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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variação individual nas estratégias sexuais : alocação de investimentos parentais e pluralismo estratégico / Individual variation on sexual strategies : allocation of parental investments and strategic pluralism

Marco Antonio Corrêa Varella 03 August 2007 (has links)
A orientação sócio-sexual restrita é caracterizada pela exigência de envolvimento afetivo prévio à relação sexual e a irrestrita por maior permissividade quanto ao sexo casual. Avaliamos a variação individual na sócio-sexualidade em função de 1 - indicadores cognitivos de masculinização (predomínio da capacidade de sistematização) ou de feminilização (predomínio da empatia) associados a características do ambiente embrionário, 2- indicadores do ambiente ontogenético (estilo de apego) e 3- indicadores do ambiente contextual (escores de conquista amorosa). Os 112 homens e 109 mulheres graduandos nas áreas de Exatas, Humanas e Biológicas (21 anos, em média) responderam voluntária e anonimamente ao Inventário de Orientação Sócio-Sexual, aos Quocientes de Empatia e Sistematização, ao Questionário de Relacionamento, à Escala de Sucesso na Conquista Amorosa e a questões sobre composição familiar, situação amorosa, uso de álcool e cigarro e ciclo menstrual. As diferenças entre os sexos previstas pela Psicologia Evolucionista foram amplamente confirmadas: os homens são mais irrestritos, têm a primeira relação sexual mais precocemente e consomem mais doses de álcool em festas, enquanto as mulheres são mais restritas e estão mais compromissadas (namorando e apaixonadas). Descobrimos também que os homens são mais sistematizadores, têm mais apego seguro e mais irmãos homens e que as mulheres são mais empáticas, têm maior sucesso na conquista amorosa e mais irmãs. A análise da variação da orientação sócio-sexual em cada sexo mostrou coerência com a diferença entre os sexos: homens irrestritos têm a primeira relação sexual mais cedo, não estão apaixonados nem namorando, têm mais irmãos homens mais novos, têm o hábito de fumar e beber e bebem mais doses de álcool em festas. As mulheres mais irrestritas têm a primeira relação sexual mais cedo, menor empatia, apego rejeitador, modelo interno de si positivo, ciclo menstrual irregular, têm o hábito de fumar e de beber, bebem mais freqüentemente e bebem mais doses de álcool em festas. As influências dos irmãos masculinos, empatia, namoro e paixão, ciclo menstrual irregular, e consumo de álcool e cigarro ainda não tinham sido exploradas nas pesquisas prévias. A variação individual na sócio-sexualidade pode ser entendida como diferentes soluções para o dilema de alocação de investimento na busca de parceiros ou no investimento parental, mediante os diferentes desafios do ambiente de desenvolvimento individual. O órgão mental responsável por este ajuste é o mesmo responsável por todo o ajuste de alocação de investimentos da esfera reprodutiva. Este órgão mental parece ser primeiramente calibrado no ambiente pré-natal pelo nível de andrógenos, indicado pelo nível de empatia, e posteriormente é sensível ao ambiente ontogenético, indicado pelo modelo interno de si (apego) e pela influência dos irmãos, e é afetado contextualmente pela presença de paixão e namoro. Para os homens, o melhor preditor da variação individual quanto à orientação restrita foi o apaixonamento e o melhor preditor de irrestrição foi a idade precoce da primeira relação. Para as mulheres, os maiores preditores de irrestrição foram o consumo de álcool e o estilo de apego rejeitador. As especificidades da variação individual em cada sexo contribuíram para o entendimento dos mecanismos subjacentes em termos de hipóteses de desenvolvimento e de função adaptativa e permitiram uma avaliação das teorias evolucionistas, como a de