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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporary urban regeneration: a systematic approach for a multi-system life cycle assessment

Alhamdan, Ziyad Saleh 07 February 2023 (has links)
This research attempts to evaluate temporary urban regeneration potential by integrating two systems that make up an interim intervention which addresses an observed problem. The research proposes a systematic approach for a multi-system life cycle assessment model which lays out the process of working with two separate systems to provide a pathway for temporary urban development strategies. To achieve this, the research starts with identifying parameters of temporary urban regeneration through a systematic review of the literature. Key parameters are categorized based on objectives, indicators, as well as, physical characteristics of the literature explored case studies. Then, the findings are utilized to guide the proposed model of connecting two given systems to assess their joint impacts on a temporary urban regeneration system. The proposed MSLCA framework utilizes a holistic modeling structure with a process to integrate and analyze separate systems and quantify results for overall sustainability performance. Finally, the model is used to evaluate a case study involving two systems that address observed problems and provide urban services. The results explore the environmental impacts of the proposed intervention and highlight the effects of individual components on both systems. Through the implementation of the model, decisions on temporary urban intervention are guided by hotspots in the results. The findings reveal an opportunity for future research to expand the model's application to other processes and further its scope beyond environmental indicators. Subsequent studies can investigate opportunities for a holistic approach that includes economic and social aspects. / Doctor of Philosophy / The way we live in cities is heavily influenced by how they are planned. Improvident city planning could deny residents opportunities to enjoy some basic urban amenities. These problems could be self-induced as they are often a result of planning, policies, or personal habits and choice. Planners, urban designers, and regulators are constantly experimenting with different tools of urban regeneration to rediscover genuine urban experiences. This research sets out to investigate opportunities for temporary urban interventions on vacant lands in the city of Riyadh through repurposing idle shipping containers as a tool. This is to address the issues of a lack of urban services within residential subdivisions in the city, the high prevalence of vacant lands, and a wide availability of decommissioned shipping containers. The use of shipping containers for non-cargo purposes has seen an increased interest among architects and designers for their versatility and accessibility. Empty container accumulation is often a result of an unbalanced trading system which is mainly an issue of import-based countries. Therefore, the upcycling potential of intermodal containers can extend their life cycles and take advantage of their structure. It also maximizes the environmental returns of their raw materials. Through such processes of circular economy, potential waste objects can be repurposed as resources into usable structures and thus avoids the use and extraction of new raw materials. It is generally thought that the repurposing of shipping containers into building structures introduces environmental advantages when compared to traditional construction. Similarly, vacant lands are a valuable and well-established resource that can provide the setting for temporary urban interventions. Finding a joint productive use of these systems is at the center of this research as it attempts to assess the urban regeneration value of their merged utility during their idle stage. This helps address a key challenge that most urban area suffers from which is the lack of easily accessible and timely deployable temporary urban intervention to serve a particular use. This research aims to create a model that evaluates the lifecycles of temporary uses based on the joint intersection of contributing systems. The proposed Multi-System Life Cycle Assessment (MSLCA) model is to be applied to assess temporary urban regeneration interventions and help make decisions regarding appropriate approaches. The goal of the model is to propose a value-based approach based on characteristics from two systems. The resulting MSLCA model answers questions on how to apply LCA processes to a transitional intervention with new processes. In doing so, it highlights parameters for systems integration and processes for planning appropriate scenarios for urban interventions. It also highlights the need for unique system boundaries and specifies approaches for system assessment and interpretation. Finally, it provides broader impact categories beyond environmental impacts to consider specific economic and social indicators.

Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de Valencia

Furió Pruñonosa, Salvador 02 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Since its birth in the fifties, the maritime container has revolutionised freight international transport providing support to a global production system, marked by the industry offshoring looking for competitive advantages and the configuration of increasingly complex and global supply chains. Within this context, the container has gained a great importance becoming a basic logistic element in supply chains where it plays the role of a transport, production and distribution unit. The success of container is evident if we analyse the evolution of container port traffic, which has been growing at a pace of over 10 % surpassing 600 million TEU of traffic since 2012. The container is, therefore, a key element in global supply chains and container logistics is a field of work and study of enormous interest due to its impact in the efficiency of these supply chains, due to the cost incurred for the operating account of shipping companies and operators (cost which is transferred to the final user and has an impact in the price of the goods being transported), and due to the social and environmental cost associated to the externalities of transport derived from the management of the container fleet. Container logistics has to do with the efficient management of the container fleet, minimising the transport, warehousing and maintenance costs, and maximising the use of the equipment. In container logistics it is possible to categorise, generally, two different categories or levels depending on the geographical scope and the transport modes involved: The international level and the local or regional level. This thesis addresses container logistics at a local or regional level, insofar as in relation to the management of stock, transport and internal movements, trying to react and identify solutions to some of the problems currently facing the port-logistics sector. The research result allows, firstly, knowing in an integral and structured manner the complexity of maritime container logistics. Secondly, specific real problems are identified and addressed for its modelling and analysis that allows for contributing to the improvement of the current logistics system. The following specific problems are addressed: -Modal choice problems for the configuration of internal logistics corridors or chains for maritime container transport. -Problems locating networks of nodal infrastructures facilitating the logistics needs of maritime containers. -Problems related to the movements and management of empty maritime containers. The interest and the academic contribution of this thesis lies as much in the definition and modelling of the specific problems with a significant theoretical discussion, as the empirical application to a real environment and real situations. This has been possible due to the direct contact of the author with the port-logistics sector and the participation in many consultancy and research projects in the cluster of the port of Valencia and also at European and international level. The thesis is outlined as a collection of six scientific articles. The articles have been presented in the thesis in such a way as to follow a logical sequence and not in relation with the chronological order of their publication. / [ES] Desde su aparición en los años 50, el contenedor marítimo ha revoluciona-do el transporte internacional de mercancías dando soporte a un sistema global de producción, marcado por la multilocalización de las industrias en busca de ventajas competitivas y la configuración de cadenas de suministro cada vez más complejas y globales. En este contexto, el contenedor ha adquirido un gran protagonismo convirtiéndose en un elemento logístico básico en las cadenas de suministro en las que actúa como unidad de transporte, producción y distribución. El éxito del contenedor queda puesto de manifiesto al analizar la evolución del tráfico portuario de contenedores, que ha estado creciendo a ritmos superiores al 10 %, superando los 600 millones TEU desde 2012. El contenedor es, por tanto, un elemento clave de las cadenas de suministro globales y la logística del contenedor es un área de estudio y trabajo de enorme interés por el impacto que tiene en la eficiencia de dichas cadenas, por el coste que supone a navieras y operadores en sus cuentas de explotación (coste que se traslada al usuario final y repercute en el precio de las mercancías transportadas) y por el coste social y ambiental asociado a las externalidades del transporte derivadas de esta gestión de la flota de contenedores. La logística del contenedor tiene que ver con la gestión eficiente del parque de contenedores, minimizando los costes de transporte, almacenamiento y mantenimiento, y maximizando la utilización del equipo. En la logística del contenedor se pueden identificar, por lo general, dos categorías o niveles diferenciados en función del ámbito geográfico y de los modos de transporte implicados: El nivel internacional y el nivel local o regional. Este trabajo aborda la logística del contenedor a nivel regional o local, es