt visa på vikten av att inkludera dessa i stadsplaneringen.Uppsatsen grundar sig i litteraturstudier och intervjuer med en en grupp av varierande kompetens inom forskningsområdet. Genom att sammanställa vilka kvaliteter och förutsättningar som finns i staden tar vi fram olika lösningar på hur man kan implementera grönska i en tät miljö. Detta resulterar i olika gestaltningsförslag med lösningar som riktar sig dels till kommunen och erbjuder en möjlighet till uppskalning som då ger en applicerbarhet på både lokal och regional nivå. Förslagen vänder sig även mot Malmös medborgare med exempel om hur man kan bidra till att skapa egna social-ekologiska system och bidra till gröna korridorer genom staden.Resultatet visar problematiken i att kombinera en tät stad med ett grönt nätverk. Det finns en vilja och ett intresse hos aktörer, ett relativt välfungerande samarbete mellan instanser samt ett fåtal handfasta verktyg som finns att tillgå för att mäta effekterna av ekosystemtjänster. I Malmö har kommunen kontroll över en liten del av stadsytan då mycket av den är privatägd, utvecklingen av den gröna infrastrukturen lämnas därför ofta till aktörer som tenderar att ha vinstdrivande intressen. Ytterligare faktorer som försvårar arbetet är att kunskapen om den gröna infrastrukturen är bristfällig, kommunikationen mellan olika parter undermålig och att förvaltningen blir lidande därefter. Det framkommer att konkurrensen om yta blir avgörande i planeringen och att det ställs höga krav på den grönska som finns i staden. Det är därför av yttersta vikt att starka samarbeten upprätthålls och att aktörer på området kontinuerligt utbildas i ämnet om grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster. / The densification of urban areas have increased significantly in the last years due to the growing population in cities worldwide and Malmö is no exception. Along with this development, the question of function and place of the green infrastructure in the city is also becoming more and more relevant.This thesis aims to increase awareness of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in a dense city and show the importance of including these in urban planning.The thesis is based on a literature review and interviews with a group of varying expertise within the research area. By compiling the qualities and conditions of the city, we develop different solutions on how to implement greenery in a dense environment. This results in various design proposals where two of them entail solutions aimed at the municipality that offer an opportunity for upscaling, making them applicable at both a local and a regional level. The proposals are also aimed at the citizens of Malmö providing them with examples on how to create their own social-ecological systems and thereby contribute to green corridors throughout the city.The results display the issues of combining a dense city with a green network. There is a will and an interest among actors, a relatively well-functioning collaboration between agencies and a few tangible tools that are available to measure the effects of ecosystem services. In Malmö, the municipality has control over a small portion of the city space as much is privately owned. The development of the green infrastructure is therefore often left to actors who tend to have interests related to profit. Additional factors that further complicate the work is that there is a lack of knowledge of green infrastructure, communication between different actors is substandard and that maintenance suffers thereafter. It is made clear that the competition for space is one of the deciding factors in planning and that it puts high demands on the quality of greenery that exist in the city. It is therefore of utmost importance that strong collaborations are upheld and that stakeholders within the field are continuously educated on the subject of green infrastructure and ecosystem services.