ciclo de vida e do pluralismo estratégico, compatíveis com os resultados. / The restricted sociosexual orientation is characterized by the requirement of previous affective involvement to the sexual relation and the unrestricted sociosexual orientation by permissiveness toward the casual sex. We evaluate the individual variation in the sociosexual orientation in function of 1 - measures of cognitive masculinization (predominance of the systemizing capacity) and cognitive feminilization (predominance of the empathizing) related to characteristics of the embryonic environment, 2 - measures of attachment style related to the ontogenetic environment and 3 - measures of mating success related to the contextual environment. The 112 undergraduate men and 109 women studying in different areas of Knowledge (21 years, on average) had volunteer and anonymously answered to the Inventory of Sociosexual Orientation, the Quotients of Empathising and Systematising, to the Relationship Questionnaire, Self-Perceived Mating success Scale and questions about familiar composition, romantic relationship situation, use of alcohol and cigarette and menstrual cycle. The sex differences foreseen from Evolutionary Psychology widely had been confirmed: the men are unrestricted, have the first sexual relation more precociously and consume more units of alcohol in parties, while the women are more restricted and more involved in romantic feelings (passionate) and relationship. We also found that men are more systemising, have more secure attachment style and more brothers while women are more empathising, have greater mating success and more sisters. The analysis of the sociosexual variation in each sex showed coherence with the sex differences: unrestricted men have the first sexual relation earlier, are not in lave nor have girlfriend, have younger brothers, have smoke and drink habits and drink more units of alcohol in parties. The unrestricted women have the first sexual relation earlier, lower empathy, dismissing attachment style, positive internal modelof self, irregular menstrual cycle, have smoke and drink habits, drink more frequently and drink more unitsof alcohol inparties. Theinfluences of the brothers, empathising, romantic relationship and passion, irregular menstrual cycle, and alcohol and cigaretteconsumption had been not yet exploredin the previous research. The individual variation in the sociosexualitycanbe understood as different solutions for the allocation of investmenttrade-off between the search of partners or parental investment, bymeans of the different challenges of the environment of individual development. The responsible mental organ for this adjustment is the same responsible for allthe allocation of investments adjustment of the reproductivesphere. This mental organ first seems to becalibrated, in the prenatal environment, bythe level of androgens, indicated by the empathy level, and later it issensible to the ontogenetic environment, indicated by the internal model of self(attachment) andby the influence of the brothers, andisaffected contextually by the presence of passion and romantic relationship. The best predictorof the individual sociosexual variation, for the men,in respect to the restricted orientation was passionand the bestpredictor in respect to the unrestricted orientation was the precocious age of thefirst sexual relation. The best preditorof the individual sociosexual variation, for the women, was the alcohol consumptionand the dismissing attachment style. The individual sociosexual variation specificities in each sexhadcontributed for the understandingof the underlying mechanisms in terms of hypothesesof developmentand adaptive function and had allowed anevaluation of the evolutionary theories, as the Life History and Strategical Pluralism, compatible with the results.