decir, en lo relativo a la gestión del stock, transporte y movimientos interiores, tratando de dar respuesta y plantear soluciones a algunos de los problemas con los que se encuentra el sector logístico-portuario en la actualidad. El resultado de la investigación permite, en primer lugar, conocer de una forma integral y estructurada la complejidad de la logística del contenedor marítimo. En segundo lugar, se identifican y abordan problemas específicos reales para su modelización y análisis, que permiten contribuir a la mejora del sistema logístico actual. En concreto se abordan los siguientes problemas: -Problemas de elección modal en la configuración de las cadenas o corredores logísticos interiores en el transporte de contenedores marítimos. -Problemas de localización o vertebración de una red de infraestructuras nodales para atender las necesidades logísticas de los contenedores marítimos. -Problemas asociados a los movimientos en vacío y gestión de contenedores marítimos. El interés y contribución académica de este trabajo reside tanto en la definición y modelización de los problemas específicos con una profunda discusión teórica, como en la aplicación empírica a situaciones y entornos reales, cosa que ha sido posible gracias al contacto directo del autor con el sector logístico-portuario y su participación en numerosos proyectos de consulto-ría e investigación tanto en el clúster del Puerto de Valencia como a nivel europeo e internacional. El trabajo se plantea como una colección de seis artículos científicos. El orden en que están situados los artículos en la tesis permite mantener una secuencia lógica construida a posteriori y no según el orden cronológico en el que fueron publicados. / [CA] Des del seu naixement als anys 50, el contenidor marítim ha revolucionat el transport internacional de mercaderies donant suport a un sistema global de producció, marcat per la multilocalització de les indústries en busca d'avantatges competitives i la configuració de cadenes de subministrament cada vegada més complexes i globals. En aquest context, el contenidor ha adquirit un gran protagonisme convertintse en un element logístic bàsic en les cadenes de subministrament en les quals actua com a unitat de transport, producció i distribució. L'èxit del contenidor s'evidencia en analitzar l'evolució del tràfic portuari de contenidors, que ha estat creixent a ritmes superiors al 10 % superant els 600 milions TEU des de 2012. El contenidor és, per tant, un element clau de les cadenes subministrament globals i la logística del contenidor és un àrea d'estudi i treball d'enorme interès per l'impacte que té en l'eficiència d'aquestes cadenes, pel cost que suposa a navilieres i operadors en els seus comptes d'explotació (cost que es trasllada a l'usuari final i repercuteix en el preu de les mercaderies transportades) i pel cost social i ambiental associat a les externalitats del transport derivades d'aquesta gestió de la flota de contenidors. La logística del contenidor té a veure amb la gestió eficient del parc de contenidors, minimitzant els costos de transport, emmagatzematge i manteniment, i maximitzant la utilització de l'equip. En la logística del contenidor es poden identificar, en general, dues categories o nivells diferenciats en funció de l'àmbit geogràfic i de les modalitats de transport implicats: el nivell internacional i el nivell local o regional. Aquest treball aborda la logística del contenidor a nivell regional o local, és a dir, quant a la gestió de l'estoc, transport i moviments interiors, tractant de donar resposta i plantejar solucions a alguns dels problemes amb els quals es troba el sector logístic-portuari en l'actualitat. El resultat de la recerca permet, en primer lloc, conèixer d'una forma integral i estructurada la complexitat de la logística del contenidor marítim. En segon lloc, s'identifiquen i aborden problemes específics reals per a la seua modelització i anàlisi, que permeten contribuir a la millora del sistema logístic actual. En concret s'aborden els següents problemes: -Problemes d'elecció modal en la configuració de les cadenes o corredors logístics interiors en el transport de contenidors marítims. -Problemes de localització o vertebració d'una xarxa d'infraestructures nodals per a atendre les necessitats logístiques dels contenidors marítims. -Problemes associats als moviments en buit i gestió de contenidors marítims. L'interès i contribució acadèmica d'aquest treball resideix tant en la definició i modelització dels problemes específics amb una profunda discussió teòrica, com en l'aplicació empírica a situacions i entorns reals, cosa que ha sigut possible gràcies al contacte directe de l'autor amb el sector logístic-portuari i la seua participació en nombrosos projectes de consultoria i recerca tant en el clúster del Port de València com a nivell europeu i internacional. El treball es planteja com una col·lecció de sis articles científics. L'ordre en què estan situats els articles en la tesi permet mantenir una seqüència lògica construïda a posteriori i no segons l'ordre cronològic en el qual van ser publicats. / Furió Pruñonosa, S. (2016). Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63248 / Compendio

Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Körperzusammensetzung wachsender Ziegenlämmer in vivo mit Hilfe der D2O- Verdünnungsmethode

Treitel, Ulla 05 March 2009 (has links)
Die Anwendbarkeit der Verdünnungsmethode mit Hilfe des Markers Deuteriumoxid (D2O) zur in vivo-Erfassung der sich ändernden Körperzusammensetzung wurde an 53 Ziegenlämmern der Rasse Bunte Deutsche Edelziege im Gewichtsabschnitt von 4 kg bis 20 kg LM überprüft. Bei einer Lebendmasse von 4, 8, 12, 16 bzw. 20 kg wurde den Tieren nach einer 13- bis 18stündigen Nüchterung D2O injiziert und nach weiteren vier bis fünf Stunden Blutproben gezogen. Bei jeweils einem Teil der Tiere erfolgte anschließend die Schlachtung und die chemische Analyse der Körper zur Bestimmung des Ganzkörperwassergehaltes, der Chymusmasse und der Leerkörperzusammensetzung. Die Messungen der D2O-Konzentrationen in den Blutproben und die chemische Analyse der Ganzkörper ergaben eine Überschätzung des Ganzkörperwassergehaltes durch die Verdünnungsmethode um im Mittel 3,99 %. Zwischen dem chemisch bestimmten und dem geschätzten Wert besteht eine enge lineare Beziehung. Die Schätzung des Inhaltes des Gastro-Intestinaltraktes (Chymus) dient zur Schätzung der Leerkörpermasse. Dessen Variabilität lässt sich im Wesentlichen durch die Lebendmasse erklären. Die chemische Analyse der Tierkörper zeigte, dass die Zusammensetzung des fettfreien Leerkörpers im hohen Maß von der Leerkörpermasse abhängt. Anhand von allometrischen Regressionsgleichungen wurden die Bestandteile der fettfreien Leerkörpermasse geschätzt und daraus die Zusammensetzung des fetthaltigen Leerkörpers ermittelt. Der Vergleich der mittels chemischer Analyse bestimmten bzw. der Verdünnungsmethode geschätzten Leerkörperzusammensetzung ergab eine hohe Übereinstimmung beim Wasser-, Rohprotein- und Rohaschegehalt. Der Rohfettgehalt wies dagegen größere Abweichungen auf. Als Ursache wurde die Streuung der geschätzten Chymusmasse bzw. Chymuswassermasse aufgedeckt. Das Fazit ist, dass sich die D2O-Verdünnungsmethode zur in vivo-Bestimmung der sich ändernden Körperzusammensetzung von Ziegenlämmern im Gewichtsabschnitt von 4 kg bis 20 kg LM eignet. / On young goats (breed Bunte Deutsche Edelziege) with a live weight range of 4 kg up to 20 kg the suitability of the dilution method using the marker deuterated water (D2O) was checked in order to measure the changes of body composition during growth on living animals (in vivo). At a live weight of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 kg the animals received an intrave¬nous dose of D2O after a fastening time of 13 to 18 hours. Blood samples were taken after a waiting period of 4 to 5 hours. In connection with the last blood sample in each period a part of the animals were slaughtered to determine the total body water content, the digesta mass and the empty body composition by chemical analysis. The determination of the marker concentration in the blood samples and the chemical analysis of the total bodies showed that the dilution method overestimated total body water content by 3,99 %. There is a close linear relationship between the estimated and the chemically determined content of total body water. The estimation of the digesta mass serves for the estimation of the empty body mass. Its variation mainly depends on the live weight. The chemical analysis of the animal bodies revealed that the composition of the fat-free empty body is mainly dependent on the empty body mass. Using allometric equations the components of the fat-free empty body mass were estimated and thus the composition of the empty body could be calculated. The comparison of the chemically determined components with the estimated components of the empty body showed a high agreement concerning the content of water, protein and ash. However estimation of the fat content is less accurate. The reason is the variation of the estimated digesta mass and the digesta water mass. It can be concluded that the dilution technique using deuterated water is a practicable method to determine in vivo the changing body composition of growing kids with a live weight range of 4 kg up to 20 kg.

Antenas y componentes de microondas para satélites de dimensiones reducidas utilizando tecnologías vacías integradas en substrato

