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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis comparativo de las estrategias metadiscursivas en el género del debate electoral en España y Estados Unidos

Albalat Mascarell, Ana 17 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] Entendida como la disciplina que aborda el estudio de los usos comunicativos del lenguaje, la pragmática ha sido uno de los centros de la investigación en lingüística de las últimas décadas (Escandell Vidal, 2013). En línea con esta orientación teórica eminentemente funcional que otorga preeminencia tanto a la interacción emisor-receptor como al contexto de enunciación, el metadiscurso (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018) se erige como un paradigma de análisis fiable en la medida en que proporciona un marco conceptual para comprender las diversas estrategias interpersonales que atienden al modo en el que el hablante organiza su discurso y se relaciona con su destinatario, desvelando, por tanto, las prácticas retóricas propias de diferentes comunidades lingüísticas y culturales. La presente propuesta busca examinar estos rasgos y patrones metadiscursivos en el discurso político hablado de las elecciones en España y los Estados Unidos, estableciendo así las bases para una investigación de las estrategias del discurso que acompañan y refuerzan al acto de habla. En este sentido, se pretende avanzar en una doble dirección epistemológica, revelando por un lado las estrategias interpersonales arriba citadas que expresan la función de persuasión en una modalidad concreta, la política, y por otro descubriendo la variabilidad interlingüística e intercultural de estas marcas persuasivas y de adecuación a las exigencias del contexto comunicativo. Todo ello se consigue al estudiar, desde una óptica comparativa, los debates electorales destinados a las comunidades española y estadounidense, aplicando los presupuestos teóricos y metodológicos ya mencionados sobre una gran base documental, es decir, avalada por procedimientos propios de la lingüística de corpus (Baker, 2010). / [CA] Entesa com la disciplina que aborda l'estudi dels usos comunicatius del llenguatge, la pragmàtica ha estat un dels centres de la investigació en lingüística de les últimes dècades (Escandell Vidal, 2013). En línea amb aquesta orientació teòrica eminentment funcional que atorga importància tant a la interacció emissor-receptor com al context d'enunciació, el metadiscurs (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018), s'erigeix com un paradigma d'anàlisi fiable en la mesura en què proporciona un marc conceptual per comprendre les diverses estratègies interpersonals que atenen la manera en què l'autor organitza el text i es relaciona amb el destinatari, desvetlant, per tant, les practiques retòriques pròpies de diferents comunitats lingüístiques i culturals. La present proposta busca examinar aquests trets i patrons metadiscursius en el discurs polític parlat de les eleccions a Espanya i els Estats Units per tal d'establir les bases per a una investigació de les estratègies del discurs que acompanyen i reforcen l'acte de parla. En aquest sentit, pretenem avançar en una doble direcció epistemològica, examinant d'una banda les estratègies interpersonals adès citades que expressen la funció de persuasió en una modalitat concreta, la política, i d'altra descobrint la variabilitat interlingüística i intercultural d'aquests marcadors persuasius i d'adequació a les exigències del context comunicatiu. Tot això ho aconseguim arran d'estudiar, des d'una òptica comparativa, els debats electorals destinats a les comunitats espanyola i nord-americana, aplicant els pressupostos teòrics i metodològics ja esmentats sobre una gran base documental, és a dir, avalada per procediments propis de la lingüística de corpus (Baker, 2010). / [EN] Characterized as the discipline that focuses on the research of the communicative uses of language, pragmatics has been one of the main areas of linguistics in the last few decades (Escandell Vidal, 2013). In line with this functional orientation that gives prominence to both speaker-hearer interactions and the broad socio-cultural context, the interpersonal metadiscourse model (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018) emerges as a reliable analytical framework since it provides a way to understand the diverse interpersonal strategies addressing the way in which speakers can organize their own discourse and engage with audiences, thus revealing diverse persuasive resources embedded in particular linguistic and cultural communities. The present proposal seeks to explore these metadiscursive traits and patterns in speeches belonging to the political election campaigns taking place in Spain and the United States, thus establishing the foundations for an investigation of the metadiscourse features that serve and reinforce the speech act. In this sense, it is intended to advance in a two-fold epistemological direction, signalling, on the one hand, the interpersonal strategies that accomplish the role of persuasion in a particular modality, the political one, and, on the other hand, exploring the cross-linguistic and cross-cultural variability of these persuasive markers adapted to the characteristics and demands of a given communicative context. This can be achieved by analizing, from a comparative perspective, the election campaign debates addressed to the Spanish and North-American communities, adjusting to the theories and analytical methods endorsed by corpus linguistics (Baker, 2010). / Albalat Mascarell, A. (2021). Análisis comparativo de las estrategias metadiscursivas en el género del debate electoral en España y Estados Unidos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166438