A Purposeful Approach to Student Conduct with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners

Jordan, Heidi Lynn 01 January 2016 (has links)
Teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students spend more time in conflict resolution than their general education colleagues do. Although emerging research suggests that both students and teachers benefit from an approach to student conduct that is more purposeful than traditional behavior modification models, further research was necessary to clarify how such an effective purposeful program would work. The purpose of this inquiry was to explore how teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students perceived and used a purposeful approach to student conduct. Deutsch's conflict resolution theory served as the conceptual framework. A single case study design was selected for this qualitative study conducted in a rural residential school for deaf and hard of hearing students in the western United States. Data were collected from interviews with six teachers, observations, and documents. Data were analyzed using line-by-line coding and the constant comparative method to construct categories for each data source, and examined across all data sources to determine emergent themes and discrepancies. Results indicated that teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students used a two-step approach to collaborative conflict resolution that included engaging in perspective-taking and engaging in solution generation. This study promotes positive social change by informing school administrators on how to plan effective teacher training on using a purposeful approach to student conduct with deaf and hard of hearing learners.

Podporující péče u předčasně narozených novorozenců s psychologicko-etickými aspekty / Supportive Care for Premature Newborns with psychological and ethical Aspects

TOMANOVÁ, Věra Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis, or more precisely its theoretical part, introduces the field of Neonatology, namely the specification of premature newborns concerning supportive care for them. In the thesis, the basic concepts of Neonatology are presented as well as the system of neonatological care, including the needs of premature newborns, which are part of everyday nursing care. Following the above chapters, the thesis describes not only the nursing care as such but also the possibilities of psychosocial care in Neonatology. For a more comprehensive presentation of the issue of premature newborns, the thesis also includes findings concerning ethical issues in Neonatology and it introduces some organizations in the Czech Republic, which are an integral part of the supportive care. The character of the thesis should correspond with the program of nursing care, namely nursing in selected clinical disciplines - the module of paediatrics. In the empirical part of the thesis, qualitative research by interviewing has been used. Despite this scientific approach is more time-consuming, the author considered this method more meaningful and natural concerning the chosen topic because it concerns the support of the lives of these children and their families. Premature newborns are unique, affecting and enriching human being as such. The target of the thesis was firstly to find out how supportive care in premature newborns is perceived by its providers, secondly to disclose the considerations of the care providers regarding premature newborns in České Budějovice. The research was effectuated in connection with the above objectives, which have importance and a significant value for the author. Conclusions of the Thesis: The informants assumed that society didn't have enough information about the provided services. Almost all the informants collaborated on some research or project. As service providers, the respondents acknowledged the comments from the clients. The informants were interested in improving or enhancing the services. The addressed people have specified many factors and difficulties that make their work difficult. The informants concretized foreign experience. The respondents felt considerate enough. The informants expressed sincerely that there was a lot of space for improvement in their profession. The respondents mostly took a partner and gentle stand to the premature newborns and their families. The service providers gave due reasons for a specific approach in their statements. The informants expressed their respect for premature newborns and their families, giving a specific justification. They mostly expressed respect for the needs of the families, for the biorhythms of the baby, for the naturalness, the intuition and the personal pace of the baby. The thesis can be seen as a source of information for both the general and professional public, which could improve current practice. Based on the presentation of the issue through the thesis, the author has published a guide on premature newborns.

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Servant Leadership in Banking

Gregory, Curtis J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
U.S.-based financial institutions have experienced significant failure rates since the mid-1980s. The problem within the U.S.-based banking industry is that the focus of leadership development has been primarily on cognitive abilities, whereas interpersonal skills, such as emotional intelligence, have been neglected. Research has focused on U.S. bank failures from a risk mitigation, economic, or legislative perspective, creating a gap in research on leadership behavior. The purpose of this correlation study was to determine whether a significant relationship exists between emotional intelligence and servant leadership among leaders in the U.S. small business banking industry. The theoretical framework compared intelligence types to leadership styles to explain leadership behavior. A convenience sample of leaders within the Qualtrics database of small business-bankers was surveyed from a composite survey for levels of servant leadership and emotional intelligence simultaneously. Pearson's correlation coefficient was performed to test the hypothesis. A statistically significant relationship was found between servant leadership and emotional intelligence. Social change implications of this study include improving employee engagement and retention, along with stakeholder engagement through the identification of leaders high in servant leadership style and emotional intelligence. Positive economic, social, and environmental benefits could be gained through improved organizational performance of U.S.-based banks by improving the selection and development of leaders in small business lending willing to embrace a stakeholder management theory.

A Latent Profile Analysis of Benefactor and Beneficiary Organizational Citizenship Behaviors toward Individuals

Jang, Seulki 24 May 2018 (has links)
Although organizational citizenship behaviors toward individuals (OCB-I) have been studied over decades, the beneficiary side of OCB-I has been understudied. The co-existing and interactive possibility of benefactor OCB-I and beneficiary OCB-I within individuals has been ignored. Therefore, this research adopted a person-centered approach and examined different profiles of benefactor OCB-I and beneficiary OCB-I on the basis of Grant’s (2013) theory. Results from Study 1 data (cross-sectional data) and Study 2 data (multiple waves of data) revealed the three profile groups: vigorous (high benefactor OCB-I and high beneficiary OCB-I), moderate (moderate benefactor OCB-I and moderate beneficiary OCB-I), and passive OCB-I groups (low benefactor OCB-I and low beneficiary OCB-I). Also, the three profiles were significantly differentiated by positive affect, other-oriented empathy, task interdependence, and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the vigorous OCB-I group showed the lowest psychological strain while the passive OCB-I group showed the lowest physical strain. The results offer theoretical implications for Grant’s (2013) theory, OCB-I and employee health research, and equity theory in comparison to conservation of resources theory. In addition, practical implications for enhancing employee health are discussed.