Herraiz Zanón, David 23 May 2024 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, se ha observado un crecimiento exponencial en los nuevos sistemas de comunicaciones, entre los cuales se destacan las comunicaciones inalámbricas y espaciales. Este fenómeno ha generado un incremento significativo en los requisitos de los sistemas de radiofrecuencia. Este aumento no solo se refiere a la respuesta eléctrica de dichos sistemas, sino también a otros parámetros de importancia, tales como el peso, el coste, el volumen y la integrabilidad con otras tecnologías. Con el propósito de cumplir con estos requisitos emergentes, los circuitos integrados en substrato, específicamente los denominados Circuitos Integrados en Substrato Vacío (Empty Substrate Integrated Circuits (ESIC)), se presentan como una solución altamente prometedora. Estos circuitos son reconocidos por su bajo coste, ligereza y facilidad de integración, preservando al mismo tiempo su eficacia en términos de respuesta eléctrica. La principal ventaja de esta tecnología radica en la capacidad de incorporar tanto componentes activos como pasivos, así como antenas, utilizando el mismo substrato o combinando varios de ellos mediante procesos de fabricación planar estándar. La naturaleza vacía de estos circuitos posibilita la implementación de componentes de alto rendimiento sin comprometer las características previas. En este contexto, la presente tesis doctoral se propone como objetivo central la investigación, diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de antenas y nuevos componentes de microondas utilizando tecnologías vacías integradas en substrato, con enfoque en aplicaciones para satélites de dimensiones reducidas. La tesis abordará la exploración de nuevos componentes de microondas comúnmente presentes en las cargas útiles de satélites, tales como filtros, transiciones entre tecnologías planares, divisores, entre otros, así como antenas, tanto como elementos individuales, y en agrupaciones. Estas investigaciones se realizarán en el marco de las mencionadas tecnologías emergentes, con la finalidad de lograr un grado de miniaturización, dispositivos altamente eficientes, y de bajo perfil manteniendo sus características esenciales y obteniendo respuestas mejoradas en comparación con soluciones previamente conocidas. La combinación global de los dispositivos y antenas propuestos en la tesis doctoral abre nuevas posibilidades en las tecnologías vacías integradas en substrato, contribuyendo potencialmente a mejorar la capacidad, robustez y compacidad de los sistemas de comunicaciones emergentes. / [CA] En els darrers anys, s'ha observat un creixement exponencial en els nous sistemes de comunicació, entre els quals destaquen les comunicacions sense fils i espacials. Aquest fenomen ha generat un increment significatiu en els requisits dels sistemes de radiofreqüència. Aquest augment no només es refereix a la resposta elèctrica d'aquests sistemes, sinó també a altres paràmetres d'importància, com ara el pes, el cost, el volum i la integrabilitat amb altres tecnologies. Amb la finalitat de complir amb aquests requisits emergents, els circuits integrats en substrat, específicament els anomenats Circuits Integrats en Substrat Buit (ESiC), es presenten com una solució altament prometedora. Aquests circuits són reconeguts pel seu baix cost, lleugeresa i facilitat d'integració, alhora que preserven la seva eficàcia en termes de resposta elèctrica. La principal avantatge d'aquesta tecnologia radica en la capacitat d'incorporar tant components actius com passius, així com antenes, utilitzant el mateix substrat o combinant-ne diversos mitjançant processos de fabricació planar estàndard. La naturalesa buida d'aquests circuits possibilita la implementació de components d'alt rendiment sense comprometre les característiques prèvies. En aquest context, la present tesi doctoral es proposa com a objectiu central la investigació, disseny, desenvolupament i fabricació d'antenes i nous components de microones utilitzant tecnologies buides integrades en substrat, amb un enfocament en aplicacions per a satèl·lits de dimensions reduïdes. La tesi abordarà l'exploració de nous components de microones comuns en les càrregues útils de satèl·lits, com ara filtres, transicions entre tecnologies planars, divisors, entre altres, així com antenes, tant com a elements individuals com en agrupacions. Aquestes investigacions es duran a terme en el marc de les esmentades tecnologies emergents, amb la finalitat d'assolir un grau de miniaturització, dispositius altament eficients i de baix perfil, mantenint les seves característiques essencials i obtenint respostes millorades en comparació amb solucions prèviament conegudes. La combinació global dels dispositius i antenes proposats en la tesi doctoral obre noves possibilitats en les tecnologies buides integrades en substrat, contribuint potencialment a millorar la capacitat, robustesa i compacitat dels sistemes de comunicació emergents. / [EN] In recent years, there has been an exponential growth observed in emerging communication systems, among which wireless and space communications stand out prominently. This phenomenon has led to a significant increase in the requirements of radiofrequency systems. This escalation pertains not only to the electrical response of such systems but also extends to other critical parameters, including weight, cost, volume, and integrability with other technologies. In order to meet these emerging requirements, integrated circuits on substrate, specifically those Empty Substrate Integrated Circuits (ESIC), emerge as a highly promising solution. These circuits are acknowledged for their low cost, lightweight nature, and ease of integration, while simultaneously preserving their effectiveness in terms of electrical response. The primary advantage of this technology lies in its capability to incorporate both active and passive components, as well as antennas, utilizing the same substrate or combining multiple substrates through standard planar manufacturing processes. The empty nature of these circuits enables the implementation of high-performance components without compromising their inherent characteristics. In this context, the central objective of this doctoral thesis is to investigate, design, develop, and manufacture antennas and new microwave components using empty substrate integrated technologies, with a focus on applications for small-scale satellites. The thesis will address the exploration of new microwave components commonly found in satellite payloads, such as filters, transitions between planar technologies, dividers, among others, as well as antennas, both as individual elements and in arrays. These investigations will be conducted within the framework of the aforementioned emerging technologies, aiming to achieve a degree of miniaturization, highly efficient devices, and low profile while maintaining essential characteristics and obtaining improved responses compared to previously known solutions. The collective integration of the proposed devices and antennas in this doctoral thesis opens up new possibilities in empty substrate integrated circuits, potentially contributing to enhancing the capacity, robustness, and compactness of emerging communication systems. / Herraiz Zanón, D. (2024). Antenas y componentes de microondas para satélites de dimensiones reducidas utilizando tecnologías vacías integradas en substrato [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204589

Les aspects juridiques des stratégies de propriété occulte et de vote vide réalisées par l’entremise des instruments dérivés

Boyer, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
L’auteure traite des stratagèmes de propriété occulte et de vote vide orchestrés par l’entremise des instruments dérivés. Dans un premier temps, cette recherche expose les diverses perturbations occasionnées par ces stratagèmes sur le système d’alerte et de notification ainsi que sur le droit corporatif canadien. Pour illustrer ces propos, une revue de la jurisprudence est détaillée. De plus, de nombreuses solutions législatives sont proposées afin de pallier aux utilisations potentiellement abusives des instruments dérivés. La solution la mieux adaptée au contexte des marchés financiers canadiens est finalement sélectionnée. / The research paper herein deals with hidden morphable ownership schemes and empty voting strategies orchestrated through derivatives. Initially, the author exposes the various disturbances caused by these schemes on early warning systems and follows up with repercussions that reverberate through to the Canadian corporate laws framework. Detailed case reviews are also presented to highlight the practical implications of these aforementioned schemes. Legislative solutions to mitigate the potential misuse of derivatives are proposed and ultimately the preferred solution tailored to Canadian financial markets is selected.

