Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
1201 |
Characterization: A Content Analysis of Pulitzer-Awarded and Traditional FeaturesTobler, Linda Janet 09 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Characterization in Pulitzer-awarded features and traditional features was measured using a characterization typology developed by the author. Although some of the results were statistically constrained by a small n, those results which were statistically significant reflect that what separates Pulitzer-winning features from regular features are those elements of characterization particular to scene: a character's distinctive physical characteristics, clothing and possessions; the setting and environment as it defines a character; a physical description of character that is not lineament nor habitual posture or expression but bodily appearance in the immediate moment; a character's movements and actions, facial expressions, words, and thoughts. In an era when the predicted demise of newspapers is more fact than fiction, the reader's experience with newspapers is paramount. Crucial to the news reading experience is the reader's enjoyment: how "I" experienced a story through empathy, parasocial interaction, and/or identification. Perhaps a solution to newspapers' loss of readership is scene: within scene, fear, anguish, exhilaration, and joy are not only the experiences of the characters, but also that of the reader's.
1202 |
Der Einfluss des situativen Kontexts auf den Einsatz emotionaler Kompetenzen aus Perspektive der LebensspannenpsychologieKatzorreck, Martin 15 August 2022 (has links)
Die zentrale Frage der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, unter welchen Umständen sich altersbezogene Gewinne oder Verluste im Umgang mit den eigenen Emotionen zeigen. Auf Basis bedeutsamer Theorien emotionalen Alterns wurden Vertrautheit und Relevanz einer Situation als bedeutsame Kontextfaktoren identifiziert, und in drei Studien wurde die Wirkung dieser Kontextfaktoren auf mögliche Altersunterschiede in den Kompetenzen Empathie, emotionale Reaktivität und emotionale Variabilität untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass ältere Erwachsene im Vergleich zu jungen Erwachsenen auf vertraute und relevante Stimuli mit stärkerer Reaktivität und größerem Mitleid für die betroffene Person reagieren. Für Stimuli ohne besondere Relevanz für ältere Erwachsene zeigte sich kein solcher Altersunterschied. Des Weiteren konnten ältere Erwachsene bei vertrauten und relevanten Themen besser als junge Erwachsene die Gefühle der Protagonist:innen erkennen. Die Analysen der emotionalen Variabilität deuten zwar an, dass ältere Erwachsene über verschiedene Stimuli hinweg weniger stark variieren als junge Erwachsene, jedoch erlauben die verwendeten Follow-up Analysen keine klare Interpretation. Zum Abschluss werden bedeutsame Punkte für die zukünftige Forschung diskutiert. Erstens sollten Stimuli vorab empirisch auf ihre altersspezifische Vertrautheit bzw. Relevanz überprüft werden, zweitens sollten neben dem unmittelbaren Kontext auch noch weiteren Kontext-Ebenen einbezogen werden, und drittens sollten auch die Einflüsse des Kontexts auf die Kompetenz Emotionsregulation untersucht werden.:Tabellenverzeichnis 3
Abbildungsverzeichnis 4
1 Allgemeine Einführung 5
1.1 Emotionale Kompetenz: Definition und bedeutsame Komponenten 7
1.2 „Wir sind es und wir sind es nicht“ – Theorien zu altersbezogenen Veränderungen emotionaler Kompetenzen 10
1.3 „Derselbe Fluss und doch nicht derselbe“ – Die Rolle des Kontexts 18
1.4 Die vorliegenden Studien 22
2 Greater Empathic Accuracy and Emotional Reactivity in Old Age: The Sample Case of Death and Dying 24
2.1 Abstract 24
2.2 Introduction 24
2.3 The Present Studies 31
2.4 Study 1: Method 33
2.5 Study 1: Results 39
2.6 Study 1: Discussion 45
2.7 Study 2: Method 48
2.8 Study 2: Results 51
2.9 Study 2: Discussion 54
2.10 General Discussion 56
2.11 Online Supplemental Materials (OSM) 59
3 Age Differences in Sadness Reactivity and Variability 71
3.1 Abstract 71
3.2 Introduction 71
3.3 The Present Study 77
3.4 Method 78
3.5 Results 86
