Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emile"" "subject:"smile""
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Concepções de linguagem e língua em livro didático de língua inglesa e uma proposta de diálogo com a reflexão enunciativa : possíveis deslocamentos para a sala de aulaTomazzi, Raiany January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, por meio da análise de um livro didático de língua inglesa, propõe o diálogo entre o campo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa e a perspectiva enunciativa de linguagem de Émile Benveniste. O estudo procura comprovar a hipótese de que há livros didáticos em língua inglesa que apresentam atividades que envolvem interlocuções possíveis de serem abordadas em sala de aula por uma perspectiva enunciativa da linguagem. Com o diálogo entre os estudos linguísticos de Émile Benveniste – reflexões sobre linguagem, língua, enunciação e discurso, presentes em textos pertencentes aos Problemas de linguística geral I e Problemas de linguística geral II – e os estudos voltados à aquisição de segunda língua, tornou-se possível operar deslocamentos, que resultaram em um novo conhecimento sobre essa relação enunciação e ensino-aprendizagem de segunda língua, com a consideração dos seguintes aspectos: a) a intersubjetividade na linguagem; b) a situação de discurso e a atribuição de referência; c) a relação forma-sentido; d) os valores culturais impressos no discurso. Tais aspectos, tratados teoricamente nos dois primeiros capítulos, foram norteadores da metodologia no terceiro capítulo e da análise no quarto capítulo. Na análise, foram selecionados quatro grupos de atividades do livro didático de língua inglesa Alive! 8, obra distribuída para a rede pública de ensino por intermédio do Plano Nacional do Livro Didático no ano de 2017. Observou-se que as atividades analisadas: a) apresentam marcas de intersubjetividade, visto que o livro didático prevê que a comunicação intersubjetiva se concretize em sala de aula; b) atuam como provocadoras de referência e permitem que o locutor-aluno atribua essas referências pelo discurso; c) consideram forma e sentido como instâncias interdependentes, permitindo aos locutores-alunos que eles compreendam e reconheçam as unidades da língua inglesa em sala de aula como integradas umas às outras; d) abordam questões relacionadas a costumes e valores das duas línguas envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem da segunda língua. Todavia, foi possível verificar que algumas das atividades analisadas necessitam ter seu escopo ampliado no contexto de sala de aula de língua inglesa. Dessa forma, a pesquisa aponta, na conclusão, que o professor é o responsável por garantir que as atividades presentes no livro didático possam ser abordadas por uma perspectiva enunciativa da linguagem, trazendo contribuições ao processo de aprendizagem de inglês como segunda língua. / This research, through the analysis of an English textbook, proposes the dialogue between the field of teaching and learning of English and Émile Benveniste’s enunciative perspective of language. The study aims to prove the hypothesis that there are textbooks in English that present activities that involve possible dialogues to be addressed in the classroom through an enunciative perspective of the language. With the dialogue between Émile Benveniste's linguistic studies – reflections about language, utterance and discourse present in the texts belonging to Problems of general linguistics I and Problems of general linguistics II – and studies on second language acquisition, it became possible to operate displacements, which resulted in a new knowledge about this relation between enunciation and second language teaching and learning, considering the following aspects: a) the intersubjectivity in language; b) the situation of discourse and reference attribution; c) the form-meaning relationship; d) the cultural values printed in the discourse. These aspects were considered theoretically in the first two chapters, and they guided the methodology in the third chapter and the analysis in the fourth chapter. In the analysis, four groups of activities were selected from the English textbook Alive! 8, a book distributed to the public school system through the National Program of Textbook in 2017. It was observed that the analyzed activities: a) present marks of intersubjectivity, since the textbook predicts that intersubjective communication is materialized in the classroom; b) act as reference provocateurs and allow the student to assign these references through discourse; c) consider form and meaning as interdependent instances, allowing students to understand and recognize the units of language in the classroom as integrated to each other; d) address issues related to customs and values of the two languages involved in the process of learning the second language. However, it was possible to verify that some of the analyzed activities need to have their scope expanded in the context of English classroom. In this way, the research indicates, in the conclusion, that the teacher is responsible for ensuring that the activities in the textbook can be approached by an enunciative perspective of language, bringing contributions to the process of learning English as a second language.
