Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
1211 |
La conversation cinématographique : le spectateur devant Ikiru (Kurosawa, 1952)Queenton, Jérémie 04 1900 (has links)
En utilisant une perspective philosophique, ce mémoire explore les liens forts entre la réception spectatoriale du film Ikiru (1952) d’Akira Kurosawa et l’idée qu’une œuvre d’art peut être perçu comme une conversation d’auteur à public. L’analyse induite par l’établissement de ce rapprochement est nourrie par divers éléments connexes tel que le phénomène empathique au cinéma, la notion de l’humanisme chez Kurosawa ou la pensée morale de Stanley Cavell, qui place le cinéma comme une possibilité d’introspection et d’amélioration pour le spectateur.
Le choix de ce film pour ce qui semble être une recherche s’intéressant plus au médium et sa réception qu’à une œuvre précise est motivé par la présence d’une construction narrative très particulière; le protagoniste principal meurt au deux tiers du film. La séquence suivante, lors de ses funérailles, est une grande conversation initiée par un auditoire interne (concept cher à Kurosawa), plaçant ainsi Ikiru comme un modèle incarnant les relations complexes que nous souhaitons comprendre avec ce mémoire.
Il est donc question, dans un premier temps, de tirer une plus grande compréhension du principe de la conversation en s’appuyant sur l’œuvre et les intentions du cinéaste. Une fois les concepts importants posés, notamment la conversation interne, l’empathie et la distanciation narrative, la réception spectatorielle de la séquence des funérailles et de l’œuvre en général est disséquée. Ce n’est qu’après cela que la perspective philosophique entre complètement en jeu, l’humanisme et l’utilitarisme faisant partie de la réponse que Kurosawa donne à la question posée : qu’est-ce qu’une bonne vie? / Using a philosophical perspective, this study explores the strong links between the spectatorial reception of Akira Kurosawa's film Ikiru (1952) and the idea that a work of art can be perceived as an author-to-audience conversation. The analysis induced by the establishment of this parallel is nourished by various related elements such as the empathetic phenomenon in cinema, the notion of humanism in Kurosawa or the moral thought of Stanley Cavell, who places cinema as a possibility of introspection and improvement for the viewer.
The choice of this film for what seems to be a research focusing more on the medium and its reception than on a specific work is motivated by the presence of a very particular narrative construction; the main protagonist dies two-thirds of the way through the film. The following sequence, during his funeral, is a conversation initiated by an internal audience (a concept dear to Kurosawa), thus placing Ikiru as a model embodying the complex relationships that we wish to understand with this memoir.
It is therefore a question, first of all, of drawing a greater understanding of the principle of conversation by relying on the work and the intentions of the filmmaker. Once the important concepts are posed, including internal conversation, empathy and narrative distancing, the spectator's reception of the funeral sequence and the work in general is dissected. Only then does the philosophical perspective fully come into play, with humanism and utilitarianism being part of Kurosawa's answer to the question posed: what is a good life?
1212 |
Concevoir pour la réalité virtuelleMorriet, Oriane 07 1900 (has links)
Les technologies de la réalité virtuelle renouvellent-elles ou non les processus de création des
auteurs des oeuvres de réalité virtuelle ? En nous appuyant sur l’analyse de documents de
création d’un corpus d’oeuvres créées entre 2016 et 2020 en Amérique du Nord et en Europe,
notre recherche doctorale s’attache à comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles les auteurs
choisissent la réalité virtuelle, ce qu’ils font de ses possibilités technologiques dans leurs
oeuvres et ce qu’ils souhaitent donner à vivre à leur public. À l’issue de nos analyses, nous
constatons un double mouvement dans la création en réalité virtuelle : d’une part, les auteurs
importent dans leur création en réalité virtuelle des logiques et techniques artistiques issues de
leur art d’origine, d’autre part, ils utilisent la réalité virtuelle comme moyen de s’affranchir des
contraintes créatives imposées par leur art d’origine. Chacun utilise différemment l’immersion,
l’interaction, l’espace, la narration et l’empathie en réalité virtuelle, mais tous centrent leurs
expériences sur l’utilisation et l’exploration de l’espace. Nous détaillons l’une et l’autre de ces
tendances, de même que les spécificités créatives de chaque auteur de notre corpus tout au long
de notre thèse. / Do virtual reality technologies renew or not the creative processes of the authors of virtual
reality artworks? Based on the creative documents of the VR projects in the body of works we
study created between 2016 and 2020 in North America and Europe, our doctoral research
focuses on understanding the reasons why authors choose virtual reality, what they do with its
technological possibilities within their artworks and what they wish to give their audience to
experience. At the end of our analyses, we note a double movement in virtual reality creation:
on the one hand, authors import into their virtual reality creation artistic logics and techniques
from their original art, on the other hand, they use virtual reality as a mean to free themselves
from the creative constraints imposed by their original art. Each of them uses immersion,
interaction, space, storytelling, and empathy differently in virtual reality, but all focus their
experiences on the use of space. We detail each of these trends, as well as the creative specifics
of each author of our corpus throughout our thesis.