3.6 Discussion 93
3.7 Conclusions 100
4 Allgemeine Diskussion 102
4.1 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 102
4.2 Input für zukünftige Forschung zum Einfluss des situationalen Kontexts 108
4.3 Fazit 116
Zusammenfasssung 117
Summary 123
Literaturverzeichnis 129
Publikationsliste 144
Selbstständigkeitserklärung 147
Nachweise über Anteile der Co-Autor:innen 150
1203 |
Hur man skapar en visuellt slagkraftig 3D-karaktär : Fokuserat på kroppsform och personlighetsmässiga egenskaper / How to create a visually striking 3D characterSantesson, Carolina, Rumler, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how design principles regarding body shape work in practice and how these affect the perception of a stylized 3D character's personality traits. We hope this can help animators and character designers gain an awareness of how character design affects the experience of the characters. This was investigated through a quantitative survey that was distributed in groups on Facebook and shared on our private Facebook profiles. For the questionnaire, nine animated film clips were created where three characters with triangular, round, and generic body shapes were tested against three different personality traits. These traits were loving, elation, and sadness. The answers from the questionnaire were used to analyze how spectatorsperceive animated characters depending on their body shape and to see if established design principles regarding character design are correct. The results from the survey showed that the respondents often had positive connotations to the round character and that the design principles that exist around the round body shape are correct. The respondents had several negative connotations to the triangular character even though the design principles could not be fully proven. The survey also showed that the majority of the respondents considered that the character's body language and level of expressiveness were more important for how they perceived the character's feelings and state of mind than the shape of the body. However, we can see clear patterns that body shape has influenced the respondents' perception of the characters; especially when the characters had similar body language and level of expressiveness among themselves. This shows that body shape and animation are strongest when used together. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur designprinciper gällande kroppsform fungerar i praktiken och hur dessa påverkar uppfattningen av en stiliserad 3D-karaktärs personlighetsmässiga egenskaper. Det här hoppas vi kan hjälpa animatörer och karaktärsdesigners att få en medvetenhet kring hur karaktärsdesign påverkar upplevelsen av karaktärerna. Detta undersöktes genom en kvantitativ enkät som spreds i grupper på Facebook och via delning från våra privata Facebookprofiler. För enkäten skapades nio animerade filmklipp där karaktärer med kroppsformerna triangulär, rund och generisk testades mot tre olika personlighetsmässiga egenskaper. Dessa var kärleksfullhet, upprymdhet och ledsamhet. Svaren från enkäten användes för att analysera hur en åskådare uppfattar en animerad karaktär beroende på dennes kroppsform samt för att se om etablerade designprinciper kring karaktärsdesign stämmer. Resultatet från enkäten visade på att respondenterna ofta hade positiva konnotationer till den runda karaktären och att de designprinciper som finns kring rund kroppsform stämmer väl. Respondenterna hade betydligt fler negativa konnotationer till den triangulära karaktären även om designprinciperna som testades inte kunde bevisas fullt ut. Undersökningen visade även att majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg att karaktärens kroppsspråk och nivå av uttrycksfullhet var mer viktigt för hur de uppfattade karaktärens känslor och sinnestillstånd än kroppsformen. Vi kan emellertid se tydliga mönster av att kroppsformen har påverkat respondenternas uppfattningar om karaktärerna; speciellt när karaktärerna hade liknande kroppsspråk och nivå av uttrycksfullhet sinsemellan. Detta visar på att kroppsform och animation blir starkast när det används tillsammans.