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Concepções de linguagem e língua em livro didático de língua inglesa e uma proposta de diálogo com a reflexão enunciativa : possíveis deslocamentos para a sala de aulaTomazzi, Raiany January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, por meio da análise de um livro didático de língua inglesa, propõe o diálogo entre o campo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa e a perspectiva enunciativa de linguagem de Émile Benveniste. O estudo procura comprovar a hipótese de que há livros didáticos em língua inglesa que apresentam atividades que envolvem interlocuções possíveis de serem abordadas em sala de aula por uma perspectiva enunciativa da linguagem. Com o diálogo entre os estudos linguísticos de Émile Benveniste – reflexões sobre linguagem, língua, enunciação e discurso, presentes em textos pertencentes aos Problemas de linguística geral I e Problemas de linguística geral II – e os estudos voltados à aquisição de segunda língua, tornou-se possível operar deslocamentos, que resultaram em um novo conhecimento sobre essa relação enunciação e ensino-aprendizagem de segunda língua, com a consideração dos seguintes aspectos: a) a intersubjetividade na linguagem; b) a situação de discurso e a atribuição de referência; c) a relação forma-sentido; d) os valores culturais impressos no discurso. Tais aspectos, tratados teoricamente nos dois primeiros capítulos, foram norteadores da metodologia no terceiro capítulo e da análise no quarto capítulo. Na análise, foram selecionados quatro grupos de atividades do livro didático de língua inglesa Alive! 8, obra distribuída para a rede pública de ensino por intermédio do Plano Nacional do Livro Didático no ano de 2017. Observou-se que as atividades analisadas: a) apresentam marcas de intersubjetividade, visto que o livro didático prevê que a comunicação intersubjetiva se concretize em sala de aula; b) atuam como provocadoras de referência e permitem que o locutor-aluno atribua essas referências pelo discurso; c) consideram forma e sentido como instâncias interdependentes, permitindo aos locutores-alunos que eles compreendam e reconheçam as unidades da língua inglesa em sala de aula como integradas umas às outras; d) abordam questões relacionadas a costumes e valores das duas línguas envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem da segunda língua. Todavia, foi possível verificar que algumas das atividades analisadas necessitam ter seu escopo ampliado no contexto de sala de aula de língua inglesa. Dessa forma, a pesquisa aponta, na conclusão, que o professor é o responsável por garantir que as atividades presentes no livro didático possam ser abordadas por uma perspectiva enunciativa da linguagem, trazendo contribuições ao processo de aprendizagem de inglês como segunda língua. / This research, through the analysis of an English textbook, proposes the dialogue between the field of teaching and learning of English and Émile Benveniste’s enunciative perspective of language. The study aims to prove the hypothesis that there are textbooks in English that present activities that involve possible dialogues to be addressed in the classroom through an enunciative perspective of the language. With the dialogue between Émile Benveniste's linguistic studies – reflections about language, utterance and discourse present in the texts belonging to Problems of general linguistics I and Problems of general linguistics II – and studies on second language acquisition, it became possible to operate displacements, which resulted in a new knowledge about this relation between enunciation and second language teaching and learning, considering the following aspects: a) the intersubjectivity in language; b) the situation of discourse and reference attribution; c) the form-meaning relationship; d) the cultural values printed in the discourse. These aspects were considered theoretically in the first two chapters, and they guided the methodology in the third chapter and the analysis in the fourth chapter. In the analysis, four groups of activities were selected from the English textbook Alive! 8, a book distributed to the public school system through the National Program of Textbook in 2017. It was observed that the analyzed activities: a) present marks of intersubjectivity, since the textbook predicts that intersubjective communication is materialized in the classroom; b) act as reference provocateurs and allow the student to assign these references through discourse; c) consider form and meaning as interdependent instances, allowing students to understand and recognize the units of language in the classroom as integrated to each other; d) address issues related to customs and values of the two languages involved in the process of learning the second language. However, it was possible to verify that some of the analyzed activities need to have their scope expanded in the context of English classroom. In this way, the research indicates, in the conclusion, that the teacher is responsible for ensuring that the activities in the textbook can be approached by an enunciative perspective of language, bringing contributions to the process of learning English as a second language.
