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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av socio-ekologisk resiliens i Stockholms innerstad : En fallstudie av Norrmalm, Vasastan och Östermalm / Implementing socio-ecological resilience in Stockholm's inner city : A case study of Norrmalm, Vasastan and Östermalm

Gustafson, Emmy, Gustavsson, Josephine January 2022 (has links)
Socio-ekologisk resiliens är ett begrepp som bör integreras i en större omfattning i dagens stadsplanering då extremväder till följd av klimatförändringar, samt Covid-19 pandemin har förändrat behoven i stadens offentliga rum. Ett sätt att bemöta de nya behoven är att öka andelen grönområden. Denna studie fokuserar på Stockholms mest centrala delar, Vasastan, Norrmalm och Östermalm som har ett väldigt begränsat utbud av grönområden, sett till hur många som bor där. Stockholms stads rekommendation är att boende ska ha maximalt 200 meter till närmsta grönområde, vilket studiens fokusområden inte uppfyller idag. Dessutom är dessa områden utsatta för värmeöar och översvämningsrisker, vilket var ytterligare en orsak till varför studieområdet valdes.  Att få loss mark och implementera nya grönområden i ett redan högt exploaterat område är en utmaning. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka var urbana grönområden såsom mikroparker kan införas i syfte att öka den socio-ekologiska resiliensen, men även att undersöka hur Stockholms stad arbetar med resiliensstrategier idag samt hur dessa kan förbättras. Vidare undersöktes vilka faktorer som ett urbant grönområde ska ha för att bidra till resiliens. Med resultatet av intervjuer och spatiala analyser som underlag, kan denna studie konstatera att Stockholms stads arbete med socio-ekologisk resiliens har förbättringsmöjligheter, och att det finns flertalet spillytor att anlägga mikroparker på. Dessutom har de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna när det kommer till grönområden, ur ett socio- ekologiskt perspektiv, presenterats vilket framför allt handlar om mångfunktionalitet. Dock visar studien på att man behöver ta vissa bilvägar i anspråk för att säkerställa ekologisk resiliens. / Socio-ecological resilience is a concept that should be integrated to a greater extent in today's urban planning since extreme weather as a result of climate change, and the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the needs of the city's public spaces. One way to meet the new needs is to increase the proportion of green areas. This study focuses on Stockholm's most central parts, ON, Norrmalm and Östermalm, which have a very limited range of green areas, in comparison to how many people live there. The City of Stockholm's recommendation is that residents should have a maximum of 200 meters to the nearest green area, which the study's focus areas do not meet today. In addition, these areas are exposed to heat islands and flood risks, which was another reason why the study area was chosen.  To implement new green areas in an already highly developed area is a challenge. Therefore, this study aims to investigate where urban green areas, such as micro parks, can be introduced to increase social-ecological resilience. It also aims to investigate how the City of Stockholm works with resilience strategies today and how these can be improved. Furthermore, it was investigated what factors an urban green area should have to contribute to resilience. With the results of interviews and spatial analysis as a basis, this study can point out that the City of Stockholm's work with socio-ecological resilience has room for improvement, and that there are several available areas to build micro parks on. In addition, the most important success factors when it comes to green areas, from a socio-ecological perspective, have been presented, which is primarily about multifunctionality. However, the study shows that it is necessary to develop some car roads into greener areas, to ensure socio-ecological resilience.

“Vi vill och försöker, men det är inte alltid vi kan.” : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens perspektiv på socialt arbete med elever som lever med föräldrar i missbruksmiljö / “We want to and we try, but we can't always” : A qualitative study of school staff perspectives on social work with students living with parents in a substance abusing environment

