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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Palliative Approach to Dementia Care : Leadership and organisation, existential issues and family support

Albinsson, Lars January 2002 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to apply the WHO and NHS palliative care approach to dementia care. Thirty-one staff-members in mid-Sweden (studies I and II) and 20 next-of- kin (study IV) were interviewed. In study III, 316 staff-members from dementia care and 121 staff-members from palliative cancer care responded to a questionnaire about family support. The interviews were tape-recorded and analysed with a qualitative phenomenographic (I and II) and a hermeneutic approach (IV). The questionnaires (III) were analysed using qualitative and quantitative content analysis. The staff-members stated almost unanimously that daily leadership was lacking, and consequently clear goal formulations and care planning were rare (I). Proper teamwork between the doctor and the staff who worked on a daily basis with the patients was absent (I). With respect to existential issues, education and staff discussions were lacking (II). The staff were at a loss concerning how to deal with these issues. Nevertheless, these issues are central to family-members who have to deal with an existential crisis (IV). Important questions emerged about obligation and guilt, faithfulness, responsibility, and paying back what you once received. Existential isolation could be identified e.g. in the reversal of roles experienced as "being a parent to your parent" and in the burden of "visiting a living dead person". There were no routines for bereavement visits. The type of support suggested for dementia family members is partly similar to support in palliative cancer care, but it also differs in other respects such as feelings of guilt because the early signs of the disease are misunderstood, the need for respite because of the long trajectory of dementia diseases, and the occurrence of anticipatory grief because in the late phase family members can no longer make any contact at all with the patient (III). A palliative approach can improve the quality of life for the dementia patient and for the family. It can be used as a basis for a clear goal formulation. Some of the suggestions listed in this thesis for improving the quality of care are more a reflection of the need for a change in attitudes rather than the need for substantial budget increases.

Riskfyllda möten : en studie om unga människors upplevelser av sexuellt överförbara infektioner och sexuellt risktagande

Hammarlund, Kina January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis is to contribute to the knowledge in young people´s experiences, thoughts and norms regarding sexually transmitted infections (STI) and sexual risk-taking. The specific aims are two-fold. The first aim is to explain and understand young Swedish men and women´s lived experience of an STI, in this case genital warts (I, II). The second is to explain and understand the values and attitudes of young men and women to sexual risk-taking (III) in relation to perceptions of gender (IV).   The theoretical perspectives are a reflective lifeworld approach, hermeneutic and gender perspectives. The thesis is based on individual interviews (I, II) and focus groups (III, IV).  The results show that a young person infected by an STI, will experience encounters at different levels. A person with an STI is forced to meet him/herself and their own prejudices. Loss of innocence is highly significant and symbolic for women, while other person´s attitudes are more important for men (I, II). Also, being a disease carrier is of great significance, which has an impact on their views of future meaningful relationships (II).      Sexual risk-taking, such as it was expressed in the focus groups with young people, revealed a pattern that is described as a ‘game’. In that game, a dialogue might feel more intimate than intercourse. These teenagers often view their one night stand partners as objects, as opposed to love relationships where they are viewed as subjects, i.e. persons to be cared for. Engaging in sexual risk-taking often starts at a club where these teenagers pretend that they are spontaneous (III). This game is further illuminated in a secondary analysis with a gender perspective. There are frequent misunderstandings between young men and women that are based on gender constructions, which derive from lack of communication. Hence, they have to take part in a balancing act while shaping their sexual identity and trying to maintain their self-esteem. For these young women, this also concerns not getting a bad reputation. In this act of balance, it is difficult to discuss sexuality and how to protect one’s sexual health (IV). The discussion emphasizes that a professional caring dialogue with young people about STI: s and sexual-risk taking must have reference in the young person´s own reality. Thus, professional health care workers who meet a young person infected with an STI appear to face a challenging task. This involves helping reduce anxiety by defusing the situation, and at the same time to make the person understand the importance of using a condom in order to prevent STI: s.

Using Literature to Address Ethical and Existential Issues in the EFL Classroom at Upper Secondary School

Konnebäck, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine upper secondary teachers' selection processes, strategies and reasons for why literature is used to address ethical and existential issues in the EFL classroom. Additionally, it is also of interest to examine what advantages, challenges and learning outcomes are evident when addressing this specific issue. A qualitative approach was used for this study and the data was gathered through interviews with eight upper secondary English teachers. The results in the study showed the reasons for selecting literary works to address ethical or existential issues was adding new perspectives and the assets which literature offer. The results also accounted for various advantages and challenges, where pupils' development and the possibility of a free space were mentioned as advantages and language proficiency as a challenge. The learning outcomes were development of both critical thinking as well as the empathic ability.