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The interplay between non-verbal and verbal interaction in synthetic worlds which supports verbal participation and production in a foreign language. / Le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal dans des mondes synthétiques et son rôle de soutien pour la production et la participation verbales en langue étrangère.Wigham, Ciara 16 November 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à analyser la communication pédagogique multimodale dans des mondes synthétiques (virtuels). L'étude se focalise sur le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal et son rôle de soutien pour la production et la participation verbales en langue étrangère. Celui-ci est analysé dans une perspective socio-sémiotique de la multimodalité, dans le contexte d'une formation conduite dans le monde synthétique Second Life selon une approche Enseignement d'une Matière Intégré à une Langue Étrangère (Emile). La formation, 'Building Fragile Spaces' menée dans le cadre du projet européen ARCHI21 a été conçue pour des étudiants d'architecture dont la langue étrangère était soit le français soit l'anglais.Le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal est examiné selon trois angles différents. Premièrement, le rôle du non verbal pendant une activité de construction collaborative est analysé au vu des opportunités offertes par des mondes synthétiques pour la co-création de l'environnement et pour la collaboration. A travers cette étude, nous nous demandons si l'utilisation du mode non verbal a un impact sur la participation des étudiants dans le mode verbal et si le rapport entre ces deux modes a une influence sur la production verbale. Deuxièmement, l'utilisation du non verbal pour la construction des identités est abordée et est considérée en rapport avec l'interaction et la participation verbale des étudiants dans la langue étrangère. Finalement, la recherche se concentre sur le rapport entre les modalités audio et clavardage dans le mode verbal. Plus particulièrement, l'étude s'intéresse au rôle du clavardage dans l'interaction puisqu'il est en compétition non seulement avec l'audio mais également avec plusieurs modalités non verbales. La possibilité d'utiliser le clavardage pour la rétroaction est également abordée.Cette thèse cherche à contribuer aux considérations méthodologiques exigées pour que la recherche concernant la communication pédagogique multimodale dans des mondes synthétiques puisse aller au-delà des exemples spéculatifs et anecdotiques. Une typologie de modalités verbales et non verbales est proposée. Elle sert à étendre une méthodologie proposée pour la transcription des interactions multimodales aux interactions possibles dans les mondes synthétiques. En vue de la problématique plus générale, dans les domaines des Sciences Humaines et des Sciences du Langage, il s'agit de rendre visibles et accessibles publiquement les données utilisées pour les analyses. En effet, cette étude se réfère à un corpus d'apprentissage dans son approche méthodologique. La construction d'un corpus structuré permet d'effectuer des analyses contextualisées des données recueillies lors de la formation 'Building Fragile Spaces'.Cette recherche propose quelques éléments de réponse concernant l'augmentation de la participation verbale en rapport avec l'organisation proxémique des étudiants, la customisation de l'apparence des avatars des étudiants et l'utilisation importante des actes non verbaux. Concernant la production verbale, l'étude décrit comment, dans le mode non verbal, le mouvement de l'avatar est employé en tant que stratégie pour surmonter des difficultés de communication dans le mode verbal. Ces difficultés concernent, en particulier, l'expression de la direction et de l'orientation. L'étude montre également l'intérêt d'utiliser le clavardage pour offrir de la rétroaction concernant la forme linguistique dans le but de soutenir la production verbale des apprenants dans la modalité audio. Au vu des résultats, l'étude propose quelques considérations concernant la conception des activités pédagogiques pour l'apprentissage des langues dans des mondes synthétiques. / This research focuses on multimodal pedagogical communication in synthetic (virtual) worlds. The study investigates the interplay between verbal and nonverbal interaction which supports verbal participation and production in a foreign language. This is analysed from a socio-semiotic perspective of multimodality within the context of a course held in the synthetic world Second Life, which adopted a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The course, entitled 'Building Fragile Spaces', formed part of the European project ARCHI21. It was designed for higher education students of Architecture whose foreign language was either French or English.The interplay between verbal and nonverbal interaction is examined from three different angles. Firstly, considering the opportunities synthetic worlds offer for the co-creation of the environment through building activities and for collaboration, the role played by the nonverbal mode during a collaborative building activity is investigated. The study questions whether the use of the nonverbal mode impacts on the participation of students in the verbal mode, and whether any interplay exists between these two modes that influences verbal production. Secondly, use of the nonverbal mode by students in inworld identity construction is addressed and considered with reference to their verbal interaction, and participation, in the foreign language. Thirdly, the research concentrates upon interplay between the audio and textchat modalities in the verbal mode. More specifically, the focus is on whether the textchat plays a role during interaction, considering it is in competition not only with the audio modality but also with several nonverbal modalities; and on whether the textchat modality can serve for feedback provision on language form.This thesis seeks to contribute to the methodological considerations to allow research to move beyond speculative and anecdotal examples of multimodal pedagogical communication in synthetic worlds. A typology of nonverbal and verbal modalities is proposed, and then drawn upon, to extend a previous methodology suggested for multimodal transcription to interactions in synthetic worlds. Considering, within the fields of Social Sciences and Language Sciences, the more general research problem to render research data used for analyses visible and publically accessible, the study adopts a LEarning and TEaching Corpus (LETEC) methodological approach. Constituting a structured corpus allows for contextual analyses of the data collected during the 'Building Fragile Spaces' course.This research offers insights into how verbal participation increases with reference to the proxemic organisation of students, the customization of students' avatar appearance and an increased use of nonverbal acts. Concerning verbal production, the study shows how avatar movement in the nonverbal mode was used as a strategy to overcome verbal miscommunication when expressing direction and orientation and also the benefits of using the textchat modality for feedback on language form in order to support learners’ productions in the audio modality. In light of these results, the study suggests some considerations concerning the design of pedagogical activities for language learning within synthetic worlds.