Bahrami, Sozan, Muse, Habon January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur skolpersonalen uppmärksammar och arbetar med barn som växer upp med en förälder eller flera föräldrar med ett skadligt bruk av alkohol eller andra droger. Studien undersöker även hur skolpersonalen upplever tillgången till resurser för detta arbete och syftar till att lyfta fram det sociala arbetet i skolan. Med hjälp av intervjuer med de yrkesverksamma i skolan studeras deras perspektiv på förebyggande arbete i relation till barn i utsatta miljöer. Intervjupersonerna arbetar på grundskolan i Stockholms samt Västerås län och har olika yrkesroller. Empirin i denna undersökning omfattas av en kvalitativ intervjustudie och därmed har data samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visar att skolpersonalen understryker betydelsen av relationsskapande med barn som lever med en eller flera föräldrar med skadligt bruk. Resultatet framhäver även att brist på resurser för skolans arbete med dessa barn minskar möjligheterna att förstärka skyddsfaktorer som kan hindra framtida problem hos barnen. Synliggörande av barnens egna beteenden menas vara betydelsefullt i arbetet med att kunna identifiera och fånga upp de barn som lever i skadliga levnadsförhållanden. Den utvecklingsekologiska teorin används som en ram för denna studie då teorin centrerar kring barnets sammanhang. Begreppet risk- och skyddsfaktor har haft stor relevans för vår studie eftersom den hjälper oss att förstå barnens beteenden, de riskfaktorer som barnet utsätts för och hur skolan kan vara en skyddsfaktor. Begreppet ökar även vår förståelse för barnet som individ på en social och strukturell nivå. Studiens slutsats kan delas upp i tre delar och kopplar till de teman denna undersökning fått fram utifrån den tematiska analysen: (1) Förekomsten av bristande resurser i det förebyggande sociala arbetet i skolan; (2) betydelsen av relationsbyggande mellan elever och skolpersonal; (3) och observationer av barns avvikande beteende. / This study investigates how school personnel notice and work with children who grow up with one or more parents with harmful use of alcohol or other drugs. The study also examines how the school staff perceives the availability of resources for this work and aims to highlight the social work in the school. With the help of interviews with the professionals in the school, their perspective on preventive work in relation to children in vulnerable environments is studied. The interviewees work at primary schools in Stockholm and Västerås counties and have different work roles. The empirical work in this investigation is covered by a qualitative interview study and thus the data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show that school staff emphasize the importance of relationship building with children who live with one or more parents with harmful use. The result also highlights that a lack of resources for the school's work with these children reduces the opportunities to strengthen protective factors that can prevent future problems in the children. Making the children's own behaviors visible is said to be important in the work of being able to identify and catch the children who live in harmful living conditions. The developmental ecology theory is used as a framework for this study as the theory centers around the context of the child. The concept of risk and protective factor has had great relevance to our study because it helps us understand the children's behavior, the risk factors the child is exposed to and how the school can be a protective factor. The concept also increases our understanding of the child as an individual on a social and structural level. The study's conclusion can be divided into three parts and links to the themes that this research has produced based on the thematic analysis: (1) The existence of a lack of resources in the preventive social work in the school; (2) the importance of relationship building between students and school staff; (3) and observations of children's deviant behavior.

Strategic shifts toward regenerative sustainability: the pivotal role of ecological knowledge