Les partis libanais et la réforme de l'État au prisme des priorités électorales (1992-2009) / Lebanese parties and the reform of the state political system from electoral priority perspective (1992-2009)

Mazyad, Ali 08 February 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est double. D’une part, il convient de montrer que la réforme de l’État libanais ne progresse pas depuis l’accord de Taëf. Aujourd’hui, le Liban fait face à un blocage en raison de la controverse opposant les partis et forces politiques du pays autour de cette question. D’autre part, il s’agit d’identifier cette controverse sur la base de leurs priorités électorales et de la légitimité des coalitions qu’ils forment.Dans la première partie, nous avons exploré la structure de la Constitution, l'évolution des relations entre les partis libanais et l’État, et la typologie des partis libanais. À l’issue de cette partie, nous avons présenté les diverses tentatives de réforme effectuées dans les domaines du social, de l’économie, de la justice, de la défense, des relations extérieures et de l'environnement.Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons analysé les programmes électoraux présentés par les partis à l’occasion des élections parlementaires et municipales des années 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000 et 2004. Nous avons accordé une large place au projet porté par le Premier ministre Rafic Hariri, concernant la reconstruction du pays et surtout de Beyrouth après des années de guerre. Les diverses positions des partis envers ce projet ont aussi été récapitulées.Dans la troisième partie, nous avons procédé à une étude comparative des programmes électoraux des partis lors des deux élections parlementaires libanaises de 2005 et 2009. Nous avons vu que la transformation du système partisan ont entraîné des changements en termes de priorités électorales au sein des partis ; d’où l’émergence d’autres conceptions de la réforme de l’État. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons proposé une étude de terrain portant sur trois principaux éléments: la participation des jeunes Libanais, leurs visions sur les priorités de la réforme de l’État, et leurs perceptions des forces au pouvoir et des partis politiques dans ce processus de réforme. Enfin, nous avons interviewé des membres et des responsables de partis, afin de cerner leurs points de vue et de déterminer si, selon eux, il existe une solution à la crise que vit l’État libanais. Cette étude nous a permis d’ouvrir des nouvelles voies de recherche pour l’avenir du Liban. / This study has a dual aim: On the one hand, addressing the failure of the Lebanese state’s reform process, because of the parties dispute over it, since the Taif Agreement until today. And on the other hand it aims to identify this dispute from these parties electoral priorities and their political coalitions perspective In the first part, we explored the structure of the Lebanese Constitution, the evolving relationship between parties and the state, and then the political and the typology of these parties. Finally, in this part, we addressed reform efforts in various areas such as: social, economic, justice, defense, environment, and foreign relationships.In the second part, we analyzed the election programs during different parliamentary and municipal elections of 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2004. This led us to focus on Prime Minister Rafic Hariri's project to rebuild the country, in particular, Beirut after the civil war and the position of the parties concerning this project.In the third part, we made a comparative study for the parties' election programs for the two parliamentary elections of 2005 and 2009. It was noted that the transformation accord in the party system has led to changes in the electoral priorities of the parties and thus in their perspectives towards the reform of the State. In the last chapter, we made a field study on the participation of the Lebanese youth, their views on the priorities of the reform of the state, and their perceptions of the Parliament’s role, the government and the political parties' role in the process of the State reform. Finally, we interviewed members and leaders of the political parties to stand at their views on solving the crisis of the Lebanese state. We hope this study will contribute in opening new horizons for the future of Lebanon.