Extra Ordinary

Waldrep, Lana 01 January 2010 (has links)
The title of this thesis Extra Ordinary is intentionally ambiguous. Depending on how you read it, it can refer to either the very ordinary or to that which is outside of the ordinary.The works described within these pages functions similarly. From person to person and with time they move from the ordinary to beyond and back again. How can something be both mysterious and understood at the same time? How can I as a painter create a space where diametrically opposed forces can coexist and what is the effect of viewing such an object? This thesis addresses these issues with personal anecdote and through description of artwork and the art making process

Miolos de quarteirão : [ou a cidade pelo avesso] conceito e história do espaço no interior das quadras e o caso da face sul do Centro de Porto Alegre

Oliveira, Nathalia Cantergiani Fagundes de January 2009 (has links)
As grandes cidades vivenciam constantes transformações na sua morfologia urbana e arquitetura. Estas mudanças influem diretamente na construção da imagem da cidade, assim como vão aos poucos, alterando a relação entre cheios e vazios no seu tecido. Este trabalho se propõe a investigar as morfologias de miolo de quarteirão - os vazios no interior das quadras e sua ocorrência num local determinado do Centro de Porto Alegre. O estudo se inicia no conceito do tema e segue posteriormente numa busca destas situações morfológicas em diversos momentos da arquitetura e urbanismo. Essa série de análises, chamada no trabalho de Paralelos Morfológicos, teve uma contextualização delimitada sobre modelos urbanos que tiveram influência direta na construção da forma do Centro de Porto Alegre. Um dos modelos é o da cidade tradicional, representado pelo traçado da cidade antiga. O outro, a cidade moderna, que trouxe novas relações de implantação, descolando os edifícios uns dos outros. Depois de apresentadas as situações de miolo de quarteirão nas cidades e nas edificações, o trabalho passa para montagem do estudo de caso. Primeiramente, com a pesquisa da evolução urbana da face sul e residencial do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Uma análise da situação atual do bairro foi necessária para a compreensão e seleção das zonas potenciais. O objetivo final foi o mapeamento dos miolos de quarteirão na área de estudo, o qual, junto ao roteiro histórico e teórico do trabalho, pode contribuir com uma base para pesquisa sobre o espaço no interior das quadras em centros históricos. / Great cities are in constant transformation, changing their image and their urban morphology. This process also has an influence on the relation between free and constructed places in their urban tissue. This work proposes to investigate the morphology of empties places inside the blocks, researching the occurrence of these - in Porto Alegre downtown. The work begins studying the concept of these courtyards and then, follows to the search situations at different times in architecture and urbanism history. The cases presented were select from the mainly urban models that had constructed the shape of Porto Alegre Historic Center. One of these models is the traditional city, represented by the design of the old town. The other is the modern city, which brought new relations between buildings and their environments. After presenting the inside blocks situations in two scales - of the cities and architecture - the research gets into the case of Porto Alegre, where inumerous underutilized places are hidden. At this moment, the work passes through an analysis of the urban development of the residential south side of Porto Alegre Historic Center. A chapter about morphological and typological aspects was also necessary for selecting and understanding the potential areas. The ultimate goal was the mapping of the empty spaces inside the blocks at the district - the recognition of intervention possibilities. This work, within the historical and theoretical analysis presented before, contributes with a base for researching about empties spaces inside the blocks.

Miolos de quarteirão : [ou a cidade pelo avesso] conceito e história do espaço no interior das quadras e o caso da face sul do Centro de Porto Alegre