Rahman, Saeed 02 January 2020 (has links)
Increasingly, firms like Patagonia, IKEA, General Mills, or Barilla actively seek to understand their interdependence with nature, build innovative capabilities, and generate more radical shifts toward sustainability. This creates exciting opportunities to investigate exactly how these companies obtain knowledge about ecosystem dynamics and processes and how they use it both to cope with climate change or declining ecosystem resilience and contribute to maintain or even strengthen ecosystems. Despite the considerable potential to advance research on organizational strategy and corporate sustainability, the notion of ‘ecological knowledge’ has yet to enter the scholarly work of management and business organization in a substantive manner. At present, we know almost nothing about the processes, mechanisms, and routines that enable an organization to, first, recognize the value of such knowledge and to, then, systematically access, co-create, integrate and utilize such knowledge into its broader knowledge and resource base. My dissertation attempts to fill this gap and opens up new directions for research on the role of ecological knowledge in corporate sustainability management. More specifically, I ask: What are the processes through which organizations can effectively access, co-create, integrate and utilize ecological knowledge with current organizational knowledge and strategies? I link strategic and organization-focused concepts of knowledge and the perspective of absorptive capacity with the notion of ecological knowledge from modern ecology, especially from the social-ecological systems literature, to shed light on the processes through which organizations can effectively access, co-create, integrate and utilize new ecological knowledge into their operational and strategic decision making. I adopt a qualitative, emergent, and inductive strategy drawing on a grounded research approach to gain an in-depth, cross-validated, and processual understanding of the mechanisms through which organizations can promote and enhance ecosystem health including biodiversity. I undertook my study on the organic agriculture sector, a sub-sector of the modern agriculture and agri-food industry. I collected data from nineteen agriculture and agri-food organizations based in British Columbia (BC), the westernmost province of Canada, using multiple data sources including in-depth interviews, observations, company documents, reports, newspaper articles and field reports. Based on my analysis, I develop a grounded theory about the processes through which organizations can successfully deepen their ecological knowledge and then utilize this knowledge to more sustainably manage their relationships with nature and contribute to protecting or even strengthening ecosystem functionality. With my dissertation, I address the call from scholars in Organization and the Natural Environment (ONE) and Corporate Sustainability for more transdisciplinary cross-fertilization as an essential approach to building compelling new theory and models in the field. First, my analysis offers a more fine-grained understanding of the types, components, dimensions, and characteristics of ecological knowledge. Second, my analysis uncovers a micro-level account of the processes by which individuals as critical actors identify, evaluate and make sense of the organization-environment interrelationships across various scales of time and space. I also identify the multiple personal characteristics of individual actors that influence these processes in various stages and circumstances. Third, my study offers insights into the factors that can strengthen an organization’s relational capacity to build mutual trust and collaboration with holders of ecological knowledge. Fourth, it sheds light on how firms engage with and motivate multiple community stakeholders in building a collaborative process of mutual learning, knowledge sharing, and knowledge co-creation to build joint capacity for coping successfully with many complex challenges of sustainability, thus contributing to the wellbeing of the entire social-ecological system. Collectively, these contributions provide a deeper and more holistic understanding of the processes of acquiring and co-creating ecological knowledge that can allow an organization to transition successfully towards greater ecological sustainability. My dissertation also offers numerous practically relevant insights for businesses facing the challenges of economic, social and environmental sustainability, as well as specific guidance on how companies can protect or enhance their supply of natural capital and contribute toward greater stability of the broader human-nature systems in which they are embedded. / Graduate / 2023-11-15

Soutien social chez les adolescent·e·s trans et non binaires recevant des soins médicaux d’affirmation de genre