”Det handlar inte om sexologi, det handlar för fan om hur människor är” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa / ”It is not about sexology, it is about how people are goddammit” : A qualitative interview study about social work with sexual health

Ciscar Houshi, Maya, Karelius, Kiara January 2023 (has links)
Sexuell hälsa är ett område som inte har en given plats i socionomutbildningen och i många fall inte heller i det praktiska sociala arbetet, trots att det är en stor del av att vara människa. När den sexuella hälsan inkluderas i det sociala arbetets fält handlar det vanligen om värden såsom genus och intersektionalitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka socialarbetares uppfattningar om det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa i Sverige, med fokus på existentiella frågor, samt vilka kunskaper och färdigheter socialarbetare anser är nödvändiga för att möta området. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och data har samlats in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med åtta socialarbetare. Datan analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet analyserades utifrån teori om institutionalisering och handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visade att det finns uppfattningar om att det råder en polarisering inom den sexuella hälsan i samhället och det framkom att sexuell hälsa och existentiella frågor är tätt sammankopplade. Det framgick även att det behövs en större integrering av sexuell hälsa och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) samt att frågor om sexuell hälsa bör vara en rutin i socialt arbete.Slutligen visade resultatet att en majoritet av socialarbetarna inte fått tillräcklig kunskap om ämnet under sin grundutbildning och att det inte finns någon specifik manual gällande det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa. Studiens slutsats är att det råder bristfälliga kunskaper om sexuell hälsa och existentiella frågor i utbildningar inom socialt arbete och till viss del inom det sociala arbetets fält. / Even though sexuality is an important part of being human, sexual health takes none or very little place in social work education and in practical social work. When sexual health is incorporated into the field of social work, it predominantly revolves around values such as gender and intersectionality. This study aimed to investigate social workers’ perceptions of social work with sexual health in Sweden with an emphasize on existential issues. Additionally, the study aimed to identify which knowledge social workers consider necessary to engage within the domain. The study was made with a qualitative method and data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with eight social workers. The collected data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis, and the results were analyzed through the theoretical concept of institutionalization and the concept of room for action. The results showed a strong connection between sexual health and existential issues and unveiling a picture of polarity regarding sexual health within our society. Additionally, this study showed that issues within sexual health should be a routine in social work and that a greater integration of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is needed. Finally, the results demonstrated that themajority of social workers have not received adequate knowledge about the topic during their education, and that there is no specific manual regarding social work with sexual health. This study concluded that both education within social work as well as the field of social work lacks knowledge about sexual health and existential issues.

Mäns upplevelser av prostatacancer : En litteraturöversikt / Men's experiences of prostate cancer : A literature review

Darling, Victoria, Henriksson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prostatacancer är en sjukdom som påverkar ett stort antal män världen över där behandlingsalternativen ofta följer med svåra biverkningar för patienten. Biverkningarna påverkar bland annat sexuell hälsa och urinvägar. Biverkningarna påverkar även männens identitet och manlighet.  Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av prostatacancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt användes där författarna hittade 10 stycken kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som sammanställts till resultatet i denna studie.  Resultat: Resultatet visar att männens upplevelser kring prostatacancer är ofta svåra för männen och att det finns många påverkande faktorer mot deras identitet och självkänsla.  Sammanfattning: Med denna studie ger vi en ökad förståelse för männens upplevelser under sin sjukdom med prostatacancer och ge kunskap till sjuksköterskor om männens psykiska tillstånd för att kunna utföra god omvårdnad. / Background: Prostate cancer is a disease that affects many men around the world where treatment options often come with severe side effects for the patient. The side effects affect their sexuality among other things, but there are many more serious side effects. The side effects also often hit hard on men's identity, which often has serious consequences on their life.  Aim: The aim of this literature overview was to describe patient’s experiences of prostate cancer.  Method: A literature review was performed where 10 articles was found for our result.  Results: The results showed that men's experiences of prostate cancer are often difficult for men and that there are many influencing factors towards their identity and self-esteem.  Conclusion: With this study we provided an increased understanding of men's experiences during their illness with prostate cancer and to provide nurses with knowledge about men's mental state in order to be able to perform good nursing.

Take Me From This Road

Elia, Joseph 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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