1204 |
"Sorry, what was your name again?" : How to Use a Social Robot to Simulate Alzheimer’s Disease and Exploring the Effects on its InterlocutorsKanov, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Machines are designed to be infallible, but what happens if they are suddenly struck by chronic mental decline such as dementia? In this research, a social robot has been transformed into a mild-stage Alzheimer’s patient. The ultimate goal is to use it as a training tool for caregivers and medical students, as well as to raise general awareness for the disease. In particular, the study aimed to identify how to simulate Alzheimer’s with a social robot and what the effects are on its conversation partners. Thanks to its properties, the back-projected robotic head Furhat was the ideal candidate to adopt the role of Max. The sources of inspiration derived from interviews and observations. A Wizard of Oz setup enabled a conversation between the character and the user, who was given the task of asking about the robot’s life. To allow for in-between subject comparisons, the set of 20 participants was a mixture of medical and non- medical students, as well as people who knew someone with dementia closely and those who never met any. The experience was evaluated through pre- and post-interviews along with user observations. The results indicate that the patient simulation was convincing, leading the users to treat the machine as a human being and develop an emotional bond to it. They remained patient in spite of the robot’s symptoms, which affirms its potential for educational use. After all, this project aims to inspire researchers to find solutions in unconventional ways.
1205 |
[pt] Visando ser uma pequena contribuição num campo ainda não explorado, esta tese aborda o aspecto da fé como elemento propulsor do ser humano para a transformação social na obra mística de Edith Stein: A Ciência da Cruz. Este tema é instigante em virtude de seus desdobramentos em várias áreas do saber como a
política, religião, pedagogia, sociologia e direito. Edith Stein, ao escrever sobre a vida e obra de São João da Cruz, oferece os elementos da mística, tendo na fé a fonte transformadora da realidade social que ilumina a noite escura da vida. Nas entrelinhas da obra, Stein apresenta a sua concepção da pessoa humana e a missão
que esta tem na sociedade. De forma metafórica a autora contempla em João da Cruz o drama existencial que ela mesma estava vivendo no embate com o nazismo e na busca pela união nupcial com Deus. / [en] In order to be a small contribution in a still no explored realm, this thesis addresses the aspect of faith as a driving force of the human being for social transformation in the mystic Edith Stein s work aspect: The Science of the Cross. This theme is riveting by virtue of in various realms of knowledge like the politics, religion, pedagogy, sociology and law. Edith Stein, when writing about the São João da Cruz s life and work, offer the mystic s elements, taking the faith as the social reality transformer font which lights the life dark night. Between the lines of the book, Stein shows his conceptions of the human person and the his
mission in the society. Metaphorically, the author contemplates in João da Cruz the existential drama that she was living in the struggle against the nazism and in the search of the nuptial union with God.
1206 |
The Design And Evaluation Of A Video Game To Help Train Perspective-taking And Empathy In Children With Autism Spectrum DisorderHughes, Darin 01 January 2014 (has links)
This paper discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of a serious game intended to reinforce applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques used with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by providing a low cost and easily accessible supplement to traditional methods. Past and recent research strongly supports the use of computer assisted instruction in the education of individuals with ASD (Moore & Calvert, 2000; Noor, Shahbodin, & Pee, 2012). Computer games have been shown to boost confidence and provide calming mechanisms (Griffiths, 2003) while being a safe environment for social exploration and learning (Moore, Cheng, McGrath, & Powell, 2005). Games increase children's motivation and thus increase the rate of learning in computer mediated environments (Moore & Calvert, 2000). Furthermore, children with ASD are able to understand basic emotions and facial expressions in avatars more easily than in real-world interactions (Moore, Cheng, McGrath, & Powell, 2005). Perspective-taking (also known as role-taking) has been shown to be a crucial component and antecedent to empathy (Gomez-Becerra, Martin, Chavez-Brown, & Greer, 2007; Peng, Lee, & Heeter, 2010). Though symptoms vary across children with ASD, perspective-taking and empathy are abilities that have been shown to be limited across a wide spectrum of individuals with ASD and Asperger's disorder (Gomez-Becerra, Martin, Chavez-Brown, & Greer, 2007). A game called WUBeeS was developed to aid young children with ASD in perspective taking and empathy by placing the player in the role of a caregiver to a virtual avatar. It is hypothesized that through the playing of this game over a series of trials, children with ASD will show an iv increase in the ability to discriminate emotions, provide appropriate responses to basic needs (e.g. feeding the avatar when it is hungry), and be able to communicate more clearly about emotions.