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Comment établir un rapprochement entre l’enseignement de l’anglais de spécialité et les notions du droit / Reconciling Teaching English for Special Purposes and Legal ConceptsLiebenberg, Elizabeth Helena 29 March 2010 (has links)
L’engagement du Conseil de l’Europe en faveur d’une éducation plurilingue intégrant altérité et diversité culturelle est fortement lié au souci de promouvoir la communication entre citoyens de langue et culture différentes, indispensable à la mobilité et à la compréhension réciproque. Dans ce nouveau référentiel s’inscrit la tendance à enseigner les disciplines non linguistiques, directement dans la L2. Cette méthode d’enseignement d’une matière par intégration d’une langue étrangère, appelée EMILE a vocation d’accélérer le processus d’apprentissage. Or, il s’est avéré, lors d’une recherche-action portant sur l’anglais juridique, qu’une méthode d’immersion complète telle qu’EMILE pouvait présenter certaines failles pour apprendre cette langue de spécialité très pointue. Pour combler ces failles, nous proposons la méthode LADMI (Linguistique appliquée à une autre discipline par méthode intégrative), qui est une modification du concept d’EMILE extrapolant à partir d’une certaine structure logique, suite à des observations particulières, afin de préserver à la fois la langue et le contenu de la DNL, le droit. / The European Council’s policy of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in the field of acquisition-teaching of foreign languages, has led to a profoundly modified situation in language learning. With the aim of encouraging mobility among students and teachers in the European education system, pluralinguistic methods, such as TIE-CLIL (Translanguage in Europe – Content and Language Integrated Learning) are used in an attempt to accelerate immersion programmes. However, in an action research undertaken in Legal English at the University of Nice, the conclusion was drawn that language immersion is not always feasible in Law. Therefore an integrated approach, Adjunct CLIL, based on logical observations, a modification of the concept CLIL : ALDIM (Applied Linguistics to another Discipline by Integrated Method), is suggested, to preserve both the quality of the language as well as content of the non-linguistic discipline, Law.
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Genèse et crise de la sociologie : étude sur l’épistémologie de Raymond BoudonMohamed, Ali January 2011 (has links)
La sociologie a proposé une multitude d’explications sur divers phénomènes sociaux. Cependant, plusieurs sociologues, dont Boudon se sont surtout intéressés à l’aspect scientifique de la sociologie. Les questions les plus souvent posées lorsqu’on entreprend de telles études se penchent essentiellement sur le caractère scientifique de la discipline sociologique. Quels sont les critères de scientificité de la sociologie ? Quel est son sens épistémologique dans la littérature scientifique ? Quel est son raisonnement existentiel dans la construction du savoir ? La sociologie pourrait-elle être traitée méthodologiquement parlant au même titre que les autres disciplines des sciences naturelles ou particulières ? Si oui, pourrait-elle expliquer les lois des phénomènes sociaux à partir des observations hypothético-déductives sur la nature de la réalité sociale ? Dans cette thèse, nous tenterons de répondre à ces questions en nous appuyant sur des concepts élaborés par les sociologues classiques et contemporains.