Prosocialité, cognition sociale et empathie chez les psittacidés et les corvidés / Prosociality, social cognition and empathy in psittacids and corvids / Prosozialität, Soziale Kognition und Empathie bei Papageien und Krähen

Liévin-Bazin, Agatha 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le règne animal, certaines espèces présentent une organisation en groupe complexe, permettant l’établissement d’interactions sociales plus ou moins élaborées entre les individus. Les comportements prosociaux, visant à améliorer le bien-être de l’autre, apparaissent préférentiellement entre animaux qui partagent une grande affinité ; ces comportements sont probablement favorisés par l’empathie, suggérant une prise en compte émotionnelle du partenaire. Les oiseaux, et particulièrement les corvidés et les psittacidés, se révèlent être d’excellents modèles pour étudier ce lien entre relation sociale et prise en compte de l’autre: ils forment des couples monogames sur le long terme au sein desquels une forte coopération existe. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer comment le lien entre individus (familial, sexuel, amical) module les comportements prosociaux et empathiques. Les réactions des sujets sont évaluées via le partage de nourriture ou bien en observant une sensibilité accrue envers un congénère. Chez les perruches calopsittes (Nymphicus hollandicus), les oiseaux réagissent plus fortement au cri de détresse d’un oiseau préféré qu’au cri d’un autre congénère familier et les individus apparentés (frères et sœurs) partagent davantage la nourriture entre eux qu’avec les autres. Les perroquetsont tendance à être prosociaux mais la prise en compte de l’autre reste à confirmer. Les choucas des tours (Corvus monedula), placés dans une situation nouvelle avec un autre oiseau, passent plus de temps à proximité de leur partenaire sexuel que d’un autre oiseau de sexe opposé. Ces différents résultats suggèrent qu’un lien d’affinité existe entre les individus et qu’il façonne leurs comportements en termes de prosocialité et d’empathie. / In the animal kingdom some species form complex social groups in which elaborated relationships between individuals occur. Prosocial behaviors, i.e. actions that benefit others, preferentially occur between closely affiliated individuals and may be driven by empathy, the ability to identify and share the emotional states of others. Birds, particularly corvids and parrots, are excellent candidates for investigating the link between social relationship and other-regarding behavior. They are long-lived and form long-term monogamous pair-bonds in which a high level of cooperation is seen throughout the year. The aim of this thesis is to study how the nature of a relationship (sibling, mate or friend) can modulate prosocial behavior and its underlying emotions in parrots and a corvid species. The approach was to study food-sharing or behavioral reactions to stressful situations such as distress call playback or exposure to novel objects, in different social contexts. Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) reacted more to the distress calls of a closely affiliated partner than to those of a non-partner, and they preferably shared food with affiliated, related individuals. Different species of parrots preferentially chose a prosocial option over a selfish one, but it remains unclear whether they took the other’s perspective into account. Confronted with intimidating novel objects, jackdaws (Corvus monedula) spent more time in mutual proximity when paired with their mate than when with a familiar opposite-sex non-partner. However, they were not bolder when accompanied by their mate compared to a non-partner. These results suggest that an emotional link exists between affiliated individuals and that this special bond drives their prosocial and empathic behavioral responses. / Im Tierreich gibt es Arten mit komplexer Gruppenstruktur, in denen Individuen aufwendige soziale Beziehungen mit Artgenossen eingehen. Prosoziales Verhalten, ein Verhalten zum Wohle Anderer, tritt bevorzugt zwischen Individuen auf, die eine starke gegenseitige Bindung aufweisen. Prosozialität beruht auf Empathie-Fähigkeit, die wiederum ein gewisses Verständnis der emotionalen Lage von Artgenossen voraussetzt. Vögel, insbesondere Papageien und Krähen, sind geeignete Modelle, um Zusammenhänge zwischen sozialer Bindung und prosozialem Verhalten zu untersuchen: sie bilden Langzeit-monogame Paare, die das Jahr hindurch miteinander kooperieren. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, herauszufinden, wie soziale Bindungen (verwandtschaftlicher, sexueller, oder freundschaftlicher Natur) prosoziales Verhalten und Empathie beeinflussen. Zu diesem Ziel wurden Studien über Futterteilen und Verhaltensreaktionen auf Stress in verschiedenen sozialen Kontexten durchgeführt. Nymphensittiche (Nymphicus hollandicus) reagierten stärker auf Warnrufe ihres Partners als auf die eines anderen Gruppenmitglieds. Ebenso teilten verwandte Sittiche häufiger Futter miteinander als mit anderen Individuen. Verschiedene Papageienarten bevorzugten in einer Entscheidungssituation prosoziale über egoistische Optionen, wobei unklar bleibt, ob sie die Perspektive ihres Partners verstanden. Dohlen (Corvus monedula), die mit einem für sie unheimlichen neuen Objekt konfrontiert wurden, verbrachten mehr Zeit in gegenseitiger Nähe, wenn sie mit Ihrem Partner als mit einem anderen Individuum getestet wurden. Sie verhielten sich aber in Gegenwart ihres Partners nicht mutiger. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Bindungen zwischen Individuen prosoziales Verhalten und empathische Reaktionen aufeinander beeinflussen.