1207 |
Soundtrack to the social worldMcDonald, Brennan, Böckler, Anne, Kanske, Philipp 26 January 2023 (has links)
Music is a human universal and has the ability to evoke powerful, genuine emotions. But does music influence our capacity to understand and feel with others? A growing body of evidence indicates that empathy (sharing another’s feelings) and compassion (a feeling of concern toward others) are behaviorally and neutrally distinct, both from each other and from the social cognitive process theory of mind (ToM; i.e., inferring others’ mental states). Yet little is known as to whether and how these dissociable routes to feeling with and understanding others can be independently modulated. The goal of the current study was to investigate if emotional music has the potential to enhance social affect and/or social cognition. Using a naturalistic, video based paradigm which disentangles empathy, compassion, and ToM, we demonstrate selective enhancement of social affect through music during the videos. Specifically, we found enhanced empathy and compassion when emotional, but not when neutral music was present during videos displaying emotionally negative narrations. No such enhancement was present for ToM performance. Similarly, prosocial decision making increased after emotionally negative videos with emotional music. These findings demonstrate how emotional music can enhance empathic responding, compassion and prosocial decisions as well as contribute to the growing evidence for separable processes within the social mind.
1208 |
Att förmedla en helhet : Samspel och inlevelse inom kulturskolans teaterundervisning – en didaktisk studie / To convey a wholeness : Interplay and empathy within the theatereducation in the Swedish kulturskola – a didactic studyLarsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Studien syftar till att förstå och synliggöra en del av det didaktiska arbetet i teaterundervisningen inom kulturskolan genom drama- och teaterpedagogers uppfattningar av begreppen samspel och inlevelse och hur de relaterar till den pedagogiska praktiken. Didaktisk forskning för teaterämnet inom denna kontext är näst intill obefintlig. För att nå studiens syfte används frågeställningarna: Hur uppfattar några drama- och teaterpedagoger innebörden av begreppen samspel och inlevelse i relation till teaterundervisningen inom kulturskolan? Hur kan man arbeta med områden som samspel och inlevelse med barn och ungdomar inom kulturskolans teaterämne? Hur uppfattar drama- och teaterpedagogerna att elevers progression inom områden som samspel och inlevelse kan uppnås? Grundad teori utgör metodologisk utgångspunkt och genom intervjuer och en dramaworkshop har empirin insamlats. Resultatet presenteras genom en teori vilken lyfter att samspel, inom aktuell kontext, berör teaterns alla delar. Dessa måste samverka för att det som framställs ska kunna kommunicera med en publik, för deltagarna innebär det att ingå i en helhet. Deltagarna tränas i att inta publikperspektivet för att kunna förstå hur delarna samverkar, de uppmanas att rikta blicken utåt. I arbetet övar deltagarna på att ge och ta plats sceniskt. Gruppdynamiska aspekter och scenframställning går inte att separera från varandra, samspel berör arbetet både på och av scenen. Innebörden av begreppet åskådliggörs genom att deltagarna gör övningar som kräver att de samspelar för att klara av uppgiften. Progression nås genom att det sceniska arbetet varvas med gruppens och pedagogens reflektioner. Inlevelse betonas som att förmedla kroppsligt, emotionellt, mot rummet och situationen med hjälp av hela människan. Pjäser och improvisationer är sceniska berättelser, för att stötta vägen till inlevelse guidar pedagogerna sökandet bakom situationen och historien. Aktörernas möjlighet att spela sina roller är beroende av vad de sceniskt får av varandra och att alla ”tror” på fiktionen, det behövs en gemensam hängivelse. Området bearbetas genom att deltagarna få prova att spela olika karaktärstyper men även genom enkla övningar som till exempel kull, där förmågan att ge sig hän övas. Spärrar av självcensur behöver släppas för att kunna nå progression, gruppdynamiken är avgörande för att det ska kunna ske. / The study aims to understand and highlight a part of the didactic work in education of theater within the framework of the Swedish kulturskola (Community Schools of Music and Arts) through drama- and theaterpedagogues’ view of the concepts of interplay and empathy and how theese concepts relates to the pedagogical practice. Didactic research on the subject of theater within this context is almost non-existent. To reach the aim of the study, the following framing of questions are used: How is the concept of interplay and empathy perceived by some drama- and theaterpedagogues in relation to theatereducation within the kulturskola? How can concepts like interplay and empathy be implied in the work with children and youth according to the subject of theater within the kulturskola? How do the drama- and theater-pedagogues perceive that progression within concepts like interplay and empathy among students can be achieved? Grounded theory