Oliveira, Nathalia Cantergiani Fagundes de January 2009 (has links)
As grandes cidades vivenciam constantes transformações na sua morfologia urbana e arquitetura. Estas mudanças influem diretamente na construção da imagem da cidade, assim como vão aos poucos, alterando a relação entre cheios e vazios no seu tecido. Este trabalho se propõe a investigar as morfologias de miolo de quarteirão - os vazios no interior das quadras e sua ocorrência num local determinado do Centro de Porto Alegre. O estudo se inicia no conceito do tema e segue posteriormente numa busca destas situações morfológicas em diversos momentos da arquitetura e urbanismo. Essa série de análises, chamada no trabalho de Paralelos Morfológicos, teve uma contextualização delimitada sobre modelos urbanos que tiveram influência direta na construção da forma do Centro de Porto Alegre. Um dos modelos é o da cidade tradicional, representado pelo traçado da cidade antiga. O outro, a cidade moderna, que trouxe novas relações de implantação, descolando os edifícios uns dos outros. Depois de apresentadas as situações de miolo de quarteirão nas cidades e nas edificações, o trabalho passa para montagem do estudo de caso. Primeiramente, com a pesquisa da evolução urbana da face sul e residencial do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Uma análise da situação atual do bairro foi necessária para a compreensão e seleção das zonas potenciais. O objetivo final foi o mapeamento dos miolos de quarteirão na área de estudo, o qual, junto ao roteiro histórico e teórico do trabalho, pode contribuir com uma base para pesquisa sobre o espaço no interior das quadras em centros históricos. / Great cities are in constant transformation, changing their image and their urban morphology. This process also has an influence on the relation between free and constructed places in their urban tissue. This work proposes to investigate the morphology of empties places inside the blocks, researching the occurrence of these - in Porto Alegre downtown. The work begins studying the concept of these courtyards and then, follows to the search situations at different times in architecture and urbanism history. The cases presented were select from the mainly urban models that had constructed the shape of Porto Alegre Historic Center. One of these models is the traditional city, represented by the design of the old town. The other is the modern city, which brought new relations between buildings and their environments. After presenting the inside blocks situations in two scales - of the cities and architecture - the research gets into the case of Porto Alegre, where inumerous underutilized places are hidden. At this moment, the work passes through an analysis of the urban development of the residential south side of Porto Alegre Historic Center. A chapter about morphological and typological aspects was also necessary for selecting and understanding the potential areas. The ultimate goal was the mapping of the empty spaces inside the blocks at the district - the recognition of intervention possibilities. This work, within the historical and theoretical analysis presented before, contributes with a base for researching about empties spaces inside the blocks.

Estádio de maturação dos frutos, tratamentos pré-germinativos e variabilidade da emergência de plântulas de morototó (Schefflera morototoni)

Anastácio, Maristela Rosália 25 February 2010 (has links)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the fruit maturation stage in the physical attributes and germination of Schefflera morototoni pyrenes subjected to pre-germination treatments. Fruits with green and purplish green coloration were collected from 14 individuals, pulped in running water, the hollow pyrenes were discarded after counting, together with those presenting retracted and oxidized endosperm, using the uniforms (with the greenish endosperm occupying the whole cavity of the pyrene). The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design in a 2 x 5 factorial (stages of fruit maturation and pre-germination treatments), with four repetitions in plots containing 25 pyrenes. For greater capacity and germination speed of the pyrenes, fruits should be harvested when they present a purplish green coloration, discarding those with hollow pyrenes, with retracted or oxidized endosperm. The germination capacity of the pyrenes with uniform endosperm varied between 50 and 60%, with the beginning of the process at about 40 days after sowing and extending for up to 60 days in vermiculite. Pulped pyrenes, dried and soaked in water at 60ºC for 5 minutes, followed by soaking in water at room temperature for 12 hours begin the germination process in less time, in relation to those pulped, dried, scarified and soaked for 6 hours. The fruit endocarp is permeable and rigid; however, it presents a natural opening when soaked. The objective was to evaluate the variability in seedling emergence measures of Schefflera morototoni from pyrenes of different individuals. Fruits of 14 individuals were pulped and pyrenes with uniform endosperm were selected. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with 14 treatments (individuals) and 11 repetitions in parcels containing 50 pyrenes with uniform endosperm treated by immersion in water at 60 ºC for 5 minutes and then soaked at room temperature for 12 hours. The substrate used was a mixture in proportion 2:1:1:1/2 (v/v) soil, commercial substrate Bioplant®, coarse sand and vermicompost, with pyrenes sown at 1 cm depth in expanded polystyrene trays, maintained in a nursery with 50% reduction in luminosity at average temperatures of 19.3ºC minimum and 30.2 ºC maximum and daily irrigation. Daily counting of seedlings evaluated capacity, time, rate, uniformity and synchrony of emergence, besides the distribution of frequency of emergence in relation to time. The emergence of seedlings is slow, irregular and asynchronous, taking more than 80 days for stabilization of the emergence. The percentage of seedlings can reach up to 57%, but even when the endosperm occupies the whole cavity of the pyrene and is greenish, the emergence of seedlings may not occur. There is variability in seedling emergence measurements from pyrenes of different Schefflera morototoni individuals. / CAPÍTULO II: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do estádio de maturação dos frutos nos atributos físicos e de germinação de pirênios de Schefflera morototoni submetidos a tratamentos pré-germinativos. Frutos com coloração verde e verde-arroxeada foram coletados de 14 indivíduos, despolpados em água corrente, descartando-se, após contabilização, os pirênios chochos, com endosperma retraído e oxidado, utilizando-se os uniformes (com endosperma esverdeado ocupando toda a cavidade do pirênio). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 5 (estádios de maturação dos frutos e tratamentos pré-germinativos), com quatro repetições em parcelas contendo 25 pirênios. Verificou-se que para maior capacidade e velocidade de germinação dos pirênios, os frutos devem ser colhidos quando apresentarem coloração verde-arroxeada, descartando-se àqueles com pirênios chochos, endosperma retraído ou oxidado. A capacidade de germinação dos pirênios com endosperma uniforme varia entre 50 e 60%, com início do processo em cerca de 40 dias após semeadura, se estendendo por até 60 dias em vermiculita. Pirênios despolpados, secos e embebidos em água a 60oC por 5 minutos, seguida da embebição em água à temperatura ambiente por 12 horas iniciam o processo de germinação em menor tempo, em relação aos despolpados, secos, escarificados e embebidos por 6 horas. O endocarpo dos frutos é permeável e rígido, no entanto, apresenta abertura natural quando embebido. CAPÍTULO III: O objetivo foi avaliar a variabilidade nas medidas de emergência de plântulas de Schefflera morototoni provenientes de pirênios de diferentes indivíduos. Frutos de 14 indivíduos foram despolpados, selecionando-se pirênios com endosperma uniforme. O experimento de emergência foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 14 tratamentos (indivíduos) e 11 repetições em parcelas contendo 50 pirênios com endosperma uniforme imersos em água a 60 ºC por 5 minutos e posteriormente embebidos em água destilada à temperatura ambiente por 12 horas. O substrato utilizado foi uma mistura na proporção 2:1:1:1/2 (v/v) de solo, substrato comercial Bioplant®, areia de textura grossa e vermicomposto, com pirênios semeados a 1 cm de profundidade em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, mantidas em viveiro com sombrite de 50% de redução luminosa e médias de temperaturas de 19,3 ºC a mínima e 30,2 ºC a máxima e irrigadas diariamente. Das contagens diárias das plântulas emergidas foram avaliadas medidas de capacidade, tempo, velocidade, uniformidade e sincronia de emergência, além da distribuição de frequência percentual de emergência em relação ao tempo. A emergência das plântulas é tardia, irregular e assíncrona, gastando mais de 80 dias para estabilização do estande. A porcentagem de plântulas emergidas pode atingir até 57%, porém mesmo quando o endosperma ocupa toda a cavidade do pirênio e está esverdeado, a emergência das plântulas pode não ocorrer. Há variabilidade nas medidas de emergência de plântulas quando obtidas de pirênios de indivíduos distintos de Schefflera morototoni. / Mestre em Agronomia