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Rêve d’artiste : la littérature, la musique et l’histoire de l’art dans la poésie d’Émile NelliganArella, Suet-Lin 09 1900 (has links)
La fin du XIXe siècle montréalais est une période de grand foisonnement intellectuel et culturel, qui voit l’apparition de plusieurs courants artistiques, comme l’impressionnisme et le symbolisme. Ces courants artistiques manifestent des tendances analogues dans des arts différents. Plusieurs associations artistiques se forment durant cette période, et l’École littéraire de Montréal, fondée en 1895, est l’une des plus importantes. Un de ses membres les plus célèbres est le poète Émile Nelligan, qui rédige une œuvre fulgurante entre 1896 et 1899. Par ses liens avec les autres membres de l’École, Nelligan est proche des changements culturels de son époque, et plusieurs de ses poèmes font référence à des arts autres que la littérature, comme la peinture et la musique. Notre objectif est d’étudier comment les tendances artistiques principales de l’époque, particulièrement en peinture et en musique, se présentent dans l’œuvre poétique de Nelligan. Notre étude s’appuie sur la démarche de Gérard Dessons, qui analyse les éléments constitutifs du discours poétique pour en extraire le sens. Nous désirons apporter une meilleure compréhension des courants artistiques présents à Montréal durant cette période et montrer comment Nelligan emploie des procédés littéraires analogues pour incorporer les traits principaux de ces courants artistiques dans son œuvre. Nous voulons aussi éclairer la nature transdisciplinaire de l’œuvre de Nelligan et sa profonde sensibilité aux relations entre les arts, même s’il n’a pratiqué que la littérature. / The end of the 19th century in Montreal is a time of great intellectual and cultural development, which sees the birth of new artistic currents such as impressionism and symbolism. These currents appear in many different arts of the time. Many artistic associations are created during this period, and the École littéraire de Montréal is one of the most important among them. One of the most famous members of the École is poet Émile Nelligan, who produced a great amount of work between 1896 and 1899. Through his connections with the other members of the École littéraire de Montréal, Nelligan was in contact with the cultural and artistic changes of the time, and many of his poems include references to arts other than literature, such as painting and music. Our aim is to study how the artistic currents of the time, particularly in painting and in music, appear in Nelligan’s poetry. We base our study on the approach of literary analysis by Gérard Dessons, which is based on the analysis of different literary elements and techniques that make up the poem in order to derive its meaning. We wish to bring a greater understanding of the artistic trends present in turn-of-the-century Montreal and how Nelligan uses literary techniques to incorporate the principal techniques and ideas of those artistic currents in his work. We also wish to show the transdisciplinary nature of Nelligan’s work and his great sensibility to the relationships between the arts, even if he practiced only literature during his lifetime.
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Representation, Narrative, and “Truth”: Literary and Historical Epistemology in 19th-Century FranceSchuman, Samuel A. 23 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Émile Zola et la Russie, Histoire d'une conquête littéraire / Emile Zola and Russia, The Story of a literary Conquest / Эмиль Золя и Россия, История одного литературного завоеванияNuk, Myriam-Isabelle 26 June 2013 (has links)
Dans les années 1870, Émile Zola bénéficia d’une popularité exceptionnelle en Russie, comptant parmi les auteurs étrangers les plus lus. Nous nous proposons d’écrire précisément dans notre thèse l’histoire de cette extraordinaire rencontre franco-russe en nous appuyant sur des documents majoritairement inédits en français.Dans la première partie de cette étude, nous voyons que Zola se trouvait encore à l’heure difficile des débuts lorsqu’il fit la connaissance, en 1872, d’Ivan Turgenev. L’écrivain russe promit de lui trouver un engagement en Russie. Il négocia avec Mihail Stasulevič, le directeur de l’une des principales revues libérales de Saint-Pétersbourg. En 1875, au vu des premières critiques russes très favorables au romancier français, Stasulevič se laissa convaincre de recruter Zola au Messager de l’Europe comme correspondant parisien. Anna Engelhardt, la traductrice attitrée de Zola au Messager de l’Europe, joua un rôle clé dans son triomphe en Russie.Dans la seconde partie, nous analysons la correspondance échangée entre Zola, Turgenev et Stasulevič pendant près de dix ans, que nous avons intégralement reconstituée et traduite en français, pour établir précisément l’histoire de la collaboration d’Émile Zola au Messager de l’Europe. Les soixante-quatre textes que Zola composa à destination du lectorat russe – les Lettres parisiennes – sont présentés chronologiquement, rythmant notre lecture de la correspondance à trois voix. Régulièrement, les critiques russes émises en réaction aux écrits zoliens viennent enrichir notre réflexion.Cette approche nous permet d’évaluer objectivement quelle fut en son temps la réception de l’oeuvre d’Émile Zola en Russie. / In the 1870’s, Émile Zola enjoyed exceptional popularity in Russia, counting among the most read foreign authors. In the context of this thesis, we propose to write the precise story of this extraordinary Franco-Russian encounter, relying on mostly unpublished documents in French.In the first part of this study, we see that Zola was in an awkward situation when he made Ivan Turgenev’s acquaintance in 1872. The Russian writer offered his aid, promising to find a commitment for him in Russia. He negotiated to this end with the director of one of the leading liberal reviews of Saint-Petersburg, Mihail Stasulevič. In 1875, in view of the first Russian critical appreciations which were very favourable to the French writer, Stasulevič was persuaded to recruit Zola in "Вестник Европы" [The Herald of Europe], as Parisian correspondent. Anna Engelhardt, who was one of the first Russian critics to focus on Zola, played a key role in his triumph by becoming his official translator at the Herald of Europe.In the second part, we analyze the correspondence exchanged between Zola, Turgenev and Stasulevič for nearly ten years, which we have entirely reconstituted and translated into French, to establish the detailed story of Emile Zola’s collaboration to the Herald of Europe. The sixty four texts which Zola composed for the Russian readership, the Parisian Letters, are presented chronologically, punctuating our reading of the tripartite correspondence. Regularly, the Russian critical appreciations ventured in response to Zola’s publications come to enrich our reflection.This approach allows us to estimate objectively which was the reception of Emile Zola's work in Russia at this time.