is the methodological premiss and the empirical material has been collected with the help of interviews and a workshop in drama. The result is presented through a theory which emphasize that interplay, within this specific context, concerns all aspects of theater. These different aspects need to cooperate in order for what that is presented to communicate with an audience. For the participants this means to form a part of a wholeness. The participants are trained into taking the perspective of the audience to understand how different parts cooperates, they are requested to address their point of gaze outworth. In their working progress the participants practice on how to, on stage, give and take space. Groupdynamic aspects and presentation on stage is not possible to separate from each other, interplay concerns both work on and off stage. The meaning of the concept is illustrated through participants doing exercises that demands cooperation to solve the assigned task. Progression is achieved through letting the work on stage being interspersed with the group´s and the pedagogue´s reflections. Empathy is emphasized as to convey through body, emotionally towards the space and situation with the help of the whole being. Theatrical plays and improvisations are scenic, theatrical stories. To support the way to empathy the pedagogues are guiding the search behind the situation and the story. The actors means and capability to play their parts are dependent of what they scenically receive from one and other and that everyone “believe” in the fiction, in what can be understood as common dedication. The field is processed by letting the participants try to play different kinds of characters but also through simple exercises like for example playing tag where the ability to surrender oneself is practiced. Hindering self-censorship needs to be released in order to achieve progression, the groupdynamic is crucial for this to happen. / <p>Godkännande datum: 2022-06-03</p>
1209 |
Взаимосвязь эмоционального интеллекта и уровня развития управленческих компетенций у руководителей : магистерская диссертация / Interrelation of emotional intelligence and level of development of managerial competencies of managersКорнейчук, О. Е., Korneychuk, O. E. January 2018 (has links)
The object of the study was emotional intelligence.
The subject of the study was the relationship between the level of managerial competencies and the level of emotional intelligence.
The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of references (60 sources) and an appendix, which includes the forms of the applied techniques. The volume of the master's thesis is 110 pages, on which are placed 15 figures and 12 tables.
The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problematics, the purpose and objectives of the research are set, the object and the subject of the research are determined, the main hypothesis is formulated, the methods and the empirical base are specified, as well as the stages of the research, the scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the work.
The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of research, the place of emotional intelligence in the system of other types of intelligence, the structure of emotional intelligence and its place in the modern business environment, as well as the model of managerial competencies and their role in the modern business system.
Conclusions on chapter 1 represent results on studying of theoretical material.
Chapter 2 is devoted to a skilled basic research of emotional intelligence and level of administrative competences at heads of the average and highest level of the chosen enterprise. The short characteristic of the enterprise on the basis of which there took place the research is provided. Techniques of assessment of level of professional competences are considered. The test for emotional intelligence of N. Hall which has been chosen for evaluating level of emotional intelligence is described. The description of the organization of carrying out a research is provided.
Conclusions on chapter 2 include the description of relevance of the chosen techniques and their practical importance for assessment of level of emotional intelligence and level of professional competences of administrative board of the chosen company.
The chapter 3 is devoted to results of an empirical research. Conclusions by results which have turned out during application of the chosen techniques, such as «Assessment- сenter» method which includes are given: "Test for researches of professional and behavioral and managerial characteristics" of K. Thomas, 2 types of questioning: on satisfaction, on motivation, 2 methods of an interview: the structured interview on competences, motivational, "Progressive matrixes" of J. Raven, 2 the stimulating exercises: discussion 1, discussion 2, assessment method of "360 degrees" and "Test for measurement of emotional intelligence" of N. Hall.
Conclusions according to chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical research.
Conclusions according to chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical research.