Fortier-Jordan, Vanessa 08 1900 (has links)
Le soutien social est communément reconnu comme ayant un effet bénéfique sur la santé et le bien-être alors que les jeunes trans et non binaires (TNB) subissent des expériences de victimisation importantes. Parmi celleux qui sont en processus de débuter ou ont entrepris des traitements médicaux d’affirmation de genre, l’expérience spécifique des adolescent·e·s TNB demeure peu connue. Le présent mémoire a comme objectif de mieux comprendre comment iels rapportent leurs expériences de soutien en examinant les différentes formes d’apport et de tensions émergentes. S’inscrivant dans un projet canadien plus vaste (Pullen Sansfaçon et al., IRSC 2016- 2019), cette étude fait appel à une analyse de données secondaires découlant d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de 12 jeunes TNB d’une même clinique Montréalaise. Les données sont analysées selon une formule mixte où une partie des catégories est dérivée de la revue de la littérature alors qu’une autre partie est induite en cours d’analyse. L’utilisation d’une perspective écosystémique permet une vision globale de l’expérience des jeunes, c’est-à-dire où les multiples composantes de l’environnement social sont perçues de façon interactive et intégrée. Les résultats apportent un éclairage sur la variabilité des parcours, mais aussi sur la complexité du soutien social offert aux adolescent·e·s TNB recevant des soins médicaux d’affirmation de genre. Alors que de multiples formes de soutien sont observées à travers l’ensemble des sphères de leur environnement social, une tension générale tourne incontestablement autour de normes traditionnelles de genre et expose des lacunes systémiques qui ont un effet délétère sur les jeunes. / Social support is commonly known for its health and well-being benefits. However, trans and non binary (TNB) youths are confronted to important victimisation experiences and yet little is known about the specific experience of those who are at the process of beginning or have begun medical gender affirming treatments. The objective of this master’s thesis’ is to better understand how these youths relate their social support experiences while examining the different emerging forms of contributions and tensions. Arising from a vaster Canadian project (Pullen Sansfaçon et al., IRSC 2016-2019), this study is a secondary data analysis of qualitative interviews held with 12 TNB youth in a Montreal clinic. The data analysis is conducted following a mixed formula where part of the categories is deriving from the literature review and another is induced while coding. The use of the ecological systems theory contributes to a global perspective of the youths’ experience where the social environment’s multiple components are perceived in an interactive et integrated manner. The results shed light on the variability of pathways, but also on the complexity of the social support offered to TNB adolescents receiving medical gender affirming care. While multiple forms of support are found throughout the different social environmental spheres, a general tension unquestionably emanates from traditional gender norms. This context exposes systemic lacuna and a deleterious effect on TNB youth.

Understanding wildlife exploitation and ways forward on different scales

Bachmann, Mona 11 July 2023 (has links)
Der Rückgang der Wildtiere kann Ökosysteme tiefgreifend verändern und das Risiko von Ernährungsunsicherheit und neu auftretenden Krankheiten erhöhen, die wiederum die globale Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft bedrohen. Aufbauend auf dem theoretischen Überbau des Konzepts komplexer sozial-ökologischer Systeme untersuche ich in dieser Dissertation die Jagd und den Wildtierhandel in einem ganzheitlichen, differenzierten und skalensensitiven Ansatz. Dabei untersuche ich die Ursachen der Wildtiernutzung auf verschiedenen Ebenen (z.B. Nutzergruppen) und Skalen (lokal, global). Ich untersuchte ein lokales Umfeld durch eine Fallstudie um den Taï-Nationalpark in der Elfenbeinküste, indem ich 348 Jäger, 202 Buschfleischhändler, 190 Restaurantbesitzer und 985 Verbraucher in 47 städtischen und ländlichen Siedlungen befragte. Darüber hinaus untersuchte ich mithilfe von 114 persönlichen Interviews mit Nationalparkdirektoren in 25 afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern die Ausprägung der Jagd über den sozioökonomisch und ökologisch kontrastreichen globalen Süd-Nord-Gradienten. Die lokale Fallstudie zeigte die Heterogenität der Wildfleisch-Warenkette, in der mehrere Akteure Wildfleisch und verschiedene Taxa aus unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder ernährungsbedingten Beweggründen nutzen. Die globale Perspektive zeigte die sich verändernden Erscheinungsformen und Gründe für die Jagd entlang des globalen Süd-Nord-Gradienten. Im Süden überwog die illegale und kommerzielle Jagd auf Pflanzenfresser, während im Norden die legale, kulturell und sozial motivierte Jagd auf Huftiere und die illegale Jagd auf Raubtiere außerhalb von Parkgrenzen dominierte. Die Einbindung lokaler Gemeinschaften und die Berücksichtigung universeller Mechanismen menschlicher Kooperation könnte dem Naturschutz und der sozialen Gerechtigkeit zugutekommen. Nichtsdestotrotz verdeutlichen die Auswirkungen großräumiger Faktoren auf lokale Systeme die Notwendigkeit, gut umgesetzte lokale Maßnahmen mit einer angemessenen globalen Governance zu kombinieren, um den Raubbau an der Natur einzudämmen. / Declining wildlife can profoundly alter ecosystems and increase the risks of food insecurity and emerging diseases that threaten global health, societies, and economies. Building on the theoretical superstructure of complex social-ecological systems, I examine wildlife trade in a holistic, differentiated, and scale-sensitive approach, exploring the causes of wildlife use at different levels (e.g. user groups) and scales (local, global). I examined a local setting through a case study around Taï National Park in Côte d'Ivoire by interviewing 348 hunters, 202 bushmeat traders, 190 restaurant owners, and 985 consumers in 47 urban and rural settlements. Furthermore, I investigated the manifestation of hunting across the Global South-North gradient through 114 face-to-face interviews with national park directors in 25 African and European countries. The local case study revealed the heterogeneity of the wild meat commodity chain, in which multiple actors use wild meat and different taxa for varying economic, cultural, or nutritional motivations. The global perspective revealed the shifting manifestations and reasons for hunting along the Global South-North gradient. Illegal, commercial hunting of herbivores prevailed in the South, while legal, culturally-, and socially-motivated hunting of ungulates and the illegal pursuit of predators outside park boundaries were common in the North. Engaging local communities and incorporating universal mechanisms of human cooperation into conservation could benefit conservation and social justice. The impacts of large-scale drivers on local systems highlight the need for combining well-implemented local action and appropriate global governance to curb wildlife overexploitation