Possibilities & challenges for food sovereignty in Barbados

Fortin, Cloé 09 1900 (has links)
À l’extrémité Est des Caraïbes, la Barbade importe quelques 90% de ses aliments. Les menaces croissantes liées aux changements climatiques, aux maladies non-transmissibles, à la réduction des mobilités due à la pandémie de COVID-19 et aux prix éternellement en hausse ont remis en évidence la vulnérabilité de ce territoire insulaire exigu et l’importance de la souveraineté alimentaire. L’autosuffisance alimentaire est toutefois un projet ambitieux à la Barbade vu la petite taille de l'île, ses sols et sa biodiversité appauvris par trois siècles de monoculture de canne à sucre, et une pression déjà lourde sur ses ressources limitées en eau douce. En plus des contraintes environnementales de l'île, des enjeux sociaux et économiques freinent également la transition vers un système alimentaire autonome. Par exemple, le travail agricole, stigmatisé par l'histoire coloniale, l’esclavage et la mondialisation, est souvent peu attractif pour de nombreux habitants. Puis, l’économie barbadienne, toujours basée sur le tourisme, les imports et une agriculture destinée aux exports, présente des barrières structurelles importantes empêchant son indépendance vis-à-vis du marché global. Cette étude cherche à comprendre les défis socio-environnementaux qui freinent les changements positifs dans le système alimentaire de la Barbade et à stimuler la discussion dans la communauté pour identifier des pistes de solutions assurant à la fois la réalisation de la sécurité alimentaire, soit l’accès aux aliments, et de la souveraineté alimentaire, soit le droit du peuple à définir ses propres politiques agricoles et alimentaires. Cette recherche a deux buts principaux : d’abord, d’offrir une réflexion critique sur l’héritage colonial de la Barbade et ses implications en agriculture; puis, d’identifier des avenues agraires qui respectent les limites socio-environnementales de l’île, à travers l’évaluation de modèles utilisés localement et dans des environnements semblables dans le monde. L’étude de 26 entretiens semi-dirigés et de l’observation participante effectués dans les champs, marchés et cuisines de la Barbade d’août 2021 à avril 2022 met en lumière les habitudes, perceptions et ambitions des Barbadiens et Barbadiennes en termes d’alimentation, d’agriculture et de système alimentaire. En plus d’observations plus larges sur les phénomènes sociaux et politiques barbadiens, permises par une longue immersion sur l’île débutant en 2020, ces méthodes identifient les causes sous-jacentes et les processus persistants qui maintiennent le système alimentaire barbadien dans la vulnérabilité. À travers un partenariat avec des organismes agro-alimentaires locaux et la réalisation d’un film documentaire et de contenu vidéo pour les médias sociaux, ce projet célèbre les solutions au niveau local et régional et offre l’opportunités d’amener plus loin la discussion entre les différents acteurs à la Barbade, mais aussi avec d’autres communautés confrontées à des défis similaires. / It is estimated that Barbados imports nearly 90% of its food. Growing threats of climate change, non-communicable diseases, reduced mobilities due to COVID-19 and the ever-rising prices highlighted the vulnerability of the island and the importance of food sovereignty. However, aiming towards food self-sufficiency is an ambitious project in Barbados, considering the island’s small size, an already heavily used limited freshwater resource, and impoverished soils and biodiversity due to three centuries of sugar cane monoculture. In addition to those environmental constraints, social and economic issues also hinder change. For example, agricultural work, stigmatized by colonial history, slavery and globalization, is often unattractive to the locals. Furthermore, the Barbadian tourism-based economy and export-oriented agriculture present significant structural barriers to building independence from the global market. This research project seeks to build an understanding of and stimulate the discussion on the socio-environmental challenges that prevent positive changes in Barbados’ food system to overcome them, to ensure that both food security, or access to food, and food sovereignty, or the right of the people to define their own agricultural and food policies, are fulfilled. The project has two main goals. First, to bring a critical perspective on the colonial heritage of Barbados and its implications in agriculture. Second, to identify agrarian avenues that respect the socio-environmental limits by evaluating the models used locally and in similar environments around the world. A study of 26 semi-directed interviews and participant observation in the fields, markets and kitchens of Barbados from August 2021 to April 2022 provides insights into the habits, perceptions and aspirations of Barbadians in terms of food, agriculture and the food system. Together with wider observations of the Barbadian society and politics, allowed by a long-term immersion on the island starting in 2020, these methods identify some of the underlying causes and perpetuating processes at play in the unsustainable food system. Through a partnership with local agri-food organizations and the production of a documentary film and video content for social media, this research project celebrates the solutions found at the local and regional level and offers opportunities for further discussion with stakeholders in Barbados, but also in other communities facing similar challenges.

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