1213 |
A well-placed table is a bridge to move : Designing spaces that open up for empathic and moving conversations that mediate the emergency and inform agency. / A well-placed table is a bridge to move : Designing spaces that open up for empathic and moving conversations that mediate the emergency and inform agency.Timm, Mirja January 2023 (has links)
The design project examines collaboratively what transformative climate-communication can look like, and whether conversations can be a possible form of activism. Stemming from a concern that extreme forms of activism and their depiction in media have the potential to highly polarize civil society, the project explores the navigation and negotiation of spaces of communication and interaction in empathetic and connective ways. In the project I look at conversations as an additional or alternative way to disruptive protest forms of activism, within the non-violent liberal civil-disobedience movement and explore how to design for empathy and agency in the context of facilitating and curating spaces, tools and methods. The project recognizes the importance of conversations in the context of shaping opinions, changing perspectives and influencing behavior, and thus their relevance in the context of mitigating and communicating the climate emergency. During the project different conversation tools and methods have been designed, tested and developed in the framework of several gatherings.
1214 |
Impact of Empathy on Burnout Among Swedish Professional Health Care Workers: An Empirical Study / Påverkan av Empati på Utbrändhet Bland Svenska Omsorgsarbetare: En Empirisk StudieLinder, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Objective: Research on the association of empathy and burnout within professional health care workers has shown that the work is posing a risk for burnout. Empathy and compassion abilities are essential to understand others and when working with caring for others. Research from social neuroscience and psychology has forwarded findings indicating the risk of a negative side of empathy – empathic distress being associated with ill health such as burnout. Contrary, compassion has been shown to be associated with health benefits. Research integrating knowledge from social neuroscience and psychology is needed to inform evidence-based health promotion in the workplace arena. Aim: The aim is to investigate if empathic distress among professional health care workers is associated with burnout, and if compassion has a buffering effect on burnout. Design: A cross-sectional, within-group survey study is employed, using a quantitative explorative approach. 105 participants identified as professional health care workers was included. The bio-psychosocial model was used as a theoretical analysing tool. Results: Results showed a significant positive association between empathic distress and client-related burnout. Compassion was found to be negatively associated with client-related burnout, however, not significant. Multiple regression analysis showed no significant effect of empathic distress, compassion or theory of mind to predict burnout. Conclusion: Empathic distress was found to be significantly associated with client-related burnout. The study integrated social neuroscience and psychology theories, which can inform health promotion programs within social workplace settings especially for a vulnerable group in risk of burnout such as professional health care workers.