The Manifesto-Media Link: How Mass Media Mediate Manifesto Messages

Merz, Nicolas 02 March 2018 (has links)
Diese Arbeit geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die Medien während des Wahl-kampfs über die Wahlprogramme der Parteien berichten. Die Wahlprogramme der Parteien enthalten Informationen darüber, was Parteien nach der Wahl vorhaben. Allerdings lesen wenige Wählerinnen und Wähler Wahlprogramme. Die vergangene Forschung über und mit Wahlprogrammdaten hat bisher angenommen, dass der Inhalt von Wahlprogrammen von den Medien verbreitet wird. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht diese Annahme empirisch und analysiert, ob und wie Massenmedien während des Wahlkampfs über die Inhalte der Wahlprogramme berichten. Wenn Massenmedien nicht die Inhalte der Wahlprogramme verbreiten würden, hätten Bürgerinnen und Bürger kaum Chancen sich über das programmatische Angebot der Parteien zu informieren. In dieser Arbeit wird das Konzept des Manifesto-Medien-Links entwickelt. Das Konzept bringt Theorien des Parteienwettbewerbs und Theorien der Medienselektion zusammen. Der Manifesto-Medien-Link formuliert drei Bedingungen, welche empirisch getestet werden können. Diese sind: Erstens, Medienberichterstattung und Wahlprogramme müssen zumindest zu einem gewissen Grad dieselben Themen diskutieren. Zweitens, Journalisten müssen Sachfragen mit jenen Parteien verknüpfen, welche diese Themen in ihren Wahlprogrammen stärker betonen als ihre Konkurrenten, um Wählerinnen und Wähler über die Prioritäten der Parteien zu informieren. Drittens, Medien müssen die ideologische Orientierung einer Partei sowie Veränderungen dieser korrekt wiedergeben. Methodisch werden in der Arbeit Wahlprogramm- und Mediendaten kombiniert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Manifesto-Medien-Link relativ stabil ist. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass es nur geringe systematische Verzerrungen zugunsten bestimmter Parteien gibt. Jedoch zeigen sich Unterschiede zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardmedien. Die Ergebnisse haben Implikationen für unser Verständnis von politischer Repräsentation und den politischen Wettbewerb. / This study analyzes whether media coverage covers messages from parties’ electoral programs (manifestos). Electoral programs contain detailed information on a party’s future policy-making. However, few voters read electoral programs. Still, prior research often assumed that the content of manifestos is known to voters because media disseminate the content of manifestos to voters. This dissertation evaluates this “mediation assumption” empirically, and analyzes whether and how the mass media cover parties’ electoral programs during the electoral campaign. If media coverage did not reflect parties’ electoral programs, citizens would have no chance to base their vote choice on evaluations of those programs. This study introduces the concept of the manifesto-media link in order to describe how media coverage can reflect programmatic offers. The manifesto-media link is formulated as three conditions that can be empirically evaluated and tested in a similar way to the conditions of the responsible party model. These are: First, media must cover similar issues to those that parties cover in their electoral programs. Second, media coverage must link issues with parties that emphasize these issues more than their competitors, in order to inform about the parties’ issue priorities. Third, media must frame parties as left or right in a way that represents how parties emphasize left or right positions in their own manifestos. Methodologically, the study combines secondary content analytical data on media coverage during the electoral campaign with data based on electoral programs. The findings suggest that the manifesto-media link is stable and robust. There is little to no systematic bias in favor of a certain type of party, however there are differences between quality and tabloid media. These findings contribute to our understanding of political representation and the functioning of political competition.

Rozvojové aktivity města Lomnice nad Lužnicí / Development Activities of Town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí

VISČUROVÁ, Renata January 2019 (has links)
The theme of my diploma thesis is Development Activities of Town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí. The main gain of my thesis is to evaluate activities of the selected period and to elaborate the development activities for the future according the variability of financial resources. I choose the period between 2011- 2018. Conclusions of this diploma thesis can also serve the current management of the town. It could provide them with an overview of the town´s economics situation and its development.

Enade de stå? : om utbildningspolitiska diskurser i riksdagspartiernas valprogram mellan 1998-2018 / United they stand? : on educational policy discourses in the electoral manifestos of the Swedish parliamentary parties between 1998-2018

Vesterlund, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete undersöker de svenska riksdagspartiernas valprogram för att analysera de diskursiva uttrycken gällande utbildningspolitik med särskilt fokus på skolans syften. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att samhället befinner sig i en tid som kan benämnas som ett senmodernt samhälle, varvid den inriktar sig på valprogram för tiden 1998-2018. I analysen används en kritisk diskursanalys för att analysera texterna närmare och i uppsatsen tillämpas teorier om skola och senmodernitet av Zygmunt Bauman, Gert J.J. Biesta samt Tomas Englund. I analysen har synliggjorts att den senmoderna skolan främst präglas av tre tydliga. diskurser som möts i de svenska riksdagspartiernas valprogram. Främst syns begrepp ommätning och resultat , nostalgi och tillbakagång till det gamla samt ett klassiskt liberalt frihets- och förnuftsideal i texterna. / This master thesis examines the electoral manifestos of the Swedish parliamentary parties in order to analyze the discursive expressions regarding education policy, with a particular focus on the purpose of education. As the thesis finds its starting point in the concept of late modernity, it focuses on the electoral programmes from the time period of 1998-2018. The analysis uses a critical discourse analysis to analyze the texts in closer detail. Theories on school and late modernity by Zygmunt Bauman, Gert J.J. Biesta and Tomas Englund form the theoretical framework. The analysis establishes that the late-modern school is primarily characterized by three clear categories of discourse which intersect in the electoral programmes of the Swedish parties. Primarily, notions of measurement and results are visible in the texts, along with nostalgia and a desire to return to the past, as well as a classical liberal ideal of freedom and reason. / <p>Examensarbetet är en del av den samordnade lärarutbildningen mellan Lunds universitet och Högskolan Kristianstad. </p>

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