La détection d’une expression faciale incongrue par rapport à un modèle de situation émotionnel : un défi neurocognitif? / The detection of a facial expression which is incongruent toward an emotional situation model : a neurocognitive challenge ?

Dozolme, Dorian 16 October 2014 (has links)
La lecture de phrases évoquant un contexte émotionnel engendre un modèle mental de situation émotionnel. Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier les conséquences électrophysiologiques et comportementales de la détection d’une expression faciale émotionnelle ne correspondant pas à l’attente créée par un modèle de situation émotionnel. Nous avons également étudié la manière dont l’empathie autoévaluée (à l’aide du questionnaire EQ ; Baron-Cohen et Wheelwright, 2004) pouvait affecter la manière dont cette incongruité pragmatique émotionnelle était traitée. Les résultats comportementaux ont montré, chez 32 participants, que l’incongruité pragmatique émotionnelle est plus difficile à détecter que la congruité pragmatique émotionnelle (plus d’erreurs de reconnaissance et des temps de réponses allongés). L’allongement des temps de réponses en condition incongrue était d’autant plus grand que les habiletés sociales (mesurées à l’aide du questionnaire EQ) des participants étaient faibles. Les potentiels évoqués neuroélectriques affectés par l’incongruité pragmatique émotionnelle étaient la N400, la LPN et, de manière marginale, la P300. L’activité neuroélectrique évoquée dans la fenêtre temporelle de la N400 n’était pas affectée de la même manière par l’incongruité émotionnelle, selon le score à la sous-échelle EQ d’empathie cognitive des participants. Enfin, nous avons testé si les patients schizophrènes pouvaient valider les prérequis nécessaires au traitement de l’incongruité pragmatique émotionnelle (effectuer une simulation émotionnelle et catégoriser une expression faciale émotionnelle). D’après nos résultats, ces prérequis peuvent être remplis, même s’ils semblent affectés par la pathologie, en particulier en ce qui concerne la catégorisation des visages neutres. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de la détection de l’incongruité émotionnelle et de mettre en valeur son importance sociale. / Reading sentences setting up an emotional context generates a mental model of the emotional situation. The aim of this thesis was to study the electrophysiological and behavioral consequences of the detection of an emotional facial expression that does not match the expectancy created by an emotional situation model. We have also studied how self-reported empathy (measured with the EQ, Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright, 2004) could affect the way this pragmatic emotional incongruence was processed. Behavioral results among 32 participants evidenced that pragmatic emotional incongruence was harder to detect that pragmatic emotional congruence (more recognition errors, longer response times). Response times increased with decrease in the social skills (subscale score at the EQ questionnaire). The neuroelectrical event-related potentials affected by pragmatic emotional incongruence were the N400, the LPN and, marginally, the P300. The neuroelectrical evoked activity in the N400 time window was modulated by participants’ score at the cognitive empathy EQ scale. Finally, we checked if schizophrenic patients could validate prerequisites needed in order to process pragmatic emotional incongruence (perform an emotional simulation and categorize an emotional facial expression). According to our results, these prerequisites could be filled, even if they appear to be affected by the pathology, in particular as regards the categorization of neutral faces. To conclude, this thesis improved our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of emotional incongruence detection and underlies its social importance.