1215 |
Designprocessen och maskininlärning: Framtiden för användarcentrerad designGärdhammar, Lisa Marie Karin January 2024 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens (AI) och i synnerhet maskininlärning (ML) har inom UX-design visat potential att förbättra designprocessen genom att exempelvis identifiera användargrupper från stora datamängder, effektivisera idégenerering och automatisera repetitiva uppgifter. Det råder dock oenighet kring hur tekniken kan integreras i designprocessen. En viktig del av en designers arbete är att konsekvent prioritera användarbehov och därigenom förbättra användartillfredsställelsen. Därför försöker designers empatiskt sätta sig in i användarnas situation genom att identifiera deras behov och noggrant utforska potentiella problemområden. En visualiseringsteknik som ofta används av designers för att utveckla och förstå användarupplevelsen är journey mapping (JM). JM är dock en mycket resurskrävande process då den förutsätter nära samarbete mellan olika avdelningar och team. Trots detta visar forskning att de flesta designers inte integrerar element relaterade till insikter i sina kartor, vilka ofta är avgörande för att omvandla JM från visuell berättelse till handlingsplan. Integreringen av ML i JM-processen skulle potentiellt kunna möjliggöra en snabbare, mer datadriven och anpassningsbar designprocess som fokuserar mer på användarnas behov och önskemål. Utmaningen ligger i att smidigt integrera tekniken utan att förlora mänskliga perspektiv och tolkningar, vilka är grundläggande för användarcentrerad design. Denna studie fokuserar på att utforska sätt att integrera ML i delar av designprocessen för att möta utmaningarna som uppstår vid strävan efter användarcentrerad design i en resurskrävande miljö. För att uppnå en djupgående och strukturerad förståelse av samspelet mellan designprocessen, empatiskapande samt ML valdes en systematisk litteraturgranskning som den primära datainsamlingsmetoden samt tematisk analys som dataanalysmetod för denna studie. Målet är att utifrån detta resultat presentera praktiska rekommendationer, baserat på sammanställning av befintlig forskning, för hur JM-processen kan omformas och göras mer ML-driven. Genom en omfattande litteratursökning inhämtades data, vilken genomgick kvalitetsbedömning. Därefter genomfördes en inkludering- och exkluderingsprocess i enlighet med förutbestämda kriterier. Detta resulterade i 13 utvalda dokument, från vilka mönster och teman extraherades genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade på vikten av samskapande mellan människa och maskin för att möjliggöra en ansvarsfull designprocess. I resultaten presenteras även tekniska möjligheter och dilemman, där ML exempelvis kan automatisera repetitiva uppgifter och möjliggöra kontinuerlig övervakning och utvärdering av användarupplevelsen över tid. Dock kräver detta omfattande och representativa träningsdataset för att konstruera ML-modeller med hög generaliseringsförmåga gentemot nya och komplexa data. Resultaten belyser också bristen på förståelse för ML bland UX-designers och betonar vikten av samarbete med datavetare för att skapa en effektiv designprocess. Utifrån dessa resultat presenteras rekommendationer för en ML-driven JM-process. Även om UX-rollen troligtvis behöver omdefinieras, framhåller resultaten att kulturen inom UX-designprocessen snarare är "dataaktiverad" än helt datadriven. Detta perspektiv understryker det fortsatta behovet av mänsklig intuition och förståelse trots den ökade inriktningen på datadrivna metoder. Slutligen diskuteras hur framtida forskning skulle kunna inrikta sig på att utvärdera rekommendationernas praktiska tillämpbarhet. / Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Machine Learning (ML), has demonstrated potential within UX design to enhance the design process by identifying user groups from extensive datasets, streamlining idea generation, and automating repetitive tasks. However, there is ongoing debate about the integration of this technology in the design process. A crucial aspect of a designer's work is consistently prioritizing user needs to enhance user satisfaction. Designers strive to empathetically understand user situations by identifying their needs and meticulously exploring potential problem areas. One commonly used visualization technique employed by designers to develop and understand user experiences is Journey Mapping (JM). However, JM is a resource-intensive process, requiring close collaboration across different departments and teams for extensive data collection. Despite this, research indicates that most designers do not integrate elements related to insights into their maps, crucial for transforming JM from a visual narrative to an actionable plan. Integrating ML into the JM process could potentially enable a faster, more data-driven, and adaptable design process, effectively focusing on user needs and desires. The challenge lies in seamlessly integrating the technology without losing the human perspectives and interpretations fundamental to user-centered design. This study focuses on exploring ways to integrate ML into parts of the design process to address challenges in pursuing user-centered design in a resource-intensive environment. A systematic literature review was chosen as the primary data collection method, with thematic analysis employed as the data analysis method. The aim was to present practical recommendations based on a compilation of existing research on the design process, making the JM process more MLdriven. Through an extensive literature search, data was gathered and subjected to quality assessment. Subsequently, an inclusion and exclusion process were conducted according to predetermined criteria, resulting in 13 selected documents. Patterns and themes were extracted through thematic analysis. The results emphasize the importance of co-creation between humans and machines to enable a responsible design process. Technical possibilities and dilemmas are also presented, highlighting ML's ability to automate repetitive tasks and facilitate continuous monitoring and evaluation of user experience over time. However, this requires comprehensive and representative training datasets to construct ML models with high generalization ability to new and complex data. The results also underscore the lack of ML understanding among UX designers and emphasize the importance of collaboration with data scientists for an efficient design process. Recommendations for an ML-driven JM process are presented based on these findings. While the UX role may need redefinition, the results emphasize a "data-activated" culture within the UX design process rather than being entirely data-driven. This perspective underscores the ongoing need for human intuition and understanding despite the increased focus on data-driven methods. Finally, the discussion explores how future research could evaluate the practical applicability of the recommendations.