Elevohälsoplan 2023: Goda intentioner : En policyanalys av skolors arbete gällande skolfrånvaro och elevhälsa ur ett helhetsperspektiv

Fredriksson, Ricard, Holmberg Wallin, Rickard January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna uppsats syftade till att utforska varför skolfrånvaron och därmed hemmasittandet har ökat. Genom att analysera elevhälsoplaner och jämföra dem med tidigare forskning, identifierades en möjlig koppling mellan ändringar i skollagen och ökningen av hemmasittande. Bronfenbrenners systemteori och Beckers avvikarkarriär-teori användes som huvudsakliga teoretiska ramar för analysen. Resultaten pekade på att förändringar i skollagen har manifesterat sig som strikta riktlinjer i elevhälsoplanerna. Dessa riktlinjer, tillsammans med skolornas stödinsatser, kan ha en oavsiktlig stämplande effekt på elever som inte uppfyller förväntningarna. Studien visade att medan dessa stödinsatser syftar till att hjälpa elever, kan de i vissa fall förstärka elevernas avvikelse från den etablerade normen. Tidigare forskning har belyst vissa riskgrupper, såsom de med ADHD eller ASD, och deras potential att undvika skolan på grund av utmaningar relaterade till sociala faktorer och inlärningssvårigheter. Även om dessa specifika diagnoser inte alltid nämndes explicit i elevhälsoplanerna, antyder planernas fokus på sociala faktorer och inlärningssvårigheter att dessa riskgrupper kan vara i åtanke. Metodologiskt använde studien dokumentanalys av elevhälsoplaner, vilket gav en inblick i skolornas officiella ställningstaganden men kunde sakna insikt i verklig implementering. Studiens implikationer pekar på att skolan kan behöva omvärdera sina stödinsatser för att undvika oavsiktlig stigmatisering. Dessutom kan involvering av fler samhällsinstanser, som socialtjänsten, vara en väg framåt för att bättre stödja elever i riskzonen för hemmasittande. / Abstract This study aimed to investigate the reasons behind the rise in school absenteeism and, consequently, the increase in students staying at home. By analyzing student health plans and comparing them with prior research, a potential link between amendments in the Education Act and the surge in students staying at home was identified. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory and Becker's theory of deviant behavior served as the primary theoretical frameworks for the analysis. The findings indicated that changes in the Education Act have manifested as stringent guidelines in student health plans. These guidelines, combined with schools' supportive interventions, may inadvertently label students who do not meet the expectations. While these interventions aim to assist students, they might, in certain instances, amplify students' deviation from established norms. Previous research highlighted specific risk groups, such as those with ADHD or ASD, and their likelihood to avoid school due to challenges related to social factors and learning difficulties. Even if these specific diagnoses were not always explicitly mentioned in the student health plans, the plans' emphasis on social factors and learning difficulties suggests these risk groups might be considered. Methodologically, the study employed document analysis of student health plans, offering insight into schools' official stances but possibly lacking a comprehensive view of their actual implementation. The study's implications suggest that schools might need to re-evaluate their supportive measures to avoid unintentional stigmatization. Moreover, involving more societal entities, such as social services, might present a proactive approach to better support students at risk of staying home.