Affective Empathy in Children: Measurement and Correlates

Hunter, Kirsten, n/a January 2004 (has links)
Empathy is a construct that plays a pivotal role in the development of interpersonal relationships, and thus ones ability to function socially and often professionally. The development of empathy in children is therefore of particular interest to allow for further understanding of normative and atypical developmental trajectories. This thesis investigated the assessment of affective empathy in children aged 5-12, through the development and comparison of a multimethod assessment approach. Furthermore this thesis evaluated the differential relationships between affective empathy and global behavioural problems in children versus the presence of early psychopathic traits, such as callous-unemotional traits. The first component of this study incorporated; a measure of facial expression of affective empathy, and self-reported experience of affective empathy, as measured by the newly designed Griffith Empathy Measure - Video Observation (GEM-VO) and the Griffith Empathy Measure - Self Report (GEM-SR); the Bryant's Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents (1982) which is a traditional child self-report measure; and a newly designed parent-report of child affective empathy (Griffith Empathy Measure - Parent Report; GEM-PR). Using a normative community sample of 211 children from grades 1, 3, 5, and 7 (aged 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, & 11-12, respectively), the GEM-PR and the Bryant were found to have moderate to strong internal consistency. As a measure of concurrent validity, strong positive correlations were found between the mother and father reports (GEM-PR) of their child's affective empathy, for grades 5 and 7, and for girls of all age groups. Using a convenience sample of 31 parents and children aged 5 to 12, the GEM-PR and the Bryant demonstrated strong test-retest reliability. The reliability of the GEM-VO and the GEM-SR were assessed using a convenience sample of 20 children aged 5 to 12. These measures involve the assessment of children's facial and verbal responses to emotionally evocative videotape vignettes. Children were unobtrusively videotaped while they watched the vignettes and their facial expressions were coded. Children were then interviewed to determine the emotions they attributed to stimulus persons and to themselves whilst viewing the material. Adequate to strong test-retest reliability was found for both measures. Using 30% from the larger sample of 211 participants (N=60), the GEM-VO also demonstrated robust inter-rater reliability. This multimethod approach to assessing child affective empathy produced differing age and gender trends. Facial affect as reported by the GEM-VO decreased with age. Similarly, the matching of child facial emotion to the vignette protagonist's facial emotion was higher in the younger grades. These findings suggest that measures that assess the matching of facial affect (i.e., GEM-VO) may be more appropriate for younger age groups who have not yet learnt to conceal their facial expression of emotion. Data from the GEM-SR suggests that older children are more verbally expressive of negative emotions then younger children, with older girls found to be the most verbally expressive of feeling the same emotion as the vignette character; a role more complimentary of the female gender socialization pressures. These findings are also indicative of the increase in emotional vocabulary and self-awareness in older children, supporting the validity of child self-report measures (based on observational stimuli) with older children. In comparing data from the GEM-VO and GEM-SR, this study found that for negative emotions the consistency between facial emotions coded and emotions verbally reported increased with age. This consistency across gender and amongst the older age groups provides encouraging concurrent validity, suggesting the results of one measure could be inferred through the exclusive use of the alternate measurement approach. In contrast, affective empathy as measured by the two measures; the accurate matching of the participant and vignette character's facial expression (GEM-VO), and the accurate matching of the self reported and vignette character's emotion (GEM-SR); were not found to converge. This finding is consistent with prior research and questions the assumption that facially expressed and self-appraised indexes of affective empathy are different aspects of a complex unified process. When evaluating the convergence of all four measures of affective empathy, negative correlations were found between the Bryant and the GEM-PR, these two measures were also found to not converge with the GEM-VO and GEM-SR in a consistent and predictable way. These findings pose the question of whether different aspects of the complex phenomena of affective empathy are being assessed. Furthermore, the validity of the exclusive use of a child self report measure such as the Bryant, which is the standard assessment in the literature, is questioned. The possibility that callous-unemotional traits (CU; a unique subgroup identified in the child psychopathy literature) may account for the mixed findings throughout research regarding the assumption that deficiencies in empathy underlie conduct problems in children, was examined using regression analysis. Using the previous sample of 211 children aged 5-12, conduct problems (CP) were measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1999), and the CU subscale was used from the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD; Caputo, Frick, & Brodsky, 1999). Affective empathy when measured by the GEM-PR and the Bryant showed differing patterns in the relationship between affective empathy, CU traits and CP. While the GEM-Father reported that neither age, CU traits nor CP accounted for affective empathy variance, the GEM-Mother report supported that affective empathy was no longer associated with CP once CU traits had been partialled out. In contrast, the Bryant reported for girls, that CU traits were not found to have an underlying correlational relationship. It can be argued from the GEM-Mother data only that it was the unmeasured variance of CU traits that was accounting for the relationship between CP and affective empathy found in the literature. Furthermore, the comparison of an altered CU subscale with all possible empathy items removed, suggests that the constructs of CU traits and affective empathy are not synonymous or overlapping in nature, but rather are two independent constructs. This multimethod approach highlights the complexity of this research area, exemplifying the significant influence of the source of the reports, and suggesting that affective empathy consists of multiple components that are assessed to differing degrees by the different measurement approaches.