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Poème en prose et conte poétique dans La Jeune Belgique (1881-1897) et La Wallonie (1886-1892)Fondacaro, Giuseppe 05 September 2018 (has links) (PDF)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse a été d’expliquer les raisons du succès du poème en prose dans les revues littéraires belges du dernier quart du XIXe siècle ;en particulier, nous nous sommes penchés sur les périodiques les plus prestigieux de la période :La Jeune Belgique (1881-1897) et La Wallonie (1886-1892).La première partie du travail a été consacrée aux difficultés relatives à la délimitation du corpus en question. Sous ce nom, les auteurs de l’époque ont fait paraitre des œuvres très dissemblables et la critique académique qui s’est penchée sur la question n’est jamais parvenue à fournir une définition cohérente du genre. Nous avons mis en évidence surtout comment il n’existe aucune solution de continuité entre le poème en prose et ce que Bertrand Vibert a appelé dans ses études « le conte poétique » symboliste.La deuxième partie de la recherche s’est alors portée sur la délimitation du corpus et sur la description des formes, des thèmes et des motifs les plus récurrents. Les principaux auteurs dont nous nous sommes occupés sont Hector Chainaye (1865-1913), Charles Delchevalerie (1872-1950), O. G. Destrée (1867-1919), Jules Destrée (1863-1936), Maurice des Ombiaux (1868-1943), Arnold Goffin (1863-1934), Charles Van Lerberghe (1861-1907) et Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916). Dans la partie finale, nous avons vu pour quelles raisons ce genre a été aussi souvent pratiqué par des écrivains fraichement entrés en littérature ;accepté tant par les Parnassiens qui occupaient à l’époque le pôle dominant du champ littéraire, tant par l’avant-garde symboliste, le poème en prose apparaissait comme le choix stratégiquement le plus sûr pour parvenir à la consécration. Nous verrons que ce genre ayant déjà « fait date », ce choix n’a pas été toujours payant. / Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Reading and writing women : representing the femme de lettres in Stendhal, Balzac, Girardin and SandBurkhart, Claire Lovell 01 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores the numerous literary representations of the femme de lettres during the first half of the nineteenth century in order to illustrate the complexities of women’s entrance into the male-dominated domain of literature and also to suggest the impact these fictional characters might have had on the reception of actual women writers as well as their omission from the century’s literary canon. The works that will be included in this analysis include: Mme de Staël’s Corinne, ou l’Italie, Stendhal’s Le Rouge et le noir, Honoré de Balzac’s Béatrix, La Muse du département and Illusions perdues, Delphine de Girardin’s La Canne de M. de Balzac, Napoline and La joie fait peur and George Sand’s Histoire de ma vie, Lettres d’un voyageur and Un Hiver à Majorque. In compiling such diverse works of literature, it becomes clear that both male and female authors from the early nineteenth century were unable to envision a publicly embraced female genius. Although almost all of the fictional femmes de lettres in this study faced a destiny of professional silence, the reasons given for their failures are split between the male and female authors. For the male authors, the woman as a successful intellectual, artist or author was ultimately impossible because of her inability to combine her female body and psyche with the “masculine” pursuit of knowledge. Conversely, the female authors wrote characters whose inability to fully embrace a public literary or artistic career stemmed from society’s unwillingness to tolerate her exceptionality rather than from an inherent disconnect between genius and the female sex. / text
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