In the conclusion in a generalized view results of theoretical and empirical parts of work and also conclusions on the made hypothesis are stated, the practical importance of a research is proved and the possible prospects of further development of this perspective are described. / Объектом исследования явился эмоциональный интеллект.
Предметом исследование явилась взаимосвязь уровня управленческих компетенций с уровнем эмоционального интеллекта.
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы (60 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 110 страниц, на которых размещены 15 рисунков и 12 таблиц.
Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная гипотеза, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы.
Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, место эмоционального интеллекта в системе других видов интеллекта, структуру эмоционального интеллекта и его место в современной бизнес среде, а так же модель управленческих компетенций и их роль в современной системе бизнеса.
Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала.
Вторая глава посвящена опытно-поисковому исследованию эмоционального интеллекта и уровню управленческих компетенций у руководителей среднего и высшего уровня выбранного предприятия. Приведена краткая характеристика предприятия, на базе которого проходило исследование. Рассмотрены методики оценки уровня профессиональных компетенций. Описан тест на эмоциональный интеллект Н.Холла, который был выбран для проведения оценки уровня эмоционального интеллекта. Приведено описание организации проведения исследования.
Выводы по второй главе включают в себя описание актуальности выбранных методик и их практической значимости для оценки уровня эмоционального интеллекта и уровня профессиональных компетенций руководящего состава выбранной компании.
Третья глава посвящена результатам эмпирического исследования. Приведены выводы по результатам, которые получились в ходе применения выбранных методик, таких как метод «Ассессмент - центра», который включает в себя: «Тест на исследования профессионально-поведенческих и управленческих характеристик» К.Томаса, 2 вида анкетирования: на удовлетворенность, на мотивацию, 2 метода интервью: структурированное интервью по компетенциям, мотивационное, «Прогрессивные матрицы» Дж. Равена, 2 стимулирующих упражнения: дискуссия 1, дискуссия 2, метод оценки «360 градусов» и «Теста на измерение эмоционального интеллекта» Н.Холла.
Выводы по главе 3 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования.
В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.
1210 |
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado busca apresentar resumidamente a dimensão
das unidades de conservação (UCs) no Brasil, seus principais instrumentos de
gestão e tecer considerações sobre as contribuições dessas ferramentas para
programas e ações de educação ambiental, com foco no Parque Nacional da Serra
dos Órgãos (PARNASO). Para isso faz um recorte de iniciativas implantadas em
áreas protegidas de Petrópolis, estado do Rio de Janeiro, em que se verificam
atividades lúdicas como eixo do trabalho com crianças e jovens, para semear
empatia e encantamento com a causa da conservação. Esta pesquisa busca
delinear a importância do esforço continuado, presente nas iniciativas retratadas,
de levar crianças das redes pública e privada de ensino, desde a Educação Infantil
ao Ensino Médio, para atividades na natureza preservada. Os estímulos das áreas
protegidas para o desenvolvimento e formação das crianças, sobretudo dos elos
afetivos com esse espaço, que transformam espaço em lugar e são essenciais para
a memória humana, também iluminam percursos para a geração de empatia e
encantamento com a causa da conservação da natureza. Esses atributos motivam e
impulsionam a curiosidade, a vontade de conhecer, de descobrir, irrigando o
processo de aprendizagem de forma orgânica, espontânea e integrada. / [en] This master s research seeks to present a summary of protected areas dimension in Brazil, their main management tools and reflections about these tools contributions to environmental education programs, with focus on the Serra dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO). For this purpose, it outlines programs run in protected áreas of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro state, where one may verify the centrality of playful activities, as axis of the work with children and youngsters, to sow empathy and engagement with the cause of nature conservation. Thisresearch aims to point out the importance of continued efforts to take children from private and public schools, from kindergarten to high school, to engage inplayful activities in preserved nature. When the full potential of protected areas is harnessed for children s development and education, in particular by helping them forge emotional bonds with space, which transform space into place and are essential for human memory, then new ways of fostering empathy and engagement with nature conservation can come to light. These attributes kindle and excite curiosity, the desire to learn and discover, boosting the learning process in an organic, spontaneous, and integrated way.
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