KARIDA MATEUS DE SOUZA 11 June 2015 (has links)
[pt] As mudanças contextuais no curso histórico das práticas emergenciais e as possibilidades discursivas delas emergentes têm permitido a diversificação dos atores e do modo com que é feita a entrega da ajuda humanitária. As noções de neutralidade, humanidade e proteção que permeiam o humanitarismo são manejadas de acordo com distintos princípios e interesses. Ao longo do século XX e adiante, o conjunto de significantes que se referia à prática da assistência humanitária deu oportunidade para que novos discursos fossem capazes de criar outras articulações para o que se compreende como humanitário ou ação humanitária. O progressivo agenciamento das Empresas Militares ou de Segurança Privada (EMSPs) neste campo é parte desse fenômeno e desafia o espaço que, na concepção das agências humanitárias tradicionais, se supunha desmilitarizado. A dissertação analisa como se deu o processo discursivo de abertura às EMSPs e como a emergência do novo humanitarismo contribuiu para o cenário de disputas políticas que visam legitimar uma determinada cadeia discursiva em detrimento de outras narrativas no que se propõe como campo geral da discursividade humanitária. / [en] The contextual changes in the historical course of the practices of emergency and the discursive possibilities resulting from that, have yielded the diversification of actors and the way in which the humanitarian aid is delivered. The notions of neutrality, humanity and protection that pervade the humanitarianism are managed in accordance to different principles and interests. Throughout the twentieth century and on, the set of signifiers referring to the practice of humanitarian assistance have opened up the opportunity for new discourses to be creating other articulations to what is understood as humanitarian or humanitarian action. The progressive agency of Private Military or Security Companies (PMSCs) in this field is part of that phenomenon and defies the space that, according to the traditional humanitarian agencies, was supposed to be demilitarized. The dissertation examines how the discursive process of openness to PMSCs have taken place and how the emergence of the new humanitarianism contributed to the scenario of political disputes that seek to legitimize a particular discursive chain rather than other narratives within what I propose as the general field of humanitarian discursivity.

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