1216 |
Bortom läroböckerna: Förstärkning av historieundervisningen genom film : En översikt av forskning om film i historieundervisningen / Beyond textbooks: Enhancing History Education through Film : An overview of research concerning movies in teaching historyA. Malinsdotter, Elin, Nilsson, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
This project is about commercial history use with educational purpose, focused on film and whether it contributes to students' knowledge or can only be seen as an entertaining break in the regular education. This project focused on two types of films, featured films and documentaries. The work process started with an idea of the theme film and got more focused by searching on different keywords to find academic texts. The purpose of this academic text is mainly to investigate the different sides of film as a pedagogical tool, with focus on history education. What does the research say about what challenges exist in using feature films and documentaries in the classroom, as well as what solutions exist to the challenges? And What does the research say about the areas in which feature films and documentaries can be used to strengthen history teaching? are the two questions this overview answers. The method used for this project was a systematic search of different keywords and the project is based on previous research. The results shows that there are challenging aspects that need to be considered when using film in the classroom, for example watching a film can be time consuming. However there are solutions to the majority of the challenges. Other than that there are advantages with using film as a pedagogical tool in the history classroom since films can be used to develop source criticism, historical consciousness and historical empathy. Even the motivation and engagement increases when the students watch films. This text concludes that films can be beneficial if used in the best possible way.
1217 |
De omätbara livsviktiga förmågorna : En studie i hur värdegrundsarbete förankrat i skönlitteratur kan utveckla framtidens demokratiska medborgare / The immeasurable vital abilities : A study in how value-based work anchored in ficiton can develop the democratic citizens of the futureSvensson, Vendela, Jonsson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har som mål att undersöka hur ett skönlitterärt verk kan användas som verktyg för arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor i grundskolan. Vidare har studien som syfte att ta reda på hur ett sådant arbete kan bidra till elevers utveckling av de omätbara förmågor som kan tänkas fundamentala inför deras framtida uppdrag som demokratiska samhällsmedborgare. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys av det skönlitterära verket, När hundarna kommer av Jessica Schiefauer, urskiljer vi berättelsens didaktiska potential för arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor i svenskundervisningen för årskurs 6. Till stöd i vår analys använder vi Hillary Janks modell för kritisk litteracitet, med särskilt fokus på maktaspekter, samt Martha Nussbaums begrepp narrativ fantasi. Resultatet av analysen visar att det finns möjlighet för läsaren att utveckla sin förståelse för omvärlden och de människor som lever i den, i mötet med berättelsen. Sammantaget klarlägger undersökningen hur valda delar ur romanen har potential att utgöra ett gott underlag för ett ämnesintegrerat arbete i ett framtida undervisningssammanhang.
1218 |
A Design Thinking Framework for Human-Centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Time-Critical SystemsStone, Paul Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
1219 |
Educators' Perceptions Regarding Empathy and Its Overall Impact on the Educational Learning Process in SchoolsHendershott, Joseph Alan 08 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
1220 |
The Aesthetics of Unease: Telepresence Art and Hyper-SubjectivityHaden, Heather Jean 13 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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