Management of Global Warming Effects in the European Water Framework Directive: Consideration of Social–Ecological System Features in the Elbe River Basin District

Sievers, Eva, Zielhofer, Christoph, Hüesker, Frank 09 May 2023 (has links)
In this study, we examined the extent to which global warming management is currently integrated into the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), the central legal framework for water management in the EU. We focused on the Elbe River Basin District and how global warming is addressed in its water management. We used the social–ecological systems (SES) approach as our theoretical framework, representing an eminent analytical frame of biosphere-based sustainability science. In our study, we analysed core characteristics of SES in the context of global warming to evaluate the effectiveness of current water management in the Elbe River basin concerning long-term changing climate conditions. To determine to what extent each SES feature is considered in the Elbe water management, we applied a scale of 1 to 5. Our results show that the SES feature “scale and openness” is best addressed (score 4.0) by the Elbe River basin management, followed by “context dependency” (score 3.9); however, “non-linearity, uncertainty, unpredictability” (score 3.2), “self-organisation and adaptability” (score 3.1), and “dynamics” (score 3.0) have only moderate impacts. SES features can only be considered comprehensively if global warming is accounted for in an integrated way at a European level. In order to ensure effective implementation, explicit regulations and legally binding obligations are most likely required.

Neighborhood Conditions, Self-Efficacy, and Future Orientation among Urban Youth

Samblanet, Sarah 24 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

"De hemmavarande barnen får inte glömmas bort" : Familjehemssekreterares upplevelser av socialtjänstens arbete med hemmavarande barn i familjehem / "The home-staying children must not be forgotten" : Social workers experiences of the Social Service work with home-staying children in foster homes

Johansen, Annie, Björhag, Ida January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate and analyze how social workers experience the work Social Services' do with children in foster homes. This study aims to identify what the positive and negative aspects are from working with this group and to determine what changes can be made to improve the services for children of foster carers. The data that was collected from interviews with eight social workers were analyzed through thematic analysis as well as Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The analysis reveals that the work of Social Services' affects the children in foster homes on micro-, meso-, exo-, and macro-levels. Based on the reports from the social workers the results indicate that their social service offices include home-staying children in the investigation phases. The children are less included during the initial process and at the ending of placements. Most social workers expressed that working with home-staying children is crucial to reduce the risk of placement breakdowns. Additionally, they emphasized the need for more frequent work with this group. Based on the results, this study suggests several possible service improvements to address the needs of home-staying children. Despite policy gaps, some municipalities actively engage with home- staying children.

Progress of Swedish municipalities climate adaptation and resilience

Sikorski-Vaxenbäck, Philip January 2024 (has links)
While adaptation to climate change is important, resilience thinking is the next step toward development of the adaptive capacity and transformability of structures in society in the face of ongoing climate related problems. Municipalities in Sweden have been struggling with adaptation in various degrees since this term has been used in practice since 2010. But there is more happening underneath the formal structures than we can imagine. Surprising developments have been detected through this project which was aimed at following up how municipalities are working with climate adaptation and resilience. Even though climate adaptation per se, is not implemented as such, as a program, plan or strategy. The internal bottom-up actions taken through terrific communication between departments, and through ambitious and well-educated staff and above that, informal transdisciplinary coordination of information. Are all components which indeed go above and beyond the term of climate adaptation. Thus, moving into the spheres of resilience thinking in social-ecological systems.

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