設計思考(Design Thinking) 於創新擴散之體現 / Design Thinking in Diffusion of Innovations

林雅軒, Lin, Ya Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
設計思考是強調以人為本的創新,透過同理心之觀察、研究,全盤發想整體的創新對策來解決最根本的議題,並以原型製作輔助闡述,創造出新組合和跨領域解決方案,最終達到策略商業設計的目的(Strategic business design)。 現在,純粹以製造為導向、科技為導向的能力與觀念已不足以因應台灣當前所處之市場競爭環境,設計思考闡述回歸人性、回歸關懷顧客的根本需求,「以人為本」,援引社會學家、人類學家的田野調查方法,及開放的動腦會議,提供創新思考模式開發產品、服務甚至是流程或組織變革。 本研究以創新的擴散為研究架構,結合台灣企業實務導入之經驗,與相關領域專家訪談,希望能對台灣企業面臨之挑戰提供建議。 / What is “Design Thinking”? Design thinking is the human-centered innovation that focuses on the issues of observation, accurate definition and early test. Through these processes with empathy base, we are able to come up with a total innovation strategy which solves the fundamental problems. With the help of prototyping, design thinking creates a whole new interdisciplinary innovation achieving the ambition of strategic business design. This system which includes manufacture- oriented abilities and tech-oriented concepts is inadequate for the fierce competition what we live in. Design thinking makes us return to human nature by methodologies of sociology and anthropology. In addition, open brainstorming provides an innovative way for new product development, new service or even organization reforms. This research bases on the “Diffusion of Innovations” written by Everett M. Rogers, and the experiences gained from practical execution of industry and experts, hoping it would give some advice on dealing with nowadays challenges.

"Bara den som är helt död kan undvika konflikter": åtta lärares attityder till konfliktsituationer samt deras föreställningar om det egna agerandet vid dessa. / "The only person who is perfectly dead can avoid conflicts": eight teachers´attitudes and ideas of their own acting in situations of conflict.

Horppu, Åsa, Karlsson, Sofia January 2004 (has links)
<p>Denna undersökning bygger på lärares attityder till konfliktsituationer och deras föreställningar om hur de agerar vid dessa. Det vi i vår undersökning eftersöker är dels om lärarnas agerande skiljer sig mellan år 1 och år 6 och dels om deras utsagor tyder på en bakomliggande teoretisk kunskap. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ ansats görs åtta intervjuer med behöriga lärare, fyra verksamma i år 1 och fyra verksamma i år 6. Analysen av det insamlade materialet visar att varje lärare har skilda sätt att se på konflikter och majoriteten anser att de både har positiva och negativa aspekter. När det gäller sättet att hantera konflikter har vi funnit att en gemensam grundmodell används. Dock har alla lärare sina egna konflikthanteringsstrategier som de använder beroende på situation och ålder på barnen. Trots att lärarna säger sig ha ytterst lite utbildningen om konflikter och konflikthantering tyder deras utsagor på en bakomliggande teoretisk kunskap.</p>

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